Everything you need to know about pumping honey. What are the benefits of bee honeycombs, what to do with honeycombs

Honey in combs is an excellent alternative to the “pure” product, which is already poured into glass jars. After all, bees initially deposit nectar precisely in wax “containers”, and, therefore, acquiring bee treat in this form, there is no doubt about its naturalness, and therefore its benefits. The only disadvantage of buying such honey is the cost, because the product is usually sold by weight, which is quite expensive. But considering its benefits, it is really worth the money.

Is it possible to eat honeycombs from honey?

You can eat it, but in small quantities. It is important to understand that the wax “container” does not contain harmful substances- This natural product, which will not cause harm to a person, even if a certain amount is accidentally swallowed. But you still shouldn’t get carried away, so as not to develop problems with the digestive system.

How to use?

Honey in honeycombs is chewed - like sweet chewing gum; at first it is quite hard, then it becomes softer and gradually loses its taste. And, as in the case of chewing gum, all that remains is to spit out the empty wax.

Beneficial features

Chewing comb honey is recommended for problems with oral cavity. This product will help remove plaque, get rid of stomatitis, and heal small wounds on the gums. Bee treats will also help with diseases of the throat, nasopharynx and respiratory system. A small amount of wax that enters the stomach when chewed - it cleanses the body, removing toxins and harmful substances from it.

If the honeycombs are sealed with a seal, then the honey inside is considered sterile. It is also diluted in water for the treatment of cataracts - the dosage is selected based on the characteristics of the disease.


  • oncological diseases;
  • individual intolerance, cross allergic reaction;
  • diabetes;
  • gastritis;
  • temperature from 38.5 degrees;
  • diseases of the gallbladder and excretory tract.

In any of these cases, it is better to avoid using honeycombs. If there are no such problems, then a wax “container” for honey is not only possible, but also small quantity even necessary.

Can you eat honeycomb wax?

If the bee treat has already been pumped out of the honeycomb, then the remaining wax is not recommended. You can use it as a healthy chewing gum, but do not eat it.

How to get honey from honeycombs at home: methods

Getting honey on your own is quite difficult. In addition, exactly what is of particular value in this product will simply be lost. But you can try - two ways will come to the rescue.

  1. Honey extractor. This is how many beekeepers extract honey. The device is a centrifuge - under pressure, the viscous liquid simply drains, leaving the honeycomb behind.
  2. Sieve. Carefully remove the bar and place the product on a prepared container covered with a sieve. You just need to leave the structure for 5-6 hours - and the work is ready.

If you have a press at hand that is used for squeezing apple juice or similar devices - then they can also be used in action. But it’s better to eat honey directly with honeycombs, because this is the only way to preserve all its beneficial properties.

Choose the right time to harvest. On sunny days, bees fly to work from 9:00 to 16:00. Collect honey at this time to catch as few bees in the hive as possible.

  • The time of year can also have a strong impact on the quantity and quality of honey. In late summer and early fall, bees stop producing honey to feed the queen bee, so more honeycombs remain empty. For this reason, you should harvest your honey earlier in the season.
  • Collect honey two to three weeks after peak nectar flow. You can ask local professional beekeepers when this is, or you can determine this yourself by weighing your hive every night throughout midsummer. Peak nectar production occurs when the hive is at its heaviest.

Wear protective clothing. It is impossible to completely prevent bees from attacking when you remove honeycomb from their hive. This is why it is recommended to wear full beekeeping gear when harvesting.

  • At the very least, make sure your hands are covered up to the elbows with protective gloves, your face is covered with a protective mesh hat, and your body is covered with protective coveralls. You should also wear a long-sleeved shirt and long pants.
  • If you're serious about beekeeping, consider investing in professional beekeeping equipment.
  • Gently smoke the bees out with smoke. Light the smoker and approach the hive from the back. Start smoking the bees first from the entrance to the hive, and then, after removing the lid from the hive, through the hole at the top.

    Open the hive. Remove the inner covering from the top of the hive using a tool specifically designed for this purpose. This tool resembles a small claw crowbar. Slide it under the hive cover and push down to lift it up.

    • Bees insulate their hives with a special material known as "propolis." This material is quite durable, so you will not be able to open the hive without the help of a special tool.
  • Remove bees from the hive. A few bees may still remain near the honeycomb frames. The easiest and safest way to blow these bees out of the hive is with a small gas or electric tool.

    • If you don't have one, you can use a special "bee brush" and simply brush the bees out of the hive. However, using a brush can be dangerous as it can anger the bees and provoke aggression on their part.
    • If the bees fall and get stuck in the honey, you will have to pull them out one at a time with your hands.
  • Open the cells. The honeycomb will be sealed with beeswax. Use a beekeeper's knife to open the comb, a fork or a dull butter knife to get rid of the wax and open the comb on both sides of the frame.


    Compound honey is usually sold in combs in small blocks of 250-500g in plastic containers or dipped into a large jar of extracted honey. Comb honey is the purest, most pristine form of honey, sealed with beeswax by the bees themselves.

    Honey in combs is a real joy, which not everyone has had the opportunity to try. Honeycombs with honey can be eaten just like that, or you can extract honey from them and enjoy pure product. Extracting honey from honeycombs is fun, sticky and delicious.

    To extract honey from honeycombs you will need:

    • saucer;
    • large spoon;
    • honey storage container;
    • strainer for straining.

    Step 1

    Cut a small piece of honeycomb from the block, put it in your mouth and chew it like chewing gum to release honey. When the honey runs out, the wax can also be eaten or spat out.

    Step 2

    Place the honeycomb on the edge of the saucer and carefully, starting at the front, press down on it several times with a large spoon to force the honey out. As the wax is pressed, the wax cells will break apart and release the honey.

    Step 3

    When you are done with the spoon, place the crushed honeycomb in a strainer and place it on top of the honey storage container so that the residue can drip inside.

    Step 4

    Remove the strainer and discard the wax, or rinse it and save it for future home projects such as candle making. Remove any remaining bits of wax from the honey with a fork and store or use as you wish.

    By the way, here http://mellonella.ru you can order at reasonable prices medicinal honey and others no less healthy foods beekeeping.

    • Local honey is often consumed to relieve allergies to local flowers and plants. This honey is best purchased from nearby farmers' markets or apiaries.
    • Over time, honey in a jar tends to crystallize. To give it a familiar liquid consistency, heat the sealed jar under warm water or place open jar in the microwave for a few seconds.

    And here is one of our previous publications, where we talked about the five most effective ways honey skin care. Perhaps this information will also be useful to you.

    In addition to the above, we suggest you find out why cellular honey is useful. Do not miss interesting video below!

    Honey is unique natural product, which miraculously combine rich taste, sweetness and health benefits. The most natural honey is sold in wax honeycombs. If you managed to buy just one, it’s worth finding out how to properly eat honey in combs in order to get pleasure, improve your body’s health and not cause harm to it.

    How to eat honey in honeycombs

    Honeycombs are a natural product like honey, so people have long paid attention to the possibility of using them together.

    The benefits and harms of honey in combs

    In honeycombs the product is stored in its original form, it is not influenced by any environmental factors, vitamins and useful material are not destroyed. The honeycombs are also saturated with them, and a layer of propolis settles on the wax walls, which actively heals wounds, fights inflammation and relieves pain.

    Is it possible to eat honeycombs from honey? Of course, because in this way the body will receive not only maximum benefits, but also pleasure. Chewing wax is an excellent prevention of oral diseases.

    By consuming honey medicinal purposes, it should be remembered that he is strong allergen. It is not recommended if you are obese or diabetes mellitus. High content carbohydrates requires careful monitoring of daily portions. Chewing honeycomb increases your chances of developing tooth decay, so you should rinse your mouth thoroughly.

    How to store honey in honeycombs at home

    In natural cells, honey is in a preserved state, so it can be stored for quite a long time. The main condition is not to damage the timber. These are the same wax caps that bees create so that the fruits of their labors do not spoil.

    At home, honeycombs are divided into big pieces, put in containers with opaque walls, cover with a lid and leave in a room with a temperature of about +5 degrees.

    A refrigerator is suitable for these purposes.

    Before you take honey out of the honeycomb, you need to take into account that this will deprive it of its mass. useful properties. Therefore, beekeepers often prefer to store it unchanged and use it as needed.

    Honeycomb is a natural container that is used by hardworking bees for their intended purpose. Honeycomb honey is highly prized. It is universal and a unique product. Honeycombs are numerous cells of the same size and shape, connected together to form a sheet. The honey found in honeycombs is called “honeycomb”.

    What are the benefits of honeycombs for humans?

    • This sweet delicacy can clear away various “junk” human body. This product is credited with many various properties, and all of them are for the benefit of man.
    • Except medicinal properties, honeycombs with their contents are a wonderful delicacy.
    • Honeycombs can be eaten immediately in their pure form.
    • They are also used in baking, or added to ready meals, as well as drinks.
    • Honeycombs are natural packaging material for honey. They provide a very long service life. Moreover, if the honeycomb remains securely sealed with propolis, then the honey inside remains for a long time in a liquid state.

    Composition of honeycomb

    Bee honeycombs consist of propolis, wax, and some other substances that bees produce. To create honeycombs, bees begin to work some special glands. The resulting honeycomb material is lightweight but reliably preserves honey. In addition, propolis is used as a cap for comb honey.

    Beeswax alone contains more than 300 different components. Its composition is complex and very useful. Honeycomb wax contains 75% complex fats, 15% complex acids, keto acids, minerals, aromatic oils and alcohols. , due to its peculiarity, retains a larger number of vitamins, microelements and various enzymes.

    As mentioned above, honeycomb cells are clogged by bees with an amazing material - . This substance is very plastic, greenish in color. This building material is an adsorbent that actively fights microbes and fungi. Even propolis alone can cure asthma, stomach ulcers, and skin wounds.

    Honeycomb contains very healthy honey, which has not yet undergone any processing. This comb honey has a high content of pollen.

    Scope of application of comb honey

    1. Respiratory tract diseases are treated using the contents of honeycomb.
    2. In addition, when using natural honey from the honeycomb, noticeably blood composition improves, and a lower likelihood of blood clots.
    3. If a person lives in an area where the environmental situation leaves much to be desired, honeycombs will help remove toxins from the body and will fight various inflammatory processes.
    4. The contents of honeycombs are often used for treatment of skin wounds. Since comb honey is sterile, it is diluted with chilled boiled water and is used to disinfect wounds and applications. Sometimes medicinal ointments are made based on it.
    5. Cell honey has a high rejuvenating effect due to the fact that it contains a significant content of amino acids.
    6. Due to recent price changes, treatment with comb honey is not only healthier and safer, but also cheaper.

    For those who have purchased honeycombs in their natural form, they have a fair question: how to get honey from honeycombs?

    As you know, honey can be like this:

    • to be in a honeycomb;
    • extracted from honeycombs using a honey extractor;
    • leaked in a natural way without outside interference;
    • pressed honey obtained by pressing plain or crushed honeycomb.

    How to extract honey from honeycombs

    How to properly store comb honey

    If the honeycombs and contents need to be preserved, they are removed from the frames, cut into convenient pieces and placed in a dry container. Then it is enough to place containers with honeycomb in a cool place, and you don’t have to worry about their safety.

    Honeycomb honey is a product that can absorb moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to select a container for it that will remain airtight. In addition to being cool and airtight, when storing honeycombs, you also need to ensure darkness. When exposed to sunlight, the honey in the combs will begin to lose its beneficial properties.

    As a suitable containers for honeycombs You can consider barrels made from linden, aspen or cedar trees. Also suitable material can be considered glass jars or metal sealed containers.