Fast pork kebab marinovka. Fast pork kebab - recipe

Today in our material express methods for marinating pork for kebabs. Taking advantage of simple recommendations, you can even an unplanned picnic to ensure incredibly tasty and soft meat delicacy.

The fastest and most delicious marine for pork kebab - recipe


  • repressed bulbs - 250 g;
  • paprika Red Sweet Hammer - 25 g;
  • a mixture of fragrant - 25 g or to taste;
  • mineral carbonated water - 135 ml;
  • fresh-mounted black pepper - 2 chips;
  • large salt - 25 g.


Chilled pork sishek rinse carefully and cut across the fibers on slices of approximately 4-5 centimeters. We put meat into a wide enamelled bowl, we also lay down onions cut into the branches and sulfate. We hide the contents of the dishes of salt, the ground sweet with a red paprika and a black pepper, add fragrant spices, specially selected for kebabs, water all mineral carbonated water and mix carefully, rubbing the components of the marinade in slices of pork. We leave the ass with a kebab at room conditions for a thirty minutes, covering the film, after which we can begin to prepare your favorite all delicacies on the fire.

Fast marinade for pork kebab with kiwi


Calculation of 1.3 kg of pork:

  • patched bulbs - 480 g;
  • ripe large - 1 pc.;


If there is a need to pick up a pork for a kebab in a short time and make it soft, then better marinade than the one that is cooked with the participation of Kiwi is not found. The enzymes contained in the juice of this fetus, incredibly contribute to mitigating rigid meat fibers and give the finished dish original sourness. Especially good such a marinade if you didn't have a pork slaughter and you prepare a kebab from another part of the carcass. But we draw your attention on strict compliance with marination time requirements. It is strictly recommended to exceed it to avoid product damage.

Pork is cut on slices, squeeze them with salt, freshly hamper with black and spices for kebabs, add to the leaps, alone, cutting it with pre-thin rings, lay the crushed, pre-cleaned kiwi fruit and mix. Marinate meat in such a marinade thirty-forty minutes and immediately proceed to frying. It is very convenient for the preparation of meat for kebabs immediately in nature. While you will install and ignite the mangall, the pork is soaked with flavors and will become soft and juicy thanks to Kiwi.

Marinade for kebabs from fast cooking pork with wine


Calculation by 1.3 kg of pork slab:

  • patched bulbs - 480 g;
  • red dry wine - 290 ml;
  • a mixture of fragrant spices for kebab - 25 g or to taste;
  • large salt - 25 g or to taste;
  • pepper freshly hammer black - to taste.


For marination pork with wine, it will take a little more time than with mineral water and kiwi, but such a way will give meat a kind of light sourness and make the taste of the finished kebab in unique and Exquisite.

The properly prepared pork sisek is cut across the fibers with small slices, which are seasoned with a large salt and freshly hammer pepper and put in a bowl. The onion bulbs purify from husks, cut by large rings, knead them a little hand and add to meat. The fragrant spices for kebab are squeezed there, we also pour red wine and mix the contents of the peaks to the uniform distribution of the marinade on slices of pork. We leave meat to marinate at room three hours at three, then we can start roaring kebabs.

Answering the question how to pick up kebabs, you can tell infinitely for a long time. Of course, each family uses his recipe. However, sometimes so I want to try something new, isn't it?

How to pickle kebabs - several ways

As a marinade, it can be used: juice that gives meat and onions. This method is called simple. For this meat (preferably - pork neck) you need to cut into pieces. Then add salt, pepper. Put the meat into the appropriate dishes, pulling the meat of the onion onion, chopped on the rings. Put the meat under the gilt for 3-5 hours (you can and longer).

Another way, how to pickle kebabs - fast, but, nevertheless, very tasty. Meat has time to marvel for two hours. Meat and pits, add salt, spices and fill it with champagne or beer.

The third method is exotic.This method completely repeats the previous one. But there is a special highlight - exactly an hour before you fry meat on the mangale, add a chopped kiwi. About 2 kg-1 kiwi. All ingredients mix.

For snacks to kebab, you can feed pickled and fresh greens. Bon Appetit!

In addition, pomegranate and tomato juice, mineral water, kefir, etc. can also be used as a marinade.

Marine meat in vinegar or mustard is not worth it. The vinegar makes meat solid, and the mustard gives the meat unpleasant bitterness.

Excellent marinade - kefir,it makes meat very soft, keeping his taste and juiciness, adding at the same time a hardly tangible pleasant kitty. Meat in kefir marinates very quickly, enough 3-4 hours, while the meat is not necessary to remove into the refrigerator. Kefir must completely cover meat in a saucepan.

We give a few most popular and successful, in our opinion, recipes. The taste of the kebab is obtained very tasty!

Recipe number 1 kebab in pomegranate sauce

  • 2 kg pork (pink, clipping)
  • 4-5 Lukovitz
  • 0.6-0.7 liters. Natural pomegranate juice
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • Salt pepper
  • Coriander, Hmeli Sunneli

Recipe cooking kebab

  1. Wash and dry meat, cut it with rectangles about 4 * 3 cm. Clean the bow and cut it with rings. Make meat with onions and mix.
  2. Put the spice from above: hops-Sunnels and crushed coriander. Sung and pepper meat with onions.
  3. Then pour garnet juice and mix. After that, add vegetable oil to meat and mix again. Cover from above the meat of an inverted plate, so that it goes in size in the pan.
  4. Put the back to the plate so that the marinade is completely covered with a plate. A kebab must marinate at least 2 days in the refrigerator, while it must be mixed and put again under the oppression.
  5. If you marinate less time, then the kebab is less tasty. Focusing meat Space on the skewers and fry on coals until readiness.
  6. Serve kebabs needed with greens, fresh vegetables and sauces in preference. Bon Appetit!

Recipe number 2 kebab in vegetable marinade

It will take for cooking kebabs

  • 2 kg of meat (pork, lamb)
  • 2 Lukovitsy
  • 2 lemons
  • 2-3 Ch.L. Seasonings for kebabs
  • 2-3 Bulgarian peppers (optional)

Recipe cooking kebab

  1. Cut meat as in the first case, bow cut the rings. Clean lemons from skins.
  2. Bulgarian pepper (optional) Prepare - remove the fruit, remove the seeds, cut on the halves and wash. Lemon and Bulgarian pepper skip through a meat grinder.
  3. Mix all the ingredients in one pot and add chashring seasonings. Meat will be very gentle.
  4. Choosing meat for kebabs better to take low-fat meat. It can be a pork or a young lamb, a fuel part with a thin layer of fat. A low-fat pork neck is also suitable.

Recipe number 3 kebab in juice fresh subidar

It will take for cooking kebabs

  • 2 kg of pork cervical
  • 4-6 Lukovitz
  • Salt pepper
  • Vegetable oil
  • Tomatoes in their own juice
  • 3 tbsp. vinegar

Recipe cooking kebab

  1. Cut meat into small rectangular pieces, pour rings. Add salt and pepper (better freshly ground). Fill meat almost up to top with vegetable oil.
  2. An hour later, add a can of tomato in its own juice. Leave meat to pickle at night. An hour before cooking, add vinegar.
  3. Skewers will be very soft and tasty. Bon Appetit!

For the preparation of kebabs can be used and chicken. Here is another recipe.

Recipe number 4 Chicken kebab in acetic marinade

Due to the fact that meat is kept in vinegar just a few minutes, it turns out very gentle, amazingly delicious and juicy.

For the preparation of kebabs from chicken will need

  • Chicken Babes
  • Vinegar
  • Salt, spices for chicken
  • Bulb onions

Chicken kebab cooking recipe

  1. Chicken breakfasts rinse and dry. Make a strong acetic solution and plunge into it for 10-15 minutes of meat. Then lay the solution, salt meat and add spices, mix.
  2. Onions Clean and cut the half rings, remember it a little, add to the meat, mix.
  3. Marinate kebab 2 hours at room temperature, then strolle on the skewers or lay out on the grille and roast until readiness. Bon Appetit!

Recipe number 5 kebabs with vegetables

It will take for cooking kebabs

  • 2 kg of meat (pork or lamb)
  • Mayonnaise
  • 1 lemon
  • 4-5 Lukovitz
  • Salt pepper
  • Fresh cucumbers and tomatoes
  • Krasnodar sauce
  • 2-3 garlic teeth
  • Green Parsushki

Recipe cooking kebab

  1. Meat cut into small rectangular pieces, lubricate each piece by mayonnaise. Lemon Clean the skins and squeeze juice from it in meat. Onions Clean and cut rings (if you fry it on the grill) or half rings, add to the meat, mix.
  2. Salt meat, pepper and mix everything again. Meat you need to marinate 4-5 hours. After the kebab will be frightened on coals, remove it from the skewer to the plate.
  3. Cucumbers and tomatoes wash and cut into pieces of size with pieces of meat. Add chopped vegetables to a plate with meat and mix. It turns out the original salad!
  4. Cook sauce. To do this, grind garlic and mix it with Krasnodar sauce, finely chop parsley and add to the sauce, spray and pepper.
  5. Serve an original salad and sauce on a separate bowl. Bon Appetit!

Cooking kebabs - real art. But if desired, you can master this interesting science. The main thing is not to forget that cooking is a creative process. Do not be afraid of experiments, and every time try to approach the process in a good mood - here are two main secrets of a delicious kebab!

About how to quickly pick up kebabs from pork, many cooks of our country know. After all, such a dish has long become traditional for us. Especially often they are prepared in the spring-summer season. Although often kebabs make both winter holidays.

If you do not know how to quickly pick up kebabs from pork, we will tell about it in the submitted article. From it you will learn about how such a dish is most tasty and juicy.


Before you tell you how to quickly pick up a pork kebab, you should teach that it is a dish.

Skewers is a traditional dish of nomadic peoples of Eurasia. As a rule, it is a large chopped lamb or other meat, which first marinate, and then prepare over coals. Most often, this dish is done using metal or wooden skewers, as well as using the mangala.

Selection of raw materials

Quickly pick up meat for kebabs from pork is not a problem. But before that it should be chosen correctly. The product must be the most fresh, but not pair. Most often, ribs are used for such a dish, as well as meat with blades and legs.

It should be especially noted that today not only a gentle pork and fragrant lamb, but also beef, and even poultry meat are used to prepare kebabs. By the way, the last option is the most economical, but no less tasty.

How to quickly pick up a pork kebab?

Currently, there is a huge number of all kinds of marinades, which are used to prepare a pork, ram, beef and chicken kebab. Which one to choose for cooking meat on coals is to solve only you. But that such a dish is really tasty, it should be properly chopped.

The first thing you need to know the cook is that meat for kebabs should be room temperature. Only it will be wakey as quickly as possible (about one hour), absorbing all the products and spices used.

Many cooks mistakenly believe that a quick way to pick up pork kebab is an incorrect way. Therefore, most owners are soaked with a meat product for a day and even longer. However, it should be noted that such a process contributes to the allocation of all pork juices, which makes it not very tasty and juicy. Therefore, before proceeding to pickling kebabs, the meat must be fully utilized. If you decide to soak frozen pork, then you will need a few hours so that the pieces are impregnated with spices and seasonings.

How to pick up kebabs from pork? Best recipes

As mentioned above, there are many ways to be for kebabs. A traditional recipe is the one where an ordinary mayonnaise is used as a marinade. If you have never done such a dish, then the cooking process we describe right now. To do this, we need:

  • pork with a small amount of fat - about 3 kg;
  • mayonnaise olive - 100 g;
  • tomato paste - a large spoon;
  • salt cook, dried dill and pepper - apply to taste;
  • white onion heads - 2 pcs.

Meat processing

How to quickly pick up kebabs? The best ways to prepare such a dish require the use of wonder ingredients.

Before proceeding to soaking meat, it was cooled well, cutting off all the inedible elements. Then the pork is cut apart fibers so that on one piece there are not only meat, but also a little fat. It will make kebabs more juicy and tasty.

Marination process

After the pork is shunken on long and rectangular pieces, it is laid out in the enameled dishes and squeeze the salt, mayonnaise, tomato paste and pepper. Also, large rings of the reptile bow and dried dill are added to meat.

Mixing all the components with your hands, they are covered with a lid and leave aside for 1.5 hours. This time is enough for marinating meat. But only if it was room temperature. If you have been soaked chilled pork, then the specified time is impassable to double, and if it is very frozen, then four times.

Making onion marinade for pork

Now you know how to quickly pick up a pork kebab. Recipes of this dish are very simple.

So, to prepare a kebab need to be purchased:

  • khmeli-Sunnels - 1.5 big spoons;
  • honey fresh - 15 g;
  • white onion heads - 8 pcs.;

Cooking process

Before starting picking pork, it should be prepared correctly. I would like to immediately note that meat for kebab is always treated equally. Pork is well wash in warm water, and then remove all the streaks and films. After that it is bold on rectangular pieces. Make it pop fibers.

By the way, cut the meat product preferably in a frozen form. Then it should be fully soaked and only then start marinating.

For the preparation of the marinade, we decided to use onion juice. It is made easy and simple. Vegetables are cleaned of husks, and then rub on a small grater. After that, they are put in not very small marla and expressly pressing. In the future, fresh honey, hops-Sunnels, pepper are added to the resulting juice, and all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and poured with them the meat product.

In such a marinade, the pork (warm) is soaked for two hours. After that, it is planted on the skewer and prepare on coals in the traditional way. It should be noted that the outlet get a very tasty, juicy and fragrant dish.

Cherry marinade for pork kebab

Now you have ideas about how for kebab. Recipes such dishes should be noted at a notes.

If you like meat dishes with a sweet sauce, the presented way to cook kebab will become your beloved. Pork, sweeping in it turns out incredibly juicy and tasty. Such a dish especially like representatives of weak gender and children. To implement it, we will need:

Cooking method

About how to process a pork to prepare a kebab, we will not tell, as described this process just above. As for the marinade, it requires a special approach.

Pork pieces with a small amount of fat are put in a deep enameled pan, and then salted to taste and add a sweet paprika. In this form, the meat product is left under the lid for 20 minutes. After that, it is poured with dry red wine and concentrated cherry juice.

Swinging the ingredients with their hands, they are closed again and allowed for 90 minutes to be chopped. During this time, meat pieces are completely soaked with aromas of cherry juice and dry red wine.

Tomato marinade for kebab

There is nothing complicated in the preparation of marinade for kebab. The main thing is to use the ingredients only combined with each other and add a sufficient number of spices.

So, for the preparation of meat dinner on coals should be purchased in advance:

  • pork with a small amount of fat - about 3 kg;
  • tomato juice - 150 ml;
  • marinated tomatoes (better use home) - 4 pcs. + brine in a volume of 150 ml;
  • luke red heads - 2 pcs;
  • salt cook and pepper - apply to taste.

Marinate meat for kebab

Swine meat for kebabs should be purchased with a small amount of sala. If you use too fat, the dish will be very calorie and tasteless. If, on the contrary, buy meat without a sala, it will simply burn, and will also be dry and housing.

After the required amount of pork is purchased, it is pretty processed and cut into medium slices. Then it is squeezed by a cooking salt and pepper, poured tomato juice and stirred thoroughly. After that, take a few and free them from hard peel. In the future, they are laid out in the bowl of the blender and whipped on

The resulting tomato porridge is added to meat. It is also poured into the brine. For taste and aroma, large rings of red onions are placed in the same packag.

In conclusion, all mentioned ingredients are well mixed with their hands, closed and left at room temperature by 1.5 hours. This time is enough to ensure that the meat product absorbed part of the marinade, has become fragrant and juicy.

After the meat is extinced in a tomato brine, it is riveted on wooden or metal skewers, and then prepare a classic way on coals.

How to present to the table?

Skewer from pork meat is presented only in hot condition. It is served family members right on skewers or lay out on a plate. Eating such a dish is recommended with a sliced \u200b\u200bof bread, as well as fresh greens and vegetables.

To obtain a more satisfying lunch, some hostesses are served pork kebabs together with side dishes. However, in this case, the dish will succeed more severe for the stomach and calorie.

Let's summarize

In this article, you were presented several ways to quickly pick up meat on a kebab. Recipes of marinades, which were described above, can be complemented with their ingredients, including spices and seasonings.

You can go on a barbecue with relatives and friends at any time of the year, most importantly - so that the rain does not hinder the fire or coal in the mangale. For the preparation of wonderful pork kebabs there are no certain temporary seasons. Both in winter and summer, fragrant pork kebab, will decorate any table.

Meat was never famous for cheap, so it is necessary to approach his choice carefully and carefully. Delicious kebab is obtained from pork, the meat is soft, with a fatty, burning from the heat dripping on vegetables, distributing the fragrances. Such a spectacle can be seen, picking up not only a good piece of meat, but also by choosing the most delicious marinade for pork kebabs.

How to choose the right piece of pork for kebab

Basic secrets of cooking of a successful pork kebab

Recipes Marinade for Pork Skewers

Marinade for pork kebabs on vinegar

(Recipe for 1 - 1.5 kg. Meat)

In the prepared meat, cut the rings onions, pre-cleaned. Add to raw kebabs together with a bulb and pepper, laurel. This marinade for kebabs from pork is prepared with salt, because it is dissolved in water with sugar, vinegar is added, mix well.

Marinade - dissolved sugar and salt in water and vinegar, pour pieces of pork and onions, mixed with pepper. It is possible to strengthen about 3.5 hours in a cool place, not in the sun, but in the shade.

Marinade for kebab pork in kefir

(recipe for 1.5 kg. Meat)

Prepared meat should be mixed with black pepper and hops-Sunnels, leave half an hour. Then rub the onion on the shallow grave, half of the specified number. Add to meat, mix well. After a few minutes, pour kefir, mix well so that all the pieces are covered, add the cut rings, sugar powder sliced. Mix again, leave the marinade pork kebab, for which meat is soaked for 5-6 hours. You can leave for hours 10, it will only be tastier.

Marinade for pork kebabs on pomegranate juice

(recipe for 2 kg. Meat)

The beauty of this recipe is that whatever you choose spices and seasonings, it will always give to a grenade, will become soft and spicy taste.

  • Seasonings and spices - black and white ground pepper, cumin and coriander, oregano, paprika. Any dried herbs, bay leaf.
  • Onions - 3 pieces.
  • Pomegranate juice, natural, not packaged - floor liters.
  • Salt - taste, when serving.

Prepare meat, cut onion rings, add to raw kebabs and leave for an hour. Then mix with spices and marinate another hour. Then poured with pomegranate juice, mix well and leave for the night or day, in general, at hours 8.

Marinade for pork kebabs in Luke

(recipe for 1 kg. Meat)

Half onions we rub on the grater, half - cut rings, not very large, better thinner. In the prepared pieces of meat, washed and dried, add the onions sliced \u200b\u200brings, mix very well, we leave for an hour. Then add to the marinade pork kebab, consisting of a mixture of spices and pepper, a satellite bow. We mix well, closing the bowl of food film. Let's leave in the dark and coolness at night.

Pork marinade for lemon kebab

(recipe for 1 kg. Meat)

Cut and washed, dried meat mix with spices and mix well with hands. Then you need to add a zest 2 lemons. It's easy to do it - remove the peel from the lemon with the help of a shallow grain, add to meat and mix. We supplement the marinade for pork kebabs onions, sliced \u200b\u200brings, mix well with meat and spices. Onions are better cutting with not very thick rings so that he gives more his juice meat. We leave for an hour, then add more lemon juice 1. Marine about 5 hours, you can leave for the night, so even better, the meat will become more supplied to the roasters, and not to dry.

Marinade for pork kebabs on mineral

(recipe for 4 kg. Meat)

When there is a large amount of meat, and it needs to be urgent, the best remedy is mineral water. She quickly makes meat soft and juicy. And adding some non-standard ingredients, marinade for pork kebab will become perfect.

  • Mineral water, carbonated - 1.5 liter bottle.
  • Onions - 1 kilogram.
  • Dried tomatoes and dried paprika. There are mixtures of these ingredients sold in stores.
  • Coriander in the grains (the same called dried cilantro) - a complete spoon.
  • Black pepper, ground - 1 tablespoon. The pepper needs a lot, as the mineral water kills his aroma, but provided that the use of large quantities, it will be perfectly felt.
  • Salt - taste, when serving.

Meat will prepare, promotion, apply and we asked. Onions cut rings, thin, mix well with meat, we leave for an hour, the second, so that the pork is appropriate onion juice. Then add a coriander, black ground pepper, mix well, add a drying mixture of vegetables (tomatoes and paprika), mix again.

Now in pork kebabs, we pour the bulk of the marinade - mineral water. We pour meat so that the water is a little covered with pieces of meat. Leave better for 8 hours, better for the night. People with kebabs wept the food film, stored in a dark place, cool.

Marinade for pork kebabs on red wine

(recipe for 1 kg. Meat)

We rinse the meat well and cut into cubes, drier. We ride pork seasonings and spices, add a laurel. Mix very well and leave for an hour. In the meantime, clean and cut down onion with rings or semirings, as in the end you will be comfortable to wear it on SHAPUR. Add to meat, mix so that the bow gives juice, and the marinade for kebabs from pork received its "skewer" flavor.

We leave for some time meat with onions and seasonings in a dark and cool place, and through the watch you can fill the pork wine and mix again. To pickle kebabs should be about 12 hours, if there is an opportunity, let it stand and a little longer.

Marinade for kebabs of pork on cognac and herbs

Cooking marinade for prepared meat. You need to mix 2 lemons juice in a separate idea with sunflower oil. We add herbs, nicely lag with their hands or in a mortar, to stretch the pestle. So they will emach the fragrance and faster the meat. So that marinade for pork kebabs turned out to be piquant, add brandy, then red ground pepper. Everything is well mixed.

Now the marinade is well rolling the pork, pour and blame the hands to be sure that each piece got its portion of the "Crown" refueling. Leave the kebab is recommended for at least 2 hours.

Marinade for kebabs of pork on sour cream and mayonnaise with herbs

We are preparing a marine for pork kebab, shredding on a graister or in a blender onions, turn it into a puree. We mix it well with the prepared pieces of meat, we leave for an hour so that the meat should be bored with onion juice.

After this time, add seasonings and spices, we will mix well again and leave another hour. If you marinate kebabs, thus, you can get the most rich taste from each marinade ingredient.

Now add mayonnaise, mixed with sour cream, well feed meat, stirring with your arms. We leave overnight in a cool and dark place, wrapping the dishes of the food film.

Marinade for kebabs from pork on mustard and soy sauce with cilantro (recipe for 0.5 kg. Meat)

This spicy marinade for pork kebabs is perfectly suitable for frying grilled meat and mangala. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients, mix well. The prepared pork was well to miss marinade, mix until each piece is covered with refueling. Leave for 3-4 hours in a cool and dark place, under the food film.

Summer is not far off, and therefore, the time of picnics and rest in nature has come. The main acting face is still a kebab! No exit to nature passes without a traditional kebab. There are many recipes, how to choose and cook kebabs. We will tell about this in our article.

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Which to choose marinade for kebab And how much to keep meat in it is, it depends on individual taste preferences, as well as on the degree of rigidity of meat. You should not marine meat with the use of fermented milk products, for example, kefir, if you will take a long time to get to the heat, and do not have a refrigerator bag. It can be dangerous to health. The tougher meat, the longer the time it should marinate. In addition, there are some tricks and secrets cooking kebabs, for example, how to make meat softer with the help of marinade.

Top 15 Best Recipes Marinade Shash

Marinades are suitable for pork, chicken (see how to choose chicken), lambs, beef and turkey.

    Marinade with mayonnaise

    You will need 200 g of any mayonnaise per kilogram of meat, 4 bulbs, spices. Mayonnaise is mixed with all spices to taste. Then they are missing meat.

    Pink marinade (with ketchinosis)

    Preparing from exactly as well as the previous marinade with mayonnaise. Only a small amount of ketchup is added to the mayonnaise, which the entire marine is painted in pink color.

    Marinade with wine

    White wine is mixed with seasonings. Then the mixture was filled with a layer with a bow so that the layer of the bow turned out to be top above. Meat is covered with a plate with a cargo. So the meat is better womens. It is advisable to leave it in the refrigerator until the morning. You can use red dry wine for the preparation of this marinade.

    Marinade with beer

    Here you can experiment. At your request, pick meat in bright or dark beer, with spices.

    Marinade with port and prunes

    You can pick up meat in red porten with spices and sliced \u200b\u200bprunes. While the meat is marked, it is recommended to mix it several times. The taste of such meat is very unusual.

    Marinade with mineral water and lemon

    Excellent marinade is obtained from ordinary mineral water with gas. To the water should add juice of several lemons, spices and pour this meat. Bubbles make meat more loose and gentle.

    Marinade with tomato juice

    Tomato juice is mixed with spices to taste. Meat falls in marinade for 6 hours. Meat is very juicy and gentle. At the same time, it is possible to add pieces of fresh tomatoes to such a marinade, which you can then also ride on the SHAMPOR.

    Marinade with kvass

    To prepare the marinade you will need fresh (non-hatching) kvass. Add salt, pepper, coriander, basil, rosemary to it. Mix and fill it meat.

    Marinade with vinegar

    A teaspoon of vinegar add to 0.5 glasses of water. Add to marinada Crumpled onions on a blender, salt and pepper.

    Marinade with honey and pineapple juice

    For cooking you will need a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of soy sauce, 4 tablespoons of pineapple juice, 2 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper to taste. All ingredients should be mixed and pour the kebab obtained by the mixture.

    Marinade with kiwi

    For marinade, it will take half of one kiwi (no more) approximately one and a half kilograms of meat. Kiwi should be hit on a blender or grate on the grater. You will also need a teaspoon of ground coriander, 0.5 teaspoon of sweet red pepper, 0.5 teaspoon zira, a little acute red pepper. Salt in this marinade do not add at all. All mix and soda the meat obtained.

    Marinade with pomegranate juice

    Pomegranate grains crush, strain the juice. Add to the grenade juice seasoning to taste.

    Marinade with honey and mustard

    Mix in the dishes 2 tablespoons of mustard, 1/4 cup of honey, 1/4 cup of red wine vinegar, 1/4 glasses of olive oil. Leave meat in such a marinade for 3 hours.

    Marinade with tea

    You will need black custard tea. 3 tablespoons of tea pour 300 ml boiling water and insist for 10 minutes. Then strain tea and add 1,5 teaspoons of salt, black pepper, dried dill, and a little soy sauce. In such a marinade, the meat can be kept for about an hour, and then begin the preparation of kebab.

    Marinade with Kefir

    Seasonings are added to the kefir of any fatty, salt. Then the meat falls into the marinade at least 3 hours. Such a marinade is not suitable if you have to go to the place of rest.

You will be useful for information about how to pick up kebabs, what spices are needed, how to fry already pickled kebabs.

How to marinate kebabs

Many do not know how to choose a kebab. It often turns out hard and tasteless, and if it is still to remember it on the fire, it will be impossible at all. Choose for kebabs fresh meat, but not pair. It should be meat of a young animal, without a large fat content. It may also be chilled meat from the store.

  • Try not to buy frozen meat for kebab, since his taste will be completely different.

In addition to meat, we need to be onions. The number of onions is regulated by the taste preferences of a person. There are people who generally tolerate can be onions in any form. In this case, it is better not to add it to the marinade at all or add in small quantities.

  • The onions should be cut into rings so that later it was possible to ride them on the skewer.
  • It should not be large rings, as some think. This testifies only to the illiteracy of the cook or his laziness.
  • Rings must be medium sized, not too thin so that they do not disintegrate, but not fat.
  • You will also need garlic.
  • Cut the cloves of garlic across thin plates, but do not skip it through the press for garlic.

Skewers should be left in the marinade for about 12 hours in the refrigerator. Then the meat will have time to miss, and become quite gentle. If you do not have time, then leave meat in the marinade at room temperature, at least for 3 hours.

Which spices are needed to marine kebab

For the preparation of marinades, you may need various spices: salt, black and red pepper, coriander ground and non-thin, chili, basil, dried garlic, bay leaf, greens fresh or dried, etc. Before cooking marinade, decide what you want meat. Choose one of the kebab recipes you like and prepare it. Do not mix ingredients from different recipes. It may turn out at all what you expect. The stores also sell universal seasonings, which already have the same name "for kebabs".

How to make meat less hard

So that the meat has become softer it can be grateful and chopped in freshly squeezed kiwi and pineapple juices. You can also cook the cashis from the same fruit, but it should be fresh fruits, and not canned. The exquisite taste of meat acquires under the influence of pomegranate juice. Pomegranate should be temporarily strain, strain the juice without seeds and graze meat. Then it will become unusually soft and will melt in the mouth. To soften the meat, it can be chopped in a rubber lemon along with the zest, or in lemon juice. A little soften meat such spices like black pepper and zira. Do not add too much vinegar to the marinade, it can completely drown out the taste of meat, and make it tougher.

How to fry a kebab

Cooking kebab is a very thin, requiring skillful hands. They say that the shies of female hands does not tolerate, but it is not quite so. Women can also prepare a wonderful kebab, although it turned out that it was a purely male.

  • Draw a kebab on the skewers in advance, while the bonfire did not do.
  • It is better to drive meat along the fibers, while the large pieces of meat leave closer to the middle, and smaller pieces - from the edges.
  • Try to pieces of meat did not come into contact too tight with each other. In these places, the meat remains poorly roasted.
  • Starting, alternate pieces of meat, onion rings and bell peppers, tomatoes, lemon.
  • Skewers should be prepared above the coals at a distance of no more than 15 cm.
  • This should not be an open fire by no means, since the meat is only twisted outside, and inside will remain raw.
  • It is also not to be almost cooled coals, since their heat is not enough to break in meat well.
  • If the fire flares up, it is better to push the kebabs or remove them from the fire, or slightly glue it with water.
  • Shampurists must be laid tight towards each other. Thus, there will be less fire, but more smoke that will make your kebab is even tastier.
  • Turn the skewers as meat roaring several times.
  • So that the kebab turned out to be juicy, water from time to time a mixture of water and lemon juice, or the remaining marinade, diluted with water.

How to understand whether meat is ready

  • In order to understand the ready meat or not, pour it with a fork.
  • If the juice is transparent, then meat is ready.
  • If the juice is pink, then the meat was not propheted.
  • If there is no juice, it means that the meat was too dry.

Good kebabs and pleasant stay in nature!