Pancakes stuffed with potatoes. Potato filling for pancakes recipe

Despite the fact that today there are a lot of different recipes for such a treat, many housewives prefer this particular recipe. It is so simple that any novice cook can easily master it. To make traditional potato pancakes, you should check the contents of your refrigerator and kitchen cabinets in advance. You must have the following products at your disposal:

  • A pair of fresh chicken eggs.
  • Two glasses of milk.
  • A tablespoon of sugar.
  • A glass of wheat flour.
  • Five medium potatoes.
  • One onion.
  • Two cloves of garlic.

Additional ingredients will be salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil and butter.

Process description

To bake aromatic and tasty pancakes with potatoes, the recipe for which is presented in today’s article, you need to strictly follow the recommended ratio of ingredients. First, beat the egg whites into a thick, dense foam. In a separate bowl, grind the yolks combined with sugar, and add milk and sifted flour to the resulting mixture. Vegetable oil and protein foam are slowly poured into the resulting homogeneous mass. Thin pancakes are baked from the finished dough and placed in one pile.

After this you can start filling. To do this, puree is made from peeled, washed and boiled potatoes and season it with butter, ground pepper, pre-fried onions and garlic passed through a press. The resulting mass is folded into an envelope and sent to the fast lane, greased with butter. Products fried on both sides are served to the table.

Pancakes with potatoes and liver

To prepare this tasty and quite filling dish, you should purchase all the missing products in advance. The following must be included in your list:

  • Three fresh chicken eggs.
  • 200 milliliters of milk.
  • A glass of wheat flour.
  • 200 milliliters of water.
  • A pinch of sugar and salt.

To prepare the filling, you should stock up on potatoes, onions, carrots, liver, vegetable oil, salt and spices in advance.


In order for your family to appreciate the pancakes with potatoes, photos of which can be seen below, you need to make some dough. To prepare it, combine eggs, milk, water, sifted flour, vegetable oil in one bowl and beat everything thoroughly with a mixer. Add a pinch of sugar and salt to the resulting dough and mix thoroughly again to break up small lumps. Then the container is sent to the refrigerator, where it should stand for at least half an hour. After this time, pancakes are baked from the resulting dough and stacked.

To prepare the filling, you need to grind the liver, previously fried along with onions and carrots, using a blender. The resulting mass is combined with pre-made mashed potatoes. Add salt and other spices there and mix thoroughly until smooth. Then the pancakes are stuffed with this mixture, rolled into envelopes and lightly fried in a frying pan greased with butter. This delicacy can be served not only hot, but also cold.

Pancakes stuffed with mushrooms and potatoes

A dish prepared according to this recipe can be served for breakfast or dinner. In addition, such an appetizer will be a worthy decoration for any holiday table. Before you begin the process, make sure you have all the necessary components in your kitchen. You must have the following components at your disposal:

  • 240 grams of wheat flour.
  • Three fresh chicken eggs.
  • 100 grams of sugar.
  • Half a liter of milk.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • 50 milliliters of vegetable oil.

To make a tasty and nutritious filling, you should purchase half a kilo of mushrooms, a couple of onions and 600 grams of potatoes in advance.

Cooking technology

First of all, you need to do the test. To prepare it, you will need clean deep dishes. First, raw eggs and salt are added to it. Beat everything thoroughly with a whisk, add the pre-sifted flour and only then carefully pour milk and vegetable oil into the container. The resulting dough is thoroughly mixed to get rid of small lumps and set aside for a while.

In the meantime, you need to make the filling. First, pre-washed but not peeled potatoes are boiled. While it is cooking in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil, chopped and seasoned mushrooms and onions are fried. Once the potatoes have cooked and cooled, peel them and mash them. The resulting mass is combined with the onion-mushroom mixture. Pre-baked pancakes are stuffed with this filling, wrapped and fried in butter. This way they will become rosy and very fragrant. Ready-made pancakes with potatoes and mushrooms, the recipe for which is given just above, can be served hot. If desired, they are topped with sour cream.

Option with potato and meat filling

It should be noted that using this recipe you can quickly and easily prepare a tasty and satisfying dish. It is also important that this does not require any expensive or scarce products. As a rule, every home always has most of the necessary components, and the missing ingredients can be freely purchased at the nearest supermarket. To make nutritious and flavorful pancakes with potatoes and minced meat, you should make sure in advance that you have on hand:

  • A couple of glasses of flour.
  • Half a liter of milk.
  • Two fresh chicken eggs.
  • A teaspoon of salt.
  • A pinch of sugar.
  • A kilogram of potatoes.
  • One large onion.
  • 400 grams of minced pork and beef.

In addition, the above list of products should be supplemented with vegetable oil and ground black pepper. The amount of the latter depends on the taste preferences of the cook and his household.

In order for your family to be able to appreciate pancakes with potatoes and minced meat, you need to strictly follow the recommended ratio of components. First you should do the test. To prepare it, combine eggs, milk, salt and sugar in one bowl. Beat everything thoroughly with a mixer, gradually adding flour. As a result, you should get a homogeneous mass with a consistency reminiscent of kefir. At the final stage, add vegetable oil to the finished dough, mix again and begin baking thin pancakes.

After this you can start filling. To prepare it, boil washed and peeled potatoes in salted water, and then mash them with a masher. Add minced pork and beef, previously fried along with chopped onions, to the resulting puree and mix well. The prepared filling is placed on pancakes, wrapped in a tube or envelope and served.

Maslenitsa is on the doorstep - damn it in your mouth. Maslenitsa is early this year, but you still have a chance to learn how to bake delicious and satisfying pancakes with potatoes. Today I only had a rehearsal of this beloved Russian dish - I baked pancakes for a narrow family circle.

We will take ingredients for making pancakes with potato filling from the list.

Let's prepare pancake dough. Eggs need to be mixed with milk and salt until smooth.

Add flour and baking powder (soda).

Mix the dough so that there are no lumps. Let's let the dough sit for a while. At this time, prepare the filling.

Take mashed potatoes.

Mix it with fried onions and a chicken egg. The onion must first be peeled and cut into small cubes. Season the filling with salt and pepper.


Let's move on to frying pancakes. Heat up the frying pan. Take half of the peeled onion. We stick it on the fork. Dip the cut side of the onion into sunflower oil.

Grease the heated frying pan with this very onion. In this fun way we will grease the frying pan before each pancake. This method helps to use the oil in minimal quantities. The taste of pancakes with potatoes will be amazingly aromatic. Fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

We stack them on top of each other.

Place a spoonful of filling into the bottom of the pancake.

Stuff pancakes with potatoes, similar to cabbage rolls. First, we twist the pancake into a tube, and then we wrap the edges towards the center.

At the end we have this cute envelope with potato filling.

Place the finished pancakes with potatoes on a greased frying pan, seam side down. Brown the resulting envelopes on both sides.

Pancakes stuffed with potatoes are ready! The pancakes turned out very tasty, filling and tender. They taste even better with sour cream. Try it!

If you've tried all the pancake recipes you know and are looking for something new, I suggest making potato pancakes. They turn out very soft, tasty, aromatic and, moreover, go well with salty fillings.

Pancake dough is made from mashed potatoes, raw potatoes or potato broth. Today I will share with you my proven recipes and tell you how to do everything quickly and easily.

Pancakes with potatoes and green onions

Kitchenware: knife, board, garlic press, spatula, saucepan, whisk, silicone brush, frying pan.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. First, let's prepare mashed potatoes. Take 380 g of potatoes, peel them and cut them into pieces. Place the potatoes in a saucepan, cover with cold water and, adding a little salt, boil until fully cooked. While the potatoes are cooking, finely chop 1 bunch of green onions.
  2. Mash the finished potatoes into a puree. This can be done using a blender or a regular masher. In a blender the puree is more homogeneous.

  3. Add 275 ml of hot milk to the puree. Milk can be heated on the stove or in the microwave.

  4. Pass 2 cloves of garlic through a press and add to the dough. Fresh garlic can be replaced with dry garlic. Mix the mass well so that it is homogeneous and without lumps. When the mass has cooled slightly, add 3 eggs, 7 g of salt and 5 g of sugar.

  5. Mix everything again with a whisk and add 160 g of sifted flour. Mix the dough and move on to frying the pancakes.

  6. Grease a heated frying pan with vegetable oil using a silicone brush.

  7. Pour a little dough and distribute it over the entire bottom. Since the batter is thicker than regular pancake batter, it can be spread using a spoon. Sprinkle green onions on top of the pancake.

  8. When the edges are slightly browned, turn the pancake over to the other side and fry until golden brown. Fry the rest of the pancakes in the same way until the dough runs out. Serve the dish hot, with sour cream or other sauce.

Video recipe

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the step-by-step preparation of pancakes with potatoes and onions.

Recipe for thin potato spring rolls

Cooking time: 1 hour 15 minutes.
Number of servings: 4-5.
Calorie content (per 100 g): 168 kcal.
Kitchenware: whisk, bowl, knife, board, pan, blender, spatula, frying pan.


potato650-700 g
milk300 ml
salt10 g
sugar15 g
vegetable oil45 ml
garlic3 slices
eggs3-4 pcs.
herring1 PC.
boiled carrots140 g
onion110 g
boiled eggs3 pcs.
apple1 PC.
mayonnaise or tartar sauce180 g
fresh herbs (green onions, parsley, dill)1 bunch

Cooking sequence

Cooking pancakes

When all the pancakes are ready, proceed to preparing the filling.

Preparing the filling

Forming pancakes

These pancakes are perfect as a holiday snack or for an everyday menu.

Video recipe

Watch the video to see how easy it is to prepare thin potato pancakes with filling.

Recipe for pancakes with potatoes and mushrooms

Cooking time: 1 hour.
Number of servings: 4-5.
Calorie content (per 100 g): 134 kcal.
Kitchenware: knife, board, spatula, whisk, grater, frying pan for frying pancakes.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. To prepare these pancakes, we will not use mashed potatoes, but raw potatoes. To do this, peel and wash 350 g of potatoes well.

  2. Break 1 chicken egg into a deep bowl, add 1 pinch of salt and 100 ml of milk. Mix the egg well with a whisk. Pour 180 g of flour into the egg-milk mixture and mix again so that there are no lumps in the dough. If desired, you can add a little ground black pepper.

  3. Next, grate the potatoes on a fine grater. Gradually add the grated potatoes to the dough and stir it well until smooth.

  4. Heat a pancake pan and add a little olive oil.

  5. Then lay out some of the dough and spread it with a spatula over the surface of the pan.

  6. Fry the pancake until golden brown, 2 minutes on each side. The heat should be medium so that the potatoes have time to cook. When all the pancakes are ready, start preparing the filling.

  7. Cut 230 g of onions into small cubes, and pass the garlic (2 cloves) through a press.

  8. Take 160 g of champignons or oyster mushrooms and cut them into thin slices.

  9. In a preheated frying pan with olive oil, fry the onion until lightly browned. Add chopped mushrooms to the onion, mix and cook over medium heat. When all the moisture has left the mushrooms, add a pinch of salt and garlic. Fry the mushrooms for a couple more minutes and remove from the heat.

  10. Place the finished filling on the pancake and roll it into a roll. Similarly, we form rolls from the remaining pancakes and filling.

  11. Cut each roll in half and serve with sour cream and fresh herbs.

Video recipe

You can watch the video for a more detailed description of the recipe for pancakes with potatoes and mushrooms.

  • Potato pancakes can be prepared with any filling. It could be minced meat, stewed cabbage, cheese, mushrooms, red fish or fried chicken. You can also add various seasonings and spices to the dough, for example: cumin, black pepper, coriander or a ready-made spice mixture for potatoes.
  • Garlic goes great with these pancakes. It can be added both to the dough and to the sauces with which you will serve this dish. Sour cream and sauces prepared on its basis go best with potato pancakes.
  • If you're looking for a simple recipe for fluffy pancakes, I recommend checking it out. I also recommend the recipe and it looks very beautiful. And for those who like to eat pancakes for breakfast, there is a quick recipe.

Don't forget to leave your feedback about my recipes in the comments. Tell us what kind of pancakes your family likes and what you like to eat them with.

Pancakes with potatoes and onions are a very satisfying dish that is quite easy to prepare, albeit in several stages. The filling for pancakes is very similar to “pie” or dumplings. It is important that it does not turn out dry. To do this, you can add a little melted butter or sour cream. Prepare pancakes according to your favorite recipe, keeping in mind that they should not be sweet.


  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 10 g butter;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 400 ml milk;
  • 120 g wheat flour;
  • 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream.


1. You can put the potatoes to boil - in their “jacket” or peeled and cut into pieces. In the second case, it is advisable to salt the water after boiling. While the potatoes are cooking, you need to make the pancake dough. Beat one large or a couple of small eggs into a deep bowl. Add sugar.

2. Pour in the milk and start whisking.

3. Add 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil - you can use refined sunflower oil, which does not have a strong smell or aroma.

4. Start adding sifted wheat flour in small portions, without stopping stirring the dough with a whisk.

5. When the last lump of flour is mixed, let the dough stand for 20 minutes in a warm place, after which you can start frying the pancakes. Heat the frying pan and pour a little oil on it, and after a minute pour the dough for frying a thin pancake.

6. After a minute and a half of frying the pancake over low heat, turn it over. Cook for another minute.

7. Transfer the finished pancake to a plate.

8. Mash the boiled potatoes with a fork until pureed.

9. Peel the onions, finely chop and fry in butter until caramelized. Transfer to potatoes, add sour cream and stir - the filling is ready.

How to prepare potato filling for pancakes recipe - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out very tasty and original.

Pancakes with potatoes- This is a budget-friendly, satisfying and very tasty dish. A great option for any meal, but potato spring rolls are especially good for breakfast. The recipe is simple and accessible even to novice housewives. Pamper your household with golden brown pancakes. stuffed with crumbly potatoes!

To prepare these pancakes you will need:

  • a glass of flour;
  • one egg;
  • a heaping tablespoon of sugar;
  • two glasses of milk;
  • five medium potatoes;
  • onion head;
  • spices (pepper, salt) – to taste;
  • a little vegetable oil and butter.

The cooking sequence is as follows:

First you need to prepare the dough for thin pancakes. To do this, break the eggs, separate the whites and yolks. Beat the egg whites until foamy using a whisk or a regular fork. Grind the yolks with granulated sugar and salt. Pour milk into the mashed yolks and stir until smooth. If you want, you can first dilute the milk with water in a 50/50 ratio. Now carefully add the sifted flour in small portions. Stir constantly to prevent lumps from forming in the dough. Pour one or two tablespoons of vegetable oil and beaten egg whites into the finished dough. Mix the dough again.

Now it’s the turn of the potato filling. Rinse the potato tubers thoroughly and boil them until tender. You can pre-peel the potatoes, or you can boil them directly in their skins (in their skins). Peel the onions and cut them into small cubes, and then fry them in oil (preferably butter). Mash the boiled potatoes, add salt and pepper, and then mix with onions.

Fry thin pancakes of large diameter in a hot frying pan. Place a little potato and onion filling on each pancake and roll it into an envelope or triangle.

Appetizing, aromatic and very satisfying pancakes with potatoes are ready. It's time to sit down at the table and feed your family delicious food!

Pancakes are a traditional dish of Russian national cuisine. They can be served with sour cream, jam, condensed milk, red caviar and other delicious fillings. After reading today's article, you will learn how to cook pancakes with potatoes.

Classic version

Despite the fact that today there are a lot of different recipes for such a treat, many housewives prefer this particular recipe. It is so simple that any novice cook can easily master it. To make traditional potato pancakes, you should check the contents of your refrigerator and kitchen cabinets in advance. You must have the following products at your disposal:

  • A pair of fresh chicken eggs.
  • Two glasses of milk.
  • A tablespoon of sugar.
  • A glass of wheat flour.
  • Five medium potatoes.
  • One onion.
  • Two cloves of garlic.

Additional ingredients will be salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil and butter.

To bake aromatic and tasty pancakes with potatoes, the recipe for which is presented in today’s article, you need to strictly follow the recommended ratio of ingredients. First, beat the egg whites into a thick, dense foam. In a separate bowl, grind the yolks combined with sugar, and add milk and sifted flour to the resulting mixture. Vegetable oil and protein foam are slowly poured into the resulting homogeneous mass. Thin pancakes are baked from the finished dough and placed in one pile.

After this you can start filling. To do this, puree is made from peeled, washed and boiled potatoes and season it with butter, ground pepper, pre-fried onions and garlic passed through a press. The resulting mixture is used to stuff pancakes. they are folded into an envelope and sent to the fast lane, greased with butter. Products fried on both sides are served to the table.

Pancakes with potatoes and liver

To prepare this tasty and quite filling dish, you should purchase all the missing products in advance. The following must be included in your list:

  • Three fresh chicken eggs.
  • 200 milliliters of milk.
  • A glass of wheat flour.
  • 200 milliliters of water.
  • A pinch of sugar and salt.

To prepare the filling, you should stock up on potatoes, onions, carrots, liver, vegetable oil, salt and spices in advance.


In order for your family to appreciate the pancakes with potatoes, photos of which can be seen below, you need to make some dough. To prepare it, combine eggs, milk, water, sifted flour, vegetable oil in one bowl and beat everything thoroughly with a mixer. Add a pinch of sugar and salt to the resulting dough and mix thoroughly again to break up small lumps. Then the container is sent to the refrigerator, where it should stand for at least half an hour. After this time, pancakes are baked from the resulting dough and stacked.

To prepare the filling, you need to grind the liver, previously fried along with onions and carrots, using a blender. The resulting mass is combined with pre-made mashed potatoes. Add salt and other spices there and mix thoroughly until smooth. Then the pancakes are stuffed with this mixture, rolled into envelopes and lightly fried in a frying pan greased with butter. This delicacy can be served not only hot, but also cold.

Pancakes stuffed with mushrooms and potatoes

A dish prepared according to this recipe can be served for breakfast or dinner. In addition, such an appetizer will be a worthy decoration for any holiday table. Before you begin the process, make sure you have all the necessary components in your kitchen. You must have the following components at your disposal:

  • 240 grams of wheat flour.
  • Three fresh chicken eggs.
  • 100 grams of sugar.
  • Half a liter of milk.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • 50 milliliters of vegetable oil.

To make a tasty and nutritious filling, you should purchase half a kilo of mushrooms, a couple of onions and 600 grams of potatoes in advance.

Cooking technology

First of all, you need to do the test. To prepare it, you will need clean deep dishes. First, raw eggs and salt are added to it. Beat everything thoroughly with a whisk, add the pre-sifted flour and only then carefully pour milk and vegetable oil into the container. The resulting dough is thoroughly mixed to get rid of small lumps and set aside for a while.

In the meantime, you need to make the filling. First, pre-washed but not peeled potatoes are boiled. While it is cooking in a frying pan greased with vegetable oil, chopped and seasoned mushrooms and onions are fried. Once the potatoes have cooked and cooled, peel them and mash them. The resulting mass is combined with the onion-mushroom mixture. Pre-baked pancakes are stuffed with this filling, wrapped and fried in butter. This way they will become rosy and very fragrant. Ready-made pancakes with potatoes and mushrooms, the recipe for which is given just above, can be served hot. If desired, they are topped with sour cream.

Option with potato and meat filling

It should be noted that using this recipe you can quickly and easily prepare a tasty and satisfying dish. It is also important that this does not require any expensive or scarce products. As a rule, every home always has most of the necessary components, and the missing ingredients can be freely purchased at the nearest supermarket. To make nutritious and flavorful pancakes with potatoes and minced meat, you should make sure in advance that you have on hand:

  • A couple of glasses of flour.
  • Half a liter of milk.
  • Two fresh chicken eggs.
  • A teaspoon of salt.
  • A pinch of sugar.
  • A kilogram of potatoes.
  • One large onion.
  • 400 grams of minced pork and beef.

In addition, the above list of products should be supplemented with vegetable oil and ground black pepper. The amount of the latter depends on the taste preferences of the cook and his household.

In order for your family to be able to appreciate pancakes with potatoes and minced meat, you need to strictly follow the recommended ratio of components. First you should do the test. To prepare it, combine eggs, milk, salt and sugar in one bowl. Beat everything thoroughly with a mixer, gradually adding flour. As a result, you should get a homogeneous mass with a consistency reminiscent of kefir. At the final stage, add vegetable oil to the finished dough, mix again and begin baking thin pancakes.

After this you can start filling. To prepare it, boil washed and peeled potatoes in salted water, and then mash them with a masher. Add minced pork and beef, previously fried along with chopped onions, to the resulting puree and mix well. The prepared filling is placed on pancakes, wrapped in a tube or envelope and served.

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How to cook pancakes with potatoes

Excellent recipes for making pancakes with potato filling. It is different in every recipe. Every reader will find something he likes.

You can also prepare pancakes with potatoes by freezing them. To do this, simply place the stuffed pancakes on a cutting board covered with cling film separately from each other so that they do not stick together. Then, before serving, reheat in the microwave, oven, or fry in a pan.

Pancakes with potatoes

This is a fairly simple recipe for making pancakes with potatoes. I advise you to make the pancakes not very thin, but rather thicker so that the filling does not break through the pancakes. Very tasty and appetizing pancakes made from unleavened dough. This recipe makes 8 servings.

  • Eggs – 2-3 pieces
  • Milk – 2 cups
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tablespoons
  • Flour – 1 cup
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Salt – 0.5 teaspoon
  • Potatoes – 5-6 pieces
  • Onion – 1 piece
  • Garlic – 2-3 cloves
  • Butter – 25 grams
  • Ground black pepper – 1 pinch

How to cook pancakes with potatoes:

Pancakes are baked separately. To do this, take eggs and separate the yolks from the whites. Then the yolks must be ground with salt and sugar and diluted with milk, while stirring them until smooth. Pour a little flour into this mixture, be sure to sift it through a sieve, and stir until it has a homogeneous consistency. Finally, 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil are added to the dough and also stirred. Beat the whites and add to the dough, stirring gently.

After preparing the dough, take a frying pan and put it on the fire, after greasing it with a small amount of vegetable oil. After heating, a portion of the dough is poured into the frying pan (the dough should have a liquid consistency) and relatively thin pancakes are baked. The pan is tilted in different directions to distribute the dough evenly over the surface. After the dough is ready on one side, turn it over to the other side and bake until done.

The next step is preparing the filling for the pancakes. To do this, take potatoes, peel them, cut them, fill them with water and put them on the fire. The potatoes are cooked until tender for 20-25 minutes. Don't forget to add salt to taste - about 0.25 teaspoon.

While the potatoes are cooking, peel the onion and chop finely. Then take a frying pan and fry the onion in it until golden brown.

Remove the potatoes from the heat, which are already ready, and drain the water into the sink. Add fried onions, finely chopped garlic, pepper and butter to the potatoes. All these ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The pancake filling is ready.

At the final stage, all that remains is to form the pancakes themselves. It can be either triangles or another shape. Don't forget to put the filling in the pancakes. Then the pancakes are fried on all sides in butter.

They can be served with hot cracklings or fried onions, complementing this taste with ketchup or homemade adjika.

Pancakes with potatoes and mushrooms

A recipe for making delicious pancakes with potatoes and mushrooms at home. This recipe makes five servings.

  • Egg – 2 pieces
  • Water – 2 glasses
  • Flour – 2 cups
  • Onion – 1 head
  • Mushrooms – 100 grams
  • Potatoes – 300 grams
  • Sugar – 1 tablespoon

How to cook pancakes with potatoes and mushrooms:

First, mix the dough: add chicken eggs, sugar to the milk and beat until smooth, gradually add sifted wheat flour. All that remains is to add a little soda and salt to the dough. The consistency of the dough should be liquid.

Take a frying pan, grease it with a little vegetable oil and it’s time to bake pancakes. The pancakes are fried on both sides, then laid out in a stack where they cool.

We make mashed potatoes. It should be tasty: you can add salt, sour cream or cream to taste.

Fry onions and mushrooms in a frying pan. After the frying is ready, combine it with the finished puree and mix thoroughly until smooth.

We form pancakes, putting the filling on each pancake (mashed potatoes with fried mushrooms and onions), folding it all into an envelope.

Pancakes are served with sour cream. Bon appetit!

Pancakes with potatoes and liver

Very tasty and appetizing pancakes with potatoes and liver, which your loved ones will simply delight in.

  • Flour - 2 cups
  • Milk - 3 glasses
  • Sour cream - 250 milliliters
  • Potatoes - 6 tubers
  • Liver pate - 150 grams
  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Breadcrumbs - 50 grams
  • Processed cheese - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - to taste
  • Soda - 1/3 teaspoons
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

How to cook pancakes with potatoes and liver:

You need to mix two eggs with sugar and 0.5 teaspoon of salt. Add water and flour, mixing everything thoroughly. Then add 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and stir in the milk. Fry pancakes in a frying pan on both sides until golden brown.

Preparing the filling for the pancakes. To do this, take potatoes, peel them, cut them, fill them with salted water in advance and put them on the stove. After it is ready, we make puree from it. Then add liver pate to the puree and salt to taste. Mix everything thoroughly. Add melted cheese to sour cream and mix.

Place a little filling on each pancake and roll it up into an envelope.

Lightly beat two eggs and add a pinch of salt to this mixture. Pancakes are dipped in it and then breaded in breadcrumbs. Pancakes are fried in vegetable oil on all sides until golden brown.

Served with sour cream sauce. Delicious and nutritious!

Pancakes with potatoes and meat

A great addition to any table - awesome pancakes with potatoes and meat.

  • Eggs – 2 pieces
  • Milk – 0.6 liters
  • Flour – 3 cups
  • Salt – 1 pinch
  • Minced meat – 400 grams
  • Potatoes – 5-6 tubers
  • Onion – 1 head
  • Spices to taste

Is it possible to stuff pancakes with potatoes and how?

There are recipes for dumplings, pies and potato pies. So there is nothing strange in the fact that pancakes are also stuffed with potatoes (mashed potatoes). I do not deny the fact that dishes of this type are very satisfying and quite heavy on the stomach.

We prepare thin pancakes according to our usual recipe (water or milk, salt, flour, eggs) or buy ready-made pancake dough. But the puree needs additional components due to its blandness. Let's look at some successful (in my opinion) fillings.

Pancakes can be served with sour cream or cucumber salad. The dish is hearty, so adding some fresh vegetables wouldn’t hurt. These pancakes taste better when they are hot.

♨ Stuffed with potatoes and fried onions.

  • Prepared puree. The potatoes should be salted at the end of cooking.
  • While the potatoes are cooking, you need to prepare the onions. For 1 onion we take about 3 potatoes. Although the amount of onion depends on personal taste preferences.
  • A piece of butter was thrown into the frying pan and it was in it that we cooked the chopped onions.

How to cut an onion. at personal discretion. Maybe in cubes.

  • Fry the onion for up to 15 minutes, over low heat, without a lid, and stir occasionally (so that it does not burn).
  • The puree is combined with onions. Now the filling is ready.

1. It’s better to take a little more butter to make the filling juicier, or add one piece to the puree, and fry the onion on the second.

2.Part of the fried onion can be used to decorate pancakes when serving.

♨ Filling with potatoes and meat.

  • Fry the onion in butter.
  • Add 300 grams of minced meat and bring to readiness along with the onion. Salt and pepper.
  • Mix the prepared puree with the onion and meat component and fill the pancakes.

This dish is even more satisfying than the previous one.

♨ Potato and cheese filling.

The simplest one offered. But it is very important that the puree is not over-salted (the cheese will give off its salty taste and therefore you need to be very moderate in your seasonings).

  • Add grated cheese to the finished puree (about 150 grams of cheese for 4 potatoes).
  • If desired, you can add onions fried in butter to this filling.

Many recipes also include mushrooms, but this will be a very heavy dish.

I make stuffed pancakes with potatoes: I bake pancakes, the potatoes are usually just bland, I fry onions, if I have them, mushrooms, you can add meat (fry minced meat, for example) or sausage. If the filling falls apart, you can add an egg, but usually it turns out fine. The filling should be delicious. Spoon the filling into the finished pancakes and fold them into an envelope; place each envelope, folded side down, in a hot frying pan and fry. If the pancakes are very small, you can roll them into a tube, it’s just that tubes are more common so that they are sweet. Fry the envelopes or tubes on both sides and are ready to serve. Very tasty with sour cream.

I make two versions of pancakes with potatoes:

  1. I cook the potatoes like mashed potatoes, fry a finely chopped onion in vegetable oil, mash the boiled potatoes and mix them with the onion. Next, you need to quickly bake the pancakes and wrap the potatoes in them until they cool down completely. I fry the finished pancakes with potatoes in vegetable oil.
  2. I boil or fry the liver, pass it through a meat grinder and mix mashed potatoes with onions and liver. Then, as in the first option, wrap the potato filling in the pancakes and then fry them.

I had to stuff my pancakes with potatoes. I made this according to my own recipe. The potatoes were cut into very small cubes and fried in oil. When the potatoes were fried until half cooked, I added chopped onions and finely grated carrots and salt to taste. At the end of preparing the filling, you can add a chopped finely boiled egg. Then we stuff thin pancakes with all this. It is better to wrap it with curved edges into a roll. Sour cream goes well with them, but you can eat it just like that.

I don’t know how THIS will work out on the waist - eating bread with “bread” (potatoes have long been considered the second bread) is the same as making pies with noodles, but it’s better to bake pancakes separately, and fry “pancakes” from boiled potatoes.

Better yet, make potato pancakes from raw potatoes. This is a thing! Especially if you experiment and add lard or meat or mushrooms to raw potatoes, or you can also soften the potato pancakes with zucchini. ;)

It looks like it's getting close to lunch, since I started talking about food.)) It's time, brother, it's time! ;)

Pancakes with potatoes

Especially tender pancakes Custard pancakes with a hole

Thin milk pancakes Pancakes Classic pancakes with milk Velvet pancakes with milk

Pancakes with milk: a traditional recipe Thin pancakes “Velvet” pancakes with milk Especially tender pancakes

Pancakes with meat Pancakes with egg and cheese Pancakes with chicken Pancakes: how to cook, options.

Puff potatoes “For all occasions” Pasta with egg Julienne with chicken and mushrooms Meat casserole “Nourishing”

Country-style potatoes in the oven Hashbrown - American. Potatoes with garlic and mayonnaise French potatoes