What's easy to cook for dinner? Recipes for easy dishes for dinner. Easy dinner recipes for weight loss

And a delicious dinner? Are the recipes you have in stock too long-lasting or boring? We will help!

After a hard day at work, you really want to come home, eat something tasty, homemade and as hot as possible, and not hastily cook pasta and sausages. In conditions of constant workload of city residents, the most viable option, unfortunately, is the second option. Of course, it is periodically enlivened by food delivery, but this is still not an equivalent replacement. What should those who want to preserve their hearth and save energy do? Below we will tell you how to prepare a delicious dinner quickly and easily.

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The main waste of time in the process of preparing dinner after a hard day at work is the lack of a plan. Impromptu is always wonderful, but often not everyone is capable of performing it well. Therefore, in order to “spread straws” for yourself, you need to prepare in advance. We are talking about the usual planning of the diet for a week in advance. No, no one forces you to spend your hard-earned Sunday preparing food that will spoil by the middle of next week - so you will still return to pasta and dumplings. We will help you create an easy, tasty and quick dinner every night without much effort on your part. All you have to do is sit down and make a list of the ingredients you need to prepare the meals your family enjoys. At the same time, in order to provide a delicious dinner quickly and easily, these dishes should be prepared for a maximum of half an hour and require minimal input from you.

So, the procedure is as follows: we make a list of foods and a list of ingredients necessary for its implementation, and go shopping for products that will survive a week of storage without problems. Anything perishable can be grabbed on the way home from work. The general preparatory work is now complete.


To extend the life of your products, you can use the following techniques:

  • Marinades. Wonderful looking workpieces. Meat, poultry, and fish will spend at least a couple of days in it (in the refrigerator!), without losing any of their taste or quality.
  • Freezing. A wonderful thing. You can make the same stuffed cabbage rolls or pancakes; all you have to do is pour the sauce over them and bring them to readiness, or simply fry them. Also, if the family loves freshly baked sweets for evening tea, then in a free moment you can make shortcrust pastry and freeze them. So you can make cookies for dinner quickly, easily and tasty - just take out the supplies and bake without defrosting.

Now let's look at the food options.


This is an excellent option for a quick dinner, as this product is prepared very quickly. The recipe we offer is different in that you can provide yourself with a luxury dinner without much effort - just marinate the fish in advance. Practice has proven that storing it in this form only makes it tastier. We will need:

Finely chop the onion. Mix all ingredients except the main one. Cut the fish into portions. Coat it with the resulting mixture on all sides, place it in a container and fill it with the rest of the marinade. Don't be afraid of the honey in the composition - it will provide you with an unforgettable delicious dinner quickly and easily.

Cover the container with a tight lid and refrigerate at least overnight. If necessary, take out the required number of pieces and bake on foil for a third of an hour at a temperature of 200 o C.


Wonderful product! Especially the fillet. It is low-fat, satisfying, and does not leave a heaviness in the stomach. You can cook in several ways:

You should not compare these methods in terms of energy consumption - these are all quick recipes for dinner, and their preparation period is about 15 minutes.

In the first case, you just need to beat the fillet, rub it with your favorite spices and fry it in a hot frying pan - with oil if you want a crispy crust, or without it if you want a thin waist. It’s better to salt it right away in the pan, so the meat will remain juicy.

In the second, you need to take cream with a fat content of at least 20%, add a mixture of your favorite spices to it, maybe mustard beans. Pour the resulting sauce over the chicken fillet, cut into portions, and remove as needed, simply fry in a frying pan. For 500 grams of meat you need 300 ml of cream. Thanks to this recipe you will get the most tender, light, tasty and quick dinner, just add to the meat

In the third case, we are not talking about the mayonnaise in bags that can now be found in every supermarket, but about its homemade variation, which is simply an egg-oil emulsion. Chicken fillet is dry on its own, but the oil makes it juicier. For mayonnaise you will need:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 200 ml;
  • citrus juice - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • favorite spices - to taste.

Beat the eggs, slowly adding oil to them. The mass will immediately thicken. Add juice and spices, stir. Pour this mixture over 500 grams of fillet, cut into portions, and remove as needed.


Yes, yes, the ill-fated pasta is still vying for your light dinner. Easy dinner recipes would be incomplete without them, you’ll agree. But we come from a canteen with the motto “But it’s satisfying!” Let's move on to Italian cuisine, which is impossible without pasta. The simplest, but no less tasty variation is “Carbonara”:

Cook pasta according to instructions.

At the same time, melt the butter over medium heat. Finely chop the onion, garlic and bacon, fry until intense and appetizing. Avoid burning! Otherwise, an easy, tasty and quick dinner will not work out, and the mood along with the food will be ruined.

In a separate bowl, whisk together the cream, yolks, Parmesan, salt and pepper until smooth. Pour the mixture into the onions and bacon, stir quickly and turn off immediately.

Add the resulting sauce to the prepared pasta, stir and serve immediately.

If desired, bacon can be replaced with ham, vegetables, and mushrooms. Of course, it won’t be Carbonara, but the main thing is that it’s delicious.


Today you can find countless varieties of soups, but they are based on canned fish, which is not very healthy. We offer you a wonderful, healthy and tasty soup:

This is a great option for those who don't know, it's quick, easy and tasty. And even a rookie on the kitchen battlefield can cope with the task.

Place a pan of water or broth on the fire. Finely chop the onion. Peel the potatoes and carrots, cut into small pieces. Cut the fish into small pieces. As soon as the water boils, add peppers and onions and cook for 5 minutes. After this, put the potatoes and carrots into the pan and cook until half cooked. Add fish and pour in cream. Add salt and cook until the vegetables are soft. You can serve by sprinkling each serving with finely chopped herbs.

Side dishes

In order to prepare dinner quickly, tasty, and inexpensively, you do not need to have special culinary skills. A little preparation with ingenuity - and you are on top. In the case of side dishes, the ideal option, in addition to the usual potatoes and boring pasta, is what came to us from the east. You don’t even need to cook it - pour boiling water according to the instructions on the package, wait a little and season with your favorite spices, sauces or oil. At the same time, the amount of protein and beneficial microelements in this product is off the charts - you won’t regret it!


A delicious “quick and easy” dinner would be incomplete without a salad. In some cases, it can even completely replace an evening meal - this is important for those who are watching their figure. Today we will look at just such an option - low-fat and satisfying:

  • chicken or turkey fillet - 300 grams;
  • young carrots - 200 grams;
  • celery stalks - 150 grams;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • low-fat yogurt or sour cream - 150 grams.

Boil the fillet in boiling salted water for 15 minutes. Remove and let cool. Cut vegetables and fillets into small pieces. Mix yogurt (sour cream) and soy sauce. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix. You can serve.


An all-time favorite for after-work dinners is the Fondant cake. This is what will complete a delicious dinner, quickly and easily turning it from an ordinary meal into a small family celebration:

Preheat the oven to 220 o C. Melt the chocolate and butter in a water bath until smooth. Add flour and powdered sugar to the chocolate mixture. Stir. Beat in the eggs and yolks. Stir until smooth.

Pour into 6 identical silicone molds and bake for 10 minutes. All. What’s great about quick dinner recipes is that the hostess doesn’t have to spend hours at the stove.

Run a knife carefully along the sides of the pan and carefully invert onto a plate. Top with a scoop of ice cream and serve immediately.

Rescue in a slow cooker

A great outlet for busy people. Try stewed cabbage with chicken:

  • cabbage - 1500 grams;
  • chicken fillet - 500 grams;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • spices - to taste.

In order to prepare a quick, easy one, first of all, chop all the ingredients: chicken into small cubes, carrots, onions and cabbage into strips.

Place the meat in the multicooker bowl, after greasing the latter with oil. Set the "Baking" mode for a third of an hour and cook, stirring. After the set time has passed, add onions, carrots and tomato paste.

Set the "Bake" mode again for 20 minutes. After 10 minutes, add the remaining ingredients. After this, switch to the “Baking” mode for half an hour and go about your business while dinner is being prepared.

Easy recipes for a romantic dinner

Even in harsh everyday life there is room for romance. Indeed, cooking with 4 hands really brings people together. We will offer you a dinner option that combines satiety and lightness at the same time:

  • chicken fillet - 500 grams;
  • white bread - 4 slices without crusts;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • Mozzarella cheese - 200 grams;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. heaped spoons;
  • mixture of your favorite vegetables - 500 grams;
  • favorite dried herbs;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • pepper - to taste.

Preheat the oven to 200 o C. To prepare a great tasty dinner quickly and easily, cut the fillet into portions. Grind bread, spices, salt, pepper, garlic and 100 grams of cheese in a blender until smooth crumbs.

Place flour in a separate plate. Wash the vegetables and cut into small pieces. Beat the eggs in a separate bowl.

Dredge the chicken pieces first in the flour, then in the egg and finally in the cheese and bread mixture. Place the finished pieces on a baking sheet lined with foil.

Place vegetables between the chicken slices, sprinkle with spices, pour a little oil and sprinkle the remaining cheese on top. Bake until the vegetables are done.

That's it, a light dinner for two is ready. Recipes for such cases, as a rule, are distinguished by their simplicity and the ability to combine the main dish with a side dish.

Evening gluttons, familiar to many, arise due to improper eating behavior during the day, when instead of a full breakfast, lunch and snacks, you eat as you please.

Unfortunately, if you don’t follow the rules, a late “breakthrough” to the refrigerator is inevitable. I will try to tell you in this article how to rebuild your regime and what the right dinner should be.

How to prevent evening cravings?

Rule #1 – eat breakfast

Breakfast is the very first and most important meal of the day. It “starts” metabolic processes, including fat burning. Skipping breakfast will slow down your calorie expenditure throughout the day, which will eventually make you gain weight, but most importantly, there is a high risk of overeating in the evening, which, combined with a slow metabolism, will speed up the process of weight gain.

A breakfast consisting of cereal made from sugar and cornmeal, or a sandwich of white bread with sausage, is also not an option.

The right breakfast for those losing weight is complex carbohydrates (porridge, whole grain bread with bran), fruits or dried fruits, yoghurt, cottage cheese, boiled eggs or omelet.

Several options for a healthy breakfast:

  1. 150 g of water porridge with apple pieces, 1 boiled egg, unsweetened tea.
  2. 150 g low-fat cottage cheese with 50 g dried fruits, 2 loaves of bread, tea.
  3. Omelette of 1 egg, 1 egg white and milk with a small amount of vegetable oil, a tomato and a slice of bread, a drink.

Rule #2 – Eat lunch

If you can still prepare a proper breakfast, you still wake up at home, but most people have to have lunch at work. There are not many options here - take food with you, eat what is given in the canteen, or eat in a cafe or restaurant.

It is best to prepare something healthy at home and take a so-called lunch box with you. In principle, if you take with you a vegetable salad and steamed fish, they will not spoil in a few hours without a refrigerator. This is what I do, because the canteen of the institution where I now work does not offer dietary dishes...

Sometimes, when I don’t have time to cook (or don’t feel like it), I take with me fitness bread with cheese, a couple of apples and yogurt. This ration is enough for me for a day. Grain bread without yeast or fitness bread, fruits and sour milk often save me from “starvation” at work, without consequences for my figure, and they contain plenty of useful substances. I advise you to do the same. A busy schedule or time pressure at work is not at all a reason to skip snacks or eat everything “that is not nailed down”!

In restaurants, canteens or cafes, choose the simplest dishes - steamed vegetables, baked or stewed meat, cereal dishes and sugar-free drinks.

Start your lunch with a salad or just chopped vegetables.

Then soup - preferably light vegetable or broth.

The main course is low-fat protein products and cereals or boiled potatoes as a side dish.

Rule #3 – If it’s a long time before dinner, have a snack.

You can have a snack 2 - 2.5 hours after eating if the next full meal is still far away. A snack is 1 fruit plus a piece of cheese, yogurt with bread, a handful of nuts and dried fruits, fermented milk drinks or sugar-free cottage cheese. Such snacks will help you survive until dinner without leaving you feeling incredibly hungry.

Rule No. 4 – have a light and satisfying dinner

The main thing to understand is that dinner is not the reason for the formation of fat in your body. Moreover, the right dinner can even make you slimmer, help you fall asleep easier and wake up with ease.

Dinner should account for approximately 15-20% of your daily energy requirement. Ideally, it should consist of light protein products (seafood, fish, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese or other fermented milk products), stewed vegetables, and a minimum amount of fat.

An option for a proper light dinner could be a baked apple and a glass of kefir or some cottage cheese, plus green tea, a good dinner for those losing weight is green or just scrambled eggs with vegetables.

This should be enough if you followed my recommendations during the day, ate properly and went to bed two hours after a light dinner.

Hearty and light dinner

But what to do if you were unable to have a normal lunch (this is an exception, not a variant of the norm!) and go to bed late? In this case, a dinner of fish and stewed vegetables should be supplemented with complex carbohydrates - a piece of bread, not big amount rice, and after a couple of hours drink a glass of kefir or other low-fat fermented milk drink without sugar.

Fish and cottage cheese are wonderful “evening” sources of protein. Supplement them with vegetables and complex carbohydrates, then your dinner will be healthy, satisfying, but not “heavy”. You can even cook yourself delicious pasta with vegetables (pasta, of course, without oil and a little).

If you eat 4-5 or even 6 times a day, but in small portions, you will be able to avoid attacks of evening hunger and provide your body with all the nutrients and beneficial substances it needs. And forget about the habit of eating hastily - it takes about 20 minutes for the brain to understand that the body is full, so pauses during dinner will be very useful.

How and when to have dinner correctly

It is better to have dinner in good company, but not in front of the TV or with a newspaper in front of your eyes. This way you will eat less. After all, it’s always more difficult to overeat when someone other than the TV is watching you. The atmosphere should not excite your excessive appetite; use light-colored dishes; you can also turn on calm music.

It is better to have dinner no later than two to three hours before bedtime, so that food does not interfere with normal sleep, and sleep does not interfere with proper digestion. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat fermented milk drink.

Before you start planning your evening menu, calculate how many calories your family can eat before bed. On average, this is 20% of the daily diet. Moreover, a woman needs 1500-2000 kcal per day, which means she can afford 300-400 kcal for dinner. A man needs 2500-3000 kcal, so his evening meal should contain 500-600 kcal. Children spend even more energy per day, so their dinner cannot be lighter than 580 kcal. Just don’t be scared - this doesn’t mean at all that you will have to prepare individual dishes for each family member. It’s just that some will have a larger portion, some will have a smaller one. The main thing is to exclude from the menu all flour, semi-finished products, smoked meats and mayonnaise. However, everyone is familiar with these enemies of the figure, but not many people know what fat content cottage cheese should be, what vegetables and fruits should be avoided, and whether it is possible to eat meat in the evening.

No potatoes

What associations arise when you hear the phrase “low-calorie foods”? Of course, vegetables and fruits. These are indeed some of the lightest representatives of the food basket, but among them there are also insidious “accumulators” of fat. For example, potatoes. The fact is that this tuber, beloved by the residents of our country, contains fast carbohydrates, which instantly affect the waistline. If you decide to pamper your family with fried potatoes, then from 100 g of the dish everyone will receive 163 kcal. And that's not to mention deep frying. This dish will immediately give you 270 kcal. Next on the list of not the easiest vegetables are peas, garlic, sorrel and horseradish. True, it is simply impossible to eat more than 100 grams of these green representatives. The rest of the vegetables: cabbage, carrots, eggplants, tomatoes, peppers and zucchini are given the green light. The main thing is to cook them correctly. Keep in mind that the more butter, sour cream or mayonnaise you add, the more calories you make your dish. For example, just chopped cucumbers (100 g) and tomatoes (100 g) provide 38 kcal. As soon as they are seasoned with mayonnaise, the energy value increases to 140 kcal. You shouldn't fry vegetables either. The ideal heat treatment for them is stewing, steaming and boiling.

No bananas

Summer dinners are simply impossible to imagine without fruits and berries. First of all, it's delicious. Secondly, it's useful. But in order for them to remain exclusively a source of vitamins and microelements, and not become the cause of extra pounds, you will have to give up some of them in the evening. First of all, you should put bananas aside until the morning. Just 200 grams of this fruit provide 90 kcal, the same amount we get from mashed potatoes with milk (100 g). Also, you should not overuse grapes in the evening: in addition to the fact that they can lead to bloating, these berries are not the lowest in calories (64 kcal). Be careful with peaches (especially canned ones), cherries, kiwis and cherries. If you're a lover of grapefruits, strawberries, cranberries and currants, you're in luck. You can eat these fruits and berries with virtually no restrictions - they have very few calories. True, this takes into account the fact that you will not add sugar. It almost doubles the energy value. Also, do not replace fresh fruits with canned fruits and jam. Any processing carries additional calories. Compare: 200 g of fresh apples contain only 66 kcal, if baked with sugar, it turns out to be 120 kcal, in jam - 266, and in apple pie even more - 330 kcal.

Without dietary cottage cheese

Next in the ranking of healthy and light foods are fermented milk products, namely cottage cheese and yogurt. The latter is especially respected by young ladies who are losing weight and completely switch to it. In principle, yogurt can restore slimness, but it must be correct. Only the label will help you understand the abundance of yogurt. Under no circumstances take cream yoghurts, biogurts, yoghurts, and so on. They are a pathetic parody of the real product, which is proudly called simply “yogurt”. This rule does not apply only to products with the prefixes “bio” and “prebio”. Such products are real yoghurts, but they additionally contain beneficial living microorganisms.

With cottage cheese things are even more complicated. It would seem that if you want a light dinner, go to the shelf with low-fat fermented milk products, and success in parting with extra pounds is guaranteed. In fact, recently nutritionists are increasingly leaning towards cottage cheese with normal fat content. The fact is that a substance called “CLA” was recently discovered in this product. According to scientists, it is this that prevents the deposition of fat in the body. And the most interesting thing is that the higher the fat content of the cottage cheese, the more CLA it contains. By the way, with a 9% product you will eat 155 kcal, with an 18% product - 229 kcal. Ideally, cottage cheese should be eaten “clean”, but almost no one does this. To make the dish truly tasty and healthy, do not put jam or marmalade in it. They are sources of “bad” sugar, which will definitely end up on your thighs. It’s better to put some berries in the cottage cheese: 2 tbsp. spoons of raspberries, 1 tbsp. spoon of currants and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of blueberries - this will add only 15 kcal to the cottage cheese. Women should not give up fermented milk products at all, because they are champions in calcium content. And this means not only healthy hair and nails, but also the absence of cellulite. The fact is that calcium limits the accumulation of fat, which means it also fights unpleasant bumps.

Without liver

If you think that dinner and meat are incompatible things, then you are deeply mistaken. You should only avoid fatty pork, a piece of which will give you 491 kcal, and lamb (209 kcal). In the evening, you can indulge in white chicken meat containing healthy protein, veal or beef. Ideally, they should be boiled or grilled - this way they will not lose their beneficial qualities and will not gain extra calories. As for offal (liver, kidneys, heart, ventricles), you should be more careful with them. Despite the fact that they contain few calories, they can greatly harm the body. After all, in animals, like in people, all waste is deposited in the kidneys and liver. So, if the cattle were fed low-quality products or antibiotics, do not expect anything good from dishes made from such offal. There are no restrictions with seafood. Prepare shrimp, squid, octopus and mussels. And don't be afraid of fatty fish. It contains Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats, which promote weight loss. According to recent studies, if you introduce salmon, tuna, and halibut into the diet of a person on a low-calorie diet, he will lose half a kilogram of excess weight per day.

In the evening, give up:

  • Cracker cookies (416 kcal)
  • waffle cake (539 kcal)
  • walnuts (646 kcal)
  • raw smoked sausage (514 kcal)
  • halva (510 kcal)
  • sunflower seeds (580 kcal)
  • toffee (430 kcal)

Menu for the week

Day of the week


Monday - 305 kcal

For the main course, make pumpkin pancakes. For 4 servings you will need 200 g of peeled pumpkin, 1 glass of flour, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, 4 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil. First, cut the vegetable into slices and cook it in a water bath until tender. Rub through a sieve, add sugar, flour and mix everything until smooth. Roll the resulting dough into a long roll and cut into 20 identical pieces. Give them a round, slightly flattened shape. Fry the pancakes in hot oil on both sides until golden brown. Boil cauliflower as a side dish. To please your loved ones a little with sweets, offer them honey (no more than 3 tablespoons) and a cup of aromatic tea.

Tuesday - 380 kcal

To get a dose of Omega-3, cook Chinese salmon. First combine 2 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce with 1 glass of pineapple juice, 3 tbsp. spoons of dry white wine, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar and boil the resulting mixture to half the volume. Cut salmon fillet (800 g) into strips, pepper, add some of the sauce and cool (30 minutes). Then place on a greased baking sheet and bake until done. The ideal side dish for this hot dish would be rice. For drinks, serve green tea.

Wednesday - 340 kcal

On Wednesday, make a very simple dinner. Prepare chicken breast in sweet and sour sauce. First, cut the fillet into pieces. Then marinate them for 10 minutes in sweet and sour sauce, which you can buy at any store. After this, send the chicken to the frying pan and fry it for 3 minutes. Prepare a salad of fresh vegetables for the breast: you can add tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, and bell peppers to it. Sprinkle everything with lemon juice. If you can't do without dressing, add a little olive oil. For drinks, offer apple, tangerine or orange juice.

Thursday - 330 kcal

If you prepare a cottage cheese dessert with fruit and berry sauce, you will please all the sweet tooth in the family. Make sure that in addition to cottage cheese, your refrigerator contains mangoes, peaches, orange liqueur, and strawberries. First, mix 600 g of fermented milk product with 2 tbsp. spoons of honey. Place the resulting mass in the refrigerator. For the sauce, peel and finely chop the mango. Scald the peach, remove the skin and pit. Wash the strawberries. Mix prepared fruits and berries with 3 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of liqueur.

Friday - 170 kcal

Have a vegetable dinner on this day. Prepare the stew. Boil a head of cauliflower, 1/2 cup of peas, a cup of beans. Cut the zucchini, eggplant, 2-3 pieces into cubes. sweet pepper, 2 onions. Place all the vegetables in a saucepan, add 2 tomato slices (without skin). Add salt, bay leaf, black pepper, mint and stew for 15-20 minutes. 2-3 minutes before readiness, add 4 cloves of garlic.

Saturday - 350 kcal

If you have some free time on the weekend, cook a gourmet dinner with veal rolls. Peel 2 pears, cut each into 4 parts. Sprinkle them with Parmesan, nutmeg, salt, and leave for 10-15 minutes. Cut 600 g of veal into 8 slices and pound. Place a pear on each piece, roll it up and tie it. Salt. Dip the rolls in flour and fry in a mixture of butter and olive oil (50 g and 2 tablespoons, respectively) until golden brown. Then pour 1 glass of white wine over them, let them sit for a while and add 2 tbsp. spoons of cognac. Cover with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes. You can serve wine with this dish.

Sunday - 360 kcal

On this day, you can offer your loved ones peppers stuffed with cottage cheese and baked apples with honey and cinnamon. To make the first course, prepare 4 pcs. sweet pepper, 400 g cottage cheese, green onions, 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped dill. Cut off the cap of the pepper and remove the seeds. Mix cottage cheese with finely chopped onions and herbs. Stuff the pepper with curd filling, cool and cut it into rings.

Stars about dinner


In the evening, it is better to choose protein foods over all other foods. Doctors have long established that the calories we get, for example, from fish, are burned by the body much faster than those contained in vegetables. I have come up with the ideal formula for a light dinner - low-fat cottage cheese. It’s better to buy grain, it’s very tasty. However, regular one can be diluted with yogurt.

Anna Semenovich

Many women think that the best way to lose weight is to diet. And they begin to exhaust themselves with painful hunger strikes, which do more harm than good. After all, this is stress for the body. I never go on diets and I don’t advise you to. If you want to be slim, eat a little bit of everything and, most importantly, not at night. There is no need for any dinners: neither light nor heavy. Let your last meal be 5 hours before bedtime.

Katya Lel

A light dinner should be healthy. If you care about your figure, do not eat anything fatty, fried or spicy at night. Only dietary varieties of meat and fish, steamed or baked. Also, try not to drink food. As far as I know, the liquid disrupts the digestion process. The only drink allowed is green tea, but it must be in minimal quantities.

When you are on a weight loss diet, the most difficult thing is to organize your meals so that they are beneficial and at the same time tasty. Often the appetite appears in the evening, and a heavy dinner can negatively affect your figure, what to do?

Today we will tell you how to properly organize your evening meal while losing weight; you will find out what dietary dishes exist for dinner that are very tasty and can be prepared in a hurry. Some recipes include photos of finished dishes.

Dinner rules

Many women seeking to lose weight have heard that you can’t eat after six. However, not everyone succeeds in following this rule. It’s not always possible to prepare a healthy and tasty breakfast, have lunch on time and especially dinner before six. As a result, sometimes you have to sacrifice your dream of losing weight and go to fast food.

But you can do it another way: whip up light and tasty diet dinners for yourself. They are eaten up to 4 hours before bedtime, and anyone can cook them.

According to any diet, dinner should be the least calorie meal of the day. He must include natural proteins and carbohydrates and make up 45 percent of the daily diet. You can prepare a light dinner quickly, after which you will sleep better and will not feel hungry at night.

Nutritionists have developed a number of rules that apply to eating dinner when losing weight:

What you can and cannot do in the evening

If you wish prepare a dietary and low-calorie dinner, then it can consist of the following products:

It is better to study all diet recipes based on the listed products.

You should avoid the following in the evening:

  • sodas;
  • packaged juices;
  • ready-made seasonings;
  • instant products;
  • mayonnaise;
  • white bread;
  • smoked meats;
  • fruit yoghurts;
  • white rice;
  • sweet;
  • salty;
  • fatty dairy products.

Diet and menu rules

Nowadays, the “dinner minus” diet for weight loss is very common. She means that after 6 Only liquid products are allowed, and during the day you can’t eat anything fatty or sweet. However, nutritionists noted its harmfulness and ineffectiveness for the following reasons:

  • unbalanced diet. If a person does not eat carbohydrates and fats and practically does not have dinner, this can lead to hormonal imbalances and disorders in the body;
  • Gradually, with such a diet, performance decreases, hemoglobin decreases, and the number of neuroses increases;
  • When you stop fasting, you will gain weight even faster.

Light dinner

Therefore, the best diet would be to reduce the amount and calories you eat in the evenings.

Diet dinner for weight loss: recipes

We bring to your attention recipes for light and tasty dietary dishes that will can be prepared in a hurry or a little slower. Some recipes are accompanied by a photo of the finished dish. Let's start with easy and quick dishes:

Diet dinner recipes for weight loss

Below we present to your attention recipes for easy and delicious diet dinners that will appeal to all family members:

  • salmon dinner - simmer 200 g of fish in a saucepan without oil. Sprinkle the finished fillet with fresh lemon juice and add finely chopped parsley. Serve any vegetables except potatoes as a side dish. As an option - a stew based on beans, carrots, onions and herbs;
  • protein dinner for losing weight, and not only - take a small piece of dietary meat and sprinkle it with a little salt and pepper. If desired, stick pieces of garlic into it, then send the meat to the grill. A fresh vegetable salad with a minimum amount of oil or green peas (fresh or canned) is suitable as a side dish;
  • cottage cheese dinner for those who want to achieve quick and noticeable results in losing weight. You can mix cottage cheese with anything, here’s an option - chop the greens in large quantities and combine with cottage cheese, then finely chop the tomato and also add to the resulting mass. At the end, add a little salt and pepper. Based on the finished mass, you can make sandwiches with black bread;
  • light diet dinner with chicken breast and vegetables - cut the chicken breast into small pieces and soak in soy sauce for 10 minutes, then season with salt. Then the chicken is boiled. At the same time, steam broccoli, potatoes and zucchini. Finally they are drizzled with soy sauce and olive oil;
  • and this recipe is great for those who want to lose weight, but at the same time want to please themselves with something sweet - cut out the core of the apple and pour in a couple of spoons of honey, a spoonful of cottage cheese, walnuts or raisins. Bake the apple for about 45 minutes in the oven.

Excellent Okroshka is a low-calorie dinner in hot weather prepared with kefir. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • boiled chicken fillet in the amount of 50 grams;
  • five radishes;
  • two cucumbers;
  • one egg;
  • 100 g boiled cauliflower;
  • low-fat kefir;
  • garlic, green onions and herb leaves.

Preparing dietary okroshka is simple: cut the chicken into cubes and the vegetables into circles. Pour kefir over them, add salt and mix everything. You can add boiled potatoes for taste and tomato, but the dish in this form is no longer suitable for dinner.

And the last recipe, which seafood lovers will love it. We are talking about cooking soles. For the dish we will need:

  • kilogram of soles;
  • one bow;
  • 150 ml wine;
  • 150 g butter;
  • egg;
  • 0.5 cups cream;
  • pepper and salt.

This dish is prepared as follows:

  • grease a baking dish with oil and sprinkle with onions;
  • salt and pepper the tongues and place them in a mold, sprinkle them with the remaining onions and butter on top, pour over the wine;
  • Cover the pan with foil and place in a preheated oven for half an hour;
  • remove the dish and drain the liquid;
  • Pour the drained liquid into a frying pan, combine with beaten egg and cream, pour the prepared mixture over the tongues, bake them for about 5 more minutes.

Key principles of proper nutrition throughout the day

So that you see the long-awaited effect of losing weight as quickly as possible, and your health does not suffer, it is very important to build the right diet. As is known, dinner should be light, but breakfast and lunch are more satisfying. When compiling a daily menu, the following should be considered:

  • your favorite delicious foods can be consumed in the first half of the day;
  • breakfast, lunch and dinner should be balanced;
  • reduce the overall calorie content of your diet;
  • reduce the amount of fat, salt and sugar you consume;
  • the break between meals should be about 4 hours;
  • choose only tasty foods, in your opinion, for dietary nutrition.

It is very important that you eat not only what you need, but also what you enjoy. For example, you can eat this or that dish in smaller quantities, and try replacing flour, sweets and baked goods with seasonal fruits.

Nutritionists advise listening to your biorhythms when creating a menu. It is recommended to take the first breakfast an hour after sleep, and the second one a couple of hours later. It is recommended to eat lunch at the same time, and dinner- closer to 18 o'clock or even later. This diet will speed up metabolism and reduce a person’s appetite.

Eat healthy and tasty, choose recipes for the dishes you like and treat yourself to them in the evening. Surely many of them will be much better than heavier products that you have used before.

All specialists in the field of nutrition, when describing nutritional plans for body correction, specify that in the evening you need to put as little stress on your digestion as possible. However, not everyone explains what you can eat for dinner on a diet so that you don’t crave forbidden foods later in the night and your body is full. What dishes will not contribute to weight gain, and how to eat properly in the evening?

What is weight loss

Reducing the calorie intake to almost zero, eating greens and drinking kefir is the path to erosive changes in the gastrointestinal mucosa, but not body correction, although weight may go away, but only water will be lost. Proper weight loss means burning fat reserves, i.e. effects on body quality dependent on nutritional quality. It is carried out by reducing the number of calories that a person should consume, but within reasonable limits. Giving food to the enemy in the evening, as the proverb says, is not worth it - the damage to digestion is too great: you just need to find out what it is - the right dinner for those losing weight.

What to eat for dinner to lose weight

Food can help burn body fat if it has the so-called. “zero” calorie content. This concept does not mean a literal 0 kcal, but the predominance of the amount of effort that the body will make to process it and obtain energy over the number of calories it contains. These foods can help you lose weight, but they're not the only foods you should eat for dinner to lose weight. The evening meal, according to doctors, must include very nutritious foods, but low in calories. These are mainly light proteins, but they are not always useful.

Dinner with proper nutrition for weight loss should include one of the following products:

  • greens (fiber and low calorie);
  • vegetables (especially cruciferous vegetables, i.e. cabbage), preferably fresh;
  • spices (will accelerate metabolic processes).

The main principles of proper dinner

Breakfast and lunch raise significantly fewer questions than an evening meal, since nutritionists vying with each other to repeat that you should not overload the body before going to bed. To dig a little deeper and try to formulate an approximate filling of a plate of food, the following basic principles help:

  • Try to eat 25-30% of your daily caloric intake in the evening.
  • If possible, have 2 dinners - the last one will be 3 hours before bedtime, will be less than 10% of the daily calorie content of the menu and will be represented mainly by fermented milk drinks (ryazhenka, kefir, sourdough).
  • The right dinner for weight loss is a reduced proportion of carbohydrates (simple carbohydrates are completely excluded) and the absence of high GI foods.
  • You should not eat potatoes for dinner, just as you should not eat boiled beets and carrots in the evening if you hope to lose weight.
  • If you really want to, take green fruits (or citrus fruits), because... the rest, when consumed for dinner, will interfere with weight loss.
  • Do not overeat - the portion should fill you up, but not to the point of wanting to lie down and not move: imagine that after dinner you still need to jump. Can you? If the answer is yes, everything is fine.
  • Do not mix cereals with protein at dinner (i.e. cook meat with herbs, not rice).
  • If you have to drink alcohol, then only dry wine.
  • The maximum serving of animal protein is 100 grams.
  • Avoid sweets, sources of caffeine, and fatty/smoked meats for dinner.

What foods can you eat in the evening?

This question is of particular relevance for people attending events after work: it is difficult to completely refuse food here, it may look disrespectful, so you have to urgently decide which of the proposed ones will harm your figure to the least extent. For this situation, nutritionists advise giving preference to red wine and hard cheese. The ideal option is Parmesan and its “relatives”, i.e. types that are aged for a long time (from a year): they have low fat content and few carbohydrates.

As a classic dinner in the evening, you can eat foods that are low in calories and fat:

  • boiled eggs (use without yolk);
  • seafood;
  • lean fish - mackerel, pollock, flounder;
  • poultry meat;
  • herbal teas;
  • vegetables (preference for zucchini, cabbage, celery, pumpkin);
  • legumes;
  • hard cheese or Tofu;
  • kiwi, apples, dried apricots, pineapple, prunes;
  • fermented milk products;
  • maybe a little honey;
  • juices from vegetables/fruits that are made at home (i.e. no additives);
  • Nuts and seeds are allowed in minimal portions for dinner - they have a high calorie content, but are very filling.

Dinner options

The choice of products for preparing an evening meal is completely determined by whether you will have a load today, or have already had it, or whether you lead a completely sedentary lifestyle. You will have to decide what you can eat, taking into account the calories you have already eaten, and even after answering the question of when you will go to bed. Universal dinner options, according to a number of nutritionists, are as follows:

  • Cottage cheese casserole (only egg whites + low-fat cottage cheese, you can add a few sour berries) and natural yogurt.
  • A serving of kefir or fermented baked milk (up to 500 ml), but it is better to leave this option for the second dinner, which is closer to bedtime.
  • Smoothies (preferably vegetable ones, since fruits have a higher percentage of sugars that are dangerous for weight loss).
  • Fish and seafood prepared without additional fats - you can bake, stew, boil, but do not fry. Juices, wine, and soy sauce are suitable for marinade.
  • Stewed mushrooms.
  • Turkey/chicken cutlets or meatballs that were baked in the oven or steamed.
  • Omelet, but with a minimum of yolks or without them, supplemented with vegetables.
  • Boiled chickpeas or lentils with stewed tomatoes, zucchini and a bunch of herbs.


Nutritionists are ready to advise this option for evening food only to people who have physical activity during the day. Then the protein will be used to build muscles, and will not be converted into fats, preventing you from losing weight. However, there are certain caveats here: a healthy protein dinner is a small (!) portion of boiled or steamed poultry or fish (the norm is up to 100 grams), and lettuce, dill or another type of greens. You can take a cucumber if you don't like animal protein without plant foods.

Light dinner for weight loss

Are you not exposed to physical activity, do you have an office job, don’t go for walks, and do you go to bed early? A delicious light dinner for weight loss in your case will exclude meat, because... it will not be digested and will poison the body, but fish (low-fat types) can. Seafood is also suitable for dinner. A serving of such protein should be about 50 g, and the rest of the plate will be taken up by vegetables. An alternative for losing weight can be an omelet (if you don’t value sea creatures), but always with products of plant origin.

Dinner after training

The main requirement for nutrition after exercise, if you are aiming to lose weight by burning fat, is to create a “window” between it and food. Dinner after a workout for weight loss should be done 1.5 hours later so that the calories you just ate are not used to replenish energy. Protein becomes the center of your plate, so here all options for meat or fish compositions, seafood, and cottage cheese dishes are allowed, but without fat. It is advisable that all products be low-calorie, i.e. 150-200 kcal, no more, and was not accompanied by cereals.

Diet dinner recipes

You can’t figure out how to put together a grocery set in the evening so that it’s healthy but tasty, and you can go to bed without feeling hungry? Take advantage of these recipes for dietary dishes, which are attractive due to the simplicity and low calorie content of ready-made food. The basis of these evening plate options are eggs, which are a mandatory menu product, and cereals - buckwheat and rice.


  • Cooking time: 7 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 104 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: homemade.

If you don’t like meat and fish in the evening, but without them you don’t know what you can eat for dinner while losing weight, so that you don’t have the desire to eat something harmful afterwards, try a light omelet. You can cook it in a frying pan, but it must have a non-stick coating, or you can cook it in the oven, but this will increase the baking time. Omelet for dinner exists in 2 variations: with milk (it is advisable that lactose be contained in a minimum amount, it interferes with weight loss), or with water. For taste and nutrition, add herbs or vegetables. You can throw in a couple of grams of hard cheese.


  • egg whites – 3 pcs.;
  • 1.8% low-lactose milk – 50 ml;
  • spinach – 100 g;
  • tomatoes – 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the washed spinach and cut the tomatoes into slices.
  2. Place in a hot frying pan, pour in the egg whites whipped with milk.
  3. Place the lid on top and wait until the surface of the omelette sets.
  4. Turn over and brown the other side. Roll into a log before serving.


  • Cooking time: 35 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 114 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: homemade.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Among the dinner options, nutritionists' recommendations occasionally include boiled rice, but not white, but only wild varieties. An excellent choice when losing weight would be black rice for dinner, which goes well with seafood. An additional advantage is the reduced calorie content of this cereal, so the serving size can be slightly increased. This is the best option for a woman who doesn’t eat enough vegetables.


  • black rice (dry) – 50 g;
  • peeled shrimp w/o – 50 g;
  • water – 210 ml;
  • cucumber – 100 g;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the cereal until the water runs clear.
  2. Cook for half an hour using stainless steel cookware. Add minimal salt – it’s best to avoid this for dinner.
  3. Throw the shrimp into boiling water for a minute.
  4. Cut the cucumber into slices and decorate the main dish.


  • Cooking time: 25 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 179 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: homemade.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, it is advisable to avoid cereals in the evening when losing weight or consume them before 19-20 hours. Afterwards, you should not eat cereals, but there is an exception - you can eat buckwheat for dinner. This cereal, according to nutritionists, is an excellent fat burner, and is safe for people with food allergies (mainly to gluten). If you don’t know what you can eat for dinner while losing weight,...


  • buckwheat – 40 g;
  • water – 170 ml;
  • salt;
  • butter – 5 g;
  • green beans – 70 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Cook the buckwheat by pouring it into boiling water for 25 minutes with the lid closed and low heat. Add oil (preferably without).
  2. Separately, brown the frozen beans (the pan is dry). Serve without mixing.


  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 72 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Kitchen: homemade.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If, an hour after your main evening meal, you realize that the night is far away, hunger has made itself known again, and you cannot decide how to drive it away reliably and safely, boil eggs for dinner. However, they may not satisfy you alone, so it’s worth additionally going through the list of foods allowed when losing weight. Here you will need greens (check the availability in the refrigerator), sweet peppers, Tofu cheese (an alternative is Adyghe). You can serve this dinner with whole grain bread.


  • eggs 1 cat. - 3 pcs.;
  • greens – 20 g;
  • bell pepper – 70 g;
  • Tofu cheese – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the eggs. Technology is not important because... you remove the yolk. Cut the egg white lengthwise to form boat halves.
  2. Grind pepper, cheese and herbs. Mix.
  3. Place a teaspoon of this mixture into the egg white halves. Dinner for the night is ready!

Video: What to eat for dinner when losing weight