Apples at night or for breakfast, on an empty stomach: benefits and harms for the health of the body. Is it possible to eat an apple on an empty stomach, the benefits of the fruit

Many people have heard about the health benefits of apples, but for some reason they don’t eat them. Meanwhile, I would call the habit of eating apples a “starter” for those who want to start a healthy lifestyle.

At least that’s where I started my career a year and a half ago. Apples (like other fruits) eaten daily clean out waste deposits from the body and provide it with high-quality materials for the construction of cells.

Comparing our family (and my husband and I are renowned “apple eaters” 🙂) with people who eat apples only occasionally, I can highlight differences in the way of life that are important for the formation of this good habit.

So, here is my list of simple rules for those who want to get healthier, lose weight, get a surge of vitality and all that.

  1. I there MUST ALWAYS BE blocks in the house. You need to buy them in advance and a lot. I take a couple of kilograms of different varieties. I love having apples of different flavors and colors on hand at the same time.
  2. A very important point: WHERE AND IN WHAT FORM TO KEEP. There is no need to keep apples in the refrigerator. They need to be washed and placed on the table (in a visible place) in a vase. I know from myself: a cold apple is not perceived by the body as desirable, and sometimes I’m too lazy to wash it. At the moment when you want to eat an apple, there should be no obstacles between you and it. And vice versa, the sight of beautiful apples in the middle of the table creates a desire to eat them.
  3. Apples (like other fruits) are not a dessert, they are a COMPLETE FOOD. Moreover, it does not combine well with other foods. You need to eat them on an empty stomach, so they are better digested, absorbed and cleanse our body. For example, I really like to start the day with apples. I usually eat three, sometimes five (depending on size and desire). 🙂 I highly recommend everyone to have apples or other fruits in season for breakfast.
  4. I often hear from people (for example, from my mother) something like: “Screw them! As soon as I eat an apple, the glutton immediately attacks. I’d rather not eat.” Sorry, this is not an argument, as for me. Once your appetite wakes up, nothing prevents you - as I already wrote in the previous paragraph - from eating five apples and filling yourself up with them. It's just a lack of habit. In the brain, for now, instead of a healthy “apple = food” pattern, there is some unhealthy “bread = food” pattern. Well, friends, rewiring your brain and creating good habits is not easy work. 🙂
  5. I read in many smart books that it is advisable to eat apples (like other vegetables and fruits) WITH THE SKIN. The skin contains an important component provided by nature for digestion. I just want to make a remark: if the “gifts of nature” are not from your own garden, it is advisable to wash them with soap. , I recently told you.
  6. To avoid temptations, you should not keep a supply of “snacks” (cookies, sweets, cakes, etc.) in the house. If you want something tasty, bite an apple. Let him have no competitors. And after a while it will somehow become clear that in nature, in general, it has practically no competitors. 🙂

In conclusion, I want to quote a saying that I really like: “If you are hungry, eat an apple. If you don’t want an apple, then you’re not hungry.” 🙂

Hope, my notes will be useful to people who want to train themselves. I wish you all success on your path to health. If you have questions, advice, answers, additions, or just want to chat, write in the comments. I will be very pleased!

P.S. Everything said about apples also applies to other fruits. 🙂

Apples have long been very firmly established in the diet of any person. This is due to their pleasant taste, and to a set of vitamins, as well as useful microelements, which are present in the composition regardless of the type of apple. There is practically no fat in these fruits; they consist of eighty-five percent water. By replacing a high-calorie dessert with this fruit, you can lose excess weight in a short period. Separately, it is worth mentioning the presence of vitamins A, B and C in the apple, and their peak amount is noted during the harvest season, and not after long-term storage. Apples are served at many official receptions, where everything must be done strictly according to etiquette. If you start eating them incorrectly, then you may well find yourself in a very uncomfortable position of not receiving approval in the eyes of society.

Although there is nothing complicated in these rules, it is still necessary to know them. So, how to eat apples according to generally accepted etiquette. Step-by-step instructions: The apple is carefully taken from the plate with the right hand. Then it shifts to the left. With your right hand you should take a knife and begin to cut the peel from the apple, this is done in the direction from the stalk. The cleaned layer should be as thin as possible. All manipulations should be done only over the plate. Now it's time to divide the apple. It lies in the middle of the plate, and the peel is moved to its edge. Using a knife and fork, cut the apple into two halves. The left side is temporarily moved away, and the right side is again placed in the center. The half is cut again and becomes two quarters. Now you should remove the core along with the seeds; it goes to the skin.

The apple is eaten with a fork. Then you can repeat the operation with the other half. Apples are often eaten not only fresh at a dinner party. They are usually used to make a variety of dishes, from hot starters to cold appetizers and desserts. Possible ways to prepare and eat apples: fresh, whole or in pieces as part of a fruit or snack salad; dried, can be made under the influence of sunlight or using either a special dryer for vegetables and fruits, or an oven, ideal for compotes and decoctions. Pickled, can be of three types: simple, sour, sweet; pickled. They differ from the previous ones in the presence of a stronger saline solution; canned, retain almost all of their beneficial properties, intended for use in winter.

Apple jam, which can serve as a separate dish or be used to prepare others; baked, with cottage cheese, berries or nuts; a side dish for meat, an example would be a traditional dish: goose baked with apples. An apple can act as a basis for jam, preserves or marmalade, and small varieties of fruits are placed there entirely. Due to the presence of a large amount of pectin, this fruit is used to make jellies and marmalades. Such desserts are served in elegant glass vases or bowls. Usually they are placed on small plates with virtually no indentations. According to etiquette, the dish is eaten with a small spoon. At the end of the meal, it goes on the plate next to the vase; other options are considered a sign of bad taste.

Separately, it is worth considering the use of apple compote in a society of well-mannered people. Such drinks are served in special wine glasses or glasses. These containers are called compotes and are made of beautiful glass or even crystal. The main rule when using them remains that they should never be tilted completely, so that part of the compote will definitely remain at the bottom after the end of the meal. If the drink contains fruits with seeds, although this is rarely practiced with apples, then they need to be carefully spat out onto a spoon and then placed on a dish near the stem of the wine glass. The process of consuming such compote does not look very aesthetically pleasing. In this regard, the seeds from any berries and fruits are removed during the preparation process.

There is a special knife for apples, which in one movement not only removes the core, but also divides the fruit into six or eight parts. This convenient device is made of stainless steel with plastic protective elements on the handles. How to eat apples so that they retain all the vitamins and nutrients? In many cultures, this fruit represents health and vitality. The British say that a person who eats one apple a day can completely forget about doctors and hospital visits. Unfortunately, on the shelves of our supermarkets it is difficult to find domestic varieties that are several times richer in the same vitamin C. The situation is especially sad in winter. That is why it is worth stocking up on apples from the time of harvest, depending on the type, this is the end of winter and the entire autumn period.

If you periodically sort through apples and separate spoiled fruits, you can provide yourself with vitamins until spring. There is an opinion that the most useful fruits have a wormhole, supposedly they contain a lot of vitamins and this attracts pests. In fact, this fact is quite doubtful, especially since almost all apples are treated with wax on top for their subsequent sale. It’s quite possible to do without a wormhole, but you should definitely wash the surface. For a person who is at home and not in elite society, it is not at all necessary to peel an apple. It contains the largest amount of vitamins, including a recently discovered antioxidant called quercetin. It helps the body maintain youth much longer, improves immunity and allows it to resist many diseases.

If you are one of those who eats an apple completely, leaving only the stem, then at least once you have probably been worried about the question: “Is it safe to do this?” Especially if, in the process of thinking, you remembered how in childhood your mother said that if you eat a watermelon seed, then a real watermelon can grow in your stomach. Of course, nothing like that will happen to you. And a watermelon, apple tree or pear tree definitely won’t grow in our stomachs (because our parents only said that out of fear that we might choke on the seeds). But does eating apple seeds provide any bonuses? Or perhaps this? Let's try to figure it out.

Like other popular fruits such as pears, apricots, cherries and strawberries, the apple is part of the Rosaceae family. But it is no coincidence that they say that an apple a day replaces the doctor. This fruit is mainly due to its high level of polyphenols. Polyphenols, without going too deep into the topic, basically work as antioxidants, preventing the formation of free radicals, protecting cells from damage and, as a result, allowing us to feel good for as long as possible.

But let's return to the seeds: despite the fact that they are usually sent to the trash bin, those who eat the apple "to the tail" do everything right. Here it makes sense to recall statements that apple seeds can be poisonous. Oh yes, they really can - but only if you eat a couple of buckets of apples in one meal. Only water, salt, coffee and almost any food in such quantities will be life-threatening. And just like you wouldn't drink 10 liters of water in 2 minutes, you wouldn't eat a heaping glass of apple seeds, would you?

Apple seeds, Healthy Food Tribe recalls, contain amygdalin, a glycoside that releases hydrogen cyanide when attacked. Well, or they eat. The fact that the seeds of apples and many other fruits are usually bitter hints that cyanide is being released. Note also that apple seeds, due to their hard outer layer, are not digested if you eat them whole.

“So what about the benefits of apple seeds?” you ask. We have just reached the most interesting part - vitamin B17. If you've never heard of this vitamin, that's completely normal, because it doesn't exist. But this, nevertheless, is the unofficial name of amygdalin, designed to emphasize the benefits of the glycoside for the body. The fact is that in the 19th century, amygdalin was used in Russia as an antitumor agent, and at the beginning of the 20th century, Laetrile (presumably a less toxic synthetic version of amygdalin) was created and patented in the USA, which was used with some positive results.

The important thing to understand here is that vitamin B17 is not a true vitamin, so it cannot be sold as a vitamin or become part of vitamin complexes and supplements. In addition, modern scientists do not believe in the ability of amygdalin to block the activity of cancer cells, since convincing studies simply do not exist to date. On the other hand, phloridzin, a flavonoid c, contained in apple seeds, may have potential health benefits. However, if you have never eaten the “insides” of an apple, this should not be a reason to start, since studies show that enough phloridzin is also found in the skin of the fruit.

Bottom line: apple seeds are safe for you as long as you don't eat tons of apples. And perhaps they can have a positive effect on the body, which, however, has not yet been proven. So if you've always eaten apples until the end, keep going. But if you don’t, and to be honest, you don’t really want to, then you won’t lose anything.

The most popular fruit on the table of a modern person is an apple. While pineapples, kiwis and mangoes are usually served as original treats during the holidays, apples are present in the human diet almost every day. Has anyone ever thought that apples, it turns out, need to be eaten correctly? It sounds strange, but it's true.

1. Few people know that apples eaten immediately after eating the main food come into contact with it and begin to oxidize and ferment. Of course, you won’t get any health benefits from such processes. Therefore, it is advisable to eat apples after waiting 2-4 hours after a heavy meal.
2. Eating apples on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast, lunch or dinner promotes maximum absorption of all the vitamins contained in these fruits. In addition, eating apples on an empty stomach promotes weight loss and, consequently, improves your figure.
3. The maximum amount of useful substances is contained only in natural apples. Apple jam, jam, canned or baked fruits that have been heat-treated are not as rich in vitamins as fresh, juicy fruits. But dried apples, by the way, are no less healthy than fresh ones. It would be great to replace your usual cup of tea or coffee with freshly squeezed apple juice a couple of times a day.
4. For those who want to noticeably lose weight and lose extra pounds, the apple diet is suitable. Its principle is that one fasting day a week a person should eat only apples. One and a half kilograms of these healthy fruits should be divided into 5-6 doses. Moreover, nutritionists recommend peeling apples and cutting out the core.
5. Sour apple varieties are good for people with low stomach acidity. And 2-3 sour apples in the morning on an empty stomach will help cope with the problem of frequent constipation.
6. Half a glass of apple juice in the morning on an empty stomach 15-20 minutes before breakfast will improve the well-being of people suffering from atherosclerosis, hypertension, gallbladder diseases, and obesity.
7. But people with high acidity or stomach ulcers should be careful with fresh apples. For them, these fruits will be more useful when baked.


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