When is the best time to eat pineapple? Storage, preparation and selection

Pineapple is an incredibly healthy fruit, but few people know how to eat pineapple, how to properly cut and peel it in order to preserve all the juiciness and edible pulp. If you cut the peel thinly, there are “eyes” left in the pulp that need to be cut out separately, and it is best to do this in a spiral.

First method

Cooking time: ten minutes

Try to choose a large and ripe pineapple. You can choose a high-quality ripe fruit by smell; smell the lower part of the fruit. If you can discern a fairly strong characteristic smell of pineapple, it means the fruit is ripe. If you smell a slight fermentation smell, you have an overripe pineapple in your hands. A ripe pineapple should be firm, but you can press it with your finger; too soft a fruit means that the pineapple is overripe. There may be greenish spots on the skin of the pineapple, but it should not be completely green. An ideal pineapple, completely ready for consumption, has a golden-colored peel with small greenish inclusions.

Peeling and slicing pineapple: second method

When buying a pineapple, tap the surface of the fruit and listen to the sound. The more dull and empty the sound you hear, the better. Pineapple is not one of those fruits that can ripen after being picked, so pay attention to the color. If you buy a pineapple with a green skin, you will have to eat the unripe fruit, even if it sits in your kitchen for a week.

Do not cut off the green top of the pineapple with a knife, just unscrew it. Then turn the pineapple upside down and place it in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight. Pineapples grow with their heads up, so all the sugar and flavor accumulates in the lower part of the fruit. That is why the pineapple must be allowed to stand so that all the flavor is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the fruit. Plus, chilled pineapple tastes much better.

Using a sharp knife, carefully cut off the top, bottom and sides. In a fairly mature fruit, the core is not very hard and it is not necessary to cut it out. If you do not plan to eat the whole fruit immediately, do not cut off the bottom of the pineapple and store it in the refrigerator. "bottom" up.

Now I will tell you about all the ways I know how to cut and eat pineapple. This fruit can be peeled in very different ways, some ways are much more convenient, some are less convenient. And for everyone there is a different way. Therefore, read and choose the best method for peeling a pineapple from the 10 presented.

1) The Filipino way of peeling and cutting pineapple.

To do this, you need to cut off the top and bottom of the pineapple. Then, holding the pineapple in your hand, run a long knife under the skin, all over the pineapple, then cut out the core and cut into pieces. And only then pour out the resulting pineapple pieces (from the peel). Read and watch the video about this method in more detail and. And after watching, learn this method yourself!

2) Thai way of peeling and slicing pineapple.

First peel the pineapple, then cut out all the eyes. The pineapple is shaped like a spiral. This is the slowest of all methods.

The end result is pineapples like this.

It is convenient to eat them by holding them by the stem on which they grew.

You can also cut the resulting pineapple into large pieces. It turns out very cute!

3) Cutting the pineapple, cutting out the core into a square.

The fastest and most convenient way to cut a pineapple. This is the only way I always peel pineapples. ()

4) Thai-Filipino conventional method.

Cut the pineapple into 4 parts without first peeling them, and then peel each of them separately and cut into pieces. Read more about this method.

5) Long slices, the entire length of the pineapple. Asians often cut pineapples this way. Biting such a pineapple is not very comfortable; the corners of your mouth may hurt. I usually use my hands to break off small pieces from these larger ones. Since the pineapples here are very ripe and juicy, they break off easily.

6) Small triangles. This is the most convenient way for me. Cutting like this never hurts your teeth; you don’t have to bite off large pieces, but just eat small ones right away. It couldn't be more convenient! This method of slicing pineapples is used in supermarkets in tropical countries.

7) Pineapple quarters without the middle. This is also a very convenient method, one of the most convenient. First, the peeled pineapple is cut into 4 parts, lengthwise. Then the middle of the pineapple is cut from each part, and then the whole thing is cut into small pieces. It turns out to be pineapple fillet!

8) In circles. Of course, this pineapple looks very beautiful, but it is not so convenient to eat; you can easily burn the corners of your mouth, even if the pineapple is super ripe. There is also too much juice flowing.

9) Even in supermarkets in tropical countries, pineapples are cut like this.

10) And the last way is how to eat pineapple without a knife. It has to be a super ripe pineapple, ripened on the bush, otherwise you won't succeed. It is not recommended to do this with pineapples from supermarkets, as you can severely burn your mouth and damage your teeth.

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This fruit is very tasty, is the basis of many desserts and salads, and is consumed fresh or canned. Pineapple can be used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, and many attribute a fat-burning effect to pineapple.

But is it really so good and useful?

Choosing pineapple

Pineapple grows on the ground, it is a bush plant. On average, the plant can be about 80-90 cm in height, consists of a rosette of leaves similar to the top of a pineapple, in the center of this rosette a single pineapple “cone” ripens in size from 10 to 30 centimeters, at the end of the fruit there is a bunch of leaves.

Ripe pineapples have a dark skin and orange-yellow color, without green veins, the fruit exudes a pleasant aroma, the “eye” area on the surface of the cone is flat and almost empty. The fruit is quite heavy in weight. When choosing a pineapple, pull it by the teeth on the pine cone - if they come out easily, the fruit is already ripe. If there are soft fragments on the surface of the cone or areas where the skin is discolored, such fruits are spoiled and should not be purchased or eaten.

What's unique about pineapple?

The benefits and nutritional value of ripe quality pineapple are simply unique. No other fruit has such an interesting composition. Hidden inside the fruit is a composition of vitamins and microelements necessary for the body, collected in a very successful combination.

First of all, it is necessary to note that pineapple contains a large amount of vitamins A and C (and there is more of the latter than in lemons), which support the immune system. In addition, pineapples contain a lot of B vitamins, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, which relieve nervous tension, improve metabolism and promote vigor.

Pineapple contains many beneficial microelements for the body - magnesium, potassium and other minerals in slightly smaller quantities. Pineapple contains about 86% water, up to 5% sugars, almost no protein, a little citric acid and a lot of dietary fiber and fiber. Due to this composition, pineapples have a unique taste and aroma; they can be recognized with your eyes closed.

Pineapple, despite the sugar, is a dietary product - it only contains about 50 kcal per 100 grams of product, and you can’t eat a lot of it; it is very filling due to the fiber in its composition.

Healing and beneficial properties of pineapple

Most of the beneficial properties are attributed to a special enzyme complex found in the fruit - bromelain (or bromelain). This complex is capable of breaking down complex proteins and fats into simpler compounds. Due to this, it is believed that pineapples are able to burn body fat. However, bromelain acts only in the intestines and cannot reach fat cells, so its fat-burning effect is somewhat exaggerated.

But this is not the only beneficial property of pineapples. Due to its unique composition, and especially potassium and magnesium, pineapples are very useful for hypertension, heart disease, especially arrhythmia and kidney disease. Pineapples can reduce the amount of fluid in the body and reduce swelling.

When consuming pineapple, there is a blood thinning effect, which means it is useful to use it if there is a risk of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. For these diseases, it will be useful to eat at least 200 g of fresh fruit or drink a glass of fresh juice.

Pineapple helps in the fight against vascular atherosclerosis, can relieve pain in muscles and joints, due to vitamin C and group B it has an anti-inflammatory effect, it is used for sore throat, pneumonia, sinusitis and arthritis, especially when mixed with lemon juice. In addition, pineapple promotes wound healing and normalization of metabolism. The fruit exhibits all these properties when consumed on an empty stomach.

Benefits of pineapple for digestion

Pineapples can improve digestion, largely due to the bromelain complex, which helps digest food and improve the functioning of the pancreas. Then pineapple must be consumed after meals; when mixed with food, bromelain begins to have the effect of an enzyme that improves the digestive process. It copes especially well with fats and protein.

Who can't have pineapple?

In recent years, studies have begun to appear showing that high concentrations of pineapple enzymes can help cure cancerous tumors, but this is still only scientific research. However, pineapples have long been known as an excellent preventive antitumor agent - pineapple pulp is able to bind a large number of free radicals entering the body.

When is it not allowed?

Despite all its benefits, pineapple cannot always be consumed unlimitedly; sometimes it can significantly harm human health. First of all, it is dangerous to consume it in large quantities for peptic ulcers and gastritis with high acidity. This is due to the high acidity of pineapple and irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

In addition, due to its acidity, pineapples, if consumed frequently, can cause problems for people with hypersensitive tooth enamel. Her pineapples can be damaged by their acids and sugar. After you eat pineapple, you should rinse your mouth thoroughly to neutralize the acids.

Pregnant women also need to be careful with pineapples: unripe fruits contain substances that can provoke uterine contractions. Therefore, for pregnant women, the consumption of pineapples per day is limited to 150 g or a glass of juice.

In addition, pineapple and its extracts are actively used in cosmetology, to care for the face and neck area. Pineapple relieves excess oily skin and has an antibacterial effect. It is useful to wipe your skin with a piece of pineapple in the morning - it will look fresher and reduce oily shine.

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of pineapple. This amazing fruit helps cope with excess weight and high blood pressure, colds, cellulite and even calluses.

What’s especially nice is that today pineapples are no longer considered an oriental exotic and are actively used, including for preparing the simplest everyday dishes.

When planning to go on a pineapple diet, you need to take into account: only fresh pineapples and the juice squeezed from them can bring real benefits, but not canned goods, candied fruits or packaged drinks that supposedly contain pineapple juice.

How to choose the right tropical fruits and how best to prepare them - read below.


Pineapples are one of the varieties of plants of the Bromileaceae family, which have a short stem and fleshy, pointed leaves more than half a meter long.

The familiar pineapple fruit is formed from many small ovaries collected into a single inflorescence. The average weight of one fruit is about 1 kg, although there are pineapples weighing from 0.5 to 8 kg.

There are about 80 types of pineapples in the world, the main place of cultivation of which has been Hawaii for many years. These fruits are also exported by China, India, the Philippines and Thailand.

What are the benefits of pineapples?

Thanks to numerous pharmaceutical preparations, the raw materials for which are pineapples, even children know about the amazing fat-burning capabilities of this fruit.

The fruit has such amazing properties thanks to a unique complex of plant enzymes - bromelain.

The substance speeds up the digestion of food, makes it easier for the body to absorb proteins and, ultimately, helps make your figure slimmer. In addition, sweet pineapple can increase the content of serotonin in the blood, reduce the feeling of hunger and help get rid of edema.

Many other beneficial properties of the fruit are less known:

  • Regular consumption of the pulp and juice of fresh pineapples helps thin the blood, reduce blood pressure, and avoid arteriosclerosis and its complications.
  • The fruit helps in the treatment of various viral and bacterial infections, as well as their complications in the form of bronchitis, pneumonia, sore throat, etc. When using antibiotics, pineapple juice can enhance their effect.
  • For women, pineapple helps to cope with the problem of painful menstruation: a week before the start of menstruation, it is enough to include a few slices of pineapple in your daily menu, and you don’t have to worry about pain during your menstruation.
  • Pineapples are valued for their ability to help fight infections of the genitourinary system due to their pronounced diuretic effect and the ability to cope with stagnant processes in the body.
  • Doctors recommend consuming the fruit more often for diseases of the nervous system, long-term depression, and even for oncology.
  • Finally, even in the fight against annoying calluses, that same fresh pineapple can help. It is enough to apply a piece of fruit to the damaged area of ​​​​the skin, and soon there will be no trace left of the rubbing.
  • It is thanks to its unique regenerating properties that the plant is widely used in the manufacture of anti-aging products.
About the fly in the ointment: the disadvantages of pineapples

Like everything in our world, pineapples are imperfect: there are people who should avoid eating this overseas fruit:

  • Due to its high acid content, pineapple juice can irritate the walls of the stomach in the presence of ulcers or gastritis.
  • For the same reason, consuming concentrated pineapple juice can destroy tooth enamel, so it is imperative to rinse your mouth after such a drink. Preschool children can only drink pineapple juice diluted with water.
  • Unripe pineapple fruits have abortifacient properties, so pregnant women should enjoy this exotic fruit with caution.
  • Like other foods, allergies to pineapples are also possible.

It's hard to believe that one plant can combine so many beneficial properties and amazing taste. 13-15% of pineapple consists of easily digestible sugar and organic acids, the rest of the main component of the fruit is water.

The sweet pulp of the plant quickly provides a feeling of fullness, but does not give the body extra pounds.

Calorie content of the product

100 grams of pineapple contain no more than 50 kilocalories, 0.4 grams. proteins, 0.2 fats and about 10.5 g. carbohydrates. Thus, by eating one medium-sized fresh pineapple (about 1 kg), you will consume only 500 kcal.

Candied pineapple fruits are somewhat higher in calories, depending on the sugar content per 100 grams. the product will contain 90-100 or more kcal. Freshly squeezed juice has the minimum calorie content - 48 kcal per 100 g.

What beneficial substances are there in pineapple?

Each fruit contains a complex of B vitamins (B1, B2, B12, PP), which can have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body. Pineapple is rich in provitamin A, and even surpasses lemons in ascorbic acid content.

In addition to a significant amount of fiber, the fruit is also rich in microelements: calcium, zinc, iron, iodine, potassium, magnesium and other substances beneficial to the human body. The specific composition of the fruit depends on the characteristics of the individual variety.

How to eat pineapple?

The healthiest options are raw pineapples and freshly squeezed juice. However, to buy truly delicious fruits, it is important to choose them correctly. A ripe pineapple should have yellow skin with a pleasant smell and elastic leaves that can be pulled out without much effort.

Less healthy options are canned fruits and candied pineapples. Due to the addition of sugar and heat treatment, the product loses most of its beneficial properties, but significantly increases its calorie content.

In what form is it best to eat?

You can simply cut fresh fruit into slices and enjoy it during the break between main meals. Freshly squeezed juice or crushed pineapple pulp can be mixed with homemade kvass or lemon juice - this will result in a drink with a colossal content of vitamins.

Candied pineapple can be added in small quantities to whole grain cereals to improve the taste. What you should avoid is packaged pineapple juices - in such drinks, natural ingredients are often replaced with flavorings, flavorings and sugar substitutes.

What dishes can you add pineapple pulp to?

Any housewife knows that pineapple is a universal fruit that goes perfectly with meat (pork or chicken), seafood (shrimp and mussels), and baked goods.

You can experiment with pineapples endlessly - pineapples can be added to salads (meat or fruit), baked or stewed.

Options for a successful combination of products for salads:

  • boiled chicken, hard cheese, pineapple, green apple, homemade mayonnaise for dressing;
  • boiled shrimp, sweet pepper, large pineapple, lettuce, sour cream;
  • apple, orange, banana, kiwi, pineapple, honey.
Pineapple Express Diet

Fresh pineapple can be safely included in your daily diet, but if you wish, you can lose 3 kg within a couple of days with a strict pineapple diet.

To do this, it is recommended to limit your daily diet to a couple of medium-sized pineapples and 1 liter of fresh pineapple juice. You can drink water and green tea without restrictions.

This diet is extremely effective, but you can stick to it for no more than 2 days. In addition, such nutrition is contraindicated for people with diseases of the stomach and intestines.

  • The name of the fruit translated from English means “apple-cone”; the Indians called this fruit “ana-ana” - “smell of odors”, and the Guarni tribe - “exquisite taste”.
  • The largest pineapple in the world weighed just over 8 kg.
  • In the Philippines, pineapple leaves are used as raw material for textile production.
  • When pineapples were first brought to Russia, cabbage soup and solyanka were first prepared from the overseas fruit, considering the plant to be a type of cabbage.
Let's sum it up

So should you include pineapples in your daily diet? Definitely, yes, but only if you buy ripe fruits rich in nutrients.

In this case, you will be able to take advantage of all the benefits of the product:

  • low calorie content;
  • fat burning properties;
  • benefits for the heart and blood vessels;
  • the ability to strengthen the immune system and rejuvenate the body.

Canned pineapples, alas, are practically useless and only help you gain extra pounds.


This video will help you learn more about the benefits of pineapple:

Fitness trainer, group exercise instructor, nutritionist

Provides general consultations on nutrition, selection of a diet for pregnant women, weight correction, selection of nutrition for exhaustion, selection of nutrition for obesity, selection of an individual diet and therapeutic nutrition. Also specializes in modern methods of functional testing in sports; athlete recovery.

To the question: how to eat pineapple correctly? Did you hear that he knits? asked by the author to contribute the best answer is you need to wash it thoroughly, cut off the end from which the tail grows, cut it in half lengthwise - and then cut these halves with a knife, like a loaf. Better thinner. It doesn’t knit, but its acidity really irritates the corners of the mouth, and then they tingle.

Answer from 22 answers [guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how to eat pineapple correctly? Did you hear that he knits?

Answer from Neuropathologist [guru]
He doesn't knit anything! Take it and eat it!

Answer from Evgeny [guru]
It doesn’t knit, it just can make your lips burn, just like the skin does, you need to keep the juice from getting on your lips, just cut it into small pieces or make cuts into slices.

Answer from Good Neighbor[guru]
Doesn't knit. Cut into slices and eat for your health

Answer from X [guru]
Instructions for eating pineapple:
First of all, when you pick up a pineapple, take a closer look to see if it’s a pineapple...
Once you are sure that it is a pineapple, there is no need to panic, under any circumstances!
To keep your pineapple from binding YOU, you need to skin it.
for this YOU need instructions on how to skin a pineapple. .
Good luck with your search :))

Answer from Olga Georgievskaya [guru]
I wash the pineapple with a brush under running water. Then I cut it into circles 0.5 - 1 cm thick (and it doesn’t matter at all which side you start cutting from). I don’t cut it all at once so that it doesn’t get scorched if we don’t eat it right away. From each circle I cut off the brown edge and cut out the hard core. You can then cut it into several more pieces, as you like. That's all. Bon appetit!

Answer from Saar [guru]
It would seem that it could be simpler - just take it and eat it. But foodies would never be so famous if they had not come up with various ways to complicate the lives of ordinary consumers. This is of course a joke, each product has its own ways of eating. The main thing is to achieve maximum pleasure from the process and from the product itself. To do this, everything must be done correctly.
First you need to separate the top with hard leaves and the lower part of the fruit.
Then divide the pineapple into halves, in the center you will see the core, it is tasteless and hard, it needs to be removed.
To do this, you divide the halves further in half and cut out the core. In principle, you can cut out the core in each slice separately, but this is less convenient.
The final preparation for eating is to separate the outer part - the skin.
In the end, you get a product that you can safely eat whole. Please note that in jars of canned pineapples you see circles with a hole in the middle, i.e. approximately what we just did, only by hand.
By the way, you don’t have to throw away the top with the leaves, but plant it in the ground, this way you can grow a pineapple in your apartment, this is the easiest way to grow it.
Pineapple is used mainly as a dessert. This dish can add variety: pieces of pineapple served with liqueur and ice cream. Pineapple can be baked in the oven by first sprinkling the pieces of fruit with liqueur or sprinkling with yellow sugar. Diced, pineapple can be added to countless meat dishes, especially savory or sweet ones. Pineapple makes excellent charlotte-type pies. However, you should not add pineapple to dishes containing gelatin (jelly, mousse, etc.), since pineapple contains a substance that destroys gelatin, as a result of which the dish will not thicken. Pineapple goes great with cheese and adds a great flavor to sweet and spicy salads.
And according to the rules of etiquette, pineapple is eaten with a knife and fork. You can serve sugar or powdered sugar separately.
Pineapple in syrup, cut into slices, is served to everyone in bowls or vases, and eaten with a teaspoon or dessert spoon.