We brew wheat beer at home in a saucepan. Learning to brew beer at home

How to brew homemade beer and what recipes will we use to prepare this delicious drink? First, let's look at the ingredients we need to make beer at home.

Malt are called sprouted grains. It can be barley, wheat, rye (for beer it is best to take barley grains). First of all, it needs to be thoroughly ground. A mixer or coffee grinder is perfect for grinding; you just need to spray the grains with water, as they can turn into flour. To prepare light beer, light malt is used, the drying temperature of which does not exceed 70˚C. To prepare dark beer, you need to choose roasted and dark varieties of malt (drying temperature - more than 130˚C).

Hop is a perennial dioecious plant with male and female flowers. It grows from fifteen to twenty years. If you rub your fingers over the hops, you can see a flour called lupulin, which contains bittering substances and is very important for making beer. It is recommended to dry hop cones under a special canopy.

In addition to the quality of water, malt and hops play a big role in making homemade beer. yeast. Both regular dry yeast and homemade yeast are used.



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More homemade recipes:

Plum beer:

To prepare it, take six kilograms of ripe plums, which are softened through a sieve.

Then add a few liters of water. Add a solution of four kilograms of sugar, pour in two hundred milliliters of wine. All this must be boiled until it disperses.

On the third day, forty grams of chopped lemon peels are placed in a barrel, and a tube is inserted into the barrel's cork to allow air to pass through. This beer is aged for ten days, bottled and closed very tightly.

Beer in Russian:
Four kilograms of honey are diluted in twenty liters of water, fifty grams of hops are added and boiled for one hour.

The wort is filtered into a barrel, cooled and one hundred grams of yeast are added. All this is kept for 5-6 days at room temperature, while the hole for the cork must be open.

Next, the barrel must be corked and taken to the glacier or cellar, where it is placed with the cork down. After two or three days, a tap can be screwed into the keg and the finished beer can be poured into bottles, which must be tightly corked and stored in the cellar.

Hoppy beer:
Take two glasses of sugar, 25 grams of yeast, 500 grams of malt extract, 14 grams of hops. All this (except for the yeast) is poured into 4.5 liters of boiling water and boiled for one hour.

Filter and add water in a volume of four and a half liters, compensating for the original volume. Next, add the yeast and leave it in a sealed container at room temperature for three days.

After aging, the beer must be strained, bottled and tightly closed with corks, which can be reinforced with wire. The beer is placed in a cold place for one week.

Table beer:
Take one hundred grams of hops, 2.4 kilograms of sugar, 50 grams of sultanas and 50 milliliters of wine.

Then pour in 13 liters of water and boil again.

After straining, add two tablespoons of yeast and leave to ferment for 8 days, after which the beer can be bottled and capped.

How to properly prepare delicious homemade beer without special equipment? Watch a detailed video master class:

In a home brewer you can brew different types of intoxicating drinks. The best beer recipes are taken as the standard of preparation. You need to understand that with the same amount of raw materials, each person will get a drink with their own individual taste. It depends not only on the quantity of raw materials, but also on its quality. Water hardness plays a big role in shaping the taste of an intoxicating drink. You need to choose recipes for brewing beer at home based on the availability of raw materials.

What do you need to make beer at home?

The technology for preparing the drink involves the use of four components. The product contains water, malt, hops and brewer's yeast. All of them must meet certain requirements.

Water. In home brewers, only filtered water should be used to brew the product. The liquid should not contain foreign impurities or odor. It is not possible to achieve good quality of the product when cooking it in distilled water. If you don’t have a filter at home, it is better to use spring or bottled water to prepare the drink.

Malt. The industry produces this product from three main types of grains -
wheat, barley and rye. Mostly barley and wheat malt are used in brewing. You can make it yourself, but the process of preparing such raw materials is quite long and complicated. It is better to use a ready-made product. To prepare a light drink, malt is used, made from sprouted grains of barley and wheat. For dark beer, it is necessary to take raw materials, in the production of which an additional stage of grain processing was used - roasting. Today you can buy ready-made malt not only from domestic but also from foreign producers.

Malt from domestic producers is 2-3 times cheaper than imported malt, but its consumption for preparing the product is much higher. This must be taken into account when calculating the cost of producing a drink for those who want to use their microbreweries for commercial purposes.

Among the manufacturers' offerings, along with regular malt, you can find its extracts. Their use speeds up the cooking process. .

Brewer's yeast. When purchasing this type of raw material, it is necessary to take into account that brewer's yeast is available for bottom and top fermentation. Among the offers you can find dry and liquid brewer's yeast.

Home brewery. Cooking Viennese with spices “Viennese Waltz”:

Attention. The dosage of raw materials for brewing beer is calculated by the manufacturer and indicated on the packaging.

Hop. The taste of beer largely depends on this type of raw material. The most popular hop varieties in home brewing are the Type-90 brand. The best hops for brewing are aromatic, bitter, traditional and all-purpose.

Recipes and process of preparing the drink

At industrial enterprises, technological maps are drawn up that represent
These are forms into which data such as the recipe for adding raw materials for one brew and the parameters of the product preparation process are entered. These indicators include temperature and time of stages. The same molds can be made in home brewing. They can serve as a handy hint on how to brew beer at home.

Making homemade beer according to an old Russian recipe using barley malt

You can prepare an intoxicating drink according to this recipe, like many others, using any equipment designed for brewing beer or in a regular saucepan. The main thing is to comply with all laying standards and technological parameters of the product production process.

Amount of raw materials for 1 brew:

– 5-6 kg of barley malt;

– 20 liters of drinking water;

– 1 teaspoon of salt;

– 100-120 grams of hops;

– 100-120 grams of dry brewer’s yeast;

– 450-500 grams of molasses boiled until red.

This recipe has a twist on how to brew beer at home. It consists in the fact that before brewing the malt is poured with cold water, mixed thoroughly and left to swell for a day at room temperature. The malt mixture prepared in this way is placed in a kettle, in which salt is added to it. All this is boiled for 2 hours. After this, hops are added to the kettle and the product continues to cook for another 30 minutes.

The cooked product is filtered and cooled to the temperature of fresh milk. Molasses and dry brewer's yeast are added to the cooled drink, everything is thoroughly mixed and left for 5-10 hours to ferment. After this time, the beer is bottled, corked and sent for a day to mature.

The strength of the drink can be adjusted by the amount of hops added to the product.

When preparing the drink, molasses can be replaced with sugar. Dry yeast is added to the product in dissolved form.

Making dark homemade beer

To make dark beer you will need the following ingredients:

– 35 liters of drinking water;

– 5 kg of regular light malt;

– 1 kg of roasted malt;

– 1 kg of oatmeal;

– 70 g hops;

– 11 g brewer’s yeast.

When preparing a drink in a mini brewery, you must set a brewing program with parameters corresponding to the process. Malt is poured into the boiler at a temperature of 50 0 C, after which water is poured. During the preparation of the drink you will need to take 4 pauses. Their duration is configured in the installation program:

– 1 pause - 10 minutes at a temperature of 52 0 C;

– 2nd and 3rd pause - 30 minutes at a temperature of 62 0 C and 72 0 C;

– 4th pause - 10 minutes at a temperature of 78 0 C.

After setting pauses, light malt and oatmeal are poured into the boiler and the cooking process starts. The addition of other ingredients occurs according to the installation signal. The total duration of the drink preparation process is 4-5 hours.

Attention. The beer brewed in the installation is poured into a sterile container, which is treated with iodine.

The drink ferments for 1.5-2.0 weeks. The strength of such beer can be 5.5% or higher.

Full beer brewing cycle at the BULLDOG BREWER:

The foamy drink is absolutely popular among many people. Often it is simply impossible to deny yourself a mug of cold drink with a special taste.

It is believed that it is impossible to make beer yourself at home, but we will refute this idea and tell you about several recipes that will help you make beer with your own hands, quickly and efficiently. All the drinks presented below are not beer in the full sense of the word, but the taste of a foamy homemade drink will pleasantly surprise you and can completely replace factory-produced beer.

So, we present you the first quick beer recipe at home.

Making homemade beer requires malt and hops.

Exactly hops and malt are the main components of real beer, without them it is impossible to get it , everything else will be just a beer drink. The difficulty with this recipe is that sometimes getting hops and malt can be quite a difficult task. But if you have these two components on hand, then you can easily brew beer at home using the quick recipe that we give below.

You don't need any special equipment, the main thing is to purchase these two components. By the way, the easiest way to do this is through the Internet, since it is quite difficult to find such products in stores. So here's what exactly for you you will need to brew beer (the recipe is for 18–20 liters of drink):

  • 5 kg malt,
  • 20 liters of clean water,
  • 1.5 kg hops,
  • 50 grams of brewer's yeast,
  • 150 grams of granulated sugar,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of table salt.

Here how to cook at home a drink that is closest in taste and recipe to real beer sold in bottles:

  1. At the initial stage of preparation malt necessary dissolve in the specified amount of water. The container with this mixture must be left for leave for a day .
  2. After 24 hours the liquid is needed pour into a saucepan and mix with salt . Stir thoroughly.
  3. The resulting mixture must place on medium heat and boil for 2-2.5 hours .
  4. After the specified time has passed pour hops into the pan and continue cooking for about half an hour .
  5. Strain the finished mixture and cool. You will receive beer wort - an almost finished product.
  6. Into the wort put the yeast, add sugar, stir thoroughly and leave to brew in a dark place for half a day .
  7. Package liquid By suitable containers . Approximately drink after half a day will ready .

This recipe will allow you to create a very tasty drink that is in no way inferior in quality to bottled beer. The result will undoubtedly please you.

If these proportions are too large for you, then you can reduce the amount of ingredients according to your needs.

The fastest beer recipe at home

There are several recipes for quickly making homemade beer

This recipe is undoubtedly the fastest and easiest way to make a beer drink at home. However, in taste it will be in no way inferior to the beer from the first recipe. To prepare you will need:

  • 5 liters of clean water,
  • 15-20 gr. hops,
  • 250 gr. sugar,
  • 10 gr. brewer's yeast.

If you need to make a foamy drink quickly, then this recipe is just for you. In just a few days you will be able to enjoy delicious beer, and the preparation itself will take you just a few hours. Here's what you need to do to make this quick beer recipe at home:

  1. Pour it out water into a container of suitable size. Put it there hop , boil for one and a half hours .
  2. IN an ordinary glass dissolve granulated sugar in water and pour water into the pan . Brew mixture still about half an hour .
  3. Strain the resulting liquid drain the clean drink and cool. Add yeast and well stir .
  4. As soon as The fermentation process is complete, pour the beer and leave insist drink on two to three days in a dark place . Bottle caps must be tightly closed.

As you can see, this is truly the easiest beer recipe anyone can make.

But what if you want to diversify your favorite drink?

Honey beer

This recipe is suitable for those who want to discover new facets of their favorite drink and want to try it themselves. Try making honey beer at home - the deep and velvety taste of the resulting product will pleasantly surprise you. Here's what you'll need to make this quick beer recipe at home (given for ten liters of water):

  • 750 gr. malt,
  • 2 glasses of honey,
  • 100 gr. hops,
  • 20 gr. yeast,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of granulated sugar.

Start preparing the honey drink by sequentially following these steps:

  1. Stir malt and hops, grind them together. At the same time mix yeast with sugar and give them brew some time in a circle.
  2. Put into the cooking container honey . Place a bag or gauze over the container with mixed malt and hops and add water t ak, to she went through this mixture .
  3. When water is poured into the container, stir the resulting mixture. Throw into the pan yeast with sugar , as soon as the water will cool down , once again stir liquid.
  4. Leave the drink infuse in closed bottles for 3-4 days .

You can find many recipes for making original beer and beer drinks with different flavors. The recipes are designed for different tastes and abilities, so you can definitely choose something that you like.

Experiment and you will get the opportunity to enjoy a delicious drink prepared with your own hands.

Is beer really good for you?

Is beer healthy?

Even scientists and researchers around the world cannot figure out where beer came from. , and they argue about it to this day. Some believe that beer originated in distant China, others that it originated in Egypt, and still others that it originated in India. In the old days, beer was also drunk in Rus'; it was one of the most popular drinks among the poor, since its price was low, and wine in those days was expensive, and only the rich could afford it.

Today, beer is still popular and in great demand among the population. Residents of the Czech Republic are leaders in the consumption of this drink. , and after them come the inhabitants of Germany, who happily drink this beer, and believe that it has always been part of their life and history.

Many people who love this fizzy and tasty drink think that with it you can not only have a good time, but also improve your health due to the substances it contains. However, trainers from all over the world claim that It is impossible to improve your health with alcoholic drinks. Be that as it may, if we take into account all the components that should be contained in beer, we can draw conclusions that perhaps it is still beneficial for the body. Therefore, beer lovers simply need to know the above quick beer recipes for preparing it at home.

Sometimes, which happens in rare cases, nutritionists recommend that their patients who are obese drink beer, since, if we draw a parallel between beer and, for example, milk, then beer is a less high-calorie product.

However, you should be careful in this case, since the dose drunk should not be more than two hundred grams per day, otherwise you may not lose weight at all, but even gain even more.

Beer in folk medicine

In folk medicine there are also several ways to use the drink. If you have a toothache, you should rinse your sore teeth with beer, and if you have skin problems, then you can simply lubricate its problem areas. Even in the old days, healers recommended that nursing mothers drink beer, albeit in very limited quantities, as they believed that it increased milk flow.

However, beer today is not what it used to be. And it contains much less useful substances than in ancient times, and recently scientists have proven that beer produced in factories contains female sex hormones, which have a detrimental effect on the functioning of certain organs of both men and women

Beer is the most popular low-alcohol drink around the world. It is in demand among all age categories, despite the fact that it is unofficially considered a youth drink. This intoxicating drink was invented back in Ancient Egypt and is still produced not only on a factory scale, but also in private breweries and only for oneself.

Preparing beer at home is not as difficult as it seems and it turns out much tastier than its store-bought malt brother. Recipes for preparing this foamy drink differ in preparation technology and additional ingredients. Depending on them, you can get different shades and aftertastes left by this alcohol.

Beer can be prepared without the use of special equipment, which is why home brewing is quite popular. Factory devices can be easily replaced with homemade designs. And the drink itself, made from natural raw materials and not from factory concentrate, turns out to be very bright, rich and unique.

Every self-respecting lover of this drink should know how to brew beer at home. Buying a bottle in a store is much easier, but the result will be worth the effort.

To properly make this foamy drink, you have to work hard. Its production takes a lot of time and effort. Using homemade raw materials requires additional time. The easiest way is to use ingredients purchased in a special store. In this case, be sure to follow all prescription instructions. Experiments in such production are only possible for the most experienced brewers. To achieve the correct result, you need to use a step-by-step recipe for brewing beer, which describes in detail each stage with all the important nuances and proportions.


Beer, which is produced at home in large volumes, requires special equipment for production.

  • Large volume containers. Most often, pots, buckets or tanks with a volume of more than 20 liters are used. One container is required for making wort, the second for fermentation. Braga can be prepared in several smaller vessels.
  • Food thermometer. It is required to comply with strict temperature conditions dictated by manufacturing rules.
  • Containers for further storage. These can be plastic or glass bottles of any convenient size. Greater preference is given to glass, since it does not retain odors, and darkened glass also protects the drink from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Cooling. During the cooking process, you will need to reduce the temperature of the wort. Pots of cold water or a bath filled with ice are suitable for this purpose.
  • Water seal. During the fermentation process, it removes the carbon dioxide produced. You can use either a special device or an ordinary medical glove with holes in the fingers.
  • Long spoon. It is used to stir ingredients. The preferred material is metal or wood.
  • Hydrometer. This device allows you to measure the density of the resulting liquid. It is used for greater ease of manufacture and can be excluded from the inventory list.


Beer at home is no different in its components from the factory product. Traditionally it is brewed from the following ingredients:

  • Water.
  • Malt.
  • Hop.
  • Yeast.

The water should be as clean as possible, preferably spring water or artesian water. In the absence of such, the water is carefully filtered several times or purchased bottled in a store. The remaining ingredients should preferably be specialized. In the absence of brewer's yeast, ordinary food yeast is used. The malt should be light and have a sweetish flavor. Hops are selected depending on the desired result. It can be bitter and aromatic. All cones should have a yellow or red tint.

How to make beer at home?

In order to make the most popular intoxicating drink at home, you need to strictly adhere to the traditional recipe without neglecting any of the points. Before preparing it, you need to make all the preparations so as not to be distracted by it in the future. For a home brewer, you will need a complete list of equipment and ingredients. We brew beer ourselves at home in several stages:

  1. Preparation.
  2. Mashing the wort.
  3. Boiling.
  4. Cooling.
  5. Making mash.
  6. Bottling.
  7. Excerpt.

Each stage has its own manufacturing conditions and principles, each of which requires special attention.


At this stage, all preparations of equipment and raw materials are made, the availability and quality of all ingredients are checked, and the prepared containers are sterilized. You can prepare yeast in advance for adding to the wort. To do this, they are “awakened” with a small amount of water and infused for about half an hour.

Brewing itself requires special attention. Home cooking requires careful preparation of containers. They must be as clean as possible, pre-sterilized. The correctness of the further process and the duration of storage of the finished product depend on this.

Mashing the wort

To obtain beer, preparation must begin by crushing malt and combining it with hot water. This breaks down starch to form sugar and soluble substances. You can grind it either using a special crusher purchased at a specialized store, or using an ordinary mechanical meat grinder. An easier option is to buy pre-prepared and crushed grain.

Ground malt, located in a fabric bag, is dropped into water heated to 75 degrees. It is made from cotton or gauze folded in several layers. The grain is cooked for an hour and a half at a stable temperature of about 70 degrees. Under these conditions, a soft, pleasant taste and an optimal strength of 3–4 degrees are obtained.

After the time has passed, you need to check the liquid for the absence of starch. When adding iodine, the drink should not turn blue. In order to skip the checking step, it is enough to increase the cooking time by 10 - 20 minutes.

After this, the temperature rises by 10 degrees for 5 minutes. After this, the bag of malt is removed and washed with a couple of liters of hot water, which is then added to the raw material.

Boiling the wort

Preparing homemade beer does not exclude the brewing process. The wort is brought to a boil and hops are gradually added to it. Immediately after boiling, add one third, after half an hour the second is added. The remaining hops are added after another half hour of boiling, after which the whole mass is kept on the fire for another quarter of an hour.

Throughout the entire stage, the temperature of the cooking wort must be maintained at a high temperature. The liquid should bubble continuously, releasing steam.


Cooling of the brewed wort should occur very quickly. The liquid should cool to a temperature of 25 degrees within a quarter of an hour. If there is no special immersion cooler in the inventory, the container is transferred to a bath filled with very cold water or ice. When the required temperature is reached, the liquid is poured through the filter into a previously prepared container.


Yeast prepared in accordance with the recommendations indicated on the package is poured into the cooled wort. The taste that the beer gets depends on how they are prepared. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, sealed with a water seal and left to age. Infusion time is one and a half weeks. The room temperature should match the directions on the yeast packet. Most often you need to stick to a standard room environment.

The completion of this stage is determined by the hydrometer or the cessation of gas formation. The device verifies 2 samples 12 hours apart. If the discrepancy becomes several hundredths, the process can be completed.

Capping and carbonation

At this stage, the beer is saturated with carbon dioxide to increase flavor characteristics and foam formation. To do this, 8 grams of sugar per liter of beer is added to the bottles, and the mixture is infused for a couple of days. The finished drink is filtered from sediment by removing it through a tube. Beer is poured into a storage container, filling it just a couple of centimeters from the neck. This space is left for residual gas formation. It is convenient to use special brewing bottles with a removable lid. Since they are not very common, ordinary plastic or glass containers are used.


Brewing homemade beer is very time-consuming and labor-intensive. But you should be patient a little longer to get better results. The bottled beer is aged for a month to obtain a richer taste. The finished foamy drink can be stored on the refrigerator door for a little more than six months.

Brewing secrets

It is extremely difficult to brew beer at home. Beginners always use the secrets of experienced brewers, which are carefully stored and passed on.

  • In order to make high-quality and deep taste at home, you need to cook with brewer's yeast and clean water from sources.
  • Different types of malt have different flavor tones. You can get smoked, chocolate, coffee and even caramel flavors.
  • During fermentation, beer should not be canned so as not to oversaturate it with oxygen.
  • The foam that forms on the mash must be removed regularly.
  • For additional aeration, the malt is poured in a small stream from a height.

Beer recipes

Recipes for homemade beer made from hops and malt can be either traditional, used for centuries, or have a new interpretation. A simple recipe for an intoxicating drink contains only the main ingredients. More complex ones can include up to 20 different additives. Before you make beer, you need to decide what specific recipe it will be prepared according to.

An old recipe for homemade honey beer

The cooking recipe includes:

  • Yeast – 50 grams.
  • Honey – 2 kilograms.
  • Hops (cones) – 30 pieces.
  • Water – 10 liters.

The hops are boiled for a couple of hours in water over low heat. After this, the mixture cools a little and honey is slowly poured into it. The syrup is still cooled to 25 degrees. After this, yeast is added to it. The wort is infused for a week in a dark room, but it is closed only after a day. The finished beer is bottled for storage.

Simple recipe with molasses

This recipe is more complex, and the finished drink is somewhat reminiscent of honey beer. To prepare you need:

  • Molasses – 2 kilograms.
  • Water – 20 liters.
  • Hops – 90 grams.
  • Yeast – 500 grams.
  • Flour – 100 grams.

The hops are boiled in water and strained. After this, molasses is added to it. The syrup is boiled for half an hour and poured into a container for subsequent cooling. At this time, the wort is prepared from yeast mixed with flour and a small amount of water. It is added to the main cooled mass. The container is tightly closed and kept in a warm place for half a day. After this, the room is changed to a colder one and the beer is aged for another 3–4 days. The finished drink is bottled and stored in a cool place.

Homemade table beer recipe

The table variety is traditional and very common. Like a wine of this category, it does not have a bright, sharp taste or smell. To prepare you need:

  • Water – 10 liters.
  • Wine – 50 milliliters.
  • Hops – 50 grams.
  • Raisins – 50 grams.
  • Malt – 1.5 kilograms.
  • Sugar – 1.2 kilograms.
  • Yeast – 20 grams.

Mix 1 cup of water, sugar, wine, raisins and hops in a saucepan. The mixture is brought to a boil and cooked for 40 minutes. The resulting liquid is filtered and mixed with the bulk of the water. After which the solution is boiled again, then cooled to a temperature slightly above room temperature. Prepared yeast is mixed into this liquid. The finished mass is infused for one week with periodic removal of foam from the surface. After this, the beer is bottled and stored in the refrigerator.

Vilna beer recipe

Vilna beer is distinguished by its unique ingredients:

  • Malt – 1 kilogram.
  • Honey – 1.8 kilograms.
  • Seedless grapes – 300 grams.
  • Hops – 800 grams.
  • Breadcrumbs – 300 grams.
  • Yeast diluted with water – 70 grams.
  • Soda – 50 grams.
  • Salt – 2 grams.
  • Water – 15 liters.

All ingredients are ground and mixed in a saucepan with 3 liters of water. You should get a thick but soft liquid. It is covered with gauze and infused for 24 hours. After this, another 3 liters of water are added. The mass is again covered and infused for another 24 hours in the same place. After this, the remaining water is added and the mixture is cooked over low heat for 8 hours. After removing from the stove, add soda and leave for a couple of hours. The resulting liquid is filtered and sealed in jars. The beer is infused for a week in the cold and three days in the heat.

Even the simplest recipes for making homemade beer require skill, attention and compliance with many nuances. You also need a minimum set of equipment, which you cannot do without. But if you really want it and comply with all the requirements, you will no longer want to go back to using store-bought products.

Beer is a popular drink due to its low cost, variety of varieties and walking distance. It’s easy to buy a bottle or two to while away the evening with friends at any nearest retail outlet. However, can we be sure of its quality and the absence of harmful additives? Unfortunately, not always.

Most types of drink contain a huge amount of preservatives, dyes, flavors and food additives. Living things are no exception.

You don’t have to give up your favorite alcohol; it’s easy to make it yourself and be confident in the quality and safety of the product. Today we will talk about how to brew beer at home without equipment.

How to make beer at home without equipment

Natural beer, brewed independently and with love, has a rich taste and lush foam, and is also more healthy due to the absence of preservatives and other additives. No store-bought analogue can compare with it in these indicators.

The main components of the drink are natural ingredients: malt, brewer's yeast, pure water and hop cones. And to prepare it, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive special equipment; you can completely make do with available kitchen utensils.

We will answer how to make beer at home without special equipment. The required equipment for a beginning brewer should be:

  1. Large saucepan (capacity depends on the volume of ingredients, preferably more than 30 liters);
  2. A glass container or bottle (in which the product will be fermented directly);
  3. Thermometer (to monitor the temperature of the wort);
  4. Silicone hose, narrow, to drain the beer without affecting the sediment;
  5. A piece of gauze fabric (about 5 meters for making a bag for malt);
  6. Cold water bath (to cool the beer);
  7. Bottles for pouring with caps (plastic or glass);
  8. Water seal;
  9. Light plate, iodine for starch test in liquid.

Important: It is advisable to sterilize the equipment for brewing a foamy drink. The same requirements apply to the cleanliness of the brewer’s hands - be sure to wash with hot water. Otherwise, harmful microflora that gets into the wort will ruin the process.

Another important point in brewing is the requirements for water quality. It must be clean, free of impurities and unnecessary odors. It is better to take spring or bottled water. Making homemade beer yourself will not be much more expensive, and the taste will be much cleaner and softer.

A simple hop recipe

Home-brewed beer means as much to a true connoisseur as a chocolate factory does to Willy Wonka. However, if you have no experience in brewing, then you should start with the simplest thing so that the result exceeds expectations and inspires further experiments.

We offer a simple recipe on how to brew beer at home without hop equipment.

The following components will be required:

  • Purified water – 27 l.;
  • Hops (acidity not higher than 4.5%) – slightly less than 50 grams;
  • Malt – 3 kg;
  • Yeast – 30 grams;
  • Sugar – 200 gr. (per 1 liter of liquid – 8 grams).

All the main ingredients are easy to find in stores or specialized retail outlets, but there are some requirements for them:

  1. Malt. It is better to purchase it from Czech or German production, because... The domestic one is much inferior in quality. Pay attention to the color; for a quality product it is white. The taste should be slightly sweet and the smell pleasant. If you purchase ground malt, the husk must be intact, it is a natural filter;
  2. Hop. It can be bitter or aromatic, here everyone chooses according to their taste. But the color of the cones of a quality product must be reddish or yellowish;
  3. Yeast. Be sure to take special beer and the highest quality. After all, the fermentation process depends on them.


  • Pour water (25 liters) into the pan, heat it to 80 degrees (Don’t forget to use a thermometer to measure the temperature);
  • We prepare the malt bag: we fold the gauze in 4-5 layers to make a square meter by meter. Pour malt into the middle, tie it and put it in water for about an hour and a half. The temperature should be maintained around 72 degrees. The strength of the finished beer will be lower, but the taste will be much richer.
  • After the time has passed, it is necessary to conduct an iodine test for the presence of starch: pour about 10 ml onto a plate. broth, add a drop of iodine. If the color changes to blue, then boil for another 15 minutes. If everything is ready by then, then 5 minutes at 80 degrees will be enough;
  • Now take out the malt bag and rinse it in the remaining 2 liters of water. We then add them to the main volume of liquid. This manipulation allows you to bypass the filtering process;
  • Now let the resulting decoction boil and add 1/3 of the hops to it. In half an hour the second part, in another 40 minutes - the remaining third. Boil for another 20 minutes.
  • Now you need to cool the beer very quickly (literally within half an hour to 24 degrees) to avoid contamination with wild yeast. Transfer the pan to an ice bath (for a better effect with salt water), strain three times into another container through cheesecloth.
  • The next step is adding brewer's yeast to the wort. They must be diluted according to the instructions on the package, then mixed thoroughly with the liquid. Afterwards we install a water seal and send it to a dark place to ferment for a week or a week and a half. The water seal will release carbon dioxide bubbles. As soon as the process stops (there won’t be a single bubble in a day), you can proceed to the next stage. By the way, at the end of fermentation the beer will acquire a lighter, pleasant shade.
  • To fill the drink with carbon dioxide, add foam and improve the taste, carbonation is necessary. Add sugar to sterilized bottles (8 grams per 1 liter of beer). Now carefully pour the liquid into the container through a rubber hose, trying not to touch the sediment at the bottom of the pan.
  • In order for the drink to “breathe”, you need to keep it about two centimeters from the top of the neck. Seal tightly. During this period, secondary fermentation begins, which will give the beer its final finishing touch.
  • To ripen the foam masterpiece, we also send it to a dark place with a temperature no higher than 23 degrees (but preferably no lower than 20) for 2 or 3 weeks. After a week, the bottles must be shaken periodically.
  • After maturation, such beer must be stored in the refrigerator.

As you can see, the recipe is quite simple and not labor-intensive. And all the time spent will more than pay off when you uncork the bottle and taste the results of your own labor.

How to brew beer at home without equipment: video

Before preparing, we suggest watching a couple of videos on how to make beer at home without equipment.

Is it possible to brew beer at home without special equipment?

Most beer connoisseurs would be happy to try making it themselves, but they believe that this can only be done with the help of a microbrewery or other expensive equipment, and do not want to spend money.

And they are doing the right thing, because this is not so. This myth is strongly imposed on us by the manufacturers of such goods; by the way, you can also purchase ready-made concentrate for making beer from them. But will it be natural and will it differ much from what is openly sold in any store? And given the cost of equipment and raw materials, the cost of such a drink will significantly exceed even the most expensive store-bought varieties.

Don’t rush to buy expensive appliances or run to the store for low-quality alcohol. Brew your own beer using this recipe and appreciate its unique taste.

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