Eggs in the microwave. How to cook eggs in the microwave? Boil eggs in the microwave

Despite the ongoing debate about whether it is possible to cook food in a microwave, this particular electrical appliance has become an almost indispensable assistant in many modern kitchens. If initially a microwave oven was used only for heating food, now you can find a huge number of recipes for preparing a variety of dishes, from the simplest desserts to first and second courses. An issue that generates lively conversations remains the cooking of a product such as eggs in the microwave. Some claim that this process will definitely end in an explosion and lengthy cleaning of the oven, while others refute such information and share secrets on how to avoid failures in this culinary process. Let us also get acquainted with the options for cooking eggs in the microwave.

Safety precautions

The first step in the process of cooking eggs in the microwave is to become familiar with safety precautions. Don't neglect this important point! By taking just a few minutes to read these basic tips and warnings, you can avoid bad experiences that most often involve the product exploding inside the appliance and tedious cleaning of the oven.

So, the main points:

  1. Use microwave-safe containers.
  2. Do not try to wrap eggs (or other foods) in aluminum foil. You won't see breakfast, but you'll probably see real lightning in your kitchen.
  3. Do not cook eggs in their shells without reading the tips in the recipes below. Most likely, the experiment will end in an explosion!
  4. Before you start cooking eggs without shells, pierce the yolk. Under the influence of high temperatures, high pressure is created inside the yolk, which is almost always accompanied by an explosion.
  5. After setting the timer, do not look into the oven through the glass and do not stand close to the appliance. Even if you follow all the rules, eggs can explode, damaging the microwave door.
  6. You should not heat boiled eggs (with or without shell, it doesn’t matter) in a microwave oven.
  7. Do not open the oven immediately after cooking, or do it with extreme caution! The high temperature inside the eggs can persist for quite a long time!
  8. To avoid burns, use oven mitts and oven mitts when removing eggs from the microwave.

Step-by-step recipes for cooking eggs in the microwave

How to “cook” in a shell

Compliance with all the rules described above when boiling eggs in a microwave oven does not provide a 100% guarantee that an explosion will not occur. Therefore, if the need does arise, be careful while operating the device and when removing the container with the finished product after the process is completed.

You will need:

  • 2 raw chicken eggs;
  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • mug with a volume of 300 ml;
  • boiling water.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash the eggs, place them in a mug or glass, add a tablespoon of salt. Pour boiling water over the eggs and place the container in the microwave.
  2. Set the oven power to 480 W, turn on the device and cook the eggs for 10 minutes. This should be enough time to cook hard-boiled eggs.
  3. Wait 3-4 minutes after the beep indicating the end of the cooking process, open the oven and carefully, using oven mitts, remove the mug (glass) with eggs.
  4. Cool the product using cold water.
  5. Peel the eggs from their shells. Ready!

Without shell

Not the fastest way to prepare a dish, however, if necessary, you can use it. The idea is to cook the whites and yolks separately, which makes this option practically safe.
You will need:

  • egg;
  • butter or vegetable oil for lubricating dishes.

Cooking steps:

  1. Grease two small microwave-safe containers with a small amount of butter or vegetable oil.
  2. Wash and dry an egg (or several, if desired). Carefully crack the shell and separate the white from the yolk, placing each part of the egg in a previously prepared bowl. It is worth noting that you can simplify everything and just beat the whole egg into one container. However, you should know and remember that different parts of the egg cook at different speeds, so there is a risk of getting undercooked whites and overcooked, rubbery yolks.
  3. Using a knife, fork or toothpick, pierce the yolk. The thin shell of this part of the egg can withstand great pressure and then explode in an instant, staining everything around and even harming your health.
  4. Cover each plate with cling film so that it does not touch the food itself.
  5. Cook the whites using your microwave on low to medium power. Taking into account the fact that this product is prepared quite quickly, and the cooking time depends not only on the size of the number of eggs, but also on the individual characteristics of each appliance, cook the whites and yolks in short intervals of 20–30 seconds. On average, it will take 30-60 seconds for one protein, and 45-75 seconds for two. In addition, proteins have the ability to cook due to their own temperature, so it is better to remove them from the microwave even when they seem slightly undercooked.
  6. In the same way as with the whites, using low to medium power, cook the yolk. This will take you 20–30 seconds.
  7. Leave the finished product for 2-3 minutes, then check for readiness. If necessary, you can put the eggs in the microwave again, for no more than 10–20 seconds.

Video: how to make scrambled eggs in the microwave

Poached eggs

The simplest option for preparing a familiar product in an original way will appeal to, if not everyone, then many. In a matter of minutes you can prepare a royal breakfast.
You will need:

  • 1 egg;
  • 120 ml water;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. Prepare a microwave-safe ceramic, glass, or plastic mug with a lid.
  2. Pour 120 ml of water into the container.
  3. Crack the egg, being careful not to damage the yolk membrane, and carefully release the contents into a mug of water.
  4. If the egg is large and its contents are not completely covered with water, pour another 60 ml of liquid into the mug.
  5. Cover the container with the egg and water, place in the oven and cook the egg at full power for 1 minute.
  6. After the beep, open the appliance door. If the egg white doesn't seem cooked enough, cover the mug again, turn on the microwave, and continue cooking the egg for 10 to 15 seconds.
  7. Transfer the finished poached egg to a plate using a slotted spoon.
  8. Season the finished snack with ground black pepper and a little salt. Bon appetit!

In special molds

For those who cannot imagine their life without eggs prepared using a microwave oven, there are special plastic containers. The purpose of this invention is to facilitate the difficult, but quite feasible, process of boiling eggs in microwaves.

You will need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 teaspoons water;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking steps:

  1. Prepare everything you need to make your plans a reality.
  2. Break the shell of one egg and pour the contents into one of the compartments of the container. Do the same with the second egg. Pierce the yolks with a knife or toothpick and loosen slightly.

    The number of eggs for cooking depends not only on your desire, but also on the model of your device for boiling them. You can buy a container with a compartment for one, two or more eggs.

  3. Pour 1 teaspoon of water into each compartment of the container and stir in the eggs.
  4. Close the ramekin, place in the microwave and cook on full power for a minute. If after the specified period of time the eggs are still not ready, you can bring them to the desired state by placing them in the oven for another 10–20 seconds.
  5. Salt the finished dish to taste.

Video: how to cook eggs in a special container


Of course, when it comes to cooking eggs, one cannot help but touch on such a delicious topic as omelet. A microwave can handle this task too! Based on the recipe described below, you can prepare your favorite dish quickly and differently every time!


  • 1 egg;
  • 1 teaspoon butter;
  • 1–2 tablespoons milk;
  • 1 slice of white bread;
  • 2 tablespoons of grated hard cheese;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

It’s worth saying right away that you can add not only white, but also grain, bran or rye bread to an omelette. In addition, various vegetables and herbs will perfectly complement the taste and aroma of the dish. And to make your breakfast more satisfying, add some finely chopped ham (any sausage, sausages, etc.) to it.

Cooking steps:

  1. Melt a stick of butter by placing it in the microwave for 10 seconds.
  2. Mix melted butter at room temperature with the egg, beat well using a whisk or fork. Pour milk into the resulting mixture, mix everything well again and beat lightly.
  3. Pour salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste, and grated hard cheese into the container with the future omelette. If, in addition to the ingredients suggested in the list above, your version contains other additives (vegetables, sausages, etc.), also add them at this stage of preparation. Mix the mass well.
  4. Break a slice of white (or any other) bread into small pieces with your hands, place in a small microwave-safe container, and pour in the egg-milk-cheese mixture.
  5. Place the container in the microwave and cook at full power for 4 minutes.
  6. Remove the finished omelette from the oven, carefully turn the mug (plate, container) upside down over the plate to remove the food from the mold. Ready!

Video: quick omelet in the microwave in 3 minutes

Unusual scrambled eggs in tomato

For lovers of not only fast and tasty, but also beautiful dishes, we invite you to get acquainted with the recipe for scrambled eggs in tomatoes, cooked in the microwave.

You will need:

  • 1 medium sized tomato;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 sausage;
  • 20 grams of hard cheese;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash a ripe, strong tomato and dry it with a paper towel. Cut off the top of the vegetable so that it is convenient to remove the pulp and seeds. Turn the tomato over onto a napkin and leave for 2-3 minutes to remove excess liquid.
  2. Cut the sausage and a piece of hard cheese into small cubes, mix and place in the tomato.
  3. Break the egg and carefully pour the contents into the stuffed tomato.
  4. Salt the egg. Place the tomato on a small plate, then place it in the microwave, close the oven and cook the dish at full power for 2-3 minutes. Don’t forget to look out the window sometimes, as it may take more or less time.
  5. Carefully remove the plate with the finished scrambled eggs from the oven. Decorate the dish to your taste and serve immediately.

Note: As for frying eggs (meaning cooking a product with a crispy crust), this cannot be done in the microwave. Regardless of which of the proposed methods you cook eggs, they turn out baked or boiled. Increasing the cooking time or using the grill can lead to the dish being spoiled.

Scrambled eggs can be considered one of the simplest dishes, which takes from 2 to 5 minutes to prepare, but even if this time drags on painfully long, you can do it differently - cook the eggs in the microwave.

Nowadays, there is a microwave in almost every home, but many people use it only for heating ready-made meals and popcorn. Surely you have never thought about cooking eggs in it, but in the meantime it is much easier and faster than on the stove.

Fried eggs

To cook regular scrambled eggs, you need to grease a cup with oil, break the egg, shake it and put it in the microwave for 1 minute. As a result, you will get a spherical scrambled egg. You can do the same thing in a mug rather than a plate, and add bacon, sausage, cheese or anything else to the eggs before cooking.

Fried egg

Pre-heat a plate in the microwave, spread a piece of butter on it and carefully break the egg so that the yolk does not spread. Then carefully pierce the yolk with the tip of a knife and microwave for 45 seconds. If the fried egg is not cooked, wait another 15 seconds.

Poached eggs

Pour water into a cup, break an egg into it, cover the top with a plate and put it in the microwave for one minute. If the egg is ready, take it out with a spoon and bon appetit, if not, leave it for another 10-20 seconds.

For clarity, you can watch a video that shows in detail how to cook eggs in different ways in one minute.

Welcome to interesting educational video lessons “How to cook eggs in the microwave.” You can learn easy ways to cook an egg in one to two minutes.

You may say that you don’t think it’s right to cook scrambled eggs, an omelet or a poached egg in the microwave. Yes, it may be so, but it is still possible. A microwave is not only for heating food, but also for preparing light, quick breakfasts or lunches at work.


The first way to cook in the microwave is an omelet. Take two eggs and break them into a glass. Add a little milk, beat it all, mix. You can add salt, ham, cheese and other ingredients to your glass to taste. Place the glass in the microwave at maximum temperature for two minutes. That's it, our omelet is ready.

There is another way to cook an omelet. This will be an omelette prepared in French style, for this we grease the bowl with butter. To prepare an omelet we need eggs, cheese, salt. Mix all the ingredients and put in the microwave for one minute. The omelette is ready, now just add the greens.

Poached Egg

The second cooking method is to poach an egg for one minute. Take a glass and break an egg. Pour some water and cover the glass with a bowl. Place the glass in the microwave for one minute at maximum temperature. An easy and simple poached egg is ready, and we will serve it on black bread.

Fried eggs

The third method of cooking in the microwave is scrambled eggs. Within one and a half minutes you can cook delicious scrambled eggs. First you need to heat the plate to maximum. On the heated surface of the plate we begin to grease it with butter. Break the egg into a plate, carefully pierce the yolk so that it does not explode in the microwave. Now put it in the microwave on high for a minute and a half. Now our scrambled eggs are ready. For scrambled eggs, we will also add pre-cooked boiled sausages and tomatoes. Bon appetit.

A quick way to prepare breakfast or lunch in the microwave is easy and convenient. This is how you can calmly and without any special culinary talents how to cook an egg in the microwave. We will be very glad if you write comments with your methods of cooking eggs in the microwave.

If you cook eggs in the microwave, they will explode. Even if you reheat boiled ones. Even if you pierce them with a needle. A group of American physicists closely studied this issue and found out why this happens. She also discovered an interesting effect: not only the microwave or your face can be damaged, but also your hearing.

Scientists in America get paid to do amazing things. For example, a group of acousticians from San Francisco spent several months blowing up chicken eggs and studying the sound they produced. They presented a report on the results of their work in early December in New Orleans.

In fact, it has long been known that eggs tend to explode and ruin the microwave. If you google, you can find a lot of pictures like this.

The only question is whether this effect can be somehow avoided. The old copy-paste says no. It is forbidden. Just don't use whole eggs, boiled or raw, and the microwave together. This is, in general, a simple rule.

FAQ “How to boil an egg in the microwave?”

Q: How long does it take to cook a chicken egg in the microwave? Microwave BOSH.
A: Eggs should not be boiled in the microwave because they will explode. Use a saucepan and a regular stove.

Q: How should you treat an egg to cook it in the microwave?
A: There is no way to boil an egg in the microwave.

Q: I hard-boiled the egg separately and then set it to heat for 20 seconds. It exploded. What's my mistake?
A: The egg should not have been heated; you could eat it cold or reheat it by putting it in hot water for 2-5 minutes.

Q: I wrapped the egg in tape to prevent it from exploding, but it exploded anyway, staining the walls with its contents and pieces of tape.
A: Wipe the microwave with a damp cloth. Wipe off dried pieces of tape with baking soda. You should not rub the walls with a knife.

Q: I poured water into a glass saucepan to equalize the osmotic pressure, put two eggs, covered it with a lid in case of an explosion, and put it in the oven. The water has not yet boiled, but the eggs have already exploded and broken the lid!
A: You forgot to salt the water. In addition, the pan must be metal, and the stove must be a regular one, not a microwave type.

Q: I hard-boiled three quail eggs, peeled them, put them in a hamburger bun, and microwaved them. They exploded and tore the bun.
A: The eggs should have been eaten as a bite, not heated together with the bun.

Q: Do only chicken eggs explode in the microwave?
A: All bird eggs explode in the microwave.

Q: I poked a hole in the egg, drank it, and began heating the empty shell in the microwave. It smelled like burning and then burst.
A: You should have stored the empty shells and avoided heating them in the microwave.

Q: I poked a hole in the egg to equalize the pressure, put it in the microwave, but it exploded.
A: Wash the walls of the microwave with a damp cloth.

Q: I microwaved an egg for 10 seconds and it didn't explode. True, it didn’t cook.
A: Use a higher power microwave - 900 watts or higher - or increase the cooking time.

Q: I fried an egg and then heated it in the microwave - it didn't explode!
A: Scrambled eggs, unlike eggs, rarely explode in microwaves.

Q: I put the egg in the microwave, but it didn't explode or get hot.
A: Check whether the microwave power cord is plugged into the electrical outlet.

Q: Following your FAQ “How to Boil an Egg in the Microwave,” I started to boil it, but it exploded and made a lot of dirt on my machine!
A: You should have read the FAQ carefully to the end without stopping after the title.

Particularly serious problems can arise if eggs are undercooked in the microwave and served. Then they will explode under the nose of whoever is going to eat them. To do this, just tap the egg with a spoon or knife or make a puncture in it. Or you can do nothing. This is how it happens, for example.

It was with such an incident that the research of acousticians from San Francisco began. The group was brought in to conduct an examination for the court: a man filed a lawsuit against the restaurant where he received burns from an egg that exploded right on the table. Moreover, the plaintiff claimed that his hearing was damaged due to the explosion.

Physicists exploded several hundred eggs under a variety of conditions and carefully studied all the circumstances. Firstly, it turned out that the waves with which the VHF oven heats objects have completely different effects on the structures of the yolk and white. As a result, the yolk heats up much faster than the white, both raw and cooked. This leads to an explosion.

Secondly, oddly enough, a puncture with a needle helps to avoid an explosion only in 30 percent of cases. So if you find a YouTube video that shows you how a pierced egg in the microwave doesn't explode, don't believe it. Yes, one egg didn't explode, but the other two were likely to explode anyway.

Finally, the most interesting thing: in rare cases, an exploding egg actually produces such a dense bang that it can stun a person. Partial hearing loss is extremely unlikely, but still not excluded. So take care of yourself.

It’s interesting, of course, how it would have exploded in a microwave, which was once discovered by a woman from an American farm. This, by the way, is not a trick, but a rare natural phenomenon that scientists can also explain.

A microwave is generally quite a dangerous thing (don’t ask).

Sooner or later, many microwave oven owners have a question about how to boil an egg in the microwave.

There is an opinion that you should never cook eggs in a microwave, and the madman who dares to do this will risk a powerful explosion of the egg and tedious washing of the internal parts of the microwave. However, there is a recipe that will allow you to cook an egg, it’s just a little different from the traditional procedure for boiling eggs.

Fill a glass or bowl with water to the middle. You need to break the egg directly into the water.

A glass with an egg and water needs to be covered with something: a saucer, a plate, a lid - something that is suitable for cooking in a microwave oven. There is no need to cover with film or paper.

This entire structure should be placed in a microwave oven for just one minute, the oven power is set to approximately 900. All these data are quite approximate. For any microwave, its power and time are selected experimentally, if you are interested in how to boil an egg in the microwave..

The process should be stopped when the egg begins to rise to the top. If you do not press the “Stop” button in time, the yolk may well explode.

The egg can be removed from the container. If you take it out right away, it will be a soft-boiled egg, but if you leave it in a bowl of water, it will be a hard-boiled egg.

Then we simply use the egg in the same way as boiled eggs are usually used: for salad, or just eat it. This method of boiling eggs is much faster than the usual one: the egg does not need to be peeled, and it cooks much faster than on the stove in boiling water.

But that's not all the advice, microwave. You can, for example, prepare an omelette. It will require 2 eggs, half a tomato, milk, herbs, pepper, and salt.

Whisk the eggs with salt, milk, tomato pieces and pepper. Pour this mixture into a fairly deep plate. Place in the microwave for 5 minutes to bake. Sprinkle with grated cheese and herbs.

In addition to tomatoes, you can add bell peppers and other vegetables.

Or this option. Parisian omelette:

4 eggs, a few tablespoons of milk, a glass of dry white wine, salt, 3 cloves of garlic, lemon juice.

To prepare this omelet, pour salted boiling water over the garlic and cook for 4 minutes at full power in the microwave. Strain, chop the garlic and bake at high power with oil for 7 minutes. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Separately, cook the scrambled wine and eggs in the microwave. Place garlic on the finished mash and roll it up.

The Parisian is served with greens and sauce.

Many people also have a question about how to cook rice in the microwave.

Rice is cooked in the microwave in almost the same way as on the stove in a saucepan:

Pour the required amount of rice into a small saucepan that is suitable for the microwave, then fill it with water at the rate of 1 part rice to 1.5 parts water. Cook for 10 minutes at highest power, then another 15 minutes at lower power. Let the rice sit for 15 minutes, without opening the lid!

The rice is now ready, you can eat.

If you add pepper, or, for example, vegetables or raisins to rice before cooking, you will not get a side dish, but an absolutely self-sufficient dish.

Today, housewives have less and less free time, and a microwave makes life much easier. We'll tell you how to cook potatoes for salad in the microwave so that this process takes as little time as possible.

The potatoes should be washed, placed in a regular packaging transparent bag, and tied well. Place the bag of potatoes in the microwave and cook at high power for 5-7 minutes, depending on the characteristics of your oven! The bag will swell somewhat, don't worry and don't pierce it. Readiness must be checked carefully. You can also cook beets and carrots in a similar way.