Delicious soup with young sorrel. How to quickly and tasty cook sorrel soup

When the snow melts and the first greenery appears, the body, exhausted over the winter, craves to replenish its supply of vitamins. The end of March and April is the time to switch to pasture! The first greens of young nettle (not stinging at all, by the way), sorrel, spinach, beet tops and even dandelion contain great amount vitamins and other useful substances. After May, the amount of gluten and fiber in this foliage increases, and it loses its taste. Let's take advantage of the moment and find out how to make sorrel soup. There are a lot of recipes for this dish. It is prepared with both meat and chicken and mushroom broth. Yes and absolutely Lenten option, on vegetable broth. This soup can be served either hot or cold. To make it more filling, you can add cream, dumplings, a boiled egg or cheese. The only thing a novice cook who doesn’t yet know how to make sorrel soup needs to remember is that the tender leaves are placed in the pan at the very end of cooking. This way the vitamins will be preserved and the ingredients will not boil over.

Classics of the genre. Bouillon

Before looking at the different vintage versions of soups that contain sorrel, let's explore classic recipe from grandma's notebook. Usually this spring dish cooked in chicken broth. The result is a very rich, satisfying and amber sorrel soup. The recipe starts by making chicken broth. Let's take it large saucepan, pour two liters of cold water into it, put the washed soup set or 2 legs and put on fire. After boiling, reduce the gas and skim off the foam. We clean the carrots, but just wash the onion. Cook the chicken along with vegetables at a low boil until fully cooked meat. A quarter of an hour before readiness, salt the broth, add 2 peppercorns and Bay leaf ik. Strain the broth through a colander or sieve. Throw away the vegetables, remove the meat from the bones, cut into pieces.

Classic sorrel soup

Now that our broth is ready, we can proceed to the second stage. To do this, peel, wash and cut 2 potatoes into cubes. Place in boiling broth and cook for about 20 minutes. Finely chop a small onion. Half a carrot, three large ones. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until soft. Then add carrots to it, lightly salt and pepper. When the vegetables turn golden, add this frying to the pan. Cook for another 5 minutes. And only now do we remember that sorrel soup is on our agenda. The recipe calls for sorting and washing a bunch of greens, trimming the stems, and coarsely chopping the leaves. First we throw chicken meat into the pan, followed by sorrel. After this, cook the soup for exactly two minutes. Turn off the heat and let it brew under the lid for a quarter of an hour. Serve with a spoonful of sour cream in a plate.

Sour cabbage soup for vegetarians

If you don’t yet know how to make sorrel soup without meat, here’s a simple recipe. The richness in this dish will be provided by Adyghe cheese, and the aroma will be provided by numerous spices. Boil 1-2 potatoes, cut into cubes, in a liter of water. Roughly chop three small carrots. Heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan and throw in half a spoonful of turmeric, cumin and other spices (to taste). After a couple of seconds, add grated carrots to the spices. Saute it, stirring. Three directly into the frying pan 100 grams Adyghe cheese. Stir quickly and turn off the heat after a minute. Wash a large bunch of sorrel, sort it out, and chop the leaves coarsely. If the potatoes have already become soft, add the contents of the frying pan to the vegetarian soup. After two minutes, throw in the sorrel. Salt the soup and season with ground black pepper. In a minute the soup is ready. Pour into plates, sprinkle with dill, add a spoonful of sour cream.

The sour taste of the first greens harmonizes perfectly with the fresh and satisfying boiled egg. Many housewives use this. And the dish seems to be richer. In most cases, half a hard-boiled egg is placed on a plate and poured over the prepared soup. But in this recipe We propose to do something completely different. To do this, pour 5 diced potatoes with 3-4 liters of broth (or water), cook until tender. Then wash 3 or 4 bunches of sorrel (700 grams), chop the leaves not very finely, and place them in a saucepan. Break a dozen eggs into a bowl and beat lightly with a fork. As soon as the soup begins to boil again after immersing the sorrel in it, pour the eggs into the broth in a thin stream. Stir to form “strings” of coagulated protein. Salt and pepper to taste, turn off the heat. Ready soup Sprinkle the chik with chopped onion and dill. With sour cream the dish will turn out even tastier.

Sorrel soup: recipe with beef broth

It would be ideal to use veal brisket in this dish. Cut 1.5 kilograms of meat on the bones into three parts and pour cold water for half an hour. After this, we drain the liquid with the blood. Fill with water again and cook together with the onion in the peel over high heat. As soon as it boils in the saucepan, reduce the heat and skim off the foam. After an hour and a half, add salt and pepper to our soup. In the meantime, let's start frying. This technique is often used when cooking first courses. Therefore, if you think not only about how to make sorrel soup, but also create some other cooking masterpiece, then you can use it too. To do this, saute 2 finely chopped onions in a mixture of butter and vegetable oils. Add grated carrots and finely chopped tomato without skin (you can replace it with a spoon of tomato paste). Add a little broth from the pan and simmer under the lid for about a quarter of an hour. When the meat becomes soft and stops bleeding when pierced, take it out and separate it from the bones. And we filter the broth itself through cheesecloth or a sieve into another container. Then we put 6 chopped potatoes into the boiling soup, and we also send the finished frying there. Wash three bunches of sorrel, chop the leaves coarsely, and also put them in the broth. Beat three eggs with a fork and, stirring the soup in the pan in a circle, pour them in in a thin stream. Return the meat to the broth. Season the dish with pepper, cloves, and salt as needed. After 10 minutes the soup is ready.

Sorrel chilli

When it's hot outside, you want something refreshing and not too greasy. Best served at home for lunch on a summer afternoon cold soup from sorrel. It does not require kvass or kefir, although you will still need a glass of sour cream. Let's boil a liter of water, put the leaves of two bunches of sorrel there - this time finely chopped. After three minutes, turn off the heat and cool the broth. Now add a glass of sour cream and salt to taste. Separately, cook two potatoes in their skins. Peel and cut into cubes. Grind in the same way large cucumber and a bunch of radishes. Chop small bunches of green onions and dill. Mix all the vegetables and herbs in sour cream and sorrel broth. Before serving, place a few slices of boiled egg on each plate.

Summer okroshka

This is a real vitamin bomb. Okroshka is made in almost the same way as cold sorrel soup, but in addition to the main ingredient, sorrel, you also need to take other greens. Young nettle, a little wild garlic, dill and parsley leaves go very well. If you want to use beet greens, you need to remember that they are firmer and take a little longer to cook. Therefore, it must be dipped into boiling water first. In order not to have to worry about cutting the leaves, you can first chop them coarsely, boil them, and then grind the green broth in a blender. The fat content of the dish can be adjusted using sour cream, ayran or kefir. If mixed milk product with beef, pork or chicken broth, it will be very nutritious, but light in taste green soup with sorrel.

Easy to prepare

If you have a multicooker in your home, you can use this useful kitchen device. Regardless of the brand of machine, cooking will be less energy-intensive. Consider a recipe using chicken broth. Chop the onion into half rings, three carrots, and finely chop three cloves of garlic. Pour a spoonful of vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, saute the vegetables at open lid in the “frying” mode. Wash 800 grams of chicken (thighs, legs or wings) and place on the bottom. Fry a little. Add 5 diced potato tubers. Pour three liters of cold water, close the lid and set the “quenching” mode for an hour. After the signal, remove the chicken, return the meat to the broth, and discard the bones. Add finely chopped sorrel leaves (150 g), salt, pepper, dried dill. Continue simmering for another 15 minutes. Sorrel soup in a slow cooker is ready. Serve it with a boiled egg and sour cream.

Quick soup

To save time and not have to deal with meat, you can simply open a can of stew. We fry with 2 pinches of sugar and a teaspoon of flour. Cut four potatoes, add water, bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes. We spread the roast and stew. Boil a little more, add a large bunch of chopped sorrel. Season to taste and add salt. If sorrel soup with stew does not seem particularly sour to you, you can adjust its taste with lemon or lime juice.

Sorrel is a crop that, along with radishes, produces its first harvest in May. With this product you can easily and with great pleasure prepare a huge number of tasty and, most importantly, healthy dishes, among which soups with sorrel are especially popular. They are very tasty and healthy, filled with a huge amount of vitamins and microelements.

Important! When harvested in May and June, sorrel is considered one of the most useful plants. Its young leaves contain a huge amount of substances useful for people of any age. The older the culture, the more rapidly their overall percentage decreases.

There are quite a lot of recipes. All of them are very tasty and healthy, especially the one boiled with egg. Describing the main cooking options, you can start with it.

Cook sorrel soup with eggs

This is an easy to make recipe. By adding an egg, its taste becomes more saturated; the dish is sure to please all family and guests. For preparation you will need to take the following components:

  • 300 grams of the main product;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 3 tubers;
  • carrot;
  • bulb;
  • two tablespoons of butter and standard seasonings.

You need to cut the potatoes into cubes, then throw them into boiling water and cook over low heat. Separately, onions and carrots are fried and after cooking the potatoes, they are placed in a pan with potatoes. All together you need to cook for another 10 minutes. While the vegetables are cooking, you need to chop the leaves and stems of the sorrel. Break the eggs into a container, add a little salt and beat. As soon as the potatoes are completely cooked, you will need to add the sorrel and cook everything together for about 3 minutes. Then the beaten eggs are poured in, which must be stirred thoroughly at the same time. The soup in this form should be brought to a boil, salt or pepper.

Important! Eggs can not only be poured in during the cooking process, but also added boiled and chopped. Many people add quail eggs, which can be placed whole or cut into halves.

Vegetable soup recipe

To prepare a dish filled with big amount vegetables, you will need to prepare a little more variety of vegetables. If you follow the instructions carefully, you can get very tasty, rich dish. Here are the ingredients you need to prepare to make the soup:

  • Zucchini 100 grams.
  • Sorrel 50 grams.
  • Celery root.
  • Spinach.
  • Egg 2 pieces.
  • Potatoes, onions, carrots 1 piece each.
  • Garlic - a couple of cloves.
  • Vegetable or olive oil.
  • Sour cream.
  • Salt and pepper.
  • To cook a delicious dish, you need to pour one and a half liters of water or broth cooked with vegetables into the pan. As soon as the water boils, place the potatoes, zucchini and celery in the pan. Onions, carrots and garlic need to be sauteed in oil, put in broth and bring everything to full readiness. After complete readiness, you need to put spinach and sorrel in it, cook everything together for another 3 minutes. After all components are fully prepared, everything is turned off and seasoned with prepared seasonings. Before serving, you can add half an egg and sour cream to taste.

    Cooking borscht with sorrel

    You can cook not only the dishes listed above with the described product, but you can also add sorrel to borscht, thereby obtaining a separate unique and very tasty dish. To prepare, you will need to prepare the following components:

    • Potatoes 3 tubers;
    • Carrots 2 pieces;
    • Sorrel 200-300 grams;
    • A glass of beans;
    • One onion and one pepper;
    • Tomato paste 3 tablespoons;
    • Boiled eggs;
    • Salt and herbs.

    It is advisable to cook this borscht in chicken broth. While cooking the broth, add bay leaves, peppercorns and other seasonings to the pan. After straining the broth, you need to add all the prepared vegetables and the prepared sauteing, done with tomato paste. The potatoes will be cooked and you can add the sorrel and beans. As soon as everything boils and cooks, after which the dish is completely ready. Before serving, it is advisable to leave the product for 10 minutes. You need to add sour cream and herbs to your plates before meals.

    Sorrel soup on pork

    To prepare this rich and very tasty dish you will need to prepare the following products:

    • Pork meat 750 grams;
    • Sour cream 250 ml;
    • Sorrel 200 grams;
    • Onions and carrots 150 grams each;
    • Eggs 3 pieces;
    • Potatoes 1 piece;
    • Standard seasonings.

    The meat must be boiled in a 5-liter saucepan, constantly skimming off the foam. IN ready broth everything needs to be packed necessary vegetables raw and sautéed. Once the potatoes are completely cooked, you can add chopped herbs and sorrel, cut into strips. After everything has simmered for about 10 minutes, it can be removed from the stove. Eggs should be boiled separately and served as desired. Also for improvement taste qualities you can add sour cream.

    Summing up

    Sorrel is easy to prepare and goes well with the most different vegetables. The product ideally helps the body with its vitamins and numerous useful substances. Sorrel soups can effectively diversify daily menu. Based on the recipes presented above, you can cook delicious and very healthy soups, delight yourself and your loved ones.

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    Sorrel soups are prepared in early spring, as soon as the first young leaves appear. The smaller and younger the leaves, the tastier the dishes made from it are. And you can really prepare a lot of options for dishes - this and. In the previous article we looked in detail at how to prepare them.

    But what’s interesting is that when preparing the material for that article, it turned out that there are quite a lot of recipes for first courses made from this vitamin-rich plant.

    And so I decided to write another article, which will contain only recipes for sorrel soups.

    And there are really quite a few of these recipes. These include numerous options for hot soups, which are usually prepared with meat or chicken. And we cooked in nature tasty option with sorrel and stew, and it was not just tasty, but very tasty! This is true!

    This also includes borscht, which is prepared with beets, and often with the addition of young beet tops. They can be prepared with or without meat. And it will turn out delicious in both cases.

    They are also prepared cold - these are the famous Russian kholodniki, botvinya and okroshka, for which there are also many recipes. You change the ingredients a little and you get it new recipe with a new taste.

    You can prepare the first courses with fresh vegetable(namely, sorrel belongs to the category of leafy vegetables), and with frozen, and of course with canned. Moreover, this does not greatly affect the taste; both options will turn out tasty.

    So, for those who love this slightly sour plant and want to stock up on vitamins for the whole year, today we will look at recipes for sorrel soup.

    According to the classic recipe, you can cook soup with or without meat. Both from fresh and frozen vegetables. And according to the first recipe, we will prepare it without meat.

    We will need:

    • sorrel - 400 gr
    • potatoes - 2 - 3 pcs
    • onion - 1 pc.
    • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
    • salt, pepper - to taste
    • boiled egg - 3 pcs (for serving)
    • parsley, dill - for serving
    • sour cream - for serving

    The ingredients do not include carrots, although they can also be added to the recipe if desired.


    This option is very easy to prepare, simple and quick. And it is delicious both hot and cold.

    1. Fill a saucepan with about 1.5 liters of water. Put on fire and let it boil

    2. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes or strips. As soon as the water boils, put the potatoes in it and salt the water to taste. Cook it for 10-12 minutes, until almost done.

    3. Cut the onion into very small cubes and fry in vegetable oil in a small frying pan. When it turns slightly brown, add potato broth, just a little bit so that the onion is only slightly covered and simmer until soft. Not everyone likes onions to crunch on their teeth.

    You don't have to fry the onion. So, in the last recipe, they wrote me a comment in which they noted that not everyone can add fried onions to the soup for health reasons. There is another way for this. You can simply boil a small onion whole along with the potatoes, and then remove it and throw it away.

    Or you can just finely chop the onion and cook it along with the potatoes. If you cut it smaller, it will have time to cook and become transparent and almost invisible.

    4. Sort the sorrel leaves, remove the stem, and rinse the leaves thoroughly in a bowl filled with water, and then under running water.

    5. Cut them into strips, as you like - smaller or larger.

    6. When the potatoes are ready, add fried onions and sorrel to them. Stir and cook for another 5 minutes.

    The soup tastes quite sour. Although this completely depends on the variety and qualities of the plant. Not everyone likes sour varieties. For them, you can take only half of the sorrel, and another half can be replaced with nettle or spinach. Nettle is most often added.

    7. Turn off the finished dish. Chop the egg and serve along with it.

    There are several ways to submit.

    • eggs can be added to soup fresh and blab them out there. This method has certain advantages. The taste becomes more delicate, the sourness is felt less. And he himself becomes more attractive in appearance.
    • eggs can be boiled, cut and added 1 minute before turning off the heat
    • eggs can be cut into cubes and served on a separate plate
    • eggs can be cut into quarters, halves and rounds (ovals) and put on a plate for everyone. In this case, the soup also looks attractive. And the egg here plays a double role - it is both a flavor component and a decoration element.

    It should also be served with sour cream. She is simply an excellent companion to all green soups, cabbage soup and borscht.

    And since ours turned out to be non-meaty and not at all fatty, it can be eaten both cold and hot.

    Classic recipe for soup with sorrel and chicken

    Today I suggest making soup with chicken, or just chicken broth. It can also be cooked with meat or meat broth, but it will take a little longer. Therefore, let's leave the meat for now next recipe, for example for borscht, and prepare chicken soup.

    We will need:

    • chicken – 500 gr
    • sorrel – 500 gr
    • potatoes - 2 - 3 pcs
    • carrots - 1 pc.
    • onion - 1 pc.
    • vegetable oil - 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons.
    • bay leaf - 1 pc.
    • peppercorns - 6 pcs
    • salt, pepper - to taste
    • sour cream and herbs - for serving
    • boiled egg - 2 pcs - for serving

    If desired, you can also use half sorrel and half nettle. You can cook it with either fresh or frozen herbs. In this case, the recipe remains unchanged.


    You can cook the chicken in advance and use only the broth for cooking. Previously, this was often practiced, since meat and chicken were not available for free sale. Therefore, broth was cooked, and main courses were prepared from meat or poultry.

    Now times are different, and no one will refuse chicken in soup. Therefore, we will prepare it with her.

    1. If you want it to be more dietary, then before putting the meat into the water, remove the skin from the pieces. Under it there is subcutaneous fat, and if the chicken is large, then there can be quite a lot of fat. A excess cholesterol We don't need anything!

    Some people cook it from fillet, but I like to have different parts of the bird, and certainly with bones, this way the broth turns out tastier. This is of course, in my opinion.

    During cooking, do not allow intense heat or rapid boiling; you also need to carefully remove the foam. You can immediately add salt to the broth.

    2. After the chicken has cooked for 15-20 minutes, peel and cut the potatoes and add them to the broth. Cook everything together for another 10 - 12 minutes.

    3. Separately, cut the onion into cubes and carrots into thin strips. First, fry the onion in a frying pan, then add the carrots. When it is lightly fried, add broth from the pan and simmer until the cooking time for the chicken and potatoes is up.

    The carrots should be soft and completely cooked.

    4. Cut the chicken into portions and place back into the pan.

    5. Sort through the sorrel leaves, cut off the stems and rinse thoroughly in several waters. Then cut into strips.

    6. When the potatoes are completely cooked, add them to the pan. stewed carrots with onions and sorrel.

    7. Let it boil, add bay leaf, peppercorns (or ground to taste), so that you don’t have to catch the peas later. Cook for 5 minutes.

    8. Serve with sour cream, and, if desired, with chopped one of the the above methods egg.

    Enjoy eating! Preferably hot.

    Cabbage soup in chicken broth

    Now let's cook the cabbage soup in chicken broth. Moreover, the recipe is different from the previous one.

    We will need:

    • chicken – 300 gr
    • sorrel – 250 gr
    • butter- 2 tbsp. spoons
    • flour - 0.5 tbsp. spoons
    • cream - 0.5 cups
    • egg yolk - 2 pcs
    • water - 2 liters
    • salt, pepper - to taste
    • spices - to taste


    1. Cook strong chicken broth. To do this, use a piece of chicken with bones.

    2. Sort the sorrel, rinse and cut into strips.

    3. Heat the butter in a frying pan and simmer the chopped leaves for 5 minutes. Then add flour, stir, and simmer for another 5 minutes.

    4. Pour broth over the contents, add salt to taste and add your favorite spices. Cook over very low heat for 10 minutes, making sure the broth does not boil.

    5. Before serving, season the cabbage soup with a mixture of raw yolks and cream. It is very tasty to serve such cabbage soup with croutons.

    This version of cabbage soup has a pleasant creamy taste. And as you probably noticed, it cooks very quickly.

    Boiled chicken can, if desired, be cut and added to the soup.

    Sorrel cabbage soup with beef

    This is another recipe for a dish that is eaten hot. And this time we will cook it with meat. It can be anything.

    By the way, this is a recipe for old Russian cuisine, and it uses lard, that is, fat rendered from lard. Previously, in villages they cooked a lot of things on it. I did not change the recipe and left it unchanged. But you can replace lard with regular vegetable oil.

    We will need:

    • meat - 300 g beef
    • sorrel – 300 gr
    • potatoes - 300 gr
    • lard - 40 gr
    • egg - 2 pcs
    • green onions - 2 - 3 stalks
    • parsley - 1 - 2 sprigs
    • salt - to taste
    • water - 1.5 liters
    • sour cream - for serving


    1. Boil the meat. Pour about half a liter more water, since while the meat is cooking, it will boil away. Cook it until tender, do not forget to skim off the foam.

    2. Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes or cubes.

    3. Peel all greens, rinse thoroughly in several waters and cut.

    4. Then pour half a glass of broth from the pan into the frying pan, let it boil and place all the greens there. Simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. It is not advisable for the water to boil too much.

    5. When the meat is cooked, take it out, cool a little and cut it in portioned pieces.

    6. Meanwhile, place the potatoes in the broth and cook for 10 - 12 minutes. If you have already cut the meat, then return it to the pan.

    The broth must be salted to make the potatoes tasty.

    7. After 10 - 12 minutes, it will be the turn of the greens and the boiled egg cut into cubes, put it all in the boiling broth and cook for 5 minutes.

    For this purpose, one egg can be cut into cubes, and the other one can be cut larger, and used to decorate the cabbage soup when serving.

    8. Serve with sour cream. Enjoy eating!

    Sorrel puree soup with meat broth

    Puree soups have recently taken one of the most honorable places in cooking. It's both, and, and.

    And here's another recipe that has a few interesting twists that will help make it unforgettable.

    We will need:

    • sorrel - 2 bunches
    • meat broth - 1.5 liters
    • cream - 150 ml
    • potatoes - 2 - 3 pcs
    • green onions - a bunch
    • pine nuts - a handful
    • hard cheese - 20 - 30 g
    • salt, pepper - to taste

    And we could end there, but let’s add the promised “zest”, and that’s what we’ll have today – meatballs. I'll tell you how we will prepare and serve them.


    1. Cook meat broth from meat on the bone. When the meat is cooked, remove it from the pan. Then it can be used to prepare some kind of meat salad, For example

    2. Form small meatballs from minced meat and onions. And boil them in broth. The broth must be salted first to make the meatballs tastier.

    Then take them out and set them aside for the time being.

    3. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes or cubes. Place in broth and cook for 10-12 minutes until done.

    4. Sort the sorrel, peel, cut off the stems and rinse thoroughly in several waters. Green onions also rinse.

    Cut both as you see fit. We will grind it all into puree anyway.

    5. Place the greens in a saucepan and cook for 5 - 7 minutes.

    6. Grind the mass in a blender until a homogeneous puree is obtained.

    7. Heat the cream in a water bath and pour it hot into the puree. Mix. Taste the salt, if it is not enough, you can add more salt. Also add pepper to taste.

    Bring to a boil, but do not boil.

    8. Fry pine nuts in a dry frying pan. At the same time, they must be stirred constantly so as not to burn. As soon as a slight nutty smell appears, remove the pan from the heat.

    9. Pour the soup into bowls. Place warmed meatballs in it, decorate pine nuts and leaves fresh sorrel.

    Grate the cheese onto fine grater and sprinkle on top.

    This is how beautiful the presentation turns out. And the soup turns out simply delicious!

    Sorrel borscht with beans and egg

    Millions of people. Among them is green borscht, which we especially like to cook when the first greens appear in the beds.

    We will need:

    • sorrel – 200 gr
    • pork meat (shoulder) - 250 - 300 gr
    • lard - 100 gr
    • beans - 0.5 cups
    • potatoes - 2 pcs
    • carrots - 1 pc.
    • onion - 1 pc.
    • green onions - 3 - 4 pcs
    • parsley, dill - half a bunch (together)
    • boiled eggs - 3 pcs
    • bay leaf - 1 pc.
    • salt, pepper - to taste
    • sugar - 0.5 tsp
    • spices - to taste
    • sour cream - for serving


    This is how many ingredients we got. You need to put them all on the table at once and check them against the list so that you don’t forget something later in the process.

    1. Pour water over the beans and leave overnight. Then drain the water and boil the beans until tender. At the end of cooking, add salt.

    2. Cut the meat large pieces, add water and cook a strong broth. In the recipe we use pork, but you can cook borscht with any other meat, and of course, chicken. This way it will cook faster and turn out lighter and more tender.

    Cook the meat until done.

    3. Cut the lard into cubes as small as possible and lightly fry in a dry frying pan.

    4. Add onion cut into cubes or half rings and fry it until light golden brown.

    5. Grate the carrots; it is better to use a grater for this. Korean carrots. As soon as the onions begin to brown, add carrots to the pan.

    Add sugar and spices. Stir and simmer until the carrots become soft. You can add a little broth from the pan to it.

    6. Peel the potatoes and cut into small cubes. Place in the broth from which the meat has been removed by that time. Cook for 10 minutes.

    7. Then put the stewed carrots and onions into the pan and cook for another 5 minutes.

    8. Peel the sorrel, rinse thoroughly and cut into strips. Chop the onion and greens. Add all the greens to the cooking borscht. Send boiled beans there.

    9. Taste the salt; if it is not enough, you can add additional salt. And also pepper to taste and add bay leaf.

    10. Cook for 5 minutes.

    11. Cut the eggs using one of the following methods. Pour ready-made borscht into plates, decorate with eggs and put sour cream on each plate.

    Enjoy eating!

    There is another one in the previous article, come in, watch it and cook for your health! And believe me, it’s worth making!

    Green borscht from canned sorrel

    Sorrel can be eaten not only fresh, but also in canned. And if you have supplies of it, then you can feast on green borscht all year round.

    In general, we can also prepare all the recipes available today from canned sorrel. However, just like from frozen.

    You can see the cooking principle in the video recipe.

    Using the same recipe, you can also see the general scheme for preparing all other hot soups.

    You can also prepare this recipe using fresh sorrel, or nettles, or spinach. And also a mixture of them.

    Frozen sorrel cabbage soup with melted cheese in a slow cooker

    When it goes " sorrel season“, then you need to have time not only to eat it, but also to prepare it for the winter. You can preserve it, or you can just freeze it.

    Moreover, you can freeze it immediately as a preparation for soup - that is, put together a bouquet of sorrel leaves, dill, parsley, green onions, nettles, spinach - that is, you make a bouquet from what you have.

    And in winter it will be very convenient to get such a bouquet and cook from it tasty soup as a reminder of summer. And so we cook green cabbage soup in the winter version.

    We will need:

    • frozen sorrel - 300 g (or a bouquet of herbs)
    • processed cheese - 2 packs 200 g
    • half-smoked sausage – 300 gr
    • potatoes - 2 pcs
    • carrots - 1 pc.
    • onion - 1 pc.
    • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
    • garlic - 2 cloves
    • salt, pepper - to taste
    • spices - to taste
    • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons


    1. Cut sausage, potatoes and cucumbers into cubes. Try to cut approximately the same size so that the soup has an aesthetic appearance. Chop the onion as finely as possible.

    2. Grate the carrots, or use a Korean carrot grater.

    3. Processed cheese can also be cut into cubes, or you can keep them in the freezer for 30 minutes and then grate them. Both methods will allow the cheese to dissipate faster in the broth.

    4. There is no need to defrost the greens; they will need to be cut immediately before adding them to the dish being prepared, that is, 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

    5. Set the multicooker to frying mode. Pour vegetable oil into the bowl and add onions. Fry with the lid closed for 3 minutes.

    6. Now it’s the carrot’s turn, add it to the onion, mix and fry for 3 minutes. During this time, you can stir a couple more times.

    7. Then place the chopped sausage into the bowl. Fry again for 3 minutes. During this time, stir several times.

    8. Add cucumbers and chopped garlic, mix and fry everything together for 3 minutes.

    9. Pour 2 liters into the multicooker bowl hot water and throw in the potatoes. Set the “Soup” mode.

    10. Add a little salt and pepper. We use sausage, pickles and cheese as ingredients. All these products will release salt into the broth during the cooking process. Therefore, you don’t need to add a lot of salt. You can add salt to taste at the very end of cooking.

    11. Cook according to the established mode. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add grated or chopped processed cheese.

    And 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped sorrel, bay leaf and pepper.

    Serve with sour cream and fresh chopped herbs.

    That's it, our soup is ready and you can enjoy its taste.

    Lenten cold cabbage soup made from sorrel and spinach (nettle)

    Cold soups are always a priority in the summer. We have already prepared. But today we are not repeating ourselves and are preparing new, equally interesting dishes.

    We will need:

    • sorrel – 300 gr
    • spinach - 300 g (can be replaced with nettles)
    • dill and parsley - 40 - 50 g each
    • green onions - 100 gr
    • fresh cucumber - 2 pieces (medium)
    • radishes – 250 – 300 gr
    • boiled egg - 2 pcs
    • sugar - 1 teaspoon
    • salt - to taste
    • sour cream - for serving
    • water - 1 liter


    1. Clear the sorrel and spinach of debris, cut off the stems and rinse thoroughly in cold water. It is better to simmer them separately to preserve delicate taste spinach

    No need to add water. Greens should be stewed in own juice over very low heat.

    The whole process will take 5 to 10 minutes maximum.

    Instead of spinach, you can use nettles. In this case, you can stew the greens in one frying pan at the same time.

    2. Boil and cool the water in advance.

    3. Pass the greens through a meat grinder or puree them through a sieve. Pour cooled water over it and stir. Pour the juice from the greens there.

    4. Add chopped cucumbers, radishes, onions and herbs. You can cut them arbitrarily, but try to stick to the same size and shape.

    5. Cut the eggs into slices, cubes, quarters or halves. Some can be left for decoration, and the rest can be added to the total mass.

    6. Place the cabbage soup in the refrigerator to cool.

    7. Serve, garnish with an egg and add one or two spoons of sour cream. Eat chilled.

    Kholodnik made from sorrel and spinach on kvass

    And if the last kholodnik was prepared without meat, then we will prepare this one with meat. So that the recipes are not at all similar to each other.

    We will need:

    • boiled beef - 300 gr
    • sorrel – 100 gr
    • spinach - 100 gr
    • green onions - 50 g
    • cucumber - 1 pc.
    • egg - 1 pc.
    • parsley, dill - 30 g each
    • tarragon - 20 g
    • bread kvass - 800 ml
    • salt, sugar - to taste
    • sour cream - 60 - 70 gr


    1. Clean sorrel and spinach from debris and excess grass and rinse thoroughly. Cut into strips, separately from each other.

    2. Poach the greens different pans so that the spinach does not become tough and lose its beautiful colour. Then cool.

    3. Cut the cucumbers into cubes or short strips. Cut the chilled boiled meat in the same way. Place all this in a saucepan with chilled kvass poured into it.

    4. Separate the yolks from the whites. Grind the whites and add to the rest of the ingredients.

    Grind the yolks with salt and sugar and also place in the pan.

    5. Do the same with the remaining greens, chop them and add to the rest of the ingredients.

    6. Immediately add all the sour cream to the pan and stir. Place in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to chill the mixture.

    7. Serve chilled. Place additional sour cream and chopped herbs on the table. And also mustard and horseradish, whoever wants a more flavorful cold drink will add as much as needed!

    This recipe can be considered either kholodnik or okroshka. The cooking principles are practically the same. You can also add radishes to okroshka. It will decorate the dish with bright colors and give new taste sensations.

    Soup with dumplings in meat broth

    We will need:

    • meat broth - 1.5 liters
    • potatoes - 2 pcs
    • carrots - 1 pc.
    • onion - 1 pc.
    • bell pepper - 1 piece
    • vegetable oil - 1 - 2 tbsp. spoons
    • butter - 1 tbsp. the spoon is not full
    • yolk from raw eggs- 2 pcs
    • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons without a slide
    • sour cream - 0.5 cups
    • dill - half a bunch
    • salt, pepper - to taste

    For the dumplings:

    • flour - 1.5 cups
    • egg - 1 pc.
    • boiled water


    1. Strain the finished meat broth through cheesecloth. Leave the glass of broth cold. Add diced or striped potatoes to the remaining broth and cook until tender.

    2. While the potatoes are cooking, finely chop the onion and fry it in oil until light golden brown. Add carrots and fry everything together for 3 - 4 minutes.

    Cut the bell pepper and fry it a little along with the carrots and onions.

    3. Then add flour, fry for 1 - 2 minutes over medium heat and pour in cold broth. Dilute the mixture so that there are no lumps. Simmer the carrots with the lid closed and over medium heat until tender.

    4. Finely chop the sorrel, after sorting it out and washing it to remove sand. Chop the dill and put it separately.

    5. Grind the yolks with slightly melted butter, salt and pepper to taste. Add a little broth from the boiling soup and mix thoroughly into a homogeneous mass until the lumps disappear.

    6. Add all the ingredients prepared in advance to the soup when the potatoes are ready. Cook everything together for 5 - 7 minutes.

    Cooking dumplings

    To do this, add salt and egg to the flour sifted in advance. Mix. Then slowly add boiled water and stir constantly. We will need a dough that is not very thick, but not liquid either. Such that it is convenient to scoop it up with a spoon, that is, the dough should turn out like thick jam.

    The dumpling dough must be beaten with a mixer or a broom. It should be saturated with oxygen as much as possible. So, finished goods will turn out more lush and airy.

    After this, put the water on the fire, having first poured it into the pan. Salt it well so that when you cook the dumplings they will be tastier. As soon as the water boils, moisten a spoon with cold water, scoop the dough into the spoon and lower the oblong pieces into the water.

    Then wet the spoon again with water and scoop up more dough and put it back into the pan. Form all the dumplings in this way. Then cook them until done.

    Pour the soup into bowls, place dumplings on each plate and add sour cream. Enjoy eating!

    Botvinya with kvass

    You are probably already familiar with botvinya recipes? After all, we have already prepared two delicious dishes with this name is . One of them is prepared with beet tops, and the other without it.

    And today another recipe with high content greens (tops), but without beets.

    Botvinha is usually prepared with fish sturgeon breeds, or with fish that has white meat. As a rule, it can be beluga, stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, pike perch, or sturgeon balyk and whitefish are used.

    But there are recipes that can use crayfish, crabs (including canned ones), as well as squid fillets, shrimp, scallops and krill meat. Added as decoration cancerous cervixes. But this is already restaurant-level serving.

    Therefore, everyone chooses fish or other seafood products for themselves. And I will just indicate approximate proportions.

    We will need:

    • fish - 300 gr
    • sorrel – 200 gr
    • spinach - 200 gr
    • green onion - 50 -60 g
    • green salad (any) – 70 – 80 gr
    • parsley, dill - 50 g each
    • cucumbers - 2 pcs.
    • horseradish root - 40 -50 g (or grated horseradish)
    • lemon zest - 1 teaspoon
    • sugar - 1 teaspoon
    • salt - to taste
    • bread kvass - 1 liter

    You can add less crabs, shrimp and scallops than fish.


    1. Boil the fish in salted water and cool. You can later cook a delicious fish soup using the broth.

    2. Sort the sorrel and spinach and rinse thoroughly. Remove rough stems and cut into strips. Simmer in its own juice, each in a separate bowl.

    Then grind through a sieve. Combine the puree, add salt, sugar, lemon zest and dilute with kvass. When you peel the zest, use only the yellow part.

    3. Cut the cucumbers into short strips. Peel and grate the horseradish, or prepare it already prepared. Chop green onions and all other greens. Cut the lettuce leaves into neat strips.

    4. When serving, pour the botvinya into plates. Garnish with sliced ​​cucumbers, green onions, dill and parsley. Add horseradish to everyone's taste. And top with green salad.

    5. Cut the chilled fish into portions. And either put it on a plate for everyone, or serve it on a common platter.

    The dish turns out very beautiful and tasty. Kvass must be cold when served. Also, the dish is always served with edible ice in a salad bowl. And during the meal they put it on the plate several times.

    For a hot summer, such a dish will be a real salvation. So take note of the recipe. Will come in handy soon!

    Royal Botvinya with salmon, beets and beet tops

    Since botvinya is not often prepared these days, I decided to look it up on the Internet good recipe. And this is the recipe in best traditions Russian country cuisine found. I am happy to share it with you.

    And if you ask why it is called royal, I will answer with pleasure. Previously, in peasant families they prepared it from two main components - kvass and various tops (hence the name). And the nobility - the boyars and tsars - also did not disdain this dish, but they preferred to embellish it with red or white fish.

    Subsequently, the recipe migrated to our time. And as we live, we are now no worse than the nobility, and we can afford all sorts of fish. So consider that by preparing this botvinya, we will try a real royal dish!

    Read, take note of royal botvinya - this “Queen of Russian soups,” as Alexander Dumas called her, cook and eat to your health!

    How to cook sorrel, features and cooking secrets

    Sorrel soups contain a lot useful microelements and vitamins, and also store a wealth of spring aromas. They are not only healthy, but also tasty, cause a healthy appetite and are perfectly absorbed by the body.

    On a hot summer day you don’t want any fatty food, and then light sorrel soups come to the rescue, which are eaten hot. And cold soups, such as cabbage soup, holodniki, botvinya and okroshka.

    • For cooking, you need to use young leaves; it is better to do this before flowering begins. When a plant throws out a peduncle, all its energy goes into flowering, and by that time the leaves are saturated with oxalic acid, becoming tough and tasteless. Therefore, only young leaves should be prepared and stored for the winter.
    • It is advisable not to store all green crops for a long time, from long-term storage they also lose vitamins
    • When sorrel appears in the beds, there are often very few other plants. Therefore, the area is quite dusty. And this should be taken into account when cleaning and washing. The stems may contain remains of clay or earth, and among the leaves there may be last year's leaves from trees or blades of grass.
    • therefore, the sorrel must be sorted and cleaned of impurities, then cut off the stems if they are very fibrous and rough, and thoroughly wash the leaf blade. First, you should simply fill them with water and let them lie for a while so that the soil and dust are washed off. And then rinse the leaves thoroughly under running water
    • They must be washed immediately before cooking. Washed leaves do not last long; they wither and rot faster
    • for cooking various soups, exist various ways processing of leaves - they can be boiled, simmered or stewed in a small amount of water, or in their own juice
    • Cooking time should be short, no more than 5 minutes. As soon as the leaves change color, they are completely ready

    • frozen sorrel cooks for the same amount of time
    • The leaves should not be digested, otherwise they will lose all their vitamins and become tasteless
    • frozen sorrel does not need to be thawed, it must be removed from freezer and immediately place it in salted water that has boiled by then.
    • There is an opinion that to preserve the color of greens, you can add baking soda during cooking. This is incorrect, baking soda is an alkali. And as you know, alkalis destroy vitamins
    • To reduce the acidity of sorrel soup, you can add other greens, such as nettles or spinach. You can add fresh cabbage, lettuce, beet tops
    • for the same purposes in already ready dish fresh ones are added lettuce leaves, and for piquancy - arugula salad or watercress salad. In this case, the soup acquires, along with sourness, also spiciness. And for the smell and new taste sensations you can also add tarragon, which is also almost the first to grow
    • You can add chopped garlic to the finished soup
    • You should not simmer sorrel together with spinach, in this case the spinach will lose its delicate taste and wonderful color under the influence of acid.
    • if you prepare it from sorrel paired with spinach, then it is better to eat them hot. Cold spinach is more difficult to digest
    • soups can be prepared both hot and cold

    • they can be lean or meat. At the same time, the cooking methods are practically the same, the only option for meat is that it takes more time while the meat is cooked
    • cold soups are prepared with kvass and kefir, hot soups with meat and chicken broths, or just on the water
    • Hard-boiled eggs, sour cream and herbs are used for serving. Or you can cook delicious garlic croutons, and serve with them
    • It is advisable to prepare green soups for one time only, if you store them until next day, they will lose all their vitamins, and the taste will no longer be the same

    All these rules apply not only to sorrel, but also to other leafy vegetables. Therefore, take note of these tips and use them when preparing dishes from green plants.

    And I would like to finish for today. If you have questions, ask them in the comments. If I know the answer, I will definitely answer it.

    And also share recipes with your friends on in social networks. I think the recipes will be useful to everyone. Well, where else can you find such an interesting and diverse selection!?

    Cook and eat for your health. And bon appetit everyone!

    Sorrel soup is simply an ideal first dish for spring and early summer, when the first vitamin-rich greens appear in markets and gardens. Cooking this simple first The dish will take you very little time, since it is customary to cook it with water, and not with strong meat broth. Although, if desired, you can cook broth for it, and personally, I often use frozen stocks of broth. But on water, this soup turns out so light and fresh that it perfectly quenches both hunger and thirst in the summer afternoon heat.

    Fresh sorrel is not very often found in stores, but during the season you can always buy it from grandmothers in markets or without special troubles grow in your own garden plot. After all, this simple and inexpensive “grassroots” green is one of the first to appear on our tables in the spring, and therefore it is simply designed to replenish the supply of vitamins and support the immune system during the difficult off-season period. Sorrel has numerous beneficial properties due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition and organic acid content. It not only fights spring vitamin deficiency, but is also able to raise hemoglobin in the blood, perfectly relieve inflammation in the body and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Sorrel soup prepared according to this simple recipe, it turns out to be very easy for digestion, so it will not overload your body in the summer and will not add extra pounds. And to make this soup nutritious and satisfying enough, rice, potatoes, as well as boiled chicken eggs. But all these ingredients are not so important compared to the piquant sour broth that is a characteristic feature of sorrel soup, so you can add them or not add them at your own discretion.

    Try making healthy and tasty sorrel soup using my favorite recipe and you will get a simple but unusual first a dish worthy of all praise!

    Useful information How to cook sorrel soup - recipe simple soup from fresh sorrel on water with rice and potatoes with step-by-step photos


    • 2.5 liters of water or broth
    • 200 g fresh sorrel
    • 100 g rice
    • 3 medium potatoes
    • 1 medium onion
    • dill or parsley
    • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
    • ½ tbsp. l. salt
    • 5 boiled eggs for serving (optional)


    1. In order to prepare sorrel soup, first prepare everything necessary ingredients. Sort out the fresh sorrel and wash each leaf thoroughly, as it may contain insects and particles of soil. Cut off the long stems of the sorrel and cut the leaves into strips.

    2. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes.

    3. Onion peel and finely chop.

    4. Pour water or broth into a large saucepan, bring to a boil over medium heat and add the chopped potatoes.

    Advice! If you cook sorrel soup in water or vegetable broth, you will get a very light and vitamin-rich soup, which is great for those who are on a diet or fasting. When you want to prepare a more satisfying and nutritious first course, you can use chicken, beef or turkey broth and add pieces of meat to the soup when serving.

    5. When the water boils again, add pre-washed rice to the sorrel soup. Cook the potatoes and rice at a low simmer for 20 minutes, skimming off the foam if necessary.

    Advice! You can use any type of rice to make soups. Personally, I like to cook soup with round rice, but it must be washed more thoroughly with water, since it contains more starch.

    6. Meanwhile, heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add chopped onion and fry it over medium heat for 5 - 7 minutes.

    7. Add fresh sorrel to the onion and cook with constant stirring for 1 - 2 minutes until all the sorrel has darkened. During the roasting process, the mountain of chopped sorrel will significantly decrease in volume.

    8. When the potatoes and rice are completely ready, add sorrel and onions to the soup, stir and cook for another 5 minutes.

    9. At the end of cooking, salt the soup to taste and add fresh parsley or dill.

    Very tasty and light sorrel soup with potatoes and rice can be served immediately. I advise you to put half a boiled chicken egg or a couple on each plate. quail eggs, which will give it additional satiety. Bon appetit!

    Sorrel soup - wonderful vitamin dish, the “highlight” of which is its characteristic sourness. This soup will come in handy after the cold weather, during which our body has managed to miss vitamins and fresh herbs. Sorrel is a true natural treasure, rich in minerals (potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron), beta-carotene, and vitamins A, C, B1 and E. The inclusion of such healthy soup in the diet - this valuable gift for the body, because it is not for nothing that sorrel is popularly called the “green healer”.

    Sorrel soup is best prepared from young tender leaves - this is a guarantee excellent taste and pronounced benefits for the body. It is in the young shoots of sorrel that maximum amount vitamins and minerals. The classic recipe for sorrel soup always includes meat and boiled eggs. Onions, carrots and potatoes are also usually added to the soup. For meat version You can use chicken, beef, rabbit, turkey or lean pork. However, there are plenty of other varieties of sorrel soup, including a vegetarian version, which is great for those on a diet or dietary restrictions, as well as sorrel soups using a variety of additional ingredients, for example, nettles, spinach, arugula, dandelion greens, tomatoes, bell pepper, celery, white cabbage or beans. In addition, you can prepare sorrel cream soup with the addition of other greens - such a bright delicate dish The kids will certainly appreciate it. Tip to note: Including in soup spicy greens helps neutralize the harm of oxalic acid.

    Before preparing the soup, the sorrel should be sorted, discarding the withered and rotten leaves, remove the tails and thick veins and wash the greens thoroughly. It is best to do this in a bowl of cold water, draining the water several times - this will remove dirt and sand. Do not chop the sorrel too finely, otherwise it will turn into mush during cooking. The more sorrel shoots you add to the soup, the more pronounced sour taste it will have. Usually 2 liters meat broth about 100 g of sorrel shoots are used, whereas in the case of cooking vegetarian soup For 1 liter of water you should take 200 g of sorrel leaves. Sorrel is added to the soup at the very end, as it takes less than 5 minutes to prepare. Undercooked or overcooked greens can spoil the overall impression of the dish, so remove the soup from the stove as soon as the leaves change color and become limp. If your soup is not sour enough as you wanted, lemon or lime juice will help fix it. It is worth remembering that sorrel soup cannot be cooked in aluminum containers, since oxalic acid reacts with aluminum.

    You can also freeze, dry, or preserve fresh sorrel for the winter to enjoy during cold weather. aromatic soup, reminiscent of summer and lush greenery. If you are making soup from frozen sorrel, there is no need to defrost it first - just drop the leaves into the boiling broth. Sorrel soup is usually complemented with chopped boiled eggs, sprinkled with chopped herbs and served with sour cream. Eggs help balance out the sour flavor of the soup and can not only be crumbled into the finished soup, but can also be added raw during the cooking process or served boiled on its own. Sorrel soup is good both hot and cold, which is especially important for the summer season. Now let's check out the recipes for this wonderful soup.

    1.5 kg beef,
    4-5 medium potatoes,
    1 medium onion,
    1 large carrot,
    300 g fresh sorrel or 200 g frozen sorrel,
    2 tablespoons vegetable oil,
    4 bay leaves,
    5 peas of allspice,

    boiled eggs,
    dill greens,
    sour cream.

    Boil beef in 3.5 liters of water. Add diced potatoes to the boiling broth and cook for about 15 minutes. Fry chopped onion in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add grated carrots and fry for about 5-7 minutes, then add to the soup along with bay leaf and allspice. When the potatoes are soft, add the chopped sorrel. Cook for 3 to 5 minutes. Salt and add pepper to taste. Crumble chopped boiled eggs into the soup and sprinkle the dish with dill. Serve soup with sour cream.

    Sorrel soup with chicken and rice

    500 g chicken meat,
    2 liters of water,
    2 onions,
    2 carrots,
    1/2 cup rice,
    100 g sorrel,
    2 stalks of celery,
    3 boiled eggs,
    Bay leaf,
    black peppercorns,

    sour cream.

    Pour water over chicken and bring to a boil. Remove any foam, reduce heat and add 1 peeled onion and 1 peeled carrot. Cook for about 30 minutes until the chicken is cooked through. 10 minutes before the broth is ready, add bay leaf and black peppercorns, lightly salt. Remove spices and vegetables from the broth, separate the meat from the bones and chop, and strain the broth.

    Bring the strained broth to a boil and add 1 chopped onion, 1 julienned carrot and diced celery. Add washed rice and cook for about 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the cereal and vegetables are cooked. Add chopped sorrel and chicken, cook for another 5 minutes. Add salt if necessary and season to taste with ground pepper. Serve soup with half and half boiled eggs and sour cream.

    Cream soup with sorrel and spinach

    2 liters of water,
    4 potatoes,
    250 g sorrel leaves,
    250 g spinach leaves,
    1 bunch of dill,
    4 boiled quail eggs,
    salt to taste.

    Place the diced potatoes in a saucepan and add water. Add salt and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about 10 minutes. Add chopped herbs and cook until potatoes are soft. Grind the soup with a blender to a puree consistency. Add salt if necessary and pour into plates, garnishing with quail egg halves.

    French sorrel soup

    4-6 bunches of sorrel,
    1 liter chicken or vegetable broth,
    1 onion,
    80 g butter,
    3 tablespoons flour,
    2 egg yolks,
    1/2 cup cream,
    salt to taste.

    Melt 60g butter in a frying pan over medium heat. Add chopped onion and fry over low heat for 10 minutes. While the onions are cooking, bring the broth to a boil in a saucepan. Add the chopped sorrel leaves and a large pinch of salt and mix well. When the sorrel has softened, reduce the heat, cover and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir the prepared onion with flour and add to the soup, stirring well with a whisk. Whisk egg yolks and cream in a bowl. While beating, do not add a large number of hot soup so that the yolks do not cook. Pour in egg mixture into the soup, stirring continuously. Add the remaining butter and cook for another 5 minutes, without letting the soup boil. Serve immediately.

    Sorrel and nettle soup

    2 liters of water,
    200 g sorrel,
    200 g nettles,
    3-4 potatoes.
    1 onion,
    1 carrot,
    1 onion,
    salt and black ground pepper taste,
    dill greens.

    Pour water over the diced potatoes, add salt and bring to a boil. Cook for about 10 minutes, then add the chopped vegetables. Cook for another 15 minutes. Add chopped sorrel and nettle leaves and after 5 minutes remove the soup from the stove. Season with salt and pepper to taste, sprinkle with chopped dill and serve.

    800-900 g of any meat,
    3 liters of water,
    1 onion,
    1 carrot,
    150 g fresh sorrel,
    5 potatoes,
    3 cloves of garlic,
    4 boiled eggs,
    1 tablespoon vegetable oil,
    salt and ground black pepper to taste,
    dill and parsley,
    sour cream.

    Add oil to the multicooker bowl and fry the chopped onions, carrots and garlic in the frying mode. Add the chopped meat and diced potatoes. Add water and cook in simmer mode for about 1 hour. After this, add chopped sorrel, salt and pepper. Cook in simmer mode for about 15 minutes. Sprinkle the finished soup with chopped herbs and serve with half boiled eggs and sour cream.

    Sorrel soup - healthy dish with a refreshing taste that perfectly satisfies hunger. We hope that the sorrel soup options we offer will make your diet healthy and varied. Bon appetit!