Apple is the most healthy, medicinal and favorite fruit. Get rid of wrinkles

Apples have long been very firmly established in the diet of any person. This is due to their pleasant taste, and to a set of vitamins, as well as useful microelements, which are present in the composition regardless of the type of apple. There is practically no fat in these fruits; they consist of eighty-five percent water. By replacing a high-calorie dessert with this fruit, you can lose excess weight in a short period. Separately, it is worth mentioning the presence of vitamins A, B and C in the apple, and their peak amount is noted during the harvest season, and not after long-term storage. Apples are served at many official receptions, where everything must be done strictly according to etiquette. If you start eating them incorrectly, then you may well find yourself in a very uncomfortable position of not receiving approval in the eyes of society.

Although there is nothing complicated in these rules, it is still necessary to know them. So, how to eat apples according to generally accepted etiquette. Step-by-step instructions: The apple is carefully taken from the plate with the right hand. Then it shifts to the left. With your right hand you should take a knife and begin to cut the peel from the apple, this is done in the direction from the stalk. The cleaned layer should be as thin as possible. All manipulations should be done only over the plate. Now it's time to divide the apple. It lies in the middle of the plate, and the peel is moved to its edge. Using a knife and fork, cut the apple into two halves. The left side is temporarily moved away, and the right side is again placed in the center. The half is cut again and becomes two quarters. Now you should remove the core along with the seeds; it goes to the skin.

The apple is eaten with a fork. Then you can repeat the operation with the other half. Apples are often eaten not only fresh at a dinner party. They are usually used to make a variety of dishes, from hot starters to cold appetizers and desserts. Possible ways to prepare and eat apples: fresh, whole or in pieces as part of a fruit or snack salad; dried, can be made under the influence of sunlight or using either a special dryer for vegetables and fruits, or an oven, ideal for compotes and decoctions. Pickled, can be of three types: simple, sour, sweet; pickled. They differ from the previous ones in the presence of a stronger saline solution; canned, retain almost all of their beneficial properties, intended for use in winter.

Apple jam, which can serve as a separate dish or be used to prepare others; baked, with cottage cheese, berries or nuts; a side dish for meat, an example would be a traditional dish: goose baked with apples. An apple can act as a basis for jam, preserves or marmalade, and small varieties of fruits are placed there entirely. Due to the presence of a large amount of pectin, this fruit is used to make jellies and marmalades. Such desserts are served in elegant glass vases or bowls. Usually they are placed on small plates with virtually no indentations. According to etiquette, the dish is eaten with a small spoon. At the end of the meal, it goes on the plate next to the vase; other options are considered a sign of bad taste.

Separately, it is worth considering the use of apple compote in a society of well-mannered people. Such drinks are served in special wine glasses or glasses. These containers are called compotes and are made of beautiful glass or even crystal. The main rule when using them remains that they should never be tilted completely, so that part of the compote will definitely remain at the bottom after the end of the meal. If the drink contains fruits with seeds, although this is rarely practiced with apples, then they need to be carefully spat out onto a spoon and then placed on a dish near the stem of the wine glass. The process of consuming such compote does not look very aesthetically pleasing. In this regard, the seeds from any berries and fruits are removed during the preparation process.

There is a special knife for apples, which in one movement not only removes the core, but also divides the fruit into six or eight parts. This convenient device is made of stainless steel with plastic protective elements on the handles. How to eat apples so that they retain all the vitamins and nutrients? In many cultures, this fruit represents health and vitality. The British say that a person who eats one apple a day can completely forget about doctors and hospital visits. Unfortunately, on the shelves of our supermarkets it is difficult to find domestic varieties that are several times richer in the same vitamin C. The situation is especially sad in winter. That is why it is worth stocking up on apples from the time of harvest, depending on the type, this is the end of winter and the entire autumn period.

If you periodically sort through apples and separate spoiled fruits, you can provide yourself with vitamins until spring. There is an opinion that the most useful fruits have a wormhole, supposedly they contain a lot of vitamins and this attracts pests. In fact, this fact is quite doubtful, especially since almost all apples are treated with wax on top for their subsequent sale. It’s quite possible to do without a wormhole, but you should definitely wash the surface. For a person who is at home and not in elite society, it is not at all necessary to peel an apple. It contains the largest amount of vitamins, including a recently discovered antioxidant called quercetin. It helps the body maintain youth much longer, improves immunity and allows it to resist many diseases.

Apples are so ordinary and accessible that they do not pretend in our minds to be a miraculous natural medicine. Meanwhile, our ancestors were well aware of the healing properties of apples. It’s not for nothing that they are so often found in fairy tales and legends, as a symbol of fertility, beauty and health.

If we analyze the nutritional composition of apples, we will see that they mainly consist of water, contain practically no fats and proteins, and very few carbohydrates. But here there is a large number of essential vitamins and, above all, vitamin C.

In addition, apples contain various macro and microelements necessary for our body, including potassium, sodium, zinc and so on. The calorie content is quite low: 100 g of apples contain on average about 45 kcal.

Life extension

According to a study conducted by the American Chemical Society in 2011, scientists were able to prove that experimental animals fed apple nutrition increased their life expectancy by 10%.

There is also evidence of increased locomotor activity in these animals. Although research is currently being conducted on laboratory animals, there are no barriers to applying the general findings to humans.

Memory improvement

According to a study conducted by the University of Massachusetts, eating apples increases the production and amount of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain. It is a multifunctional hormone, one of whose tasks is to modulate neuroplasticity, which is responsible for the brain’s ability to change and build new structures.

Increasing the amount of acetylcholine in the brain leads to improved memory, and also prevents the onset of Alzheimer's disease and helps slow down the decline in a person's mental abilities.

Reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes

We all know about heart attacks, strokes and atherosclerosis that: a) this is a very bad thing; b) literally every second person has them; c) the cause is very often excess LDL cholesterol (“bad cholesterol”).

But what you almost certainly don’t know is that apples can reduce the amount of LDL cholesterol in patients by 23%. This is an incredible achievement: when treating patients suffering from high cholesterol, conventional medications can reduce LDL cholesterol by 18-50%, with a host of devastating side effects. Apples cure without side effects.

Reducing the risk of cancer

According to a study conducted in Hawaii, there is a correlation between apple consumption and the risk of lung cancer in both sexes.

In the study, the group with the highest apple consumption showed a 40-50% reduction in risk. This can be explained by the high antioxidant activity of apples, which blocks certain processes in the human body that are responsible for the development of lung cancer.

What about other fruits?

A completely reasonable question arises: are these healing properties unique to apples or are there other similar products?

Yes, I have! This work from Cornell University examines the antioxidant activity of various fruits. We see that the champion in terms of health benefits is cranberries, with red grapes and strawberries slightly behind apples.

Improving memory, reducing the risk of various diseases and extending life expectancy are not so bad for a traditional fruit. And besides, it’s also very tasty!

Do you eat at least one apple a day?

How many apples can you eat a day? This is a question that fans of the popular fruit ask from time to time. And almost everyone loves him. And there is a reason for it. Why are they useful?

Favorite fruits, containing a lot of useful microelements and vitamins, are rich in:

  • potassium, beneficial for cardiac activity;
  • iron necessary for the circulatory system;
  • sodium, which helps maintain water balance and affects protein metabolism;
  • calcium, which functions as a building material for bone tissue and enhances the effect of vitamin K, the main factor in normal blood clotting;
  • phosphorus, which is involved in the activity of the brain, cardiac and nervous systems, in the processes of metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins;
  • magnesium, necessary for protein production, removal of toxins from the body and stability of cellular structure during growth.

How many apples can you eat a day?

An important property of apples is their ability to satisfy hunger right away. Therefore, if you want to eat (this happens especially often before bed), then, of course, you can allow yourself an apple at night, which is an excellent alternative to any other snack (for example, a sausage sandwich or a couple of chocolates). Moreover, it is better to choose green fruit, which is characterized by a low sugar content.

True, sometimes an apple eaten at night, instead of pleasure, can bring a lot of unpleasant moments: flatulence and abdominal pain. Therefore, knowing that the stomach can rebel, it is recommended to clean the fruit first: this will ease the situation.

An apple at night is useful if for some reason you don’t have a toothbrush. Having the ability to perfectly massage the gums and clean the surface of the teeth, this fruit will become indispensable in camping conditions.

How many apples can you eat a day? It is worth knowing that an apple, like any other product, in some cases can be the enemy of a flat stomach and waist. The product increases stomach acidity and stimulates appetite. In any case, this fruit with a baggage of useful properties will only bring benefits to the body, so 3-4 apples during the day will not harm your health at all.

What you should know about apples

It is worth understanding that eating seemingly harmless apples can harm the body. It all depends on the correct use of the product. Thus, you should be careful about ingesting seeds, which in small quantities are considered beneficial because they contain iodine. being a strong poison, it will begin to act when 5 or more bones are swallowed.

It is recommended to avoid store-bought apples that have been polished to a shine, which are heavily treated with chemicals for long-term storage and coated with wax-based preparations to give them a marketable appearance. And this is a direct road to gastritis. You can get rid of the protective film on fruit using hot soapy water. But still, it is better to choose apples grown in domestic orchards, not so ideal, sometimes with wormholes, but harmless.

Apples: health benefits and harms

The medicinal value of apples is enormous. They also contain cellulose, which ensures normal digestion. Baked apples have an effective laxative effect, which is recommended to be eaten one at a time in the morning and evening before bed. This will ensure normal stool. Salads made from minced or grated apples and cabbage will relieve chronic constipation. This property is due to the presence of pectin in the product, which also improves skin color, making it healthier.

Pectin also helps remove excess cholesterol from the liver. An apple that is peeled, grated and left for some time to oxidize will have a fixing effect on diarrhea. varieties are useful for low acidity and gastritis.

Apples, the health benefits and harms of which have long been determined by doctors, can be added to any dish. This is an excellent product for combating excess weight and obesity, with which you can arrange fasting days. Apples with green skin are especially effective in losing weight.

Beneficial features

Pregnant women are advised to eat tart apples with flesh that quickly darkens after biting. This sign indicates a high iron content, which helps increase hemoglobin. Also, such apples are useful for people suffering from anemia and increased fragility of blood vessels. But most of all, baked apples will be useful for them, which are superior in digestibility to fresh ones and are excellent for intestinal diseases, hepatitis, and dysbacteriosis. In addition, baked apples contribute to the gentle recovery of the body after abdominal surgery and cope well with cough.

You should know that long-term storage of fresh apples causes a decrease in the amount of vitamin C in them, while in canned form and compotes this element is preserved for a very long time. The amount of other substances decreases slightly: fruits from last year's harvest remain as healthy as fresh ones.

Apple dishes

Apples are the basis of many low-calorie desserts; they are delicious in salads, add a special aroma to baked meat, and are suitable for any baking.

They make delicious jams, preserves, preserves and compotes. Apple juice, containing iron salts and fruit sugars, is one of the favorite drinks for many; it is especially useful for children. For its preparation, varieties such as anise, Antonovka, pear, and winter parmen are most often used. You should know that fruit acids and sugars in apples contribute to the destruction of tooth enamel, so after each use you should rinse your mouth with water.

When can you eat apples? Anytime! How many apples can you eat a day? I would like to answer: as much as you like, but, keeping in mind the harm caused to tooth enamel, no more than 5-6 pieces per day, and ideally 3-4 apples.

Light low-calorie desserts

Dishes made from fresh apples in combination with almost any fruit; made from pears, oranges, bananas and apples can significantly improve your mood.

To prepare an equally delicious low-calorie dessert, you will need to take an apple, a pear, an orange, a banana, a couple of peaches and 12 cups each of strawberries and blueberries. Fruits need to be peeled and seeded, cut into cubes and combined with berries. Sprinkle everything with lemon juice, season with yogurt and mix.

Apples on a featherbed

There are an incredible number of recipes with apples. To replenish their cookbook, housewives are recommended to cook apples on a feather bed. You need to cut 3 apples into large pieces and sprinkle with lemon juice. Beat the whites of 3 eggs into a strong foam, gradually add 150 grams of sugar, 50 grams of melted margarine, 3 yolks and a pinch of salt. Carefully add 200 grams of flour and a teaspoon of salt into the resulting mass. The baking dish must be greased with oil and put half of the dough. Cover the top of the apples with the second half of the dough and bake for 20-25 minutes in the oven. This healthy dessert will be appreciated by your guests.

Many people have heard about the health benefits of apples, but for some reason they don’t eat them. Meanwhile, I would call the habit of eating apples a “starter” for those who want to start a healthy lifestyle.

At least that’s where I started my career a year and a half ago. Apples (like other fruits) eaten daily clean out waste deposits from the body and provide it with high-quality materials for the construction of cells.

Comparing our family (and my husband and I are renowned “apple eaters” 🙂) with people who eat apples only occasionally, I can highlight differences in the way of life that are important for the formation of this good habit.

So, here is my list of simple rules for those who want to get healthier, lose weight, get a surge of vitality and all that.

  1. I there MUST ALWAYS BE blocks in the house. You need to buy them in advance and a lot. I take a couple of kilograms of different varieties. I love having apples of different flavors and colors on hand at the same time.
  2. A very important point: WHERE AND IN WHAT FORM TO KEEP. There is no need to keep apples in the refrigerator. They need to be washed and placed on the table (in a visible place) in a vase. I know from myself: a cold apple is not perceived by the body as desirable, and sometimes I’m too lazy to wash it. At the moment when you want to eat an apple, there should be no obstacles between you and it. And vice versa, the sight of beautiful apples in the middle of the table creates a desire to eat them.
  3. Apples (like other fruits) are not a dessert, they are a COMPLETE FOOD. Moreover, it does not combine well with other foods. You need to eat them on an empty stomach, so they are better digested, absorbed and cleanse our body. For example, I really like to start the day with apples. I usually eat three, sometimes five (depending on size and desire). 🙂 I highly recommend everyone to have apples or other fruits in season for breakfast.
  4. I often hear from people (for example, from my mother) something like: “Screw them! As soon as I eat an apple, the glutton immediately attacks. I’d rather not eat.” Sorry, this is not an argument, as for me. Once your appetite wakes up, nothing prevents you - as I already wrote in the previous paragraph - from eating five apples and filling yourself up with them. It's just a lack of habit. In the brain, for now, instead of a healthy “apple = food” pattern, there is some unhealthy “bread = food” pattern. Well, friends, rewiring your brain and creating good habits is not easy work. 🙂
  5. I read in many smart books that it is advisable to eat apples (like other vegetables and fruits) WITH THE SKIN. The skin contains an important component provided by nature for digestion. I just want to make a remark: if the “gifts of nature” are not from your own garden, it is advisable to wash them with soap. , I recently told you.
  6. To avoid temptations, you should not keep a supply of “snacks” (cookies, sweets, cakes, etc.) in the house. If you want something tasty, bite an apple. Let him have no competitors. And after a while it will somehow become clear that in nature, in general, it has practically no competitors. 🙂

In conclusion, I want to quote a saying that I really like: “If you are hungry, eat an apple. If you don’t want an apple, then you’re not hungry.” 🙂

Hope, my notes will be useful to people who want to train themselves. I wish you all success on your path to health. If you have questions, advice, answers, additions, or just want to chat, write in the comments. I will be very pleased!

P.S. Everything said about apples also applies to other fruits. 🙂

The domestic apple tree (Malus domestica) is one of the oldest fruit species; most of the cultivated varieties belong to it. This is a tree of the Rosaceae family, with juicy sweet and sour or sweet fruits. Currently, there are several dozen wild species and more than 10 thousand cultivated varieties. The plant’s homeland is considered to be Asia Minor, from where several thousand years ago it was transported to Palestine, and then to Egypt, Ancient Greece and Rome. Biblical scenes were popular among Renaissance artists, in particular the episode of the seduction of Eve by the serpent - it was then that the tradition of depicting an apple as a symbol of the Fall arose. But in Slavic folklore, rejuvenating apples appear, giving the opportunity to look younger.

The apple tree has been known for over 4 thousand years, and the apple is perhaps the most popular, democratic and beloved fruit in the world. It is also incredibly healing. And manuscripts discovered in Egyptian pyramids and tombs praise their medicinal properties. Hippocrates prescribed apples against intestinal diseases, heart and kidney ailments. An apple, depending on the variety, has a different color. It can be red, yellow or green. The diameter of this fruit also varies. The smallest apple is slightly larger than a pea, and the largest one reaches 15 centimeters in diameter. Apples are also classified according to the time of ripening and come in summer, autumn or winter varieties.

British scientists have found that apple is one of the healthiest fruits for the human body.

By eating 5 apples a day, a person protects himself from respiratory diseases, including asthma. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system. Flavonoids are antioxidants that reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. One medium apple has only 70-100 calories.

However, an apple can satisfy our body's sugar needs. Apples, thanks to the phenols they contain, balance cholesterol - reducing the amount of “bad” and increasing the “good”.

The presence of phytonutrients in apples can reduce the risk of neurodegenerative brain diseases, including Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.

Doctors also again agreed that the healthiest fruit is the apple. Neither kiwi, nor avocado, nor pomegranate can compare in their healing properties with the fruit we are familiar with from childhood.

Apples have the most successful combination of nutrients. They are not a champion in terms of the amount of vitamins and nutrients they contain. No matter what vitamin or mineral we take, there is always a fruit that contains much more of it than apples. But, nevertheless, apples are almost the healthiest fruit!

Their benefits lie in the harmonious combination of various components, including vitamins, minerals, fruit acids, sugars and fiber. Scientists from an international group at the Institute for Food Research have found that the polyphenol content of fruits is five times higher than previously thought. In the human body, these substances are fermented by microorganisms found in the large intestine, resulting in the production of metabolites that play an important role, for example, in antioxidant activity.

An apple contains:

Vitamin C, which helps boost immunity;

Quercetin and flavonoids, renowned for their antioxidant properties that help prevent cardiovascular disease;

Phenols, which help reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and increase the content of “good”;

Phytonutrients that help prevent neurodegenerative brain diseases such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease;

Vitamin A, necessary for normalizing metabolism, for healthy eyes, bones and skin;

B vitamins, which ensure the functioning of the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems;

Vitamin G, necessary for a growing body and normalizing digestion;

Iron. With one apple, about 480 mg of iron enters the body, which prevents the occurrence of anemia;

Chromium is necessary for the absorption of carbohydrates. It reduces “bad” cholesterol and increases “good” cholesterol, protecting blood vessels and the heart..;

Zinc strengthens the immune system, promotes weight loss;

Potassium is essential for balanced fluid levels in brain cells and muscles. One apple contains about 144 mg of potassium;

Phosphorus has a positive effect on brain function; one apple contains approximately 11 mg;

Magnesium To compensate for the lack of magnesium in the body, it is enough to eat just one apple; one apple contains about 6 mg of magnesium.

Apple pectin, obtained from apples, is used as a means to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, stabilize blood sugar, and improve digestion. It is also used to treat people who have received high doses of radiation. Industrially produced apple pectin can be purchased at a pharmacy. You can get this substance at home by boiling grated apples according to a specific recipe. Apple pectins prevent the absorption of many toxic substances, microbial poisons, mercury salts, lead, strontium and cobalt. They are indispensable for people working in hazardous industries involving radioactive substances and heavy metal salts.

The beneficial properties of apples are also as follows:

Longevity and rejuvenation

Scientists believe that regular consumption of apples promotes longevity and rejuvenation of the body, as researchers have found a substance in apples that rejuvenates the heart, improves blood circulation and improves immunity. A substance called epicatechin polyphenol reduces the hardening of blood vessels by 21%, which reduces the risk of myocardial infarction


Since apples are rich in fiber, they help with digestion. Regular consumption of apples ensures smooth bowel movements and prevents constipation and indigestion. For sluggish digestion, gastrointestinal disorders, constipation and chronic cholecystitis, eat boiled or baked apples on an empty stomach. They act as a gentle laxative, diuretic and choleretic agent. The insoluble fiber in apples removes harmful substances from the body, reducing the likelihood of developing colon cancer.

Anemia is a disease in which a lack of hemoglobin develops in the blood, the level of which can increase with the consumption of iron-rich foods, in particular apples. Apples contain a lot of iron and copper salts, so they are also used in the treatment of anemia; for this it is better to use sour varieties


Apples are known to add vitality to weakened people. Therefore, they are often recommended for use by convalescents to help them recover faster from illness. If you want to gain weight, then apples should be part of your daily diet. They also help detoxify the body and improve overall health.

But for this you need to take absolutely whole apples. No dents, scratches or wormholes. In Fig. Figure 1 presents the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the energy information field of control apples (red graph) and experimental apples (green graph).

The essence of the experiment was that an experimental apple was placed in structured water for 10 minutes and should take part of this energy by increasing the energy field of the apple (this effect has been tested many times on other objects). The control apple was placed in plain tap water.
When we read the results of the experiment, we were perplexed. An apple in structured water lost energy faster than in tap water. It should be the other way around!!! During a detailed examination of the experimental apple, we discovered a barely noticeable dent, which was not discovered during the experiment. The energy “flowed out” through this dent. Therefore, any violation of the integrity of the underside of the fruit leads to a loss of its energy. This is equivalent to the benefits of a berry from a bush or jam made from it.

Help for teeth

When you eat apples, the fiber they contain cleans your teeth, while the antiviral properties of apples help get rid of bacteria and viruses and prevent tooth decay.

Cardiovascular diseases

Apples lower cholesterol levels, so they are good for the heart and blood vessels. After conducting a comprehensive multi-year study, Australian scientists have found that apples can reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and some cancers. One of the authors of the study, Sean Landon, said that no chemical additive can compare with the beneficial properties of apples. “We often hear about the creation of new food products, which literally litter the supermarket shelves,” the nutritionist emphasized. “However, none of them can surpass this amazing fruit in nutritional value and amount of vitamins.” According to him, the beneficial effects of apples are associated with powerful antioxidant flavonoids, which each fruit contains 1.5 times more than 75 grams of blueberries, 2 times more than a cup of tea, 3 times more than oranges, and are almost 8 times larger than bananas.


Apples lower blood pressure and help with thrombophlebitis, as they thin the blood and improve the elasticity of blood vessels.

Fructose, organic acids, vitamins and mineral salts, which apples are rich in, play an important role in regulating the acid-base state of the body, therefore apples are recommended for diabetes mellitus and uric acid diathesis.

Apples are beneficial for rheumatism sufferers as they promote the healing process.

Help for the eyes

Thanks to vitamin A and C, apples heal the eyes and improve vision. They also help in the treatment of night blindness.

Help your skin

Apple gruel mixed with butter heals cracks on the lips and nipples well, and fresh apple gruel applied to the skin helps perfectly with burns and frostbite of the skin, as well as with wounds that do not heal for a long time. Masks of apples with honey and apples with sour cream heal the skin.

The juice flowing from apples when fried is used internally to eliminate severe gouty pain and joint diseases.


Apples are an effective means of preventing and treating obesity; they reduce the absorption of fats, are low in calories, and the presence of potassium salts in them helps remove excess fluid from the body. For obesity, anemia and vitamin deficiency, you can prepare a mixture of juices: add 50 ml of melon, 5 ml of tomato and 25 ml of lemon to 100 ml of apple juice.

Research has shown that apples contain flavonoids and polyphenols that fight cancer. Apple peel contains a large amount of the antioxidant quercetin, which, together with vitamin C, prevents free radicals from having harmful effects on the body. The flavonoid quercetin is one of the most famous and effective plant bioflavonoids, belongs to the vitamin preparations of group P. This first-class “cleaner” of blood vessels improves blood flow, reliably protects microvessels and cell membranes from free radicals that destroy the body. Quercetin has been proven in many clinical trials to inhibit the growth of breast cancer tumors and leukemia cells. It strengthens the immune system, relieves inflammation and neutralizes carcinogens.

Eating foods rich in flavonoids reduces the risk of lung cancer by 50%! It is this substance that is associated with the beneficial properties of apples and protection against cancer. Therefore, they quite rightly say: “An apple for dinner – and you don’t need a doctor.”

The benefits of apples are in the peel

Apple peels contain substances that prevent the growth of tumors, according to scientists at Cornell University. They isolated a dozen triterpenoids from almost one hundred kilograms of red apple peel - substances that greatly slow down the growth of cancer cells or even completely destroy these cells. The three isolated triterpenoids were previously unknown to science. Breast, colon and liver cells were used in the experiments. Professor Liu believes that the benefits of eating apples are partly due to the properties of their peel.

Benefits of Baked Apples

In the whole apple, vitamin C and the enzyme that oxidizes it, ascorbine oxidase, are separated, located in different cells of the apple. When you eat an apple, you violate the integrity of its cells. Vitamin C is broken down by an enzyme in your mouth. To preserve vitamin C in apples as much as possible... they need to be baked. The enzyme ascorbic oxidase is a protein.

At temperatures above 50 degrees, it is inactivated (as when boiling a chicken egg) and is not able to destroy vitamin C. This way you will retain 80 percent of vitamin C. Rinse them under running water, cut out the core, making a cone-shaped cut. It is important that the cut does not go through. Remove all seeds from the apple. Pour some water onto a baking sheet and place the apples on it.

You can pour a little sugar into the holes of the apples. Lightly moisten the apples themselves with water. Bake for 15-20 minutes. This dish is both a good dessert and a side dish for meat. The benefits of baked apples are also justified by their potassium content. It is responsible for the acid-base balance in the blood, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and blood, and activates the muscular work of the heart. Baked apples for constipation thin the contents of the intestines. Baked apples are often used to treat dysbiosis. The pectins contained in apples help bacteria take root in the intestines. They help remove bad cholesterol from the body, as well as the connection of free radicals, and are a good remedy for preventing cancer and tumors. In addition, baked apples restore digestion after abdominal surgery. For peptic ulcers, baked apples are recommended to be taken instead of fresh apples.

Benefits of Dried Apples

What are the benefits of dried apples? Firstly, of course, you can eat them at any time of the year. You can eat them dry or make compote from them. Secondly, they are rich in calcium, potassium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, iodine, sulfur, copper, molybdenum and other elements. Thanks to such components, apples have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body, intracellular and intercellular interactions of substances, improve digestion and intestinal function, and promote the development of beneficial bacteria inside it. By eating a few pieces daily, you will reduce the likelihood of developing senile dementia and memory loss.

In addition, apples reduce the development of cancer metastases. Due to their iron content, apples are recommended for people suffering from anemia. The benefits of dried apples will also be of interest to patients with hypertension. Apples lower blood pressure and help with thrombophlebitis. Dried apples are also useful for chronic inflammation of the colon. If you suffer from constipation, then eat a few pieces or drink juice. In addition, apples have a diuretic effect.

Benefits of Apple Juice

The most useful is freshly squeezed. To do this, wash the apples, pour boiling water over them and grate. Wrap the resulting mixture in gauze, squeeze out the juice and leave for 2 - 3 hours in a wide bowl. If it is sour, you can add a small amount of sugar. This juice should be taken half a glass 15-30 minutes before meals. People with cardiovascular problems should also know about the benefits of apple juice. But here again, precautions should be taken: any juice contains acids that destroy tooth enamel.

Doctors recommend rinsing your mouth with water after drinking the juice. You should not drink too much juice - this can lead to chronic diarrhea. Apple juice is beneficial not only for young people, but also for older people. The juice is very effective for pulmonary diseases and improves the functioning of the respiratory system. Apple juice is also useful for high mental stress.

The citric and malic acids it contains counteract the accumulation of metabolic products in the blood and intercellular fluid, and prevent their release into the brain when it is tired. Studies have shown that the substances contained in apples can protect brain cells from oxidative stress, which usually leads to memory loss and decreased intelligence. Apple juice is drunk for atherosclerosis, hypertension, and gallbladder diseases. Apple juice dissolves stones and sand in the kidneys and gall bladder. The benefits of apple juice are very important, especially for people who prefer natural medicines to chemicals and various medications.

Apple tree leaves are also medicine, of course, if they have not been sprayed with chemicals. Preparation of infusion: 2 tbsp. l. crushed dry leaves are poured with 2 glasses of boiling water, infused and filtered. Take the infusion 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day. The infusion helps with coughs, hoarseness, and various colds.

Do not buy apples that are stored at room temperature, because they become overripe and lose many of their healing properties. Apples should be firm without scratches, dents or wormholes. Do not buy apples that leave a fingerprint on them when pressed. Store apples in the refrigerator so they retain their beneficial properties longer.

To prevent darkening of the apple pulp, treat the cut areas with a mixture of lemon juice and water. Do not buy wrinkled apples as they have lost most of their healing and nutritional properties. When purchasing, you should choose those apples that quickly darken when cut. Apple seeds contain a lot of iodine. If you eat 5-6 apple seeds, your daily requirement for iodine will be fully satisfied. In addition, scientists are confident that eating two apples a day reduces cholesterol levels by 16%.