Dumplings with raspberries recipe made with water. Steamed dumplings: recipes

This is a traditional homemade dish of Ukrainian cuisine that nothing can compare with! Boiled ones are also tasty in their own way, but steamed ones are special, dietary, soft.

They can be sweet or salty, with sour cream, butter or fried onions. This dish makes a great Sunday breakfast, lunch or dinner. It will also look delicious on the holiday table.

You can use the whole family, children, for sculpting.


When the multicooker and steamer had not yet been invented, steaming dishes was not very convenient. Naturally, skillful housewives still came up with different ways to prepare dumplings, zrazy, manti and other flour dishes: using a saucepan and colander, gauze, a juice cooker (which was heated using a gas or electric stove) and so on.

Although, as noted by some modern housewives, it is the old method of steaming a dish that allows you to obtain a more delicate and fluffy texture.

The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties, but to remember the joy that the loved ones for whom this is being done will have.

Moreover, now everything is completely different. After all, the modern housewife now has such a kitchen assistant as a multicooker. And now the process of preparing this and other dishes has become much simpler and easier.

The article discusses several recipes for steamed dumplings (with photos) with different fillings and ingredients in the dough. They are prepared in a slow cooker, double boiler, or in a water bath (using gauze or a wire rack that is fixed to a pan of water).

With cottage cheese

Delicious and fluffy dumplings, the dough of which is kneaded with kefir. This allows you to get an airy texture to the dish. And the filling (cottage cheese) complements the taste of dumplings, making them even more aromatic and satisfying.

Preparation and ingredients for steamed dumplings with cottage cheese:

  1. Drive a chicken egg (1 piece) into a deep container for kneading dough, pour in kefir (150 milliliters), stir.
  2. Add salt (15 grams) and baking soda (10 grams).
  3. Pass wheat flour (350 grams) through a sieve and pour into the ingredients, mix, knead into an elastic dough.
  4. Set aside for 20 minutes.
  5. For the filling, place pre-mashed fat cottage cheese (200 grams) in a small container, beat in the yolk (1 piece) and add salt (15 grams) or sugar (20 grams), mix.
  6. Roll out the dough into a large “cake” on a floured work surface of the table, the thickness of the layer is 7 millimeters.
  7. Using a glass, cut out round pieces.
  8. Place a little filling on each one, first making a depression with your hands.
  9. Connect the dumpling halves.
  10. Place finished products on a floured board, towel or table.
  11. In the multicooker, turn on the “Steam Cooker” program, pour the required amount of water into the bowl and place the dumplings on the grill (at a short distance from each other).
  12. Cook the dish for 10 minutes.

Steamed dumplings in a slow cooker are ready.

With potatoes, onions and herbs

It is important to note that dumplings prepared in this way are a true classic of Ukrainian traditional cuisine. Thanks to this cooking method, they turn out tender, airy and dietary. And if you add herbs as a filling, then vegetarians will like this dish.

  1. Combine at the same time a chicken egg (1 piece) and 200 milliliters of kefir.
  2. Add 10 grams of salt and the same amount of soda to the flour (350 grams) passed through a sieve, mix.
  3. Pour the mixture into the liquid component of the batch and gradually form a ball of dough (it is recommended to mix in 30 milliliters of vegetable oil during the process).
  4. Set the dough aside for 30 minutes to allow it to sit and form natural gluten.
  5. Prepare the filling from mashed potatoes (400 grams), sauteed onions (80 grams), dill (30 grams), salt (15 grams), ground black pepper.
  6. Make round pieces of dough (5 mm thick), lay out the filling and pinch the edges.
  7. Using a water bath or a slow cooker, prepare the dish (the dumplings will become larger, so when laying them out, you need to leave some distance).
  8. Serve steamed hot with butter and sour cream.

Stuffed with stewed cabbage

An excellent recipe for dumplings, which, just like with potatoes and cottage cheese, is extremely tasty, satisfying, soft and easy to prepare, is a dish filled with aromatic cabbage.

Here you can fantasize as much as you like: add tomato during stewing or without it, various spices, herbs, onions, carrots and so on.

Process Description and Ingredients:

With cherry

An excellent recipe for steamed sweet dumplings made from the most delicate dough with berries - this is the best dessert on the summer table. You can also use frozen cherries, then the dish will be reminiscent of warm summer even in the cold season.

  1. Heat kefir (500 milliliters, fat content - 2.5%).
  2. Pour into a mixing container, add salt (5 grams), soda (20 g) slaked with vinegar (8 milliliters), stir the mixture.
  3. After 15 minutes, pass wheat flour (1 kilogram) through a sieve over the container.
  4. Stir the mixture with a wooden spatula and knead into a soft dough.
  5. Form round pieces.
  6. For the filling, prepare fresh or frozen cherries (0.8 kilograms), pitted, and granulated sugar (to taste).
  7. Place the filling (sugar and a few berries) on the dough and secure the edges well.
  8. Prepare a container for cooking, put it on the fire and bring water to a boil, secure with cheesecloth (this way the prepared dish will turn out especially tender and airy).
  9. Add a batch of dumplings, cover and cook for 5 minutes.
  10. Sprinkle the dish well with granulated sugar.

Lush steamed dumplings are ready.

With blueberries

In this recipe, the dough is mixed not with kefir, but with sour cream. The dish also turns out tasty and appetizing. As for the splendor and tenderness of the dumplings, this will depend on the steam cooking method: on gauze (softer) or in a double boiler (harder).

Process Description and Components:

Cooking time: on gauze - 10 minutes, in a double boiler - 4 minutes.

Serve hot, sprinkled generously with granulated sugar.

With mushrooms

This is a delicious recipe for steamed dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms, seasoned with fresh herbs and spices.

Process Description and Ingredients:

Dumplings with potatoes and liver

To make the dish even more satisfying, rich and tasty, you can add boiled liver (chicken, pork) to the potato filling. Thus, steamed dumplings will be an excellent dinner or Sunday breakfast (lunch) for the whole family.

Description of the preparation process and ingredients:


You can also prepare a dish with beans, rhubarb, meat and potatoes, strawberries and so on. The main thing is not to be afraid to imagine and experiment.

And also cook in a good mood and send love.

After the time has passed, roll the dough into a sausage and cut into equal parts (Remember! The size of the dumplings will depend on the size of the dough parts!). Lightly roll out each part with a rolling pin, place a few raspberries in the center and sprinkle with sugar.

We pinch the edges of each piece of dough to form a dumpling. If you want, you can make curly, wavy edges. To do this, you need to press small parts with your thumb to your index finger, and so on along the entire seam. To prevent the dough from sticking to your fingers, you need to wet your hands in oil or dip them in flour.

Place the resulting dumplings with raspberries in a steamer tray, greased with olive oil. Turn on the steamer for 20 minutes.

Place the finished hot dumplings with raspberries on a dish, sprinkle with sugar or pour over raspberry syrup.

Delicious steamed raspberry dumplings are served with homemade sour cream.

Enjoy your meal! Cook with love!

Vareniki are a traditional Ukrainian dish that is great for feeding children. Dumplings can be prepared with various fillings, but children still prefer sweet fillings. Dumplings with berry fillings are very tasty. Dumplings with raspberries are a delicious delicacy that any child will hardly refuse.

Note to moms:

There is a little trick in making raspberry dumplings that is important to know. To prevent the berry filling from spreading, you need to add potato or corn starch to the filling. Then the berry mass becomes jelly-like and will not flow out of the dumplings.

The making of dumplings is unique to each housewife, and if you have small children, this process can be turned into real fun. You can get together with the whole family and everyone will prepare dumplings of their own unique shape, and you can make a few with a secret - instead of the usual filling, make some special one. Whoever gets such a dumpling will have good luck and success.

It will take 1.5 hours to prepare raspberry dumplings.

For the test:
premium wheat flour - 5 cups
chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
salt -1 pinch
white sugar - 2 tablespoons
curdled milk or kefir - 500 ml
soda - 1 teaspoon
vinegar - 1 teaspoon

fresh raspberries - 2 cups
starch - 3 tbsp. spoons
sugar - 3 tablespoons

Dumplings with raspberries, recipe:

First, prepare the dough for dumplings. All products should be at room temperature. Beat chicken eggs into a bowl.

Beat eggs with a fork or whisk, add salt and sugar, pour in yogurt and vinegar. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

Gradually add flour and knead the dough, add soda. You need to knead the dough in a good mood, then the dumplings will turn out delicious. It should not stick to your hands, now leave it in a warm place for 10 minutes.

Here is a delicious filling for dumplings - ripe raspberries. In principle, according to this recipe, you can prepare dumplings with other berries - strawberries, cherries, blueberries, wild strawberries, black currants.

Time has passed, pinch off a piece of dough, sprinkle it with flour and make a sausage with a diameter of 4 centimeters. Now cut the sausage into pieces 1.5 centimeters thick and roll them in flour.

To prevent the filling from spreading all over the dumpling, add starch and sugar.

Now take a ring of dough, make a flat cake with your hands and put the filling. Carefully pinch the edges so that the filling does not leak out during cooking.

Some of the prepared raspberry dumplings can be immediately put in the freezer and left for tomorrow. Place a pan of water and add a little salt. As soon as the water boils, you can place the dumplings in the pan. When the dumplings float, set aside for 3 minutes and you can take them out.

Place the dumplings in a saucepan, sprinkling with sugar and brushing with butter. You can serve it with sour cream, honey or condensed milk. It is better to eat them hot, but even cold they do not lose their unique taste and aroma.

Since this is not the berry season, I used frozen raspberries, which I previously thawed at room temperature and drained the juice. By the way, you can make wonderful jelly or compote from the juice. The result was tasty, dense dumplings that held their shape perfectly and did not burst during cooking. It is better to serve dumplings with berry filling hot, immediately after cooking. I recommend trying it.

Prepare the ingredients for making raspberry dumplings according to the list.

Let's prepare the dough.

Pour room temperature kefir into a bowl. Beat in the egg and add a pinch of salt.

Using a fork or whisk, beat the mixture until smooth.

Add sifted flour in parts and knead the dough.

It should turn out soft, flexible, and not stick to your hands. Cover the dough with a towel and leave to rest for 10 minutes.

Roll out the rested dough into a layer 5-6 mm thick. Using a glass or ring, cut out identical circles of the desired size. The larger the circle, the larger the dumpling.

Place a few raspberries in the middle of each circle. These dumplings can be made from fresh or frozen berries. If you have frozen raspberries, you need to defrost them at room temperature and drain off the excess juice. The juice is often used to make compote or jelly.

Sprinkle a little sugar on top of the raspberries. I added 1/3 teaspoon to each dumpling.

It is good to fasten the edges of each circle, forming dumplings. Use all the dough and filling this way.

Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil, add a little salt to the water and add dumplings to it. Stir gently so that they do not stick to the bottom of the pan, and cook for about 5 minutes from the moment they float to the surface.

After cooking, remove the dumplings from the water using a slotted spoon or strainer. Place in a bowl and grease with butter. If you find the dumplings not very sweet, sprinkle more sugar on top.

Delicious, appetizing dumplings with raspberries are ready. Serve hot.

Bon appetit!

    It seemed like what could be simpler than dumplings? No special work is required, they are prepared quickly, and not only an inexperienced housewife, but even a six-year-old child can put them on! It's not a tricky thing. The dough couldn't be simpler - flour, water, salt. But a good housewife always wants to make even the simplest and most ordinary dish tastier, more interesting and more original. So dumplings can be prepared in an unusual way, for example, steamed or even baked in sour cream in the oven. Yes, you can experiment with the dough and try some new recipe. For example, cook it with kefir and soda. Then it turns out very airy, fluffy, loose and tender. Its taste is practically not felt, and all attention is given to the filling, which remains very juicy and does not leak out.

    A simple and delicious recipe for dumplings with steamed berries will delight your sweet tooth. They turn out lush and very tender.


  • Sour kefir - 500 ml
  • Flour - 500 g
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • A pinch of salt
  • Soda - 1 tsp.


  • Raspberries - 500 g
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.

Step-by-step preparation with photos:

Pour kefir into a container and add salt and sugar. Stir until dissolved.

Knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands, but it should remain elastic and soft.

Leave the dough for 30 minutes.

We sort the berries, wash them and dry them on a towel.

Knead the dough again and roll into a sausage. Cut into small pieces and roll each one out with a rolling pin.

Add raspberries, 0.5 tsp sugar and pinch the edges.

Prepare a container for steaming dumplings. This could be a pan with gauze or a sieve, a double boiler or a slow cooker..

After the water boils, lay out the dumplings so that they increase to half their size.

Steam for 6 minutes with the lid on.

When serving, sprinkle with sugar and add butter or sour cream.

Bon appetit!


The dumplings are fluffy and airy due to the use of kefir and soda. The fact is that an oxidation reaction occurs, which is accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide bubbles, which, in turn, impart porosity and airiness. Only kefir should be acidified, even past its expiration date. You can do without it, but use an egg and a little sunflower oil and 1 tbsp. vinegar 9%. This dough also turns out to be very pliable and elastic. It is easy to shape, the edges are perfectly pinched and do not come apart during cooking. You can simply cook with water and flour, but the water should be hot, not cold, so that the gluten swells faster. This method is also often called “brewing.”

But no matter what recipe you use, the main rule is to let the dough rest a little before rolling it out. This is necessary for the gluten to swell. It is this that will make it elastic and will not stick to the rolling pin or tear during rolling.


It has long been noted that steamed dishes are much healthier. Most often, vegetables are cooked in a double boiler to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients. But you can even cook dumplings and dumplings. They will turn out not only very healthy, but also tasty. After all, during the preparation of water, part of the taste and beneficial properties goes into the water. While steaming will naturally preserve them. Such dumplings turn out to be very juicy, since the juice from the fruit does not dissolve in water, but remains in the filling itself.

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