Is it harmful to drink juices from “packages”. Tomato juice in bags: benefits and harms. Are juices in boxes harmful?

Useful properties of packaged juice

Supporters of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle in general have no doubt about the beneficial properties of packaged juice: modern food production technologies make it possible to preserve during the processing process almost all useful components: vitamins, macro- and microelements, as well as other nutrients that were originally contained in the original juice. raw materials - fruits, forest or garden berries, vegetable plants. As a result, packaged juice is just as valuable a source of nutrients as fresh fruit.

Contrary to popular belief, no sugar is added to juices during production. The exception is vegetable juices (for example, tomato) - in addition to salt, sugar is sometimes added to them in very small quantities, and information about this must be on the packaging. Nectars, fruit drinks and juice drinks contain added sugar, so when purchasing, you need to carefully read the information on the packaging.

There are different juice products in cardboard bags, and the main difference is the quantitative juice content in these drinks. If it is juice, then it should be without any additives - that is, only one hundred percent.
Directly pressed juices are produced industrially from fresh fruits, pasteurized and packaged in containers (bags, jars, bottles, etc.) and sent for sale.

Reconstituted juice - made from concentrated juice, which is produced in places where vegetables and fruits grow. Modern technologies for the production of concentrated juice consist in removing part of the water from fresh, directly pressed juice using a vacuum method (this is done using special high-tech equipment). And to produce the finished product - reconstituted juice - exactly as much water is added back to the concentrated juice as was originally removed. The finished juice is pasteurized, poured into packaging containers and also sent to points of sale.
According to existing standards, the juice content in nectars should be from 20 to 50% or more, in fruit drinks the juice should be at least 15% of the weight of the drink, and in the composition of juice-containing drinks (i.e. drinks made from natural juices) any juice fruits other than lime or lemon must be at least 10%, and in drinks based on lime or lemon, the juice must be at least 5%.

Nectars always contain sugar, as well as acidity regulators (usually citric acid), but preservatives, any chemical additives or dyes are never added to them. Fruit drinks are drinks that are made from natural berries, and no “chemicals” are added to them, but they always contain a small amount of sugar or honey.
In order to accurately choose a truly high-quality juice or juice-containing drink, it is better to focus on familiar brands from well-known manufacturing companies. They comply with all existing quality standards, such production facilities meet all food safety requirements, and the composition and quality of their products are very often checked by regulatory authorities.

Which juice is better - in glass or in bags?

The quality of packaged fruit and vegetable juices is not only in no way inferior to juice products in glass containers, but even superior to them. The only disadvantage of packaged juices is that the contents of the cardboard packaging cannot be seen when purchasing. But this minus is also a plus: thick cardboard containers reliably protect the contents from the destructive effects of light and sunlight, which can change not only the color, but also the structure of the drink, as well as destroy some of the vitamins it contains. Orange-colored juices are especially affected by light: orange, carrot, apricot, pumpkin.

Some people think that the long shelf life of packaged juices is due to the fact that preservatives and other “chemicals” are added to them. This is wrong! A long shelf life of juice products in cardboard containers is achieved only by technological features of production: high quality of raw materials used (fruits, berries or vegetables), absolute cleanliness of the production process at all stages of production (from preparation of raw materials to packaging of finished products) and the use of modern packaging materials, which ensure the safety of the packages into which juices are poured for a long time.

Benefits of packaged juices

Packaging in cardboard containers has a number of advantages:

  • All packaged fruit and vegetable drinks (juices, fruit drinks, nectars) undergo gentle pasteurization during the production process, so they retain almost all the beneficial properties of the original raw materials - fruits and vegetables, as well as their natural color, aroma and taste.
  • Filling and packaging of finished juice into bags is technologically carried out under absolutely sterile production conditions. Thanks to this, germs do not get into the finished drinks.
  • Three-layer cardboard packaging reliably protects the juice from oxygen and light, so all vitamins and microelements are retained in the juice.
  • Affordable price.
  • Convenient and light-weight packaging: juices are convenient to open, and empty containers are easy to dispose of.
  • The only disadvantage of any packaged drinks is that an open pack of juice cannot be stored for a long time, even in the refrigerator: after opening, the sterility of the package is violated, the juice begins to come into contact with air, and after some time the fermentation process may begin in it. Therefore, after opening the cardboard package, it is recommended to store the drink in the refrigerator for one day.

If any celebration is planned, we go to the store for several boxes of packaged juice, and just to quench our thirst in the summer heat, we run for a box, naively believing that it will benefit our body. However, it is common knowledge that only freshly squeezed juices can be healthy, but what about those sold in packages?

Benefits of juice in boxes

The benefits of packaged juice are largely determined by its composition. When choosing this product, you need to carefully consider the label and pay attention to what the manufacturer writes.

Natural juice, “directly pressed” or “reconstituted”, is perhaps the most profitable purchase in terms of benefits for the body. It is the least processed and does not contain any type of flavorings, preservatives, or flavor enhancers. Such a product can be clarified, unclarified and contain pulp.

A pack of juice labeled “nectar” contains about 25–50% natural fruit extract, and the rest is water, sugar, and citric acid.

In fruit drinks, there is even less juice extract from fruits and vegetables - only 15%, and the rest is water and artificial additives. A juice-containing drink can no longer be called juice. There will clearly be no health benefits from its use, because the percentage of natural components is very small, and the percentage of chemical ones is extremely high.

Harm of juice from a pack

The harm caused by packaged juice is comparable to the harm caused by carbonated sweet drinks. A glass of reconstituted orange juice contains as much as 6 tsp. Sahara! With regular consumption of such a product, the risk of developing diabetes increases several times.

The harm of juice in packages, which includes a lot of various chemical additives, is even greater. All kinds of phosphates, chlorides, sulfates and others
cause cancer, allergies, gastritis and stomach ulcers. Most of them are strong toxins that poison the body.

Tetrapack boxes

Remember, just recently, in the 80s of the last century, juices were sold only in three-liter jars, called cylinders? But kefir was bottled into triangular cardboard bags - tetra-packs... A little later, juices appeared on the Russian market in tetra-packs, only now rectangular. And now you won’t surprise anyone with the phrase: “I’ll go buy a box of juice” (imagine this would have been said 30 years ago). Tetrapacks fill many counters in a variety of retail outlets, ranging from small stalls that still remain in some places to huge shopping centers. Now, perhaps, on the contrary, you can surprise your family with juice in a three-liter bottle, which is still produced by some companies.

So what is tetrapack? In general, "Tetra Pak" is the name of a large transnational Swedish company that produces packaging. Since the mid-20th century, several of these packages have already been developed, and the first was a tetrahedron-shaped box (in which kefir was sold) - “Tetra Classic”, followed by: “Tetra Brik”, “Tetra Prisma”, “ Tetra Top" and other packaging, including their aseptic versions ("Tetra Brik Aseptic", etc.).

Moreover, the main asset of the Tetra Pak company is precisely the aseptic technology, in which the packaging and the product are sterilized separately from each other, then the Tetra Pak is filled and securely closed under conditions of complete sterility. As a result, the product can be stored for a long time without refrigeration. It is thanks to the presence of such unique packaging that we have such a wide selection of juices (and not only juices) on modern shelves. And therefore, in order to choose a juice when you don’t know exactly which one to take, you can spend several hours studying the inscriptions and pictures on beautiful cardboard boxes. We will tell you what you need to pay attention to first.

What juices are sold in boxes?

If you want to buy juice after minimal processing, first look for the inscription: “directly pressed juice” - this is what means that this product is made directly from fresh fruits. If you see the label “natural” or “100% juice,” then the juice in the box is reconstituted. Let’s make a reservation in advance - it will be difficult to search, since there is much more of the latter in stores. And for good reason, because directly pressed juices are prepared during the harvest period from local fruits.

But what exactly is reconstituted juice? This is a product, most often made from concentrated juice, which is not a product for direct consumption. Don’t be alarmed - this drink is based on the same natural juice, it just goes through a longer journey from the manufacturer to our table. Concentrated juice - thick and viscous - is obtained by evaporating the liquid from freshly squeezed juice. To preserve microelements and vitamins, the above process is carried out at low pressure. The resulting concentrate is frozen or pasteurized (heated to a certain temperature) and poured into aseptic containers.

There are three types of concentrate:
- "premium" - first spin;
- "standart" - liquid with pulp;
- "pulp wash" - pulp with a small amount of liquid.
In order to obtain reconstituted juice from the concentrate, the latter is diluted with clean water in the amount that was evaporated. In this case, of course, all the necessary technological recommendations are followed: a certain temperature, speed, number of dilution stages, etc. When reconstituting concentrates, manufacturers often saturate the drink with additional beneficial substances, adding them in the form of a ready-made mixture.

When purchasing juice, do not forget to inspect the packaging for damage, pay attention to expiration dates, composition and, of course, the manufacturer.

To drink or not to drink?

Many people advocate drinking only freshly squeezed juice, and we won’t argue. However, unfortunately, not everyone can drink this product precisely because of its richness, and many freshly squeezed juices require dilution with water. Therefore, choose drinks for your table based on your well-being and personal preferences. Just be careful in any case - making juice yourself from purchased fruits or buying it ready-made - in a box.

According to sociological studies, juice is the second most popular drink after water. Whether you use the juice to make Tequila Sunrise for a house party, or replace it with breakfast on the run, you want it to be natural and of high quality. Can juices in a package be considered as such? We've collected the 5 most common myths about packaged juices and asked an expert: what's true and what's fiction?

Dietitian, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Dietetics at the Revital Park Clinic, author of the books “I know how to lose weight” and “I know how to lose weight easily and simply day after day”

“The danger of packaged juices for the figure and teeth is greatly exaggerated”

Myth No. 1: Packaged juices are worse than freshly squeezed ones

M.K. Freshly squeezed juice contains many vitamins, nutrients and biologically active substances, but retains its beneficial properties only for 20-30 minutes after preparation. After half an hour, under the influence of enzymes from destroyed cellular structures and oxygen, the fresh juice begins to intensively oxidize, so you need to drink it really fresh. In turn, packaged juice, thanks to modern food technologies, is relatively stable throughout the entire storage time declared by the manufacturer.

Another non-obvious problem with freshly squeezed juices: in the process of preparing them, it is important to use really fresh, ripe fruits and vegetables, as well as maintain good hygiene. Only then will the fresh juice be truly useful and safe. In the production of packaged juices, compliance with such rules is guaranteed by law.

Myth #2: Packaged juices contain more sugar.

M.K. The idea of ​​spooning sugar into packaged juices came from powdered soft drinks like the ones that came out in the '90s, like Yupi. Modern producers of real juices do not allow this. Nowadays, packaged juices are mostly reconstituted from concentrated juice produced directly from where the fruit grows. For example, they take oranges from Florida, pick them at once at the period of maximum ripeness, squeeze out the juice, and then evaporate the water from them, and at a temperature that allows them to preserve their nutritional value to the maximum.

Of course, after evaporation, the natural sugars contained in the fruit, as well as other carbohydrates, are preserved in the juice, and there is no need to be afraid of them - these are necessary components of nutrition, our key sources of energy.

Myth No. 3: Packaged juices spoil your teeth

M.K. Dutch scientists conducted a study on the relationship between tooth decay and fruit juices. The result is predictable: no direct connection was found. Your teeth deteriorate not because of the foods you eat, but because of poor oral hygiene - all dentists say this.

A different situation arises when you replace your teeth with veneers. In this case, any products with a high content of coloring pigment - be it coffee, red wine or pomegranate juice - can penetrate the top layer of the tooth and ruin the original color. I advise my patients with veneers not to give up all “colored” drinks, but simply drink them through a straw.

Myth #4: It’s healthier to eat a fruit or vegetable than to drink its juice.

M.K. If we lived in a warm country where crops are harvested 3-4 times a year, everything would be much simpler. However, the reality is that even apples come to us from abroad and lie in refrigerators for months - the safety of vitamins and other useful substances in these fruits decreases in proportion to their shelf life. This means that we may be eating large quantities of fruits and vegetables and not getting the nutrients we expect. Juices in packages against this background are guaranteed sources of all necessary vitamins and other biologically active substances.

Moreover, in some cases, the pasteurization process that all packaged juices go through can increase the beneficial qualities of a fruit or vegetable. It is a known fact: thanks to heating, wine has much higher antioxidant properties than the original grapes. It's the same story with juices. Research on this topic was carried out in parallel in Moscow, Pisa, Stuttgart, and all over the world. For example, the absorption of beta-cryptoxanthin found in pasteurized orange juice has been shown to be almost twice that of the oranges themselves.

Myth #5: Packaged juice is no substitute for a snack.

M.K. In the hot summer, it is important to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables of local origin, but not always and not everyone has this opportunity. Juice can become our lifesaver: small individual packages are sold on every corner all year round, they are easy to carry with you, and there is no need to wash them. Modern five-layer bags retain all nutritional value.

If any celebration is planned, we go to the store for several boxes of packaged juice, and just to quench our thirst in the summer heat, we run for a box, naively believing that it will benefit our body. However, it is common knowledge that only freshly squeezed juices can be healthy, but what about those sold in packages?

The benefits of packaged juice are largely determined by its composition. When choosing this product, you need to carefully examine the label and pay attention to what the manufacturer writes. Natural juice, “directly pressed” or “reconstituted,” is perhaps the most profitable purchase in terms of benefits for the body. It is least processed and does not contain harmful impurities such as flavorings, preservatives, and flavor enhancers. Such a product can be clarified, unclarified and contain pulp.

A pack of juice labeled “nectar” contains about 25–50% natural fruit extract, and the rest is water, sugar, and citric acid.

In fruit drinks, there is even less juice extract from fruits and vegetables - only 15%, and the rest is water and artificial additives. A juice-containing drink can no longer be called juice. There will clearly be no health benefits from its use, because the percentage of natural components is very small, and the percentage of chemical ones is extremely high.

Harm of juice from a pack
The harm caused by packaged juice is comparable to the harm caused by carbonated sweet drinks. A glass of reconstituted orange juice contains as much as 6 tsp. Sahara! With regular consumption of such a product, the risk of developing diabetes increases several times. The harm of juice in packages, which includes a lot of various chemical additives, is even greater. All kinds of phosphates, chlorides, sulfates and others cause cancer, allergies, gastritis and stomach ulcers. Most of them are strong toxins that poison the body.

They pose a particular danger to children’s fragile bodies, whose immune and other systems are still developing. Preservatives and stabilizers have a principle of action similar to antibiotics. That is, they kill both harmful microorganisms and beneficial ones, disrupting the natural microflora.

It is better to drink a directly pressed product only during the ripening season of the fruits and vegetables from which it is made. And it is better if it is enclosed in a glass bottle. For example, cherry juice needs to be purchased from June to July, because in August it will be sold as reconstituted.
Carefully ensure that the label contains information about the expiration date, compliance with standards, nutritional and energy value, and manufacturer contacts. Sugar, bee products and citric acid are the safest additives. All the rest can already cause damage to health.
Remember that the product listed first in the list prevails in the composition of the juice you choose.
To take care of your health and the physical condition of your loved ones, you should not drink a lot of packaged juice. Do this occasionally, or better yet, squeeze juice from fresh berries, fruits and vegetables collected during their ripening season. Prepare homemade fruit drinks and compotes and give your children something to drink - the benefits from this will be a hundred times greater. Good health to you!