Delicious baked meat pies. The most delicious meat pies: soft and tender

Praise be to Russian cuisine for its ingenuity in baking! There's so much variety you won't find. I suggest baking delicious pies from homemade yeast dough with meat filling. Preparing the pies is a hassle, but the dish is worth it. Butter pies, prepared almost using the sponge method, turn out airy and tender. Is it possible to exchange them for baked goods from the supermarket? I am not a supporter of store-bought “tests” and act according to the rules of a caring housewife: “Home-made food is healthy and tasty!”

So, let's prepare baked meat pies in the oven...

First, the yeast dough is kneaded. To prepare it, products are taken from the list.

Crumble fresh yeast into a bowl.

Add warm water to the yeast and stir thoroughly. What I got is called “whitening.”

Sprinkle the whitewash with sugar and flour. Stir lightly. Leave in a warm place for 30 minutes.

The mixture turned into a fluffy cap - that's what you need.

Prepare a large container suitable for fermenting the dough. I settled on an enamel basin.

Sift 600 g of flour into a bowl.

Add fluffy whitewash.

Add salt, warm chicken eggs and warm butter. All yeast dough ingredients should only be warm, not hot. Yeast dies at high temperatures.

Mix the pastry with flour and yeast. Add the remaining portion of flour. Start kneading the dough by hand.

Bring the dough to elasticity and place it on the bottom of the container. Cover with a towel and keep warm for 2 hours.

The dough should rise well.

After which a good warm-up is done. The dough is rolled out and formed into a bun again. Let the bun rise again well in a warm place under a towel.

While the dough is rising, prepare the minced meat. Products will be required from the list.

Chop the meat and onion into pieces.

Pass through a meat grinder.

Place in a frying pan and simmer with the addition of sunflower oil.

Stir the meat filling regularly during the stewing process.

Don't forget to add salt and dill. I use dill frozen for the winter.

While the filling is cooling, let's return to the dough. It rose magnificently in the basin. Sprinkle it with flour and take it out on the table.

I really like working with the dough on a waffle towel. It practically doesn't stick to it. A little flour always goes into the dust.

Dip your fingertips into flour. Grasp the dough and pipe mini-balls onto the board. Give them some space.

Roll out the koloboks into thin circles.

Place a tablespoon of minced meat in the middle of each circle.

Make pies in any shape. I like boats.

Transfer the pieces, seam side down, onto a greased baking sheet. Brush with beaten yolk and water.

Bake in an oven preheated to 240°C for 15-20 minutes. Ready-made meat pies come out of the oven with ease when tilted. It's all about airiness.

Baked meat pies melt in your mouth like cotton candy. Joke!

Homemade meat pies made from rich dough with fresh yeast are truly incomparable. Break the cooled pie! Isn't it a fairy tale?

There is a food that, when you think about it, you immediately begin to think about your childhood with always knocked-out knees, huge puddles on the way to kindergarten, the floral smell of your mother’s perfume and the wrinkled hands of the kindest grandmother in the world. Grandmothers, who, playfully and between other things, often, often prepared delicious ones, the taste of which is remembered through the years.

As adults, we often try to recreate the moments that made us happy. Grandmother's meat pies are one of the memories that firmly connect us with a carefree childhood, and having learned to cook this simple treat, we can sometimes return to the days of mercury thermometers heated on a radiator so as not to go to school, to the days of friendship with the red-haired neighbor boy , with whom it was so fun to steal apples in the collective farm garden, in the story about push pins on the teacher’s chair, torn out pages with “twos” in the school diary, the most delicious cafeteria cutlets. And, of course, during those breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks when grandma prepared yeast pies with amazing meat filling.

Don’t be afraid of the abundance of letters: the step-by-step photo recipe for meat pies in the oven is simple, and once you get the hang of it, you can cook them just as easily and quickly as your grandmother once did. Just as carefully and beautifully - so that one day, many years later, your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will excitedly tell their children about what breathtakingly delicious meat pies you knew how to cook.

Ingredients for the dough:
- 4 glasses of flour;
- 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
- 250 ml milk;
- 1 tsp. salt;
- 2 tsp. dry yeast;
- 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
- 1 egg.

Filling ingredients:
- 2-3 large onions;
- 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
- 0.5 kg of boiled meat;
- salt, pepper to taste;
- 1 egg for greasing the pies;
- optional - sesame or any other spice for sprinkling the pies.

How to cook with photos step by step

To make the process of making pies simple and enjoyable, take care of the filling in advance. To do this, first boil the meat. It may sound strange, but the best option is beef with a fairly large number of veins - after you cook the fillet, the veins will become soft. After twisting the meat through a meat grinder, they will completely mix with the minced meat, become invisible and imperceptible to the taste, but will significantly improve the structure of the filling, giving it juiciness and softness.

So, cut the meat into fairly large pieces that will fit into the hole in the meat grinder.

Peel the onion, cut into half rings without any desire for beauty, fry in vegetable oil until soft and translucent. Do not allow the onions to fry - they are needed to give the filling juiciness, and onions, fried until golden and crispy, are beautiful, but, alas, a little dry.

Grind the boiled meat and fried onions in a meat grinder.

Add salt and pepper to taste. From experience, I can note that it is better to salt and pepper the filling well - after it is combined with the dough, its taste will become softer, so it is worth highlighting it in advance by adding a little more salt and pepper than usual.

Mix. The filling is ready. Now you can, without being distracted by extraneous matters, get creative - creating the most delicious yeast pies with meat in the world.

Prepare the dough. Sift the flour into a bowl of sufficient volume. Due to the constant rush, I do not waste time on this simple step, however, my grandmother always did just that. I don’t know if it seems to me or if it really is so, but still those pies from my childhood were much tastier.

Make a well in the center of the flour mound and add sugar and salt. We do not neglect any of these components - a small amount of the first makes the yeast work more carefully and hardworking, the second - reveals the taste of the dough, emphasizing its rich notes.

Mix, lifting the flour from bottom to top, make a hole again and pour in the yeast.

Pour warm milk into the center of the well.

After this, add vegetable oil to the dough.

Knead the thin dough, gradually collecting flour from the sides of the bowl. If you do this with a mixer, then your work will be reduced only to holding the “helper” - the whisks themselves will complete the entire task, sequentially adding flour to the already kneaded dough.

We collect the finished dough into a ball, put it in a bowl, cover with a towel and put it in a warm place for 1.5-2 hours, depending on the air temperature in the room.

After the specified time, the dough should increase significantly in volume - you can continue working. We knead, divide into several parts, and begin to form the pies.

To ensure that all products are smooth and neat, we will cut the dough using a glass with sharp edges. The grandmother simply pulled out the “sausage”, cut it into equal pieces, and rolled each of them into a circle.

I’m not skilled at such tricks, so I achieve the ideal appearance of the pies in a different way - first I roll out the dough into a layer.

Then I use a glass to cut out even circles, which I use to form pies. I collect the rest of the dough into a ball again, roll it out and reuse it. You choose the method that you like best.

So, place an even circle of dough in the palm of your left hand, put the filling in the middle, lightly compacting it to increase the amount of meat that will fit in the pie. We fasten the edges of the circle on two opposite sides. We pinch it well.

After this, we pinch it in the same way, first from one edge to the middle.

Then - from the other and to the middle. Try to make the tucks small (so that the dough is tender and thin) and strong (so that you don’t have to treat your family separately with buns and separately with minced meat).

Ready. Let's admire it - this is a mandatory point in the program, without which the pies will not turn out tasty and juicy!

Place the finished products on a greased or baking tray lined with baking paper, seam side down.

When all the pies are molded, cover the baking sheet with a towel and put them in a warm place to proof for 15-20 minutes. Brush the pies with lightly beaten egg.

If desired, sprinkle with sesame seeds, cumin, coarse sea salt, or whatever you like to sprinkle on them.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

To cool, be sure to transfer the pies to a wooden board or metal wire rack.

We store (if there is anything to store) in a tightly tied bag.

Bon appetit!

P.S. Using the same recipe and in the same way, you can prepare yeast pies with any other filling. Here are some options for savory pie fillings for inspiration:

Fish fillet, onion, Bechamel sauce;
- stewed cabbage, carrots, onions;
- fried mushrooms with onions and sour cream;
- pea mash;
- bean puree, fried onions;
- liver;
- rice, boiled egg, green onions;
- buckwheat, fried carrots, celery, onions;
- cottage cheese, garlic, herbs;
- sausages of the “Malyutka” type.

Several options for sweet fillings for yeast pies:

Cottage cheese with sugar and raisins;
- poppy seeds, ground with sugar;
- sweet nut mass;
- dried apricots, prunes, raisins and other dried fruits;
- cherry, plum, pear, apricot and other fruits and berries;
- thick fruit jam;
- and even chocolates, toffees and caramels.

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Ruddy, aromatic and very tasty - homemade meat pies. Anyone can make these pies. How to cook meat pies in the oven watch and read further.

Meat pies: oven baking recipes step by step

A good memory from childhood is my mother’s or grandmother’s pies. The time has come for you to learn how to bake such things so that your children and then your grandchildren will remember them.

Recipe: Meat pies baked in the oven


  • 3 tbsp. flour
  • 1 tbsp. milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 packet of dry yeast
  • a pinch of salt

For filling:

  • 0.5 kg minced meat (pork or chicken)
  • onion
  • vegetable oil
  • salt
  • spices
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour

Cooking method:

1. Beat eggs with sugar and salt.

2. Add warm milk and yeast. Pour in vegetable oil and beat until smooth. Then add the sifted flour in parts. Knead the dough.

3. Cover the bowl with the dough with a clean towel and put it in a warm place to rise for 1-2 hours.

4. Cut the onions into cubes.

5. Fry minced meat and onions in a small amount of vegetable oil.

6. Salt the finished filling and season with spices. For better viscosity, you can add raw egg or flour to the minced meat. It's better to use flour.

7. Knead the risen dough and cut it into balls. Roll the balls into a flat cake with a rolling pin. Place some meat filling on the edge of the flatbread. Seal the edges of the pies.

8. Grease a baking sheet with oil and sprinkle with flour. Transfer the pies to a baking sheet.

9. The pies can be brushed with whipped yellow, egg white, salted or sweet water.

10. Bake the pies in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

11. Cool the pies on a baking sheet under a towel.

Recipe: Meat pies from unleavened dough in the oven


  • 2.5 tbsp. flour
  • 100 gr. butter
  • 1 tbsp. kefir
  • a pinch of salt

For filling:

  • 300 gr. chicken fillet
  • onion
  • vegetable oil
  • pepper

Cooking method:

  1. Beat the egg with salt.
  2. Pour in kefir and melted butter.
  3. Knead the dough.
  4. Roll the dough into a ball, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator.
  5. Pass the chicken fillet and onions through a meat grinder.
  6. Fry the minced chicken in vegetable oil for 2-5 minutes.
  7. Salt and pepper the finished filling and knead thoroughly.
  8. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and the film. Divide the dough into balls.
  9. Roll out the balls slightly, but not thinly. Place the filling on the rolled out dough.
  10. Pinch the edges of the dough and shape them into pies.
  11. Bake the pies at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes. Pies can be brushed with melted butter before baking.

If you still doubt your capabilities, then watch the video recipe and start baking.

Video recipe Delicious meat pies in the oven

Have fun cooking and be healthy!

Always yours Alena Tereshina.

The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies! Our ancestors knew a lot about pies, treated their guests, put them on the festive table, and took them with them on the road...Whether you want to have a good welcome or not, you definitely need to learn how to make meat pies from yeast dough! At least just for my family. Today I will tell you in detail and show you how to make meat pies in the oven.

Recipe for meat pies in the oven

Ingredients for the dough:

  • Kefir - 300 ml (the more sour, the better)
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml. (I used sunflower, you can use olive without a strong smell)
  • Dry yeast - 11 g (standard small bag) If you use raw yeast, you will need 30 g.
  • Milk - 100 ml.
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Flour - 500 -550 g (may need a little more or less depending on the density of the flour)

For filling:

  • Boiled meat (in this recipe I use pork) - 300 gr.
  • Onion - one large onion or two medium-sized onions
  • Salt, pepper to taste

To grease the pies:

  • Yolk of one egg
  • Milk - 2 tbsp. spoons

How to cook meat pies from yeast dough in the oven

Let's start preparing the dough. The main secret to a good dough is to get the yeast to work. To do this, heat the milk (100 ml) to a warm temperature (no more than 40 degrees, otherwise the yeast will die!). If you dip your finger in this milk, it should feel pleasant, comfortable, and warm.

Pour the yeast into warm milk, add 2 tbsp to the dough. spoons of sugar, stir. It will take 20-30 minutes for the dough to increase in size and be ready to rise the yeast dough. Place the dough in a place without drafts.

To create comfortable conditions, cover the dough with cling film or a towel.

We also heat the kefir, pour in vegetable oil (150 ml.)

Beat in 2 chicken eggs (the eggs can be broken into a separate bowl and stirred, only then poured into the dough).

So, the dough rose like a cap, and then bubbles began to appear on its surface and the dough began to settle, which indicates that it is ripe and we can continue kneading the yeast dough.

Pour kefir with the remaining ingredients into a well-suited dough. Stir.

Now it's the turn of the flour. Sift it in parts, stirring occasionally and checking the consistency of the dough. Depending on the humidity in the room and the density of the wheat flour, the dough may take a little more than 500 grams. or a little less.

The dough should be soft, pleasant, slightly sticky. Don't add all the flour at once - otherwise the dough may turn out too dense, and we want airy, fluffy meat pies, don't we?

Cover the kneaded dough with a clean towel and put it in a warm place without drafts for 1 hour. The rising time of the dough is individual; if the conditions are good (warm, no drafts, humid), the yeast dough will double in volume in 1 hour. If the apartment is cold and the dough rises slowly, give it more time.

While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. Place the boiled meat (I have pork, 300 grams) in a blender bowl, after dividing it into pieces.

Turn on the blender and turn the pieces into crumbs. Add fried onions. Mix the ingredients, salt and pepper.

Forming meat pies

So, the dough for meat pies has already come up, let's get to the fun part - forming the pies.

Grease your hands with a small amount of vegetable oil so that the dough does not stick to your hands and tear off small pieces, forming a ball. Then we stretch the ball into a flat cake so that it is convenient to lay out the filling. Place one tablespoon of meat filling in the center of the flatbread. Bring the edges of the dough together and form a pie.

On a baking sheet sprinkled with flour, place the pies, seam side down, at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other.

To ensure that the pies have a crispy golden crust, coat the pies with yolk mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of milk. You can add a pinch of salt to the resulting mixture, which we will use to cover the pies.

Grease the pies with a pastry brush and place in a preheated oven (up to 170 C).

Bake the meat pies in the oven for 20-25 minutes. We focus on the golden crust - the pies should become golden brown.
Meat pies in the oven according to this recipe turn out “fluffy”, with fluffy dough and juicy filling. Bon appetit!

Traditional baked meat pies go well with first courses, tea, or just a hearty snack. You have some free time today, then I suggest you start cooking meat pies.

On our website there is a recipe for yeast pies with cabbage, which are fried in a frying pan.

Preparation time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 2 hours
Baking time: 15-20 minutes

Ingredients for 12 pies:

  • fresh yeast 20 g
  • milk 250 ml
  • sugar 2.5 tsp.
  • salt 0.5 tsp.
  • wheat flour 450 g (plus 100 g for dusting)
  • vegetable oil 3.5 tbsp. l.
  • chicken egg 2 pcs.
  • pork 300 g
  • large onion
  • garlic optional
  • ground pepper mixture

Read also:

Recipe for baked meat pies

1. Let's prepare homemade yeast dough for meat pies. Crumble fresh yeast into a small bowl and add a tablespoon of sugar. If you have dry yeast, then take 10-15 g.

2. Pour warm milk into the yeast, add a spoonful of flour and mix well with a spoon.

3. After 10-15 minutes, the yeast will begin to work and the milk mixture will increase significantly in size.

4. Place the sifted flour in a deep bowl, where you will then knead the dough. Add a pinch of salt to the flour and pour in the yeast starter.

5. Start kneading the dough, beat in the eggs. Remember that any yeast dough for pies must be kneaded clockwise. It is quite convenient to use an ordinary tablespoon. To make the process easier for yourself, use a food processor to knead the dough. And if it’s more convenient and familiar for you to knead the dough with your hands, then just do it on a table dusted with flour. Add vegetable oil and bring the dough until smooth for 7-10 minutes.

6. Place the dough in a clean, oiled bowl. Cover the bowl with film and put it in a secluded place without drafts.

7. Knead the risen dough once and cover it again with film, put it in a warm place for another 20 minutes.

8. Meanwhile, prepare the meat filling for the baked pies. For this you will need fresh or boiled meat (pork). Take onions to taste. If you wish, you can add potatoes to the filling.

9. Grind the pork in a meat grinder, finely chop the onion and potatoes into cubes.

10. In a frying pan, first fry the onions and potatoes, and then add the minced meat. Fry the ingredients until tender, about 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and add salt and ground pepper to the filling to taste. To allow the filling to cool quickly, pour it from the frying pan into a bowl.

11. By this time the dough has risen for the second time, you can begin to form the pies.

12. Sprinkle the table lightly with flour and place the dough on it, divide into equal pieces.

13. Roll the dough into round pieces by hand and cover them with film.

14. Take out one ball of dough at a time and roll it into a flat cake. Place the meat filling in the middle of the flatbread.

15. Connect the two edges of the cake to the top, as in the photo.

17. Connect all the edges of the pie tightly and turn it over, seam side down, and place it on the parchment. Do not forget about the distance on the baking sheet between the pies, because they will rise during baking.

18.Cover the pies with film and let them rest for 15 minutes. Then remove the film and brush with beaten egg on top, sprinkle with sesame seeds if desired.

19.Bake the pies at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes.

Remove the finished homemade baked meat pies from the oven, then cool, and only then can you serve them.