Quick Ossetian pie. Ossetian pies - recipe with photos

Ossetian pies - general principles and methods of preparation

Ossetian pie is closed pie, for the preparation of which they use yeast dough and a variety of fillings from potatoes, meat, cheese, beet leaves, pumpkin, berries, cabbage, wild garlic, zucchini, etc. This a traditional dish Caucasian cuisine, which today is rightfully considered part of the culture of a great people and its pride.

Baking process Ossetian pies cannot be called complex, however, it requires a certain skill from the hostess. It is noteworthy that in Ossetia, baking such pies has always been considered an exclusively women’s task. Good and successful pies are considered to be those that have a thin layer of dough and plenty of juicy filling. Pies with a thick layer of dough are given out in Ossetia either by an inexperienced or simply incompetent housewife.

If we talk about general principles and the technology for preparing Ossetian pies, they are the same throughout Ossetia, and we will tell you about them directly in the recipes. Although, of course, every housewife has her own secrets for preparing Ossetian pies. From general rules It can be emphasized that the volume of dough in such a pie should be equal to the volume of filling. Next, the dough for Ossetian pies is cut without a rolling pin, only with the help of your hands. Maybe that's why they turn out so tasty and very homemade? Ossetian pies are also good because if the pie is not eaten at one time, then it can be reheated later, and this will not affect its taste in any way.

As we have already said, traditional Ossetian pies can have a variety of fillings, but it is customary to bake them in odd numbers, unless we are talking about a funeral or wake.

Ossetian pies - food preparation

For successful preparation of Ossetian pies great importance It has good quality flour and yeast, only under this condition will it turn out soft and thick crust. The flour should be sifted several times so that it is saturated with oxygen and the dough “fits” well.

Most recipes for Ossetian pies use cheese. Of course, according to the classic recipe, you should use Ossetian cheese, but you can use cheese, feta, Adyghe or other cheese instead pickled cheese. It's either sliced small pieces, or grind in a blender.

The filling for fydchin, an Ossetian meat pie, is usually made from beef. Previously, meat was manually cut into very small pieces, but now it can simply be passed through a meat grinder.

As for the other numerous filling components for Ossetian pies, in particular vegetable ones, they are prepared in the same way as for other pies: peeled, washed, finely chopped and, if required by the recipe, stewed or fried in sunflower oil.

Ossetian pies - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Ossetian potato pies

You can only use potatoes as a filling for this pie, but if you add it with pickled cheese or feta cheese, the dish will be more juicy and aromatic. Ossetian pies with this filling are called Kartofdzhyn, and they are among the most popular.


for test:

1 kg flour;
700 gr. milk;
100 gr. sour cream;
50 gr. sunflower oil
50 gr. yeast (dry);
1 tsp. Sahara;
salt to taste.

For filling:

1 kg of potatoes;
150 grams of feta cheese or pickled cheese;
salt to taste.

Cooking method

1. Mix flour with yeast, salt and sugar, pour in warm milk, knead the soft dough and, putting it in a warm place, wait until the dough rises. After this, knead it, knead it well and put it in a warm place for another forty minutes.

2. While the dough is rising, boil the potatoes and mash them. Then mix it with grated cheese, sour cream, butter, add salt if necessary and mix the filling thoroughly.

3. Dividing the dough into equal pieces (about the size of a fist), form each into a flat cake.

4. Having placed the filling in the middle of the flatbread, we collect the dough over it with a bag and pinch it. Then, gently patting it with your palm, we flatten the resulting cake into a flat cake. Then carefully turn it over and also level the other side. You need to leave a small hole in the center of the resulting cake so that steam can escape.

5. Transfer the pie to a baking sheet, brush it with egg and bake for about 20 minutes; once ready, brush it butter.

Recipe 2: Ossetian meat pies

Ossetian meat pie, fydchin, is rightfully considered one of the most festive Ossetian dishes. When preparing it, it is important to make sure that the minced meat is neither too fatty nor lean, then it will turn out juicy and incredibly tasty.


for test:

500 gr. whey or milk;
800 gr. flour;
1 p. yeast (dry);
1 tsp each salt and sugar;
a third of a glass of vegetable oil;

For filling:

700 gr. minced meat;
1 onion;
2 cloves of garlic;
a third of a glass of broth;
salt and black pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the dough by mixing 70 g. warm water with yeast, a tablespoon of flour, 1 teaspoon of sugar and placing it in a warm place. After foaming the yeast, mix the resulting dough with flour, warm whey and salt in a bowl, add sunflower oil. We also place the prepared dough in a warm place until it rises (about an hour).

2. Prepare the filling: salt the minced meat moderately, pepper it, then mix with finely chopped onions and garlic, and mix everything well with your hands. But it will be ready for baking fydchin only after it has stood for half an hour and the meat has been soaked in spices. To make the filling juicy, pour broth into the minced meat.

3. When the dough will work, we divide it into 3 parts and form them into pies. You can do this in the traditional way for Ossetian pies, described in recipe No. 1, or you can do it as follows. We divide each piece of dough into two parts, unequal in size. From the larger one, we form a cake with our hands, no more than 5 mm thick, so that it is slightly larger than the size of the mold. We transfer it into a greased form, so that the dough extends beyond the edges of the form, and spread the minced meat on top. From the second piece of dough we make an even thinner cake, up to 3 mm thick, cover the minced meat with it and tightly connect the edges of both cakes (you can run a rolling pin along the edge of the mold to remove excess dough). We make a hole in the middle through which steam will escape.

4. Then place the pies in a well-heated oven and bake until browned. Lubricate the finished products generously with butter.

Recipe 3: Ossetian pies with stewed cabbage

This type of pies, kabuskajin, is also quite popular. The filling for it is prepared quickly, but in order for the pie to turn out tastier, it is better to let it drain from prepared cabbage excess sunflower oil.


for test:

200 gr. warm water;
1 kg flour;
200 gr. kefir or milk;
0.5 cups sour cream;
30 gr. yeast (fresh);
1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
1 tsp. salt;
100 gr. sunflower oil.

For filling:

500 gr. cabbage;
2 onions;
50 gr. ground walnuts;
thyme and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Having dissolved sugar with yeast in a glass of warm water, wait until the yeast foams, then add kefir (milk), sour cream and mix.

2. After pouring the flour into a large bowl and making a deep hole in it, add the salt and yeast mixture there. Then, stirring, gradually add flour into it until it turns out soft dough, slightly sticking to your hands.

3. Move the resulting piece of dough into another bowl, in which vegetable oil is poured, and, having rolled it there, leave it for about an hour to rise.

4. For the filling, finely chop the cabbage and simmer it with onions and spices until soft.

5. Divide the dough into pieces approximately the size of a fist (you should get about 5 pieces), carefully roll each of them in flour and leave for 15 minutes to proof.

6. Laying each piece on a table sprinkled with flour, kneading it with your hands, make a small cake. Place the filling in the center of the flatbread and, lifting its edges above the filling on one side, gradually gather it in a circle, pinching it together.

7. Then carefully level the resulting “bag” into a flatbread, turn the product over with the seam down and gently pat it on the flatbread, trying to evenly distribute the filling inside the dough so as not to tear it. Make a hole or several sharp cuts in the middle of the cake (to allow steam to escape).

8. Transfer the pie to a baking sheet, brush it with egg and bake until it is golden brown. Then generously lubricate ready pie butter to make it softer.

Ossetian pies - useful tips experienced chefs

You can bake Ossetian pies in the oven or in a frying pan. When baking in a pan, the cake should not be covered until it is inverted.

When baking an Ossetian pie in the oven, you must first place it on the lower level of the oven. When its lower surface is slightly baked and stops sticking to the pan, the pie should be transferred to the upper level.

If you notice that the cake is puffed up too much, you can gently prick it with a fork to prevent it from cracking and leaking juices.

If desired, Ossetian pies can be fried in a frying pan, like regular pies, wherein finished goods no need to grease with butter.

More recipes for pies and pies

  • Pie bombs
  • Pie dough
  • Fried pies
  • Puff pastries
  • Meat pies
  • Kefir pies
  • Pies with egg
  • Pies with apples
  • Pies with cabbage
  • Manna
  • Snack pie “Guests on the doorstep”
  • Fish pie
  • Mushroom pie
  • Jellied pies
  • A pie with cabbage
  • Layered pie with chicken
  • Meat pies
  • Meat and potato pie
  • Puff pastry pie with meat
  • Ossetian pies
  • Blueberry Pie
  • Pie with apples
  • Cherry pie
  • Raspberry Pie
  • Kefir pie
  • Pie with berries
  • Pie with jam
  • Currant pie
  • Chocolate pie
  • Lemon pie
  • Sponge cake
  • Chicken pie
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Charlotte recipes
  • Charlotte with apples in a slow cooker
  • Charlotte with cherry
  • Charlotte with strawberries
  • Charlotte with apples step by step recipe with photo
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  • Charlotte on kefir

Cookies and Brownies Recipes

  • Potato cake
  • Shortbread
  • Chocolate cookies
  • Oat cookies
  • Ginger cookie
  • Fortune Cookies
  • Custard cakes

Even more interesting recipes you can find it at home page Cooking section

If you have never tried Ossetian pies, we definitely recommend making this great dish using the recipes below. We will tell you in detail how to make dough for such baking, and also offer recipes for Ossetian pies with with different fillings.

Dough for Ossetian pies - recipe


  • milk – 210 ml;
  • filtered water – 190 ml;
  • dry yeast – 10 g;
  • premium wheat flour – 620-680 g;
  • refined vegetable oil – 60 ml;
  • granulated sugar– 30 g;
  • salt – 10 g.


Heat one hundred milliliters of filtered water until pleasantly warm, add granulated sugar and yeast and stir until they dissolve. Then add about fifty to sixty grams of flour and give time for the yeast to begin activating, placing the bowl with the dough in a warm place. After about thirty minutes, when the mass bubbles, add the remaining heated water, warm milk, salt and sift wheat flour. Knead a very soft sticky dough. It is necessary to knead for a long time and thoroughly for at least ten minutes, adding vegetable oil at the end of the kneading.

Place the dough in a warm place, covered with a clean cloth, for about one hour. When the mass doubles in volume, you can begin to form Ossetian pies.

The filling for Ossetian pies can be traditional vegetable fillings made from potatoes, cabbage and other products, or any chopped meat, which can be supplemented with spices of your choice and taste, and also flavored with grated hard cheese or herbs.

Below we offer recipes for delicious Ossetian pies with different fillings.

Ossetian meat pie


  • dough for Ossetian pies;
  • Ground beef– 750 g;
  • onion – 300 g;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • chili pepper (optional) - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • dried savory - to taste;
  • – 75-100 ml;
  • butter – 75 g;
  • salt - to taste.


Finely chop the peeled onion and garlic and add to the minced meat. We also add low-fat meat broth, add salt, hot and black salt to taste. ground pepper, savory and stir.

Divide the dough into equal shares for individual pies, which in turn are divided into two unequal parts. We distribute the largest of them in a round greased form, form the sides and lay out the minced meat. Cover with the rolled out smaller layer, connect and pinch the edges together and cut the top in several places randomly or to form a pattern. We make all the pies in the same way.

We bake Ossetian meat pies in an oven preheated to 195 degrees for about thirty minutes, and then generously coat with butter and serve.

Ossetian potato pie



We peel the potato tubers, cut them into pieces and boil them in water without adding salt. Then drain the water, mash the potato pieces to a puree, add grated cheese, ground black pepper and, if desired, fresh herbs of your choice and mix.

Divide the dough into parts, roll it out, place the filling in the center, fold the edges with a bag, pinch it and place it on an oiled baking sheet with the tuck down. Shape the pie into a flat cake and bake in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for about twenty minutes or until golden brown.

Traditionally, flat Ossetian pies are made with a diameter of 30 - 40 mm and a height of no more than 2 cm. The thickness of the dough of a real Ossetian pie should be minimal, and the abundance of filling should be maximum.

By the way, Ossetian pies come in both round and triangular shape. Several centuries ago, these pies were prepared exclusively from unleavened dough. Currently, there are many more recipes for Ossetian pies, since many housewives have adapted classic recipe For homemade. And increasingly, recipes for Ossetian pies are made from yeast dough.

A variety of fillings are added to Ossetian pies: meat, cheese, potatoes, cabbage, beans, mushrooms, wild garlic and even cherries.

For homemade Ossetian pies adapted recipe Let's prepare two fillings from meat and potatoes. We will prepare the dough ourselves simple recipe. By the way, you can choose the dough recipe for Ossetian pies to your liking (see recipes below).


For three meats and two potato pies about 30 cm in diameter.

Milk - 250 ml

Oil - 50.0 ml (2-3 tbsp)

Yeast - 9.0 g

Flour - 600 g

Salt - 1 tsp. no slide

Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

Butter - 100 g (for greasing the top of the pie)

Meat (beef + pork, 2/1) - 350.0 g

Onion - 1 piece

Spices: salt, ground black pepper

Potatoes - 3-4 medium sized pieces

Cheese - 100 grams

Greens (dill, green onions, parsley) - 10 grams

How to cook Ossetian pies

1. Add sugar, yeast, salt and butter to warm milk. Add 4/5 flour to the mixture and knead a moderately dense dough. Place the dough in a warm place for an hour and a half.
2. Boil peeled potatoes in salted water. Remove from the water, mash with a masher, add herbs and shredded cheese. Mix everything.
3. For meat filling meat and onions must be passed through a meat grinder, placing a grid with large holes on it. You can chop everything with a knife. Salt and pepper the meat filling to taste.

4. When the dough and fillings are ready, you can begin to form round Ossetian pies.
5. Divide the dough into five parts.
6. Roll out flat cakes from each part.

7. Add the filling.

Ossetian pies recipes

Ossetian pie is a real hearty food for the inhabitants of Ossetia, which fully reveals the culinary abilities of the housewife who prepared this dish. It is believed that the thickness of the dough layer determines how experienced the housewife is. The thinner the layer, the more agile the housewife; the thicker, the younger and more inexperienced.

Ossetian pie is a thin layer of dough, inside of which you can find quite a lot of filling, covered with the same layer of dough on top. Filling, meat, cabbage, cheese, mushrooms, cherries, potatoes and even beet tops, which do not stick out from the dough, they are neatly hidden, and make the dish juicy, rich and very tasty.

Ossetian pie recipe with cheese

  • Warm water – 1 glass.
  • Yeast (dry) – 1 teaspoon.
  • Flour – 300 grams.
  • Granulated sugar – 1 teaspoon.
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.
  • Vegetable oil – 3-4 tablespoons.
  • Fat cottage cheese – 150 grams.
  • Cheese cheese – 150 grams.
  • Goat cheese – 150 grams.
  • Parsley and green onions- half a bunch.

Dissolve yeast, add salt and sugar. Then sift the flour, mix, add butter. Mix well until the dough is homogeneous and elastic, leave for an hour in a warm place.
Finely chop the greens, mash and grate the cheese, add salt, mix well, divide into three Ossetian pies. Divide the dough into three parts in the same way. Roll out each piece, put the filling inside, cover with a second layer of dough on top, and seal. The Ossetian pie turns out completely closed, you can grease the top with yolk, and bake for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.

Ossetian pie recipe with meat

  • Yeast dough.
  • Meat (beef and pork) – 500/200 grams.
  • Garlic – 5 cloves.
  • Onions – 2 pieces.
  • Butter – 100 grams.
  • Black pepper – 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Red hot pepper - 1 piece.
  • Salt.
  • Meat broth – 150 grams.

Grind the meat through a meat grinder or food processor, along with garlic and onions. Mix everything well better with your hands, salt and add pepper. Finely chop the hot pepper, add to the filling and mix well again. Pour 5 tablespoons of broth here and mix. Place in the refrigerator for an hour.

Divide the dough into 3 parts, as well as the filling. Roll out a thin layer of the “sole” of the pie, apply minced meat, cover with a second layer, and make a flat cake. Place in the oven for 25 minutes at 220 degrees, after cooking the top of the hot Ossetian pie, grease it well with butter.

Ossetian pie recipe with potatoes

  • Potatoes – 0.5 kilograms.
  • Ossetian cheese, you can use Brynza - 0.5 kilograms.
  • Butter – 80 grams.
  • Water – 1 glass.
  • Flour – 800 grams.
  • Yeast (dry) – 5 grams.
  • Milk – 280 grams.
  • Vegetable oil – 5 tablespoons.

Make a mixture of vegetable oil, milk and boiled water(40 degrees). In a separate bowl: yeast and flour. Pour in the dry ingredients, dissolve well, mix and make elastic dough, leave for 1 hour in a warm place.

Filling: boil and mash the potatoes until puree, add salt. Grind cheese or feta cheese through a grater. Mix potatoes and cheese, add a little milk. Divide the dough and filling into 3-4 parts, form pies, grease with butter, and place in the oven for 20 minutes at 220 degrees.

Ossetian pie recipe with herbs

  • Yeast dough.
  • Suluguni – 200 grams.
  • Feta – 100 grams.
  • Green onions – 1 bunch.
  • Dill - half a bunch.
  • Basil - half a bunch.
  • Butter – 70 grams.
  • Sour cream 20% – 150 grams.

Finely chop the greens and grind the cheese through a meat grinder or blender. Mix greens with cheese. Add full-fat sour cream and mix again. Divide the dough into three parts, as well as the filling. Forming pies. We hide the filling inside, on top, coat the part that covers the pie well with butter. Preheat the oven well, leave the pie for 20 minutes at 220 degrees.

Ossetian pie recipe with kefir

Kefir dough:

  • Kefir (more than 2.5%, preferably 3 and above) – 2 cups.
  • Yeast (dry) – 7 grams.
  • Flour – 600 grams.
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon.
  • Sour cream – 3 tablespoons.
  • Egg – 1 piece.
  • Green onions – 1 bunch.
  • Mushrooms – 400 grams.
  • Egg – 2 pieces.
  • Goat cheese – 300 grams.

Mix the ingredients for the dough, in the end it will be fluffy, elastic, rise in 1 hour, in a warm place, covered with a towel. In the meantime, you can prepare the filling: finely chop the onion, wash and peel the mushrooms, cut into small squares, sauté the onion and mushrooms. Boil the eggs and chop them with a fork or grate them on a fine grater. We grate the cheese in the same way. But on a coarse grater.

The dough should be divided into 4 parts, as well as the amount of filling. Form pies, add filling and close top layer test. The top of the flatbread can be well coated with butter, or vegetable oil, as well as egg yolk. Place in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Ossetian pie classic recipe

  • Flour – 700 grams.
  • Milk – 300 grams.
  • Yeast (dry) – 5 grams.
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon.
  • Vegetable oil – 4 tablespoons.
  • Hot water – 100 grams.

Filling (Tsaharajyn - Ossetian pie with beet tops):

  • Beet tops – 0.5 kilograms.
  • Green onions - 1 large bunch.
  • Dill – 1 bunch.
  • Parsley – 1 bunch.
  • Ossetian cheese (can be replaced with goat cheese or Feta cheese) – 500 grams.

Finely chop all the greens, salt well and mix. Grind the cheese and mix with herbs.

For the test you need to dilute in hot water and milk yeast, add salt and sugar, vegetable oil, sifted flour. As a result, the dough turns out elastic, it needs to be greased in a bowl vegetable oil, and then cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for half an hour - an hour.

When the dough has risen, you need to divide it into 3 parts, form pies (put the filling on the bottom thin layer, cover the top with a second layer of dough, make a flat cake). Lubricate egg yolk, leave for half an hour at 200 degrees.

Ossetian pies are now popular - they are ordered for the holidays throughout Russia. Do you know what classic Ossetian pies are? Let's figure it out.

Classic Ossetian pies were previously prepared only from yeast-free unleavened dough, but over the years the recipe gradually changed and yeast, eggs, milk and butter began to be added to the dough.

Ossetian pies are flat cakes with a filling inside, which uses a wide variety of products: cheese, vegetables, fruits, herbs, meat, etc. Pies are baked in the shape of a circle with a diameter of 30 to 40 cm and a thickness of up to 2 cm. However, for religious holidays it is customary to bake triangular-shaped pies with cheese filling.

For festive feast Three pies are placed on plates in a stack, usually with different fillings, and if there is a funeral dinner, then only two. This tradition originated in the pre-Christian era: three pies on one plate symbolize the three main elements that give life - the Sun, Water and Earth. But if a person dies, the sun sets for him, which is why there are only two pies on the funeral table.

Any Ossetian woman is considered a good housewife only if she knows how to bake Ossetian pies. By the way, girls learn this wisdom from early childhood. This dish requires special approach: it is believed that its preparation should be done with good mood, pure soul and thoughts. For the baked goods to turn out well, the dough must be thin and the filling must be tasty and plentiful. Thick dough and insufficient filling will indicate the inexperience of the hostess.

According to the old Ossetian tradition, before starting to treat pies, family members read prayers, praising the Almighty, or asking him for health, happiness and prosperity for themselves and their loved ones. After this, the eldest male representative in the family cuts the pie into 6 equal parts and distributes it to relatives and guests gathered at the table.

As mentioned above, Ossetian pies are prepared with all kinds of fillings. There are more than a dozen varieties of this pastry, and each of them is named depending on the type of filling:

Artadzykhon – ritual pie with triangular-shaped cheese;
Balgin - cherry pie;
Dawonjin - a pie filled with Ossetian cheese and wild garlic leaves;
Zokojin – mushroom pie;
Kabuskajin - pie with cabbage and cheese;
Kadyndzjin – pie with green onions and Ossetian cheese;
Kadurjin - a pie filled with beans;
Kartofgin - pie with cheese and potatoes;
Nasjin – pie with grated pumpkin;
Walibakh, Khabizzhin – classic Ossetian pies round shape stuffed with Ossetian cheese;
Fidzhin - pie with minced meat (any meat can be used);
Tsakharadzhin - pie with cheese and beet tops.

Recipe for Ossetian cheese pies

To prepare classic Ossetian pies in modern interpretation, you will need the following ingredients:

Wheat flour ( premium) – 7 glasses;
milk – 3 glasses;
butter (melted) - 3 tablespoons. spoons;
dry yeast - 2 tablespoons. spoons;
sugar - 1 table. spoon;
salt – 1 teaspoon. spoon;
Ossetian cheese or feta cheese (for filling) – 1.5 kg.

Preparation of the dough:

The flour is sifted, one glass is left for sprinkling, and the rest is poured into a large low container (for example, an enamel bowl) or simply on the table, making a depression in the center.

Yeast, sugar, salt and butter are diluted in warm milk. The resulting mixture is poured into the well in the flour.

Gently knead the dough with your hands, bringing it to a uniform thick consistency.

Cover the resulting dough with a clean cloth or cling film and leave for 2 hours to proof.

When the dough has risen, knead it thoroughly using the remaining glass of flour and leave for about 40 minutes.

Preparing the filling:

While the dough is rising, prepare the cheese filling. For this hard cheese rubbed on coarse grater, and if feta cheese is used, then it is simply kneaded in a suitable container. Cheese cheese that is too salty can be pre-soaked in water. IN low-fat cheese It is recommended to add 2-3 tables. spoons of soft butter.

Advice: to cheese filling acquired a brighter and spicy taste, it can be combined with herbs and green onions.

If desired, you can make Ossetian pies with different fillings. The main thing is to prepare each type of filler in sufficient quantity. To make the pies juicy, it should be noted that there should be twice as much filling as dough.

Forming pies:

The finished dough is kneaded again and divided into three equal parts, forming them into balls. Thin cakes are made from each ball, spreading the dough with pressing movements with your fingers from the center to the edges. The blanks should have the same thickness over the entire surface, approximately 1.5 cm.

Place the filling in the center of each flatbread, distributing it so that it does not reach the edges by 3-4 cm. The edges of the workpieces are selected towards the center and carefully fastened together, leaving a small hole in the middle for steam to escape during the baking process.

The molds are greased with oil and the resulting “bags” with filling are transferred into them. Then future Ossetian pies are carefully distributed over the entire plane of the mold, trying not to damage the dough.

Baking and serving:

In Ossetia, pies are baked in cast iron molds in coal stoves, but in modern life an oven is quite suitable. It is preheated to 220 0 C, and the pies are baked for 15-20 minutes. When hot, their surface is generously greased with butter or heavy cream– this will make the dough even more tender and aromatic.

Ossetian pies are served hot, after cutting them into 6 triangular pieces. Classic Ossetian pies are eaten with hands, dipping the pieces in spicy sauce(garlic, tkemali, etc.)

Ossetian pies are famous for their unique taste and satiety. You can find a lot different recipes With various fillings. I suggest you try how to make a real Ossetian pie. ...Further


I’ll tell you how to make Ossetian pie, delicious and very filling! One such pie was enough for me to feed two male friends! It's easy to prepare, but it turns out great tasty dish, I advise! ...Further

I'll tell you how to make Ossetian pie without yeast! I cook it with potato filling, it turns out very tasty. All you need is to buy in the store yeast-free dough and start cooking! ...Further



Ossetian pie is a very tasty dish. In addition, it is quite simple to prepare. There are many options for fillings. One of them is cheese with herbs. Delicious! ...Further


The name of the dish is Ossetian pie; it is rather the name of a whole group of dishes. Depending on the filling, the pie also has a special name, for example, with potatoes, the pie is called potato pie. ...Further


Traditional filling made from potatoes and cheese for traditional Caucasian dish- Ossetian pie. Be sure to try it - you will like it. ...Further


I’ll say right away that in Ossetia they don’t prepare pies with this filling - other products are traditionally used there. But it’s so delicious, try it, you’ll definitely like it. ...Further


If you don't have a lot of time, but want to cook something tasty and... hearty dish– make an Ossetian pie in a frying pan. This is, of course, not a traditional pie, but it is also very tasty. ...Further


A relatively new dish for our tables, but it has already become firmly established in our diet. I especially like this pie with cottage cheese, I recommend it! ...Further


The yeast dough for the Ossetian pie turns out to be very soft when baked, the filling is juicy and aromatic. Very delicious pastries, the whole family will like it. ...Further


I was surprised to discover that from what was previously simply thrown away, you can prepare a very tasty dish. Namely, Ossetian pie with beet leaves. ...Further


Traditionally, the Ossetian pie is very thin and resembles a flatbread in appearance. The filling is equal in thickness to the dough. In the case of cherry filling, the pie turns out more fluffy. Great option for dessert. ...Further


I offer you a recipe from the Ossetian piggy bank national cuisine. The peculiarity of this dish is that it is very simple to prepare, and at the same time very tasty and satisfying. Be sure to try it! ...Further


You can make an Ossetian pie with meat or other filling, or you can also make Lenten option. I have a recipe in stock for this occasion, stuffed with cabbage and walnuts. ...Further


For this pie, it is important to purchase fresh fish - this will make the dish very tender, juicy and tasty. Prepare it wonderful dish for your family. ...Further


In Ossetia, every housewife knows how to cook a traditional pie. The skill of its preparation has been honed over the years. Main secret- this is thinly rolled out dough, it should not be thicker than the filling. ...Further


The famous Ossetian pie was invented centuries ago and is a flatbread with filling. The standard for baking is considered thin dough With big amount ingredients inside. Incredibly delicious! ...Further


They say baking is bad for your figure, but this pie definitely won't hurt you. The peculiarities of preparing a traditional Caucasian dish make it very tasty and light. ...Further

What can be said about this pastry is only that it turns out very tasty, satisfying and will definitely please both you and your whole family. Check out the recipe and try it! ...Further


Traditional pie accompanies the residents of Ossetia throughout their lives - with different fillings, at different feasts. These pies symbolize the sun, its warmth and wealth. ...Further


Round and warm, like the sun, a pie from the oven will make your day warm and give great mood. Moreover, it is very easy to prepare. ...Further

A unique national Ossetian pie with beet tops will fit perfectly into a party, create a sensation and secure your reputation as an unsurpassed culinary specialist. Be sure to try and rate it. ...Further


Imagine how you pick up a slice of hot pie and bite off a piece, and there is hot, stretchy cheese with the aroma of greenery. Tasty? I'll tell you how to make a pie with suluguni. He is awesome! ...Further


Fidzhin is an Ossetian pie. They turn out very tasty and juicy due to the fact that the filling is covered with another layer of dough. And she can be anyone. They use meat, potatoes, herbs, cheese. ...Further


Khachapuri has long become a truly “folk” food. You can easily buy them in any corner of the city, and it’s even more interesting to learn how to cook yourself. I offer a simple recipe. ...Further


To prepare Ossetian pies, a special dough is required. Usually yeast dough is prepared using kefir and flour. Pies are baked in the form of flat cakes with different fillings. Be sure to try it! ...Further


Davonjin is a traditional Ossetian flat cake with wild garlic leaves and Ossetian cheese. With this recipe you can easily prepare delicious and hearty pies dawonjin! ...Further

Having tried khachapuri with cheese in a cafe, I never thought that you could make it at home. I thought I needed a special oven, but everything turned out to be simpler. Khachapuri can also be baked in regular oven at home. ...Further