Jam made from unripe green grapes with seeds. Isabella grape jam recipe

There are a huge number of types of jam. It is prepared not only from fruits and berries, but sometimes even from vegetables. Along with traditional preparations, there are less common ones. These include a simple recipe for grape jam with seeds for the winter.

Grape jam with seeds for the winter - the simplest recipe

What we cook from:

  • Dark grapes – kilogram;
  • 250 milliliters of water;
  • A kilogram of sugar.

How to do:

  1. We free the berries from the branches, remove crumpled, rotten, dried berries. Wash it and put it in a bowl for cooking.
  2. Cook the syrup. Pour the berries hot and leave for half an hour.
  3. Then we put the container with the fruits on the stove and cook at a low simmer until the syrup thickens. Stir the contents occasionally during cooking.
  4. To determine readiness, place a drop of syrup on a cold saucer. If it retains its shape and does not spread, then the jam is ready.

Pour it into clean, dry jars. Cover and air cool without turning over.

Advice! When making jam, you do not need to stir it often to maintain the integrity of the berries.

Delicious jam from blue grapes with seeds

This preparation is especially aromatic from the Isabella or Lydia grape varieties. They have a rich and bright taste. How to make grape jam at home - read the recipes below.

Take according to the recipe:

  • Blue grapes – 1 kg;
  • Water - half a glass;
  • Sugar – 700 grams.

Step by step recipe:

  1. First you need to prepare the berries. First, we tear off the branches, remove the damaged grapes, and wash them well.
  2. Prepare a syrup from water and sugar by boiling it over low heat for about ten minutes, stirring and skimming off the foam.
  3. Place the berries in a bowl with syrup and let it boil. Boil until the fruits are soft, set aside until cool.
  4. Bring to a boil again, cook at a gentle simmer for seven minutes, cool. We will do this procedure twice more. The syrup should be thick.
  5. Place the finished grape jam into dry jars. Leave for air cooling.

Then we take it to the basement for storage.

Azerbaijani grape jam

You already know how to make jam from grapes. But now I will share a recipe that has some features.

We will prepare the following products for cooking:

  • 2 kilograms of light grapes;
  • 2 kilograms of sugar;
  • Half a packet of vanillin;
  • Coffee spoon of wine vinegar.

How we will cook:

  1. We remove the ripened berries from the branches and wash them under running water. For cooking, select undamaged fruits. The question arises: how to make grape jam without bursting the berries? To do this, pour boiling water over them for one minute. The liquid should just cover the fruit. Then we drain the water. It will be useful to us.
  2. Make syrup from the drained water and sugar. Boil until all the crystals dissolve. Pour the prepared syrup over the berries.
  3. Let it sit until it cools completely. Then, over low heat, simmer at low heat for fifteen minutes.
  4. We do this three more times. At the end of the last cooking, add wine vinegar and vanillin. Mix well and place in sterilized jars. Roll up and cool.

We store this jam with a pleasant taste and aroma, and store whole berries in a cool room.

Reference! Instead of wine vinegar, you can use citric acid.

Fragrant grape delicacy

We will prepare this dessert from green grapes with seeds.

You need to prepare:

  • 1 kilogram of grapes;
  • 0.5 kilos of sugar;
  • Lemon;
  • 1 pack of agar-agar.

Simple recipe:

  1. Sprinkle the washed berries with sugar and leave for 12 hours to form juice. If after this time the berries have released little liquid, you can add 100 milliliters of water.
  2. Squeeze lemon juice into the bowl with the grape mixture. Place on the stove and cook for one minute.
  3. Add thickener and mix well. Boil for another five minutes.
  4. Roll into sterile jars.

The recipe for winter jam from grapes with seeds is simple, but it turns out thick, with a wonderful taste and pleasant aroma.

Five-minute jam

Now I will tell you how to make grape jam quickly and without much effort.

You will need the following:

  • 1.5 kilograms of grapes;
  • One and a half glasses of sugar;
  • 250 milliliters of water;
  • Coffee spoon of citric acid.

How to cook:

  1. We separate the berries from the branches, remove the rotten and overripe ones.
  2. Wash well in several waters. Let the berries dry.
  3. Place a pan of water on the stove, wait until it boils, add sugar. Cook the syrup at a low simmer.
  4. Then add the berries, boil for five minutes over low heat, skimming off the foam.
  5. Add lemon and cook for another five minutes over medium heat.
  6. Pour into sterilized jars. After cooling, put it away for storage.

Spicy jam “Kamomil”

Have to take:

  • Big lemon;
  • Half a glass of water;
  • Sugar – 4 cups;
  • Cloves – 3 buds;
  • A piece of cinnamon;
  • A kilogram of peeled grapes.

How to cook:

  1. Pour boiling water over the washed lemon and let sit for two minutes. Then squeeze the juice out of it and strain through a sieve.
  2. Mix the resulting juice with sugar and water. Cook the syrup over low heat, placing a gauze bag with spices in it.
  3. Wash the grapes, prick the berries in several places, and fill them with syrup. We stand for 8 hours.
  4. Heat the mixture almost to a boil, but do not boil. We repeat this procedure three more times, maintaining the same interval.
  5. After the last soak, let the jam boil and set aside for a day. Then cook at a very low boil until thickened, about half an hour.
  6. We take out the bag of spices from the jam and place it hot in jars and roll it up.

The finished treat in jars looks very beautiful. The grapes are transparent, even the seeds are visible.

Grape jam with apples

Let's prepare:

  • Grapes – 1 kilogram;
  • Apples - half a kilogram;
  • Sugar – 800 grams.
  1. We prepare the washed fruits for cooking: cut the peeled apples into cubes, cut the grapes in half. We leave the bones.
  2. Place grapes and apples in layers in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Leave for two hours to release the juice.
  3. Heat over low heat, stirring and removing foam. From the moment it boils, cook for five minutes, then cool to room temperature.
  4. Boil the jam for 3 minutes. Pour into jars and roll up.

After cooling, we take it to the cellar.

Black grape jam “Shokoladnitsa”

Let's prepare jam from black grapes.


  • A kilogram of dark fruits;
  • A kilogram of sugar;
  • 100 milliliters of grape juice.

Add half the sugar to the peeled berries and leave for eleven hours. Make syrup from the rest of the sugar and juice. Cool until warm and pour into the fruit mixture.

Boil the grape mass over low heat until the grapes settle to the bottom of the dish. As soon as this happens, pour the finished jam into jars and close hermetically.

How to make grape jam without bursting the berries


  • Grapes - 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar - 900 grams;
  • Water - glass;
  • Lemon juice - 5 tablespoons;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.

What we do:

  1. We remove the berries from the brushes and rinse them under running water.
  2. Pour water into a convenient container and bring it to a boil. Place the berries in a colander in boiling water for two minutes, and then immediately place them in cold water. Let the water drain.
  3. We prepare syrup from water and sugar, pour grapes into it. We stand for twelve hours.
  4. Then bring the mixture to a boil, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 6 hours.
  5. We repeat this procedure twice more. At the last stage, add lemon juice and vanillin.
  6. Pour hot into dry jars, seal, and let cool.

Grape jam with whole berries keeps well even at room temperature.

Original recipe with almonds

  • A kilogram of white grapes;
  • Half a kilo of sugar;
  • Juice of half a lemon;
  • 70 grams of almonds;
  • 200 milliliters of water.

Cooking method:

  1. Cook the berries with sugar and water at a low boil for half an hour. Add lemon juice and almonds, simmer for another five minutes.
  2. If the syrup is not ready, strain it and cook until ready. Return the berries and nuts to the syrup and boil. The jam should be caramel color.
  3. Place while hot into prepared jars.

On a note! If possible, do not disturb the jam while cooking, or do it rarely and carefully so as not to crush the grapes.

You got acquainted with different recipes for making grape jam. For greater clarity, I advise you to watch the video.

Now you know not just one simple recipe for winter jam from grapes with seeds, but several. Therefore, it will not be difficult to choose one of them that will become your favorite.

Grapes have been grown and made into wine since before our era. Now not only wine varieties are grown, but also many dessert varieties. They are eaten raw, dried, and prepared into compotes and preserves for the winter. The berries are rich in vitamins, microelements and tannins that are beneficial to human health.

Grape jam is prepared from berries with and without seeds, white and black varieties, and aromatic seasonings are added. It can be a stand-alone dessert or serve as an addition to pancakes, yogurt, or cottage cheese.

This is the easiest and fastest recipe. The berries remain intact, and the taste and aroma will pleasantly surprise you and your family.


  • grapes – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 750 ml;
  • lemon acid.


  1. You need to sort out the berries and rinse them with running water in a colander.
  2. Prepare sugar syrup and add washed berries to the boiling liquid.
  3. Wait until it boils again, add citric acid (about half a teaspoon), remove the foam and turn off the heat.
  4. Leave to infuse for several hours.
  5. Bring the jam to a boil again and pour into the prepared container.
  6. Your five-minute jam is ready.

This easy-to-make jam will brighten up your winter tea parties with family or friends.

This recipe is prepared from raisin grapes. These white berries are seedless and have a very sweet taste.


  • grapes – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 400 ml.


  1. Prepare sugar syrup from sand and water.
  2. Pour in the washed and carefully selected whole berries and cook over low heat for about half an hour.
  3. Let the jam cool completely and put into jars.
  4. Can be eaten immediately or stored all winter.
  5. The berries and syrup come out a very beautiful amber color. And the jam itself is very sweet and tasty.

Due to the absence of seeds, it can be safely served as tea for children. You can pour it over pancakes or cottage cheese.


  • grapes – 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 300 ml.


  1. The berries need to be washed and pitted, cutting them into halves. But you can also cook it with bones.
  2. Dip the prepared grapes into the prepared sugar syrup and cook over low heat for 5 minutes after boiling.
  3. Turn off the gas and leave until completely cool.
  4. Let it boil again and cook for about half an hour on low heat.
  5. Transfer the finished jam into jars.

This jam has its own unique tart taste. A jar of this jam will delight your loved ones and gather all your family and friends over a cup of freshly brewed tea.

Grape jam with cinnamon and cloves

Spices will give your jam a special, unique and bright aroma.


  • grapes – 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 300 ml;
  • cinnamon;
  • carnation;
  • lemon.


  1. Sort and wash the berries.
  2. Boil sugar syrup, add a cinnamon stick and a couple of clove buds.
  3. Remove the spices and pour the hot syrup over the grapes.
  4. Let stand for several hours and then simmer over low heat for about 10-15 minutes.
  5. Leave in the pan until completely cool.
  6. Add the juice of one lemon to the jam and bring to a boil. Cook for a few more minutes and leave to cool.

The jam is ready. You can pour it into jars and close it for the winter. Or you can immediately treat your guests to strong tea with aromatic grape jam.

Selecting all the seeds from honey grapes is a very difficult task. There are dozens of berries on each bunch, and hundreds of grapes will go into a modest bowl of jam.

But fortunately, jam made from grapes with seeds is sometimes even much better - there is no need to choose grape varieties based on “seedless” characteristics alone.

So, we take the one that is more fragrant, sweeter, or, if you want, more beautiful!

Grape jam with seeds - general principles of preparation

There are quite a few recipes for jam from grapes with seeds. Most often it is cooked in special basins or thick-walled pans in several stages, which takes a lot of time. But there are recipes that allow you to prepare jam in a shorter time, and for this you use a slow cooker or oven.

Both dark and light grapes are used, the main thing is that their berries are large, with thick skin and at the same time unripe. It’s better to take even slightly unripe jam, in which case the jam will not require additional preservatives.

Before use, the grapes are picked from the branches, carefully selecting the debris and cobwebs that collect on the tassels. Wash thoroughly, using warm water if possible, removing cracked, soft, and completely green berries. Dry selected clean grapes, spreading them out on a linen towel or in a colander.

If grape jam is made from whole berries, they must be pierced in several places so that they do not burst during cooking. If desired, the seeds are removed by cutting the grapes. Then proceed according to the recipe.

Grape jam is often boiled with nuts (almonds or walnuts), often flavored with vanilla, cinnamon or other spices.

When preparing grape jam with seeds for the winter according to the recipes described below, you must strictly follow the canning rules. The jam is poured into sterilized jars only when hot, immediately after preparation, and sealed hermetically with special lids.

Glass containers are pre-washed in hot water with baking soda and sterilized over steam or in the oven. Metal lids for seaming must be boiled and dried on a clean towel.

The rolls are cooled upside down, tightly wrapped in a warm blanket.

A simple recipe for grape jam with seeds and citric acid


One kilogram of grapes;

A kilogram of sugar;

A teaspoon of lemon crystals;

A glass of drinking water;

2 gr. vanilla powder.

Cooking method:

1. Pour sugar into a suitable pan, pour water into it and prepare a clear syrup over low heat.

2. Remove the container from the heat, dip the grapes into the hot syrup and, shaking the container slightly, set it aside for an hour and a half.

3. After this, bring the jam to a boil and leave to simmer over low heat. After boiling for one hour, remove from heat and cool. Then bring it to a boil again, not too quickly, boil again for at least an hour and also set aside from heating until completely cooled.

4. After cooling again, boil the grape jam again and bring to readiness for half an hour at a minimum boil. Three minutes before readiness, add the “lemon” and immediately follow it with vanilla.

5. Each time, carefully remove floating seeds and foam from the surface.

Recipe for grape jam with seeds (with walnuts)


Light or dark grapes – 1 kg;

1 gr. vanillin;

100 gr. walnut cores;

One kilogram of sugar;

70 ml water.

Cooking method:

1. Mix sugar with water and, placing the container on low heat, cook the syrup.

2. Pour about two liters of water into a separate large saucepan, maybe a little more, and bring to a boil.

3. Place the sorted dried grapes on cheesecloth, connect its edges so that it looks like a bag, and dip it in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Remove and place the berries in the syrup.

4. As soon as the grapes have boiled in the syrup for five minutes, remove from the stove, cover the container with a lid and leave for eight hours. This is done so that the grapes are well saturated with sugar syrup.

5. After this, bring the jam to a boil over low heat, add the walnut halves and vanilla. Boil for ten minutes and pack into steamed jars and seal.

Recipe for grape jam with seeds in the oven with grape juice


Grapes of any sweetish white variety – 1.2 kg;

Clarified grape juice – 200 ml;

Half a cinnamon stick;

600 gr. – sugar;

2 star anise;

Almonds, peeled – 100 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Place the processed grapes in a large bowl, add the measured sugar and mix gently.

2. Gradually raise the oven temperature to 150 degrees.

3. Place the grapes sprinkled with sugar into a deep baking tray or any other suitable fireproof dish. Add cinnamon, anise, pour grape juice over everything and place on a rack set on the middle level in the oven. Simmer the jam, stirring occasionally, for at least three hours.

4. Soak the almonds in boiling water for ten minutes. Take it out, peel it and break the kernels into halves.

5. Dip the almond “petals” into the jam, after simmering for two hours in the oven, and keep at the same temperature for another hour.

6. Remove the finished grape jam from the oven, remove the anise and cinnamon and pour into prepared sterile jars, roll up with canning lids.

Recipe for grape jam with seeds and spices


One large lemon;

100 ml filtered water;

Sugar – 800 gr.;

Carnation – 3 umbrellas;

A small piece of cinnamon stick (1 cm);

A kilogram of grapes without branches.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the lemon well and put it in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Then cut, squeeze out the juice and filter it from the remaining pulp and seeds using cheesecloth or a sieve.

2. Pour freshly squeezed lemon juice into sugar, add water and stir thoroughly. On low heat, without ceasing to stir, boil the syrup and put the spices tied in a gauze bag into it.

3. Pierce clean grapes in several places with a thick needle and dip into slightly cooled syrup.

4. Over the course of a day, heat the jam to about 70 degrees four times, but do not boil! Then the grapes will absorb the syrup well and will not burst.

5. Eight hours after the last heating, bring the grape jam to a boil and let it brew for another day.

6. Boil again and continue to cook on the lowest heat until it thickens.

7. Place hot into jars and seal with boiled, dry lids. Before packaging, do not forget to remove the spices.

Recipe for grape jam with seeds - “Isabella”


Selected grapes “Isabella” – 1.5 kg;

Drinking filtered water – 300 ml;

Five glasses of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Measure out 300 grams of sugar and pour it into a saucepan. Pour in water and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. To ensure that the sugar grains disperse well in the water, adjust the flame level to medium. If you boil quickly, the sugar may not dissolve completely.

2. Dip the washed grapes into boiling sugar syrup, gradually, not too quickly, bring to a boil, then lower the flame level again and boil the berries for 5 minutes. in syrup. Cool slowly.

3. Immediately after it has cooled, put it back on moderate heat, add the remaining sugar, and, stirring occasionally, cook until it is completely dissolved. In about half an hour, the jam will be ready, it can be packaged in sterile containers and rolled up.

Recipe for grape jam with seeds - “Five Minutes”


A kilogram of any grapes with seeds;

200 gr. Sahara;

Drinking filtered water – 150 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Cook clear syrup from the specified amount of sugar and water over low heat. There should be no grains in it, so stir the sugar constantly while cooking.

2. Dip the washed, well-dried grapes into the prepared boiling syrup and, stirring gently, leave to simmer over low heat. After five minutes, turn up the temperature a little and cook the jam for another five minutes. Be sure to make sure it doesn't boil.

3. After this, spread the hot grape jam into clean jars and seal with a sealing key. To prevent fermentation, place only in dry containers and cover with boiled lids.

The simplest recipe for grape jam with seeds in a slow cooker without water


Half a kilo of sugar;

A kilogram of large grapes.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the grapes from the ridges into a colander, rinse well with warm water and dry on a linen towel. If you don't want any seeds in the jam, cut the berries and carefully remove them.

2. Place the prepared grapes in a cooking bowl, add sugar and start the multi-pan on “Stew”, setting the timer for 2 hours.

3. After the end of the program, pour the jam into jars prepared in advance and seal them securely.

A quick recipe for grape jam with seeds - “Georgian style”


Dark grapes – 1 kg;

One glass of water;

A kilo of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Place clean, dried grapes in a large container.

2. In a separate bowl, prepare syrup from the specified amount of sugar and water. Pour it hot over the grapes and leave to stand for half an hour.

3. After this, place the dishes on low heat and, stirring occasionally, cook until the syrup becomes moderately thick.

4. Do not stir frequently so as not to damage the grapes again. Berries in thick syrup should remain whole and not spread out.

Grape jam with seeds - cooking tricks and useful tips

Don’t be lazy to remove the foam that forms during cooking from the surface of the jam, otherwise the preparations will not last long.

To prevent whole berries from bursting, be sure to pierce them in several places after drying.

To sterilize jars faster, use the oven. Place the washed jars on a wire rack and keep at 150 degrees for a quarter of an hour. Then cool with the door slightly open and pour the jam into the already cooled container.

At the end of summer and beginning of autumn, the harvesting period begins. Many different products are prepared from grapes - wine, juice, vinegar, compotes. But you can also make grape jam. I don’t make this preparation often, and it’s completely in vain; the jam turns out to be very tasty and aromatic. So it's worth taking the time to prepare it.

Making jam from grapes is no more difficult than from other berries, but you need to know some of the nuances of preparation.

You can use different varieties of grapes for jam. It is best, of course, to use seedless varieties - sultanas or currants. But you can also make jam from grapes with seeds. If varieties with large berries are used, for example, “Isabella,” then the berries need to be cut in half and the seeds removed. Small berries are boiled whole, but this version of jam is the worst.

Before cooking the jam, the berries must be removed from the brushes. Sorting must be carried out immediately; berries with signs of spoilage or those that have begun to wither are rejected. You need to wash the berries carefully. The best way is to immerse the berries in a large container filled with water and stir very carefully. Repeat this operation several times, changing the water to clean water.

Berries with thick skin must first be blanched. The berries are scalded with boiling water and after a minute the water is drained, immediately pouring cold water over the grapes.

Then you need to boil sugar syrup, which is poured over the berries. The grapes drenched in the sweet mixture must be kept for several hours so that the berries have time to be saturated with syrup. If the jam is made from berries cut in half, then you can not cook the syrup, but simply sprinkle the grapes with sugar. When using sweet berries to make jam, it is necessary to add citric acid during the cooking process.

Interesting facts: over the years of history, humanity has more than once risked losing its vineyards forever due to destructive wars. Thus, Tamerlane, when conquering new territories, always ordered the burning of vineyards. Fortunately, the plantations were restored.

Grape jam for the winter “Berries in syrup”

If you decide to try making grape jam for the first time, we recommend this simple recipe. It will take a little time to prepare, but the result will please you. For cooking, you can take grapes of any variety.

  • 2 kg of grapes;
  • 400 gr. Sahara;
  • 300 ml water.

We remove the berries from the bunches, put them in a colander and rinse them well, lowering the container with the berries several times into a large saucepan or basin of water. Dip the berries into the water and mix gently. Let the grapes dry.

Advice! This jam is especially beautiful when made from white grapes; the syrup acquires a beautiful amber color.

Prepare the syrup by boiling water with sugar. Carefully place the dried berries into the hot syrup. Mix very carefully. Let the syrup boil. Then greatly reduce the heat and cook, stirring occasionally for about 20 minutes. You need to stir carefully so as not to damage the berries.

Read also: Korean cucumbers for the winter - 9 most delicious recipes

Wash the jam jars in advance and sterilize them using any available method. We wash the lids, put them in a saucepan and pour boiling water over them. Place the pan on the fire and boil the lids for 3-4 minutes.

Pour hot jam into sterile jars. Immediately seal them tightly using screw or regular tin lids. We turn the rolled up jars over and place them on the lids. You need to cover the top and wrap it tightly with something warm, for example, a blanket or blanket folded several times. We take it out through the branches and send it for storage. The jam can be stored well at room temperature.

Thick raisin grape jam

If you prefer thick jam, you can use this recipe. It is better to cook it from raisin grapes, that is, from seedless grapes.

  • 2 kg of grapes;
  • 2 kg sugar;
  • 1-1.5 glasses of water;
  • citric acid to taste.

We remove the grapes from the brushes, sort them, removing the spoiled ones. We wash the selected berries well and put them in a bowl for making jam. Add sugar and leave for 8-12 hours. It is convenient to prepare the jam in the evening, leaving the berries covered with sugar overnight.

After infusion, pay attention to the amount of juice. If it is not enough, you can add water, but no more than 1.5 glasses. Place the bowl with the future jam on the stove and bring to a boil. Carefully remove the foam. Reduce heat greatly and continue cooking for 10 minutes. Then turn off the heat and leave the jam to steep for 6 hours.

Then heat the jam again to a boil, remove the foam and boil at a very low boil for 10 minutes. Let it steep again for 6 hours. For the third time, cook the jam until tender, adding citric acid to taste. It’s easy to check the readiness: you need to drop the syrup on a saucer; if the drop does not spread, it’s ready. Pour the hot jam into sterilized jars and seal tightly. After the jars have cooled, put them away for storage.

Five-minute grape jam

The jam takes five minutes to prepare very quickly. It cooks not only quickly, but also without much effort.

  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 150 ml boiled water;
  • 1 kg of grapes.

Carefully remove the berries from the brushes. We sort through the berries, removing spoiled ones. We wash the grapes well and let the berries dry.

Pour sugar into a basin and saucepan for cooking, add water, stir. Place the dishes on the fire, heat while stirring until completely dissolved. There is no need to boil the syrup.

Place the berries in the syrup and mix very carefully. Continue cooking until the boiling process begins. Reduce heat greatly and cook for five minutes, avoiding boiling. Then increase the heat to medium and cook for another five minutes at a boil.

We prepare the jars in advance - wash them in hot water with the addition of soda. We rinse the jars well and sterilize them in any convenient way. Pour the jam that has just been removed from the heat into hot jars and close hermetically using screw caps or regular tin lids and a special key. We place the closed jars on the lids and wrap them with something warm. We keep it “under the fur coat” for a day, then we take it out for storage.

Read also: Hot salting of milk mushrooms - 4 recipes for the winter

Grape jam

You can make jam from grapes. It is best to choose seedless grape varieties.

  • 1 kg of grapes;
  • 2 cups granulated sugar;
  • 1-2 teaspoons of citric acid;
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon (optional);
  • 15 gr. gelatin (optional).

We remove the berries from the brushes, wash them, and make a puree from them using a blender. Then we rub the puree through a large sieve to remove any remaining peel.

Pour the prepared puree into a saucepan, add sugar. Put citric acid and add ground cinnamon. Simmer the jam over low heat for 30-40 minutes, stirring constantly. After this, the jam can be poured into sterile jars and sealed tightly.

If you want to make very thick jam, you can add gelatin to it. For this purpose 15 gr. pour gelatin with cold boiled water. After the gelatin swells, dissolve it by heating over low heat. Pour the gelatin solution into the prepared hot jam, removed from the heat, and stir well. Pour the hot mixture into sterile jars and immediately seal.

Making jam in a slow cooker

You can cook grape jam in a slow cooker. Here is one of the recipes for making jam in this device.

  • 800 gr. white grapes;
  • 200 gr. dark grapes;
  • 300 gr. Sahara;
  • ½ teaspoon citric acid.

You can, of course, make jam from one type of grape. But a more beautiful product will be made from a mixture of white and dark berries, and there should be more white berries.

The berries need to be removed from the brushes and washed. Place clean berries in a colander and pour boiling water over them. Then immediately pour cold water over it. If the grapes have seeds, it is recommended to cut the berries and remove the seeds.

Sprinkle the berries with sugar and add citric acid, mix gently. Transfer the mixture into a bowl and place it in the appliance. If the multicooker has a “Jam” mode, then you should select it and set the timer for two hours.

If this mode is not available, then you can select the “Extinguishing” mode by setting the timer for 2 hours. After completing the mode, you need to turn on the “steaming” mode for 2 minutes so that the jam boils. Next, put the jam into pre-sterilized jars and seal it tightly.

Grape and apple jam with hazelnuts

If there are only a few grapes, you can use other fruit additives to make jam. For example, with the addition of apples

First of all, you need to peel the hazelnuts. Place the nuts in a bowl and pour boiling water over them. Let the nuts soak in boiling water for 20 minutes, then add water. After this, you can easily remove the skin from the nuts.

Now you need to cook the syrup from water and sugar. Pour water into the pan and add sugar. Remove the zest from the lemon, add it to the sugar and grind. Squeeze the juice out of the lemon itself, strain it through a sieve and pour the juice into the syrup. Boil the syrup for 5 minutes

Almost every garden grows grapes, but not every housewife knows and knows how to make jam from them. Having tried it once, it stands on par with other, more popular sweet preparations for the winter. There are quite a few varieties of grapes that, when treated with temperature, retain many beneficial properties and, in addition to taste, also bring benefits. The best jam is obtained from such grape varieties as: raisins, Isabella, Delight, Talisman, Husayne, Chaush, Agadai, Rizamat, Nimrang, Karaburnu. You can also use slightly sour varieties.

To prepare any grape jam, take ripe bunches with whole berries. Severely unripe and damaged grapes are not suitable for this purpose.

The bunches are placed in a colander and washed under running water to remove dust and debris.

Green grape varieties are blanched for 2 minutes (until soft) in boiling water with the addition of 3 grams of salt. Then the bunches are dipped into cold water.

White and blue grapes do not need to be blanched.

The berries are separated from the bunches with scissors. Each berry is pierced with a needle to maintain integrity during heat treatment. If the jam is seedless, remove the seeds. To do this, the berries are cut in half. The separated berries are dried on a paper towel.

You need to cook the jam in an enamel or glass container. A saucepan or basin is suitable for this purpose.

Grape jam can be made from various varieties of red, white, black and green grapes.

From sultanas

Many people like seedless jam, and raisin grapes are ideal for making it. This jam turns out aromatic, tasty and beautiful.

To prepare it you need to take:

  • 0.6 kilograms of sultanas;
  • 60 milliliters of water;
  • 0.6 kilograms of sugar;
  • a packet of vanillin or vanilla sugar.

The grapes need to be washed and the berries separated. All damaged berries are removed. Add sugar to boiling water and stir thoroughly. The berries are dipped into the finished syrup and cooked for 10 minutes. The mixture must be stirred during cooking, removing the foam.

The pan is removed from the heat and wrapped in a towel for 8 hours. Then the syrup is separated from the berries and cooked for 8 minutes. Berries are added. The mixture is wrapped again for 8 hours. After which the pan must be placed on low heat. The jam simmers until the berries sink to the bottom and become transparent.

For a more subtle taste, vanilla sugar or vanillin is added at the end of cooking.

The finished jam is poured into clean and dry jars and closed. The jars are turned over and wrapped until cool.

For black sultana jam with honey and lemon you need to take:

  • 2 kilograms of grapes;
  • kilogram of honey;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 250 milliliters of water;
  • cinnamon stick or 5 grams of this spice powder;
  • 4 buds of cloves.

The berries need to be washed under water and removed from the bunches. They are then pierced with a needle. In a saucepan, mix water with honey and lemon juice. Cloves and cinnamon are added.

The mixture is placed on low heat and heated to 70 degrees. Then it needs to be removed and cooled to 40-50 degrees. The berries are dipped into the syrup. The mixture is placed on the stove again and heated to 70 degrees. After which the pan needs to be wrapped and left to cool for 8 hours. The heating and cooling procedure is repeated 2 more times.

After the last heating, the mixture is infused for a day. Then the jam is put on fire. After boiling, it is poured into jars prepared in advance and closed.

Kishmish jam: video

To make Isabella jam you need:

  • 2 kilograms of grapes;
  • 1.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 0.4 liters of grape juice or water;
  • half a lemon;
  • 3 packets of vanilla.

The berries need to be washed and separated from the bunch. Sugar is poured into the boiled juice (water) and everything is mixed. The resulting syrup is removed from the heat. The berries are dropped into it and left to stand for 8 hours. Then the syrup with berries is simmered over low heat for 15 minutes. After which it needs to be cooled again and left for 8 hours.

Rinse the lemon well and place it in boiling water for a couple of minutes. Then it is cut, the juice is squeezed out and filtered to remove pulp and seeds (using a sieve or gauze).

After the syrup with berries has cooled, lemon juice and vanillin are added. The jam is cooked for 10 minutes. Then it is put into jars and closed for the winter.

For grape jam with seeds you need:

  • 1 kilogram of grapes;
  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • 5 grams of citric acid.

The berries are first washed and trimmed from the branches. Then they need to be doused with boiling water for a couple of minutes. Syrup is prepared from water and sugar. Grapes are poured into it.

The mixture is cooked for 8 minutes. Then it needs to be removed from the heat. After cooling, the mixture is set on low heat and cooked for 10 minutes. At the end, citric acid is added to the jam and mixed. The finished jam can be poured into jars and sealed for the winter. The inverted jars are covered with a thick cloth or towel and left until completely cooled. Then they need to be stored in a dry and cool place.

It will require:

  • 2 kilograms of grapes;
  • 2 kilograms of sugar;
  • 500 milliliters of water;
  • 2 large oranges;
  • 2 lemons.

600 grams of sugar dissolves in boiling water. The prepared grapes are transferred to the finished syrup and left to stand for 4 hours. Then the mixture is brought to a boil, another 600 grams of sugar is added. Boils for 10 minutes. Then it is removed and cooled for 10 hours.

After insisting, put it on the fire, add the remaining sugar. 3 minutes before the end of cooking, add orange and lemon juice. After boiling, the jam is poured into prepared jars and sealed.

For seedless green grape jam you need:

  • 2 kilograms of seedless grapes;
  • kilogram of sugar;
  • 200 milliliters of water;
  • lemon juice;
  • 3 packets of vanilla.

The berries must first be prepared by washing and separating the berries. Sugar is mixed with water and placed on low heat. The mixture must be stirred periodically until a thick syrup forms. Then remove from heat until completely cool.

Berries are placed in it and lemon juice and vanillin are added. If desired, you can add 50 grams of liqueur.

The mixture is stirred and placed on low heat. The finished jam should not spread after cooking. To check, you need to take a drop and place it on a plate. It should keep its shape. The finished jam is poured into jars and closed.

For this jam you need to take:

  • 2 kilograms of grapes;
  • 10 grams of pectin or instant gelatin;
  • 1.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 0.5 liters of water.

Water is poured into the pan. Bring to a boil. The grapes are blanched and transferred to another container with a slotted spoon. The cooked berries are ground on a sieve. Sugar is added to the resulting juice.

The mixture simmers over low heat for 10 minutes. After cooling, the mixture is cooked for another 10 minutes, and so on twice.

Before the last heating, pectin or gelatin is added to the jam.

The boiled jam is distributed into jars and twisted. The jars are turned over and covered with a blanket until they cool.

It will require:

  • 1 kilogram of white grapes;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 200 milliliters of water;
  • 3 grams of citric acid;
  • 2 packets of vanillin.

The grapes should be placed in a colander and washed under running hot and then cold water. The berries are separated very carefully.

A pan of water is placed on fire. Bring to a boil. Sugar is gradually added to the water, stirring slowly. The syrup is cooked for 15 minutes (until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained).

Then it needs to be cooled. The berries are placed in the cooled syrup. You need to cook them over low heat, gradually increasing the heat to maximum. After 10 minutes, vanillin and citric acid are added to the pan. After this, the jam is mixed and placed in jars and sealed for the winter. The jars are turned over and wrapped in a blanket until they cool completely.

It will require:

  • 1.5 sultanas or other seedless grapes;
  • 1.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 200 milliliters of water;
  • 2 large lemons;
  • 200-250 grams of walnuts or almonds;
  • 2 bags of vanillin;
  • 3 cherry leaves.

The berries need to be removed from the bunches and washed. 100 grams of water is poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil. Cherry leaves and grapes are dropped into it. After a couple of minutes, the mixture is removed from the heat. In another container, mix the second half of the water and sugar. The mixture is stirred and heated until the crystals are completely dissolved.

Blanched grapes are placed in a colander, drained and placed in boiling syrup. The mixture should boil for 7 minutes. Then it needs to be cooled.

The cooled mixture is heated again, chopped nuts, lemon juice and vanillin are added. Boil for 10 minutes. The finished jam is poured into prepared jars and closed for the winter. After twisting, turn over and wrap for 8-9 hours. The jam is stored in a cool place.

Grape jam with almonds: video

There are quite a few recipes for grape jam with seeds. Quite often it is prepared in thick-walled pans or basins in several steps. It takes quite a long time to prepare. To prepare this delicacy in a shorter time, use multicookers.

Any type of grape is suitable for jam. The berries must be large, whole and not overripe.

You can take a slightly unripe one, it will give the jam the necessary sourness.

  • 1.5 kilograms of any large grapes;
  • 0.7 kilograms of sugar;
  • 200 milliliters of grape juice;
  • half a cinnamon stick;
  • 2 star anise;
  • 100 grams of peeled almonds.

The grapes are washed. The berries are cut from the bunches and dried. If desired, the seeds are removed. The berries are placed in a large bowl, covered with sugar and mixed gently. Almonds are soaked in boiling water for 10 minutes. Then it is cleaned and divided into halves.

The candied berries are placed in a multicooker bowl, juice, nuts and spices are added. The multicooker is switched to stewing mode for two hours. The finished jam is distributed into jars and sealed for the winter.

Grape jam is not only tasty and aromatic, but also healthy. In winter, such a delicacy allows you to maintain your tone and saturates a person with useful substances.