Pickling tomatoes with the addition of dry mustard. How to pickle tomatoes cold? Old and new recipes

Pickled tomatoes are one of the popular preparations for the winter. They are an excellent substitute tomato paste, ketchup and tomato dressing when preparing various dishes.

Salted tomatoes can be served as independent snack.

Hot salting requires a lot of time and skill: jars must be carefully sterilized and sealed; the brine may become cloudy and the jars may explode.

Ideal option quick salting cold rolling of tomatoes appears.

Benefits of cold salting

The cold method of pickling tomatoes has many pros:

  • The pickles turn out much tastier than when rolled in other ways;
  • Less loss of vitamins from tomatoes (due to lack of heat treatment);
  • Doesn't take much time.
  • Easy salting technology;
  • There is no need to boil the water for the brine;
  • Tomatoes can be consumed within three weeks after pickling;
  • Blanks can be produced in any containers (including sterilized jars);

The disadvantage of this method is that all containers with pickles must be stored in a cool place, otherwise the tomatoes will spoil.

Preparing for pickling

First, let's select the tomatoes that we will salt:

  • Tomatoes must be of the same degree of ripeness (you cannot take green, pink and red tomatoes for one container);
  • The fruits should not show signs of rotting or mold;
  • Tomatoes should not be broken or soft;
  • You should not pick tomatoes that have damage - cuts or punctures - for pickling.

All tomatoes need to be separated from the stalks, rinsed well, dried with a soft towel and a neat puncture made next to the stalk (so that the skin of the tomatoes does not crack when storing them in brine).

First, select tomatoes of approximately the same size. When you run out of identical tomatoes, you can salt tomatoes of different sizes in one container.

Next we prepare container, in which we will carry out salting:

  • If we use jars, we should wash them thoroughly (preferably with detergent) and sterilize. For this we keep glass containers over steam for 3–5 minutes, then set to cool, covering them with a clean towel;
  • Containers made from other materials should be Rinse(using detergents);
  • Used for pickling container maybe with defects, because we won't need to roll it up.

Then select salt. The following types of salt are used for pickles:

  • Iodized. Rich in iodine, sometimes gives a slight bitter taste;
  • Marine. Rich in various microelements, but if magnesium is removed from it, then it is ordinary table salt;
  • Black. Rich in potassium, beneficial for the human body;
  • Hyponodium. Salt for hypertensive patients because it uses potassium and magnesium salts. This prevents fluid retention and increased blood pressure.

Note! To obtain delicious salted tomatoes, it is recommended to use only salt coarse grind.


1. Cold pickling of tomatoes

Products, necessary for salting:

  • Tomatoes– 2 kg;
  • Vinegar 9% – 1 dessert spoon;
  • Salt– 2–3 tablespoons;
  • Sugar- 1 tablespoon;
  • Garlic– 1 large head or 2 small ones;
  • – 2 umbrellas;
  • Greens leaves horseradish. You can take currant leaves (white) or

Step 1. We prepare the container for pickling.

Step 2. Preparing the tomatoes. Be sure to get a puncture!

Step 3. We place plant leaves at the bottom of the container so that they completely hide it. Next, lay out the dill umbrellas.

Step 4. Fill the container with tomatoes. Place the tomatoes tightly together. You need to make sure that the tomatoes are not crushed or damaged. It is advisable to place tomatoes with the punctures facing up. When laying out layers, you need to cover them with leaves and add chopped garlic cloves. Leave about 5–7 cm of free space on top.

Step 5. Pour salt, sugar and vinegar into the container. Pour boiled cold water over the tomatoes.

Products, necessary for salting:

  • Tomatoes– 2 kg;
  • Salt– 150 g;
  • Sugar- 1 tablespoon;
  • Garlic– 1 large head;
  • Dill– 1 umbrella;
  • Lava leaf– 3–4 pieces;
  • Celery;
  • Carnation dried;
  • Mustard seeds or dried mustard– 3 tablespoons;
  • Green leaves horseradish or root.

Step 1. Let's prepare container.

Step 2. Processing tomatoes. Delete stalks, wash the tomatoes under running water and make puncture near the place from the stalk.

Step 3. Posting spices to the bottom of the container.

Step 4. Lay out in layers tomatoes. Place spices between layers. Leave about 2-5 centimeters of free space.

Step 5. Cooking brine. Add salt, sugar and remaining spices to water (2 liters). Pour the resulting brine into the container with the tomatoes. It is not necessary to prepare the brine separately. You can simply pour salt, sugar, spices into a container and fill it with cold boiled water.

Step 6. Making mustard traffic jam to prevent rotting and mold on tomatoes. Fold 3 times gauze(bandage) and cover the surface of the tomatoes placed in the container. We leave gauze around the edges in double or triple the size of the neck of the container. Pour mustard powder or mustard seeds onto cheesecloth so that all the tomatoes are closed. Cover the top of the mustard with the hanging edges. Close the container with a lid.

3. Cold pickling of green tomatoes

Products, necessary for salting:

  • Tomatoes– 2 kg;
  • Salt without additives, coarse grinding - 3 tablespoons;
  • Sugar- 1 tablespoon;
  • Garlic– 1 head;
  • Dill– 3 umbrellas;
  • Mustard powder;
  • Greens leaves horseradish, currants (red, white, black) or cherries.

Step 1. We prepare the container.

Step 2. We process the tomatoes (wash them, remove the stems). We make a puncture next to the hole for the stalk.

Step 3. Place horseradish (currant, cherry) leaves on the bottom of the container.

Step 4. Layer green tomatoes in layers, alternating them with spices.

Step 5. Prepare the brine. Dissolve salt in 2 liters of boiled water. You can add a couple of bay leaves.

Step 6. Pour the brine into the container with the tomatoes. Do not add salt sediment!

Step 7 Let's fall asleep mustard powder neck of the container. The containers should be closed with lids scalded with boiling water.

4. Cold dry pickling of tomatoes

Dry salting is usually carried out in wooden tubs. Tomatoes are infused under a wooden press(lid), so they turn out crumpled.

  • Tomatoes– 2 kg;
  • Salt– standard kilogram pack;
  • Dill– 1 umbrella and a handful of dried dill;
  • Greens leaves horseradish, cherries and currants.

Step 1. We prepare the container.

Step 2. We process the tomatoes: wash them, separate the stems, and pierce them with a fork.

Step 3. Cover the bottom of the tub with leaves and dill.

Step 4. Lay out the tomatoes. Season each layer generously with salt. Salt consumption depends on taste preferences.

Step 5. Place currant, cherry and horseradish leaves. They should cover everything last layer tomatoes.

Step 6. We cover the leaves with a wooden circle and place a weight.

Step 7 Let the tomatoes sit in a warm place for 24 hours.

Important! Cold pickling is done in any container, but if glass jars are used to store tomatoes, it is still better to sterilize them.

Recipe cold pickling basically the same, only different additional Ingredients. The taste of pickled tomatoes depends only on your fantasies.
Ingredients, which are added to pickling:

  • Aspirin. It gives tomatoes a special taste;
  • Lemon acid;
  • Table vinegar, grape vinegar or apple;
  • Dry dill;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Pepper peas;
  • Celery;
  • Tarragon;
  • Any spices spices And seasonings

Storage of workpieces

Prepared salted tomatoes should be stored in a cold or cool

For salting, prepare fruits of the same degree of ripeness and similar size. The fact is that the duration of salting depends on these factors. Wash the tomatoes and prick them around the stem area with a toothpick.

Choose a wide saucepan or three-liter jar. Rinse the greens, spicy currant leaves, and dill umbrellas and dry with napkins. Then coarsely chop all the herbs and halve. Place the first half on the bottom of the pan. Add chopped garlic cloves to them.

Place the tomatoes tightly in a pickling container. Caution is needed here - under no circumstances should you crush the fruits. I periodically shake the jar or pan - the tomatoes will find their place on their own.

Add mustard beans and allspice to the tomatoes.

Boil the brine based on water, salt and sugar for several minutes and cool until room temperature.

Place the remaining seasonings and herbs on the tomatoes and cover with brine. Next you need to place a plate and a little pressure - our goal is simply to immerse the tomatoes in the liquid, and not to crush them. Leave the pan at room temperature for 5-6 days, then transfer to a cool place, such as a refrigerator.

The tomatoes will be ready no earlier than in 2-3 weeks.

You can store this snack in a cold place all winter. If in jars, then cover nylon covers, in pans - with lids or flat plates. But practice shows that it won’t last that long, because no one family dinner, and even more so festive feast It wouldn’t be complete without a plate of delicious salted tomatoes.


Preparing vegetables for the winter is our traditional, national tradition, inherited from our thrifty and thrifty ancestors. And although modern supermarkets simply offer the widest range of all kinds of pickled, salted and dried vegetables However, sometimes you want to cook something of your own - homemade, natural, real. It just so happens that it is salted, and not pickled, tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage that are traditional for our national cuisine.

By the way, this has a huge advantage - after all, cold-canned tomatoes and cucumbers retain much more useful substances than those that were subjected to heat treatment.

A sauerkraut and even more so it becomes a storehouse of vitamins and minerals.

However, you and I will learn to prepare not cabbage with cucumbers, but everyone’s favorite tomatoes. Cold-salted tomatoes are an opportunity not only to preserve the gifts of summer for the winter, but also to get vigorous, delicious snack, which is for potatoes, and for a glass, and for a feast, and for peace. So let's learn!

A simple recipe for cold pickling tomatoes

You can pickle tomatoes in a cold way in wooden tubs, in an enamel bucket or in a saucepan, or in a regular glass jar. Based on one three-liter jar, we will need the following ingredients:

  • ripe tomatoes - how many will fit in the jar;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon;
  • coarse table salt - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • horseradish leaf;
  • dill stem with umbrella - 1 pc.;
  • cherry leaf - 2-3 pcs.;
  • currant leaf- 1-2 pcs.


To pickle tomatoes in jars, the fruits need to be thoroughly washed and then pricked near the stalk. The jars also need to be thoroughly washed and wiped dry. At the bottom of the jar we place a washed leaf of horseradish, a stem and an umbrella of dill, and after that we fill the jar with tomatoes, trying to pack the fruits tightly, but without crushing or squashing them. In the process of filling the jar, do not forget to transfer the tomatoes with currant and cherry leaves and add peeled garlic cloves.

Now pour salt and sugar into a jar and fill it all with cold bottled (boiled or filtered) water and add vinegar. All! We seal the jar of tomatoes with a regular plastic lid and put it in the refrigerator.

If you suddenly find yourself at home wooden tub, then try pickling tomatoes in it. By the way, replace this rare kitchen accessory You can use an ordinary enamel bucket. So, the ingredients you will need are the same as for cold pickling in jars. Just take salt at the rate of 500-700 g per 10 liters of water, and sugar, accordingly, 3 times less. And in this case we don’t use vinegar!

Place horseradish leaves and dill at the bottom of the tub or bucket, and then fill the container with tomatoes, placing them with currant and cherry leaves and garlic cloves. Fill the tomatoes with brine, place a wooden circle on top (a dish, a lid of smaller diameter than the diameter of the tub) and place pressure on it. We leave the tomatoes at room temperature for a couple of days, and after fermentation begins, we put them in a cold cellar or refrigerator.

Salted tomatoes with mustard

Another way to cold pickle tomatoes.


  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • dill - 30 g;
  • cherry leaf - 2 leaves;
  • currant leaf - 2 leaves;
  • bay leaf - 3 leaves.
  • water - 1 l;
  • dry mustard - 15 g;
  • granulated sugar - 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • black peppercorns - 6 pcs.;
  • table salt - 1.5 tbsp. l.


To pickle using this method, we will need brown tomatoes, that is, those that are just a little short of ripeness. The fruits should be approximately the same size, without cracks, dents or damaged areas. So, wash the tomatoes, dry them and place them in clean, dry jars, topping the tomatoes with dill, bay leaves, currants and cherries. Prepare the brine separately by boiling water with salt, sugar and black pepper. Dissolve dry mustard in hot brine and leave it until it cools completely. Pour the tomatoes with cold brine, seal the jars with nylon lids and leave for a couple of days in a cool place.

An old recipe for pickling tomatoes

No matter how interesting the new recipes are, any the old way the preparation of this or that dish always arouses interest: how did our ancestors make do with improvised means and natural products? Here's an example for you old recipe cold pickling of tomatoes.


  • water - 10 l;
  • granulated sugar - 4 tbsp;
  • coarse table salt - 2 tbsp.;
  • ground red pepper - 1 tsp;
  • black currant leaves - a handful;
  • vinegar essence - 2 tbsp. l.


First we prepare the brine. To do this, mix water with salt, sugar, currant leaf and red pepper and let the brine boil. Boil it for about 10 minutes, then remove from heat and leave to cool. When the brine has cooled, add vinegar essence to it. Of course, our ancestors did without vinegar essence, but its use significantly speeds up the pickling process, and such tomatoes are stored for a long time and without problems.

Now we take clean jars, put horseradish leaves, dill seeds, mustard seeds or any other spices at our discretion on the bottoms. However, keep in mind that it is too a large number of spices can spoil the taste finished product. Therefore, try to do without excesses. Fill the tomatoes with cold brine, close with metal lids and put in the cold. All! Tomatoes preserved in this way can be stored for 2-3 years.

Salted green tomatoes

If you have ever tried barrel green tomatoes, then this recipe will definitely attract your attention. After all, you can harvest not only red, but also green tomatoes for the winter. For pickling, the following ingredients will be needed for each kg of green tomatoes and per liter of brine:

  • dill seeds - 50 g;
  • black currant leaves - 1-2 leaves;
  • cherry leaf - 4-5 leaves;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • coarse table salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • peppercorns - 12-15 pcs.


Prepare the brine in advance by dissolving sugar and salt in water and adding pepper, spicy leaves and seeds. While the brine is preparing and cooling, soak the green tomatoes by pouring cold boiled water over them. Then we cut the tomatoes at the base of the stalk and place them in clean and previously scalded with boiling water three liter jars. Fill the tomatoes with cooled brine, cover the jars with nylon lids and leave at room temperature for 4-6 days. After this, we put the jars in the cellar or refrigerator.

Cold dry salted tomatoes

You can also salt tomatoes for the winter using a cold dry method. Its only drawback is the crumpled ready-made fruits. Of course, these tomatoes don’t look very presentable... But they taste! Taste of real barrel tomatoes, vigorous, sharp, invigorating. Yes, conservation is happening in a natural way. In a word, this method of pickling is also worth trying!


  • tomatoes;
  • salt;
  • horseradish leaves;
  • dill;
  • cherry leaf;
  • currant leaf.


Pickling tomatoes using a cold dry method is very simple and quick! To do this, clean fruits are pricked at the stalk and placed tightly in a large container (a bucket, for example), sprinkled with coarse salt. Horseradish leaves, dill stems and umbrellas, as well as cherry and currant leaves must be placed at the bottom of the container. Salt is taken at the rate of: a pack of salt for 2 kg of tomatoes.

After this, the tomatoes are covered with horseradish leaves, and a wooden circle and oppression are placed on top. First, the tomatoes are left in a warm place for about a day, and then taken out into the cold (but not into the frost!). Tomatoes salted in this way retain almost all vitamins and minerals. They turn out not only very tasty, but also very healthy.

So prepare your tomatoes using the cold method. This will allow you to save time and effort and get an excellent mineral and vitamin supplement to your winter diet. The main thing is to cook with pleasure and take into account all the tips. Bon appetit and success in your culinary career!

Discussion 9

Similar materials

The jars for preparing this preservation do not need to be sterilized, just wash them well.

Place spices in the prepared jar - garlic, dill, pepper.

After this, we begin to place the tomatoes.

It is advisable to take tomatoes that are ripe but strong. Don't forget to rinse them well and remove any spoiled or damaged ones. Overripe tomatoes It’s also better not to use it, it’s better to take slightly brown ones. Fill the jars with tomatoes until about 5 centimeters from the top. Pour boiling water into the jars and cover with lids, which we will use to seal the preserves.

To preserve tomatoes according to this recipe, we use dry mustard powder - 1 teaspoon per jar. Prepare a brine from salt and sugar while the tomatoes are heated with hot water.

After the jars have stood for about 15 minutes, drain hot water and fill the tomatoes in the jars with hot brine - add vinegar and mustard on top, immediately screw or roll up the jars.

Important: be sure to wrap the jars - turn them upside down and wrap them in a towel or other warm cloth.
Cooking salted tomatoes with mustard
Wash hard tomatoes well in running water.

At the bottom of the dish in which we will salt the tomatoes, place well-washed blackcurrant leaves.

Carefully place strong, undamaged tomatoes on top.

Layer the tomatoes with blackcurrant leaves in a thin layer. Cover with another layer of currant leaves.

You can take any number of tomatoes, depending on the size of your container. For brine we use products per 10 liters. If necessary, you can cook several servings. While we are laying the tomatoes, we need to cook the brine and cool it. When the brine has cooled sufficiently, add dry mustard and mix very well.

Be sure to let the brine settle! Only when the brine becomes almost transparent, pour in the tomatoes and place in a cool place.

Cooking red tomatoes with mustard
A great way to prepare green or red tomatoes, perfect for salads or as a stand-alone snack. Although this recipe requires a fairly large number of ingredients, the preparation process is not very complicated.

Wash the tomatoes well - remove damaged or very ripe ones, from them we will prepare another, no less tasty, preparation.

Place half of the spices and leaves on the bottom of the dishes - barrels, buckets or pans.

We clean fresh beets and carrots and cut them into quarters. Place vegetables on top of leaves.

Garlic cloves can be placed on top of unpeeled carrots and beets. However, do not forget to rinse it well. We lay the tomatoes in layers - if you take green or milk tomatoes, start with green ones, ending with riper ones - brown and even pink. Tip: try to place the tomatoes tightly together. Upper layer will be exactly the same as the bottom layer - a layer of leaves, carrots, beets and garlic.
Let's prepare the brine:
Bring the water, salt and sugar to a boil, cook until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved. Cool the brine to room temperature and pour in the prepared tomatoes. If there is not enough brine, cook more - the brine should cover all the tomatoes.

You need to put pan lids or a large plate on top to press down the tomatoes and lower them well into the brine. Press down with pressure - it’s best to take a regular one three liter bottle and fill it with water.

Leave the tomatoes to ferment for about three days at room temperature.

After the tomatoes have fermented well, take some brine and dilute dry mustard in it. Mix very well and pour into the bowl with the tomatoes and mustard for the winter. After this, you can move the tomatoes for storage to a cooler place. You can try tomatoes already on the third day. Bon appetit!

Range canned vegetables We always select family members according to our preferences and wishes. However, when filling the cellar shelves with containers of various vegetables and fruits, I always leave room for my favorite pickling - tomatoes with mustard powder.

This preparation does not require vinegar; salting occurs naturally in a cold way in a very short time. In just a week we will be able to appreciate the special taste of the original snack.


      • quality tomatoes (red, green) - from 7 kg;
      • laurel, currant and cherry leaves;
      • garlic cloves - 300 g;
      • package of fresh mustard (100 g);
      • coarse salt - 600 g;
      • stems and umbrellas of dill - two bunches;
      • bitter (hot) pepper - 300 g;
      • horseradish roots and leaves;
      • a bag of peppercorns.

How to prepare tomatoes with mustard for the winter:

1. We sort the tomatoes intended for pickling, selecting whole and undamaged specimens. We try to select fruits of the same size so that the pan or tub can accommodate greatest number vegetables

2. At the next stage, thoroughly wash all the ingredients involved in the cooking process: tomatoes, leaves, dill stems. Place all ingredients on a towel to drain.

3. Peel the horseradish roots, cut them into small pieces, tear the leaves of the plant into large pieces with your hands. Cut the hot pepper into small rings. Garlic can be used whole cloves or halves. Place the prepared products in a large bowl and mix well.

4. Now prepare the brine. Pour into large saucepan up to nine liters drinking water. It is advisable that it be well or bottled. Add bay leaves, peppercorns, required amount salt, put on the stove. When the water boils, continue heating for another five minutes, then set the dishes aside. The brine should cool to room temperature.

5. So, when the preparatory part of the work is completed, we proceed to the most important action - laying out the products. Line the bottom of the dish with a small layer of leaves, cloves of garlic, pieces of horseradish roots and hot pepper- a bit of everything!

Next come the tomatoes. We lay them out as tightly as possible, placing the places where the stalks are attached upward.

6. Take a handful of fresh mustard, sprinkle the tomatoes thickly with powder, cover the fruits with leaves and spices.

In this way we form layer by layer until we have used all the ingredients. Pour the cooled brine into the pan with the tomatoes so that they are completely immersed in aromatic composition. The fruits should not remain out of liquid!

7. We complete our work. Place a wooden circle or flat plate on the tomatoes and press with not very heavy pressure so that its base is in the brine. Cover the salting with a clean cloth. During storage of food, it should be washed periodically to prevent the formation of mold. The oppression also needs to be washed thoroughly. We leave the pickling at room temperature for three days, then send it to our favorite cellar.

The first light frost will help ensure unusual pickling qualities. We put the pan with vegetables outside so that the salted tomatoes with mustard can stand for several hours in the cold air. After this procedure, our snack will acquire its unique taste. spicy taste. Once you try one tomato, your hand will reach for the next one, and break away from this delicious food simply impossible!