What to do in the house to smell. How to create a pleasant smell in the house: simple tips and secrets

We all know that unpleasant odors should not be hidden, but. But how does it smell like a house in which there is no more forgotten garbage, unwashed dishes, rotten vegetables or raw shoes in the hallway? That's right, it smells “somehow.”

Now is the time to create smells in it that will be pleasant to you. How to create a pleasant smell in the house, we will now tell.

  Quick way

Place a pot of water and a slice of lemon or grapefruit on a slow fire. Add your favorite herbs - mint, lavender or rose flowers. Do not cover with a lid. The house will be filled with a soft pleasant aroma. This method is suitable when you want to create a mood for a party or just for yourself, beloved. If you were preparing food before this, of course, you must first ventilate to remove odors.

Put scented candles

Wax scented candles can exude a smell even if they are not lit. Put the printed candle on a shelf in a closet with clothes or in a linen box. The fabric absorbs aromas well, and each time you take out linen you will feel a light wave of a pleasant smell. And your bedding will also keep it.

Idea for the bathroom and more

And what to do if you have not found candles with your favorite scent? You can buy aromatic oils, and apply them to a cotton pad, or rather a cotton ball. A small vase or a bowl with scented cotton balls looks aesthetically pleasing, and is suitable for any place in your house, whether it is a bathroom or a living room.

Car air freshener

You can hang your favorite freshener near the window or ventilation grille, through which air enters your home. Then the whole room will be filled with an unobtrusive smell. Do not hang it on the ventilation grilles in the bathroom or in the kitchen, they are used to extract air, so most of the smell will simply fly away into the pipe.


If you like to care for flowers, you can plant odorous plants such as geranium, Arabian jasmine, indoor eucalyptus, gardenia, or Cuban oregano on the windowsill. They provide a pleasant smell at home!

Turn on the oven

Nothing beats the scent of fresh pastries. You don’t have to come up with something complicated. Simple cinnamon rolls, a cupcake made from a mixture or cookies with a banana will fill your home with warmth and comfort. If you don’t like to cook at all, frozen puff pastry will come to your aid. Just sprinkle the thawed sheet of dough with sugar and cinnamon, roll into a roll and cut into curls with a knife. This will take you one minute. You can bake 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. In addition to the pleasant smell for home, these unpretentious cookies are also very tasty.

Keep fresh sheets not only in the dresser

Everything is simple here. If you wash your bedding with air conditioning, it is the sheets and duvet covers that will take on the maximum odor. They will become like his batteries. The aroma of them will erode longer than from smaller things. And if you lay them out after washing, not only in a linen box, but also, for example, in a clothes cabinet - they will be able to transfer the fragrance to other things. And every time you open the cabinet doors, you will fill the room with a new portion of freshness.

Some useful tips so that your house does not have unpleasant odors, and always in the apartment there was a pleasant aroma of freshness. It is always pleasant to create comfort at home and due attention should be paid to creating pleasant smells and aromas of the house, while eliminating all kinds of unpleasant odors.

Some ideas for creating a pleasant aroma in a house / apartment. To start eliminate unpleasant odors in the apartment, and only then we create a pleasant aroma.


  • old newspapers;
  • essential oils;
  • atomizer;
  • dry lavender flowers;
  • linen fabric (handkerchief).

How to eliminate an unpleasant odor in an apartment

We air the apartment

Firstly, of course, you need to ventilate the apartment or house at least 3 times a day. It is especially useful to fully ventilate the room 15-20 minutes before bedtime. Dreams will be light and good, and falling asleep in a ventilated room is easier and faster.

Furniture and carpets

Fabric upholstery, carpets and rugs, carpets, curtains, pillows very quickly absorb the tobacco smell and other smells in the apartment. Curtains, pillowcases, covers for furniture and pillows (if any) can easily be washed manually or in a washing machine. But carpet cleaning will be a little more difficult. We already wrote about how to clean carpets. Here, there was another way: sprinkle coarse salt on the carpet, then “walk” on it with a brush, then thoroughly vacuum the carpet. Periodically, pillows, rugs, blankets need to be aired in the fresh air.

Washing dishes

A bad smell in the apartment can create washed dishes that are piled up in the sink, creating a whole pyramid. Try to wash the dishes after eating and in no case leave dirty dishes at night.

Sometimes a musty smell can come from the dishwasher. To avoid this, do not leave clean or dirty dishes in it. If the smell has already appeared, rinsing with water with the addition of lemon juice will help in this case.

A closed thermos that has not been used for a long time can also exude an unpleasant “amber”. To destroy the musty smell from a thermos, rinse it with warm water and dry well. After these manipulations, a cube of refined sugar should be put inside, which was previously slightly sprinkled with lemon juice.

We clean the pipes

Periodically, when cleaning a sink in the kitchen, pour about 2 tablespoons of baking soda into the hole in the pipe, 2 tablespoons of coarse salt (rock), and pour 4% of it (4 tablespoons) of vinegar in it. Leave this case on for 20 minutes and then rinse with hot water. The unpleasant smell from the pipes in the kitchen will disappear.

Another way to clean the drain and remove the unpleasant odor from the sink is to pour half a glass of soda ash into the drain (in the hole in the sink) and leave it overnight. In the morning, drain with very hot water. This procedure is useful for prophylaxis once a month.

Unpleasant odor in the microwave

The unpleasant odor in the microwave can be removed as follows: put in the microwave for 30 seconds at full power a cup of water with lemon juice.

Also, essential oil will help get rid of the unpleasant odor in the microwave. Just drop 3 drops of lemon or mint essential oil in a cup of water and put it in the microwave for three minutes.

Bad smell in the fridge

An unpleasant “darling” in the refrigerator occurs due to the vital activity of microorganisms that are formed on stale or spoiled food debris. To prevent the formation of rot and mold on products, you should put food in plastic containers or cover food plates with cling film. An unpleasant odor will eliminate a cold water solution with table vinegar: soak a clean cloth or cloth in this solution and wipe the walls and shelves of the refrigerator. Brown bread crusts and lemon peel also do a good job of “bad” flavors in the refrigerator. You can also grind tablets of activated carbon and lay it on paper on shelves. Another good advice in eliminating unpleasant odors in the refrigerator is to mix baking soda with lemon juice and place this mixture in small plates that need to be refrigerated for several days.

In the refrigerator, an unpleasant odor is killed by a cup of baking soda. Another way: drip 1 drop of lavender and lemon essential oil on cheesecloth and place it on the refrigerator door, periodically adding essential oils as needed. Instead of gauze, it is much more efficient to use porous stone from burnt clay, but it is more difficult to find than gauze on the farm.

A simple onion will also help to eliminate the unpleasant odor in the refrigerator. Put the cut onion head (or one part of it) in the refrigerator and the unpleasant odor will disappear.

Flavoring an apartment or house

Toilet flavors

It will be useful to give 2-3 aromatic stones to give a pleasant smell to the toilet. Place these three stones on shelves in the toilet and drip a couple of drops of essential oils on them once a week: ylang-ylang, pine or lavender. The toilet will be filled with a pleasant aroma, in addition, essential oils will purify the air in the toilet.

Shelves with clothes

To create a pleasant aroma on shelves with clothes, you can put linen bags on them in which dried vanilla pods or cinnamon sticks, dried orange peels or lavender flowers are sewn.

Scented linen

Easy way: buy lavender flowers and dry them when you are on vacation in the south in summer. Sew a linen bag (you can also take a simple handkerchief for these purposes) and fill it with flowers of dry lavender flowers and put this bag in a closet with linen. You can adapt a small terry towel to deodorize the laundry and drip a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil onto it every week.


Most often, closed shoes, especially sports shoes, suffer from unpleasant odors. Wipe boots, boots, sneakers, sneakers from the inside with a cloth dipped in a weak solution of manganese - it will destroy the smell of sweat. Activated carbon also helps fight pt. It should be crushed into powder and sewn into small cloth bags, and put these bags into shoes. There is another interesting way - dissolve 2 tablets of hydrogen peroxide in water and wipe the insoles with this solution, then dry them and put them back.

The scent of vacuuming

Vacuum cleaners in half the cases leave a smell of dust when used. To prevent this, moisten a piece of cotton wool with a few drops of lavender oil and vacuum the cotton wool. Now vacuuming will be more pleasant and the house will be clean and the aroma of a lavender field will appear.


The deodorization of the bin or the bin will also not damage your housing. Organic residues, especially meat and fish, deteriorate very quickly, exhaling unpleasant odors, which the garbage bin itself may smell like. To make your bin smell nice, wash it thoroughly and dry it. Then, on a piece of gauze or cotton swab, drip 1 drop of lavender essential oil and tea tree and put it on the bottom. If essential oils are not at hand, lay a newspaper on the bottom of a clean, dry bucket - the newspaper will absorb all the unpleasant odors (by the way, the use of newspapers in the household is very wide).

Room scent

Put a couple drops of pine or peppermint essential oil in a spray bottle with water, shake it well and spray the room. Your apartment or house will instantly fill with a pleasant aroma.

Let your home be warm and comfortable.

a) warehouse
  b) the zoo,
  c) a manger,
  g) catering

There are a few simple rules to follow:

1. Be sure to ventilate the apartment at least three times a day, as well as separately after cooking, working with strong smelling substances or in the case of any other force majeure aromatic circumstances. This is through ventilation, which prevents the absorption of odors into carpets, textiles and upholstered furniture. In addition to draft, constant ventilation is also required: open windows, properly installed double-glazed windows, fans or hoods in the bathroom and kitchen.

2. Drop a drop of lavender oil on the pillows in the bedroom before going to bed - and it will be better to sleep, and the smell of disassembled linen will not stagnate.

3. From time to time, put in the microwave at full power for 30 seconds a cup of water with lemon juice - this destroys the unpleasant "microwave" smell.

4. If something burned out in the kitchen or cooked too noticeably, boil on the stove for half an hour with the lid open, half a liter of water, into which the juice of one lemon was squeezed and five cloves were thrown.

5. In the oven immediately after cooking, put the peel of the orange and hold it until the oven cools down completely.

6. The smell in the house from water pipes is discouraged by such a mixture, thrown for 15 minutes into the hole in the pipe: baking soda, coarse salt and vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1: 2. Keep a quarter of an hour, rinse with hot water.

7. You can use baking soda to combat odor in the refrigerator. For example, put in a refrigerator a glass with soda diluted in water. Or simply refrigerate ordinary baking soda in a plastic container with holes. If there is no container, put an open box of soda and change every three months.

8. Pour into the iron not water, but a weak solution of the essence of lily of the valley, violet or orange blossom.

9. In linen boxes and on clothing shelves, we lay out linen bags that are sewn: dried in the oven chips of orange peel, coffee beans, vanilla pods and cinnamon sticks.

10. We rinse the dishes after the fish with vinegar, and in our hands we rub a grain of coffee

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Everyone wants a smell reigning in his house, pleasant both to him and to those who are visiting him. However, fragrant aromas do not always fill our house. Sometimes it’s even difficult to determine the source of the bad smell. Nevertheless, it is absolutely necessary to do this in order to take measures to eliminate the unpleasant odor. If the cause persists, you can mask the bad smell. After reading this article, you will learn how to find the source of an unpleasant odor, eliminate it and fill your home with a pleasant aroma.


Elimination of an unpleasant odor

    Identify the source of the bad smell.  In some cases, the source may be obvious, but if you are not sure, check everything in and around your home to understand where the source of the outgoing odor is located. There are common sources of unpleasant odors in a house or apartment.

    • Some areas of concern include cupboards, a fridge, a bathroom, a sink, a laundry basket, or a basement.
    • Inspect the place of pets. Sometimes it is from there that an unpleasant odor can come.
    • Plumbing can be a source of bad smell. If your house smells like rotten eggs, then most likely there is a problem with sewage.
    • Smoking can also cause a bad smell in the house.
    • Pay attention to the garbage bin. Sometimes trash that is in the bathroom or in the kitchen may start to smell after a few days.
    • Remove the source of bad smell. If you find a source of bad smell, remove it from your home and dispose of it properly.
  1. Remove odor from the carpet caused by pets.  The following tips will help you do this.

  2. Pay attention to the smell that may come from the sewer.  The smell of a rotten egg may indicate that the cause of the unpleasant smell lies in the sewer.

    • To check if this is the case, pour a teaspoon of peppermint oil into the sewer. This will help you not only identify the source of the problem, but also mask the bad smell. Peppermint oil has a very strong aroma.
    • Turn on the hot water tap.
    • If you smell mint in another part of the house, then most likely the problem is in the sewer.
    • Pour plenty of water into the sewer to remove odor. While this cannot fix the problem, it can help remove odor quickly.
  3. Remove the smell of smoke.  The smell of cigarette smoke is one of the most noticeable odors in the house.

    • Place containers of white vinegar around the house to get rid of the smell of cigarette smoke.
    • Vinegar neutralizes odors well. After you manage to remove the smell completely, you can remove the containers with vinegar.
    • Wipe hard surfaces with a mixture of one part vinegar and five parts water to remove the smell of cigarette smoke.
    • Vacuum mattresses and furniture. If possible, put these items outdoors for ventilation.

    Creating a pleasant smell

    1. Use flavored products.  Candles, aroma lamps and air fresheners can spread a pleasant smell throughout the house.

      • Use scented candles or aroma lamps if you have these items in stock
      • Use automatic or manual air fresheners.
      • You can also use an air freshener in the form of a spray, spraying it throughout the house. However, be prepared for the fact that the smell will not last long.
    2. Use incense.  Frankincense has a strong odor. Incense flavors can be so powerful that they obscure other less desirable aromas.

      • To light the incense, you will need to light the incense stick.
      • When the top starts to burn in orange, speed up and extinguish the flame.
      • The end of the stick should be bright red, and a pleasant aroma should come from it.
    3. Use a scent diffuser in rooms where a pleasant smell is needed.  The aroma diffuser is a device for spraying the smallest drops of essential oils in the air.

      • Diffusers with reed sticks are becoming an increasingly popular way to freshen the air in the room and to establish a pleasant smell in it.
      • Use this method and a pleasant aroma will reign in your home.
      • You can buy reed diffusers in specialized stores.