What is grappa. Grappa drink - Italian and Crimean "grape vodka"

Grappa - grape vodka- enough Reviver, its strength is from 40 to 60 degrees. The basis for the preparation of grappa is the pulp - this is the pomace of twigs, berries and grape seeds of one or more varieties, pressed after pressing for wine. The pulp is treated with steam and diluted with water, after which yeast is added to it and left for fermentation for a while. The technology of distillation of grape grappa is no different from the process of obtaining armagnac, vodka or cognac, spirits for the preparation of grappa are taken in medium fractions, very soft and clean. After distillation, the drink is aged from six months to one and a half years in barrels made of Limousine, Nevers and Sherry oak varieties.

Grappa Aromatica is made from especially fragrant grape varieties such as Prosecco or Muscatel, while Grappa Aromatisata is infused with various fruits and herbs. In Italy, grappa is common everywhere, especially in the northern regions, since it is in them that grapes are obtained with an ideal acidity for grappa. But the place of origin is the city of Bassano del Grappa, located in the Veneto region. The Nonino family from Friuli had a special influence on the production and distribution of grappa. The Nonino distillery was founded in 1897. Spouses Nonino, Benito and Giannola, developed special kind grappa, made from a single grape variety, called "Monovitinho Nonino" and has become very popular in Italy. And in 1984, the Noninos were the first in Italy to make grape distillate not from pulp, but from whole berry grapes. Grappa Nonino today enjoys special recognition among connoisseurs of this drink, but at the same time it is quite expensive.

Grappa Alexander, another well-known variety of this drink, is made by Boteggo Distillery, founded in 1977. Aldo Bottega, and later his son Sandro, turned the "peasant drink" into one of the types elite alcohol improving its production. Grappa Platinum, one of the brainchild of Boteggo, has become very popular in Russia. Today grappa Alexander has become a premium drink, and not only in terms of cost - its price overtakes prestigious brands of whiskey and cognac, but also in terms of taste. Grappa Enrico Fossi is another popular variety of this drink, produced near Florence, in the town of Signa. Its main difference from other types of grappa is the unusual design of the bottles. Enrico Fossi, the owner of the company, comes up with the spectacular names of his varieties himself, and in the design of the labels there is always some saying, quote or aphorism, selected in accordance with the nature and history of the drink.

On Russian market Italian grappa is a fairly new product, so many are wondering: how to drink grappa? Grape grappa is an excellent digestif that goes well with coffee and desserts, and some varieties of this drink can also be consumed as an aperitif. The temperature of its serving depends on the exposure time of grappa: the longer the exposure, the higher the temperature. Aged grappa, as a rule, is not cooled, but it is customary to serve transparent young grappa at a temperature of 8-10 °.

Usually Italian grappa use in pure form without mixing, but there are several popular recipes cocktails containing grappa vodka. For example, a Grappatto cocktail consists of 3 parts grappa and 1 part Amaretto liqueur. Grappa julep is made by mixing grape vodka with sugar and mint leaves. Also, Italian grappa can be combined with any juice, for example, with pomegranate or grapefruit.

It is not difficult to buy grappa today, it is quite popular and often found on sale. The price of grappa varies from 1,300 to 10,000 rubles. per bottle, depending on the aging period and the manufacturer's company, so each buyer will be able to choose a drink to his taste and budget.

A real Italian cannot imagine a home party or a family evening without a bottle of fragrant and strong grappa, also known as Italian grape vodka. Grappa drink is traditional for Italy, it began to be made after mastering the technology of wine distillation. At first, vodka was considered exclusively a peasant drink, but later it got to the doges. Subsequently, the grappa drink became a kind of symbol Italian winemaking and largely corresponds to the traditions of the peninsula and the mentality of the Italians themselves.

Origin of the drink

When exactly the Italian grape vodka appeared is unknown. At first, its production was a rational source of waste disposal from winemaking - pomace of berries, seeds, ponytails. Later, the grappa drink became profitable, raw materials, previously considered waste, became a source of money and later even acquired its own name - marc (French). The drink was made specifically for the peasants, but it fell in love with the mass consumer and was put into production along with wines.

The birthplace of Italian grape vodka is the city of Bassano del Grappa, on the slopes of Mount Grappa. Now the drink is shipped all over the world and is considered status. Among grappa, it also found its place, because it retains notes specific variety grapes from which it was made. Among tourists, the drink is one of the most popular souvenirs. However, Italian grape vodka has earned the greatest popularity in numerous provincial towns throughout Italy and is the most massively consumed type of alcohol.

Vodka or brandy?

Paradoxically, Italian grape vodka is in fact a drink comparable to brandy. The recipe for vodka is in many ways similar to the moonshine brewing procedure and meets the standards for this drink, that is, a strength of about 45-50 degrees. Sommeliers and winemakers are still arguing about where grappa should be taken, since it is distinctive and unique in production. Many households do not disclose the recipe for vodka, in Italy there are even competitions between manufacturing cities.

Grappa, whether it is vodka or brandy, absorbs the taste and aroma of the grape variety that became the basis for the drink. Young grappa, which is less than a year old, really looks like ordinary moonshine, has a high strength, sharp taste, transparent color and bright aroma. A more aged drink casts a rich amber color, has mild taste with pronounced notes of flowers, berries and jasmine, it is easy to drink, does not contain a sharp aroma of ethyl and really more like a good brandy.

How is grappa vodka made?

In many ways, the production of Italian grape vodka does not differ from that in the CIS. Raw materials are grape pomace. For more prestigious types of grappa, those marcs are chosen that contain up to 40% grape juice, add some bones. Initially, the vodka recipe included all waste, but later production became cleaner. Raw materials are fermented, after which they are kept from 3 to 18 months, depending on the grape variety, classification and preferences of the buyer. Oak is used as a material for barrels, then grappa vodka gets saturated

Age matters

The older the grappa, the brighter and richer its taste. The question of how vodka is made largely depends on what kind of in question. For young vodka, barrels can be made of metal, since no special aging is required. This is allowed by mass producers. Households, family businesses that own small vineyards prefer to stick to old recipe vodka and do not retreat from it.

Varieties of vodka

There are several varieties of grappa, from cheaper options that are almost indistinguishable from ordinary vodka, except for the grape flavor, to a status drink that deserves a place in even the most sophisticated wine collection. Grappa is divided according to the following classification:

  • Giovane (bianco), Italian grape vodka, the name of which literally means "white" or "transparent" - the youngest drink, is valued for its low cost, but has a sharp taste, which is why sommeliers are unloved.
  • Affinata in legno - This drink has been aged in oak barrels for at least 6 months.
  • Invecchiata - according to collectors, the most affordable grape vodka in terms of price and quality, aged throughout the whole year, has a mild taste, but not as pronounced as that of affinata in legno, which is considered a more feminine drink.
  • Stravecchia, literally "old" - the most aged Italian vodka, this drink is stored for 18 months, has a rich amber color and is very spicy aroma grapes and spices.

Bright aroma

Depending on the variety, the product is also divided into the following types:

  • Aromatica, contains about 60% grape waste of one variety - Muscatel or Prosecco. Very flavored drink, which is closer to wines than to vodka.
  • Aromatizzata, unlike the usual one, appeared in the south of Italy, a region rich in fruit trees. The drink is infused with fruits, as well as fruit pomace. It has a bright light aftertaste and a more delicate aftertaste.
  • Monovitigno - Italian vodka, which contains more than 80% pomace from one variety, which makes the taste of the drink brighter, more common in the north, which is why taste palette sourness prevails.

In addition, grappa is subdivided depending on the region of manufacture, as each household adds something different to the vodka recipe. Muscat varieties have a brighter sweet aftertaste, white varieties - sour. Regardless, a good grappa always leaves an almond aftertaste.

Useful properties and taste palette

Like wine products, grappa has antiseptic, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties. With moderate consumption, Italian grape vodka can improve blood circulation, improve the functioning of the central nervous system and promote the outflow of bile from the body. Of course, for drinking it is better to choose more aged types of drink, they have a softer taste and richer flavors in the palette.

The taste of vodka depends on the variety that became the basis for production. Grappa is sourer in the north, sweeter and spicier in the south. In France, they make their own analogue of the drink, which has a viscous flavor of spices and is made from more dark varieties grapes. Initially, grappa was used as an original product, which was served both with fish and meat. Later, it became the basis for a number of recipes for hot dishes, including marinated meat. Now it is used even in cocktails, where it replaces regular vodka.

How to drink grappa in Italian?

In modern Italy, the drink is served as a digestif, that is, "aftertaste", at the end of the main meal. In this case, it replaces the usual. For more affordable types of grappa, there is a universal drinking formula - serve chilled, without mixing. In this case, the taste of ethyl will be less noticeable, and the taste of grapes will begin to prevail in the palette. More status types of vodka are served at room temperature, without any snack, so that a person can fully appreciate the taste of the drink and its aftertaste.

It is noteworthy that vodka is served in special glasses, which are called grappa glasses. They have the shape of a tulip, with a narrower neck so that the aroma of the drink is more noticeable. Traditionally, before serving, it is slightly cooled, the glass is filled by two-thirds, and served to all guests on one dish. Drink a drink like good wine- savoring both taste and aroma, holding the glass exclusively by the stem. After this, the host is thanked for the meal. It is extremely impolite to leave unfinished vodka in a glass - this is a sign of disrespect for the owner.

Part of tradition

The Italians have an interesting tradition, which is literally called "wash the cup." According to her, the drink is poured into espresso cups, thanks to which coffee residues are washed off. As a result, there was a fashion to add grape vodka to black coffee. Italians do not consider grappa too strong, and therefore they drink it as an aperitif, at lunchtime and even in the afternoon. This unique product, which, like whiskey or brandy, has become a kind of calling card countries. Grape vodka remains one of the most successful gifts as a souvenir from Italy, and therefore has gained considerable popularity not only in the West, but also in the CIS countries. This drink is worth a try!

Grappa is a symbol of Italy. This product of the alcohol industry comes from poor peasant families who have learned the secrets of distillation. Today, centuries later, it is sold along with elite, expensive alcoholic beverages, and you can find it on the shelves with wine. Looking at the label, which says that the drink is forty degrees, you can assume that this is just vodka produced according to Italian technology. There are similarities in manufacturing, but still this is not vodka, but grappa. What is this? You can find out from our article.

Grappa - what is it?

The taste of this drink directly depends on the grape variety that was used for preparation. Initially, grappa was considered a purely masculine and cheap drink. Its taste was hard, the fortress interrupted the aroma of grapes, it was possible to drink it only in one gulp. This continued until the mid-sixties, until the Italian winemakers saw in the grappa "gold mine". They quickly began to decorate the drink, first they changed the rough glass containers for elegant bottles, and then they began to improve the technology of preparation.

Grappa - what is it today? In modern times, it is a purebred alcoholic drink produced in Italy. Bottles with it flaunt in expensive bars, now it has come out of the shadows and has become an elite drink that is drunk according to the rules. We will talk about how to drink grappa in the future content of the article.

How is grappa prepared?

When making wine, a lot of waste remains, these are the skin, bones, combs and small remnants of the pulp. Why throw away such goodness, if many centuries ago people found a use for this "garbage" and even gave it a name - cake, chacha ( Georgian name) and many foreign names. By the way, what is the difference between grappa and chacha? Is the drink prepared using a similar technology and from the same raw material? You can find out about this and much more in the following content.

So, cake - the residue from the production of wine, is treated under pressure with water vapor, after which the liquid is fermented using granulated sugar and wine yeast. Subsequently, the process of distillation takes place in distillation columns with a continuous cycle, or in almabics (copper cubes intended for distillation).

The resulting distillate is too strong - about 80 degrees. In this form, it is impossible to consume it, and it is dangerous, so the process of dilution from 39 to 55 degrees takes place.

What is the difference between the new technology and the old one?

There are many varieties of grappa, and none of them is considered a cheaper option. Why was this drink previously cheap, but now it has become expensive and elite? The fact is that earlier, for making wine, juice from berries was taken to the maximum, and grappa was prepared from almost dry cake. She was rough and nasty. To eliminate these shortcomings, many experiments with the recipe were carried out. It turned out that with a residue of at least 35 percent in the juice cake, the alcoholic drink grappa completely changes its taste, from unpleasant it becomes fragrant and attractive.

Is there a grappa not made in Italy?

Is it possible to imagine real tequila not made in Mexico? Similarly, grappa, the photo of which is published here, cannot be a product of another country. The fact is that the drink is prepared only from the grapes that grow in the North of Italy. There, the berries ripen more slowly, they are more saturated with acid. Grappa is protected by law, in 2016, on July 16, a presidential decree was issued under number 287 on the impossibility of considering grappa the drink that was made not only not in Italy, but also from grapes growing in the South of the country.

We suggest moving on to the next paragraph and getting acquainted with the varieties of grappa.

Giovane - young grappa

This drink is also called "white", or Bianca. It has a sharp taste, or, as experts call it, brutal. At the same time taste qualities are regarded by the poor, but the aroma is rich and rich.

Young grappa is produced in the same way as other types, but the distillate is bottled immediately after distillation. The drink can also be kept a little in stainless steel containers. After many years of storage, this grappa does not change its taste.

If it is at least a little (six months) insisted in a wooden container, then it will acquire a more harmonious and mild taste. Such a drink is called Affinata.

old grappa

If you stand the distillate for a year, you get invecchiata, or vecchia. This drink is softer, more aromatic, considered the most popular view grappa. Reviews about her experts are good. They say that it is enormously different in taste from the young.

Very old grappa

Drink aged in wooden barrels a year and a half, called rizerva or stravecchia, it acquires a rich aroma, "woody" flavor, becomes golden amber. In addition, the strength of the drink also increases, it increases from 45 to 50 degrees, but the taste does not deteriorate from this. Considered the most expensive elite variety grappa.

Grappa, like whiskey, can be made from one grape variety, that is, single-varietal - monovitigno, or from several varieties, this is how multi-varietal grappa polivitigno is obtained.

Recently, on the shelves you can find a lighter grappa, which is prepared not from pomace, but from all grapes. Such a drink is called Aguavita Prime Uve. Reviews of such a grappa say that it is endowed with a rich wine aroma, it has a chic flavor bouquet, at the same time, the strength inherent in harsh drinks is felt.

How to recognize a real grappa?

In a bar or in a shop window, you can easily recognize this purebred drink, originally from Italy. The packaging feature was appreciated by all connoisseurs of good alcoholic beverages. They write that the taste is pleasant, and the bottle pleases the eye.

Grappa is poured into triangular or figured bottles, reminiscent of perfume bottles. But it can also be flask-shaped containers, similar to containers from the laboratory.

The cork is always ground in, there is a wax seal. All these signs on the packaging are a guarantee of the authenticity of the drink.

Checking the quality of grappa is easy. To do this, you need to put two drops of the drink on your hand, rub it, wait half a minute. After that, the skin should smell like raisins, fried bread, spices. If none of these flavors emerge, then the quality of the grappa leaves much to be desired.

How to drink grappa?

This elite drink needs proper consumption. For grappa, special, tulip-shaped wine glasses with a narrowed part at the "waist" have been created.

Many Italians wake up in the morning and add a little grappa to their espresso coffee and call it caffee Corretto, that is, coffee-coretto, or improved, corrected coffee. This drink gives energy for a long time.

But grappa is still a digestif, that is, it is customary to consume it in the evening after good dinner. Outside Italy, grappa is heavily cooled, but this is wrong. The fact is that such a drink, like whiskey, is not able to fully open the bouquet when hypothermia.

If you have chosen a young grappa, then it is enough to cool it from 8 to 12 degrees. So the drink will not give out all too alcohol details, it will reveal the specifics of the aroma completely, and the aroma is main feature this type of grappa.

Old grappa should be between 16 and 18 degrees, to get it, you can use whiskey stones.

To fully appreciate the aroma of the drink, the glass should be held by the stem, so body odors will not interfere.

It is necessary to drink grappa in small sips, holding it for a few seconds on the tongue. In this way, you will be able to feel the whole bouquet of taste. They say if you accept this drink little more than would be enough for a tasting, there will be no hangover in the morning.

Chocolate (bitter), ice cream, sweet desserts, fruits are suitable for grappa as a snack. If the drink was served for dinner, then vegetables, salads with seafood are ideally combined, but best of all - meat dishes.

Differences between grappa and chacha

Many people thought, after tasting grappa, that this is the same chacha. This is not at all the case, although the production is very similar. What are the differences?

  1. Country of growth of grapes, climatic conditions.
  2. Grape variety: in Italy they use Riesling Italico, Pinot Bianco, Sauvignon Blanc, Moscato, Barbera, and some others. In Georgia, the material for chacha is the cake of Isabella, Kachich and Rkatsiteli.
  3. In the preparation of chacha, other materials can also be used, these are pomace of apricots, persimmons and other fruits, which is added to the pomace of grapes.
  4. Chacha fermentation takes place naturally unlike grappa.
  5. Chacha is aged in barrels made from local tree species. Grappa is aged only in Limousin oak cognac barrels.
  6. Chacha can be a fortress up to 70 degrees, grappa - up to 50.

Today we told all about grappa - an elite Italian drink. As it became clear, it differs greatly from chacha, but only experts can notice this by taste.

Grappa - another thoroughbred italian drink, which can be found on the shelves of most bars. Unlike, which is produced in the south of the country, grappa is mainly prepared in northern Italy, where the grapes ripen much more slowly, which means that it will have more acidity - the drink will turn out to be more saturated. So, let's figure out what grappa is, who first cooked it, how he did it and how he subsequently used it.

What is grappa and the history of its appearance

In the process of wine production, waste is inevitable - the remains of pulp, skins from berries, grape seeds and combs. Of course, it is a pity to throw away such good, and it is not advisable, therefore, in different countries came up with their own way of recycling wine-making waste. To do this, the cake, which in French is referred to as “marc”, in Georgian “chacha”, and in Italian “rappe”, “raspe”, “rapo”, “grapo”, “raspon” and even “graspa”, is treated with water steam under pressure, the resulting liquid is fermented with sugar and wine yeast, and then distilled in alamibics (copper distillation cubes) or in distillation columns of a continuous cycle. If you do not pay attention to the small nuances of the production process, then grappa is the same as chacha in Georgia or Pisco brandy in Chile and Peru.

The liquid obtained after distillation has a strength of about 80%, then it is diluted to the desired percentage - 39-55%. Grappa is, by definition, an Italian product that is prepared exclusively from Italian grapes and exclusively in Italy. There is even a presidential decree of July 16, 1997, number 287. In general, the drink is protected by law, as in Mexico. It is difficult to say when grappa appeared, but it is possible - presumably one and a half thousand years ago. But whether the Sicilians, who adopted the method of distillation from the Arabs who visited the island, were the pioneers, the inhabitants of Friuli or the winemakers of Burgundy, it is difficult to say. It is believed that the name of the drink was due to the city of Bassano del Grappa, which is located at the foot of Mount Grappa (literally, the name of the city is translated as the city at the foot of Grappa).

There is a grappa museum in Italy. Pictured are distillation cubes.

Initially, grappa was exclusively the privilege of the proletariat, which successfully healed with it the spiritual wounds inflicted by class inequality. This continued until the middle of the last century, until the gastronomic achievements of Italy were noticed by the whole world. In the 60s - 70s. Italian wine producers saw commercial potential in the peasant drink, and grappa quickly emerged from the shadows. Companies first replaced the crude glass jars with elegant, hand-blown containers, then began to experiment with its formulation.

Then everything went on knurled and grappa wine became the property of the nation. The number of varieties of grappa has also increased - we will talk about them a little lower. Also, manufacturers focused on improving the taste of the drink, for example, they began to use lightly pressed cake, in which the content of grape juice is 35-40%. In the end, grappa was no longer perceived as swill from waste - the drink settled in the workplace top chefs and in bars, where it began to be used both as an independent drink and as a component exquisite cocktails with delicate taste.

In Italy, grappa is drunk not only in its pure form, but also with other drinks. Many Italians start their day with a cup of espresso with the addition of grappa - this is how caffee corretto (corretto coffee) is obtained, that is, improved, corrected coffee.

Varieties of grappa depending on production and aging

Young grappa (giovane), which is sometimes called bianca ("white"), is bottled immediately after distillation (after several days of settling in glass containers). Such a drink does not change its taste over the years, and the taste itself is characterized by experts as sharp, and sometimes brutal. White grappa has a poor taste and fragrant bouquet.

If the drink has been aged in Limousin oak barrels for at least 6 months, then it can be called "affinata in legno". This grappa has a more balanced and mild taste. Grappa aged one year is classified as "invecchiata", and 18 months - "stravecchia" or "rizerva". During this time, the drink acquires a golden-amber hue, a more pronounced taste with hints of wood, as well as a richer aroma. The fortress also increases - from 45 to 50%. Aged grappa is savored rather than drunk chilled in piles, but more on that below.

An example of grappa aged for 12 months

Grappa should be served either in cognacs (snifters), or in tasting glasses on a leg - tulips. Still suitable glasses for sherry or "romer" for white Rhine wines. Italians use for these purposes coffee cups. To appreciate the aroma of the drink, it is enough to take the glass by the base of the stem (so as not to interrupt it with smells emanating from the body) and bring your nose just above the top edge of the glass.

There is another way to appreciate the fragrant bouquet of grappa: put a little drink on the brush, rub it and wait 10-20 seconds. If the brush was clean and the drink Bad quality you will know about it right away. If your brush smells like fried bread, raisins and other joys - drink to your health. For tasting, 30-50 ml is enough, no more - in other cases, you will need a snack (fruit, dark chocolate, ice cream, coffee, desserts and other sweets) and something for a hangover in the morning =). True, many argue that the latter does not happen from a good grappa. I don't know, haven't checked. To appreciate the taste of grappa, drink it in small sips, holding it for a couple of seconds on the tongue, in general, savor it.

Such grappa should be drunk only savoring and always at room temperature.

By the way, yesterday I tried another way of “sniffing” drinks and I really liked it. The experiment was carried out with the next batch of homemade limoncello. Stick your nose straight into the glass (don't overdo it), but inhale through your mouth. Scary? Strange? Possibly, but try it. I personally felt pleasant aroma lemon, without extra notes of seasoned alcohol. Drink moderately and consciously, comment, subscribe to blog updates. I was with you in the face of me, Artyom Gudimov, a bad bartender with a bad character and a bad style of the word =). Not saying goodbye! *hi*

Grappa is a drink that belongs to the class of brandy. It is obtained by distilling grape pomace, and the output is a drink with a strength of 40 to 50 revolutions. As with any other alcohol rich history, there are certain requirements for the manufacture of grappa. In particular, since 1997, only drinks that were made in Italy and only using Italian grapes can carry this name. Special secret establishes very strict manufacturing techniques and quality criteria that it must meet.

The origin of the drink may seem unsightly: in fact, it is made on the basis of the waste that remains during the production of wine. To do this, use the remains of grapes, from which all the juice was squeezed out, and only grape skins, seeds and branches remained. To make a drink, you must wait until this mass ferments, and then it is distilled and a strong alcoholic drink is obtained at the exit.

Very little is known about who and when invented the drink, because the first mention of it dates back to the five hundredth year of our era. The Italians themselves, who produce this drink, believe that the small town of Bassano del Grappa was its homeland, after which the drink got its name. At the first attempts to create a drink from grape pomace, the result was a very strong and very hard-tasting alcohol, and only after a while grappa acquired a more subtle refined taste and flavor, through lengthy experimentation with manufacturing technology. The drink gained the greatest popularity in the 60s of the last century, when the triumphal procession of Italian cuisine around the world began.

Production and types of grappa

Like any other alcoholic beverage, the taste and quality of the finished grappa depends on the raw materials used in the preparation. It is quite natural that the best grappa is obtained from the remains of grapes, from which high-quality elite wines are created. Enough high quality they also have grappa, made from juicy white grapes, which was previously used to create juice. Grape pomace fermented and then distilled.

Distillation can be carried out in different ways:

  1. With a continuous distillation system, which is used in modern technologies to create alcohol.
  2. In a special still, which has been used for many centuries and which gives the drink a completely special taste.

Like other types of brandy, this drink must be aged for some time, for which it is poured into oak barrels or bottles. After aging, the drink absorbs tannins from the barrel, due to which it acquires a characteristic taste and amber hue.

Grappa varieties

Grappa varieties are divided into several types:

  1. A transparent and sharp-tasting drink that has a low cost and is called bianca. It is served cold and is very popular in Italy just as a soft drink.
  2. Soft-tasting drink with a characteristic amber hue, which is aged in oak barrels within 6 months. It has a light golden color and is called affinata in legno.
  3. A stronger version is vecchia, which is aged in barrel for 12 months.
  4. A golden drink with a high strength (about 50 turns), which is necessarily aged in barrels for 18 months and is called stravecchia.
  5. A special variety of monovitigno, 85% composed of strictly defined grape varieties, which provide an elegant combination of flavors.
  6. Polivitigno variety, which combines several types of grapes, usually more than 2, which gives it a spice and personality.
  7. A special variety of aromatica, which is made using special types of grapes, usually Muscato and Prosecco. As the name implies, this species has an exquisite aroma, which is given to it by the famous grape varieties.
  8. Another variety with a characteristic aroma is aromatizzata, in the manufacture of which the drink receives exquisite aromas by adding various spices, fruits or berries to it.
  9. The uve variety that best proves that the drink has long been tired of anything more than a way to use grapes that are left over from wine. To create this type, whole grapes are used, which gives it a crystal clear aroma, a very special taste and a characteristic fortress.
  10. The grappa soft variety, which is most often used as a soft drink, since it has a minimum strength of about 30 revolutions.

How to drink grappa

First of all, this drink is a digestif, that is, it is customary to drink it after a meal. It is best to allow yourself a glass of grappa after dinner, so the food is better absorbed, and sleep will be much stronger.

Most often, the drink is drunk at room temperature, adding a slice of lemon for aroma and flavor. This is especially true for aged grappa varieties: room temperature helps her to reveal the taste and aroma, like good cognac or whiskey. Aged varieties are served at 18 degrees, which are considered optimal.

Grappa is often added to coffee instead of cognac.

Italians often refrigerate young grappas to about 8 degrees to help them cope with the heat. This is a completely fair decision, because in young varieties there is no such bouquet as in those that are aged for several months. Nevertheless, at this temperature it is quite possible to appreciate the taste of grappa and catch all the pleasant notes, but without the extra taste of alcohol.

Useful properties of grappa

Since the drink has a fairly high percentage of alcohol, it was very often used to disinfect wounds if there were no medical preparations nearby.

However, it has much more wide application: in particular, various kinds of tinctures are made on its basis for the treatment of a number of diseases and conditions. For example, if you are suffering from anxiety nervous system or you suffer from insomnia, it is recommended to infuse hops on grappa. For tincture, you need to take 200 ml of alcohol, add a couple of tablespoons of hop cones to it and infuse the resulting mixture for 2 weeks in a dark, cool place, not forgetting to shake occasionally. After that, the drink is filtered and taken 20 drops twice a day, adding water or sugar to it for a more pleasant taste.

Used to treat headaches, including migraines delicious tincture based on grappa with orange. To do this, you need to take a medium-sized orange, chop it well, including the zest, add 50 grams of chopped horseradish, half a kilogram of sugar and then pour 250 ml of alcohol and 250 ml of pure cold water. The resulting mixture must be heated in a water bath, and then boiled for an hour. Wait for the tincture to cool naturally, strain to fight migraines and drink after meals at 70 ml per day.

Application in cooking

Since the drink was born in Italy, mainly as culinary ingredient it is used in Italian cuisine. For example, grappa is often used to prepare desserts, it is popular as a base for marinades or sauces.

Contraindications and harm

The drink should not be drunk by those who suffer from chronic diseases of the nervous system. It should also be avoided by those who have serious problems. of cardio-vascular system or gastrointestinal tract, because due to its strength, the drink can aggravate these conditions. In addition, since it is alcohol, it should not be used in any form by pregnant and lactating women, as well as persons under 18 years of age.