What is more useful: cheese or cottage cheese. The five most healthy types of cheese

Cottage cheese and cheese are fermented milk products. They contain many useful elements and sour milk bacteria. Both fermented milk products are characterized by a high protein content - they favorably affect the condition of hair and nails. What is healthier than cheese or cottage cheese?

Cheese: beneficial properties

Its formation occurs by coagulation of milk. There are a huge number of types of cheese - each of them represents a certain benefit. It contains almost all the minerals and vitamins found in milk: vitamins D, C, E, A and B in particular. It contains lysine, methionine, tryptophan, many amino acids. Compared to milk, cheese protein is much more nutritious and healthier.

Be that as it may, it is a high-calorie product and is inappropriate for consumption during diets. The calorie content in 100g is 300kcal. It should not be eaten much, so as not to put on weight. The use of the product is contraindicated if you have any kind of kidney and liver disease. A stomach ulcer and gastritis will also be “disapproved of" if you eat cheese. In diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis, it is best to reduce the consumption of cheese and opt exclusively for low-fat varieties.

Cottage cheese: useful properties

It combines all the properties of cheese and milk. In addition, it is characterized by a low fat content. There are many amino acids, mineral elements and vitamins. The inconspicuous curd is a storehouse of iron, magnesium and calcium. It includes vitamin E, A and B. It contains many amino acids that our body needs in large quantities.

It contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes and determines the improvement of digestive processes and will bring exceptional benefits in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. But you should not use this product if you have kidney disease, since it includes a large percentage of protein, and this causes a strain on the kidneys.

In the best way, this “milk” is suitable for diets and improves digestion processes. Almost everyone can eat it - from small to large, because cottage cheese is a source of valuable calcium. It contains many sour milk bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the intestines. A huge plus of cottage cheese is the possibility of self-production.

The shelf life of this product reaches about 5 days. If you do not eat fresh cottage cheese, intestinal infections and poisoning are likely. It develops both beneficial bacteria and microorganisms that are matogenic. To avoid a negative outcome, cottage cheese should be stored in a cool place and eat fresh.

What is more useful

Undoubtedly, it is worth paying more attention to cottage cheese. It can be a great safe cheese substitute. When choosing low-calorie cottage cheese, you will not encounter problems with internal organs, nor will you gain weight.

This curd should be made exclusively with the use of yeast and milk. There are manufacturers who, in order to save money, dilute this product with water, and in order to add density, they include starch in the composition. It is possible to check for the presence of starch with ordinary iodine. Add a drop of this solution and if the product turns blue, it contains starch.

If it was made from natural milk through ordinary fermentation, then its cost is quite high. Low-cost cottage cheese almost always contains skim milk, palm oil and other not very useful additives.

In order to reduce the cost, vegetable fats can be added to it. Some manufacturers do this because of a shortage of natural milk.

Speaking of cheese, another drawback is that it causes a serious burden for the liver and kidneys.

Hello my dear readers! On the pages of the blog, I’ve returned so many times to the topic of cottage cheese, that I think it’s time to finally talk from the point of view of its specific usefulness for the body ... or harmfulness?

Cottage cheese benefits and harms, which with enviable constancy excite the minds of Russians, always occupied a place of honor on our table. How do you feel about this product? Positively? Here I am too. I do not believe in its harmfulness. But, I will not get ahead of myself, first things first.

From this article you will learn:


What do we have here? The fact that any cottage cheese is a milk concentrate that contains the useful substances of this product. And first of all, it is a rich source of protein. In addition to protein, it contains 12 vitamins and a number of useful minerals (for example, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron), which are simply necessary for both adults and children.

Attention!  If you saw vegetable fat in the composition, then this is not real cottage cheese, but a cottage cheese product that is of no use.

Low-fat cottage cheese also contains many vitamins, it differs only in fewer calories.

Especially for you, I found a wonderful video where a specialist intelligibly talks about useful types of cottage cheese:

Product analysis

In antiquity there was no doubt - useful cottage cheese or not. They ate with pleasure and fed the children, if there was such an opportunity, of course. Now every product is being questioned, and a complete analysis is being made on the “subject of impact”. Well, we live in the modern world, we will not violate its laws, and we will put everything in order.

Losing weight

  • A valuable component in its composition is casein. Calcium caseinate helps reduce appetite, delays the onset of hunger, due to the fact that it is digested for a long time. It maintains muscle tone and helps maintain body temperature at the right level with minimal energy consumption.
  • The content in the cottage cheese of a large number of vitamins and minerals helps to keep teeth and bones intact, which primarily suffer from all kinds of diets. Thanks to cottage cheese, the body does not suffer from a lack of vitamins, organs and systems function normally.
  • From a dairy product, you can cook a lot of different and, therefore, the diet will not be monotonous, and you can indulge yourself with sweets every day.
  • Curd has one ... Guess which one? It turns out that he is able to beneficially influence the functioning of the nervous system, being a kind of natural.

For children

  • All useful substances serve as a kind of "building blocks" from which the baby’s nervous system and digestive organs are built. The calcium and phosphorus contained form strong teeth and bones.
  • A large amount of protein is well absorbed by the child's body, without causing irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
  • Contained antibacterial substances normalize the intestinal microflora.
  • Cottage cheese cooked with various additives or whipped with honey, jam, raisins or even condensed milk will not only diversify baby food, but also make it a delicious dessert that the child will eat with pleasure, no matter what difficulties you may have with his diet.


During pregnancy, you should definitely use this product, but in reasonable quantities. It is in this excellent condition that the rule applies: "A lot does not mean good."

  • Calcium contained in the composition will not only help to form a healthy bone tissue of the baby, but also help to maintain good teeth and hair, which primarily suffer from a lack of this element.
  • Using cottage cheese, you will improve your eyesight and normalize the process of blood formation, strengthen muscles and improve the functioning of internal organs. You probably did not realize that cottage cheese is very useful not only for the intestines and stomach, but also for the liver, since it helps prevent its fatty degeneration.


  • Casein already mentioned above helps to nourish the body with energy for a long time.
  • It also contains rapidly decomposing proteins, so it can also be consumed after training.
  • Thanks to calcium, the musculoskeletal system of the body is strengthened.
  • Fast and easy to digest.

Got it? For those to whom bodybuilding has become the meaning of life, both for men and women, it is a necessary food.

I’ll tell you more, there are a number of diseases in which the use of cottage cheese can cure the patient. Many doctors believe that, combined with cottage cheese, they can rid humanity of cancer. Just imagine, consuming (or in the evening, not the essence) 100 gr. a product mixed with two tablespoons of this oil, you get rid of oncology!

Attention!  This is just an opinion. And not a scientifically proven fact.

Which cottage cheese is better?

Choosing cottage cheese, many will prefer home-made than store-bought. I myself held this opinion, but is it always true? You always know what you prepared, but you can also choose healthy cottage cheese in the store. See how to do it right:

And now let's see what types of cottage cheese are other than the usual version.


Prepared by special technology with the addition of cream and salt. Because of this peculiarity, it does not happen to be non-fat, and the percentage of protein leaves much to be desired. That is why it is better for ladies and athletes to choose the traditional type of cottage cheese.

However, not everything is so simple. Such a product is very useful for older people, as it lacks purines - substances that disrupt the metabolic process and increase the level of uric acid in the body. And yet such a product has a prophylactic effect in atherosclerosis.


Its main advantage is that it can be consumed by those who are allergic to cow's milk. The healing properties are far superior to cow's milk curd. This product has a positive effect on the whole body, it is used for osteoporosis and with a lack of animal protein. By its protein content, it is closer to meat than to dairy products, and its calorie content is much lower - a miracle, not a product for health!

Attention! Excessive consumption of goat curd can significantly increase cholesterol, so you should not get involved in it.


This cottage cheese in its appearance and taste is more like tender yogurt, the properties of the product are also significantly “diluted”. When choosing it, make sure that it is not made with the addition of milk powder.

Ideally, the composition should contain everything that is in ordinary cottage cheese. But, the manufacturer can add both cream and sour cream (here you need to be careful with the choice so that instead of cottage cheese, you do not buy the curd mass).

Such cottage cheese is very fond of children. But even if your child is not a fan of dairy products, it’s worth adding jam, for example, to get an unusually tasty red dessert that does not even closely resemble an unloved cottage cheese.


It contains calcium chloride. And I already gave you the recipe for its preparation, but it is not recommended to get involved too much, since it can seriously disrupt the metabolism of minerals in the body. Usually, such cottage cheese is given to children during their growth, but the daily norm should not exceed 100 g.


Quite an interesting version of the product. Prepared from waste cheese production - cheese whey. Most often has a sweet taste, but it is great for diabetes. It is recommended for use after 50 years, when the metabolism in the body slows down. Eat it with sugar in the morning or at night - with bran.

A variety of pastries is made from it, but they are also used as an independent product. And tastiest of all (and more useful!) - s, yes it will be kefir.


It is better to use for baking, since its use, unfortunately, is small. Even semi-finished foods (stored in dumplings) stored for a long time in a freeze lose their taste within a few days.

From baked milk

In stores, it is rare, it is a natural product with a delicate taste. It is prepared in the same way as ordinary, but from baked milk. You can eat it just like that, or you can eat fruit with it or make cheese cakes out of it.

To whom it is contraindicated

There are always restrictions on the use of the product, see the video about this:

But it would be hard to imagine that cottage cheese would be absolutely harmful for someone. Perhaps the only thing that comes to mind is people suffering from individual intolerance. In all other cases, it can be consumed, even with gastritis a small amount will not hurt.

When there are any contraindications to the use of dairy products or you are on a salt-free diet, consult your doctor about this issue. Perhaps from the whole variety he will choose the one that does not harm the body, he chooses not a greasy village one, but a light diet one, which you can eat from time to time without serious consequences.

And, of course, no matter how much lover of cottage cheese you are, you should not eat it daily, since even the most healthy product will be harmful if moderation is not observed.

On this, I say goodbye to you and look forward to your feedback. If the information seemed interesting to you, share it with your friends and subscribe to updates.

Cottage cheese is a product with a mass of useful components. Learn about its beneficial properties, composition, and application. As well as how to choose and store cottage cheese.

The content of the article:

Cottage cheese is considered one of the most useful sour-milk products that are necessary for the full functioning of the body. Thanks to the special technology of making cottage cheese, it is considered such a valuable product. Indeed, in the process of preparation, when fermentation and separation of whey from cottage cheese occurs, the most useful components are released - milk fat and protein.

Unfortunately, there is no story about who and how for the first time managed to get this product. But it is well known that even our distant ancestors ate cottage cheese. Indeed, at that time dairy products were indispensable. This allowed people to be strong, resilient and healthy. That is why, they rarely hurt and lived very long.

Nowadays, cottage cheese is considered a completely affordable sour-milk product. It can be bought ready-made, or you can cook it yourself. In addition to the natural fermentation of milk and the preparation of cottage cheese from it, there is also a simpler way: the use of special sour milk bacteria (starter cultures), which in a short time allow you to get a ready-made healthy curd.

What is a part of cottage cheese?

As already mentioned, the main components of this product are protein, which is easily absorbed by the body and milk fat. They play an important role in the functioning of all organs and systems of the body. But, in addition, the cottage cheese contains a large percentage of calcium, which is considered the basis of the skeletal system. Therefore, cottage cheese, first of all, is necessary for pregnant women, because in order for the fetus to develop and be strong, it takes all the reserves of calcium from the mother's body. So that the expectant mother does not experience a deficiency of this component, she should eat cottage cheese every day. This will help the baby develop properly and preserve her health.

Cottage cheese is a rather low-calorie dairy product. Indeed, in 100 grams of cottage cheese contains only 18 grams of fat, but if it is generally fat-free (low percentage of fat), then there is only one protein in it. That is why it is included in the menu of many diets, as it saturates the body well, is quickly absorbed, which in turn prevents the accumulation of toxins in the body.

In addition, this fermented milk product contains more than 10 types of healthy vitamins. Among them, these are vitamins of groups B, A, D, C, E, H and PP. The latter (PP) is presented in two active forms - nicotinic acid and nicotinamide. A sufficient amount of it in the human body regulates almost all important processes. For example, it regulates the functioning of the central nervous system, positively affects digestion and protects the cardiovascular system.

In addition to calcium, other minerals are also present in the curd. Among them are: iron, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, as well as potassium, copper, selenium, fluorine, manganese, etc. All these components are perfectly absorbed by the body and support the work of all systems and organs.

The benefits of cottage cheese for the body

  • As already mentioned, one of the main components of cottage cheese is calcium. If you regularly eat cottage cheese, it will strengthen the entire skeletal system. As a result, the bones will be strong, healthy and this will reduce the risk of frequent fractures.
  • In addition to strengthening bones, dentists regularly recommend cottage cheese for healthy and strong teeth. After all, it strengthens tooth enamel, thereby helping to avoid its destruction.
  • Cottage cheese is considered the basis of diet food, because the protein that it contains is reminiscent of vegetable. That is why athletes and bodybuilders always eat it. After all, it not only contributes to the growth of muscle mass, but also helps to keep the body in shape, as it does not lead to the accumulation of fat.
  • With regular use of this product, the risk of depression, stress and even neurosis is reduced. Indeed, due to the composition of useful components, cottage cheese normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Cottage cheese is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If with pancreatitis or gastritis it is forbidden to consume milk, as it can lead to an exacerbation of the disease, then the cottage cheese in this case can be eaten without fear. This is again due to the fact that it is an easily digestible product that helps to normalize the intestinal microflora. The only thing worth remembering is that it is advisable to choose curd not fat.
  • Due to the fact that this fermented milk product contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful components, it is recommended to use it to increase immunity.
  • The use of cottage cheese prevents the occurrence of constipation and diarrhea, because the sour-milk bacteria that it contains, improve the metabolism in the body.

The use of cottage cheese in cosmetology

In addition to the fact that the use of cottage cheese contributes to the healthy work of the whole organism, it is also used as an effective product for beauty. For example, it is used as the main ingredient for the preparation of masks (for face, body, neck, hands and hair). Applying a mask of cottage cheese allows the skin to become soft, clean and fresh. In addition, it is suitable for all skin types, without irritating the skin on the face.
  1. Curd mask for problem skin.  To prepare this mask, you need to mix low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream. The mask should be of such a consistency that it holds well on the face. Apply the resulting mixture in an even layer on the face and neck and hold for about 20 minutes. After that wash off with warm water and soap. The mask moisturizes the skin well, cleanses it, and also removes all imperfections on the face.
  2. Mask for dry skin.  Prepare one ripe banana, 2 tbsp. l cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. l sour cream or cream and 1 chicken yolk. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth and apply on face for 15–20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and vitamins the skin. The beneficial effects of cottage cheese can also be directed to the hair. After all, it contains all the necessary components for their strengthening, recovery and healthy growth. In addition, regularly applying such natural masks, you can always have beautiful and healthy hair.
  3. Mask for strengthening hair. Mix 2 tbsp. l cottage cheese and 1 tbsp. l fruit puree. For example, banana, apple, mango. Distribute the resulting mass along the entire length of the hair, rubbing it especially well into the roots. Keep the mask for 20-30 minutes, and then wash your hair well with shampoo. This will help strengthen your hair from the roots to the ends. They will become thick, lush and healthy.
  4. Mask for dry and weakened hair.  Mix 3 tbsp. l cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. l honey and the same amount of olive oil. With the resulting mixture, grease the hair along the entire length and keep for about 30 minutes. Then wash your hair thoroughly several times with warm water and shampoo. Such a mask is especially suitable for hair that is often dyed or is severely damaged by the use of hair dryers and irons. Such a mask nourishes the scalp, makes hair strong, shiny and obedient.

How to choose and store cottage cheese?

Of course, the cottage cheese cooked at home is much more useful than the store, and in addition, you can be sure of the quality and freshness of such a product. But not always, it turns out, eat fresh home-made cottage cheese. In this case, you can buy it at any store or supermarket. But how to choose a quality product? This is what you will learn later.

Useful tips on how to choose a delicious and healthy cottage cheese:

  • First of all, the color of cottage cheese is important. It should be a white and cream shade, and in no case blue or yellow. A bluish color may indicate that the product has begun to deteriorate, and yellowish is a sign that sugar or flour may have been added to the curd.
  • If you buy cottage cheese in the market by weight, then it is better to taste it. It should not be too acidic (slightly acidic). The smell in high-quality cottage cheese is pleasant and not sour.
  • Pay attention to the composition of the cottage cheese, ideally it contains: cream, milk, sourdough, and calcium chloride. There should be no “E” signs in high-quality cottage cheese.
  • It is also necessary to check on the packaging the date of manufacture and the shelf life of the product. All this should be indicated legibly, the date should not be erased or reprinted. Especially important is the inscription on the packaging "GOST". This suggests that the product has passed strict control and received the highest quality certificate.
If you still don’t like cottage cheese, then after reading our article, you must love it. After all, it contains all the necessary components for our body. Using cottage cheese at least 1-2 times a week, you will not only feel better, it will also affect your appearance: the skin will become clean, hair and nails strong. Therefore, eat this wonderful product and be healthy!

About the benefits, harms and contraindications of cottage cheese, see this video:

Cottage cheese is one of the most famous and useful sour-milk products. In addition to the taste qualities that it is famous for, cottage cheese has many healing properties for the body.

According to historical evidence, cottage cheese was known in ancient Rome. In Russia, it was traditionally obtained from yogurt - ordinary sour milk, which was placed in a preheated oven in a clay pot, after which the curled yogurt was poured into a linen bag so that the glass serum formed. After that, the cottage cheese was placed under a press so that the whey completely separated and a sufficiently dense mass was formed. In a similar way cook cottage cheese at home today.

  • Bold (18% or more);
  • Bold (diet soft, 9%);
  • Low fat (up to 3%).

Cottage cheese is also distinguished by the method of coagulation of milk proteins. It happens:

  • Acidic, prepared, as a rule, from skim milk. In this case, the protein coagulates under the action of lactic acid, which is formed during lactic acid fermentation;
  • Acid rennet, prepared with the simultaneous use of fermentation of lactic acid bacteria and rennet.

Curd composition

The nutritional value of cottage cheese is higher than milk, since usually about 500 g of cottage cheese can be prepared from 500 g of milk. In addition, the nutritional value of cottage cheese depends on its fat content. So, it contains:

  • In fatty - 15 g of protein, 18 g of fat, 2.8 g of carbohydrates;
  • In bold - 18 g of protein, 9 g of fat, 3 g of carbohydrates;
  • In low-fat - 22 g of protein, 0.6 g of fat, 3.3 g of carbohydrates.

The composition of cottage cheese includes:

  • Vitamins - A, D, C and B vitamins;
  • Minerals - iron, calcium, phosphorus;
  • Lactose (milk sugar);
  • Enzymes

Calorie Curd

The calorie content of cottage cheese depends on its fat content. So, nonfat cottage cheese of 0.6% contains 110-120 kcal, bold 9% - 169 kcal, fat 18% - 236 kcal.

The most beneficial for health is considered to be cottage cheese low in calories and fat. Also, depending on the calorie content, cottage cheese is used both for diets and nutrition of athletes, and for the preparation of various dishes.

Useful properties of cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is an indispensable product for a healthy and nutritious diet. The useful properties of cottage cheese are due to the technology of its preparation, as a result of which two valuable components are distinguished from it - milk fat and milk digestible protein. Milk protein (casein) has a high nutritional value and is able to replace animal proteins.

One of the useful properties of cottage cheese is the amino acids contained in it, which are necessary for the prevention of liver diseases.

Cottage cheese is rich in phosphorus and calcium, without which the correct formation of bones and skeletal system is impossible. These minerals are especially needed:

  • With fractures;
  • Children during the period of growth of teeth and bones;
  • With hypertension and heart disease;
  • With rickets;
  • With kidney disease;
  • Pregnant women
  • To old people.

Another useful property of cottage cheese is due to its lactic acid bacteria, which improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as normalize intestinal motility.

The use of cottage cheese

The use of cottage cheese as a source of calcium, amino acids and vitamins for children and the elderly is proven. In addition, cottage cheese contributes to the normalization of the nervous system, increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood and can be used as a prophylactic of metabolic diseases. In children's nutrition, the benefits of cottage cheese are noted when used as part of diets in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, liver, digestive system, lungs and cardiovascular system.

Also proved the benefits of cottage cheese:

  • To increase the production of growth hormone. Back in the 70s of the last century, it was found that the use of proteins helps to increase the level of growth hormone;
  • To reduce excess weight. Many studies confirm that cottage cheese and other milk proteins contribute to efficient fat burning;
  • To increase muscle mass. Amino acids of cottage cheese, providing the construction of muscles and other tissues, are preferable to other sources of protein for building muscle mass. In addition, cottage cheese is rich in calcium, which contributes to an increase in testosterone levels, and, as a result, the rapid growth of muscle mass;
  • As a prevention of atherosclerosis, because the curd contains salts of calcium and phosphorus, as well as methionine and choline.

Storage conditions for cottage cheese

Cottage cheese refers to perishable foods. It must be stored in the refrigerator no longer than 2-3 days. Also, so that it does not deteriorate, it should not be stored in plastic bags. The best way to store cottage cheese is enameled or glassware.

It is recommended to freeze home-made cottage cheese for long-term storage. In this case, it does not lose its beneficial properties, although the taste is somewhat lower.

The use of cottage cheese

Curd as a source of easily digestible protein and calcium is recommended to eat daily up to 200 g.

Also, many nutritionists advise it to be included in various diets for weight loss:

  • From 400 to 600 g of fat-free cottage cheese with 60 g of sour cream, divided into four meals. In addition, during the day you can drink up to 100 ml of coffee or tea with milk and up to 2 cups of wild rose broth;
  • Three times a day, 100 g of non-fat 0.6% cottage cheese and 900 g of kefir, divided into six doses.

Eating cottage cheese before going to bed is a popular practice among bodybuilders and strength athletes. It is believed that during sleep, muscles recover and grow, and cottage cheese is a catalyst for these processes. Of course, in these cases, preference should be given to low-calorie low-fat cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese has long been used in folk medicine in the treatment of strokes, bruises, and tumors. It is used for compresses, which are prepared from 2 tbsp. tablespoons of natural cottage cheese with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. When treating burns, slightly warm cottage cheese should be applied up to three times a day to the burned place.

In addition, cottage cheese is also used for cosmetic purposes in the preparation of various creams and masks for the face and body.

With different calories, cottage cheese is widely used by culinary experts all over the world. Many different desserts are prepared from it - cheesecakes, soufflés, cottage cheese, casseroles, muffins, cakes, cheesecakes and many other dishes.

Harmful cottage cheese

Cottage cheese does not cause harm in cases when eating low-fat low-calorie species. It is also necessary to carefully observe the recommended storage conditions and you should not eat cottage cheese, which is stored longer than 2-3 days from the date of preparation.

Cottage cheese is considered a useful product suitable for almost everyone. Cottage cheese can bring harm only in cases of individual intolerance to fermented milk products, as well as if it is eaten in excessive quantities.

Damage from cottage cheese can also occur with the regular use of “cottage cheese product”, in which starch and other third-party ingredients are added to increase calorie content and shelf life.

In contact with

He is loved by adults and kids, respected by athletes and losing weight. It helps to cope with age-related diseases and prevents breast cancer. What do we know about cottage cheese - a popular product and ... a stranger?

Fact 1: In ancient times, it was believed that cottage cheese brings good luck.

The first mention of cottage cheese appeared in ancient Rome. At that time, both the poor and the rich ate it, only the way of eating differed. The curd mass was flavored with honey, a little salted and sometimes washed down with wine.

And in India, during the celebration of the celebration of the Lord Krishna, it was considered obligatory to break the pot with cottage cheese. Believers were sure that this ritual would bring them good luck and be happy all year, so they boldly parted with a portion of their favorite treats.

Getting a serving of delicious cottage cheese today is easy. It is enough to come to the store and make your choice. But do you know how much milk is needed to produce a valuable product?

From 10 liters of milk, 1.5 kilograms of cottage cheese or 1 kilogram of cheese is obtained. It is interesting that the industrial production of cottage cheese was established in Russia only at the end of the 19th century. Prior to this, people ate exclusively homemade "cheese."

Fact 3: Curd is the main source of calcium for most people

The leaders in calcium among dairy products are cottage cheese, feta cheese and cheese. They practically do not contain substances that can interfere with the absorption of an important trace element. On the contrary, in their composition you can find components that increase the benefits of calcium. Among them are amino acids and lactose. Although the latter is not suitable for everyone! It is known that some people suffer from lactose intolerance, so dairy products are taboo for them.

Due to the high content of vitamin D and calcium in the curd, this food reduces the likelihood of developing breast cancer. Research conducted in Harvard School of Public Health  (English Harvard School of Public Health) showed: if a woman in the premenopausal period consumes foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, this significantly reduces the risk of breast diseases, including cancer. Studies have been conducted for 16 years.

Fact 5: It contains probiotics

Good quality cottage cheese contains useful bacterial flora that heals the human body and even prevents a number of diseases.

Probiotics in dairy products strengthen the immune system, help maintain the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gastric tract and inhibit the reproduction of harmful microorganisms.

Reports Mayo Clinics  (English Mayo Clinic) indicate that lactobacilli as part of cottage cheese are safe. And some experts even point out that they can serve as an auxiliary measure in the treatment of dysbiosis and diseases of the digestive system.

Specialists Beth Israel Medical Center  (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center) are sure that in the world there is not a single type of product that can affect the metabolic rate in the human body. But still, if there is cottage cheese before going to bed, you can get a little better.

The fact is that at night we burn fewer calories, and cottage cheese - enough high-calorie food (in 100 g of bold curd 160 kcal). Therefore, weight gain can be an unpleasant surprise. It is best to eat cottage cheese 3 hours before bedtime.

  will not be?

Specialists of a public organization Roskontrol  checked the quality of fat-free cottage cheese sold in Russia. As a result of a laboratory study, only 4 out of eight grades were found to be edible. These are the products of the brands “House in the Village”, “Prostokvashino”, “Ostankino” and “Savushkin Khutorok”. The cottage cheese of the listed brands complies with GOST, does not contain vegetable fats, moldy fungi and preservatives.

Fact 7: Buttons made from cottage cheese in ancient times

In ancient times, people ate not only fresh cottage cheese, but also pressed. It was harvested for the winter, while most of the nutrients were preserved. After pressing, the cottage cheese became very hard, almost like plastic, so the idea arose to make small items, buttons from it.

In addition to calcium, cottage cheese is a valuable source of magnesium. In the human body, this trace element is concentrated in the bones. Magnesium acts as a catalyst for important biochemical processes, is responsible for the work of enzymes in the body, supports muscles and the immune system. In addition, according to scientists, a sufficient amount of magnesium in the diet helps prevent heart attacks, migraines and mental disorders. So, you need to make cottage cheese a frequent guest at the dinner table!

Fact 9: curd should not be frozen

When buying cottage cheese, you need to pay close attention not only to the quality of the product, but also the way it is stored. So, it is known that after freezing the product loses its taste and most of the nutrients. This happens because the moisture in its composition is separated from the dry mass, so the cottage cheese becomes watery and grainy. It is best to choose fresh cottage cheese with a short shelf life, there will be more benefit from it.

Stress is an integral part of our life, it affects almost all people. If you began to notice that it became more difficult for you to absorb information and control your own emotions, enter a small portion of cottage cheese into your daily diet.

This product contains a lot of potassium - one of the most important elements necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and cardiac activity. Regular intake of this mineral in the body will lower the level of anxiety and increase stress resistance, become an effective prevention of cerebral stroke (potassium lowers blood pressure and constricts blood vessels).

Fact 11: You can cook the cottage cheese in 2 minutes

To cook the curd it is not necessary to ferment the milk for a day, waiting until a soft thick mass appears on its surface. The favorite way to cook homemade "cheese" of modern hostesses is to use lemon juice. That's because a cheese product can be obtained in minutes.

To do this, boil 1 liter of milk, remove the foam and add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to the milk, mix thoroughly. Milk instantly begins to curl, and after a few minutes you can enjoy the delicate taste of natural cottage cheese.


Cottage cheese is a good environment for the development of staphylococci, which cause food poisoning, yeast, which add an unpleasant yeast flavor, and molds, covering the surface of the cottage cheese with a white fluffy coating and making it fresh. You can get serious food poisoning by trying even half a teaspoon of such a product! To prevent the development of these processes, cottage cheese should be immediately cooled to a temperature not exceeding 6 ° C and stored under these conditions for no more than 36 hours.

Fact 12: Store cottage cheese properly - no more than three days

Cottage cheese is one of the perishable foods. Nutritionists and doctors recommend keeping it in the refrigerator for no more than three days. If you have any doubts about the freshness of the goodies, you can cook dumplings, pancakes, casseroles, cottage cheese pancakes and other traditional dishes from it.

The 37th President of the United States of America became famous for the most extraordinary way of eating cottage cheese. Richard Nixon, according to eyewitnesses, cottage cheese, plentifully watered with ketchup, adored.

Which cottage cheese is better?

The experts Roskontrol  They know how to choose delicious, nutritious and high-quality cottage cheese. Its color is always white with a cream tint, the aroma is slightly sour, and the consistency is soft, uniform, oily. If the product is non-greasy, the separation of a small amount of whey is acceptable.

Expert Commentary

Maria Verchenova, a consultant on the organization of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle

Cottage cheese is a unique dietary product. It is a source of unstructured proteins, i.e. those that are quickly absorbed. This means that it is well suited for nutrition of an organism weakened after an illness, and for preparing natural protein shakes after physical exertion.

It is good to use cottage cheese for dinner, a snack, and even for breakfast. He will always come in handy. This is a product that our ancestors have been using for more than a thousand years, i.e. we can say that its benefits have been tested by generations.

What other interesting facts can be told about cottage cheese?

Starch in the "store" cottage cheese

It is often said that starch is added to the "store" cottage cheese. Such an additive from the point of view of dietary nutrition is not a good idea, because it reduces the protein value of the cottage cheese itself and increases the calorie content of food due to unnecessary carbohydrates. But at the same time, in fact, starch is added not so often.

Firstly, it reduces the shelf life of cottage cheese. Secondly, this will require the addition of other emulsifier substances, and they will already affect the consistency and taste (therefore, if something is added, then they are added to sweet curds, where there are a lot of flavors based on berry tastes).

At large dairy enterprises, manipulation of starch is disadvantageous from the point of view of the production process, and small farmers usually treat their customers with care and care about the quality of their cottage cheese.

The myth about the use of starch is connected with the fact that sometimes the consistency of cottage cheese is obtained as if starchy. It depends on many factors: temperature and humidity of ripening cottage cheese, the state of the animal. I would not be surprised if it even depends on the phase of the moon, although I have not seen any scientific research on this topic.

In fact, if you mix cottage cheese with starch, then a person is not able to distinguish between taste and tactile receptors. From here there is another conviction that it is possible to drip iodine on the curd, and if there is starch, then a reaction will surely occur that will give a blue color. Previously, 20-30 years ago, this may have worked. Now manufacturers have learned to use modified starch, and some of its varieties do not always turn blue under the influence of iodine.

Cottage Cheese Insulin Index

Cottage cheese has a high insulin index. They started talking about such a concept less than 10 years ago, so for some people this information is still new. And, to be honest, we still do not know what to do with this indicator. A high insulin index means that cottage cheese, like other fermented milk products, provokes an additional release of insulin without reference to the level of sugar in the blood. Here we get two consequences:

1) Additional insulin “flushes out” glucose from the blood, and the sugar level begins to drop. In practice, this is expressed in lethargy, depression, sometimes headaches appear. Therefore, cottage cheese is recommended to be consumed with a small portion of carbohydrates, it can be fruits, dried fruits, jam, marmalade or even a spoonful of sugar. Such an additive compensates for the excessive activity of cottage cheese against insulin. And you will ultimately get a maximum of proteins and trace elements, while maintaining activity and vitality.

2) If you eat cottage cheese at night, then a high concentration of insulin inhibits the fat burning process, which is especially active at night. This is true for those who are just starting to lose weight. Against this background, recommendations appear to limit cottage cheese for dinner and before bedtime. However, in my practice, I see that, taking into account the rhythm of life and the daily routine of my clients, the gain from evening refusal of cottage cheese is small, while there are factors that more prevent weight loss. So here we need an individual approach and understanding of the body's tasks before categorically abandoning cottage cheese and dairy products in the afternoon.

Harm fat-free cottage cheese

There are disputes regarding low fat cottage cheese. It is believed that if you follow your figure, then it seems like you need to give up excess fat. Another point of view is that calcium from fat-free cottage cheese is not absorbed. In fact, here we get the following.

Firstly, according to Russian standards, fat-free cottage cheese cannot be completely fat-free, its indicator is 1-1.9% fat. This is quite enough for all of such cottage cheese to be absorbed and not to go anywhere without benefit. But this point needs to be tracked every time on the label of a particular product. Large international companies that built their production using Western technologies can make cottage cheese without any fat content or with a fat content of up to 1%. This means that, most likely, the cottage cheese or the raw materials were subjected to additional processing for total cleansing of fats (after all, the original milk cannot be completely cleared of fat). And then the question remains, what else remains in this cottage cheese after such processing. Calcium? Most likely, it is already there in the form of additives. Squirrels? I’m not sure what concentration we need. So here the question is not in fats, but in the methods of making cottage cheese.

Properties of high fat cottage cheese

In contrast to fat-free cottage cheese, there are also opponents of high-fat cottage cheese. It is about 9% and 18%. Relatively 18% I agree, this is too nutritious a product. Such fat content is comparable to sour cream, and if you decide to treat yourself, then you still need to think that you will find it tastier, sour cream or cottage cheese. At the same time, 18% cottage cheese may come in handy if special nutrition is necessary after an illness or with increased physical exertion.

As for 9%, here everything is not as scary as it might seem. A standard pack of cottage cheese 200 g will give you 18 g of fat, while the norm of an adult woman is from 80 g of fat per day. Those. In this standard you will have time to put pork under mayonnaise. So fat from cottage cheese is not something that will ruin your figure.

At the same time, such cottage cheese is absorbed in the best way, because the raw materials are stored here without additional separation, and, so to speak, this is the most organic version of cottage cheese of all possible options.

Let's not forget that if you cook cottage cheese pancakes or casserole, part of the fat burns out (about 20-30%). However, I do not urge you to switch to 9% fat cottage cheese. In each case, this must be decided individually, depending on your eating habits and general physical condition. 5% cottage cheese will be optimal for someone, and 2% will suit someone.

Curd restriction

With all its positive properties, cottage cheese, like any other product, is good in moderation. It is believed that no more than 200 g can be eaten per day, since excess cottage cheese provokes a violation of salt balance. This primarily affects the joints. First, edema begins, and then manifestations of arthrosis are possible. This is all the more surprising since cottage cheese must be eaten regularly to protect joints. If not every day, then at least 3 times a week. How can one not recall the words of Hippocrates: "There are no poisons and medicines, there are prescriptions and doses."

Homemade application of cottage cheese

Cottage cheese refers to those practical products that easily fit into the modern rhythm of life. It can be consumed fresh, alone or as part of homemade protein shakes. You can make desserts, cheesecakes, casseroles, dumplings.

It is easy to freeze cottage cheese and cottage cheese semi-finished products, so that later on the go you can prepare a tasty and healthy dish for the whole family. However, I must warn you: it is believed that the curd after freezing loses a noticeable part of its properties. So, the digestibility of protein after freezing is reduced by 2 times. So do not be surprised if you eat up fresh cheesecakes after 2-3 pieces, and you still want to eat frozen cheesecakes.

And finally, I’ll say what I like most about cottage cheese. This is a wonderful product for those who monitor their health and figure, and he does not bother at all. After all, it can be enriched with a huge number of tastes. Organize a sweet snack: add jam, marmalade, marshmallows, cocoa, live fruits or dried fruits.

You can make a “hearty” snack by mixing cottage cheese with the addition of more serious products: fresh or salty cucumber, dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, slices of sweet pepper, smoked salmon. If you add a little more salt to any of these options and let it stand for 30-40 minutes, then no one will say that proper nutrition is boring.

Cheese, beneficial properties  which is quite extensive, is a favorite product of many people. This love in some countries resulted in monuments to cheese. Yes Yes, useful properties of cheese  embodied in monuments! In Canada, a monument in the form of a giant gourmet cheese was erected. He was the winner of the World Exhibition. Well, such cheese lovers as the French erected a monument to the creator of the famous Camembert cheese, Maria Drill.

According to statistical studies, life expectancy in countries with increased consumption of cheese is higher than in others. So it turns out that the monuments to this product are not accidentally put up.

As you know, cheese is a dairy product. But here are some useful properties hidden in this delicious product, not many know. You should know that in cheese protein, fat is 10 times more than in the "parent" -. And protein is one of the main components of our body; without it, the existence of man himself is impossible. And even despite the fact that protein can be found in various products, its value is not at all the same.

Cheese, beneficial properties

The benefits of cheese  in proteins containing amino acids like the proteins of our body. This is valuable cheese. The general picture of usefulness is tinted with fats in cheese. As you know, milk fat is completely absorbed and carries with it a large group of the most important vitamins for our body. When compared with other everyday foods, we can conclude that it is cheese that gives a person the most phosphorus and calcium. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for pregnant and lactating women, children, athletes, and various categories of people working in hard physical work.

Doctors and nutritionists are sure that cheese must be included in the diets of patients with diabetes mellitus and tuberculosis, with diseases of the biliary tract and liver, with bone fractures and with anemia. Cheese can be recommended to both young children and the elderly, that is, almost everyone. And everyone will get a good piece of useful properties from this valuable product. And all the fun is that the varieties of cheese are diverse and you never get tired of trying new ones. Some of them may like, others are not very, but they all benefit the person.

One of these varieties is Adyghe cheese, the usefulness of which is due to the fact that it is made from goat milk. Adyghe cheese is not very popular among Russians, but its benefits are undoubted. At one time, it was the main food of the inhabitants of the North Caucasus, who learned how to produce it in different forms. They smoked and dried it. And in some cases, this treatment allows you to store this valuable source of protein for up to three years. Industry does not. Therefore, the recipe for cheese, real cheese, is passed on to the family and serves as its pride. And cheese pays for love with its benefits, because to get a daily norm of calcium it is enough to eat only 80 grams of cheese.

Cheese, the benefits and harms of which are being studied by many nutritionists, is a fairly neutral product. Its main drawback is the high fat content (up to a third or more), as a result of which excessive consumption can adversely affect the human body. Pregnant women should discard the varieties of blue cheese. Since the bacteria that make this cheese healthy and tasty can have a negative effect.

Cottage cheese, useful properties

Well, who does not know the cottage cheese? Since childhood we have been stuffed with this very useful product. And although not all children treat cottage cheese equally, they simply need it. And parents have to go to all sorts of tricks in the form of jam or adding sugar. Which, ultimately, leads to a positive result.

It is interesting to know: for a long time, the concepts of cheese and cottage cheese were not separated by meaning.

Curd, good  which has been known to humans for a long time, very well helps in the growth and formation of tissues of bones and teeth, as well as nails.

The history of cottage cheese goes from ancient times. This product was also received by our distant ancestors fermenting milk. When ripening, a by-product is obtained - whey, which also has useful properties. It is used in cooking and simply drunk. The fact is that whey is useful for the elderly, children and pregnant women.

Cottage cheese, whose beneficial properties help in the formation of the body, is divided into three groups: nonfat, bold and fatty, as you understand, this division is based on the content of fat in it - 3, 9 and 18%, respectively. Another criterion for dividing is acidity; it can be used to determine two types: acid rennet and acid.

Sour cottage cheese is made from skim milk. For cooking, use fresh milk, milk powder or cream.

Like cheese, the main nutrients of cottage cheese are proteins. Even taking into account the fact that proteins enter our body with meat, grains and legumes, the curd protein stands in a separate place.

You should know that any animal protein is digested for a long time by the body, which is why vegetable protein - vegetables and greens - should be added to protein foods, in particular to meat. In ancient China, there was even a kind of execution - people were only given meat ... But when using legumes, flatulence can occur, which somewhat spoils the picture of the body's saturation with protein. Well, the curd is on the sidelines. It is easily absorbed and does not create problems.

It is known that regular use of cottage cheese in food allows you to keep the body in good shape. In this case, the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will be maintained and the nervous system will be strengthened. And this is not at all surprising, because the composition of the cottage cheese includes: lactose, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Calcium is released from minerals. Cottage cheese is a tasty way to restore its balance in our body. And his lack can result in disruption of the musculoskeletal system and cause a variety of forms of anemia.

Cottage cheese, the benefits and harms of which are completely incomparable, can hardly harm a person. But, if "the pig finds dirt everywhere", it should be said that you can not use it in very large quantities, which, however, applies to any food. Excess calcium in the body leads to kidney problems. And an excess of proteins can cause poisoning. The measure is important in everything.

In some cases, individual intolerance may occur.

When it was people who first extracted cottage cheese and tasted its amazing taste, there is no exact information, but ancient treatises tell us that our ancestors used this very tasty dairy product and even used the cottage cheese for medicinal purposes.

The food industry offers the consumer a wide range of cottage cheese and curd products. Cottage cheese is a fermented milk product and is produced by fermenting whole milk and separating whey. The mass remaining after this process is cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese is produced from various dairy raw materials, from natural milk and normalized, reconstituted and recombined, from a mix of dairy products. It is divided according to the fat content from 1.8 to 25% (there is also completely fat-free) and the quality of the raw materials. Milk for cottage cheese is used both pasteurized and whole.

The most useful outside any classification is considered homemade cottage cheese. It is made from yogurt by heating in a water bath. The protein is separated from the whey and the curd in a gauze bag is placed under pressure.

Composition and calorie content

The cottage cheese contains many useful substances for the body:

    minerals: phosphorus (27.5%), calcium (16.4%), potassium (4.5%), iron (2.2%), magnesium (5.8%), sodium (3.2%);

    amino acids (choline and methionine);

    vitamins of groups A (8.9%) and B (19.4%);

    vitamin PP (15.9%);

    casein - a unique milk protein;

    lactic acid bacteria.

The energy value (calorie content) of cottage cheese is 155.3 kcal.  100 g of product contains 16.7 g of protein, 9 g of fat and 2 g of carbohydrates.

9 useful properties of cottage cheese

  1. Replenishes the body with protein

    Cottage cheese is an excellent source of protein. On average, 100 grams of this product contains from 14 to 18 percent of proteins. Moreover, unlike products of animal origin (meat, fish or poultry), the structure of cottage cheese does not consist of tissue fibers. Therefore, the body easily assimilates and digests curd flakes, getting the necessary amount of protein - the most important component for the healthy development of all body tissues.

  2. Strengthens bone tissue

    Regular use of cottage cheese will allow you to forget about visits to traumatologists and dentists for a long time. Due to its high calcium content, cottage cheese strengthens bone tissue, minimizing the risk of bone fractures. In addition, by adding this healing product to your daily diet, you can strengthen your teeth and protect them from tooth decay.

  3. Improves liver health

    Cottage cheese contains the essential amino acid methionine, which is an excellent fat burner. It protects the liver from obesity, which can develop due to increased cholesterol or the negative effects of certain drugs or dangerous toxins on the liver. In addition, doctors recommend consuming at least 300 grams of cottage cheese daily for people who are undergoing antibiotic treatment.

  4. The benefits of cottage cheese for women and children

    Due to its rich composition, cottage cheese is extremely useful for pregnant women and nursing mothers. It fills the body with calcium and other micro and macro elements that a woman loses during pregnancy, and has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. Small children are recommended to give low-fat cottage cheese from five to seven months. The product promotes the growth and development of all body tissues, especially it is necessary for the formation of bones.

  5. The benefits of cottage cheese for the elderly

    Due to its high calcium content, regular use of cottage cheese protects older people from developing osteoporosis, the main symptom of which is brittle bones, and also strengthens teeth. Iron in cottage cheese improves blood circulation, potassium and magnesium stabilize the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and a complex of vitamins improves brain activity.

  6. Improves digestion

    Cottage cheese is included in the diet for people with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: peptic ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis, etc. It is very easily digested and does not "burden" the stomach, and the lactic acid bacteria contained in it improve intestinal motility. But for these purposes, it is best to use non-acidic cottage cheese with a minimum fat content.

  7. As a diuretic

    Due to the presence of calcium salts in the curd, it has a pronounced diuretic effect. Thanks to this, it is successfully used to treat kidney diseases and hypertension. In addition, cottage cheese is used in diet food to remove excess fluid from the body, and those who want to lose a couple of extra pounds even arrange “curd” fasting days.

  8. For healthy skin, hair and nails

    Thanks to the beneficial properties of cottage cheese, its regular addition to the diet improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails. But in addition to eating, this healing product is also used at home in the form of masks for the face, décolleté, hands and scalp. It is also part of many skin and hair care cosmetics. In addition, compresses of cottage cheese successfully treat sunburn.

  9. Cancer Prevention

    Scientific studies have shown that the use of cottage cheese prevents the occurrence of oncology. Due to the rapid saturation of the body with calcium, cottage cheese helps to eliminate free radicals, which are the main cause of cancer. In addition, this fermented milk product promotes the phagocytosis of cancer cells. What does this mean? Human immunity uses special cells - phagocytes, which track cancer cells and absorb them. After such absorption, the phagocyte must be neutralized. This is where cottage cheese comes in handy, which promotes the breakdown of such cells by active digestive enzymes.

The benefits and harms of low fat cottage cheese

There is an opinion that fat-free cottage cheese is not as tasty and healthy as fat, and does not have the same set of useful properties, since when degreasing it, all the most valuable was removed from it. This opinion is erroneous.

In its composition, fat-free cottage cheese is not inferior to fat. It contains the same vitamin group B, C and D, only vitamin A when degreasing becomes less, since it is fat-soluble and excreted along with fat. Minerals in cottage cheese are preserved, only the percentage ratio of the fat content of the product decreases.

Low-fat cottage cheese brings the same benefits as other types of cheese. Calcium strengthens the skeletal system, potassium improves the cardiovascular system, vitamins strengthen the immune system.

The only drawback of fat-free cottage cheese is that it has a low percentage of calcium absorption, but this in no way indicates the dangers of cottage cheese. Experts argue that for normal absorption of calcium by the body, cottage cheese should be not lower than 9% fat.

Low-fat cottage cheese can be harmful to the body only if a person is on a strict diet and eats only low-fat cottage cheese, without eating any other foods.

Contraindications to the use of cottage cheese

Cottage cheese brings great benefits to human health, but out of ignorance and carelessness of the consumer can also cause harm. There are some contraindications for the use of low-fat cottage cheese, below are some of them.

  1. It is worth giving up cottage cheese to people with an individual intolerance to the product.
  2. Cottage cheese can harm the body if you use a product with an expired shelf life.
  3. In the industrial production of cottage cheese, its composition may include various chemical additives to increase the shelf life and improve taste, and they can be very harmful, so you need to choose cottage cheese with a minimum content of foreign substances.
  4. Natural cottage cheese, on the contrary, has a very short shelf life and must be used within two to three days and stored only in the refrigerator.
  5. An overdose of cottage cheese is also harmful, like any other product. Its excess can adversely affect the normal functioning of the kidneys.

Otherwise, there are no contraindications. You can use cottage cheese to all people at any age, but only fresh and in moderation.

What else is useful?