Preparations from chokeberry chokeberry. Recipe for a drug to restore strength after illness

Chokeberry(chokeberry) - a shrub or small tree found on almost every garden plot. Its berries can be purchased at the market, private farmsteads in fresh, dried and frozen form. They have a tart specific taste, saturated color, nice smell and serve as potent medicine. Their use for treatment at home should be agreed in advance with a doctor.


Harvesting chokeberry berries

Chokeberry fruits are harvested in the fall (September or early October), preferably after the first frost, and dried outdoors under a canopy. Dried plant materials preserve medicinal properties no more than 2 years. It can be packed in cardboard boxes or glass jars, closed parchment paper.

A quick drying method involves using special dryers or ovens. Begin treatment at a temperature of 40°C until the fruits wither, then increase it to no more than 60°C. Properly prepared berries should become wrinkled, but not lose their inherent aroma and color.

Advice: A convenient way to dry chokeberry berries in medicinal purposes is to hang them in tassels on a stretched thread on the veranda, attic or balcony.

Freezing berries is the preferred storage method; such raw materials are convenient to use in cooking recipes folk remedies. Rapid freezing at a temperature not exceeding -15°C allows you to completely preserve sugars, but thawing and re-freezing unacceptable. Compotes, fruit drinks, jam, wine, and especially tinctures based on chokeberry fruits are also of great value for everyday use.

Jam recipe

Chokeberry berries – 3 kg
Sugar – 4.5 kg
Apples – 1 kg
Grated walnuts or cinnamon - 0.5 tsp.
Water – 600 ml
Lemons big size- 2 pcs.

Pour boiling water over the rowan and leave for 12 hours; boil syrup with sugar using the resulting liquid in the amount of 3 cups. Add berries, peeled and cored apples, nuts or cinnamon, let the mixture boil and keep it on the fire for 5 minutes. Cool the mixture until lukewarm, return to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Chop the lemons, add to the jam and leave it to cook for another quarter of an hour.

During the cooking process, the foam must be removed periodically. The finished delicacy is poured hot into sterile glass jars with regular lids made of food-grade polyethylene.

Recipe for making healing homemade wine

Chokeberry berries – 5 kg
Sugar – 2 kg
Raisins – 50 g
Water – 1 l

Berries and raisins are not washed with water to make wine. With clean hands, you need to thoroughly mash the chokeberry fruits and place them in a large enamel or glass container. Add 0.75 kg of sugar, raisins to the resulting mass and mix gently. The container needs to be bandaged with gauze and put in a warm place for 7 days, stirring the composition daily and checking for the absence of mold on it.

After the specified period, the juice is squeezed out (you can use a special press for this) and placed in a glass bottle with a capacity of at least 10 liters. Add the remaining sugar in the amount of 1.25 kg to the squeezed mass and pour in heated boiled water, stir well and put it back in a warm and dark place for a week. It is also important to stir the drug every day.

A rubber glove is put on the bottle of juice, having previously made a puncture in one of its fingers, and placed in warmth and darkness for fermentation. When the infusion on the lees is ready, it is drained without further squeezing and added to the juice after removing the resulting foam.

The fermentation process will take about 60 more days until the sediment disappears, the strength of the drink will be 10-12 degrees. If necessary, you can add alcohol or vodka to it. required concentration and leave to ripen in the refrigerator for 4-5 months.

Warning: Pregnancy and breastfeeding are a contraindication to taking alcohol-containing drugs. medicines chokeberry

Healing properties of chokeberry

Berries chokeberry have an extremely rich composition:

  • vitamins (C, K, E, B1, B2, B6, bioflavonoids, beta-carotene);
  • trace elements (iodine, iron, copper, fluorine, molybdenum, boron, manganese);
  • sugars (sucrose, glucose, fructose);
  • organic acids.

Biologically active substances allow the fruits of the plant to exhibit pronounced medicinal properties, the basis of which is the antioxidant effect on the cells of the human body and the normalization of work immune system. They fight the occurrence of allergic reactions, improve the function of the thyroid gland, stomach and intestines, liver and gallbladder, kidneys, heart and blood vessels.

A large amount of vitamins and iodine allows you to overcome apathy, weakness and loss of strength, get rid of bleeding gums, hemophilia and rheumatism. Regular consumption of juice, diluted with half water, helps reduce blood sugar, which is extremely beneficial for people with diabetes. Sorbitol contained in the berries of the plant also helps in the fight against it.

Chokeberry anthocyanins help treat obesity and normalize weight. Having a calorie content of only 55 kcal, the plant effectively eliminates the feeling of hunger and inhibits the growth of adipose tissue cells. These same substances block the development of cancerous tumors.

Freshly squeezed juice and berries of the plant have great importance in the treatment of nervous diseases. They help cope with emotional imbalance by regulating the processes of excitation and inhibition in brain cells.

Video: Practitioners about the medicinal properties of chokeberry

Normalization of blood pressure and blood system function

Decrease in intracranial and blood pressure– the most sought-after property of chokeberry. It is involved in the regulation of cholesterol levels, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, and also significantly affects blood clotting. As a result, the risk of developing thrombosis of small vessels decreases, which, in turn, serves as an effective prevention of varicose veins, cardiac ischemia, stroke and other pathologies associated with insufficient nutrition of brain cells.

Regular use of chokeberry-based products helps restore elasticity and firmness to the walls of blood vessels, increases their permeability, and expands the lumen of the bloodstream. To normalize high blood pressure, drink undiluted juice 5 tsp. 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals.

To prevent the development of atherosclerosis, it is recommended to eat 100 g of berries three times a day, 30 minutes before meals, in courses of 1-1.5 months. It is useful to combine the use of rowan with blackcurrant fruits and rosehip preparations.

Tincture recipe to increase hemoglobin levels

Chokeberry berries – 100 g
Cherry leaves – 100 pcs.
Sugar – 1.5 cups
Vodka – 0.75 l
Water – 1.5 l

The plant material must be boiled for 15 minutes over low heat, then strain the liquid and squeeze out the sediment. Add sugar and vodka to the broth and leave for about 14 days.

Recipe for a drug for the treatment of rheumatism

Grind 1 kg of chokeberry berries using a meat grinder, add 0.5 kg granulated sugar. Let the mixture sit for a while, stir thoroughly, place in a glass container and store in the refrigerator. Take 2 tbsp of the product. l. twice a day.

Recipe for treating hypertension

Mix 50 g of freshly squeezed chokeberry juice with 1 tbsp. l. honey, take the drink three times a day half an hour before meals for 4-6 weeks.

Tea recipe to prevent the development of cerebral vascular sclerosis

Mix dried chokeberry and rosehip berries in equal shares, pour into a thermos and pour boiling water in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. vegetable raw materials to 200 ml of water. After 60 minutes, when the drink is infused, it can be consumed instead of tea 2-3 times a day.

Boosting immunity

To stabilize the functioning of the immune system, it is enough to include daily diet homemade preparations from chokeberry berries (jams, compotes, fruit drinks) during periods of seasonal colds and mass epidemics of ARVI and influenza. They cleanse the internal environment of the body from toxins, heavy metals, radioactive compounds and pathogens.

Recipe for a restorative drink

Boil dry berries in a ratio of 10 g per 100 g of boiling water in a water bath for 5-10 minutes, cool and strain the liquid, squeezing out the sediment. You need to take the drink 100 g 3-4 times a day.

Recipe for maintaining immunity and treating vitamin deficiency

Chokeberry berries – 5 cups
Garlic – 2 heads

Grind the berries and peeled garlic, add salt and mix well, place the resulting mass in a previously prepared and sterilized glass container. You can take the mixture a little at a time immediately after preparation and store it in the refrigerator.

Tincture recipe for protection against colds

Chokeberry berries – 2.5 cups
Vodka – 1 l
Honey - 3 tbsp. l.
Oak bark powder – 1 pinch

Wash the berries, pour into a glass jar, add honey, oak bark and mix well. Pour vodka into the mixture, seal the container tightly and leave to infuse for 16-20 weeks. Periodically, the composition needs to be taken out and shaken. The finished drink must be filtered and bottled.

Recipe for “live” jam for use during the off-season

Fresh chokeberry berries in the amount of 1 kg are crushed using a meat grinder or blender, combined with sugar (800 g). The composition is left to brew for a short time, then mixed well again until the crystals are completely dissolved. Finished product transfer to a sterile glass jar with a food-grade polyethylene lid and store in the refrigerator.

Recipe for a drug to restore strength after illness

To get rid of weakness, you need to puree the fruits of black currants and rowan berries, add honey to taste. The mixture is consumed during the day, 1 glass.

Helps with the digestive system

If the acidity of the gastric juice is low, it is enough to eat a few chokeberries shortly before a meal: this will help the stomach, relieve belching, discomfort (including a feeling of heaviness in the stomach), and activate the digestion process and absorption of nutrients.

Acalculous cholecystitis responds well to treatment using chokeberry. It also serves as a choleretic agent, improves intestinal motility and relieves spasms. The berries of the plant produce a fixing effect and are therefore indicated for the treatment of diarrhea and indigestion.

Recipe for a balanced vitamin tea to increase appetite, improve liver and gallbladder function

Pour dried chokeberries, black currants and rose hips, taken in equal parts, into boiling water and place on water bath for 10 minutes. Remove the prepared liquid from the heat, cool slightly and drink instead of tea with sugar or honey as a bite. You can prepare such a drink using a thermos with a glass flask, infusing the composition for 4 hours.

Benefits for the endocrine glands

Aronia fruits have a beneficial effect on work endocrine system, providing a stabilizing effect. They are especially useful for improving the health of the thyroid gland.

Recipe for treating thyroid hypertrophy

Grind fresh fruits rowan berries with sugar in a ratio by weight of 1:2, take 1 tsp. three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Tincture recipe for the treatment of thyroid diseases

Fresh chokeberries – 1 cup
Alcohol – 0.5 l
Honey – 2 tbsp. l.

To prepare the product, fresh chokeberry berries need to be thoroughly crushed and placed in a 1 liter glass jar. Add alcohol to the fruits, shake and put in a cool, dark place for 30 days. After the specified period, the liquid must be filtered, honey added and left to infuse for another 2-3 days.

Infusion recipe for diabetes

Wash fresh chokeberry berries, turn into puree, take 1 tbsp. l. and leave for 30 minutes in a glass of boiling water. Strain the liquid and consume 2-3 tbsp. l. three times a day.

The use of chokeberry during pregnancy

Consumption of moderate amounts of chokeberry during pregnancy brings considerable benefits to the expectant mother. It provides the body with the microelements and vitamins necessary to overcome toxicosis, protects the baby from the risk of pathologies in the formation nervous system and other congenital defects. It is the high antioxidant activity of berries that protects cells from disturbances during their growth, development and differentiation, and also promotes the restoration of damaged DNA sections.

In case of allergies or intolerance to vitamin complexes for pregnant and nursing mothers, chokeberry fruits can largely replace them (especially in combination with rosehip and blackcurrant products).


Aronia berries are a potent remedy even when simply eaten. Contraindications to the use of chokeberry must be strictly observed to avoid the development of pathological side effects:

You should not give chokeberry berries to children under 2 years of age.

Video: All about the properties of chokeberry in the program “About the Most Important Thing”

They can be dried at a temperature of 60°C, frozen, and made into jam, preserves, and juices.

Fruits must be prepared before processing: rinse with running water, sort by size, remove crumpled or damaged berries, separate the berries from the scutes. Those who grow chokeberry have probably prepared it for the winter more than once. Let's share healthy and delicious recipes.

Juices and compotes

NATURAL JUICE. The berries are washed in brushes, separated from the stalks, and chopped in a meat grinder. Transferred to enamel pan, adding half a glass of water to each kilogram of mass, heat in a water bath at 60°C for ten minutes. This promotes better juice yield and biological transition into juice active substances. The juice is squeezed out with a juicer, heated to 80-85°C and pasteurized in small jars at a temperature of 85°C ( floor liter jars- 10 minutes, liter -12-15 minutes). The juice can be preserved using the hot pour method: boil for three minutes, pour into sterilized glass jars of 2-3 liters, roll up and place the lid down until completely cooled.

The cake left after squeezing the juice contains many more useful substances. It is poured warm boiled water, leave, stirring occasionally, for three to four hours and squeeze again. You can also use the cake for jelly, adding apples or lemon. To improve the taste canned juice, you can add sugar (50 g per liter of juice) or apple juice (per liter of chokeberry juice - 0.5 liters of apple juice), or sea buckthorn juice.

JAM SOUTH NIGHT.Blanch the prepared berries in boiling water for two minutes, transfer to boiling sugar syrup, hold over low heat for five to seven minutes, remove from heat and stand for eight hours, then cook until tender. IN ready-made jam the fruits do not float to the top, but are evenly distributed in the syrup. A drop of syrup poured onto a saucer retains its shape without spreading. At the end of cooking, add citric acid.

You will need: 1 kg of fruit, 1 kg of sugar, 1 glass of water, 1 g citric acid or 1/3 part lemon.

Transfer the finished jam into clean glass jars, cover with gauze, and on the second day close with plastic lids. Store in a cool place.

CHARMONY COMPOTE. Blanch the prepared berries at a temperature of 90-95°C for 2-3 minutes, place in jars up to the shoulders and pour hot (80-85°C) sugar syrup and leave for 2 to 6 hours. Pasteurize at a temperature of 95°C: half-liter jars for 15-20 minutes, liter jars for 20-25 minutes.

Ingredients of the filling: for 1 liter of water - 500-700 g of sugar.

This recipe is improved if you use sweetened apple juice for filling (250-350 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice). Chokeberry fruits with apple juice softer, more tender and more harmonious in taste. You can prepare homemade preparations such as assorted compotes (chokeberry with apples, sea buckthorn, pear), but in this case there should be no more than 15% rowan.

COMPOTE OF BLACK ROWAN BERRY. Separate the rowan berries from the scutes, wash and soak for 2-3 days, periodically changing the water. Then transfer to jars and pour hot sugar syrup, add 3 - 4 g of citric acid. Sterilize in boiling water: liter jars for 25 minutes.

Ingredients of the filling: per 1 liter of water - 400-600 g of sugar, 3 - 4 g of citric acid.

COMPOTE WITH FRUIT AND BERRY SYRUP WITHOUT SUGAR. Soak the prepared rowan berries for 2-3 days, periodically changing the water. Place the fruits in jars and pour boiling juice from red, black currant or apple. Sterilize in boiling water: half-liter jars - 15 minutes, liter jars - 25 minutes.

Chokeberry jam

Even inexperienced housewives can easily make such homemade preparations.

BLACK ROWAN BERRY JAM. Pour boiling syrup over blanched and cooled berries, bring to a boil and cook until tender. For 1 kg of chokeberry - 1 kg of sugar, 0.5 liters of water.

BLACK ROWAN BERRY JAM COOKED IN A PRESSURE COOKER. Place cleanly washed food into the pressure cooker cherry leaf, berries, half the amount of sugar and add water. Close the lid of the pressure cooker, put it on the fire and from the moment of boiling (the pressure cooker hisses) cook for 10 minutes. Cool the pressure cooker so that you can open the lid, transfer the jam to a cooking basin, remove the cherry leaf, add the second half of the sugar, stir and from the moment of boiling, cook until tender (about 20 minutes).

For 1 kg of chokeberry berries - 1.2 kg of sugar, 50 g of cherry leaf, 400 g of water.

BLACK ROWAN BERRY JAM WITH APPLES. (Method 1). Blanch the prepared berries and sliced, peeled and cored apples in boiling water for 3 - 5 minutes. Cool, put in a cooking basin, pour in sugar syrup and cook in 2-3 batches until tender.

For 0.5 kg of chokeberry - 0.5 kg of apples, 1.3 kg of sugar, 0.5 liters of water.

BLACK ROWAN BERRY JAM WITH APPLES. (Method 2). Blanch the prepared berries in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, cool, let the water drain and place in a cooking basin. From two glasses of water and 500 g Make a syrup with sugar and pour it over the berries. Bring to a boil, simmer for 3-4 minutes. and leave for 8-10 hours. Bring the berries to a boil again, add sugar and cook until tender.

Cut the apples into slices, peel and core them, blanch for 8-10 minutes, without letting them boil. In 15-20 minutes. Before the end of cooking, add apples to the jam. To ensure that the apples are evenly mixed, shake the bowl in a circular motion from time to time. At the end of cooking, add citric acid to the jam and vanilla sugar or cinnamon.

For 1 kg of berries - 300 g of apples, 1.5 kg of sugar, 2 glasses of water, 5-7 g of citric acid, vanillin or cinnamon.

Jams and marinades

JAM FROM BLACK ROWAN AND JAPANESE QUINCE. Cook the prepared chokeberry berries until completely softened in a small amount of water. Add sugar and cook for 5-10 minutes. Place the chopped pieces of Japanese quince into the boiled mixture and cook the jam until it is ready: it thickens, and the fruits of the Japanese quince become transparent. Place hot jam into sterilized jars.

For 1 kg of chokeberry - 0.4 kg of Japanese quince, 1-1.6 kg of sugar, 0.2 liters of water.

BLACK ROWAN BERRY MARINADE. Prepared sweet without vinegar. It is better to take chokeberry fruits with apples (assorted) for the marinade. The fruits placed in jars are filled with hot marinade up to the shoulders, kept for 4-6 hours, then pasteurized at a temperature of 85-90°C for 15 minutes, hermetically sealed.

Ingredients of the filling: for 1 liter of water - 670 g of sugar, 3-4 pcs. allspice, 1 - 2 pcs. cloves and cinnamon, bring to a boil.

At the end of the 19th century, it came to our country wonderful berry- chokeberry. And in 1961, chokeberry was recognized by the Ministry of Health as a plant with medicinal properties.

Chokeberry has a wonderful bactericidal effect due to the high content of tannins, and the pectin contained is able to envelop the wound with a protective film, thereby preventing bacteria from entering.

Beneficial properties of chokeberry

The fruits of chokeberry have a tart taste, and the content of nutrients in them is great amount:

  • beta carotene. Protects the body from free radicals, increases stress resistance, softens the effects of radiation;
  • vitamins A, E, C, K;
  • minerals. These are potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, fluorine, iodine, phosphorus necessary for life;
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins, fats, alimentary fiber, acids, starch.

Chokeberry has a very valuable property– normalize blood cholesterol levels and even lower high blood pressure. A regular use Chokeberry fruit reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and greatly improves liver function.

Unfortunately, chokeberry does not grow here all year round. What to do when it’s not the season for berries to pamper us with theirs? healing properties. The answer is simple: chokeberry fruits can be frozen and consumed all year round. It is noteworthy that frozen berries do not lose their properties and usefulness.

In order to properly freeze berries, you must use quick freezing. Such freezing is carried out at temperatures from -15°C and below. This is done so that when frozen, the sugar contained in the fruit does not have time to turn into starch. For freezing, fruits begin to be collected at the very end of fruiting. This is the period of August and September. Frozen berries should only be stored in the freezer; defrosting and then re-freezing is completely impossible. Do not store frozen berries in the same freezer with fish or meat. It is advisable that the berries are in a separate chamber. At home freezing It is advisable to use plastic containers and jars. The container must be thoroughly washed and dried before use.

Before consuming frozen chokeberry berries, you must defrost them, beat them with a blender and then add them to tea, compote, jam, or you can also add them to flour products as a food additive.

Ripe dark berries, ripening in mid-autumn, are very good for health. It lowers blood pressure, cleanses the blood, eliminates anemia and promotes the activation of immune processes in the body. Most The best way to preserve this storehouse of vitamins - make preparations from chokeberry for the winter.

There is plenty for this great recipes. Compotes and jams are prepared from chokeberries, the berries are ground with sugar, frozen and simply dried or dried. All these methods allow you to prepare different and healthy treats from black rowan.

Chokeberry, pureed with sugar without cooking

Despite the huge amount of vitamins P, C, iodine and many other useful substances and microelements, alas, not everyone likes chokeberry because of its tart and sour taste. That's why good housewives find a way to “sweeten the pill.” For example, the recipe for grated raw chokeberry with sugar without cooking is simple and easily gives the berry the desired taste.

Products for the recipe are taken in proportions of 1: 0.5 (1 kg of rowan berries and 500 g of sugar). First of all, we sort out the berries, separating the rowan from the branches. Then we thoroughly wash our crop and dry it in a natural way. Then take a blender and grind the berries along with granulated sugar. The result is a homogeneous berry mixture.

Now you can sterilize the jars with lids and pour the infused juice and sugar into the still hot containers berry puree. Set the jars aside for a few minutes so that the berries release more juice. During this time, the sugar should completely dissolve. The treat is ready! The lidded jars can be stored in the refrigerator once they are completely cool. Bon appetit!

Black chokeberry jam for the winter

Chokeberry can be prepared for the winter in the form delicious jam. To do this, take berries with sugar and water in the following quantities:

  • Chokeberry berries – 1 kg;
  • 1.5 tbsp. water;
  • Granulated sugar – 1.2 kg.

Place the sorted and washed berries in a saucepan, add water and put on the fire. Under the lid, steam the rowan until it softens completely. Then we grind the soft berries through a sieve. Place the berry puree in a bowl for cooking, add sugar and boil until tender.

Apple and chokeberry jam recipe

Jam made from apples and chokeberries will also be no less healthy and tasty. For this recipe you will need:

  • Rowan berries – 1 kg;
  • 1.5 kg sugar;
  • Apples – 0.4 kg;
  • 2 tbsp. water.

We also sort out and wash the berries and apples in running water. From the latter we remove the seed box and peel it. Grind everything together in a blender to a puree mass and mix with sugar. Place the pan with apple and berry puree on the stove and simmer until tender over low heat.

Chokeberry marmalade, “Homemade” recipe

Despite all the astringency and astringent properties chokeberry, the marmalade according to the recipe comes out very sweet, not cloying and aromatic. At the same time, it is prepared very simply. For the recipe we need:

  • Chokeberry - 1-1.2 kg;
  • 400 ml water;
  • 600 g sugar + a little for decoration.

We sort the rowan berries, wash them and place them in a saucepan with water. medium heat. Heat the contents and boil until the berries soften. Then we rub the rowan through a sieve, obtaining berry puree. The output should be approximately 600 g of pureed berry mass.

Now add sugar to the rowan puree (it turns out 1:1) and put it on the stove again. The berry-sugar mixture is cooked until thickened. Next, we need to prepare a dish on which we will place the marmalade. To do this you need to moisten it in ice water and only then spread the thick mass on it. Using a knife, distribute the mass evenly and dry it naturally.

You can serve by cutting the marmalade into pieces and rolling each one in sugar. Bon appetit!

Chokeberry jelly for the winter “Black Mirror”

Like any other berry, rowan berries can also be used to make tasty and sweet jelly. At the same time, the taste will not be tart, it will turn out real dessert. For him we take the following products:

  • Rowan - 1 tbsp.;
  • 3/4 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. gelatin;
  • 4 tbsp. water;
  • Citric acid - on the tip of the knife.

We sort through the rowan, wash it and squeeze the juice from the berries. Transfer the pulp into a saucepan and pour hot water send it to the fire. After boiling the cake for 10 minutes, strain it. Add sugar and acid to the resulting broth. Then we put it back on the stove and boil, periodically removing the foam.

Now you need to properly prepare the gelatin. To do this, according to the instructions on the package, soak the substance in cold water for 5-40 minutes. The time will depend on the type of gelatin (granules or plates).

Add the prepared gelatin to the broth and bring everything to a boil. After that it goes here raw juice, which was squeezed out of rowan, and everything is mixed. Distribute the boiled mixture into molds and place in the refrigerator to harden. Also, the hot mixture can be poured into sterilized hot jars and covered with gauze - this is how chokeberry jelly is preserved for the winter. When the mixture has cooled completely, seal the jars with parchment paper.

Recipe for chokeberry jelly without gelatin

If you don’t have a gelling agent on hand, you can make chokeberry jelly without gelatin. To do this we take:

  • Rowan – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 700 g;
  • 0.5 kg of water.

We sort the berries, wash them and put them in a bowl, filling them with heated water. Place on the stove to boil until the berries are completely softened. Then strain the berry mass and squeeze it out using gauze or cotton cloth. Add sugar to the broth and place on the stove over low heat.

The mixture is boiled for about 15 minutes, after which the still hot broth is poured into sterilized jars and covered with gauze. When the jelly has cooled, cover the jars with parchment paper and tie them tightly. Bon appetit in winter!

Chokeberry jam for the winter: a healthy sweetness

Regular consumption of chokeberry normalizes blood pressure and strengthens blood vessels. And so that the astringency of the berries does not affect the desire to consume useful preparations, can be prepared from chokeberry fragrant jam for the winter. For it you will need:

  • Rowan berries – 1 kg;
  • Water – 200-300 ml;
  • Sugar – 1-1.2 kg.

As when making jam, the main ingredient needs to be washed, sorted and poured into an enamel container. Pour water in there, mash the berries well and add granulated sugar. Place the pan on low heat and heat until the sugar dissolves. After this, increase the heat and boil the jam until tender. Stir the mixture periodically with a spatula.

If you plan to pasteurize jam in jars, then turn off the heat at a temperature of about 105°C. To store jam without pasteurization, the temperature must reach 107°C. Pour the finished, still hot delicacy into clean, heated, dry jars. If necessary, pasteurize or seal when a sugar crust forms on top of the jam.

Apple and chokeberry jam “Fantasia”

Autumn is rich in the harvest of vitamins. Except classic recipe, chokeberry berries can be combined with other no less useful fruit- an apple. Autumn vitamin jam made from apples and chokeberries has delicate taste and aroma. For this recipe we take:

  • Rowan – 1 kg;
  • Apples (Antonovka) – 2.5 kg;
  • Water – 5 tbsp;
  • Granulated sugar - 3 ½ tbsp.

We sort the berries, peel them from leaves and twigs, and then wash them. Boil the rowan in water for about 45 minutes until soft. We pour the water into a separate container and grind the berries in a meat grinder. Now we prepare the apples - wash the fruits and dry them with a kitchen towel. We peel clean apples from the seed box and cut them into slices or small cubes.

Fill the chopped Antonovka (or other variety) with rowan water and boil for about 25 minutes, also until soft. You can puree the apples through a sieve, then discard the peel. Mix the finished puree of berries and apples, add sugar to them and leave to infuse overnight.

In the morning, put the pan on low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture is thick like sour cream. This will take approximately 45 minutes. Full readiness You can check the dishes by dropping jam on the saucer. If, after cooling, the drop does not spread on the plate, then the delicacy is ready. Turn off the heat on the stove, and pack the still hot jam into pre-prepared sterilized jars and seal.

Chokeberry marshmallow at home

Do you like sweet and healthy things, but don’t want to bother with jars? Then the recipe for such a sweet as chokeberry pastille, prepared at home, is exclusively for you. For this you need to take:

  • Rowan - 10 tbsp. berries;
  • Granulated sugar – 5 tbsp;
  • 2 squirrels.

Pour the berries removed from the stalks and thoroughly washed into a (metal) pan and crush with a wooden spoon. Sprinkle the berry mass with granulated sugar, cover with a lid and place in the oven, preheated to approximately 160°C. It is recommended to use a glass lid to make it easier to “peep” at the mountain ash.

As soon as enough juice is released in the pan, stir the mass to better distribute and dissolve the sugar. After this, the mixture takes on a jelly-like appearance, grind it using a sieve and leave to cool. Add to the already non-hot mass raw proteins and beat until the mass turns white.

Now the future marshmallow needs to be dried. Let's prepare a heat-resistant dish for this. glass dish and fill it 1/3. Heat the oven to 80°C, place the dishes and watch the marshmallow so that it does not dry out. Upon reaching the desired condition of the first layer, the next part is laid out on top. We do the same with the remaining third of the mass.

When all the pastille is ready, the container is covered with white paper and then a lid. The treat should be stored in a cool, dry place. Bon appetit!

Aronia compote “Winter's Tale”

Like any other berry, you can also make compote from rowan. To do this, take berries (the quantity will depend on the expected volume of the container) and sugar at the rate of 500 g per 1 liter of water. We clean the berries, rinse them in running water and dry them on a towel. In the meantime, we sterilize the jars, after which you can fill them 1/3 with dry berries, no more.

Pour boiling water over the rowan jars and leave for 3 minutes. After this, pour the water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and pour sugar into it. After stirring, boil everything for up to 10 minutes, after which we pour it back into the jars with rowan berries. The jars are rolled up and turned over until they cool completely, wrapped in a blanket. After a month you can drink the compote.

Compote of ranetka and chokeberry “Paradise Apple”

A more delicate taste can be obtained by preparing a compote of ranetka and chokeberry. For him we take:

  • Apples – 1-1.5 kg;
  • Rowan - 0.5-0.7 kg;
  • Cold water – 4-4.5 l;
  • Sugar – 6 tbsp.

We sort out the small juicy ranetkas, rinse them under warm running water and pour them into a bowl, filling them with water. We wash the rowan berries in a colander, also in warm running water, while simultaneously sorting out any spoiled berries. Letting it drain excess water from the rowan, set it aside for now.

We prepare jars for compote - we wash and sterilize the containers and leave them to dry. Pour some ranetki and 2 handfuls of rowan into the finished jars. As a result, about half the jar should be filled. Now take a large saucepan and fill it clean water and put it on the stove.

When the water boils in the covered pan, turn off the heat. After this, fill the containers with apples and berries with boiling water almost to the neck. In this form, the future compote is infused for about 15 minutes. After the specified time, the liquid should become a delicate scarlet shade.

Now pour the infusion back into the pan and put it on high heat, adding sugar. The proportions are 1 glass of sand per 1 liter. Stir the boiling liquid with a wooden spoon until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. After this, the fire can be turned off. Using a ladle, we fill the jars again with sweet syrup and seal them with metal lids. Store the cooled compote in the cellar or pantry.

Chokeberry syrup with citric acid and cherry leaf

Chokeberry syrup is very useful for people with high blood pressure. To preserve maximum benefits, you can prepare chokeberry syrup with cherry leaves and citric acid. Such vitamin preparation easy to use and treats many diseases. So, for the syrup we take:

  • Chokeberry – 2 kg of berries;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • Citric acid – 25 g per liter;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg per 1 liter;
  • Cherry leaves - to taste (the more, the tastier it will be).

The leaves will be needed for the recipe in approximately 1:1 proportions with rowan.

We wash the cherry leaves and rowan berries in running water, then pour boiling water over everything. In this form, we leave the products to infuse for a day. The next day, the infusion from the rowan is poured into a saucepan and put on the stove. When the infusion boils, acid is poured into it in the indicated proportions. We throw away the cherry leaves from the container with rowan berries and pour the resulting syrup into the berries. Let the infusion stand again for a day.

The next day, drain the rowan infusion again; the berries are no longer needed. Again we put everything on the fire, and when it boils, add sugar at the rate of 1 kg per 1 liter of infusion. Pour the well-mixed, still boiling broth into pre-sterilized jars or glass bottles under the top and seal it.

Chokeberry juice - recipe in a juicer

Aronia juice is an excellent multivitamin. It can act as an excellent alternative medicine for constipation, colds, runny nose and cough. Of course, freshly squeezed is healthier, but you can prepare chokeberry juice in a juicer according to a simple recipe.

We sort and wash the berries, then lightly knead the rowan berries and sprinkle them lightly with sugar. So the berries are infused for several hours, you can leave them overnight. In the morning, squeeze the juice out of the berries. You can squeeze out the juice without sugar, then take frozen rowan.

To prepare 5 liters of juice for future use in a juice cooker, it must be properly prepared. We put the hose on the drain pipe of the vessel to drain the resulting juice, securing it. We carry out all preparatory activities according to the instructions for the device. Fill the container with water - 4 liters. As soon as the water in the juicer boils, we begin the procedure of squeezing the berries and cooking the juice. It is necessary to ensure that the container is constantly boiling so that steam is generated.

When water boils, you can add it, but not exceed 4 liters. This amount will be enough to cook the juice for 70-80 minutes. When cooking is finished, the juice should be immediately poured into prepared containers - sterilized bottles or jars.

Preparing adjika from chokeberry for the winter

Everyone is used to preparing adjika from hot pepper with spices, salt and herbs. And probably few people can prepare this dish from berries. Meanwhile, chokeberry makes an excellent adjika for the winter. To prepare we take:

  • Berries – 1 l;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 130 g sugar;
  • 60 ml vinegar (9%);
  • 125 g garlic;
  • Cinnamon – 0.5 tsp;
  • 0.5 tsp. carnations;
  • 1 tbsp. l. spicy mixture of khmeli-suneli;
  • Allspice – 5-6 peas;
  • Ground red pepper (hot) – 0.5 tsp.

Rowanberries, as in any other recipe, are sorted, washed and placed in a colander. You need to get rid of excess water. Then we peel the garlic cloves and pass it and the berries through a meat grinder, mixing them together. Add allspice to the resulting mass ground spices. Separately mix sugar with vinegar and salt and pour it over the berries.

Now we prepare the jars - wash and sterilize. Pour boiling water over the lids. Place the finished adjika into jars, close and place in the refrigerator. The dish has an original pleasant taste. Bon appetit!

Homemade chokeberry raisins

Chokeberry is a very healthy berry, but it does not leave a pleasant sweet aftertaste. Unfortunately, its fruits are tart and have an astringent specific taste. But chokeberry raisins made at home for the winter are worth trying - they are quite sweet and melt pleasantly in your mouth. Plus, anyone can cook it, it’s very simple! We take:

  • Rowan – 1.5 kg;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • Water – 2 tbsp.;
  • Citric acid – 1 tsp.

We carefully pick the berries from the branches and sort them, getting rid of leaves and debris. After this, the berries are washed under running water and placed in a colander. Now let's prepare the syrup. Water is poured into the pan and sugar dissolves in it. Place them on the stove and bring to a boil until all the granulated sugar has dissolved. When the water boils, pour the rowan and acid into the pan.

Cook the berries for about 25 minutes, after which we place them in a sieve or colander. Rowan syrup is perfect for making compote or ice cream. The boiled berries now need to be dried. To do this you need an electric dryer or conventional oven. Let's use more traditional way. Place on a baking sheet baking paper and spread rowan berries evenly on it.

Dry the berries at a low temperature - about 50°C. If you still have it at your disposal electric dryer, then its grille also needs to be covered with paper. Rowan raisins are kept in paper or fabric bags, or you can also leave them in a closed glass container. Raisins can be stored like this for a whole year, and you can eat them like this or add them to baked goods. Bon appetit!

Is it possible to freeze chokeberries for the winter?

Vitamins, minerals and pectin substances chokeberries strengthen blood vessels in the brain, help the liver function properly and improve the functioning of the endocrine system. Therefore, it is recommended to stock up on healthy berries for future use by any means possible. One such method is freezing.

How to freeze chokeberries for the winter: a simple recipe

The berry survives freezing well, retaining all its beneficial properties. There are several ways to do this. The choice of freezing method will depend on future plans for the berries. For freezing whole berries in a simple way take:

  • Rowan;
  • Towel;
  • Colander;
  • Vacuum bags.

We sort the berries from leaves, petioles and twigs, rinse and drain in a colander. Then dry on a kitchen towel, turning the fruits periodically. Now we place the dry rowan in portions into vacuum bags (preferably in one layer) and try to get rid of the air in them as much as possible. Hermetically sealed bags of berries can be stored in the freezer.

How to dry chokeberries in the oven

In the oven you can prepare chokeberry for storage not only for one winter, but also for more than a year. To do this, you need to take berries that are already ripe. It is recommended to harvest after the first frost, then the rowan will fully reveal all its beneficial properties.

How to properly dry chokeberry berries in the oven

The berries are removed from the collected umbrellas and washed thoroughly, then discarded in a colander. You can also spread it in a thin layer on a kitchen towel. When the berry has dried, it can be moved to the oven at a temperature of 40°C for 25-30 minutes. After the time has passed, the temperature in the cabinet rises to 60°C, and the berries are already dried until fully cooked.

Readiness is visible by the lack of water in the berries. In this case, the rowan should not be red or brownish. This will mean that the berry has dried out. You can store dried chokeberries in plastic containers or glass containers, closed. nylon covers. The main thing is that moisture does not penetrate inside. All drying is ready!

Drying chokeberries in an electric dryer

The wonders of household appliances make the preparation process seasonal products incredibly simple for the winter. So save it maximum amount beneficial properties Chokeberry can be dried by drying it using an electric dryer.

To do this, we take rowan, remove it from the branches, sort it from leaves and spoiled berries. We wash exclusively first-class rowan in running water through a colander. Then let the unnecessary water drain, spreading the berries on a sieve in a layer of a couple of centimeters. You need to dry chokeberry in an electric dryer at a temperature of about 60-70°C. In this case, strictly follow the instructions in the instructions for the device.

Well-dried berries should have gotten rid of almost all the water, but have not yet acquired a red-brown color. Otherwise, this will mean that the berries have dried out and lost their main wealth - vitamins and microelements. Ready drying can be stored in an airtight container that does not allow moisture to pass through. These can be any plastic containers, but not plastic ones.

Please note that when chokeberry is prepared for the winter in this way, its berries lose their unpleasant astringency. The drying taste is sweetish with sourness, and the berry itself retains maximum nutrients.

Useful preparations for you!

Chokeberry, chokeberry, popularly called chokeberry - one of the most useful to people fruit plants. For example, the vitamin C content in rowan fruits is twice as high as in lemons and other citrus fruits. And such valuable, always missing iodine is 4 times more than what raspberries or gooseberries contain. If we talk about vitamin P, then its content is higher than in black currants.

Chenoplodka is good as in fresh, and cooked. For example, their fresh berries cook delicious food healthy jam, compotes, make homemade liqueur. Frozen berries are added to compotes, and dried ones are soaked and prepared as fillings for pies. Home remedies for treating certain ailments are also prepared from rowan fruits.

Therefore, if you have the opportunity to prepare these black berries for future use, be sure to do so. Well, how chokeberry is prepared, preparations for the winter, cooking recipes, I’ll tell you now. After all, having prepared this healthy berries, you will provide the whole family with vitamins and delicious natural medicine.

Rowan for the winter, mashed with sugar

For cooking we need: 1 kg of fresh, ripe berries, 600-700 g granulated sugar.

How to cook:

Everything is very simple. Rinse the berries, place them on a towel to absorb the remaining water and dry the berries themselves. After this, grind them using a meat grinder or blender. Place the resulting puree in a deep saucepan or bowl, add sugar. When the sugar is almost completely dissolved, transfer the mixture into clean, always dry jars, and close with tight lids. Store in the refrigerator.

Besides the fact that it is very tasty treat To tea table. It is useful to eat pureed rowan for prevention, as well as in the treatment of atherosclerosis.

Frozen chokeberry fruits

Everything is even simpler here. Wash the berries thoroughly and dry (required!). Place in prepared plastic trays and freeze in the freezer. If you don’t have special trays, use strong plastic bags. Prepared for the winter in this way, fresh fruits retain all their useful material.

Frozen berries are useful for vitamin deficiency, which often occurs in winter and spring. They are also needed for the treatment of asthenia. To enhance the effect, it is better to combine chokeberry with the same frozen black currant berries. Wash them down with fresh rosehip infusion.

Dried fruits

To dry rowan berries well for the winter, be sure to use only an oven or a special dryer. Never dry them in the sun. To do this, place fresh, ripe berries on a baking sheet and dry in a slightly open oven at low heat until ready. Store well-dried berries in dry glass jars or linen bags.

Dried berries It is useful to infuse and then take to strengthen the immune system. Well, for example, this way: brew 3 tbsp with boiling water (2 cups). l. dry fruits. Let it sit covered for 15-20 minutes. Drink the infusion before meals, eating berries.


Many people love chokeberry jam for its pleasant taste, slight tartness, which makes it unusual, in general. simple dish. Moreover, the jam is stored well all winter and is an excellent vitamin-rich treat for tea.

To prepare, we will need: 1 kg of fresh berries, one and a half kg of granulated sugar, a pinch of citric acid, 1 cup of clean, soft water.

How to cook:

Pour water into the bowl where you will cook the jam and add sugar. Place on low heat, stir until completely dissolved.

Now wash the stemless berries well, place them in a saucepan with boiling water, keep there for 5-7 minutes. Then drain in a colander and let the water drain. Place the berries prepared in this way in hot syrup, cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Now remove the jam from the stove and let it cool.

Then put it back on the fire and cook for another 20 minutes. Add lemon juice and stir. Then put the finished hot jam into sterilized jars and roll up. In winter, fragrant jam will help strengthen the immune system and saturate the body with useful substances.

Black chokeberry compote

Compote is prepared as follows: Collect fresh, ripe berries, place them in a deep saucepan or basin, pour cold water. Leave it like this for 2-3 days, change the water daily to clean water. Then scald the berries with boiling water, place them in boiled jars, pour boiling sauce over them, and roll them up.

To prepare the filling, dissolve half a kilo of sugar in 1 liter of boiling water and boil. The amount of syrup depends on the number of berries.

Homemade chokeberry liqueur

You can prepare it according to this recipe: Place 100 g of ripe berries, 1 glass of fresh cherry leaves in a saucepan, add 1 liter of clean, soft water. Place everything on the stove, bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Then add half a kilo of sugar, stir, leave aside until the broth cools.

After this, pour everything into a jar, add half a liter of vodka, and put it in a dark, cool place for 10 days. Strain the finished liqueur, pour into a bottle, add a little if desired lemon juice taste. Leave the liqueur for the winter. Returning home on a frosty winter evening, it will be nice to warm up with a sip of this homemade drink.