Virtual breathalyzer or alcohol test online. Determination of the degree of intoxication with an alcohol calculator

The law adopted in 2013 on allowable ppm from the driver, some perceived it as an opportunity to drink while driving in not large quantities... But this innovation, on the contrary, as it turned out, completely takes away the opportunity to get behind the wheel in a not sober state. In 2018 and 2019, bastards have tightened the legislation, so drivers are advised to use breathalyzers, even after an "evening" glass of beer.

On the other side, permissible content alcohol in the blood allows people to safely consume their favorite foods containing a minimum part of ethanol or to take medications alcohol based.

The problem encountered by motorists has several solutions, for example:

  • blood test for alcohol content;
  • testing of exhaled carbon dioxide and its analysis with a special breathalyzer;
  • the cheapest way to determine the alcohol content is online calculators , one of which is presented on this page.

It is also impossible to ignore the topic of the withdrawal of alcohol from the blood, the ethanol content in different drinks, as well as the degree of intoxication - these issues are briefly discussed in the material.

Online calculator

male female Calculate

Maximum concentration:

1.7 ‰

The indicated concentration corresponds to:

moderate intoxication

Time for elimination of alcohol from the body:

11 hours 20 minutes

Simple calculator algorithm

Presented above online breathalyzer, developed in close cooperation with practicing drug addiction and forensic doctors based on validated data and approved methodologies. Therefore, Internet users have a unique opportunity to calculate everything on a convenient, practical calculator. possible options consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Bottom line - after getting acquainted with the details of using and using the alcohol calculator, it will become an accessible tool for the driver for a sober assessment of the situation and safe driving in any road situation.


The biggest advantage of an online breathalyzer is its affordability. To use the alcohol calculator for the driver 2018-2019, you do not need to be imbued with complicated instructions. The user-friendly interface of the page allows you to online mode find out how much a particular driver needs to rest after taking a certain kind alcohol, with a known volume. A person just needs to go to the site, fill in the appropriate fields on the calculator:

  1. Please enter your gender. The rate of elimination of alcohol from the body in women is lower than in men. This fact is confirmed scientific research, observations and is explained simply - the body of men contains more digestive enzymes. Consequently, any food and alcoholic drinks are absorbed faster, processed, removed;
  2. Body mass. Again, physiology is everything. A big man needs a lot of food. His digestion process is more active, metabolism is faster. Consequently, the owner of less body weight can get behind the wheel later than a large motorist. How more difference between them in kilograms, the more significantly the time interval for removing alcohol from the blood on the breathalyzer will differ;
  3. Growth. Have tall people the body normalizes faster, after drunkenness than undersized ones. The explanation is simple - in a tall, thin person, the body requires more nutrients... Food, drink from the stomach, the digestive system tries to deliver it to the hungry tissues as quickly as possible;
  4. The strength of the drink and the amount drunk significantly affect the condition of the drinker. For example, take a strong man with perfect health, then he can drink a small glass of beer 0.33 l and safely get behind the wheel. But, if the driver drinks, the same volume alcoholic beverages, the blood alcohol content will prevent him from safely driving the car for at least the next 10 hours.

As you can see, in addition to human physiology, the type of alcoholic beverages affects the degree of intoxication. Therefore, it is extremely important to be aware of what you are going to drink, and what consequences it can lead to.

Alcohol content in drinks for data entry into an online breathalyzer

To correctly use this breathalyzer online accurate 2018-2019, we offer motorists a summary table for removing alcohol from blood. Here are the popular alcoholic drinks with a volume of 0.5 liters and how long they are able to remove the average healthy male car enthusiast with a height of 180 cm, weighing 80 kg from driving. According to the table, it is convenient for a person to determine which drink is better for him to drink, so that after a certain period of time he will be ready to drive the car.

Table 1 - Average time for elimination of alcohol from the body


The given data of the calculator make it clear that if in the near future the driver needs to leave, then you can drink no more than half a liter of alcoholic beverage by the strength lower than wine. But it should be noted that the online breathalyzer gives the average value for removing alcohol from the body. That is, for a person who is absolutely healthy, who has eaten well, the results will be lower. Well, if the driver is tired, hungry, exhausted by a chronic illness, instead of resting he prefers to drink a bottle of vodka, it will take a day to recover.

Dangerous ppm readings on an alcohol calculator

Best of all characterizes the state of people who have drunk a certain amount of alcohol, the concept is the degree of intoxication. This parameter is determined according to a methodology proving its competence since 1974, developed by the Ministry of Health in the USSR for forensic diagnostics of ethyl alcohol poisoning.

Consideration should be given to the fact that many foods in the daily diet contain alcohol. Only a blood test can give a complete picture of the condition of a drunk person. There is a single parameter called - ppm. It shows the content of one thousandth of a percent of a person's blood alcohol. Summing up, we have numbers and methodological explanations, which we summarize for convenience in a table.

Table 2 - Characteristics of the degree of intoxication

Life-safe ppm on an online breathalyzer

On this calculator, you can find out your alcohol consumption rate. The alcohol content in the blood, from the alcohol consumed, as a result, should not be more than 1.5 ppm... That is, if a man of an athletic constitution with a height of 180 cm, weighing 80 kg, is going to consume vodka at an event, he should be aware that having drunk more than 0.3 liters, the body will receive more than 1.5 ppm into the bloodstream. Thus, a person will go to the ΙΙ degree of alcoholic intoxication:

  • Slight clouding of consciousness;
  • Impaired coordination of movements;
  • Mumbling incomprehensible to others;
  • Slow response
  • Distorted vision;
  • The period of elimination of alcohol from the blood is at least 10 hours.

There is no need to talk about driving in this state. It should be added that the loss of self-control due to clouding of consciousness usually leads to additional abuse of alcoholic beverages. As a result, a person runs the risk of moving to the next stages. alcohol intoxication, which are already dangerous to health and life.

Permissible standards for the driver

All countries install different norms permissible concentration of ethanol in the blood. Most likely, this tendency is associated with life, moral foundations, traditions that have developed among specific social groups. The culture and driving style, traffic intensity depends on it. French people with an established culture of production and consumption of alcoholic beverages are allowed 0.8 ppm in their blood. The hotter and more temperamental Spaniards, the Italians, the limit was capped at around 0.5. The Scandinavians also joined them. Country North America Canada and the United States, differing in their morals and freedoms, allow driving a car with an alcohol content of no more than 0.8 in the blood, but provided that the driver is over 21 years old.

Russian standard by law

In Russia, until recently, any ppm while driving were prohibited. But, an accurate breathalyzer that appeared, made it clear that it was difficult to achieve absolute zero. There was also a question about the advisability of a zero indicator if the presence of less than 0.3 ‰ alcohol ethanol in the blood does not have any effect on the driver. Therefore, for 2018, as well as for 2019, there is a limit of 0.35 ‰ in Russia. The Russian limit is lower than in most European countries. There, 0.5 or 0.8 ppm is generally allowed.

A stricter limit is due to the fact that our legislators are against the consumption of alcohol while driving in any quantity and quality. The existing acceptable dose, is designed to smooth out the possible error of breathalyzers, to take into account possible cases of drivers taking food, medicines containing a small part of the ethanol content.

Additional protection measures

Before you sit down at festive table the driver is advised to study the alcohol calculator on the online breathalyzer website. Draw a conclusion on how much you can drink and how long after that it is allowed to get behind the wheel. But in order to protect yourself from trouble with the traffic police, it is better to purchase a portable breathalyzer. If the driver often drives and has close contact with ethanol-containing products, it becomes necessary to accurately control the ppm in the body.

Compared to possible fines of 30,000 rubles plus deprivation of rights for up to 2 years, the cost of a portable breathalyzer is much lower. Keep in mind that repeated such violation of traffic rules is punished even more severely, from an administrative offense, it goes into the category of criminal. Therefore, the fine rises to 300,000 rubles, the rights are deprived for 3 years, and they can be imprisoned for 2 years.


Portable breathalyzers are designed to protect disciplined drivers from unpleasant surprises on the road. He who is warned is protected. Bon voyage and not a nail, not a rod.

Designed for self-determination of blood alcohol concentration based on the quantity and quality of alcoholic beverages drunk.

The reasons why people drink alcohol can be completely different. Someone uses intoxicating drinks for relaxation, someone in order to gain courage, and someone in order to forget and get away from problems. In all cases, do not forget that overuse alcohol has a detrimental effect on human health and can lead to irreversible consequences.

Our calculator can be useful in different cases:

  • If you plan to drive after a meal;
  • You want to calculate the maximum allowable alcohol dose for yourself;
  • You want to know how long after drinking alcoholic beverages you will be able to fearlessly drive a car, etc.

Knowing which one is in this moment time you have ethanol concentration ( pure alcohol) in your blood, you will be able to make travel decisions as a driver vehicle and calculate the time interval before the onset of sobriety.

Driving law drunk

Statistics show that about a third of all road traffic accidents are due to drunk drivers. Unsurprisingly, the country has a law prohibiting driving while intoxicated.

Until 2010, there were restrictions on acceptable level ethanol in the blood and exhaled air. So, in the blood the maximum possible level of alcohol was 0.3 ppm, and in the exhaled air - 0.15 mg / l. Thus, one could fearlessly drive, for example, after a bottle of weak beer.

Since August 6, 2010, the requirements have become more stringent. Now the concentration of alcohol in the blood and in the exhaled air should be equal to zero. If a drunk driver still dares to get behind the wheel of a car, then he may be deprived of his driver's license for a period of one and a half to two years (according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, article 12.8). The same punishment is provided for in the event that the driver has transferred the control of the car to a person who is intoxicated.

It is important to understand that the driver is now recognized as drunk only according to the testimony of a special device - a breathalyzer. A breathalyzer is a special technical device that is used to determine the concentration of ethanol in the exhaled air.

Foods and drinks that increase ppm

Even if the driver does not consume alcoholic beverages at all, he still should not lose his vigilance, because a certain amount of ppm is in various other products. For example, in yeast kvass contains from 0.1 to 0.6 ppm, and in kefir and ayran 0.2 ppm.
A small amount of ethanol is also released in many fruits: oranges, bananas. Among the ingredients, alcohol can be found in chocolate, cakes, pastries. Also, alcohol-containing medicines can affect the readings of the breathalyzer. Among such medicines are motherwort, corvalol, valerian, calendula, etc.

How long does alcohol last?

Unfortunately, there are no universal indicators of the time of the content of a particular portion of alcohol in the blood. Each person is unique, the rate of absorption of alcohol is different for everyone. Here are some of the factors that affect the speed of this process:

  • Height, weight of a person. The higher these indicators are, the larger portion a person needs to get drunk;
  • Floor. In most cases, women get drunk faster than men;
  • Genetic predisposition. Alcohol sensitivity is inherited;
  • The general condition of the body. For example, a dose of alcohol drunk on an empty stomach will intoxicate faster and, accordingly, remain in the blood longer.

Since even in one person, the toxic effect of alcohol can take different time, do not take the readings of the calculator literally.
However, the average alcohol concentration in the human body can be calculated. It is known that different drinks intoxicated in different ways. For example, the concentration of alcohol in the body of a man weighing 80 kg will be 0.3 ppm (this is the term for the unit of measurement of alcohol) if he has drunk:

  • 50 grams of vodka;
  • Or 200 grams of dry wine;
  • Or 500 grams of beer.

The maximum concentration of alcohol in the human body lasts from 30 minutes to several hours after drinking, then gradually disappears.

In order for you to be able to independently calculate the amount of alcohol in your blood, you need to enter data on your field, weight in the form fields, indicate whether you consumed drinks on an empty stomach or not, and also mark all types of drinks you have drunk and indicate their portion.

male female

Body mass:

(40-150 kg)

You entered incorrect data

Fortress (volume%)

(10-5000 ml)

Drink 1:

Fortress (volume%)


You entered incorrect data

Quantity (10-5000 ml)


You entered incorrect data

Drink 2:

Fortress (volume%)


You entered incorrect data

Quantity (10-5000 ml)


You entered incorrect data

Drink 3:

Fortress (volume%)


You entered incorrect data

Quantity (10-5000 ml)


You entered incorrect data

Stomach fullness:

empty full

Counting in progress ...

Enter the initial data on the left

Maximum concentration

(Corresponds mg / L in exhaled air)

The indicated concentration corresponds to

Excretion time from the body

On this page, you can take an alcohol test online and find out if it is possible to drive, and if not, how long must it take for the blood alcohol level to be normal.

The test is based on the physiological data of a person - gender and weight, types of alcoholic drinks and the time that has passed since the moment of consumption.

The program automatically calculates the amount of alcohol in drinks, how much a man or woman with a certain weight needs to cope with alcohol, and according to the time that has passed since consumption - is it possible to get behind the wheel, or how much more time is needed, what the breathalyzer would show the alcohol content is normal.

Why do you need to know the alcohol content before leaving?

To a person after consumption strong drinks it is difficult to determine whether he is really sober or not.

In addition, the readings of the breathalyzer are difficult to predict, and at home such a device most likely will not be. Depending on the amount and tolerance of alcohol by a particular person, his condition may be outwardly indistinguishable from sober.

If you do not take into account the state when intoxication is noticeable with the naked eye and the person looks sober, even a small amount of alcohol affects the ability to perceive information - the driver begins to lose control, he overestimates himself and underestimates the traffic situation.

In addition, the reaction speed is slowed down in case of unforeseen situations. For example, 100 grams of pure alcohol slows down the reaction rate by 2-4 times. Therefore, even a small amount of alcohol makes the driver dangerous to those around him.

While driving, the following signs can give out a drunk person behind the wheel: sudden braking, overly self-confident or overly cautious movement, ignoring prohibition signals, leaving traffic lights with a delay, unnatural trajectories - a combination of such signs can cause the car to stop for the subsequent check of the driver for sobriety.

During communication with the inspector - the smell of alcohol from the mouth, it is difficult for a person to express himself, the pupils do not give a reaction to light, a red face, or vice versa - pallor, inadequate state, difficulty in movement and impaired coordination. One of the listed conditions is enough to get an offer to pass a test for alcohol content in the body.

Taking an alcohol test using breathalyzers

Alcohol tests can be carried out on site, with mobile devices and in the laboratory.

For quick test, which will allow you to immediately make a decision about the likelihood of the presence of alcohol in the blood is a breathalyzer - a device that determines the concentration of alcohol in the exhaled air by a person.

Breathalyzer are:

  1. household, for individual self-control;
  2. special, for more frequent use than household;
  3. professional, designed for a large number measurements per day.

Households are rarely used in small businesses to make sure that an employee can be driven. This tester is designed for infrequent use. Special ones are more often used at enterprises before the release of drivers on a flight or route, as well as at enterprises where work is carried out with increased danger.

Special testers in some countries are used by the traffic police, they may have a certificate that they are a medical device. Such devices are designed for an average of 30-50 applications per day.

Professional breathalyzers are designed for multiple use throughout the day. Such tests are most often used by the traffic police to determine the content of ppm in the body, they can be connected to a printer to print the analysis results.

Special and professional testers are periodically verified and calibrated for accuracy

If the inspector offers you to take a breathalyzer test, you need to remember that you must first show the device itself and advise you on how to pass the test correctly. Anyone can request to show the license and certificate of the device.

The examination for the alcohol content must take place at the place where the vehicle stops; a prerequisite is the presence of two witnesses. If the alcohol level is less than 0.2 ppm, then the driver is no longer detained. If it is more, then a protocol is drawn up where the test indicators are indicated.

If the indicators are agreed, the driver is released, and the protocol and other related documents are submitted to the court. If the person who was tested does not agree with the results, a second test is carried out in the laboratory (first-aid post).

The driver has the right to refuse to pass the breathalyzer test, in which case the examination will take place in the laboratory.

Only a qualified doctor has the right to conduct an examination in a medical institution.

The examination includes checking the pulse, pressure, pupil reaction to light, psychophysiological examination. It is carried out twice, the second time - after 20 minutes after the first.

Biological samples are collected - blood, urine and saliva are taken in duplicate - one is used immediately for research, the second copy of the sample is stored for 90 days in case the driver wants to conduct a second examination during the trial. The results of the examination are issued in triplicate - one for the driver, one for the inspector and one for the doctor.

If today you need to be behind the wheel, and the day before you drank alcohol, then you need to make sure there is no alcohol left in the body. If you cannot check the number of ppm using a breathalyzer before departure, we suggest using the online test. It does not require a purchase in a store, periodic calibrations and expiration dates.

Indicate in the test the minimum of the necessary parameters, and the program will calculate the number of ppm and how much more time alcohol will need for your indicators to be in order.

If you don't have a breathalyzer, an online breathalyzer can help you determine the approximate blood alcohol content. The result should not be considered absolutely accurate, but still it is a great opportunity roughly understand the situation.

How to use an online breathalyzer

Breathalyzer mobile application

Using the calculator is very simple, just enter the required data.

Floor- this factor is important, since women take longer to remove alcohol.

Name of alcoholic beverage and the amount of drunk- of course, it's not always easy to remember the volume alcohol consumed, especially if the feast was long and fun, but to get the result you need to work hard and count.

Weight- a lot also depends on this indicator. The more a person weighs, the faster the blood alcohol content decreases.

Time- indicates how many hours have passed since drinking alcohol.

Some calculators require you to indicate the abundance of a snack.

The online breathalyzer can be used for informational purposes only, as it is not very accurate. It does not perform the function of an examination and cannot serve as evidence in the resolution of any disputes. But it is quite suitable for a rough estimate of the state after drinking alcohol.


When to use a virtual breathalyzer

Sometimes a life situation requires determining the level of alcohol in the body, but there is not always an alcometer at hand. To eliminate possible troubles after drinking alcoholic beverages, use an online breathalyzer.

  • Have to get behind the wheel, and on the eve there was a holiday with drinking alcohol? Don't risk it, check your condition. After all, even well-being does not exclude the presence of alcohol in the blood. The traffic police officer may consider it necessary to carry out control, the results of which may be against you. Subsequently, a fine or deprivation of the right to drive a car will be imposed.
  • Your work is associated with precise mechanisms or has an increased risk, as well as help will come breathalyzer. In this case, at many enterprises, before the start of the working day, employees undergo medical control. And if the presence of ethanol in the body is detected, it threatens with disqualification from work, reprimand, or even dismissal.
  • Sometimes there are situations when you just need to prove to others that you have not taken alcoholic drinks, the breathalyzer will help with this. After completing the calculation, you can confirm your sobriety.

Disadvantages of a virtual breathalyzer

Virtual breathalyzer online

The calculation of blood alcohol is carried out according to the specified parameters. But it is not always possible to accurately determine them. This is especially true of the amount of alcohol consumed. Of course, if you drink an alcoholic drink with a friend at home in equal amounts, then the amount of alcohol consumed is not difficult to determine. But in a situation of a large-scale feast, when toasts go one after another, it is difficult to count the number of glasses or glasses taken. Some people tend to diminish the amount of alcohol they drink, especially those with alcohol addiction... They sometimes do not even admit to themselves that they have drunk too much.

The same can be said for the appetizer. It can be nourishing and high-calorie, or in the form light salad... Perhaps you came to the holiday after having refreshed, or the first glass was drunk on an empty stomach.

Also a controversial issue with the specified time. The breathalyzer perceives that it was this number of hours ago that a certain volume of alcohol was taken. But after all, drinking alcoholic beverages could last for several hours or throughout the night.

All these factors do not allow determining the blood alcohol content with 100% accuracy. But still, in some cases, the use of a virtual breathalyzer can be useful. Let's say you overestimate your capabilities and plan to drive, use a calculator. The specified ppm may surprise you and make you wonder whether it is worth the risk.

In order to avoid the need to determine the level of alcohol in the blood, drink alcohol as little as possible.


A virtual calculator will help you determine the degree of intoxication. This indicator can be characterized by the following changes.

  • Light - 0.5-1.5 ‰. This degree is characteristic of the first minutes after taking alcoholic beverages. It is characterized by high spirits and a feeling of mild euphoria. Heightened activity, sociability is manifested. But at the same time, there is a noticeable decrease in perception and the distance is incorrectly estimated. And this is dangerous for the driver, as the risk increases not to notice a pedestrian or a car moving nearby.
  • Average - 1.5-2.5 ‰. Coordination of movements is impaired, speech becomes loose and indistinct. A person becomes irritable and rude, may initiate a quarrel or fight due to increased aggressiveness. Often this stage is accompanied by short-term memory lapses. For the driver, this degree of intoxication threatens with a decrease in attention, coordination and reaction. A person relaxes and overestimates his capabilities, as a result of which he often becomes the cause of a traffic accident.
  • Heavy - 2.5-3 ‰. This degree of intoxication is characterized by a complete loss of coordination of movements, memory or consciousness. In this state, a person is not able to safely drive a car.
  • Alcohol poisoning - 3-5 ‰. This concentration of ethanol can lead to serious health problems and even be fatal.

Calculating with a virtual calculator will help you determine the blood alcohol content. But don't forget that metrics are not 100% accurate. Therefore, do not overestimate your capabilities. And if you drank alcohol in large quantities, and after that very little time has passed, do not get behind the wheel.

Drinking alcohol in moderation or avoiding it entirely will help maintain your health and life.

You will also be interested in: Alcohol calculator online

It often happens in our life that we want to drink (there is a worthy reason, it is inconvenient to refuse, and so on), but the next morning we need to get behind the wheel in order to be in time for an important or responsible event. At the same time, arriving in a state of a hangover or even a slight drunkenness that has not passed to the end, and even more so with the smell of fumes from the mouth, is simply unacceptable. Especially for this there is a wonderful online blood alcohol calculator, which is available on many specialized sites and is available for use free of charge from any device with Internet access.

With the help of the calculator, you can easily find out how much alcohol takes off and what dose you can safely drink in order to drive the next morning or even a few hours later. The calculator is indispensable for many professions, but it is perhaps the most relevant for drivers.

Alcohol calculator history

Calculator that allows you to determine full time, required for the weathering of alcohol from the body, did not appear in one or even two days. Various scientists around the world have contributed to the study of this interesting chemical process, and many even experimented on themselves, drinking alcohol inside and timing the time.

Back in the 18th century in tsarist Russia, there was a special table, according to which it was possible to roughly calculate how quickly alcohol disappears from the body. All this was rather entertaining and not very serious, because, naturally, there was no criminal or administrative responsibility for being in that time. However, time was inexorably moving forward, everything was improved and improved, including domestic legislation.

V Soviet time there was a punishment for, which migrated into Russian legislation. In addition, now the administrative code does not welcome being in public places in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

Fortunately, the Internet is also developing rapidly, and thanks to the outstanding German chemist Erik Widmark, the whole world saw a special calculator that allows you to control the withdrawal of alcohol. Using this calculator, you can calculate the alcohol content in the blood and in the human body as a whole, taking into account what exactly the person was drinking.

Alcohol output is due, in addition to drinking ability and physical parameters drinking person, also the properties of the alcoholic beverage... That is why the calculator calculates the blood alcohol level. The calculator calculates this calculation of blood alcohol content in ppm, that is, you will be shown the percentage of alcohol that has entered the blood. The degree of intoxication, determined in ppm, is used today in most countries, with the exception of the Arab ones.

Using a calculator

So, suppose you plan to have a drink in the evening and drive in the morning. Therefore, you need to find out the time, for this you will need to follow these steps:

  1. First of all, in order to calculate how the elements of alcohol from the blood will evaporate, we go to one of the sites. It is not difficult to find such a page: you just need to type "alcohol calculator" in the search, or you can use our calculator.
  2. Then we act according to a simple and simple scheme: we indicate our gender, weight, height, quantity and strength of the drinks that are planned to be consumed.
  3. Then we click on the button that allows you to carry out the calculation. The program will not only determine the time of withdrawal of alcohol, but also the number of ppm in the exhaled air and in the blood.

For example, an average man 180 cm tall and weighing 80 kg drunk 250 grams of vodka will be completely withdrawn for about 8 hours, while he will experience a mild state of alcoholic intoxication.

Calculator Features

Do not forget that the scheme for removing alcohol from the body for each person may be different. It all depends not only on the drink you drink, but also on the human body. The following are populations whose blood alcohol calculations may become erroneous.

Despite the fact that the alcohol calculator in many ways works very accurately and its data are confirmed by a breathalyzer, cases that depend on the individual characteristics of the organism are not excluded.

Situation in Russia

Every year the government sets itself the task of tightening the legislation a little and making life drinking people completely unbearable. 2017 was no exception. Despite the fact that it only recently began, in a couple of months new laws were adopted, as well as amendments to the old ones.

According to the latest data, a motorist can only drive when the ppm level is 0.16. On the one hand, this is quite a bit: that is how much one glass of 4-degree beer gives if you drink it for a short period of time. On the other hand, even if you use kvass or kefir, the body can accumulate from 0.2 to 0.8 ppm, which will not affect either the reaction rate or the period required for the brain to assess the situation on the road.

If we argue in accordance with the current legislation, as well as focusing on the alcohol calculator, then after drinking a beer can, you can drive quickly enough - after two hours. However, if on the way you still meet a traffic cop, troubles are inevitable.

If alcohol is removed quickly, then the exhaled air, in which the decomposition products of alcohol-containing elements are stored, will have unpleasant odor more long term... This is due to acetaldehyde, which lasts for a long time in the stomach and leaves through the lungs.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian people, it should also be noted that the Russians are inherent in joy through alcohol. It is necessary to make allowances for the fact that the majority of average Russians prefer drinks with a strength of 40%, and also not many know exactly how much will be enough for them, and as a result, they cannot stop in time. Therefore, no online alcohol calculator will help you and nothing good will come of it if you came to the banquet and drank two liters instead of the promised three glasses (and brought the data - 150 grams into the alcohol calculator).

Drink alcohol culturally and in moderation, and then your health will be wonderful in the morning, no alcohol calculators will be needed at all, and traffic cops on the highway will not bother you!