Sandwiches “Ships. How to make original sandwiches Sandwiches in the shape of a boat

Festive sandwiches “Ships” step-by-step recipe with photos

Here is another option for a simple, but cute and unusual design of holiday sandwiches. Sandwiches “under sails” will surprise adult guests and delight children at a children's party. After all, eating a sailboat sandwich is much more interesting than just bread with cheese or sausage!
And the “ships” are made very easily and quickly!

Ingredients for “Ships” sandwiches:

Bread or buns;
- hard cheese;
- boiled sausage;
- a little oil.

Making sandwiches “Under Sails”:

Cut the bread into slices and lightly spread them with butter.
We cut the cheese and sausage into thin slices so that they bend easily but do not break. “Sails” can also be made from ham, red fish, pickles - then you’ll get a wonderfully colorful flotilla!

We put the “sails” on the “masts”-skewers so that it seems as if they are filled with a tailwind.

We install “masts” on “ship hulls”.

The flotilla is ready to set sail!

To please your family and invited friends, you need to know how to make original sandwiches with your own hands.

Step-by-step recipes with photos will help you with this.

Sandwiches for the holiday table

  • Toaster bread;
  • Hard cheese;
  • Cherry tomatoes;
  • Garlic;
  • Olives;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Greenery as decoration.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater and mix with a clove of garlic passed through a press, season with a small amount of mayonnaise. Lubricate the toasted bread slices with the resulting mixture. Cut the cherry tomato in half, cut off a small piece at the stalk, in place of which the head of a “ladybug” will appear, make a small incision imitating the shape of the wings. Place half a tomato on the bread and make a head from an olive cut in half. The black dots on the back are small pieces of olive, and the eyes are two mayonnaise dots.

Sandwich with “watermelon”


  • Thin white bread;
  • Tomato;
  • Hard cheese;
  • Green bell pepper;
  • Olives;
  • Butter;
  • Lettuce leaves.

Cooking sequence:

Cut the sweet green pepper and a thin slice of hard cheese into equal-sized semicircular slices. Connect them so that a semblance of a watermelon rind is formed, inside which place a piece of tomato of a suitable size. Small pieces of olives will create an imitation of watermelon seeds. Grease the toasted bread with a small amount of butter, cover with a lettuce leaf, and place a “watermelon slice” on top.


  • Slices of bread toasted in the toaster;
  • Butter;
  • Red fish (can be replaced with boiled sausage);
  • Hard cheese;
  • Parsley.


Grease the bread with butter. Then there is a layer of red fish (sausage), which is decorated with a sprig of parsley. Hard cheese should be cut into thin pieces, then passed through a toothpick, making it look like a sail. Attach the “sail” to the base of the sandwich. Place the prepared boats on a blue dish.


  • Round buns;
  • Crab sticks;
  • Canned corn;
  • Parsley leaves;
  • Olives;
  • Hard cheese;
  • Eggs;
  • Garlic;
  • Mayonnaise.

Grate the boiled eggs on a fine grater, add grated cheese and crushed garlic. Season with mayonnaise. Cut the buns lengthwise. Spread the cheese and egg mixture onto each half. Cut the crab sticks into thin slices - make a flower from these “petals”. Make the middle from corn or half an olive. Don't forget about the parsley, which will be the leaves of the flower. Such a sandwich is not only a beautiful decoration for a feast, but can also be prepared by a child as a gift to his mother (sister, grandmother) for his birthday or March 8th.

Original sandwiches for a buffet table

Small sandwiches for a buffet table are called canapés. Canapés can be served on bread or crackers, or without a flour layer. The main thing when preparing such a snack is to choose the right combination of products.

Canapes with camembert and salmon


  • Puff pastry;
  • Egg;
  • Camembert cheese;
  • Butter;
  • Lightly salted salmon;
  • Cream;
  • Dill.

Roll out the dough into a layer 5-6 mm thick and sprinkle generously with a mixture of dry herbs, then go through it again with a rolling pin. Cut out pieces of dough into the required shape (rectangles, squares, diamonds). Grease a baking sheet with butter and bake dough pieces on it, after brushing them with egg yolk on top. Separately, mix Camembert, butter and whipped heavy cream with finely chopped dill. Spread cheese cream onto baked and cooled dough pieces and place a piece of salmon on top. A sprig of dill and a few capers will serve as a garnish.

Check out crafting ideas and more.


  • Black bread;
  • Herring;
  • Kiwi;
  • Sour cream;
  • Mint leaves.

Lightly fry the bread cut into small cubes in olive oil. After the bread has cooled, brush it with a small amount of thick sour cream or cheese cream. Place a slice of kiwi and a piece of herring, peeled and boned, on top. Garnish with mint leaves.


  • Puff pastry;
  • Beet;
  • Garlic;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Herring.

Roll out the puff pastry into a layer 5-7 mm thick. Cut some of the dough into small rectangles. Use the remaining dough to form edges for the rectangles, moistening the dough at the joints with water. Place the prepared boxes of raw dough on a baking sheet and bake in the oven until cooked. In the middle of the baked and cooled boxes, place boiled beets, grated on a fine grater and mixed with a clove of garlic and mayonnaise, as a filling. Place a piece of herring without skin and bones on top of the beet filling. Take this dough box as a base, and change the filling each time at your discretion.

The most original sandwiches


  • Toasted bread (2 slices);
  • Egg;
  • Sausage (chicken fillet, carb, turkey, etc.);
  • Lettuce leaves;
  • Ketchup.

This snack option is suitable not only for Easter breakfast. One slice of bread has an egg-shaped core cut out. In a frying pan, pour the egg yolk into the cut out bread hole and fry until done. Another piece of bread is toasted on the grill or in a toaster. Assembling the “Pysanka”: place a leaf of lettuce on a whole piece of bread, then sausage (or other layer of meat), cover with bread and egg. Use ketchup or mayonnaise to draw Easter patterns on the yolk.


  • Saltine cracker;
  • Processed cheese;
  • Sausage;
  • Olives;
  • Green onions.

Place a triangle of cream cheese on a cracker. Make the eyes and nose of the mouse from pieces of olives, the tail from the feathers of green onions, and the ears are two circles from sausage.


  • Toasted bread (2 pieces);
  • Salami sausage;
  • Cervelat;
  • Carbonate;
  • Cheddar cheese;
  • Sulguni cheese".

All sandwich products are cut into equal cubes. In total you will need 27 cubes of sausage and cheese. Carefully place them between the breads in different sequences.

This video shows even more ideas for original and cool sandwiches.

Hi all!

Today we’ll talk about what kind of sandwiches you can make for your child’s birthday. And canapes for children have proven themselves best. These are small sandwiches that are ideal for buffets and other holiday tables. The good thing is that they can be prepared from any product, guided by possible reasonable combinations and your own taste.

So, we bring to your attention several recipes for sandwiches (canapés) for a child’s birthday.

1. Canapes “Boats”

It’s not difficult to prepare them, but they turn out quite cute and can decorate any table, and not just children’s. To prepare the “Boats” canapés, you need to cut out “boats” from the bread. Or use a cucumber in the form of a boat. To do this, you need to remove the pulp from it.

So, options for “Ships” canapés

Option #1:“boat” of bread, on top – a strip of sausage and a strip of fresh cucumber. We put two pieces of cheese on a skewer (one larger and one smaller) so that we get sails. You need to stick a skewer into the boat, and attach a “flag” cut from carrots or bell peppers to the top.

Option #2:“boat” of bread, melted cheese on top, then ham or salmon, cut into the shape of a boat. You can also make a layer of hard cheese. As in the previous version, we make the sails from hard cheese strung on a skewer. You can decorate the sandwich with herbs.

Option #3: Boat-shaped cucumber. It needs to be cut in half and the pulp removed. Place a spoonful of any salad inside. Make sails from sweet red peppers.

Edible boats look unusual and delicious!

2. Canapes “Amanitas”, snack “Amanitas”

“Fly agaric” canapes are an excellent appetizer for a children’s party. Canapés “Amanitas” - unusual, surprising, funny. You can prepare them in several ways. We offer you 3 options:

Canapes "Fly agaric". Ingredients: toast, eggplant caviar, a slice of cheese, quail egg, cherry tomato, herbs for decoration and a little mayonnaise. Eggplant caviar adds piquancy to these sandwiches. Quail eggs need to be boiled, shelled and the top cut off. Cut cherry tomatoes in half. Place half a tomato on top of the quail egg. Spread the caviar on toast and place a slice of cheese on top. Place two mushrooms on it and paint white specks on the cap with mayonnaise.

* Snack “Amanitas”. Ingredients: quail eggs, cheese, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, mayonnaise, herbs. Eggs need to be boiled and shelled. Grate them on a fine grater and grate the cheese too. Add a little mayonnaise and mix well. Cut the tomatoes in half, and cut the cucumber into rings, 0.5 cm thick. From a mixture of eggs, cheese and mayonnaise, we form mushroom stems. Place them on cucumber slices. We put red tomato caps on top and draw white dots on them using mayonnaise. And the greens can be used to create a clearing in which our mushrooms grow.

* Skewers from “Fly Agaric”. Ingredients: quail eggs, cherry tomatoes, mayonnaise, herbs. Quail eggs need to be boiled and the shells peeled. Cut the tomatoes in half and carefully scrape out the pulp using a small spoon. Thread eggs and tomato halves onto a skewer, forming mushrooms. Apply white dots to the caps using mayonnaise. Decorate with greens. Instead of mayonnaise, you can use sour cream.

3. Cheese skewers, cheese skewers

Cheese skewers easy to prepare. Simply prick cubes of hard cheese and cherry tomatoes onto a skewer.

Canapes with cheese, grapes and mango. It's very easy to prepare. Diced cheese is threaded onto a skewer, then mango, cut into the same cubes, and then grapes.

Canapes with cheese and cucumbers. Hard cheese cubes mode. If you like cheese, you can use it, but it should not be soft or too wet. Cut the olives in half. Cut the cucumber into slices. Thread cheese onto a skewer, then half an olive, a slice of cucumber and a cherry tomato.

Cheese skewers with grapes. To prepare them you will need several types of cheese and beautiful, large grapes. You need to put diced cheese on a skewer, and between it large grapes, either whole or cut in half.

4. Multi-layer canapés

Multilayer canapés look very impressive and are easy to prepare. We bring to your attention several recipes:

Ingredients: black and white bread, cream cheese, cucumber, red fish, tomato, bell pepper.

Cut equal-sized pieces of white and black bread. Grease a white slice with cream cheese and place a cucumber of the same shape on it. Once again, grease with cheese and put in a piece of black bread. Grease with cheese and place a piece of red fish. Cover with a piece of greased black bread. You can use bell peppers and tomatoes for beautiful, bright layers. All that remains is to stick the skewer in.

Ingredients: black bread, butter, herbs, red fish, tomato or red pepper. Cut the bread into equal sized pieces. Add herbs to the oil. We form canapes: grease a slice of bread with butter, put a piece of red fish on it. Grease with oil again and cover with bread. On top we place a slice of red pepper or a piece of tomato, from which we remove the pulp. Pierce with a skewer.

To create multi-layer canapés, you can use different breads, pita bread, hard cheese, cream cheese, herbs, red fish, sausage and much more. The main thing is that the products combine well with each other.

5. Canapes “Roses”

To prepare sandwiches with roses, you will need smoked or lightly salted red fish. It is best suited for flower formation.

We offer several options for creating “Roses” canapés:

Ingredients: red fish, cream cheese, bread. Red fish needs to be thinly sliced. Also cut the bread or loaf into beautiful, identical shapes. You can use cookies instead of bread. Spread cream cheese on bread or cookies. We roll a thin long piece of fish into a spiral and place it on the cheese. The results are very tasty and beautiful canapés.

The ingredients are the same, plus greens. You need to mix cream cheese with finely chopped herbs. Apply a mixture of cheese and herbs onto the pieces of bread. Cut the fish into thin long pieces and roll to form roses. Fix the roses on the canapé and decorate with herbs.

As you can see, it’s not at all difficult to prepare canapes for children in the form of small original sandwiches. The main thing is a little imagination and free time. Such sandwiches for a child’s birthday can decorate the table and lift your spirits.

Published 11.03.2015
Posted by: Enchantress
Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 30 min

Cooking time: 30 minutes
I prepared original and very tasty “Ships” sandwiches for my son for all his childhood holidays (he still loves such sandwiches with cheese curd and tender ham, although he no longer asks to build “ships”). The children were always the first to sweep all this cute, appetizing “fleet” off the table.
A simple recipe, affordable ingredients, ease of preparation and a little imagination and that’s it - the dish is ready, children (especially boys) are guaranteed to enjoy it. By the way, they will also be interested.

Sandwiches “Ships” - recipe with photo.

To prepare we will need:
- processed cheese – 2-3 pcs.;
- chicken eggs – 4-5 pcs.;
- mayonnaise – 200 g;
- garlic (optional);
- ham or shank – 300 g;
- red sweet pepper – 1 pc.;
- salt - to taste;
- ground pepper - to taste;
- baguette;
- butter – 100-150 g;
- toothpicks.

How to cook with photos step by step

Prepare all ingredients. Boil the eggs. Grate processed cheese and eggs on a fine grater, add garlic or finely chopped herbs and season with mayonnaise. You can add salt and pepper to taste. The mass should not be liquid and spread on sandwiches.
Cut the baguette into 1 cm thick croutons and fry them in butter on both sides until golden brown and crispy. Place a tablespoon of cheese-egg mixture on the toast. Pierce a slice of ham (shred or boiled sausage) with a toothpick and place it like a sail in the middle of the sandwich. The meat slices must be thin, otherwise they will break. It is better to buy already sliced ​​meat.
Cut out triangular “flags” from red sweet pepper (if you don’t have pepper, then tomato will do) and secure them to the edge of a toothpick. Place this entire delicious “flotilla” on a beautiful large dish (preferably glass) and serve it to the children’s delight.
Bon appetit everyone!