Dressing soups: the highest level of taste with ease of preparation. Recipes for seasoning soups with various grains and vegetables

Seasoning soups.
Dressing soups are prepared with meat, chicken, fish, mushroom broths, with water (vegetarian), as well as with whole milk or diluted with water.
Seasoned soups are cooked with vegetables, cereals, flour and pasta.
Soups with vegetables contain valuable nutrients and flavors, while soups with pasta and rice contain a lot of starch and minerals.
Depending on the products used, dressing soups are divided into cabbage soup, borscht, rassolniki, soups with vegetables, potatoes, pasta, cereals, and solyanka.
Soups with various types of products are cooked with meat broth, and with fish broth it is best to cook cabbage soup, sauerkraut soup, potato soup, potato soup with cereals, and pickle soup. It is not recommended to cook soups with flour and pasta in fish broth; such dishes do not have a good taste.
In order for the soup to be tasty and the loss of vitamins in the products to be minimal, and also to prevent the products from turning into a mushy mass, it is necessary to carefully observe the cooking time of the products.
When cooking soups that contain potatoes, sauerkraut, pickles, vinegar or sorrel, cook the potatoes first, since they do not boil well with foods containing acid.
When cooking seasoning soup, the prepared products are placed in a bowl with boiling broth and, heating as quickly as possible, bring to a boil. After this, the heating is reduced, since during rapid boiling with steam, aromatic substances quickly evaporate, in addition, the products lose their shape. 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking, sautéed flour diluted with broth is added to the dressing soup - white sauce. Soups that contain potatoes do not need to be seasoned with flour.
Spices (bay leaf, pepper, cloves) and salt are added to the soup shortly before the end of cooking. You can add a “bouquet” to borscht and rassolnik during cooking. To do this, parsley and celery are tied into a bunch of “bouquet”; the “bouquet” is removed after cooking the soup.
To improve the quality of seasoning soups, it is recommended to cook them in a small container and serve them as quickly as possible.
For soups, vegetables are cut so that the shape of the pieces of individual types of vegetables matches the shape of other parts of the side dish. So in cereal soups, vegetables are cut into small cubes, and in soups with noodles - into strips. When the cabbage is cut into squares, the remaining vegetables should be cut into circles or slices; if the cabbage is shredded, it is better to cut the remaining vegetables into strips.
Carrots, onions, parsley, parsnips, and turnips should be added to the soup sautéed to improve the taste, aroma and appearance of the soup.
The smaller and thinner the vegetables, especially carrots, are cut, the easier it is to extract aromatic and coloring substances from them with fat during sautéing. For some soups (pea soups), onions are sautéed separately from other vegetables so that their color remains almost unchanged.
It is recommended to saute vegetables for meat soups in the fat removed from the meat broth during cooking, or in table margarine. For fish soups and soups with mushroom broth and water (vegetarian) with table margarine, sunflower or butter.
If you prepare soup with butter, then use part of the butter to sauté the vegetables, and put the rest of the butter in a plate before serving. When exposed to high temperatures, the aroma of butter deteriorates and vitamins are destroyed.
When sautéing onions, carrots, parsley, celery and tomato puree at the same time, you must first sauté the onions (2-5 minutes), then the carrots, parsley, celery (8-10 minutes). Add the tomato puree before finishing sautéing the vegetables and then continue sautéing for another 10-15 minutes.
You cannot put tomato puree in raw vegetables, as they will not acquire the taste and aroma of sautéed vegetables. In addition, acid makes raw vegetables tough and requires sautéing longer.
If flour is used to season soups, it is sautéed until it turns light yellow, after which it is sifted.

Seasoning soups

Dressing soups are cooked in broth - meat, fish, mushroom or in water with potatoes, cabbage, beets, cereals, legumes or flour products, as well as roots. Vegetables for soups are peeled and cut, and it is desirable that there is a certain correspondence between the shape of the pieces of various vegetables and other products included in soups. So, for example, if you cook potato soup with cereals, then the roots are cut into small cubes, and for soup with noodles - into strips. Cabbage for cabbage soup is usually chopped. Tomato puree is added to many seasoning soups, and fresh tomatoes are added when in season. Do not put tomatoes in pickle soup, green cabbage soup or soups with sorrel and spinach. Potatoes and fresh cabbage are added raw when cooking soup; roots (carrots, parsley, celery, parsnips) and onions are pre-fried, and beets and sauerkraut are stewed. Roots and onions should not be placed raw because during cooking, aromatic and flavoring substances easily evaporate from them with water vapor. To hold them, chopped roots and onions are placed in a frying pan heated with a small amount of fat, mixed well and lightly fried until a light film forms, but without allowing a dark color to appear on them. The aromatic substances released from the roots and onions are absorbed by the fat, from which they are released slowly and gradually. Thanks to this, the soup, after adding roots and onions fried in this way, acquires their inherent aroma and retains it for a long time. Carrots also turn fat orange. The color of the fat turns out brighter if it is heated with tomato puree. The presence of sparkles of colored fat on the surface of the soup gives it an attractive appearance. Beetroot for borscht is stewed to preserve its color. If beets are placed raw, then when cooked for a long time in a large amount of broth or water, their color changes; when stewing, the beets are brought almost to readiness with a small amount of water, which protects them from discoloration. This is also facilitated by the addition of vinegar. Instead of stewing, whole, unpeeled but well-washed beetroots can be baked or boiled in a little water, then peeled, chopped and added to borscht. Pre-stewing sauerkraut for cabbage soup improves its taste. Cereals (except buckwheat and semolina), peas and beans are sorted out and thoroughly washed before adding to the broth. For faster boiling, pearl barley and legumes (peas, beans, lentils) should be soaked: pearl barley for 2-3 hours, legumes for 4-6 hours. Split (half) peas should not be soaked. Soup with pearl barley sometimes takes on an unpleasant bluish tint; To avoid this, it is recommended not to add pearl barley raw, but to first boil it separately until almost ready. To better preserve vitamin C in vegetables, they should be placed in boiling broth (water) and cooked at low boil. Immersing vegetables in cold liquid and gradually heating them leads to severe destruction of vitamin C. For the same reason, vegetables should not be overcooked. Products are placed in the soup in such a way that they are all ready by the time the soup is served. The sequence of adding products is indicated in the description of the preparation of individual soups. To improve the taste and aroma, add a little pepper, bay leaf, and some soups - flour dressing. Flour dressing is prepared as follows: put butter in a saucepan (a spoonful of butter per spoonful of flour), add sifted flour, stir and fry it for 5-10 minutes, stirring continuously with a spoon and not allowing it to brown. When flour is fried, moisture evaporates from it, and with it substances that give raw flour a specific smell and taste. Then dilute the toasted flour with broth and pour into the soup (10-15 minutes before the end of cooking). In some cases, for example when cooking green cabbage soup, the flour can be fried along with the roots. It is recommended to add milk, cream, sour cream or yogurt to vegetable soups to improve their taste and nutritional value. Sour cream can be placed directly into a bowl of soup or served separately. Sprinkle the finished soups well with finely chopped fresh parsley, dill, and green onions. This improves the taste and appearance of soups and enriches them with vitamin C. Vegetable soups are prepared shortly before they are consumed, since when stored, vitamin C is quickly destroyed in them. So, after three hours of hot storage of cabbage soup or potato soup, only half of that remains in them the amount of vitamin C that was present at the end of cooking. For the same reason, you should not cook soup for two days. It is advisable to cook only the broth for two days, which is then used to prepare fresh soup every day. In addition to preserving the vitamin value of soups, this ensures better taste of the dish and variety of nutrition. If the broth is cooked for two days, half of it should be poured into a separate bowl (faience or enamel), covered with gauze and placed in a cool place on a wooden or metal stand. When steam stops emitting from the broth, remove the gauze and cover the dish with a lid. To quickly prepare soups, it is recommended to use frozen mixtures of vegetables produced by the food industry for borscht, soup, etc. These mixtures are poured with a small amount of hot broth and simmered until tender, then seasoned with tomato puree, heated with fat, then poured with hot broth and brought to a boil . The food industry also produces ready-made canned vegetable soups (in glass jars). When added with the amount of water indicated on the label, they make delicious soups. To obtain meat soup, they add meat broth or canned meat instead of water. In general, it is advisable to use canned meat and fish when preparing soups instead of fresh meat and fish, especially in cases where the soup needs to be prepared quickly, or when fresh meat and fish are difficult to preserve. The soup is boiled in water until tender, and then canned food is added and the soup is allowed to boil.

A book about tasty and healthy food. 8th edition, revised and expanded. - M.: Agropromizdat. L. M. Bogatova. 1987.

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    Soups are prepared with various broths (meat, fish, mushroom), decoctions (vegetables, fruits, berries), milk, and bread kvass. Soups made from broths are prepared as filling, transparent, puree-like ones. Products included in seasoning soups are boiled in... ... A book about tasty and healthy food

The preparation of seasoning soups involves sequential boiling in broths of various products that make up the side dish of the soup. The products included in the side dish enrich the soup with the nutrients they contain and give the finished dish taste, aroma and structure. For the preparation of seasoning soups it is typical to use

sautéed roots and onions.

The technological process for preparing seasoning soups includes the following operations:

Preparation of broths;

Preparing the side dish;

Boil the side dish in the broth;

Seasoning the soup.

Broths for soups are prepared in advance. You should consider their compatibility with side dishes. Thus, bone, meat and mushroom broths go well with a variety of side dishes, poultry broths - with side dishes of cereals, flour products and vegetables, fish broths only with side dishes of vegetables.

Preparation of a side dish includes primary, and for some products, heat treatment. It is necessary to take into account the cutting shape of all the components of the side dish so that the individual components combine well with each other. In addition, the shape of the cut should facilitate uniform cooking.

Some vegetables and pearl barley are subjected to preliminary heat treatment (cooked until almost done). Sauerkraut for cabbage soup and beets for borscht are stewed; Beets can also be baked or boiled. Cucumbers for pickles and sorrel for cabbage soup are simmered, onions, tomato puree, and roots are sautéed.

Roots and onions are sautéed separately or together (onions for 5 minutes, then carrots are added and heated together for another 15 minutes) in a shallow bowl with 10-15% fat. When sautéing, vegetables are brought to half-cooking (the formation of a light film on them), preventing the appearance of a dark color on them. During the sauteing process, the essential oils of roots, onions and carrot carotene are transferred into fat, giving it a pleasant aroma and a beautiful orange color. Fat acquires a similar color when sautéing tomatapure, which is introduced into soups only in sautéed form. When cooked, sautéed vegetables retain their cut shape better, improve the taste and aroma of the dish and

give it a nice appearance.

Parsley, parsnips, and celery are placed raw in the soup 20-25 minutes before the end of cooking, since the essential oils they contain are well preserved during cooking.

Raw or cooked foods are placed in boiling broth or water in two or three additions in such a sequence that they are ready at the same time when the soup is cooked. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the timing of cooking products, since during prolonged heat treatment a significant part of the vitamins is lost, the taste of soups is reduced, and potatoes, vegetables and other products are overcooked and lose their shape. It is not recommended to add broth or water. Cook the soup at low simmer. It is necessary that after adding each type of product, the broth quickly boils again. When cooking soups, which include salted vegetables, sauerkraut, sorrel, vinegar, potatoes are first added and after a while products containing acid. In an acidic environment, vegetables soften poorly and remain organoleptically undercooked. To improve the consistency and taste, some soups are seasoned with flour sauté or leison 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking. Salt and spices are added 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking. Based on their composition, seasoning soups are usually divided into two groups:

Soups with a vegetable side dish and soups with a side dish of cereals, legumes and flour products.

Borsch one of the most popular first courses of Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian cuisines. Beetroot is an essential component of all borscht. There are many varieties of borscht, differing in recipes and cooking characteristics.

If you cook borscht with potatoes, then put it in a boiling broth, bring it to a boil and continue cooking according to the general scheme. To quickly prepare borscht, borscht dressings are used: beets are chopped into strips, heated with fat, and stewed with the addition of broth, vinegar, sugar, and tomato puree. At the end of the stewing, add sautéed carrots and onions. Add cabbage and potatoes to the broth and cook for 15-20 minutes. Then add borscht dressing, flour sauté (if necessary), spices and boil for 5-10 minutes.

Scheme for preparing borscht-

Table Varieties of borscht

Do you still think that you can lose weight only by exhausting yourself with diets and constantly starving? Forget! You can lose weight while experiencing quite comfortable sensations and without denying yourself a piece of... well, if not bread, then some other product. You just need to know which foods and dishes do not add kilograms to you. There is no point in eating parsley alone - there are other low-calorie, but nevertheless healthy and tasty things in the world. Soups Soup is a liquid dish that is less calorie than...

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April 5th is International Soup Day.

Everyone knows about soup of the day, but few have heard about soup day! But he is not far off. On April 5th the whole world celebrates First Dish Day. He is loved and revered in various parts of the world. Each country has its own unique soup recipe. And if we are used to seeing it on the table at lunch, then in Asia they eat soup mainly for breakfast. By the way, it is Russia and China that are the main “super-eating” countries. No wonder soup is considered number one! It is an indispensable part of every person's diet...

Perfect cheese soup - catch it :).


and water 1 or 1, 2? how much milk?
Answer me immediately, please :)) I’m making soup

I cook cheese in a saucepan. Finely chop the potatoes into boiling water, fry the onion and carrots, add cheese at the very end of boiling the potatoes (this is the kind of carat, or I use Rosagro, for soup). You can also add a handful of noodles. Mom adds a handful of rolled oats. Greens..Salt to taste. Quite.

Only my seven-year-old daughter eats my soups in our house. And even then rarely - I don’t cook them, so as not to torture the child in vain. And I really want some soup... Just keep in mind that I have two children, one of them is six months old, so I can’t waste a lot of time! I especially want pea soup... like they gave me in kindergarten... Eh...


The most “real” pea soup is made from smoked pork belly - try it! Such a thrill!

05.11.2000 13:58:45

I don’t know how fast it is, but out of my friends, only ours cooks this way. The whole secret is to grate the carrots on a fine grater and simmer in a frying pan in the broth (in the meantime, potatoes and, possibly, onions are cooked in the broth). All the water should evaporate from the carrots - then they add it to the soup. Before turning off, add more weed. Everything else is as usual.

Seasoning soups are prepared using broths or vegetable decoctions with vegetables, cereals, legumes, and flour products, sometimes with the addition of browned flour as a thickener. The recipe for all seasoning soups includes aromatic vegetables rich in essential oils - carrots, onions, parsley, celery, to preserve which the vegetables are sautéed for 5-10 minutes. at 110 C., in addition, fat promotes the dissolution of carrot carotene and its better absorption. All recipe components are placed in boiling broth, which promotes better preservation of all vitamins. Acid-containing products are added after boiling potatoes, because acid prevents vegetables from softening. Flour is sauteed without fat, soups are cooked at low boil. Seasoning soups include cabbage soup, borscht, rassolnik solyanka, potato and vegetable soups, with homemade noodles, cereals, legumes, pasta and dairy products.

A distinctive feature of cabbage soup is the presence of fresh or sauerkraut.

A distinctive feature of borscht is the presence of beets, the pigments of which - betacyans - give a beautiful color and are biologically active substances. Betanin is unstable to heat and is well preserved in an acidic environment, so in order to preserve it during cooking, chopped beets are first stewed with the addition of tomato puree or vinegar. If the beets are weakly colored, they are boiled in a small amount of water acidified with vinegar to preserve the color and added to the borscht at the end of cooking. They serve borscht with sour cream and herbs.

A distinctive feature of pickles is the presence of pickled cucumbers in the recipe, which must be peeled and coarse seeds removed, cut into diamonds and simmered in a small amount of water.

Solyanka is distinguished by its pungent taste and strong spicy aroma due to pickled cucumbers. All solyankas are prepared without carrots and white roots. They serve solyanka with chopped herbs, meat and mushroom with sour cream, fish with a slice of lemon.

A distinctive feature of milk soups is that the cereals are first boiled almost until tender in water, then added to boiling milk, because All cereals except semolina do not boil well in milk. Pasta is cooked directly in milk. They sell soups with butter.

Grated soups are puree soups.

Widely used in medical and dietary nutrition; sometimes some of the ungrated finely chopped products are added to pureed soups. Prepared from vegetables, poultry and game, cookies, fish, mushrooms. Soups prepared with milk and seasoned with egg-milk or egg-cream mixture - lezon are called cream soups. A distinctive feature is that all products are boiled and pureed; for this purpose, dense products - liver, meat - are ground in a meat grinder with a fine grid, then rubbed through a sieve or on a grinding machine; well-cooked and softened products are rubbed without chopping. The pureed mass is diluted with broth, water, milk, rice broth or boiled mashed rice or flour sauté is added as a thickener, dispensed with butter, and crackers are served separately.

Vegetable puree soups are made from pureed vegetables. Puree soups from cereals and legumes are prepared with rice, oatmeal or pearl barley; cereals can be replaced with cereal flour, which is brewed with hot broth or milk, brought to a boil and, if necessary, seasoned with leison. The legumes are pre-soaked, then boiled, pureed, diluted with broth to the consistency of soup and seasoned with flour sauté; you can use smoked pork or loin, which is cut into small cubes, fried with onions and added to the soup at the end of cooking.