Choux pastry with milk. Choux dough with milk

Recipe "Choux pastry for eclairs and profiteroles":

1. Mix milk, water, salt and sugar in a saucepan (preferably with a thick bottom. I have a Zepter saucepan, so you can beat it with a mixer without any problems), add butter, bring to a boil.

2. As soon as the water boils, add all the flour IMMEDIATELY (it is better to sift it first, because then it is saturated with oxygen, and the baking will be more airy). Beat well to soften the dough.

3. Beat for another 2-3 minutes until the dough does not lag behind the sides of the pan. We do all this while the pan is on the stove. We form a large ball.

4. Remove the pan from the heat and transfer the dough to a deep bowl. I have a separate bowl in the photo, although it looks the same as a saucepan (THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT POINT, because you need to add eggs one at a time for an even and light dough structure). And we begin to add eggs one at a time, beating until the egg is completely mixed with the dough.
The finished dough should look like this, that is, the consistency is thick enough, such that it does not drip from the whisk, but slowly falls off.
After that, you can start the pastry syringe and proceed directly to baking.

5. ADVICE FROM THE CHEF: “It is best to freeze the workpieces. Form either eclairs (about 8-9 cm long) or profiteroles (4-5 cm), place them on the parchment at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other and put them in the freezer. "
I usually do this because I usually make the dough and cream in the evening and bake the next day. It is convenient to do this, because you need to stuff the eclairs just before serving, otherwise they will get wet. And messing around with the preparation of dough (albeit a simple one) is not always convenient. I, of course, take out the dough 20 minutes before baking and leave it just in the refrigerator.
We preheat the oven to 180 degrees (who has gas - 4), put our blanks (if someone bakes right away - with a confectionery syringe of the shape you need on a baking sheet covered with parchment).
The chef advises sprinkling eclairs or profiteroles for a sweet filling with crushed almonds and sugar. I don’t always do it, but it’s delicious.

Here are the profiteroles:

Note: I make profiteroles with different fillings. This time, on a whim, there were walnuts, a lot of garlic, Astoria sauce, Onion with sour cream, paprika, red and black ground pepper, grated cheese (I just have a Beloved, well, he loves spicy things very much))) ...
And the second filling was with the same sauce, eggs, processed cheese + leftover cheese, garlic and finely chopped chicken salami.

6. Put in the oven and bake for 7-8 minutes (eclairs should increase in volume and rise, but remain the same in color). Then we open the door and continue to bake for another 15 minutes until golden brown. After that, I turn off the oven (I have an electric one) and leave them there to cool.

7. That, in fact, is all. I use French butter cream for the filling. See the recipe below. I cut the profiteroles lengthwise and fill them with cream using a cooking syringe. I make the glaze according to the recipe by AlexJustas (the recipe is also below). I liked it (photos of ready-made eclairs, however, no, I still don't have time to photograph, they are eaten instantly))

Bon Appetit everyone!

1) The oven should be opened exactly, not wider than a matchbox. If you open it wide, nothing will save - they will fall off. And you cannot slam the oven door and, in general, not shake the stove and the surrounding space.
2) For those who do not know: stir with a mixer or spoon only in one direction, do not add the next egg until the dough has "eaten" the previous one. Then you can immediately determine by the consistency whether you need to add more eggs. As I already wrote, it once took me 6 eggs and 1 yolk to bring the dough to the desired state.
3) Problem with removing baked from paper. “Sticks to death. I tried both oiled paper and dry - the result is the same ”- when eclairs are frozen, they themselves are easily removed from the cling film, on which I usually put them before freezing. But in general, as for any baking: I was taught long ago to sprinkle even parchment paper with flour (or semolina). Semolina is not applicable to eclairs, of course (I often use it for biscuits). But there was never a problem with flour.
4) There was a comment where the eclairs were cracked when baked (no freeze). Honestly, I don't know if freezing was a key factor, but the last time I did profiteroles (these are the photos I post), my dough also cracked. I didn't have time to freeze. I had to bake right away. Also a tip: either freeze well or bake right away. I decided to put it in the freezer for at least 20 minutes to "freeze". As a result, I had to scrape the profiteroles off the tape.
5) Flour must be toasted well. This is exactly the "choux" dough. It should look like a smooth, shiny ball. First, when I fill in the flour, I stir with a mixer, then, when the mass already looks like dough, I start working with a wooden spatula (we stir in one direction).
6) If someone sees that the eclairs are not completely baked inside, then you can simply turn off the oven and leave them to stand there. In principle, I always leave mine in the oven to cool. The temperature decreases gradually.
7) In conventional ovens, there is usually no fan. I have it. Described in instructions as "convection mode". So, by trial and error, I realized that neither eclairs, nor biscuits, nor yeast dough can be cooked in this mode. It just won't rise. Maybe my pens are growing from the wrong place, but I never managed to make baking well with convection.

The consistency of the dough before freezing: the dough should be like mashed potatoes in structure, that is, the dough should not flow out of the syringe, but keep its shape. In order for the dough to have such a consistency, it is not necessary to add 5 eggs, less can be.

eclairs after 8 minutes in the oven

This is how profiteroles look after 8 minutes in the oven (closed).

I was very afraid to make choux pastry on milk: I had read all sorts of horror stories! What is badly baked, etc. But! It is much tastier !!! It takes longer to bake, Yes, but not critical))) I share the recipe.
Source: Michelle Roux, "Pastry"

125 g milk 3.5% fat
125 ml water
100 g butter
150 g flour
1 tsp sugar
0.5 tsp salt
4-5 eggs

For lubrication:
1 yolk
1 tablespoon milk

Cooking method:

1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
2. Sift flour. In a bowl, combine milk, water, butter, sugar, salt. Combine eggs in one bowl. Beat. Strain.

3. Bring water, milk and butter to a boil over low heat. But don't boil!

4. Remove from heat. Add flour. Stir with a wooden spatula.

5. Place a saucepan with dough over medium heat. Stir the dough with a wooden spatula for 1-2 minutes, until the water evaporates and the dough begins to easily peel off the walls.

6. Pour eggs a little into the dough, stirring thoroughly each time. As a result, the dough should drain off the shoulder with a tape. I have about 4.5 eggs. It is very important to pour in the required number of eggs and knead the dough very well! Otherwise, the dough will tear when baking.

7. Put the dough in a pastry bag with a round nozzle 1-1.2 cm. Place the eclairs on a baking sheet. We bake for about 20-40 minutes at 180 degrees until golden brown. The baking time depends on the oven. The main indicator of readiness: appearance. Eclairs should expand in volume and take on a confident golden color.

Choux pastry for dumplings rolls out easily, molds perfectly and does not stick to your hands, table or rolling pin. Its plasticity and pliability complement its decent taste properties. Any filling is suitable for such a base: savory or dessert.

How to make choux pastry for dumplings?

Even debutants in such a business will succeed in making custard dumplings, so the dough turns out to be successful and flexible. At the same time, the correct recommendations and proportions of the components used will be the best help in the execution of recipes.

  1. Sifting flour will oxygenate the dough and make it more porous and airy.
  2. Part or all of the flour should be brewed exclusively with boiling water, without ceasing to stir the mass with a spoon or wooden spatula.
  3. Finish the kneading with your hands, without waiting for the mass to completely cool down.
  4. Choux soft dough for dumplings rolls out perfectly, without the need to dust the table surface and rolling pin with flour.

Universal choux pastry for dumplings

The best custard dough for dumplings, dumplings, pasties, manti and other similar products can be kneaded using the following proportions. If the mass does not collect in a lump, you need to add a little more boiling water, adding it gradually one spoon at a time. With a liquid texture, on the contrary, add a little more flour.


  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 3 cups;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • boiling water - 1 glass;
  • salt - 1 pinch.


  1. Mix the egg with a pinch of salt and beat a little with a fork.
  2. Add flour and vegetable oil, mix.
  3. Pour in a glass of boiling water, mix the initial mass with a spoon, and then knead it with your hands.
  4. Ready-made choux pastry for dumplings and dumplings is used without additional proofing and aging.

Choux pastry on milk for dumplings

The recipe for choux pastry for dumplings in milk is no less versatile and is suitable for the formation of dumplings, pasties, manti. To taste, the finished products are simply amazing and rich. They are easy to mold without the use of excess flour, and the seams perfectly preserve the integrity and, as a result, the juiciness of the filling.


  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 3 cups;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • salt - 1 pinch.


  1. In a saucepan, combine milk, butter and a pinch of salt.
  2. Bring the mixture to a boil and add a glass of flour little by little, stirring the mass continuously with a spoon.
  3. Remove the custard base from the heat and stir in the eggs one at a time.
  4. Pour in the remaining sifted flour and finish the kneading with your hands.
  5. Ready choux pastry for dumplings is left on the table under a film or towel for 30 minutes and used as directed.

Choux pastry with egg for dumplings

You can prepare delicious choux pastry for dumplings with cottage cheese, cabbage, meat or other fillings in water with eggs. The latter will not only give additional density and plasticity to the dough, but also make it a pleasant yellowish color. Having molded products, they can be frozen, because of which they will not lose their properties at all.


  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 3-3.5 cups;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.


  1. Beat eggs a little with salt.
  2. Add half a glass of water, stir.
  3. Sift flour into a bowl, pour in the remaining water heated to a boil, stir.
  4. Add the egg mixture, knead a homogeneous and soft choux pastry for dumplings.
  5. Leave a lump under the film for 30 minutes.

Choux pastry on water for dumplings

Delicious choux pastry for dumplings is made in water with the addition of butter. Eggs should be added to the base only one at a time, stirring the mass each time until they are evenly distributed. Not only dumplings, but also dumplings, pasties, and manti are obtained from such a dough.


  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 3 cups;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.


  1. Pour water into a saucepan or metal bowl.
  2. Salt and oil are added and the mixture is brought to a boil.
  3. Pour in a glass of flour, brew the mass with stirring until it thickens.
  4. Remove the container from the stove and add eggs one at a time, kneading.
  5. Pour in the remaining flour, make the final batch.
  6. Leave the dough on dumplings, custard with boiling water, on the table for 30 minutes under a film, and then use it as directed.

Lean choux pastry for dumplings

When the following recipe is added to the cooked eggless choux pastry for dumplings with lean filling, it is ideal for fasting or vegetarian diets. Despite the laconic composition, the base turns out to be excellent in all respects: pleasant to work with, plastic and tasty.


  • flour - 400 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.


  1. Salt, vegetable oil are added to boiling water and half a portion of flour is added.
  2. Stir the mass with a mixer with dough attachments.
  3. Gradually add the remaining flour, completing the kneading of a homogeneous and smooth base.
  4. The finished custard resembles soft plasticine, it is easy to mold and does not stick to the hands and the table at all.

Choux pastry for dumplings with berries

Choux pastry is kneaded with added sugar. The advantage of such a base is its strength, which has a beneficial effect on the integrity of the products and the preservation of all berry juices inside. The frozen blanks easily tolerate freezing, after which they do not stick together during cooking and are tasty.


  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 3 cups;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.


  1. Boil water with the addition of salt, sugar and butter until all crystals are dissolved.
  2. Pour in a glass of flour, mix the mass and cook until thickened.
  3. Turn off the fire, drive in eggs one at a time, mix.
  4. Completing the batch, adding the remaining flour, let the base lie down for half an hour.

Choux pastry for dumplings with potatoes

Delicious custard can be prepared with milk alone, without adding eggs or butter. From a similar basis, products with potato filling will be especially aromatic and mouth-watering, which are poured with fry with cracklings and fried onions before serving. However, nothing prevents you from using the dough for filling with other fillings.


  • flour - 3 cups;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • salt - 0.5-1 tsp.


  1. Salt and two glasses of flour are added to boiling milk, stirring.
  2. Gradually adding the remaining flour, complete the kneading of the dough, which is placed under a film and left for 30 minutes.

Choux pastry for dumplings in a bread maker - recipe

It is especially convenient to knead choux pastry for dumplings in a bread maker, without fear of scalding your hands during the traditional kneading process. The base turns out to be universal, suitable for the preparation of other products or for use in lean nutrition, if you use the appropriate lean filling.


  • flour - 380 g;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 180 ml;
  • salt - 1 tsp.


  1. Salt is placed in a bucket of bread makers, oil and water heated to a boil are poured.
  2. Pour in flour and turn on the yeast-free dough kneading program for 15 minutes.
  3. When ready, the dough is wrapped in foil and left on the table for 30 minutes.

Choux pastry for steamed dumplings

The recipe for choux pastry does not contain eggs, but is made with the addition of butter, which will make the products as tender and tasty as possible. With such a base, any filling will be appropriate: berry, cottage cheese, meat, potato, cabbage or any other to choose from.

Choux pastry is associated with sweet pastries: airy profiteroles and fragrant eclairs. Bakery eclairs are a luxury and making at home seems overwhelming. Today you will make sure that there is nothing complicated in making choux pastry and you will be able to make delicious preparations for several days in advance.

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Making choux pastry

To make the choux pastry successful, it must be properly prepared. No filling will save a failed dough, but don't get upset ahead of time. Editorial staff "So simple!" will tell how to make choux pastry at home.

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  • 150 ml of water
  • 150 ml milk
  • 200 g flour
  • 120 g butter
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 1 pinch of salt


You can bake eclairs or freeze the pieces and store them in the freezer, and remove them from the freezer 20 minutes before cooking. You need to bake on parchment paper sprinkled with flour so that the eclairs do not stick to the baking sheet.

Be sure to try to cook eclairs in the traditional way, we are happy to share the detailed recipe.

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Eclairs are airy and delicious. They should be stuffed with cream before serving, so that the dough does not have time to get wet. If you don't know which cream to make, check out the selection of creams for cakes and sweets. Custard can be made even faster in the microwave: less fiddling and better results.

Choux pastry - the basis for eclairs, profiteroles, shu, gougers and a number of other pastries - is prepared from the most ordinary ingredients - water and / or milk, butter and eggs. But despite its simplicity, it raises a number of questions for many of those who encounter it for the first time.

Let's clear up some of the slippery and cryptic points in this short post.


As with any dough, in a custard dough, a lot depends on the ingredients and how they are processed. Let's go through them in order.


The liquid base of the choux pastry can be water, milk, or a combination of both. These options give different results. If the choux pastry is cooked in milk, then the products in the oven brown faster than they are completely baked inside and become crispy. At the same time, such baked goods turn out to be more tender and rich in taste due to milk protein and other substances contained in milk.

When we bake choux pastry cooked in water, for the best result, it makes sense to play with the temperature in the oven: start on heating harder so that the products swell and brown a little, and then bring them to readiness at a lower temperature so that the inside dries out, and the outer is not burnt.


Here we came to the favorite question of many - why does the dough turn out to be liquid and the profiteroles spread on a baking sheet. Flour - or rather, its absorbent capacity - plays almost the main role here.

The more liquid the flour can absorb, the thicker the dough will be. This ability is influenced by two factors - flour moisture and gluten content. If the moisture content of flour depends primarily on the storage conditions (in the warehouse of the manufacturer, in the store, in your home) and can jump from pack to pack even within the same brand at one flour mill, then the gluten content is a constant value indicated on the package ...

Flour with a higher gluten content absorbs more liquid and allows you to use more eggs, which is great for baked goods. Plus, due to the higher protein content, the dough gets more elastic, which is also a plus.

From all of the above, we conclude: the ideal option for choux pastry is bread flour (gluten 12-13%). But you can also work with other flour and achieve quite decent results.


There are no special pitfalls here. The oil should be fresh, the fat content should be 72% or more. Salted butter is fine for choux pastry - especially if you're baking profiteroles or gougeres.


Here, too, everything is simple - we take a high-quality fresh product. The only thing that can play a cruel joke on you is the size of the eggs. If too much eggs are added, the dough will not be thick enough. To avoid such an incident, it is important to add eggs one at a time, stirring well after each. And it is better to beat the last egg with a fork and add in parts, carefully monitoring the consistency of the dough.


  1. Mix the liquid with fat, salt and sugar (if spices are used, they are laid at the same stage), put on the stove and bring to a boil and dissolve the fat.
  2. Without removing the stewpan from the heat, add flour - all at once! No incremental additions. Stir well to avoid lump formation. Cook, stirring constantly, until the dough gathers into one lump and does not lag behind the bottom and sides of the stewpan. If the dough turns out to be too soft (see the paragraph on flour), stir it over the fire a little longer, so that it dries and becomes denser. Kneading the dough thoroughly and vigorously at this stage will further increase its absorbency when the eggs are added. And this, as we already know, is a big plus to the quality of finished products.
  3. We transfer the brewed workpiece to the mixer bowl and knead it literally for 30 seconds to allow the dough to cool slightly.
  4. Add eggs one at a time, kneading thoroughly after each. The dough should be tender, homogeneous, with a characteristic shine. And, of course, quite thick - when jigging with a curly nozzle, the relief should not blur.

The specific proportions of the ingredients are indicated in the recipes.