Alexandria cottage cheese dough for Easter cakes step by step. Alexandria Easter cake dough - a brilliant recipe

Today I want to tell you and show you how to prepare Easter Alexandria Easter cake step by step. Housewives usually spend a lot of physical effort preparing dough for Easter cakes. Sometimes all family members participate in the kneading process. The process of creating Easter dough for my grandmother took almost a day, and it was a labor-intensive task. Alexandria or Viennese dough impressed me 200%. I'm not tired at all! The kneading process is so convenient that you cannot imagine. It costs nothing for a working woman to prepare such a cake. Usually they put this cake overnight, but, as an option, you can knead the dough in the morning, and after work add the missing ingredients and in 3-4 hours you will have delicious cakes ready for Easter.

Kulich Alexandria recipe with photos step by step

Let's talk about the test. The peculiarity of the technology is that the dough in the Alexandrian dough is made on the basis of baked milk, yeast, butter, eggs, but without adding flour. Yeast is activated. And the dough for the Easter cakes is set overnight. Please note that the dough itself is sticky, and there is no need to add additional flour when kneading. Then the crumb turns out airy and porous, but at the same time as if impregnated. When squeezing baked Easter cakes, the dough quickly regains its shape. If you like delicious Easter cakes, not heavy and not dry, this successful recipe, tested by many housewives, will be a godsend for you. Especially for readers of the site we will tell and show you good recipes:

how to prepare Alexandrian Easter cake dough

From this amount of products I got 3 large cakes and 2 medium ones.

This Easter cake dough is excellent in all cases. You can leave the dough overnight, and in the morning add flour and the missing ingredients and knead the dough. After 2-3 hours it will fit and you can form the cakes and bake them. The recipe for Alexandrian Easter cakes does not require a large amount of ingredients and is quite democratic in their composition. The process is not labor intensive. Kneading can be entrusted to a dough mixer or a regular hand mixer.

Cooking time - 15 hours (9-12 hours for dough + 3 hours for kneading and baking)

Cuisine: European


  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.,
  • baked milk 250 ml (warm up to 40 degrees),
  • wheat flour - 600 g,
  • live yeast - 50 g,
  • sugar - 2 cups,
  • butter 120 g,
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (25 gr. or 1.5 teaspoons),
  • salt - 1 teaspoon (without a slide),
  • raisins - 100 gr. (you can put more or add other candied fruits),
  • icing - 1 sachet.

Cooking process:

To prepare Alexandria dough for Easter cakes (also called Viennese dough), take three eggs. Remove the eggs and butter from the refrigerator in advance so that they are at room temperature. Beat 2 eggs and 1 yolk into a bowl. Separate the remaining protein into a small container and put it in the refrigerator. We will prepare the glaze based on it. If part of the yolk gets into the white, the white will not whip. Therefore, the procedure for separating the yolk from the white must be done carefully. If the protein storage container is greasy, the protein will not whip up either. Please take this into account.

Add 1.5 cups of sugar to the eggs in a bowl. For those who like sweet cakes, feel free to add 2 cups of sugar. Using a wooden or silicone spatula, beat the eggs with sugar. It is important not to use metal objects.

Add butter to the eggs and beat the mixture with the same spoon. The butter will float on the surface of the egg mixture. That's how it should be. You cannot melt butter until it becomes liquid. The butter should be at room temperature, but not melted to a liquid state.

Alexandria dough is prepared with live yeast. In general, it is customary to prepare real Easter cakes using fresh compressed yeast, but save dry instant yeast for buns. Break the yeast into pieces with your fingers.

Pour baked milk over the yeast and dissolve it. This will happen very quickly.

Add the yeast mixture to the egg mixture and stir again. Pieces of butter will still float on the surface of the liquid. That's how it should be. Beat the mixture well.

Cover the bowl with cling film and leave at room temperature for 12 hours. For those who are afraid that the dough will leave the bowl during this time, I hasten to assure you that the mass will ferment, but the volume will not increase much, but the container with the dough should be quite spacious.

After 12 hours, remove the film. Bulbs will be visible on the surface of the liquid. The oil will still float. Sift the Easter cake flour twice and add to the dough in batches. First 50% flour. Mix the liquid with flour, add another 50% flour.

Remove the zest from one medium orange. Remove the zest so as not to touch the yellowish-white part of the orange skin. We need orange zest. The yellow part of the skin gives bitterness. Add the zest and a quarter teaspoon of salt, vanilla sugar to the dough.

The dough for Easter baking can be kneaded by hand or with a mixer with a dough attachment. Mixing time is 10-15 minutes. Add washed and sorted raisins to the dough. You can add other additives, such as candied fruits. You can't spoil porridge with oil.

When the dough is ready, form it into a ball. Place in the bottom of a bowl (the bowl should be deep enough). The dough will increase 3-4 times. It rises quickly and quite easily. Cover the bowl with cling film and transfer to a warm, quiet place. You can put it somewhere near the battery. If you use a warm oven or slow cooker to rise, remember that at temperatures above 40 degrees the yeast is destroyed and will not rise.

To bake Easter cakes, you can use paper, silicone or metal molds. Any will do. I use paper ones. I do not grease paper forms with oil. The finished cakes separate perfectly from the paper, and there is no need to grease them. If the walls of the paper form are greased, then the dough will have nothing to hold onto during proofing. If we are talking about metal forms, then they can be wrapped inside with baking paper. Then the cake will easily come out of the mold after baking.

After 3 hours from the moment of kneading, the dough will triple in size. Here you can watch. The dough stood for 2.5 hours. I gave it a little more time, and when it reached the edge of the bowl, I kneaded it.

Place a piece of dough into each mold so that it fills the mold 1/3 of the way. When placing the dough in the molds, make sure that the raisins do not stick out on the surface. When baked, it will burn, and you will no longer be able to drown it in a suitable base. The dough will drop sharply. Everything needs to be provided for immediately. Cover the prepared pans with cling film. This way the surface will not become weathered during proofing.

After 30 minutes the dough will reach the limits of the pan. When baking, already in the oven, the cakes will still rise.

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees, and we will bake the cakes at this temperature. Usually the dough is baked at 180 degrees, but at high temperatures the cake will be very dark and may even burn. Carefully transfer the molds with the risen dough onto a baking sheet, and then place them in the oven for baking. While moving the dough, do not drop it, hit it, or act roughly. The dough is very tender and may fall off.

Remove the finished cakes from the oven and cool completely. Remove the white of 1 egg from the refrigerator. Use store-bought glaze according to package instructions, or add a pinch of salt and a couple drops of lemon juice to the egg white. Add 4 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar and beat the mixture until white and fluffy. Lubricate the Easter cakes with the resulting mixture. Decorate to your liking.

In every sense, the dough is gorgeous, and the finished cakes turn out full of holes, the crumb is very tender.

Alexandria or Viennese Easter cakes recipe with photos from Varvara Sergeevna especially for the site Good Recipes

My family has a tradition: on the eve of a bright holiday, bake Easter cakes. We got the recipe from our great-grandmother, and it is simply perfect. The baked goods are fluffy, sweet and incredibly tasty!

Alexandria Easter cake dough


  • 1 liter of baked milk
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 500 g butter
  • 10 eggs
  • 3 yolks
  • 150 g fresh yeast
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 200 g steamed raisins
  • 100 g candied fruits
  • 15 g vanilla sugar
  • 2 tbsp. l. cognac
  • 2.5 kg flour


Children simply adore this dish; they want to eat not only the top with cream, but the whole cake! And for those who are worried about the amount of sugar in baked goods: don’t worry, the cake turns out not oversweetened, but very tasty. But, if you want, you can add less sugar.

This recipe makes a lot of servings, so no one will be left without! Feel free to start cooking, and a bright, festive mood will settle in you for a long time. I’m sure this is the only way you’ll bake cake from now on!

Nastya does yoga and loves traveling. Fashion, architecture and everything beautiful - that’s what a girl’s heart strives for! Anastasia is an interior designer and also makes unique floral-themed jewelry. She dreams of living in France, is learning the language and is keenly interested in the culture of this country. He believes that a person needs to learn something new all his life. Anastasia's favorite book is “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Alexandria Easter cake dough has one magical property - you only need to bake an Easter cake from it once, and you don’t even want to think about any other recipes. Firstly, the dough is very simple, with an extremely convenient schedule - the dough is set overnight, the dough is kneaded in the morning, and after two hours you can put the cakes in a hot oven to bake. Secondly, the Alexandrian Easter cakes themselves turn out perfect - soft and moist. That is, the dough is not heavy, but absolutely not dry, as if slightly soaked with something fragrant. Thirdly, the incomparable aroma of the baked goods, which is achieved through an unusual dough kneading technology. We will now go through the whole process - we will prepare Alexandria dough for Easter cakes step by step.

It is important for you to note basic moments:

1) the dough is placed without flour, the yeast is mixed with milk and baked goods - sugar, butter and eggs;

2) the dough should be placed before going to bed, then, getting up in the morning at 9 o’clock, by 12 you will have a line of gorgeous ready-made Easter cakes, looking at which your heart rejoices and is filled with pride for your baking skills;

3) the fermented dough looks very unusual, don’t let this bother you, feel free to pour flour into the dough and start kneading the dough;

4) the container for the dough needs to be large enough, since after mixing flour into the dough it will rise four times - my dough slightly lifted the lid of a huge pan;

5) raisins and candied fruits for the Alexandria dough do not need to be sprinkled with flour - the structure of the dough is such that it holds the additives well and they do not “fall” to the bottom;

6) the dough is very soft, but not flowing, its quality directly depends on how well you knead it - 10 minutes is enough for the dough to take on such a stringy structure, which is very clearly visible in the photo,

7) fill the cake pans no more than halfway, because the dough rises well in the oven.

Step-by-step recipe for making Alexandria Easter cake dough

If you want to try making Alexandrian Easter cake dough, then your desire will give rise to a guaranteed habit of making Easter pastries from just such a dough, which is also called Viennese. The obligatory long-term standing of the dough without flour creates magical chemistry when the rich yeast dough becomes aromatic even without the addition of traditional spices.

  • Flour - 1500 g;
  • Eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 500 g;
  • Fresh yeast - 50 g (or dry instant yeast - 11 g);
  • Milk - 500 ml;
  • Raisins - 150 g;
  • Butter - 300 g;
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 bags of 11 grams or cardamom - 1 pinch.

Cooking method

Break the eggs into a large container.

Add sugar to the eggs.

Lightly beat the sugar-egg mixture using a wooden paddle or whisk.

Crumble fresh yeast into warm milk.

Pour the milk-yeast mixture into the egg-sugar mixture.

Melt the butter in the microwave for 30 seconds to add it to the Alexandria dough. (If you take the butter out of the refrigerator an hour before preparing the dough, it will become soft and you can immediately put it in the pan.)

After kneading the dough until smooth, cover it with a towel and leave for twelve hours in a fairly warm place. (For example, you can preheat the oven, turn it off, let it cool to a temperature where the air is no longer hot, but warm, and put the dough there.) After just a couple of hours, you will definitely hear a rich aroma from the dough of Alexandrian Easter cake dough.

Add sifted wheat flour to the prepared dough.

Knead the dough thoroughly. If you knead with your hands, you can feel the “stringy” structure of this dough.

Add sorted, washed and dried raisins to our Alexandrian dough. If desired, dark raisins can first be soaked in strong alcohol - whiskey, brandy, Calvados or rum.

Let the dough rise and knead it a couple of times for two hours. After which you can divide the Alexandrian dough into parts in order to bake the Easter cakes after shaping and proofing. Do not fill the molds more than halfway because the dough will still rise. In the pans, allow the dough to rise for 20 minutes before baking (this process is called “proofing.”)

The baking time from Alexandria dough depends on the weight of the product, so the smallest Easter cakes can be ready in just thirty minutes if you bake them in an oven preheated to one hundred and ninety degrees. Large Easter cakes can be baked for about an hour until the Alexandria dough is completely baked. It will be very tasty! Have a pleasant gastronomic experience!

A total of 63 comments on the recipe

Irina, approximately how many Easter cakes do you get from this “set” of products?

I got 2 large ones (in a liter container) and 6 small ones - in cans of beans and olives.

Can you please tell me if baking does not prevent the yeast from fermenting? This is the first time I’ve seen this option for kneading dough. Do cakes made from Alexandria dough dry quickly or not? I usually bake 10-12 Easter cakes for 3 families and we eat them for a week afterwards, but I have to keep everything in a pan with a tightly closed lid. And then, I have one of the most “long-lasting” dough recipes. But there is no limit to perfection, if your dough remains soft longer, I will still have time to try it. And is it possible to use sunflower oil instead of butter? I try not to heat milk fats and always try to replace them with vegetable fats when baking.

Doesn't interfere. The dough is truly amazing. Vegetable butter cannot be replaced with vegetable oil. And to prevent Easter cakes from becoming stale, they can be kept in containers like bread bins.

Tell me at what stage vanillin is added, and is salt needed in the dough?

Vanillin along with flour. You can add salt - 1/3 teaspoon. But it’s great even without salt!

Thank you very much, Irina. I decided to try this recipe, the dough has already been set, tomorrow I will see the result. 🙂

Thank you very much for the recipe! The cakes turned out exactly the way I dreamed! I tried so many different options, but this one is the best! Minimum effort, maximum pleasure from working with such a wonderful dough, and the taste is simply delicious! The quality of the finished Easter cake inspires new culinary exploits! Delicious! Thank you:-)))

The Easter cakes turned out wonderful and not at all difficult to prepare! Thank you very much for another wonderful recipe.

Ekaterina, thank you :) I’m delighted with the Alexandria dough.

Good afternoon Dear readers, I have been preparing this recipe for several years now. The cakes turn out just great. Very tasty. These products make a lot, enough for everyone. I highly recommend it to everyone.

Hello, for such a set of products, what is the best capacity of the pan to take?

And if I replace it with dry yeast, then I probably need 1.5 packs of saf moment, there is a 1 kg packet

Can I replace the butter with a vegetable cream mixture?

Anna, you need to do it strictly according to the recipe, otherwise only at your own peril and risk.

Have a nice day! I'm interested in the following; Is it possible to add nutmeg, lemon and orange zest to this dough? Will these ingredients spoil the quality and structure of the dough? Thanks for the answer! Special thanks for the recipe! I will be making Easter cakes for the first time, I want to take into account all the nuances and also so as not to spoil it and it will be delicious.

The structure will not be damaged.

Hello. Tell me, do the molds need to be greased? I have paper ones

Lina, you need to lubricate it a little.

Can I have baked milk?

Hello, for the first time in my life I want to bake Easter cakes, I liked your recipe, just tell me, is it possible to replace fresh yeast with dry yeast? If so, how long should the dough last? Thank you in advance.

Olga, you can replace it. I did it with dry ones. The dough stood for the same amount of time.

good morning, I liked your recipe, this year I will bake Easter cakes for the first time, I’m interested in the question: it’s cold in our apartment, if I put it in a preheated oven as advised in the recipe, it doesn’t keep warm for 12 hours, what should I do?

Elena, use dry yeast - it even rises the dough in the refrigerator. And even more so in a preheated oven, even if it cools down over time.

Irina, the recipe says 11 grams of dry yeast - that’s just 1 package, but in the comments it’s 1.5 packages, how much do you need?

Olga, alone. But if the conditions for the test are very bad (cold), then one and a half is possible.

Irina, hello. Tell me, please, but such a long proofing of the dough will not lead to the fact that the dough in the finished product will smell strongly of yeast? Thank you!

Olga, for some reason this dough smells like happiness. :)) It must be done strictly according to technology.

This is the second year I’ve been cooking according to this recipe) only 7 eggs and I don’t soak the raisins in alcohol, I just add them to the dough.

I left the dough with dry yeast for 12 hours, as in the recipe, and it turned sour. Of course, I should have relied on my experience and not waited, it was my own fault. Thanks for the recipe.

Irina. what exactly is sour? The dough is placed without flour.

I definitely understood that the dough should stand for 12 HOURS?

Please tell me! I’m making a dough, but the oil probably didn’t warm up enough in the microwave, and as soon as it curdled, I can’t stir it until it becomes a homogeneous mass... What should I do? Could the oil fat content of 69’2% be to blame?

Do not until smooth. There should be a lumpy mass like this. Then, when you mix the dough with flour, the dough will become homogeneous. And due to these lumps, it also has a slightly layered structure. 🙂

Isn’t that a lot of sugar? 500 grams for 6 eggs?

Irina, thank you very much for the recipe! I really liked the dough and the cakes came out great!

Natalia, thank you! I only bake according to this recipe.


On the advice of a friend, after her enthusiastic reviews, I also decided to make Easter cakes according to this recipe... I followed the instructions strictly, but no magic happened for me... The dough sat overnight, after adding flour, the dough did not want to rise, it did not increase in volume at all... Well, I decided to bake it anyway, hoping that it would rise in the oven... Well, also just a little... The cakes didn’t even reach the edges of the pan, I put in the dough, as indicated, a little less than half of the pan... I don’t know the reason for my failure... Maybe the yeast I got was not of good quality... I used dry saf moment, the shelf life is good... Or maybe it’s just not my recipe... It happens that some recipe doesn’t work out no matter how you look at it... Happy Easter to everyone.

Hello, Irina, the dough in the molds has not risen for an hour, can it be put in the oven like this? half form

I baked it today according to your recipe, baked it with dry yeast, the dough rose very well! They literally grew before our eyes, they even popped out in little caps, but next time I won’t put everything in the oven at once, they didn’t brown well, there wasn’t enough room for them. I haven’t tried the taste yet, I’m waiting for everything.

I'm extremely disappointed, the dough doesn't rise at all.

Irina, thank you so much for the recipe. I just finished baking Easter eggs. They're gorgeous. Sweet, airy and not dry. Just what I dreamed of))) thank you!

The recipe is excellent, I did everything strictly according to the recipe, the pasochki really turned out not dry but moist as I wanted, soft and fragrant. Thanks a lot.


I baked Easter cakes for the first time, I dreamed all my life of baking them myself. The dough is wonderful, only I used 7 eggs - 5 pieces + 2 yolks for the dough, and the white for the glaze. Gorgeous dough, the whole house smells of the aromas of Easter cakes. Excellent recipe.

Irina, thank you so much for the recipe!! It turned out very tasty)) The dough is very pleasant and easy to prepare

Olga, thank you for your feedback. I really love this dough.

Irina, thank you so much for the recipe! It was my first time baking Easter cakes and I settled on your recipe, and as it turned out, it was not in vain! The dough is simply wonderful! The cakes were all risen, baked and very tasty.

Ekaterina, yes, this is the best recipe I have personally tried. Just a miracle :)

Love this recipe! This is the second year I have baked with it. The Easter cakes turned out amazingly tasty and aromatic! Thank you very much for the recipe! I recommend it to everyone!

Thanks for the recipe! Everything worked out. Mine were highly praised and without any hassle, thanks again!

Please tell me if you put more eggs, is it possible or strictly according to the recipe...

Svetlana, you need it strictly according to the recipe. Variations are at your own risk.

I made it according to your recipe and it turned out very tasty, fluffy, soft... just a little bit of the smell of yeast. I probably should have made it with raw yeast.. thank you very much for the detailed description of the recipe:))

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Recipe for making Easter cake using Alexandria dough. The famous Alexandria Easter cake always turns out very tasty, with a soft crumb, little porosity and does not crumble at all. The cake prepared according to this recipe turns out to be unusually aromatic, sweet, one might say melts in your mouth - it is precisely for these magical qualities that housewives love to prepare it for the Easter table.

Kulich is prepared with baked milk, butter and raw yeast. Alexandria dough is prepared as follows: first, the dough is left to infuse for about 8 to 12 hours, and then mixed with flour and tasty additions (dried fruits, candied fruits, dried berries). The taste of Alexandria Easter cake is sweetish with a rich aroma and yeast flavor. If you don’t like too sweet baked goods, you can safely reduce the amount of sugar by half.

Required ingredients:

350 g sugar;

50 g fresh yeast;

850 – 900 g wheat flour;

400 ml. baked milk (warm);

180 – 200 g butter (softened);

1 teaspoon of salt (without a slide);

A glass of raisins;

A glass of dried apricots.


2 egg whites + 200 g powdered sugar + 1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice.

How to cook:

Since Alexandria dough is prepared with raw yeast, it needs to be left for 8 to 12 hours. The dough is prepared using dough, which is mixed with baked milk, eggs, yeast, sugar and without adding flour. Prepare all ingredients ahead of time so they are at room temperature (especially the butter). It is most convenient to knead the dough overnight and continue cooking in the morning.

In a separate cup, slightly warm the baked milk and dissolve the raw yeast in it.

In another cup, for mixing the dough, break 4 eggs, and divide two into whites and yolks. Place the whites in the refrigerator; we will need them to prepare the glaze. Pour sugar into the eggs and mix the mixture with a whisk, whisk until the sugar dissolves.

Add softened butter to the eggs and stir it into the egg mixture. If your butter is not soft enough, you can simply chop it into small pieces with a knife.

Then pour the milk and yeast into the mixing bowl and whisk in. There is no point in beating the dough until it has a homogeneous consistency; just stirring is enough. Cover the cup with the dough with cellophane or cling film and leave to steep at room temperature overnight (you can leave the cup on the kitchen counter).

During this time, the dough in the cup will rise and fall again. In it you will see, as it were, two layers; the first will look like an oil cap, and the second consists of small bubbles - this means that the dough is already active for further work.

Prepare the selected dried fruits in advance (I used raisins and dried apricots). Rinse the dried fruits in warm water, dry them with a paper towel and, if necessary, chop them into small pieces with a knife. Place the filling in a cup with the dough, add salt and begin adding flour in small portions. You can knead the dough first with a large spoon, and then with your hands greased with vegetable oil. The finished dough is viscous and sticky; there is no need to weigh it down with flour. My dough took 870 g, yours may take a little more or less, so the dough is kneaded with your hands, this way you can better feel its consistency.

Place the finished Alexandria dough into a large (oiled) pan. Cover the container with cellophane and put it in a warm place to rise for 1.5 - 2 hours, it should increase in size at least three times. I always leave the dough in the oven.

As you can see, the dough rises very well and try not to move too far away from it, otherwise it may run away (like mine).

Next, grease your hands with vegetable oil, separate the dough in small portions and place in prepared molds. I have paper and metal forms of different sizes. Fill the molds about 2/3, but not more than half - this will be enough for rising and further baking.

Place the molds with the dough in a warm place for another 1 - 1.5 hours. I recommend putting them in the oven or microwave, but be sure to place a cup or glass of warm water. Moisture is needed so that the cakes do not become windy during proofing and do not become crusty. The risen dough should not reach the edge of the pan; it is advisable to leave about 2 cm of free space.

Preheat the oven to 160 - 170 degrees.

Place the cakes in the preheated oven. Baking time varies greatly for everyone, it all depends on the oven itself and the size of the molds. You need to bake the cakes until the toothpick is dry and has a pleasant golden (brown) color. Many housewives take from 30 to 50 minutes, I baked for 30 minutes and my cakes were completely baked.

While the Alexandria Easter cakes are cooling, prepare the glaze. To prepare the glaze, remove the reserved egg whites from the refrigerator and beat them with powdered sugar using a mixer. Then add a spoonful of lemon juice and continue whisking for another minute. This glaze will not be very stable; it will run down a little. If you need a stable and strong glaze, then add more powdered sugar and reduce the amount of lemon juice to 1 teaspoon.

Using a spoon, coat the cakes with glaze, allowing some of the glaze to drip off the edges.

For tall cakes, I decided to make the icing thinner and added another 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Now the glaze flows down the walls of the cakes even more appetizingly.

Sprinkle the finished cakes with decorative decorations on top, let the glaze dry and let the cakes themselves brew. I didn’t wait for the Easter cakes to sit completely, and cut one to show you how the baked Alexandria Easter cake turns out. As you can see, it is completely baked, rises well, is quite dense and does not crumble.

Today I want to tell you and show you how to prepare Easter Alexandria Easter cake step by step. Housewives usually spend a lot of physical effort preparing dough for Easter cakes. Sometimes all family members participate in the kneading process. The process of creating Easter dough for my grandmother took almost a day, and it was a labor-intensive task. Alexandria or Viennese dough impressed me 200%. I'm not tired at all! The kneading process is so convenient that you cannot imagine. It costs nothing for a working woman to prepare such a cake. Usually they put this cake overnight, but, as an option, you can knead the dough in the morning, and after work add the missing ingredients and in 3-4 hours you will have delicious cakes ready for Easter.

Kulich Alexandria recipe with photos step by step

Let's talk about the test. The peculiarity of the technology is that the dough in the Alexandrian dough is made on the basis of baked milk, yeast, butter, eggs, but without adding flour. Yeast is activated. And the dough for the Easter cakes is set overnight. Please note that the dough itself is sticky, and there is no need to add additional flour when kneading. Then the crumb turns out airy and porous, but at the same time as if impregnated. When squeezing baked Easter cakes, the dough quickly regains its shape. If you like delicious Easter cakes, not heavy and not dry, this successful recipe, tested by many housewives, will be a godsend for you. Especially for readers of the site we will tell and show you good recipes:

how to prepare Alexandrian Easter cake dough

From this amount of products I got 3 large cakes and 2 medium ones.

This Easter cake dough is excellent in all cases. You can leave the dough overnight, and in the morning add flour and the missing ingredients and knead the dough. After 2-3 hours it will fit and you can form the cakes and bake them. The recipe for Alexandrian Easter cakes does not require a large amount of ingredients and is quite democratic in their composition. The process is not labor intensive. Kneading can be entrusted to a dough mixer or a regular hand mixer.

Cooking time - 15 hours (9-12 hours for dough + 3 hours for kneading and baking)

Cuisine: European


  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.,
  • baked milk 250 ml (warm up to 40 degrees),
  • wheat flour - 600 g,
  • live yeast - 50 g,
  • sugar - 2 cups,
  • butter 120 g,
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet (25 g or 1.5 teaspoons),
  • salt - 1 teaspoon (without a slide),
  • raisins - 100 gr. (you can put more or add other candied fruits),
  • glaze - 1 sachet.

Cooking process:

To prepare Alexandria dough for Easter cakes (also called Viennese dough), take three eggs. Remove the eggs and butter from the refrigerator in advance so that they are at room temperature. Beat 2 eggs and 1 yolk into a bowl. Separate the remaining protein into a small container and put it in the refrigerator. We will prepare the glaze based on it. If part of the yolk gets into the white, the white will not whip. Therefore, the procedure for separating the yolk from the white must be done carefully. If the protein storage container is greasy, the protein will not whip up either. Please take this into account.

Add 1.5 cups of sugar to the eggs in a bowl. For those who like sweet cakes, feel free to add 2 cups of sugar. Using a wooden or silicone spatula, beat the eggs with sugar. It is important not to use metal objects.

Add butter to the eggs and beat the mixture with the same spoon. The butter will float on the surface of the egg mixture. That's how it should be. You cannot melt butter until it becomes liquid. The butter should be at room temperature, but not melted to a liquid state.

Alexandria dough is prepared with live yeast. In general, it is customary to prepare real Easter cakes using fresh compressed yeast, but save dry instant yeast for buns. Break the yeast into pieces with your fingers.

Pour baked milk over the yeast and dissolve it. This will happen very quickly.

Add the yeast mixture to the egg mixture and stir again. Pieces of butter will still float on the surface of the liquid. That's how it should be. Beat the mixture well.

Cover the bowl with cling film and leave at room temperature for 12 hours. For those who are afraid that the dough will leave the bowl during this time, I hasten to assure you that the mass will ferment, but the volume will not increase much, but the container with the dough should be quite spacious.

After 12 hours, remove the film. Bulbs will be visible on the surface of the liquid. The oil will still float. Sift the Easter cake flour twice and add to the dough in batches. First 50% flour. Mix the liquid with flour, add another 50% flour.

Remove the zest from one medium orange. Remove the zest so as not to touch the yellowish-white part of the orange skin. We need orange zest. The yellow part of the skin gives bitterness. Add the zest and a quarter teaspoon of salt, vanilla sugar to the dough.

The dough for Easter baking can be kneaded by hand or with a mixer with a dough attachment. Mixing time is 10-15 minutes. Add washed and sorted raisins to the dough. You can add other additives, such as candied fruits. You can't spoil porridge with oil.

When the dough is ready, form it into a ball. Place in the bottom of a bowl (the bowl should be deep enough). The dough will increase 3-4 times. It rises quickly and quite easily. Cover the bowl with cling film and transfer to a warm, quiet place. You can put it somewhere near the battery. If you use a warm oven or slow cooker to rise, remember that at temperatures above 40 degrees the yeast is destroyed and will not rise.

To bake Easter cakes, you can use paper, silicone or metal molds. Any will do. I use paper ones. I do not grease paper forms with oil. The finished cakes separate perfectly from the paper, and there is no need to grease them. If the walls of the paper form are greased, then the dough will have nothing to hold onto during proofing. If we are talking about metal forms, then they can be wrapped inside with baking paper. Then the cake will easily come out of the mold after baking.

After 3 hours from the moment of kneading, the dough will triple in size. Here you can watch. The dough stood for 2.5 hours. I gave it a little more time, and when it reached the edge of the bowl, I kneaded it.

Place a piece of dough into each mold so that it fills the mold 1/3 of the way. When placing the dough in the molds, make sure that the raisins do not stick out on the surface. When baked, it will burn, and you will no longer be able to drown it in a suitable base. The dough will drop sharply. Everything needs to be provided for immediately. Cover the prepared pans with cling film. This way the surface will not become weathered during proofing.

After 30 minutes the dough will reach the limits of the pan. When baking, already in the oven, the cakes will still rise.

Preheat the oven to 160 degrees, and we will bake the cakes at this temperature. Usually the dough is baked at 180 degrees, but at high temperatures the cake will be very dark and may even burn. Carefully transfer the molds with the risen dough onto a baking sheet, and then place them in the oven for baking. While moving the dough, do not drop it, hit it, or act roughly. The dough is very tender and may fall off.

Remove the finished cakes from the oven and cool completely. Remove the white of 1 egg from the refrigerator. Use store-bought glaze according to package instructions, or add a pinch of salt and a couple drops of lemon juice to the egg white. Add 4 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar and beat the mixture until white and fluffy. Lubricate the Easter cakes with the resulting mixture. Decorate to your liking.

In every sense, the dough is gorgeous, and the finished cakes turn out full of holes, the crumb is very tender.

Alexandria or Viennese Easter cakes recipe with photos from Varvara Sergeevna especially for the site Good Recipes