Whiskey with ice: Some people like it a little colder. Real men drink straight whiskey, not whiskey on the rocks.

I decided to write this note because... I realized that people on the Internet are looking for all sorts of crap and “ how to drink whiskey with ice" including.

In this note we will not talk about the fact that ice and whiskey this is a moviton that only “ shmurdyak" diluted with ice, about bouquets, etc. It’s just that ice with whiskey is tasty and pleasant to consume, for us personally, so we continue the conversation.

And so, my friends who love to roll, take for example Chivas Regal (Chivas Belched), the swill is quite noble, he is 12 years old, and has already seen a lot. This booze should cost about $35-45, we don’t take into account retail stores and excise tax.

So, we successfully purchased Chivas in the neighboring one, our Chivas is good and obviously real.

Now we prepare the ice.

The water should be simple and tasteless, there is no need to take and freeze Coca-Cola, Polyana Kvass and other muinu.

We have regular filtered water with mineralization:

Sometimes they also break up the ice, there’s someone who’s good at something.

Pour ice into a glass, the shape in my experience should be something like this.

The amount of ice determines the percentage of alcohol that will knock you over the head.

The less ice and less time has passed, the stronger the drink:

Pour the swill, covering the ice and dosing the required level of alcohol accordingly (you will have to try this from experience).

I like it weak, see the ratio in the photo:

Leave it for a couple of minutes and you can slowly stretch out the pleasure.

However, you don’t have to wait too long, the ice will melt and you’ll end up with a “shmurdyak.”

It’s better to take a smaller dose and repeat later...3 times :)

And as a very wise man taught me, it’s delicious to drink with a hard, sweet pear.

Have a nice holiday!

P.S. Don’t drink too much, while we were writing this article we became “gurus” :)

Added: 01/01/2015

A little humor:

Whiskey with ice, like coffee with sugar, all the pros and cons have long been known, but the debate between supporters and opponents does not subside. Connoisseurs do not particularly insist on the absence of ice in a glass of drink; they only specify which whiskey can be added with ice and which should not be diluted under any circumstances.

What kind of whiskey can be diluted?

Ice cools sharply and, turning into water, reduces its strength. As the temperature decreases, the sharp alcohol smell and unpleasant taste of the drink are smoothed out. From what has been said, it is easy to understand that we are talking about a product, to put it mildly, not of the best quality.

American bourbon is cooled with ice. Corn whiskey has a heavy, sweet flavor, and ice softens the bourbon.

There is a tradition of adding ice to low-quality blended grain whiskey. This alcohol is best drunk chilled and slightly diluted. Deluxe and Premium grain blends aged more than 12 years do not need this.

Expensive single malt whiskey is a kind of work of art. The taste and aroma of such drinks have a unique range of shades of vanilla, caramel, herbs, peat smoke, leather, etc. The main task of the master distiller is to reveal the drink, and not to neutralize its merits - of course, such types of whiskey cannot be diluted.

How to properly add ice to whiskey

Jokers say that the recipe with ice was invented by bartenders to make money from underfilling of alcohol. In most countries, this iconic alcohol is chilled in exceptional cases; even whiskey lovers of average quality prefer to drink it neat.

To dilute a drink that is too strong, you need to use clean still water or ice. Before diluting the whiskey, you should taste it. Some tips on how to use ice wisely:

Freeze only absolutely pure still water - you can use mineral water. The ice must be fresh.

It is very important to choose the right size of ice cubes. The larger the cubes, the slower they melt. Small and thin pieces melt quickly, diluting the whiskey, reducing the strength and changing the taste of the drink. Large pieces cool the alcohol more, preserving flavor and strength.

The minimum temperature of the drink is 10 °C, the maximum is 17-18 °C. Colder whiskey loses its taste, while warmer whiskey acquires a pronounced smell of ethyl alcohol.

Double whiskey

Double whiskey - a serving approximately equal to 100 ml. Why approximately? Historically, a serving has been one and a half ounces or 45 ml, respectively, a double has been 90 ml. Many bars and restaurants in the US and Europe round this figure to 100 ml. It is more convenient to order a double portion of alcohol if you plan to spend the whole evening in the establishment.

Is it right to drink whiskey with ice? Or is it still bad manners, and only the ignorant drink it with ice?! “Why immediately ignorant?!” - the reader will exclaim. “After all, blended whiskey is drunk with ice!” Let me clarify a little - cheap whiskey. And diluting expensive single malt whiskey with ice is simply blasphemous! After all, whiskey itself is a cultural and cult drink; it must be drunk correctly, observing all the postulates. There are a number of facts “for” and “against” whether to drink whiskey with ice or not to drink... To drink or not to drink... Experts say that ice curdles fusel oils, the aroma evaporates (is lost), and there are no longer so many nuances in the taste. However, before we “attack”, let’s list a number of arguments in favor. Initially, the tradition of drinking whiskey with ice came from North America.

Anyone who has ever watched an American movie will remember the cowboy hero behind the bar, sipping whiskey with ice and shooting, sometimes with a pistol, sometimes with his eyes, or if the bartender is opposite. So, even then, Americans (and Europeans) didn’t bother about whether to mix whiskey with ice or not. Ice did not harm the qualities of the drink, such as aroma or taste.

Why? Yes, because most people drank either bourbon or blended whiskey with ice. The first drink was made from corn, and the second by mixing grain spirits with cheap whiskey. None of the above drinks had a complex aroma. Therefore, it was simply impossible to spoil it. By adding ice to a drink, we change its concentration. In the case of bourbon or blend, this does not matter much, since aroma is not the strong point of such drinks. As for taste, you don’t have to get depressed here either. Of course, there is no arguing about tastes, and yet... Considering the peculiarities of making bourbon, I cannot talk about exquisite taste.

Blended whiskey is a little more complicated. Only Deluxe whiskey and aged whiskey have a special taste. For the most part, cheap whiskey has a pungent odor in its bouquet of flavors, and adding ice to the drink smoothes out the shades of alcohol and improves the perception of the drink. Among other things, ice in small quantities is even good for whiskey, since when it melts it reveals its taste. Therefore, the conclusion can be drawn as follows: if you prefer blended whiskey, then feel free to drink it with ice and never mind that someone will look at you askance.

Now the arguments against. If you are a whiskey connoisseur, then most likely you don’t drink it with ice at all. The stumbling block may be the aroma of whiskey. Single malt whiskey is famous and proud of its aroma! Even the tasting process begins with inhaling the aroma of the drink. This is understandable - after all, in a blend of single malt whiskey you can catch hints of vanilla, caramel, fruit and, of course, peat. However, adding ice to the drink significantly changes its concentration, upsets the balance, in short, spoils the whiskey.

It should be noted that special glasses have been developed for single malt whiskey, thanks to which the aroma is concentrated inside. Now the taste. Malt whiskey is harmonious, even very rich in all sorts of nuances; connoisseurs won’t let you lie. For decades, distillery wizards have honed their skills and proportions, keeping the recipe a strict secret. You understand that adding ice to a drink, especially in a 50/50 ratio, will not improve the result of their work. Adding ice completely and irrevocably kills the taste of single malt whiskey.

The next argument “against” is the temperature, or more precisely, its detrimental effect on the drink. Single malt whiskey should never be overcooled! Adequate, I would even say, harmonious perception of the aroma and taste of the drink occurs only at a temperature not lower than +10 °C. At lower temperatures, the bouquet wilts.

It should be noted that water, as opposed to ice, will be more appropriate, even when tasting complex, aged single malt brands of the drink. The point is that whiskey can reach a strength of 60%, at which not everyone is able to perceive the bouquet of the drink. In addition, as we mentioned above, water helps develop flavor. There is an unspoken rule - water is added from the second sip, and the first sip is always clean. There are no strict rules regarding the proportions of water that is added to a glass; everything is purely individual. If we go into details, these are a few drops per 50 ml. whiskey. The water itself should be soft, not carbonated and not mineral. By and large, it’s up to you whether you want to add ice to your whiskey or not. However, this is how it happened historically: bourbon, cheap grain and blended whiskey in 99 cases of a hundred of them are drunk with ice, but single malt whiskey - never! And yet, there are exceptions here too - people who prefer to dilute even single malt whiskey.

Among them, for example, Andrew Hellman is a big fan of single malt whiskey. For a long time he had been worried about the problem of cooling the drink, i.e. How can you cool whiskey without spoiling its taste? After some time, the Hellman spouses (they are also the founders of the Teroforma company) came to a very interesting decision... First, a few words about the company itself: Teroforma collaborates with 22 designers and artists from 14 countries. The company produces quite original accessories for the home, for the family and for the kitchen - mugs, wine glasses, glasses, glasses, saucers, cups, bowls, plates, cutlery, cutting boards and kitchen towels. All this is remade, rethought, and the result is quite unusual, interesting things. So, after thinking about it, the couple decided to make rock ice from (just don’t be surprised) “soapstone,” which is mined in Vermont (USA). In other words, it is also called “kiln stone” and “soapstone”. This stone has one feature - heat resistance.

This means that it heats up quickly and cools down slowly and vice versa. Soapstone has a smooth surface and soft structure. The breed is processed by hand. Stones are cut out of it in the shape of cubes. Just a few hours in the freezer, and the ice stones are ready to perform their functions - cooling the drink (2-3 cubes per glass, although this is not the limit). The cute “cobblestones” can be used many times. The set usually contains 9-10 ice stones, and also includes a canvas bag for storing them. The most important problem has been solved - the taste of the drink does not deteriorate. In addition, this set will be an original gift not only for drink connoisseurs, but also for amateurs.

Something else worth mentioning is the glasses. Typically, so-called “tulips” are used for whiskey. But this has its drawbacks - their throat is narrow, there is not enough room for whiskey, let alone ice stones. It turns out to be both cramped and offended...

Here is the time to remember about glasses with a normal neck, where there is room for both rock ice and the drink itself. And the “ice” does its noble job - the taste of the whiskey remains, connoisseurs are happy, life is wonderful! What else is needed for happiness? For complete happiness, it would not hurt you to purchase this set and a bottle of whiskey in our online store at any time convenient for you.

As a native of Paisley, Scotland, and a kilt-wearing man, I have spent my life tasting and drinking whiskey with ice. And in my many trips, I have heard many different misconceptions about this amazing liquid. Here are the most common myths.

1. All whiskey tastes the same

For novice tasters, this is true. Most of the people I interviewed began their first acquaintance with whiskey in their teens: they would sneak into their father’s bar and practically drink half a bottle of cheap, blended whiskey in one gulp. The body's reaction: automatic rejection of the drink. This one incident is usually enough to lose interest in the drink for a very long time.

In general, the aroma of any whiskey is influenced by a range of different factors, including: geography, the quality of the grain, the water used, the method of production, the quality of the barrels and the degree of maturity of the final product. The only guarantee of gaining a clear understanding of the complex taste of whiskey is to continue tasting and broadening your horizons. Only comparison will help you get an idea of ​​all the subtleties and variety of whiskey aromas.

2. If, when drinking a bottle of whiskey, you don’t feel the smell of an old leather saddle, the aroma of tobacco put behind your lip and the subtlest taste of dark chocolate - you’re doing it wrong

There is an opinion that the taste of whiskey should be very complex. But this depends on the perception of each individual person. No one is surprised when one person finds a dish delicious, while another simply happily eats three plates. Why should drinks be any different?

Don't be influenced by so-called experts who think they are so brilliant that they have absolutely no way of resonating with the average person. I take most of these reviews with a smile - who knows what mood the person was in when he tried this whiskey? But several basic generic tastes and aromas presented in whiskey can still be identified: fruity, spicy, smoky, peaty and floral are the most common terms you will come across. You can use these recommendations or create your own flavor/smell! Perhaps you will notice the presence of a certain fruit in the aroma of whiskey or feel the taste of a long-familiar spice. In any case, just smell, taste and listen to your own feelings.

3. Real men drink straight whiskey, not whiskey on the rocks.

Yes, it is absolutely normal to drink whiskey neat if you are able to detect its aromas in this form. But masculinity definitely has nothing to do with it. Many whiskey connoisseurs believe that adding a small amount of water to a spirit helps to recognize some of the hidden aromas and flavors during the libation process. Also, a drop of water can reduce the alcohol content in a drink, which dulls your sense of taste, making it impossible for you to recognize the subtlest shades of taste and smell.

In this case, I always resort to an analogy with wine - wine needs oxygen to fully impart taste, and whiskey needs water. How much water do you need? This is a matter of taste, so everyone decides for themselves. If you like ice in your glass, so be it! Besides, drinking whiskey somewhere on a beach in the Cayman Islands under the scorching sun without ice is simply not possible! But! It is important not to overdo it with cubes. Don't turn your drink into whiskey-flavored water. One or two cubes should be enough, I think. And just enjoy whiskey with ice.

4. The more expensive and older the better

The age of whiskey is more about the degree of aging than a time calculated in days, months, or years. It is likely that you filled two identical barrels with the same alcohol and after 12, 15, 18 years you received two different drinks. After all, there are so many different external factors that influence the balance and completeness of the taste of whiskey, and they are completely independent of time! In addition, the longer the drink is infused, the more expensive its production costs. Hence the inflated price of the product. In general, a high price often accompanies high quality, but there are exceptions. In addition, even experts are not always able to correctly determine the age of whiskey by taste.

Whiskey is a noble drink with a rich history, which is valued in many European countries. The first mention of whiskey dates back to 1494 in Scotland, which is considered the birthplace of this drink. Although many believe that whiskey is an Irish drink, the recipe for which was given by St. Patrick (the patron saint of Ireland), although no one can document this.

Whiskey is an elite and expensive drink that has a tart and delicate aroma. Among whiskey lovers there are real gourmets who have a perfect understanding of the quality, taste, varieties and other subtleties of products. Whiskey is drunk everywhere, it is especially popular in Hollywood films, it is loved by top government officials, officials, actors and other celebrities.

This drink can decorate any holiday table or family dinner. However, not everyone is well versed in the intricacies of this drink and does not know how to drink it correctly in order to enjoy its aroma and taste. Scotland is considered the main supplier of quality whiskey; products from Ireland, the USA, Japan or Canada are less popular.

In Russia, the most popular is considered to be Scotch whiskey of the Johnnie Walker, Dewar’s, Ballantine’s brands, which are also called “Scotch”, as well as Irish whiskey of the Jameson brand, or American bourbon – Jim Beam. This product is quite strong, the alcohol content is from 40 to 60 degrees. These brands differ not only in their manufacturers, but also in the aging period and method of preparation. For example: Irish whiskey is most often aged for 5 years, Scottish whiskey for 3 years, and American whiskey for 4 years. There are also original varieties that are aged in oak barrels for 10 to 12 years, and collection varieties or exclusive ones are aged for up to 20 years. The choice of brand depends on the taste and capabilities of the person. It is known that whiskey is a rather expensive drink, the price of which depends not only on the brand, but also on the age of the product. Whiskey gourmets are sure that there is no person who does not like whiskey, but there are people who do not know how to drink it or choose the right variety. Therefore, let’s try to understand some of the intricacies of this noble drink.

True whiskey lovers appreciate not only its excellent taste and aroma, but also pay close attention to the glasses in which this product should be served. Tulip-shaped or wide glasses are often used. This type of whiskey glass is more suitable when ice or other drinks are added to it. Such glasses are filled with one third of whiskey. It is not recommended to keep whiskey in the refrigerator, especially before drinking; it should be cool, but not warm or cold, otherwise it will be difficult to discern its true taste.

Whiskey tasters do not recommend diluting quality single malt Scotch whiskies, but if they are high in strength, water or ice can be used as a solvent. Whiskey gourmets prefer not to dilute it, otherwise you won’t be able to feel its real taste and aroma.

How to serve and how to drink whiskey

This drink is almost always served in a decanter, but this drink also looks good in a bottle. In men's company, this noble drink is very rarely diluted; ice is often used.

You should drink whiskey like expensive cognac. First, the color of the drink and aroma are assessed, so you will feel the whole gamut of its smell. You need to hold a little drink in your mouth, and then take a small sip. This way you can experience the rich taste of the drink. It should be remembered that good and high-quality whiskey should be enjoyed.

Seafood, fruits, and chocolate go well with whiskey as a snack. But the same sommeliers do not recommend drinking high-quality whiskey, but advise enjoying the true taste and aroma.

Socialists in tasting alcoholic beverages almost always advise drinking whiskey neat. They believe that this is the only way to recognize the true aroma and taste of the product.

These expert recommendations should be followed when it comes to real Scotch whiskey, the production of which uses barley malt. Other types of whiskey can, and sometimes should, be mixed with various ingredients, since low-quality whiskey is often made from corn grits, which can give the drink a specific taste. Although only a real sommelier can distinguish the difference.

How to drink whiskey and cola

Whiskey and cola is considered one of the popular drinks in many countries, and recently here too. It is often sung by young people in nightclubs. The cocktail recipe at first glance seems very simple, but in order to get a high-quality and tasty drink you need to adhere to some nuances.

For cocktails with cola, low grade whiskeys aged no more than 3 years are often used. The proportions depend on the wishes of the person, but usually they are prepared 1:1 or 2:1 (cola / whiskey). If the cocktail contains a large part of cola, then the taste and aroma of whiskey is little expressed and a true connoisseur is more likely to criticize the drink.

How to drink whiskey with soda or water.

In European countries, they almost always serve a glass of whiskey and a glass of water so that a person can dilute this drink to his own taste, but it should be remembered that the water in the glass should not take up a third of the whiskey, otherwise the taste of the drink will be spoiled.

How to drink whiskey with ice

The “whisky with ice” cocktail is especially popular among whiskey gourmets. In this case, the amount of ice should not exceed 2/3 of the glass, and the whiskey should barely cover the ice cubes. When the ice begins to melt, the drink becomes much softer and more enjoyable.