What can my husband prepare for work? What to cook for a husband for work? Motivating issues

Lunch is the main meal in the afternoon. As a rule, at this moment most of us are in offices and not everyone has the opportunity to have a meal in a nearby cafe. Therefore, many caring housewives are puzzled by the question of what to choose for their chosen ones. In today's publication, the best options for what your husband can do for work will be considered.

Salad with pasta and canned tuna

This hearty dish can be made the day before and simply packaged in a container. It does not lose its taste after cooling. So, it does not need mandatory heating. Because this is one of the best options from what to cook for a husband to work if there is no microwave. To create such a salad you will need:

  • 300 g of boiled pasta;
  • 200 g of stem celery;
  • 200 g of fresh green peas;
  • 150 ml of natural yogurt;
  • 1 can of canned tuna;
  • 1 meaty bell pepper;
  • 1 tbsp. l lemon juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l mustard;
  • salt and thyme.

Boiled and washed pasta is thrown into a colander, and then combined with chopped celery and finely chopped sweet pepper. All this is complemented by mashed tuna, green peas, salt and thyme. The finished salad is seasoned with yogurt mixed with lemon juice and mustard, placed in a container and covered with a lid.

Couscous with feta cheese and champignons

This interesting and quite nutritious dish is an original combination of cereals, vegetables and mushrooms. It turns out to be very tasty and fragrant, which means that you can safely prepare it for your husband to work. To do this, you will need:

  • 50 g of feta cheese;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 5 large champignons;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • ½ cup couscous;
  • salt, greens, water and vegetable oil.

Garlic and chopped mushrooms are fried in a preheated pan. As soon as they are browned, they add tomatoes, salt and spices. All this is briefly simmered over low heat, and then supplemented with feta cheese and hot couscous, cooked in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.

Breaded Chicken Drumsticks

This option of what to cook for a husband for work for tomorrow will attract the attention of housewives who prefer to feed their family not fried, but baked food. To make such a dinner you will need:

  • 50 g of saltine crackers;
  • 4 chicken drumsticks;
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp drinking water;
  • 1 tbsp. l liquid honey;
  • 2 tbsp. l grated parmesan;
  • ½ tsp Paprika
  • by ¼ tsp garlic powder, pepper and salt.

Chicken drumsticks are freed from the skin, washed and wiped with paper towels. Each of them is dipped in a bowl in which there is a mixture of water, eggs and honey, and then rolled in a breading, consisting of crumbled crackers, salt and spices. Legs prepared in this way are laid out on a baking sheet lined with parchment and baked at 220 0 C, not forgetting to periodically turn them over so that they manage to brown evenly.

Veal and Corn Pancakes

This hearty and tasty dish does not need to be warmed up at all, which means that it will become one of the suitable options for what to cook for lunch for her husband's work. To do this, you will need:

  • 300 ml of warmed milk;
  • 120 ml of boiling water;
  • 180 g flour;
  • 2 raw eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. l Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • ½ tsp kitchen salt.

All these components are part of the test, from which pancakes will be baked. To make the filling you will need:

  • 400 g of chilled veal;
  • 1 onion;
  • 5 tbsp. l canned corn;
  • 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • salt, herbs and spices.

In a deep container connect eggs, milk and sugar. All this is supplemented with salt, oil, flour and boiling water, mix well and clean to the side. About thirty minutes later, pancakes are baked from this test and stuffed with canned corn, supplemented with finely chopped beef, fried with onions, herbs and spices. The resulting products are wrapped in envelopes and baked at 220 0 C for about a quarter of an hour.

Chicken Cutlets

This simple dish can be eaten hot or cold. Because it also falls into the list of what to cook for her husband to work. To fry such cutlets you will need:

  • 300 g chicken fillet;
  • 100 ml cream;
  • 60 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 6 prunes;
  • salt and spices.

Washed and chopped chicken fillet is poured with cream and processed using a blender. The minced meat is salted, seasoned and mixed thoroughly. As soon as it is ready, small pieces are nibbled off from it, flattened, filled with prunes and made out in the form of cutlets. In the next step, the semi-finished products are fried in preheated vegetable oil and put into a container.

Stuffed peppers

Mono safely pack these tasty and fragrant vegetables stuffed with rice and minced meat in a food container and take with them to the office. To prepare them you will need:

  • 500 g fatty pork;
  • 500 g of beef;
  • 100 g of rice;
  • 1 liter of broth;
  • 8 bell peppers;
  • 2 carrots and onions;
  • salt, spices, herbs, vegetable oil and water.

Having figured out what to prepare for the husband to work, you need to find out exactly how to do it. Washed peppers are carefully freed from the core and filled with a mixture of ground meat, boiled rice, chopped herbs, seasonings and half of passivated vegetables. After that, they are placed in a suitable dish, poured with salted broth, supplemented with onion and carrot residues and stewed under the lid for no more than an hour.

Chicken sandwich

If your chosen one flatly refuses to carry a boat with lunch to the office, then you can try to offer him sandwiches. Of course, they will not replace a full-fledged home dinner, but it is still better than shawarma, bought in a dubious eatery. To quickly prepare your husband for work, you will need:

  • 300 g of bird fillet;
  • 2 round buns;
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tomato;
  • 2 lettuce leaves;
  • 2 tsp mustard;
  • salt, seasonings and vegetable oil.

The washed fillet is twisted in a meat grinder and supplemented with an egg. The resulting minced meat is salted, seasoned, made out in the form of flat cutlets, the diameter of which corresponds to the size of the buns, and fried in hot oil. After that, they cool down and proceed to the assembly of the sandwich. Sliced \u200b\u200bin half buns, greased with mustard, covered with lettuce, sliced \u200b\u200btomato and cutlet. The finished sandwich is supplemented with the top of the bread and packaged.


Still haven't figured out what to cook for a husband for work? The pizza recipe in this case will be indispensable. Famous Italian pastries are one of the best options for a quick office snack. Moreover, it can be prepared in advance at home, and not ordered in a pizzeria. To do this, you will need:

  • 200 g of white baking flour;
  • 120 ml of milk;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • ½ tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • 1/3 tsp. salt and dry yeast.

All this is required to prepare the dough for the base. For the filling you need to prepare the following products:

  • 200 g mozzarella;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 4 large champignons;
  • 3 tbsp. l tomato sauce;
  • ½ tsp. basil and oregano.

In a volumetric bowl combine milk, yeast, salt, sugar and butter. All is well mixed with flour and hidden in the refrigerator. After some time, the dough that has approached is rolled out in a layer, placed on a baking sheet and greased with tomato sauce. Mushrooms and tomato slices are distributed on top. All this is sprinkled with grated mozzarella and dry herbs. Pizza is cooked in a moderately heated oven for no longer than twenty minutes.

Dining at the office can be a real problem if the building does not have a good dining room or a cozy cafe. But there is an excellent solution to the problem - to learn how to cook healthy and tasty dishes and take food with you.

We have collected for you recipes for the most delicious and hearty meals that you can take with you and safely go to work.

(Only 10 photos)

1. Stuffed Peppers


  • 8 bell peppers;
  • 500 g of beef or veal;
  • 500 g fatty pork;
  • 2 large carrots;
  • 2 large onions;
  • 100 g of rice;
  • 1 liter of chicken stock;
  • some parsley;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. To clear peppers from seeds and core (do not throw out caps).
  2. Finely chop the onion into cubes, chop the carrots into thin strips.
  3. In vegetable oil, fry the carrots with onions for 20 minutes over medium heat.
  4. Boil rice until half cooked and rinse under running water.
  5. Using a meat grinder, twist the meat into minced meat, add half of the onion and carrots, rice, finely chopped parsley, salt and pepper. To stir thoroughly.
  6. One secret: to make the minced meat more airy, add 2/3 of the vegetable or chicken broth to it. Mix thoroughly and whisk again.
  7. Stuff the peppers with minced meat, put them in a large pan or saucepan. Cover each pepper with a hat, add chicken stock and top with the remaining onions and carrots. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the peppers for an hour over a little less than average.

2. Seafood spaghetti


  • 100 g of spaghetti;
  • 10 g of garlic;
  • 20 g olives varieties of kalamata (ordinary can be);
  • 5 g of capers;
  • 4 tiger prawns;
  • 4 scallops;
  • 6 cherry tomatoes;
  • 10 g of basil;
  • 150-200 g of tomatoes in their own juice;
  • 20 ml of olive oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil spaghetti in salted water.
  2. In a pan with warmed olive oil, fry chopped garlic for 1-2 minutes, then remove the garlic and add the peeled tiger prawns and scallops, fry all this until tender.
  3. Cut the cherry tomatoes into halves, add to the seafood, do the same with olives and capers. Pour all this with tomatoes in your own juice and let it simmer a little.
  4. Salt, pepper, add a portion of chopped basil and boiled spaghetti. Mix.
  5. Garnish the dish with the remaining basil. Bon Appetit!

3. Chicken cutlets with prunes


  • 300 g chicken;
  • 6 pcs prunes
  • 100 ml cream;
  • 60 ml of vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Chicken fillet cut into medium cubes.
  2. Pour the cream and punch in a blender until smooth.
  3. Salt, pepper and shape cutlets with prunes inside.
  4. Fry in vegetable oil.

4. Chicago Pizza Jamie Oliver



  • 650 ml of water;
  • 7 g of dry yeast;
  • 1 tbsp. l sugar (ideally cane);
  • a pinch of salt (preferably coarse sea salt);
  • 1 kg of flour.

Tomato sauce:

  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • a pinch of dry oregano;
  • 400 g canned tomatoes in their own juice;
  • salt, pepper to taste.


  • 3 red onions;
  • 4 pork sausages in a natural shell;
  • 1 tsp smoked paprika;
  • 1 tsp fennel seed;
  • 300 g of cheese, which melts well (Jamie uses cheddar);
  • 2 pickled chili peppers;
  • 200 g of any boiled meat;
  • olive oil;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • 4 forms with high sides (diameter no more than 25 cm).

Cooking method:

  1. For the dough, mix warm water, yeast, sugar and salt in a large bowl.
  2. Pour flour into a food processor and pour water with yeast, mix thoroughly.
  3. Dust the working surface with flour, lay out the dough and knead it properly so that it becomes elastic and does not stick to the hands.
  4. Put the dough in a bowl sprinkled with flour and cover with a towel. Leave to rise for 2 hours, the dough should double in size.
  5. For tomato sauce, put all the ingredients in a blender, beat until smooth.
  6. Grease the forms with olive oil and sprinkle lightly with breadcrumbs.
  7. Divide the dough into 4 parts, form a ball from each cake. Jamie advises not to roll out the dough, but gently stretch it to the size of the form. Put the dough into molds and leave for another 15-20 minutes.
  8. Grease pizza with tomato sauce. Lay on top the sausages, sliced \u200b\u200b(sausages for each pizza), pieces of meat, thinly sliced \u200b\u200bpickled chili, cheese crumbled by hand, onions chopped into thin rings. Finish the composition with spices: grind the fennel seeds in a mortar with smoked paprika and season the pizzas.
  9. Put the pizza in the oven, preheated to 190 ° C, for 20 minutes.

5. Chinese-style seafood rice


  • 350 g of rice;
  • 700 ml of boiling water;
  • 1 lemon;
  • half a chili pepper;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 12 scallops;
  • 1 pinch of the Chinese mixture “5 spices”;
  • 30 ml of olive oil;
  • a few feathers of green onions;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. l soy sauce;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 1 tbsp. l honey;
  • 1 small bunch of cilantro.

Cooking method:

  1. Rice put in a pan and pour boiling water. Put on medium heat, cover and cook until cooked.
  2. Remove the zest from the lemon, chilli and finely chop the garlic.
  3. Spread the scallops on the work surface, carefully cutting each crosswise. Spread the zest, chili pepper and garlic evenly on the scallops. Season with Chinese seasoning, sprinkle with olive oil. Rub thoroughly into scallops and leave to marinate for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Finely chop the green onion and mix with lightly beaten eggs. Add soy sauce and a little olive oil. Mix. Pour the mixture into a pan with rice, reduce heat to a minimum, cover and cook for a few more minutes.
  5. Fry scallops in a mixture of butter and olive oil for no more than 3 minutes. At the end, pour honey and salt. Cook another minute.
  6. Put rice on a large dish in a slide, lay scallops on top. Garnish with finely chopped cilantro.

6. Ham rolls with mozzarella


  • 1 medium mozzarella (150 g);
  • 16 small (8 medium) slices of ham;
  • a handful of bitter salad (arugula or red endive);
  • 2 young onions;
  • olive oil;
  • balsamic vinegar;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the mozzarella into small cubes and dry them lightly on napkins.
  2. Wrap each mozzarella stick in a slice of ham.
  3. Finely chop the salad and put on a dish, drizzle with oil or lightly salt.
  4. Put the rolls on the salad, garnish with onions, cut into thin rings, pepper, pour oil and a little balsamic vinegar.

7. Crispy veal and corn pancakes


For pancakes:

  • 300 ml of warm milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l Sahara;
  • 0.5 tsp salts;
  • 180 g flour;
  • 120 ml of boiling water.

For filling:

  • 400 g of veal;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tbsp. l olive oil;
  • a small bunch of dill or parsley;
  • 4–5 Art. l canned corn;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • olive oil to lubricate the mold.

Cooking method:

  1. For pancakes, mix milk, eggs, butter, sugar and salt.
  2. Stir constantly, pour in the sifted flour. Stir whisk until smooth.
  3. Pour boiling water and stir again quickly. Leave for 15-30 minutes to insist, then bake pancakes.
  4. For the filling, beat off the meat with the back of the knife. Cut into small pieces.
  5. Finely chop the onion and fry for 4-5 minutes in 1 tbsp. l olive oil until golden brown.
  6. In another pan, heat the remaining oil and quickly fry the veal on all sides over high heat. Reduce heat and fry until cooked, 7–10 minutes.
  7. Finely chopped meat again. Add chopped dill, corn, fried onions, peppers and salt. Mix.
  8. Wrap the filling in pancakes with an envelope. Fold in a mold greased with olive oil, seam down. Put in the oven, heated to 220 ° C, for 10-15 minutes.
  9. Fold the finished pancakes in a food container.

8. Chicken legs breaded from crackers


  • 50 g of saltine crackers;
  • 2 tbsp. l grated parmesan or other hard cheese;
  • 0.5 tsp Paprika
  • 1/4 tsp garlic powder;
  • 1/4 tsp salt and pepper;
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp. l honey;
  • 1 tsp water;
  • 4 chicken legs.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the oven to 220 ° C.
  2. Grind crackers in a blender or using a rolling pin.
  3. Mix cracker crumbs with cheese, paprika, garlic powder, salt and pepper.
  4. Combine the egg, honey and water, mix.
  5. Peel the chicken legs, rinse and dry. Dip each leg in the egg mixture, then carefully roll in breading.
  6. Put the legs in a parchment-lined mold.
  7. Bake until golden brown for 16-20 minutes, turning over once.
  8. Put in a container so that the meat remains warm for as long as possible.

9. Rolls with cheese, mushrooms and ham


  • 8 slices of bread for toast;
  • 250 g of champignons;
  • 1 small onion;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • a few twigs of thyme;
  • 3 tbsp. l butter;
  • 10 strips of thin uncooked smoked or regular ham;
  • 35–40 g of grated hard cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1/3 Art. milk;
  • 250 g of ricotta cheese;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Preheat 2 tbsp. l butter in a pan. Add finely chopped champignons and onions, fry 3-5 minutes until soft.
  2. Chop or parsley with your hands and add to the onions and mushrooms, salt, pepper, add a couple of branches of thyme. Cook for 2-3 minutes. Thyme remove.
  3. Mix ricotta, half hard cheese and 2 slices of finely chopped ham. Add mushroom mixture and mix.
  4. Mix milk, egg and remaining hard cheese. Beat lightly.
  5. Roll out the bread with a rolling pin (roll it out!). Crusts can be cut.
  6. Put 1-2 tbsp. l toppings on the "dough". Wrap with a roll so that the seam is at the bottom. Flatten.
  7. Melt the remaining oil in a pan. Dip the rolls in the milk-egg mixture on all sides with quick movements so that the bread is not softened.
  8. Wrap the rolls in ham and fry over medium heat on all sides until golden brown, 3-4 minutes.

10. Royal borsch


  • half boiled medium beef tongue;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 1 medium-sized beet;
  • lemon juice;
  • 1 parsley root;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 6 small potatoes;
  • half bell pepper;
  • 1 can of canned beans (preferably red);
  • meat broth;
  • 1 small head of cabbage;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • freshly ground pepper mixture, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop the onion, fry in vegetable oil.
  2. Grate carrots, add to the onion. Fry for a few minutes. Add the beets grated on a coarse grater, sprinkle with lemon juice. Fry a minute. Put grated parsley root and chopped garlic.
  3. Blanch tomatoes and peel. Mash in mashed potatoes and add to the roast. Stew for 10 minutes over low heat. Salt and pepper, add 250 ml of boiling water. Simmer for another 5 minutes, remove from heat.
  4. Dice potatoes and bell peppers in large cubes, rinse the beans under running water.
  5. Bring the broth to a boil, add the frying, potatoes, bell pepper and beans. Cook for 10-12 minutes. Put julienne tongue and shredded cabbage. Cook another 10-15 minutes.

Irina: | October 15th, 2016 | 5:02 pm

I must say Moscow in 2016. My husband constantly did not have enough money for his family. They sat down and counted. It turns out that they have food in the office (in a cafe at “bargain” prices, business lunches, etc., they leave the family at best 8t.R. And it reached up to 16 t. This is a nightmare! For several months I hammered where they go the money. Now he understood. He’s having a lot of work, often there’s neither a refrigerator, nor a microwave. I’d even say that he’s not often, but almost always. He goes to different objects for the day, there may be 5 pieces. as follows: I buy a piece of meat, pork. (not semi-finished products in a vacuum) salt and pepper in a frying pan, fry. And give a boot sandwiches. 3-4 pcs. He loves meat on top and bottom bread. Sometimes I add a boiled egg, cucumber, tomato (all washed immediately), sometimes boiled young potatoes in their skins. He is still not a fan of my trays, then bring them back and wash the dishes. But the main thing is to bring them back. Thus, the food problem was solved. There are always sausages and sausages in the freezer, just in case there is no time to fry the meat. 5-10 minutes and everything is ready. This is the best food, your man is full money in the family.
Answer:  Irina, thanks for your experience! Very interesting and reasonable.

Natalya: | May 6th, 2016 | 9:18 dp

With a traveling mode of operation, it is very difficult to calculate and collect problems. Now there is no refrigerator, nowhere to warm up, sometimes even the husband is forced to put the tool in the mud - the work is such that even in the morning he does not know where and how it will work on this day. And it happens that one thing is planned, then canceled. Here's what to do? So they refused the fees of the collision. When in the office, there is a good canteen, moreover inexpensive, and as on departures, they go looking for a nutritious establishment. In an extreme case, village shops, sausages with a loaf are bought and drunk.
Answer:  Natalia, yes, the nature of the work may be different. Conflicts are not always the answer. Although, in your situation, you can advise giving alterations in a refrigerator bag and a thermos. If there is an inexpensive and good dining room at work, then this is a great option.

Olga .: | November 21st, 2015 | 12:20 pp

I constantly give my husband any homemade food with me. They have a microwave and kettle, a shelf with dishes and a refrigerator.
  So the whole team eats full-shift food in shift ... It's not even about saving ... I cook as my husband needs, taking into account his individual needs.
Answer:  Olga, yes, individual nutrition is an undoubted plus of fights :)

I: | September 29th, 2014 | 3:52 pm

My husband just didn’t work where. And the conditions were different. It happened that borsch was warming in the sun, it happened that cutlets were on a battery. But now he has a microwave at work. And he takes with himself the same as eating at home. It is put into containers, it is not far to go to work, it is put into the refrigerator there, and when it gets hungry, it is heated in the microwave.
Answer:  Yes, a great solution is to take food from home. And good savings are obtained in the end;)

Svetlana: | June 27th, 2013 | 5:04 pm

And we had one employee warming up the biscuits in a glass jar on a cast-iron battery under the window (there were no containers, lunch thermoses and microwaves at that time). The kitchen was far away and it adapted like that.

Tatyana: | January 31st, 2013 | 12:20 dp

I also collect my husband every day. But I do such preparations when I go on vacation. My husband and I can only warm up. It lasts for three weeks. For this, I even bought a large freezer.

Victoria: | December 18th, 2012 | 5:54 pm

Elena, they really have nowhere to eat (

Elena: | December 17th, 2012 | 11:56 dp

For Victoria: if there is no way to warm up, just buy a thermos. There are even special thermos lunch boxes with two or three compartments where you can put several dishes. Even a bad thermos for six hours keeps warm. A good day or two.

Anonymous: | November 8th, 2012 | 12:58 dp

i don’t collect anything separately for my husband. It's just that every time I cook dinner, I count portions so that I can eat with the whole family and take it with me to work. And I lay the finished dish on three plates: myself, my husband, a child, and a container for my husband with me. The problem of separate cooking and fees has been resolved. Fast and convenient.

Victoria: | November 7th, 2012 | 9:16 dp

The idea is very good, but here’s what to do if my husband doesn’t have a microwave at work (((And the refrigerator too, it's hard to come up with something (((

Answer: Apparently, give along only dishes that do not require heating and can be stored for some time without a refrigerator.

Maroussia: | October 2nd, 2012 | 7:48 pp

To Alexander. Pancakes are an OPTION for solving the problem of extra-home dinners. After “rocking”, do you want boiled meat? That's wonderful! Eat with pleasure and health! Just homemade pancakes are much better than purchased salads from the supermarket, and even more so stupid shawarma. Bon appetit, Alexander!

Alexander: | October 1st, 2012 | 9:02 pm

Pancakes are tin. The author, or your husband’s stomach digests fried nails, or I don’t know :)
  However, it is not for me to judge. Here is my option:
  Stew + vegetables with you on a salad.
  I take the first in the dining room. Yes, it may not be so budget-friendly, but without fried carbohydrates, which is especially important during those times when I get to the rocking chair - there boiled chicken breasts seem to be very tasty meat food, and fried beef steak - poison :) Well, it’s understandable - the liver is without fries straining.
  The bonus here is such an effect: soup and second meal at different times, i.e. there are no states "overeating" and "hungry by the evening."
  The stock is also made for a week with the only difference that it is not laid out in portions, as for an astronaut.

Answer: I would not compare homemade pancakes with fried nails. Believe me, pancakes are tastier :)

Jane: | July 18th, 2012 | 5:32 dp

the idea is certainly not bad .... but still it’s for a snack with tea, and not for the main high-grade lunch (lunch should preferably include a first course + salad or a first course + second. Whoever you like. But pancakes are still a dry meal, not every stomach will have benefit)

Katama: | June 28th, 2012 | 2:37 pm

I recently quite unexpectedly had a new incentive to supply my husband with food when he goes to work.
  In their office (that is, in the editorial office), few people bring lunch with them. Not everyone has wives, someone has a wife far away, someone just rarely cooks.
So, it turns out, they decided to ask each other before dinner: “Does your wife love you today?” Accordingly, who they love, they stay and eat what they bring with them. Those who do not like - go to the inferior dining room.
  It touched me so much that now I’m even more trying to cook "scraps" every day))

Answer: how cute:)

Svetlana: | June 21st, 2012 | 3:59 pm

Dasha, I am delighted. I got to your site recently, but already took a lot into service.
  Question: Do I need to remove the film after the pancakes freeze. Or leave it like that.

Answer: Svetlana, thanks! It is better not to remove the film, it is more convenient to store in it. I take it off immediately before defrosting.

Violetta: | June 15th, 2012 | 11:07 dp

and I just put some of the dinner in my lunch container. I cook 2 second at once, and so that they are enough for 3 days each. I don’t have pancakes, as my husband I don’t know, but I wouldn’t have enough. so I carry with me jars of the second (side dish + meat) and sometimes, if there is, a salad.

Jana: | May 28th, 2012 | 8:06 dp

Dasha, it’s not the first day that I have been impressed by how well you do your household chores.

I have a question about heating pancakes, do you just defrost it in a special mode or just warm them in the microwave?

Answer: I have a special “defrost” mode in the microwave. I set it for 10 minutes, during which time the pancakes manage to not only unfreeze, but also heat up.

Tatyana: | May 21st, 2012 | 4:56 pm

Thank you very much for your inspirational ideas !!!

Dasha: | April 27th, 2012 | 5:42 dp

Hope, there has not been a new comment in this thread yet. But if you got mine now, then everything works. If not, please let me know. I will sort this out.

Hope: | April 26th, 2012 | 2:34 pp

Dasha, good afternoon! Please tell me why I registered on your site, but I do not receive new comments.

Hope: | April 25th, 2012 | 12:02 pm

Dasha, good afternoon! I’m just amazed. What clever woman are you. I really give my husband a "confusion" as well, but not always. But your idea is "an incentive for cooking." Well, this is something :))). I will definitely take myself into service

Mira: | April 20th, 2012 | 7:08 pm

Dasha, please tell me, how long can I keep stuffed pancakes in the freezer? I’m going to bake pancakes the other day, so I can quickly get it and warm it up)))

Answer: it depends on how you stuff them. But at a standard temperature of -18 degrees in the refrigerator, it’s definitely not less than a month.

Lu: | April 20th, 2012 | 7:08 pm

Great idea!
I have long wanted to ask what the word ‘brakes’ is educated from? ‘Errors’ is understandable))), but the brakes have kept me at a loss for weeks.

Answer: I heard the version that this word came from a professional vocabulary of truckers. The food collected on the road was eaten during parking. From here and the etymology of the word: slow down to dine. Accordingly, the problems are brakes.

Lyudmila: | April 17th, 2012 | 12:53 pm

I’m just in a pleasant surprise how big you are smart !!! Such a job turned !!!
  Thank you very much!
  For so long I wanted to start making a menu for a week and buying products for a week so as not to run around with my child and shopping bags - and here is your site !!! Find!

Answer: I'm glad, Lyudmila, that my experience may come in handy :) For me, making the menu is also a big relief and a way to save time and effort. Thanks for the kind words:)

Maria: | April 17th, 2012 | 6:21 dp

And I’m not really worried about the preparation of "butterflies".
  When preparing dinner, I hope so that my husband would have enough the next day to work, or I’ll prepare a new side dish, but meat too. But at the same time every evening a new dinner is required

Answer: this is also a variant of the "conflict". I also do such things: in a container from the remnants of yesterday's dinner. But these residues do not always remain. Then homework in the freezer really helps out.

Lena: | April 16th, 2012 | 5:47 pp

Dasha, just a terrific idea with envelopes! Husband has long hinted about mistakes. Now you threw me the idea of \u200b\u200bmotivation :)
  Thank you very much for the site! After the session, I have plans to master the menu for a week with your help :)

Answer: I will always be happy to help!

Tati: | April 13th, 2012 | 1:22 pp

Ahhhh, I’m too shy to eat MCH at work ... So he spends money on a cafe. In Moscow, this pours a pretty decent amount ...

Answer: and what is shy here? On the contrary, one must be proud that he has such a caring girl.

Lyudmila: | April 10th, 2012 | 8:39 pp

Dasha, I’ve been trying to fix the menu for a month for a long time, but for now it’s hard for me. I’ll start, perhaps, with a week, and oh it will be good. Thanks for the wonderful site.

Answer: Lyudmila, the menu is best for just a week. A month is too long; there is nothing to foresee. If you have questions - please contact, I will help than I can :)

Anonymous: | April 10th, 2012 | 8:45 dp

Asya: | April 9th, 2012 | 12:51 pm

i join in the thanks for the word "mess"!

Elena: | April 9th, 2012 | 3:57 dp

Great idea! My husband and I work together, so if you do not cook lunch in the office, then lunch outside the office will be very expensive. It never occurred to me to make such a positive accent. Because as usual it was an upset that you had to go to a cafe and spend money. thank

Liu: | April 8th, 2012 | 4:53 pm

And I call the batter just “lunch”)
  accordingly, I cook separately porridge and something meat to it. True, it’s easier here. If I don’t put dinner to my husband, he will be too lazy to go look for food and just sit hungry)))

Maria: | April 8th, 2012 | 11:28 dp

Oh, what I loved your site to just no words .. Everything is very simple, affordable, no extra "water". Everything about the case. You are our little work, thank you!

Olli: | April 8th, 2012 | 3:12 dp

Dasha, bravo! As an ardent admirer of “conversion” I find your idea with two envelopes excellent and witty, as a lover of “gambling with money” I’ll take it into service, though in a different area (my guys just have no lunch option except for fights). By the way, your term "confusion" has taken root in our country and with my light hand went for a walk in my friends and acquaintances. So, it’s quite possible that somewhere in your declining years you will be proud to tell your grandchildren that you have become the author of the word included in all dictionaries. Good luck, Dasha. And thank you very much for your work.

Answer: the word "confusion" is not my invention, I remember it from childhood. I didn’t even expect that someone didn’t know him :) Perhaps these are features of the Belarusian language? I also try to turn the economy from a dull activity into a game of chance, so there are more chances that the set storage goals will be achieved. But like any Plyushkin, I always regret money for "pampering" myself. I noticed that some purely female joys, like the tenth lipstick, going to a beauty salon, cream for the “left heel”, another scarf, etc. almost disappeared from my life. In this way, I force myself to spend money on myself, too. Emotionally helps a lot :)

Natalya: | April 7th, 2012 | 6:25 pm

Dasha, please write how you cook the chicken and sour cream filling. I didn’t find your site in a search ...

Answer: options for chicken fillings can be found here -. The amount of sour cream, salt, pepper and other seasonings (herbs or garlic) to taste.

Olga: | April 7th, 2012 | 4:26 pp

Great idea, thanks !!!

Hope: | April 7th, 2012 | 12:00 p.m.

oh, good thing, I am preparing your “pizzas” and pies, delicious, my husband really doesn’t take food with me. (The working conditions are such that there’s nowhere to heat up and he somehow doesn’t want to eat one of his own but I honestly can’t burn all .. generally so far this question is open with us ..

Olga: | April 7th, 2012 | 10:59 dp

Eh, such a confrontation will not be enough for my husband. Yes, and a week to eat pancakes can not stand :-)

Answer: the weight of one such conflict is more than 600 - 650 grams. Given that two of them are with meat and two are sweet, this is enough for quick saturation, and to maintain a feeling of satiety until the end of the working day. These are homemade pancakes, large and generous in filling :) And a week to eat only pancakes is really too much. But they do not have to be given every day. For such a case, I have pies, meatballs, pizza, cheesecakes and much more on the little thing in the freezer.

Men are gentle and addicted. And they are ridiculously naive. Some husbands sincerely believe that they are the breadwinners of the family. Naive. Are they breadwinners? Miners - yes. But not the breadwinners. The true nurse, we are gentle and weak, but so caring. It is not for nothing that the wife is considered the keeper of the hearth, and the food prepared by her hands is the best food for her husband.

And while the wife at home, observing the ritual established for centuries, cooks, serves (feeds, in a word), the husband feels himself to be a king and God. But as soon as this ritual stops, the man gets lost, falls into spleen and becomes the most dissonant creature in the world. That's why we fly from work on all wings in order to catch dinner and spin around our beloved in ritual dances. The main thing is that he should be full, satisfied with his life, and happy.

All this, of course, is good at home. And at work? At the same time, at our husband’s work, we cannot please him, acting as an excellent cook and a helpful waitress. And they would like that. But, alas, not all cats have Shrovetide. And during working hours, men not only rest from their wives, but also frankly suffer without homemade food. However, believe me, everything is fixable. And if your man is pathologically dependent on your kitchen, then to preserve his mental and physical health, it is worth starting to cook his meals. So what kind of food can become the best and most convenient (both for him and for you). Let's figure it out.

Tasting preferences of men

Naturally, it is precisely on them that they will first have to be guided. What kind of food does he like best? He can not do without the hot? Or is your man a fan of delicious sandwiches? Or maybe he loves homemade pies? Or can not imagine life without meat? In any case, you need to consider husbands culinary preferences.

  • Option one. First how food to work husband

Do not be alarmed - everything is not so scary. If your man is without complexes, and his own stomach is more dear to him than public opinion, then you can safely cook your husband first work dishes. No one argues that such food is the best for a man. And if the working conditions allow you to warm the soup, then this is the most compromise option. Uncomfortable to carry. Well, that is also true. But, firstly, you can buy a special compact thermos for first courses, and secondly, you can cook mashed soups, which are thicker, and often tastier than regular soups.

  • You can’t live in the world without meat ...

Does your husband not imagine his existence without a juicy chop? What a score. Yes, yes, do not be surprised. Meat, as a meal for a husband’s work, is a very convenient option, especially for you. Well, firstly, cutlets - economically, satisfying, tasty. All kinds of chops and langets - quickly and prestigiously. And just a piece of boiled meat will not leave your man hungry and unhappy.

  • I am the sausage king

Loves your missus sausage? Then prepare him lunch for work - a trifling matter. I cut off a piece of sausage, a chunk of fresh loaf - and here she is, her husband’s food for work. True, it is possible to diversify a sandwich with cheese and fresh vegetables, so it’s not difficult for us either - it would be sweet full.

  • Pie happiness

If you know how and love to bake, then your man is doubly lucky: his wife is beautiful, and her hands are golden. And the husband will not have problems with preparing lunch for work: today - a pie with meat, tomorrow - pies with cabbage, and the day after tomorrow - pies with fish. True, such food in the near future will make your husband look like a rich bagel. So what? You will love him anyway?

Working conditions and food

Of course, they don’t argue about tastes. Therefore, anything you can love your beloved, and you will also cook this “anything”. However, our culinary preferences are not always appropriate in the working environment. Therefore, choosing what kind of food will be prepared by you as a business lunch, clarify the situation.

Your man is an office worker. If a decent dining room or buffet is not nearby, then her husband will have to wear lunch "in the portfolio." Many advanced offices have their own "home" kitchen, or just a microwave. Then you can safely cook him dishes that you need to eat hot - soups, goulash, saltwort and so on and so forth. As an option - do not cook on purpose, but give along what is already cooked for lunch or left after dinner. True, there is one “but”. Still, not every man is ready to give a damn about the opinions of those around him and have lunch right in the office, taking out small dishes, jars and bags.

Therefore, if your husband is such an esthete, then limit yourself, for example, to hot sandwiches, a piece of meat casserole or a hearty salad in an airtight food container. By the way, you will have to admit that this food is most suitable for your husband for a meal during the lunch break if your man does not have the opportunity to warm the food.

Your man is not an office worker. That is, the husband has to work in conditions that are, to put it mildly, uncomfortable. Again, if there is an opportunity to eat in the dining room (and if the food there is quite edible), then convince the man that lunch is best there. If he insists on home dinners, then it is best to get a special thermos and learn how to bake. A hot first course will definitely brighten it up already hard working days, and home-baked pastries will give strength and cheer up. And do not forget that the husband should not only have food with him, but also hygiene products (paper and wet hand wipes, a garbage bag, etc.).

That is, you have to choose from two options. Either you cook your husband hot and tasty meals for work with your husband, or equally tasty dishes that can be eaten cold.

Hot dinners

The first thing that comes to mind is soups and borscht. Yes, of course, this is a great option if your man prefers to eat just such dishes at work. Do not be old-fashioned and refuse glass jars with lids in this case. Get a special thermos for hot dishes or an airtight container. Offer your husband to take instead of bread homemade crackers or croutons for soup. And try to cook mashed soup at least once. After all, there are a great many recipes for such soups.

And another misfortune of such dinners is the possibility of quick souring. Therefore, try to ensure that the food prepared by her husband for work, was without perishable ingredients. For example, soup without carrots. You can cook it, of course, with carrots. But put it in the broth as a whole, and then just take it out of the soup.

From the hot second, give preference to sausages or sausages, meatballs or chop with any side dish: mashed potatoes, beans, pasta (oh, how men love pasta!), Rice or buckwheat. You can make your husband a meat or vegetable casserole and even pasta casserole for work.

But, unfortunately (or fortunately) not every man will take the soup with him to work. Therefore, most often the best food is not liquid soups or even mashed potatoes or porridge. Most often, a man prefers to eat at lunchtime what you can eat without a plate and without a spoon.

Food without a plate and without a spoon

What would be cooked so that the husband did not bother with the dishes? Naturally, sandwiches. Familiar cheese and sausage - this, of course, is convenient. But you will not feed your husband daily only with such sandwiches. Therefore, as one of the options for lunch at work - sandwiches with filling. Firstly, you can prepare a special sandwich paste, for example, liver paste. Spread two slices of bread with such a paste and lay one on top of the other so that there is bread without “brushing” on top and bottom. Another option is a shawarma type sandwich. Take a long baguette, cut off the tips from it, take out the bread crumb from them and put inside any filling (meat with vegetables, for example).

Another meal option for her husband’s work is a pita sandwich. Make some suitable filling (sausage, cheese and mayonnaise, chicken and ketchup) and wrap it in pita bread. And you can spend one evening and bake a mountain of pancakes. Then you need to cook different fillings for pancakes: an egg with rice, minced meat, cottage cheese. After that, screw pancakes for the future and send them to the refrigerator. And you will only have to take pancakes out of the freezer in advance (in the evening), and in the morning supply your husband with such a homely and tasty dinner.

And, of course, pies and pies. Believe me, no normal man will refuse to eat homemade cakes for lunch. Moreover, the husband’s pies for work can be made with completely different fillings, they can be fried or baked in the oven. True, you can’t make many pies for the future. And this is perhaps the only negative for you.

In addition to pies and pancakes, try to offer your husband to take cottage cheese pancakes or pancakes with him to work. Cook the meat in batter or just boil the chicken or veal - the boiled meat is tasty and cold. By the way, in batter, you can still cook sea fish or cauliflower, cheese or chicken.


For some men, such a meal can be a full meal, for others - just a complement to the main course. Try to make your husband a hearty salad with potatoes or meat, salads with chicken (smoked or boiled), salads with cheese, salads with ham, salads with crab sticks. It can be a well-known olivier in any interpretation, and a herring under a fur coat, and “mimosa”.

As a supplement, and in order to diversify the dryer, prepare your husband for work vegetable salads: cabbage, beetroot, carrot. Cook them with mayonnaise, with vegetable oil, with mustard, but only without onions and garlic. In general, try not to put strongly-smelling products in salads, because you don’t want your faithful to be afraid to open his mouth for the rest of the working day.

As an option of salads - roll or pita bread envelopes with salad filling. Very convenient food, so that you could take it with you and eat: salad immediately with bread. And the complexity of cooking is an excuse for the lazy. If you prepare all the ingredients for salads in advance (boil and cut) and keep in the refrigerator in separate containers, in the morning you will only have to mix and season the salad.


To class

Husbands spend a lot of time at work. At home, they only manage to have breakfast and dinner in the late evening. So that the husband does not harm his health and does not spoil the stomach, he should in no case skip lunch meals.

Each caring wife should prepare dinner for her husband to work in advance, because taking food with you from home is much more beneficial and cheaper than eating in cafes and canteens.

Since everyone has different working conditions, we will consider several options for a working lunch “with you”.

What to cook with her husband when food can be warmed up?

The lucky ones, who have the opportunity in the working conditions to warm up lunch in the microwave, can take almost any dish with them.

It is most convenient to cook dinner in the evening with the expectation that there will be portions for tomorrow's lunch for work. So cook whatever you want!

Do not forget that the best lunch is soup. Get plastic containers with clothespins for your husband and then the soup will definitely not pour out from there! In another container, which can be heated in the microwave, put the second. For the second, you can make mashed potatoes with sausages or meatballs, chicken with pasta, etc.

What to take to work where there is no microwave?

It also happens that there is no microwave at work. Of course, you can buy it, but not in all organizations, because of the specifics of the work, they allow it to be used.

If you give some sandwiches to your husband for work, then he will ruin the stomach. So cook besides them something else.

Buy, or bake yourself, pancakes with cottage cheese, meat, condensed milk, etc. Let them always lie in your freezer. In the morning, fry them, and the husband will eat them with tea for lunch.

Make pizza with a variety of toppings.

If cold side dishes are unpleasant, then meat and fish can be prepared so that the food is tasty and in a cooled version. It is also necessary to give my husband a variety of hearty salads!

During the lunch break at work, many have a snack in a cafe or run to the supermarket for sandwiches and salad. We suggest bringing food from home. It is much more useful and cheaper than lunch in a cafe and food from the store. We will cook dinner in the office in the evening and we promise that you will not spend 20 minutes cooking!

We present 5 hearty and original dishes for lunch at work.

1. Avocado Salad

Put a handful of washed and dried spinach in a paper towel in a resealable container. Peel and slice a small avocado, cut 4-6 strawberries. Cut the chicken breast into small pieces, pepper, salt and fry in oil over medium heat until tender, minutes 4-5. Put the chicken on a separate plate, let it cool, and then transfer it to the container. The simplest dressing for any salad is 3 parts of olive oil and 1 part of lemon juice. Season the salad and you're done!

Cherry will go in the beginning of summer! Do not miss the moment and prepare an original salad with chicken, cherries, tomatoes and bell peppers. We wash the vegetables and berries, dry and cut into slices, from the cherry we select the seeds. Chicken fillet can be boiled, baked, but it is better to simply fry the slices in a pan until golden brown. Before frying, chicken should be salted and pepper. We mix everything and put it in a food container with a lid. If you do not have cherries, then season this salad without berries with mayonnaise, or add sweet grapes and season with olive oil.

Fry pieces of any meat, fish or poultry. Add washed and chopped vegetables, onions, favorite sauce. We wrap everything in pita bread and you're done! It is convenient to take a hearty sandwich with meat and vegetables not only for work, but also for a picnic or on a trip.

You will make such a salad in 10 minutes and no cooking, frying! Ready-made crackers can be bought in the store, if you wish, choose with taste. We cut the tomatoes and crab sticks, grate the yellow cheese. Season the salad with mayonnaise and mix. By the way, if the salad is laid out in layers, you get a great holiday dish! Take note!

5. Pasta with zucchini, goat cheese and peas

Boil the pasta according to the instructions on the package. While the pasta is cooked, sauté the diced ham in a pan, add chopped zucchini and sun-dried tomatoes. Put peas and pasta to the finished ingredients, warm. Add goat cheese in pieces to the finished dish. Cool and pack in a container. At work, it will be enough to slightly warm in the microwave.

Husbands spend most of the day at work. At home they have breakfast in the morning, and only have dinner in the late evening. If you skip lunch meals regularly, you can be very harmful to your health. That is why caring wives think that they can cook their husband for work for lunch every day.

An alternative may be food in the dining room or cafe, but homemade food is more healthy and cost-effective. Everyone has different working conditions, so we decided to consider all the options in order to choose the best option for what to cook for my husband for work (recipes in detail).

What to eat to work, if you can warm up

If your husband has a microwave installed at work, you can cook him almost any dish. It can be a variety of soups, borscht, a side dish with meat, meatballs, etc. Now they are selling containers with special clamps that tightly close the dishes and prevent the liquid from pouring out.

The only negative of such dinners is a quick souring. Try to use only fresh, non-spoilable foods as ingredients. If you are cooking soup, then cook it without carrots. Just put it in its entirety and remove it from the soup at the end.

For the second, cook sausages, chops, sausages, meatballs. Put a side dish to them. It can be cereals, pasta, beans and potatoes.

What to eat without a microwave

For some, the working conditions are such that there is no way to warm the food. Eating only sandwiches can spoil the stomach, but if you diversify your diet with homemade pancakes with meat, cottage cheese, jam or condensed milk, you can eat well at lunch. Fry the pancakes and freeze the toppings in the refrigerator. In the morning you only need to heat them until a golden crust forms. You can bake pizza with mushroom, cheese, meat filling on your own.

Prepare a liver paste or other sandwich paste to take with you in a jar and spread on bread just before lunch.

Sandwiches with pita bread

For variety, make a pita sandwich. For the filling, use whatever your husband loves. Transfer chicken or beef meat with mayonnaise, chopped cucumbers and tomatoes. Add lettuce and ketchup. For fish lovers, prepare pita bread with fillet of pink salmon or other fish and add cream cheese to them. This is a very tasty and satisfying dish.

In general, pita bread can serve as the basis for any salad. Just wrap in it what your husband likes. This also applies to conventional vegetable slices. Grate beets, prepare a salad of apples with carrots and cabbage or cucumbers and tomatoes. Only now, most likely, garlic and onions will have to be removed from these recipes. Your faithful will have to communicate with people all day and it is better if he feels comfortable.

Hearty Salads for Lunch

Some men cannot imagine lunch without various salads with meat, cheese, smoked or boiled chicken. Crab sticks, ham, peas also make the salad very satisfying.

What to eat to work depending on taste preferences

A woman should know if her man can do without the first, side dish. Maybe he is a lover of hearty sandwiches or meat in its purest form. We will analyze each case separately.

To lovers of soups and borsch

What if your man cannot imagine life without the first? Feel free to cook these dishes! Food can be poured into a container or a special thermos with a wide mouth. If you warm up lunch - not a problem, a wide horizon of actions is open for you. If there is no stove or microwave, you can cook mashed soups. They are thicker and often much tastier than usual soups.

Meat every day

Fans of meat products are much easier to live. Meat as a lunch for work is a simple and convenient option for a conversation. Cook the cutlets and freeze them in the freezer. Pour out and fry as needed. Make sandwiches with chops and langets. Even just a boiled piece of meat will quickly and permanently satisfy hunger. Instead of meat, you can use sausage, diversifying it with cheese, vegetables.

Pies and pies

Baking is the best option for those who have to stay at work all day. Meat eaters will like it, and those who prefer vegetables will eat it. Just cook the stuffing that your husband likes: meat, fish, nut, cabbage, potato, etc.

If you want your man to become dependent on your kitchen, do not be lazy and carefully think over what your husband can prepare for work. To do this, you should find out his preferences and take into account tastes.