Tea with thyme: the benefits of an aromatic drink, the best recipes for its preparation. Tea with thyme: harm, important contraindications

The benefits and properties of tea with thyme were known to the ancient Greeks. The drink has won the honorary name “strength of spirit.”

The Greek sages believed that the drink restored mental strength. Healers admired it for its ability to heal, and magicians and sorcerers believed that the drug protected a person and home from evil spirits.

In Rus', black tea with thyme gained popularity as a drink from God that gives strength. It’s not for nothing that the grass was given the name “Virgin Mary”. In the mountains of the Caucasus and Crimea, with the onset of spring, women collected grass and prepared teas, decoctions, potions, and also dried it for the winter. Since ancient times, healers have noted the ability of tea with thyme to remove phlegm.

Tea with thyme and mint has a positive effect on the nervous system, relieves stress and chronic fatigue. The drink is useful in the prevention of gastritis and colitis. It prevents colic, bloating and flatulence.

Tea with thyme is useful for people facing hypertension. The drink relieves spasms, dilates blood vessels, eliminates attacks of acute headaches and insomnia.

Tea can be drunk by children from 4 years of age as an anti-cold, anti-inflammatory and sedative. If a child suffers from insomnia, brew a cup of weak tea with thyme and mint.

All the benefits of tea with thyme are explained by the main component - the thyme itself. When brewing, the plant does not lose.

The healing properties of thyme tea

Tea with thyme is a means to restore strength, health and vigor. Black tea with thyme and oregano quenches thirst in summer, warms in winter, fills the air with a pleasant aroma and improves immunity.

For masculine strength

The drink is also called “strength of spirit” because it helps in treating men’s problems. 70% of men face the problem of sexual impotence, complaints of prostate diseases or urinary problems. Drinking tea helps to cope with the problem of weak potency. It eliminates burning sensation when urinating, pain in the pelvis and perineum, increases potency and normalizes lymph flow.

Tea with thyme during pregnancy

Compresses and drinking thyme tea have different effects on the health of a pregnant woman.

Pay attention to the dosage of thyme in tea. High concentrations of the plant can lead to miscarriage, cause bleeding or premature birth. Before use, consult your doctor.

Harm and contraindications of tea with thyme

The power of thyme tea in the fight against disease does not negate caution in use. Although contraindications are kept to a minimum, please note the exceptions.

Tea with thyme is harmful if you have:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • progressive cardiosclerosis;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • pregnancy.

To avoid negative consequences, check out the correct drink recipe.

Bright, aromatic, with a spicy and tart taste - tea with thyme cannot but be liked. It is especially good in the morning, for breakfast, and is often drunk after a bath. This tea quickly fills you with strength and vigor, improves your mood and gives you joy, because it is not in vain that the name of the plant means “strength of spirit.” Tea with thyme is used in cosmetology and folk medicine. It helps with colds and in stressful situations.

In a word, it can be called the elixir of youth. Thyme, another name for thyme, has been known for several millennia. Ibn Sina also recommended it to his patients.

It has different effects on the female and male body, and in some conditions it is generally contraindicated.

What are the benefits of thyme tea for women?


Thyme tea is indispensable for women with certain gynecological problems:

For painful menstruation, if there is inflammation of the appendages, ovaries - in addition to tea, warm baths are taken.
baths of thyme infusion help with cystitis and uterine bleeding.
This tea is useful for nursing mothers to drink - thyme improves lactation and enhances milk production. And the soothing properties of thyme itself make milk of better quality. It will make the baby calmer. It is recommended to drink half a glass of weak tea twice a day. It is allowed to add viburnum and linden. Add honey with caution.
to improve well-being during PMS - again, thanks to the calming properties of thyme. Tea relieves lower back pain and reduces depression.
In the same way, it is recommended to drink it during menopause - thyme regulates hormonal levels and relieves irritability.

This tea is good for migraines, general weakness, and colds.

The tea itself is not a sleeping pill, but it helps with insomnia, as it calms and relaxes the nervous system.

Those who want to lose weight - after all, it improves digestion and normalizes the functioning of the whole body, improves water-fat metabolism.


During pregnancy. Thyme can provoke the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus. This condition is dangerous with the risk of premature birth or even miscarriage. This happens because every woman produces a large number of the male hormone testosterone, and thyme stimulates its production. And its increased amount can provoke such undesirable phenomena as uterine tone.

But during labor, for the same reason, you can drink in small sips - this will harmlessly stimulate the entire process. And then it will help the uterus quickly get into the desired shape.

What are the benefits of thyme in tea for men?


People call thyme “male herb.” Andrologists often recommend thyme for problems with men's health.

It is useful for men with sexual dysfunction, impotence, and early ejaculation. These problems are often associated with a tense psycho-emotional state, and thyme has a calming effect, and at the same time not a sleeping pill. And if a man does not feel stress, a feeling of confidence will appear, and this will strengthen his erection.
Infusions and teas from thyme help with prostatitis. Baths made from it relieve swelling and improve urination. For prevention, drink a course of half a glass a day for 2 weeks. You need 2-3 courses per year.

Thyme is also excellent in treating various genitourinary infections in men. In such cases, tea is also used externally, in the form of baths, for 10-15 minutes. Drink half a glass three times a day.

The composition of thyme itself includes microelements such as molybdenum - with its help, enzymes are activated that are responsible for the normalization of male sexual functions. In addition, thyme contains selenium and zinc, which help testosterone production. They are included in almost all drugs that improve the condition of male infertility.

Thyme contains ursolic acid, an essential substance for the prevention of early baldness, weakness and muscle atrophy.

For heavy smokers, this tea will be a salvation from a characteristic cough - thyme has expectorant properties, it will help get rid of it.

A concentrated infusion of thyme can help in the treatment of alcoholism - both male and female. This remedy is also good because it can be carried out in secret from the patient. When thyme is combined with alcohol, the body produces substances that cause nausea and can subsequently lead to an aversion to alcohol.


For men, there are practically no special contraindications for drinking this tea, except maybe not drinking buckets of it.

Thyme is a medicinal herb and can be harmful if overused. Its excessive amount causes sleep disturbances and insomnia. You can’t use it for more than 2 weeks in a row, you need to take breaks.

Thyroid diseases, atherosclerosis, peptic ulcers, kidney and liver problems are a direct contraindication.

If you brew it incorrectly and drink it all the time, poisoning may even occur, which will require urgent medical treatment. So moderation is needed in everything... Once a day will be enough.

If you are unsure about using thyme, consult your doctor.

Wise nature gave man a healing plant that grows inconspicuously next to him and is ready to help, cure, and restore at any moment.

Thyme (or thyme) is a herbaceous perennial whose shoots spread along the ground, take root well and form a spacious, thick carpet. At the beginning of summer, green stems with leaves are cut, collected in small bouquets, dried and used to treat various diseases.

It is the pleasant taste that allows thyme to be used for making tea. Thyme tea can:

  • relieve fatigue, calm, lift your spirits;
  • reduce cholesterol;
  • have an expectorant effect, stop coughing attacks;
  • disinfect, relieve swelling and inflammation;
  • relieve pain, heal wounds;
  • increase potency;
  • expel worms;
  • warm or quench thirst.

Possible harm from the plant

Like any medicine, thyme has clear contraindications and can also cause allergies. People suffering from the following diseases should not use this medicinal herb:

  • weakened thyroid function;
  • ulcers and polyps on the mucous membrane of the duodenum and stomach;
  • post-infarction condition;
  • sclerosis of blood vessels of the heart and brain;
  • arrhythmia, high blood pressure;
  • cardiovascular pathologies;
  • renal failure;
  • liver diseases.

Is it possible for pregnant women and breastfeeding

Pregnancy is a difficult time in a woman's life. When faced with illness, fatigue, and nervous fatigue, the expectant mother wants to help herself with natural, folk remedies and limit her medication intake.

First trimester - thyme tea will soften mood swings, during colds and viral diseases - relieve unpleasant symptoms: runny nose, cough, fever.

II trimester - will eliminate problems at work gastrointestinal tract(bloating, belching, flatulence, heartburn), painful leg cramps;

III trimester - a hot drink will reduce swelling, relieve lower back pain, cure insomnia, and reduce anxiety.

Pregnant women can use thyme only if the pregnancy is developing normally. The dosage should be minimal.

If the expectant mother suffers from chronic diseases of internal organs or unstable blood pressure, she should stop taking the herb. Excessiveness can affect the tone of the uterus and jeopardize pregnancy.

During breastfeeding, thyme tea enhances lactation.

How to cook

Black tea with thyme

To strengthen blood vessels, prevent blood clots, normalize heart function, and improve metabolism, regularly brew black tea with thyme. By drinking a cup of this hot drink in the morning, you can recharge your batteries and put your thoughts in order.

Pour boiling water over a half-liter glass teapot. Pour 1 tbsp into it. loose leaf black tea and 1 tbsp. dry thyme, then fill to the top with just boiled water. Let the tea brew for 5-7 minutes and pour the tea leaves into cups. This drink goes well with honey and rose petal jam.

Blended tea

Mixed tea with thyme, which contains ginger, fennel and linden flowers, promotes weight loss and accelerates metabolic processes in the body. This herbal drink will reduce appetite, restore hormonal levels, and remove waste and toxins. You need to drink it in small courses, for 10-15 days, after which you take a break for the same period of time.

Take 1 tsp. dry ground ginger (or replace it with fresh root), 1 tbsp. fennel, 1 tbsp. l. thyme and 25 g of linden flowers. Pour all the herbs into a thermos and fill 0.5 l boiling water. Let the tea brew for 1-1.5 hours. Drink fresh tea throughout the day.

Vitamin drink

This tea should be used after noticing the first signs of a viral infection: runny nose, chills, headache and eye pain.

The drink contains rose hips, St. John's wort and mint, which means it will be an excellent immunostimulant, make the symptoms of the disease less severe and reduce the risk of complications.

Vitaminized tea can be used to prevent infections in the autumn-winter period, as well as in the spring - for vitamin deficiency.

Grind 15-20 dry rose hips in a mortar or coffee grinder and pour into a teapot. Add there an incomplete tablespoon of thyme, 15 g of St. John's wort, 1 tbsp. dried mint leaves. Brew tea with boiling water. After 30-40 minutes, pour the tea leaves into a cup and dilute it with hot water. Add a spoonful of honey or raspberry jam.


Nervous exhaustion leads to sad consequences: insomnia, apathy, irritability, chronic fatigue, headaches. If this condition is left untreated for a long time, serious health problems will arise. The ritual of drinking tea can calm you down, relieve tension, and temporarily stop the flow of fussy thoughts. And components such as valerian, lemon balm, oregano will reduce excitability and anxiety, improve sleep and mood.

Tea is brewed in a thermos. For 0.5 liters of water, take 1 tbsp. lemon balm, 10 g valerian roots, 10 g oregano and 1 tbsp. thyme. Combine all the herbs and pour boiling water over them, cover with a lid and leave for 1 hour. If the taste seems too strong, dilute the tea with water or syrup. Remember, medicinal teas do not give immediate results.

Gastric collection

To break down the food eaten, the stomach secretes a special juice containing hydrochloric acid. If the concentration of this substance constantly exceeds the norm, a number of pathological processes are triggered in the body.

As a result, duodenal and stomach ulcers, gastritis, colitis, and cancer appear. Bloating, heartburn, constant belching, lack of appetite, and problems with bowel movements may indicate the development of pathology.

Pleasant-tasting tea will help reduce acidity and relieve unpleasant symptoms. To prepare it, take equal parts of chamomile, thyme, centaury and mint (25 g of each component per 1 liter of water). Pour boiling water over the mixture of medicinal herbs, cover tightly with a lid and let it brew for 1-2 hours. Then strain the tea and drink 1 glass 3-4 times a day.

Uses of thyme tea

For men

Regular consumption of thyme tea helps fight a number of purely male diseases.

Among them are prostatitis, sexual dysfunction, asthenospermia, androgenic alopecia.

To eliminate or prevent these pathologies, it is necessary to conduct two-week treatment courses, separating them with breaks of 5-10 days.

Herbal tea is taken 2-3 times a day, on an empty stomach, 20 minutes before meals.

You can supplement thyme tea for men with the following plants:

  • ginkgo biloba;
  • calendula;
  • marsh calamus;
  • ginseng;
  • nettle.

For children

Babies have undeveloped immunity and are very susceptible to environmental infections. Frequent episodes of colds, acute respiratory viral infections, and bacterial infections lead to the development of recurrent obstructive bronchitis, asthma, and immunodeficiency.

Since thyme has strong expectorant, tonic, and anti-inflammatory properties, it can be used as an alternative to synthetic medications.

If a child does not suffer from an allergy to thyme, from the age of 3, you can start using herbal teas based on it. To prepare one cup of hot drink, use ½ tsp. dry thyme. Children under 3 years old can benefit from breathing in the warm steam of freshly brewed tea.

You should not drink herbal teas every day, drink it until symptoms alleviate or within 5-7 days - for preventive purposes.

For women

A woman’s mood and physical well-being are largely related to her hormonal levels.

Tearfulness, fatigue, and irritability accompany monthly menstrual cycles.

Depression, headaches, and chronic fatigue syndrome may be associated with an excess or deficiency of a certain hormone. Thyme is able to influence the functioning of the endocrine system, bringing it back to normal.

  1. To eliminate premenstrual syndrome, you need to carry out 14-day courses, starting on the 7-8th day of the cycle.
  2. You can use thyme for weight loss. They drink this tea before meals because it can reduce appetite.
  3. For uterine bleeding, severe pain in the lower abdomen, drink concentrated tea with thyme 2-3 times a day until the condition eases.
  4. To strengthen the nervous system and improve sleep, drink herbal tea before bed for 1-2 months.

For the elderly

In old age, a person experiences not the most pleasant changes: hearing and vision weaken, memory deteriorates, movements become less confident, and sometimes cause pain. Medicinal thyme teas can improve these conditions.

But you need to drink tea very moderately, as it can cause a significant increase in blood pressure and aggravate chronic diseases. It is enough to drink 1 cup daily or every other day, and after a month’s course take a month’s break.


Thyme tea is an amazing drink. It is able to have a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of the human body.

Child and old man, man and woman - everyone will find benefits in a cup of aromatic hot drink. But when practicing herbal medicine, it is necessary to observe moderation and take into account contraindications.

We bring to your attention a video describing the beneficial properties of tea with thyme:

In contact with

The herb thyme or thyme is a powerful remedy for various ailments. Our ancestors have long used it to treat colds, coughs, and as an antispasmodic for abdominal pain. Today, thyme is a component of some pharmaceutical preparations, which means its healing properties are recognized by official medicine. It is known that many people enjoy drinking tea with thyme, without even thinking about the benefits or harm it brings for men and women. This drink tastes good and has a delicate aroma, but what are its properties? Since thyme is a medicinal herb, it is important to understand this. So, dear readers of Popular About Health, let’s talk about the plant and tea with it.

Tea for men

Thyme is often called a male herb, and this is no coincidence, because this plant contains substances that have a beneficial effect on the potency and functioning of the genitourinary system of men as a whole. We are talking about selenium and molybdenum. These chemicals can improve the production of male hormones. Increasing testosterone in the blood allows you to achieve the following results:

Improve sperm quality;
Get rid of premature ejaculation;
Strengthen erection.

But that’s not all that tea with the addition of thyme can benefit men. This pleasant drink can prevent the onset of inflammatory processes in the male genitourinary system, in particular prostatitis. If there is inflammation of the prostate, tea helps relieve swelling and reduce the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

How to prepare tea with thyme to enhance male power? It is best to drink freshly brewed thyme tea. You can prepare it using regular black or green tea, adding 5 herb inflorescences per cup. Then the tea leaves are poured with boiling water and left for about 5 minutes. It is enough to drink 1-2 cups of black or green tea with thyme per day to feel the results.

How is tea with thyme harmful for men??

Despite the fact that the herb thyme is very beneficial for both men and women, it can in some cases harm a person. For example, if a man is elderly and has problems with high blood pressure, then drinking a lot of tea with thyme in it is harmful to health. An overdose is very dangerous - if you brew tea incorrectly, putting a lot of herbs in a cup or teapot, this leads to overexcitation, nightmares or insomnia. If a man drinks alcohol, it is important to know that the tandem of alcohol plus thyme can cause nausea and vomiting. The medicinal herb contains the substance thymol, which is incompatible with alcohol. It is known that our grandmothers used this property of thyme to treat alcoholism in men.

Benefits of thyme tea for women

Tea with thyme is also useful for women, especially nursing mothers who have reduced breast milk production. This herb is always one of the components of lactation herbal preparations. If you are feeding your baby and notice that there is less milk, your breasts are not filling completely, then it makes sense to prepare warm tea with thyme for yourself once a day. Below is his recipe.

Place one teaspoon of green tea or half this amount of black velvet tea without additives in a three-hundred-gram cup. Add half a spoonful of thyme and brew. Pay attention to the dosage; it should not be exceeded. Cover the top of the cup with a lid. After waiting five minutes, remove the lid. Black tea with thyme is ready, but it is better not to drink it hot. Nursing mothers are advised to drink warm drinks. You should not overuse thyme, because it is a medicinal herb. It is enough to drink this remedy to improve lactation once a day (preferably in the morning).

Thyme tea is also beneficial for women due to its ability to calm the nervous system and relieve stress. Women are very emotional, and sometimes it is difficult for them to control themselves if there are conflicts at work or troubles at home. Thyme will help cope with nervousness and irritation. Just have a cup of drink at night.

Harm of thyme tea for women

Tea with the addition of thyme can be harmful to those girls who already produce a lot of milk in their mammary glands. Excessive lactation is already a problem, since if there is an excess of milk, you will have to express it, thereby increasing its influx. This process can result in mastopathy. Unnecessarily, there is no need to further stimulate lactation.

Breastfeeding women should not get too carried away with tea drinking also because thyme can cause allergies in the baby. Thyme is useful, it has a calming effect on infants, stimulates good, restful sleep, but only if taken in moderation. Drinking this tea is also harmful for pregnant women. Doctors warn that thyme tones the uterine muscles, which can cause miscarriage or the onset of labor prematurely.


Tea with thyme is useful for both men and women, but not always. In some cases - if you have hypertension, peptic ulcers or problems with the thyroid gland, you should not drink it. In addition, excessive use of such a drug can result in new health problems. This gift of nature must be treated with respect, because it is not just a herb, but a medicine, and with a pronounced effect on the body. Therefore, everyone can enjoy the pleasant taste and aroma of tea with thyme, but not too often.

Thyme is rich in such useful substances as gum, organic acids, thymol, cymol, flavonoids, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, selenium, manganese, copper, iron, zinc, vitamins A, B, C. Thyme is used as a disinfectant and a bactericidal agent. It helps well with poisoning, infections, impotence, allergies. Improves vision, functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, genitourinary, endocrine, and respiratory systems. Treats colds, bronchitis, pneumonia. The aroma exuded by thyme helps cope with insomnia, forgetfulness and fatigue. In addition, it develops thinking and stimulates the intellect.

On the feast of the Dormition of the Holy Mother of God, icons in Orthodox churches are decorated with thyme. It is believed that in this way the herb acquires even greater healing power.

To strengthen the immune system, it is recommended to drink thyme tea daily. In order for the plant to fully release its taste and healing properties, it must be brewed in a porcelain or clay teapot, or, in extreme cases, in a cast iron or glass one. Scald the vessel with boiling water, then pour dry herbs into it at the rate of 1 teaspoon per glass. Fill with hot water and simmer for a couple of minutes over low heat with the lid closed. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Now the drink is ready to drink. You can brew other medicinal plants together with thyme. For example, rose hips, lingonberries, mint, chamomile. You should add a little honey to the finished tea.

Tea made from a mixture of thyme, chamomile, sweet clover, lavender and coltsfoot helps improve the condition of facial skin.

This drink is also used for bloating, swelling, and digestive problems. For example, it is good to use it on an empty stomach for heartburn and dysbiosis. Thyme is also harmless for infants - it will relieve them of gas and colic. Tea with thyme helps restore physical strength and calm the nerves. A cup of aromatic herbal tea drunk in the morning will help you recharge your batteries for the whole day. The drink is also useful for breastfeeding mothers. Thyme has a positive effect on lactation.

There is an opinion that alcoholism can be cured with the help of thyme, since the plant can cause an aversion to alcoholic beverages.

Tea with thyme is an excellent remedy for people on a diet, because thyme promotes easy and rapid absorption of food. Nutritionists recommend drinking tea from a mixture of thyme and any other herbs or berries. Thanks to the high calorie content of the medicinal plant, the feeling of hunger will not haunt you for at least 2 hours.

In ancient times, thyme was credited with supernatural abilities - to prolong life, strengthen the spirit, protect the house from negative energy and evil spirits. Children were smoked with dried grass to protect them from the evil eye.

However, not all people benefit from thyme tea. It is contraindicated to use it in case of atherosclerosis, pyelonephritis, hepatitis, arrhythmia, diseases of the thyroid gland, kidneys, and liver. It is not recommended to abuse thyme for ulcer sufferers and pregnant women.