What to do if the jam is moldy - tips and tricks.

If the jam becomes moldy, we most often simply remove the top layer and continue to eat it. However, this should not be done. Why?

Maria Nikolaevna Dmitrievskaya, a nutritionist at the Moscow Clinical Nutrition Clinic of the State Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, tells the story.

– Why is it dangerous to eat foods that have mold on them?
– There are several reasons for this. Firstly, by using such products, you are consuming bacteria and fungi that are not native to the body. Some of them are digested in the stomach, but the remaining bacteria enter the intestines and continue to develop there. And this often leads to dysbiosis, bloating, diarrhea, and even a serious food infection.
Those who regularly eat moldy foods are especially at risk. If stomach problems may not arise with one-time use, then with frequent use, dysbiosis is guaranteed.
Second aspect. If mold appears on bread, dried fruit, jam or sour cream, this means that the product has spoiled. Perhaps the expiration date has expired or storage rules have not been followed. Therefore, by using such products, you simply risk getting poisoned.
In addition, molds and spores are a very strong allergen. Therefore, if you suffer from allergies or asthma, do not eat foods “decorated” with mold under any circumstances. Try not to even pick them up. Mold can even lead to swelling and suffocation.

– Antibiotics are made from mold, which are used to treat many serious diseases. Why is it so harmful in itself?
– Firstly, antibiotics are made only from the penicillium fungus, and many other, completely unhelpful types of mold “grow” on food. And secondly, in order to create an antibiotic, the penicillium fungus is subjected to complex chemical influences and, in fact, ceases to be mold.
Mold does not have a single positive property of antibiotics, but there are more than enough negative ones.

– It’s clear that you can’t eat mold. But if we remove the film from the jam or cut the bread, there will be no mold anymore?
– This is a very common and very dangerous misconception. Mold is like an iceberg: only part of it is visible to the naked eye. Inside moldy bread or jam there are also microscopic fungi and their spores, even in larger quantities. But only a specialist can detect them - and then with the help of special tests.
In this case, the sense of smell comes to the aid of the owner. If you feel that the bread smells moldy, throw it away without regret, even if there is no green “decoration” on its surface.

- Or maybe we should make croutons from the moldy bread and boil the jam?
- It will do little good. During heat treatment, only part of the mold fungi will die. The rest will enter the intestines and continue to “grow” there.
In addition, when exposed to mold, foods release toxic substances that cannot be removed by boiling and frying. I’ll repeat it again: moldy food is spoiled. We don’t fry rotten potatoes -
Why then are you drawn to making toast from moldy bread?!

– Why is blue cheese considered almost a delicacy?
– Firstly, we are talking only about special varieties of cheese. The mold on them is grown artificially and under sterile conditions. In addition, certain, more or less harmless types of mold grow on such cheese. Therefore, such cheese and cheese that has become moldy in the refrigerator are completely different things.
Don't forget that blue cheese also has an expiration date. After it expires, you can’t enjoy the delicacy either. But for those who suffer from allergies or asthma, I would not advise eating such cheese in principle.

Lovers of making their own homemade preparations quite often encounter this problem when mold appears on the jam.

Moreover, sometimes it can appear only on the surface of one jar, and sometimes it affects the entire batch of the prepared product. And here already among the housewives
There are many disputes about whether
what to do now with this jam, is it possible to eat it, and how harmful is the mold that has appeared? Some people believe that it is enough just to remove the mold from the surface of the jam, and it can be used for consumption. Some people believe that if even a little mold appears, then, without disturbing it, the product should be immediately disposed of, and under no circumstances should it be eaten. So how harmful is mold on jam really, and what should you do with the product if it is detected?

If we talk about the opinion of scientists on this matter, it is quite clear. They have an extremely negative attitude towards eating any moldy products. Of course, excluding certain types of cheese and some other products in which special mold is grown. There are harmful and beneficial molds. Harmful mold is a breeding ground for certain infections and can cause various diseases. Beneficial mold, in turn, presented, for example, in the form of penicillin, can cure many diseases.

What appears spontaneously on our products is harmful mold. The peculiarity of mold is that it includes a huge number of spores that spread throughout the product. Any type of mold includes two types of threads. Some of them consist of numerous spores and stretch upward, while others, on the contrary, penetrate deep into the product, forming mycelium.

In this regard, mold affects the entire product, even if it is pronounced only on one side of it. The same is true with mold on jam. Despite the fact that mold is visually located only on its surface, in fact microspores are found throughout the product, and they are very toxic. Thus, scientists unanimously declare that removing mold from the surface of jam will not be enough for its safe use, and the contaminated product must be thrown away. Otherwise, you can get serious poisoning, and in some cases, liver cancer can develop as a result.

After such conclusions, it is necessary to understand why mold appears on jam and how it can be prevented. There can be several reasons for the appearance of mold. This problem can arise if the jam jar or lid is poorly sterilized. In this case, microbes remain on their surface, which begin to develop over time, especially when conditions favorable for this arise. In addition, if the lid is not tightly closed, microbes can get inside the jar and from the air, which also contributes to the development of mold. The second fairly common reason for mold to appear on jam is insufficient cooking time. This problem occurs very often, since many housewives are afraid to overcook the jam, which will lead to its sugaring. The third reason is not using enough sugar. But here it is also important to know the line, since otherwise the jam will again become sugary. And the fourth reason is increased air humidity in the room where the product is stored. By eliminating all these negative factors, you will prevent mold from occurring.

It’s a common thing: you opened homemade jam and saw an island of mold on its surface. Most likely, you will remove it and continue eating the jam. Meanwhile, doctors warn that any product with mold can be harmful to health. And sometimes lead to irreversible processes in the body. Natalya Samoilenko, a nutritionist at the Kyiv City Health Center, spoke about the dangers of mold.

Why is mold dangerous?

The colloquial definition of “mold” refers to several thousand species of microscopic fungi, each of which has individual properties. Some of its species, for example, Penicillium notatum, have become a salvation for humanity (the first antibiotic, penicillin, was obtained from them), others produce toxins and can cause diseases.

White coating on vegetables or green streaks in bread can be harmful to health. Mold affects the body invisibly, similar to radiation.

The yellow mold, Aspergillus flavus, is considered the most poisonous. It produces a strong poison that causes severe pneumonia and liver cancer. This fungus affects food products (liver, fish, milk, rice, and groundnuts are most susceptible to it).

Fighting mold is useless

Even if part of the product is affected by mold, you can be sure that the entire product is contaminated with spores. Most often we see mold on jam, tomato paste, yogurt, cottage cheese, and sour cream. Many people do not attach any importance to this fact. However, even the appearance of a small speck of mold is an ominous signal.

Heat treatment has no effect on the toxins contained in foods. Therefore, it is useless to try to neutralize moldy jam, bread, vegetables, fruits or nuts in a microwave or oven. No matter how sorry you may be for them, it is better to get rid of them.

If you inadvertently eat moldy food, detoxify your body immediately. Simply put, take activated carbon, which you probably have in your first aid kit, at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

Safe types

But blue cheeses can be eaten without fear (but not more than 50 g per day!). Three types of cheese mold are used in food: white (for example, on the rind of Camembert), red or orange (essentially tinted white) on Munster, and blue, which is found in Dor Blue. Blue and red mold in cheeses is the same as penicillin, so you shouldn’t be afraid of it. Cheeses with black mold are very rare in our country. Just in case: this mold must be cleaned off before use! And one more thing: cheeses with a moldy rind cannot be stored for a long time. Pay attention to the expiration date indicated on the label.

Prevention measures

To protect bread from mold, take a cotton swab, drop 5-7 drops of iodine on it, place it in a clean glass bottle or test tube. Seal with a clean cotton swab and place in a plastic bag with bread. The bread will not be affected by mold for at least a week.

The refrigerator and bread bin can be protected from mold by wiping their surfaces with a solution of baking soda (1 teaspoon per glass of water) and then treating them with a solution of vinegar.

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

Few people in their life have not had a situation when a just opened jar of jam turned out to be covered with mold on top. And in such cases, everyone acts differently: some simply remove the mold, believing that after this the product becomes completely usable, while others throw away the product, fearing harm to health. Almost all sources of information talk about the harmful effects of mold on the human body. In particular, you can often hear that it can cause liver cancer. And this despite the fact that mold is believed to be found in 25% of all food products. Should we sound the alarm?

Liver cancer

Information that mold can cause liver cancer within a few decades has been repeatedly heard on television screens and published in newspapers. It is assumed that for this to happen, toxins produced by fungi must accumulate in the body. But here we should make a few clarifications that the creators of such horror stories usually do not mention:

1. The accumulation of toxins in the body occurs only when they are regularly consumed as food. It’s hard to imagine a person who spends his entire life, day after day, eating moldy jam from a jar. Obviously, such cases are associated with the consumption of other products. Most often, toxic types of mold develop when grain is stored improperly.

2. Not all types of mold produce poisons. Most of these mushrooms are harmless and will not cause any complications in the body, even if you scoop up the mold with a spoon and eat it separately from the jam.

3. Toxic molds do not cause cancer, but increase your chances of getting cancer. The difference between these concepts is huge. In addition, for this you need not only to consume toxic mushrooms with sufficient regularity, but also to become infected with viral hepatitis B.

What should I do if the jam is moldy?

What to do if you find mold in jam? There are several ways for further developments:

1. You remove the mushrooms with a spoon, as they are located on top. At the same time, take a few with a reserve, because not all mold is visible to the eye and is located on the surface. After this, use the jam with a clear conscience if it has not changed its taste. In this case, there is a chance that you come across a toxic type of mold, and you will experience unpleasant symptoms of poisoning. But this risk, fortunately, is minimal.

2. You remove the mushrooms with a spoon, after which the jam is stored for a long time. In this case, the mold will most likely grow again, and the jam will completely deteriorate. Even if the mushrooms are not toxic, the product will acquire a specific odor and become unfit for consumption.

3. You remove the mold with a spoon, boil the jam and put it back into the jar. This method is guaranteed to destroy fungi, so mold will no longer grow. Boiling also destroys most toxins. This jam can be consumed with virtually no risk of poisoning. In addition, it can be rolled back into the jar and stored for another year or two.

4. You throw away the jam. This path guarantees you the absence of negative health consequences, but causes mental discomfort, because you have to throw away the product, the preparation of which took some effort.

Should you eat jam with mold?

It is undesirable to consume jam with mold for several reasons:

1. Mold doesn't taste very good.

2. Mold can cause a hypersensitivity reaction in people prone to allergies.

3. Some types of mold can cause poisoning, even if you overboil the jam.

However, it would be an exaggeration to say that the use of such jam is unacceptable. In fact, the chances of you getting poisoned are negligible. Especially if you put the jam on the fire and bring it to a boil. If unsuccessful, you will experience food poisoning, which may manifest itself:

  • loss of appetite;
  • general weakness, dizziness, headache;
  • nausea and vomiting.

But such poisoning passes quickly enough and does not pose a great threat to health, because it is caused not by microorganisms, but by toxins. As soon as they are completely eliminated from the body, all symptoms will disappear.


We do not recommend consuming moldy jam due to the risk of poisoning. But we won’t scream about the horrors that will fall on your head if you eat it anyway. The likelihood of intoxication is very small, and if you boil the jam, it becomes even lower. Most likely, you will not get poisoned even if you eat mushrooms with jam. But it is worth remembering that there is still a small health risk, so it is better to throw the product away.


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It is difficult to imagine a Russian summer resident who does not prepare for the winter. We can say that canning is “in our blood”. Some of the most popular preparations are jams - strawberry, raspberry, cherry, currant, etc.

The fact is that the harvest of a single crop is usually harvested in just 3-4 weeks (with the exception of remontant varieties of strawberries and raspberries). Therefore, keeping its costs fresh is problematic. At the same time, collected berries, fruits, herbs and vegetables can be frozen, dried or canned.

Often, mold appears on the surface of homemade preparations, especially sweet jam, right under the lid. Sometimes it’s not even very clear why some jars are affected by mold if the neighboring ones are without it. In some cases, an entire batch of jam or a significant part of it may suffer from this scourge.

Many summer residents remove moldy spots from the jar and continue to eat the jam, others dispose of such contents.

Harm from mold

In fact, technologists and scientists have long given a definite answer - most moldy products cannot be eaten. The fact is that the waste products of fungi are toxic and can be very poisonous to the human body. This jam should definitely not be served to children, especially preschoolers.

There is truth and useful mold, which is obtained under special conditions. This is even specially cultivated on some types of cheese and a number of other products.

By the way, the famous penicillin, which once saved many soldiers of the Second World War from severe wounds, is also a moldy fungus.

If you remove the surface mold, what remains is the mold that has penetrated the inside of the product. Even by the taste of such apparently clean jam, you will understand that it has already become moldy.

A child or adult with health problems may experience intoxication and severe poisoning after eating moldy jam. If you systematically consume moldy foods, it can eventually lead to liver cancer.

Causes of mold on jam

As a rule, a number of violations during the creation of jam and its subsequent storage lead to the appearance of mold:

  1. Poor quality sterilization of jars and lids.
  2. Lids not sealing properly.
  3. The jam was not cooked to completion. Sometimes this can happen out of seemingly good intentions - to preserve as many vitamins as possible in the jam, for fear of excessive sugaring due to digestion.
  4. High humidity in cellars and basements where products are stored in winter.
  5. Insufficient amount of sugar in the composition. It plays the role of a reliable preservative.
  6. Constant sudden changes in temperature in the basement can break the seal of the cans at the junctions with the lids.

As I remember from childhood, my grandmother always put a little mustard under the lids, even with sweet jam. This was especially true for workpieces covered with plastic lids. If you are afraid of ruining the taste of the product, simply spread the mustard on the inside of the lid without closing or rolling it up.