Non-alcoholic vodka - a new drink or a media fiction. Is there non-alcoholic vodka? Secrets of the Russian soul

Drinking vodka and not getting drunk is very difficult. What if the vodka is not simple, but non-alcoholic? Then, on the contrary, it will be difficult to get drunk. Some people regard vodka without degrees as a panacea, while others look at it very skeptically.

But the question is: does non-alcoholic vodka even exist? What kind of vodka is this and why does the question of its existence arise?

What is non-alcoholic vodka?

Based on the lexical meaning of the words, the result is nonsense. Because vodka is an alcoholic drink (here we will allow ourselves to refer to the current GOST for vodka), and “non-alcoholic” means not containing alcohol (see explanatory dictionaries). Thus, we get an absolutely contradictory and absurd definition of non-alcoholic vodka as an alcoholic drink that does not contain alcohol. That is, the alcohol itself from which it is made must be non-alcoholic, and this is nonsense.

Wait, but there is non-alcoholic beer and non-alcoholic wine - is this also nonsense? Don't they contain alcohol? Let's see.

Many people believe that non-alcoholic wine is the path to a rubber woman, plastic bullets and a wooden saber. In fact, true connoisseurs know that non-alcoholic wine is an elite drink, so to speak, of the premium group, which, as a rule, comes to those who are already well over thirty.

Non-alcoholic wine is made in exactly the same way as its alcoholic counterpart. The same stages - processing, fermentation, and, importantly, evaporation. It is during evaporation that all the alcohol is lost, which makes the drink non-alcoholic. However, a more high-tech method is often used - osmosis. In this case, physical and chemical separation of alcohol occurs, and excess oils do not erode, maintaining the taste balance of the wine. However, as a result of this, the final cost of non-alcoholic wine increases significantly.

Like its alcoholic counterpart, non-alcoholic wine lowers blood pressure, which dramatically reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. This information appeared after experiments at the American Heart Association. Non-alcoholic wine reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure and also increases the level of nitrogen dioxide in the body. Nitrogen dioxide allows blood vessels to relax, which increases blood flow to organs.

And yes, non-alcoholic wine still contains alcohol. About 0.5%, as in kefir. And in non-alcoholic beer it is also present in approximately the same quantities. Therefore, it is more correct to say “almost non-alcoholic wine” and “almost non-alcoholic beer.” But let's go back to vodka and state some facts.

Facts about non-alcoholic vodka

Fact one: non-alcoholic vodka is not on sale. Indeed, neither in the alcohol departments of large and small grocery stores, nor in specialized alcohol markets is there such vodka on the shelves. Everyone who comes there at least sometimes knows about this. It is difficult to talk about shadow trafficking, but until now nothing has been heard about cases of detection of underground trade in non-alcoholic vodka.

This fact, however, does not exclude the possibility that, at your separate request, someone will not sell you a bottle of liquid that on the label (or from the mouth of the same seller) will be called non-alcoholic vodka, but is not actually such.

Fact two: they are talking about non-alcoholic vodka. There are mentions of it on the Internet, users search for it by entering the appropriate query in search engines. Yes, they don’t just type “non-alcoholic vodka” - some people are looking for where to buy non-alcoholic vodka! There are many times fewer people wishing to purchase it than those simply interested, but the fact remains - this is evidenced by open statistics from search engines. However, in our opinion, the desire to buy such vodka does not prove the fact of its existence.

When communicating “live”, they also remember about her. After all, it happens that someone in a warm company, after drinking a glass or two, will say dreamily: “I wonder if there is non-alcoholic vodka? You drink, you drink, but you don’t get drunk!” Or motorists sometimes think about it: if you drink, you’ll start driving, and there’s nothing to worry about. In general, they talk about her dear...

So, there are not many facts. If you don't think they are facts, try to refute them. Firstly, tell us where you can buy non-alcoholic vodka, and, secondly... And nothing more is needed - we are already talking about it.

If they talk about it, does that mean it exists?

Information about the development of non-alcoholic vodka has appeared from various sources more than once, but has never been confirmed by any reliable facts. In fact, it turned out that this was some kind of April Fool's joke or something like that.

For example, they wrote in 2002 that some disabled person from the Moscow region named Volodya came up with a secret miracle supplement, a small amount of which supposedly turns ordinary vodka into non-alcoholic vodka: you drink and don’t get drunk. Well, where is that Volodya and where is that vodka?

And there was a case, they stated that one Finnish company, which, as it later turned out, no one had ever heard of, planned to build an entire non-alcoholic vodka bottling plant in Ukraine. We were joking, of course.

Or they said that the Bulgarians allegedly mixed something with regular vodka, adding vitamins, honey and something else to it, which makes the body’s absorption of such a drink easier and the hangover less pronounced. Well, there’s nothing to talk about here at all - the same vodka, only in profile...

But what is it? Looks like they made it. "Rossiyskaya Gazeta" (see federal issue No. 5863 (190) for 2012) wrote: in Rostov-on-Don, at a meeting held in August 2012 and dedicated to the innovative economy, the head of the Russian government, Dmitry Medvedev, was told: non-alcoholic vodka has been patented! According to the publication, such a statement was made by a certain Sergei Kislov, who is the president of the Yug Rusi group of companies. Medvedev replied: “Well, then you will treat us to non-alcoholic vodka, we will sing the kind of songs that people sing after such vodka - sad ones.” Indeed, such vodka is truly sad... But treat us too later. Since the Prime Minister himself started talking about non-alcoholic vodka, this is serious. So let's wait!

Not vodka, but one name

In the meantime, let's try to understand why non-alcoholic vodka is needed and whether it is needed at all. And while the potential composition of the future drink is not known, let’s estimate what it could be.

So, if non-alcoholic vodka is actually “almost non-alcoholic vodka”, like the same beer and wine, that is, contains a small amount of alcohol, then everything is clear - this is the same substitution of concepts. It will not be vodka, but one name. We believe that the main quality of vodka is its ability to intoxicate the body after taking relatively small doses of the drink. And such vodka will be deprived of this quality.

What about the taste? If people drink non-alcoholic beer and wine because they have a distinct taste that is understandable to everyone, then this trick will not work with vodka. “A drink with the taste of vodka” sounds ridiculous, because it’s not the taste that makes “white” drink. Or because of him?

No, a mixture of ethanol and water has its own taste, it does, otherwise vodka would not be distinguishable from non-vodka. But that's not the main thing. If there is almost no alcohol in vodka, then, accordingly, it will not hurt your throat. And if so, then it’s definitely not vodka, is it? It turns out that something similar in properties to ethyl alcohol should be added to the non-alcoholic analogue: so that it burns in the mouth, and so that intoxication occurs, and so that it is fun... Oh, no, the prime minister said that the songs will be sad. This means you need to avoid intoxication. And if vodka doesn’t make you drunk, then, again, why is it so necessary?

There are still more questions than answers. The main question remains unanswered - about the very existence of non-alcoholic vodka. Thinking that our readers might know the answer to this, we organized a small survey on our website; below are its results.

Non-alcoholic vodka survey results

So, we asked the question: “Is there non-alcoholic vodka?”, to which four answer options were offered to choose from. A total of 746 people took part in the survey.

The vast majority of respondents (471 people, or 63.1% of the total) are confident that the existence of non-alcoholic vodka is impossible. What a sad thing! However, 135 respondents (18.1%) are more optimistic and believe that such vodka simply has not been invented yet.

Further - more interesting. 48 respondents (6.4%) have heard something about non-alcoholic vodka. But this is nonsense. It turns out that some of those who took part in the survey were not only confident in the existence of non-alcoholic vodka or had heard something about it - they personally drank it themselves! And there were 92 such people, or 12.3% of the total number. We appeal to them: friends, write to us what exactly, where and when you drank and how you can try it. As they say, more details to come to the studio!

Alcohol has long become an integral part of our lives. Even if you become a convinced teetotaler, he will remain in our kitchen. Under the guise of additives for baked goods, for filling in chocolates and batter for meat or fish. It is not surprising that many people are starting to look for non-alcoholic analogues of their favorite drinks so as not to become addicted to strong drinks. There is non-alcoholic beer and wine, but will non-alcoholic vodka find its adherents? And will anyone dare to produce it?

Secrets of the Russian soul

Many foreigners are sincerely surprised at how much a well-laid table means to a Russian person and how carefully he treats the feast. The mandatory presence of vodka on the table also raises questions. But after the first tasting, the balance of power changes. Everyone is imbued with the magical power of vodka with a good snack. What is this mysterious drink?

Its creator is Mendeleev himself, who invented a water-alcohol solution - the basis for the drink. Vodka appeared in Russia around 1000 AD. Then it was called bread wine, and there was much less alcohol in it than now. Over time, flavored vodka also gained popularity, which differed from classic vodka in its lower alcohol content and the presence of natural or artificial taste improvers. Sometimes it's peppers, citruses, berries, honey. But you shouldn’t abuse this vodka either. When paired with a good snack, it warms you up and puts you in a cheerful mood, but in its pure form it can knock even the strongest drinker off his feet. But even doctors recommend 50 grams for appetite before dinner. Unfortunately, with such a minimum allowed, many begin to lose their sense of proportion. And this begs the question: does non-alcoholic vodka exist?

Scientific research

Pharmacologists have long been looking for substances that have the effect of alcohol without poisoning the body. The goal of this search is to create a drink that leads to a state of euphoria, but does not cause negative consequences and addiction. By the way, in many civilized countries alcohol is going out of fashion. Healthy lifestyle, sports and love for your body are trending. But not everyone can give up vodka. So it turns out that you either need to cut down on your desires or look for ersatz alcohol. But there is a problem: the active element of alcohol is ethanol, which penetrates every cell of the body and in excessive quantities destroys the liver and nervous system.


More recently, a certain David Nutt from the Bristol Institute tried to answer the question of whether there is non-alcoholic vodka. He tested a substance that displaces alcohol from the brain and protects subjects from the effects of ethanol. During the experiment, Nutt wanted to exclude other consequences of intoxication, in particular brutal reactions and decreased judgment. Nutt's goal was to obtain a special pill that would guarantee a controlled state and socially normal behavior. These sobering pills would greatly help every person. And they are already on sale. The Roche company began marketing a similar substance more than 20 years ago, but suspended the project because the person’s brain was sober, but the long-term effects of alcohol persisted. In addition, there was an opinion that with such pills people could abuse alcohol.

And yet it exists?

Recently there was a rumor that there is some kind of ideal vodka. It cannot be called non-alcoholic, but nevertheless it is devoid of some of the negative qualities of this product. The place of production is called Bulgaria. The local producer notes that after their vodka "Shock" the coming morning will be more pleasant than always. To avoid a hangover, honey, milk and other bioactive elements are added to the drink, which help the body absorb alcohol more easily and smoothly remove it from the body. This drink is fortified; it contains vitamins C, B 1 and B 2. Some American companies have shown interest in supplying the new product.

Is it necessary?

If non-alcoholic vodka does appear in abundance on store shelves, will there be a demand for it? After all, non-alcoholic beer and wine are already on the market, and such a product has found its buyer. But still, wine and beer, in addition to the obvious hop component, have a pronounced taste, color and aroma. What remains if you remove the alcoholic element from vodka? Perhaps only plain water will remain. A Finnish corporation intended to make non-alcoholic vodka in 2002, and the manufacturer indicated that the ethyl alcohol in such a drink should be replaced with some other chemical compound. In this case, the sensations during consumption will be similar, but alcohol will not be present in the human body. Still, there is no need to talk about the complete absence of degrees in vodka. For it to remain itself, at least 0.5% must remain in it, but this is the same dose as in kefir or non-alcoholic beer. The creators strive to preserve the taste of the drink and the effect produced, but replace the alcohol with chemical compounds. Such a drink exists, but its harm to the body is perhaps even greater than that of the classic version.

Let's say right away: it's fiction. Alkofan conducted a small study of the market and materials on this topic, and we confirm with 95% probability: there is no non-alcoholic vodka. However, this idea is in the air, alcohol lovers pass word of mouth legends about the supposedly patented “white drink” with zero strength, and some enthusiasts are enthusiastically looking for the coveted drink on the Internet and in stores.

The roots of the phenomenon. You won't surprise anyone with non-alcoholic beer or wine. They have firmly occupied their niche in the market and enjoy constant popularity. Pregnant women, car owners, people undergoing treatment with antibiotics - in a word, all those who cannot afford alcohol are happy to buy “zeros”. There may be several reasons for this:

  • reluctance to feel like a “black sheep” at a party (celebration).
  • gastronomic preferences - I like the taste of the drink, but the intoxicating effect is not important;
  • the desire of young people to look more mature and respectable.

It seems obvious that there should be non-alcoholic vodka. But non-alcoholic wine and beer go through the same stages of production as their alcohol-containing counterparts, including fermentation and aging. Then the alcohol is removed from the drink by evaporation - and then, strictly speaking, it is not possible to completely get rid of it; about half a percent of the strength remains - as in kefir or kvass.

Vodka consists of water and alcohol. If you adhere to the technology described above and remove the alcohol, what remains? Pure water without impurities.

Why non-alcoholic vodka is pointless

“Bitter” is not drunk for the sake of its exquisite taste - on the contrary, drinking vodka is often associated with unpleasant sensations rather than pleasure. The main and only purpose of vodka is quick intoxication. Purely theoretically, you can add bitters to the water to get something vaguely reminiscent of Stolichnaya, but why? It is unlikely that there will be many connoisseurs of pure vodka taste.

Gossip. In 2002, newspapers wrote that either in the Moscow region or in the Leningrad region, a certain disabled person Vladimir invented a miracle additive that completely deprived vodka of its strength. They said the man kept the secret a secret, but willingly demonstrated his invention to visiting reporters and reporters.

In 2012, the Internet was flooded with news that non-alcoholic vodka had already been patented and was about to hit the shelves. Indeed, in stores you can find bottles with transparent liquid and labels “vodka alcohol free”, but these are nothing more than comic products for souvenirs or practical jokes.

Just a souvenir for jokes

There was also talk that a certain Finnish company plans to open an entire plant for the production of non-alcoholic vodka in Ukraine. Specific brands and dates were mentioned - however, it later turned out that there was no such company, and the rumors were groundless.

In the section on the question Is there non-alcoholic vodka? given by the author Helios Helium the best answer is yes, the tap is leaking

Answer from Olga Pospelova[guru]
what for? taste disgusting smell too

Answer from J K[guru]
In Pushkin, near Moscow, a recipe was invented that makes vodka non-drunk. According to Komsomolskaya Pravda, it is simple: you only need to add 25 milliliters of a special additive per bottle.
Non-alcoholic vodka makes only a little noise in the head, like champagne. Even the traffic police without a device will not be able to identify a drinker who has taken a strong drink on his chest.
The creator of the non-alcoholic potion is a disabled person from Pushkin. He forbade reporters from the newspaper from taking pictures of himself, much less revealing the secret.
The idea for non-alcoholic vodka came to him when his classmates started visiting often. They drank a lot - for his health. They were drunk. After this, Volodya decided to come up with a recipe for vodka that everyone could drink and not get drunk. He took the bottle of medicine and dripped it into the liquid. I drank and realized that this was the same thing, the newspaper writes. Until now, Volodya hides his recipe from prying eyes. If you put some in the bottle, it will drip, but it won’t let you take it out.
However, according to experts, the composition must undergo a comprehensive examination by the toxicology laboratory of the Research Institute of Narcology of the Ministry of Health or at the Institute of Nutrition. According to them, the fact that Volodya’s vodka smells like valerian after mixing, means it contains it. It is forbidden to mix valerian root with vodka - acute toxicosis may develop. So the opening is still a long way off, the newspaper summarizes.

Answer from Alena[guru]
What's the point?)

Answer from Victoria Getman[active]
Well, it depends on what question interests you.
How healthy is vodka?
How harmful is vodka?
Vodka is made from purified water and ethyl alcohol. A water-alcohol solution is the basis for the production of vodka, the creator of which is Mendeleev. Vodka originated in Russia around 1000 AD. e. The drink was called “bread wine” in those days, and the alcohol content in it was significantly less than in modern vodka. All over the world, the two most popular types of vodka are regular and flavored. Flavored vodka typically differs from regular vodka by having lower alcohol content and the presence of natural or artificial flavors that are added to enhance the taste. You can often find vodka flavored with pepper, citrus fruits and berries. It is under no circumstances recommended to abuse vodka. You need to know when to stop. Even doctors recommend drinking 50 grams of vodka before dinner for appetite and stress relief after a working day. But no more than 50 grams, and be sure to have a good snack - of course, dinner does not mean a piece of sausage with bread.

The invention relates to the field of food industry, in particular to the field of beverage production, and can be used in the production of soft drinks. The drink contains from 30.0 to 120.0 kg of a substance with a sweet taste (in terms of sugar), from 0.1 to 3.8 kg of a substance with the taste and aroma of a strong alcoholic drink, from 0.3 to 55.0 kg of a substance with the taste and aroma of berries and fruits, from 0.001 to 0.38 kg of dye, from 0.04 to 0.045 of Tonic D 2088 flavoring, from 0.5 to 4.5 kg of citric acid and the rest water up to 1000 dm 3 of the finished drink ; in addition, as a substance with the taste and aroma of strong alcoholic drinks, it contains the flavorings “Rum”, “Cognac”, “Vodka”. This soft drink may contain coloring, preservatives and carbon dioxide. This non-alcoholic drink has a taste and aroma that matches the taste and aroma of mulled wine. 14 salary f-ly.

The invention relates to the field of food industry, in particular to the field of beverage production, and can be used in the production of soft drinks containing flavoring and aromatic additives, in particular a soft drink with the taste and aroma of strong alcoholic drinks, as well as berries and fruits. The composition of a soft drink is known (RU, patent 2018238, A 23 L 2/00, 1994), containing sugar, citric acid, bicolor Lespedica extract, lemon essence, color and sparkling water. The composition of a soft drink is also known (RU, patent 2027384, A 23 L 2/00, 1995), containing a substance with a sweet taste (sugar), citric acid, flavoring substances: vanillin, extragonum extract, laurel extract, eucalyptus extract, as well as color , carbon dioxide, ethyl alcohol and water. The composition of a tonic non-alcoholic drink (A 23 L 2/00, 1998) is known, containing a substance with a sweet taste (sugar), table salt, citric acid, the drug "Olifen", aromatic essences "Cherry Brandy" and "Rum", and also apple powder. The technical problem solved by means of the present invention is to develop the composition of a new soft drink with an original taste and aroma, including as a component a substance with the taste and aroma of a strong alcoholic drink. The technical result obtained as a result of the implementation of the invention is to obtain a non-alcoholic drink with the taste and aroma of mulled wine. To achieve the specified technical result, a composition of a non-alcoholic drink is proposed, containing a substance with a sweet taste, a substance with the taste and aroma of a strong alcoholic drink, a substance with the taste and aroma of fruits or berries, Tonic D 2088 flavoring agent, dye, citric acid and water in the following ratio ingredients per 1000 dm3 of finished drink, kg: Substance with a sweet taste (in terms of sugar) - 30.0-120.0 Substance with the taste and aroma of a strong alcoholic drink - 0.1-3.8 Substance with the taste and aroma of berries and fruits - 0.3-55.0 Dye - 0.001-0.38 Flavoring "Tonic D 2088" - 0.04-0.045 Citric acid - 0.5-4.5 Water - Up to 1000 dm 3 As a substance with sweet The flavor includes sugar and a sugar substitute. Preferably, “Rum” flavoring, “Cognac” flavoring, “Vodka” flavoring are used as substances with the taste and aroma of strong alcoholic drinks, and natural, identical to natural flavorings are used as substances with the taste and aroma of berries and fruits. Natural juices, fruit drinks, and extracts can be used as natural flavorings. The drink may additionally contain a preservative, color, or carbon dioxide. Preferably, sodium benzoate is used as a preservative. However, it is possible to use other substances that have the above properties. It is known (see, for example, Kukharenko A.A. et al. Strong drinks of Rus'. M.: State Unitary Enterprise "Biotechnological Plant", 1999, p. 191) that mulled wine includes red table wine, water, cinnamon, cloves, lemon peel and sugar. Therefore, in order to give the declared low-alcohol drink the organoleptic characteristics of mulled wine, namely the color of red table wine with spices and the slight bitterness of lemon peel, a dye should be added to the composition of the proposed drink, as well as flavoring (a substance with a sweet taste, citric acid) and flavoring (a substance with a taste and the aroma of a strong alcoholic drink and a substance with the taste and aroma of fruits or berries, flavoring "Tonic D 2088") substances used in the quantities specified in the first paragraph of the formula. If at least one of the specified substances is not used or the specified quantitative ranges are exceeded, the specified technical result is not achieved. The water used must comply with the requirements applicable to water used in the production of beer and soft drinks. The quantitative and qualitative composition of a soft drink is determined by the desired taste and aroma, subject to the above ratios of the components necessarily present. The resulting soft drink must be a liquid without sediment or foreign suspended particles. The invention can be illustrated by the following implementation examples. 1. To prepare 1000 dm 3 of the finished drink, kg: Granulated sugar - 120
Flavor "Rum D 0807" - 3.8
Flavor "Cherry D 3841" - 0.7
Flavor "Amaretto D 1659" - 0.3
Flavoring "Tonic D 2088" - 0.04
Color E l50 d - 0.36
Dye Carmoisine N 7110 - 0.02
Citric acid - 1.5
Sodium benzoate - 0.17
Water - Rest
Water is first prepared on any technological equipment to a quality that meets the requirements for water in the production of beer and soft drinks. Measured amounts of citric acid, color, flavorings, dye and preservative are dissolved in a small volume of water with continuous stirring. After thorough stirring, add the previously prepared sugar syrup. After obtaining a homogeneous solution, water is added to it to a volume of 1000 dm 3 and the finished drink is saturated, followed by bottling into plastic, glass or metal containers. 2. To prepare 1000 dm 3 of the finished drink, we used, kg:
Sugar - 100.0
Flavor "Melon Cantaloupe D 0762" - 0.60
Flavoring "Tonic D 2088" - 0.045
Flavor "Vodka 111101409" - 0.15
Dye Tartrazine N 7061 - 0.001
Opacifier J 4825 - 0.5
Citric acid - 1.0
Sodium benzoate - 0.17
Water - Rest
Water is first prepared on any technological equipment to a quality that meets the requirements for water in the production of beer and soft drinks. Measured amounts of citric acid, opacifier, flavorings, dye and preservative are dissolved in a small volume of water with continuous stirring. After thorough stirring, add the previously prepared sugar syrup. After obtaining a homogeneous solution, water is added to it to a volume of 1000 dm 3 and the finished drink is saturated, followed by bottling into plastic, glass or metal containers. When using sugar, the drink has a shelf life of at least 90 days, when using sweeteners - at least 180 days, when packaged in metal cans - at least 180 days.


1. A non-alcoholic drink containing a substance with a sweet taste, citric acid, a flavoring substance with the taste and aroma of a strong alcoholic drink and water, characterized in that it additionally contains a flavoring substance with the taste and aroma of fruits and berries, dye, flavoring "Tonic D 2088 "with the following ratio of ingredients, per 1000 dm 3 of the finished drink, kg:
Substance with a sweet taste (in terms of sugar) - 30.0-120.0
Substance with the taste and aroma of a strong alcoholic drink - 0.1-3.8
Substance with the taste and aroma of berries and fruits - 0.3-55.0
Dye - 0.001-0.38
Flavor "Tonic D 2088" - 0.04-0.045
Citric acid - 0.5-4.5
Water - Up to 1000 dm 3
2. The drink according to claim 1, characterized in that sugar is used as a substance with a sweet taste. 3. The drink according to claim 1, characterized in that a sugar substitute is used as a substance with a sweet taste. 4. The drink according to claim 1, characterized in that the “Rum” flavoring agent is used as a substance with the taste and aroma of strong alcoholic drinks. 5. The drink according to claim 1, characterized in that the “Cognac” flavoring agent is used as a substance with the taste and aroma of strong alcoholic drinks. 6. The drink according to claim 1, characterized in that the “Vodka” flavoring agent is used as a substance with the taste and aroma of strong alcoholic drinks. 7. The drink according to claim 1, characterized in that natural flavors are used as a substance with the taste and aroma of berries and fruits. 8. The drink according to claim 1, characterized in that identical natural flavors are used as a substance with the taste and aroma of berries and fruits. 9. The drink according to claim 7, characterized in that natural juices are used as natural flavors. 10. The drink according to claim 7, characterized in that natural fruit drinks are used as natural flavors. 11. The drink according to claim 7, characterized in that extracts are used as natural flavors. 12. The drink according to claim 1, characterized in that it additionally contains a color. 13. The drink according to claim 1, characterized in that it additionally contains carbon dioxide. 14. The drink according to claim 1, characterized in that it additionally contains a preservative. 15. The drink according to claim 14, characterized in that sodium benzoate is used as a preservative.