Good morning if. Cool SMS wishes for good morning in prose

] Dell Computers is one of the most successful computer manufacturers in the world. Her founder, Michael Dell, founded her,

When will you learn to coordinate the first sentence with the second? The use of the pronoun "her" at the beginning of the second sentence suggests a feminine word in the first sentence. However, it only talks about a successful manufacturer.

“Founder, founded it” - oil.

studying at university when he was 19 years old. He didn't finish his studies at the university,

That is, Sberbank would not hire a future billionaire without a higher education. They would have taken Michael into the army, where he would have died, most likely.

but 20 years later, his company had a turnover of almost $50 billion and more than $3 billion in profits. Now his fortune is estimated at more than $10 billion.

Happy for him! What is the conclusion? Should everyone quit university and start something?

How did he manage to achieve this? The basis of its success is the same principles as those laid down in the PSS - to do only what the client needs and not to do anything unnecessary.

Dell made good computers first and foremost and, perhaps more importantly, provided good support for the equipment it had already sold.

"Skip five bolts, save 40 seconds, repeat this operation 10 million times"

Where else could one find 50 million bolts for this wonderful plan? And also find at least one bolt in the work of a credit officer or a securities specialist, for example.

Competitors have repeatedly tried to copy Dell's success, but not a single attempt has been successful.

They were unscrewing the wrong bolts.

because they could not copy the most important thing - the company’s culture, which is focused on 100% achieving results and working for the client.

Strange. “Work for the client, achieve 100% results” - what could be simpler?

A guy from Texas who was not particularly successful in his studies, professing the principles of PSS,

Oh oh oh. What a gross substitution of concepts. When Michael Dell founded his company, PSS was not even a thing.

I was able to become a billionaire in 20 years. Think about what we can all create together, relying on the potential of Sberbank.

Will they bring us unsuccessful guys from Texas?

(By the way, you can learn more about this story by reading How Dell Does It: Speed ​​and Innovation to Deliver Extraordinary Results.)

If Dell's success could be replicated using this book, the world would be full of clones of the company. However, we do not see anything like this. Why do you think?

And if success cannot be reproduced using this book, why bother reading it?

“Ultimately, order, and only order, creates freedom. Disorder creates slavery,” said the French poet C. Peguy.

“Democracy is not permissiveness, which means that where there is no permissiveness, there is democracy” (c) Khazanov.

As a result of discussions and scoring, four winners were determined. All of them were given books recommended for reading by the President of Sberbank of Russia.

If someone really wanted Sberbank employees to read the books recommended by the President, then they should give more than 4 pieces to the winners. The procedure is obvious: each OSB buys 10 copies of each book for itself and all employees read them in a circle, for example, 3 days per person. This would be orders of magnitude more effective than unsecured calls into the void.

It would be even more effective to obtain electronic copies of each book and distribute them to every employee. But here there is a problem with copyrights.

“If an idea doesn’t seem absurd at first glance, then it has no hope of survival.”

99% of ideas that seem absurd at first glance are so in essence. And at the second glance, and at the third, and at the twenty-fifth.

Employees proposed many non-standard approaches to selling banking products. All proposed ideas were considered, more than 40 of them were put into practice.

This is all great. Where are specific examples of ideas applied?

"Opportunities are not offered, they must be sought and earned. It requires persistence, tenacity, determination and courage" - Indira Gandhi.

Indira Gandhi was assassinated.

November 10, the deadline for accepting essays as part of a joint competition between the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO and Sberbank of Russia

You still haven’t hired a school teacher of the Russian language, I see. There is no need for a comma after "November".

“Goodness is not the intention to act, but the action itself.”

A tractor is not only the tracks, it is also the tractor itself.

As part of innovative activities at Sberbank of Russia, an employee of the Baikal Bank A.V. Zezyulin made a seemingly simple and obvious proposal - in order to save costs on notarization of the Bank’s Charter and 8 appendices to it, annually approve a new edition in the form of one
document, and not in the form of 9 separate ones. However, as it turned out, the savings from the implementation of this proposal will amount to tens of millions of rubles for the Bank as a whole!

The employee who originally created the technology with 9 documents was fired? Has his immediate superior, who approved this scheme, been fired? A? What are you saying?

The author of the book Good to Great, Jim Collins, based on many years of research, tries to answer the question of what distinguishes just good companies from great ones. As a result, he identified 6 factors, among which the first is the presence of “5th level” managers in the company. Such leaders differ from simply successful leaders by a combination of two character traits - personal modesty and an unwavering focus on achieving results.

Level 5 leaders are not cool. Now level 80 elves rule.

Sberbank is rich in its history and traditions. Our older colleagues have invaluable work experience, based on which we will be able to build a new Sberbank.

That is why they are happily being sacrificed en masse in the process of cuts currently taking place.

This is exactly what they do in Vologda branch No. 8638.
Svetlana Ivanovna Zhuravleva retired a year ago. But the employees of DO No. 8638/004 decided to ask Svetlana Ivanovna to use her wealth of experience in working with clients to fulfill their ambitious sales plans.

I’ll translate it into Russian: it was necessary to send someone to the hall to work with people, but everyone was so busy that there was no one to do it. And then someone came up with a good idea.

We are convinced that you will like it, and the results will not take long to arrive.

You are somewhat overusing the phrase “results will not take long to arrive.”

We congratulate you on the fact that we had the opportunity to work at Sberbank at a time of important changes in his life.

“May you live during times of great change” (c) ancient Chinese curse

In our mission we wrote that we are building a bank whose success is based on the feeling of harmony and happiness of its employees.

Feelings of harmony and happiness among KEM employees?
And sensations can be deceiving, you know.

When one of the most famous double bassists in the world, Grigory Kovalevsky

First I read “one of the most famous SMUGGERS in the world” :-D
I even became interested.

The traveler saw three workers pushing heavily loaded wheelbarrows and asked each one what he was doing.
The first one replied: “I’m pushing this heavy car, damn it.”
The second said: “I earn bread for my family.”
And the third proudly said: “I am building a beautiful temple.”
And you?
A person’s happiness largely depends on the meaning he puts into his work.

Why did you not tell this wonderful parable to the end? Oh no no no.

Then the traveler turned to the foreman and asked: “Why do workers treat their work so differently?”
And the foreman answered:
"The first worker works off the debt to the owner, and receives 1 talent for his work"
"The second worker works for hire and receives 5 talents"
“And the third is a monk, and the owner is building this temple for him”...

"Comrade, remember a simple rule:
You work while sitting -
Rest while standing!"
Vladimir Mayakovsky

"Who's walking right there?
- he's the same

If you sit in one place, go outside and do some exercises.

Do you often “go outside and do exercises” yourself? Why do you advise something that you don’t do yourself?

It's cold outside now. Exercises must be done in the gym. Which either doesn’t exist or is littered with old tractors.

In this, employees of the Siberian Bank Alexander Bubnov and Vyacheslav Sysolyatin are role models. For example, they recently became the authors of the innovative proposal “No Errors in Reporting 664” (software tool for checking reporting on form 0409664).

In any normal software, control of the correctness of output reporting data should be automatic, right? The emergence of such innovations suggests that for some reason we are using crooked software. Why are we doing this?

Their proposal was recognized as innovative by the Commission of Sberbank of Russia, their portraits adorn the “Gallery of Innovators of the Siberian Bank”.

And we bet the Siberian Bank just wanted to start a gallery of innovators and created a couple of heroes for this purpose?

“A different language is a different vision of life”* - said Frederico Fellini.

"All work and no play make Jack a dull boy" :-D. Not Fellini. But it's true.

Learning foreign languages ​​is one of the most common ways of self-development in the bank.

A fox is walking through the forest and suddenly hears in the bushes:
- Where, where!
Jumps into the bushes. You can hear fuss and groans. After some time, a happy, satisfied wolf crawls out of the bushes:
- How good it is to know at least one foreign language!

For example, employees of the financial monitoring department of the Security and Information Protection Directorate of the Srednerussky Bank devote 15-20 minutes to learning English during their lunch break.

I have three questions.

First: when do these people eat, if they sprek in Basurmansk during their lunch break?
Second: why do security guards need English?
Third: how much progress can you achieve in a language in 15 minutes a day?

“If you have an apple and I have an apple, and if we exchange these apples, then you and I will each have one apple left. And if you have an idea and I have an idea, and we exchange these ideas, then “Everyone will have two ideas,” said B. Shaw.

What if you have a problem and I have a problem?

Thus, in Pugachevsky branch No. 3973 (Saratov region), the proposal of leading engineer Ruslan Dusmukhambetov to train employees in the “blind ten-finger” typing method was implemented.
(By the way, we highly recommend the touch typing method to everyone who works with a computer)

Do you yourself own a blind ten-finger? Is it true? And if you lie, can your fingers be cut off?

- Rhythmic reporting, including to yourself and your colleagues

“I don’t know the algorithm in the notes, but they say there is a sense of rhythm” (c) song by a blonde performed by Pushny

and they themselves received valuable prizes as part of competitions held in the pilot OSB.

Valuable prizes - sets of postcards “I won’t forget PSS”?

Almost a hundred years before our era, Cicero argued that “thrift is an important source of well-being.”

Cicero was also killed. Several people armed with swords caught up with his stretcher and inflicted wounds on him that were incompatible with life.

When implementing the philosophy of lean production, the Chita branch of Sberbank organized a network resource accessible to every employee, which contains (modern) laconic instructions on how to simplify familiar processes: receive an advance for a business trip, call using an IP number, or submit a resume with an innovation. The accessibility and simplicity of this resource allows you to save not only your time, but also the time of your colleagues.

Well done. Has their experience already been replicated across all departments? Why not?

At one of the working groups on the deployment of PSS in the Vladimir branch No. 8611 of Sberbank of Russia, active sales and mentoring trainer Alexander Bulychev suggested congratulating clients - holders of large deposits - on their birthday.

This has long been done in all branches that work normally with clients. Common practice for marketers.

Wasn't washing the floor or smiling there suggested as an innovation at the working group meeting?

partnerships with clients, and the results will not be long in coming.

Have I already told you that you overuse the phrase “the result will not keep you waiting”?

“Intelligence consists not only in knowledge, but also in the ability to apply knowledge in practice” - Aristotle.

Intelligence (analytical abilities) is one thing, knowledge as such (wisdom) is quite another, practical skills in working with something is a third. Aristotle was not killed. Strange.

Now a corporate client of the bank can submit an application for concluding a salary agreement, issuing corporate cards and/or an acquiring agreement on the website of South-West Bank.

Smart initiative. Have other TBs already adopted it? A? What?

“Wind and waves are always on the side of the more skilled navigator” - E. Gibbon.

And on the side of a more technically advanced navigator are nuclear engines, well, in extreme cases, diesel, propellers and homing missiles.

A cheerful and talkative driver easily finds a common language with older interlocutors and enjoys their trust.

The cheerful and talkative driver apparently has very low workloads, since he finds time to educate pensioners outside of his main duties.

Employees discuss tasks for the day and tell each other that their clients are the best, and that they themselves are talented and successful.

They are as successful as their clients are the best.
No matter how much you say “halva”, your mouth will not become sweeter.

Successful American businesswoman Mary Kay said: “To achieve something great, you must solve small problems step by step.”
The first to use Japanese technology were in Zlatoust - the workers of Test-VSP 0035/036 sewed a stand from polyethylene.

It seems to me that Mary Kay meant completing the existing work, and not creating additional ones for sewing polyethylene stands.

On a sunny Saturday morning on October 2, a team from the Planning and Economic Department of the West Siberian Bank appeared near the Tyumen LIN Laboratory No. 029/089. The employees worked together to plant trees, create flower beds, and clean the surrounding area.
By the way, look at your desktop!

I looked. On my desktop, employees of the Economic Planning Department of the West Siberian Bank do not plant flower beds or remove garbage... how can I invite them?

“Create yourself” - Cicero.

He was killed, did I mention?

Head of additional office No. 8589/043 Valentina Shishlonova does not believe in the crisis and lack of demand for banking products

Strange. The whole world believes in the crisis, but Valentina does not. Brave woman. Or stupid. Or both.

Take the initiative and believe in yourself, and the results will not keep you waiting!

You have already raised your eyebrows with this phrase about “the results will not keep you waiting.”

Today, October 9, 2009, a big event will take place in the conference hall of the Central Office of Sberbank of Russia - Stephen Covey, whose books are recommended by the President and Chairman of the Board of Sberbank of Russia German Gref to all employees, will conduct a training for the Bank's managers.

“The doctor rides and drives through the snowy plain, he brings healing powder to people...”

The Donskoy branch has created an electronic database of furniture, office equipment and banking equipment, which were released in the process of optimizing space as part of the deployment of the PSS.

Has an electronic database of people released recently been created? It's a pity, it would be worth it. People are more important than furniture.

“For new behaviors to become habits, you need to do those new behaviors for twenty-one days in a row,” says renowned leadership expert Robin Sharma.

Recognized by whom? Why exactly 21 days and not 20 or 22?

A creative approach to work cannot be prescribed in instructions.

From what. It would be entirely in our tradition to start a “Journal of Creative Ideas.”

“The engineer who doesn’t have to wash his hands three times a day is a bad engineer,” said Taiichi Ohno, one of the fathers of the Toyota Production System.

Any normal person washes their hands at least three times a day - just before eating, at least.

The practice of “going to the gemba,” so valued by him, is becoming increasingly widespread in our bank as part of the implementation of the PSS principles.

"Fuck you... to the gemba." I think that this wonderful word still does not bend.

I love you all and I am sincerely yours
When going to the gemba, fasten your cartridge belt :-D

Cool SMS wishes for Good morning in prose

D good morning, my darling! Beloved - because I can’t stop looking at you, and I’m sure that it’s because of your beauty that sleep won’t let you go: he also can’t stop looking at you! But I hope that my good morning wish will be stronger than the wicked dream and will raise you to meet me!

WITH Good morning sunshine. I wish your alarm clock a powerful battery and nerves of steel!

E if you awoke and this made me feel light and warm, which means you are my Sunshine!

Darling, good morning! It seems like yesterday I met my future mother-in-law... I called you, and, thinking that I was talking to you, I started telling you about the result of the pregnancy test. Then I hear a woman's voice. “Is this mom?” - I asked. "No. already a grandmother...” - I heard in response. Hello to mom...

X I'm dreaming, otherwise I'll sleep all day!

WITH the sun barely appeared over the city and painted the roofs a soft pink color. And in this wonderful moment, my dear , I want to wish you, from the bottom of my heart, all the best and brightest, always be as fresh and beautiful as this morning!

P Did you order a pleasant awakening? Sign for receipt. Delivery service.

TO The red sun shines welcomingly through the window towards the kind young man. Wake up, well done! You are strong and wise, and luxuriating in bed for a long time suits you! Wash yourself quickly, eat the heroic breakfast that the mistress who loves you has cooked up, and get down to business!

IN The sun has become red, but can it compare with you in beauty? Know my darling, this morning is so beautiful because it contains you, your smile! Good morning!

Good morning, my hero! My brave, courageous, strong boy. I love you, my most beautiful, gentle and affectionate little man in the world!

P The alarm clock murmured, which means that you need to stretch and open your eyes. You need to look at this world and understand that you can handle everything in it, that today you can move mountains! And I wish you to always wake up in such a mood and achieve all your goals!

IN delicious breakfast. Bright sunshine. Passionate kiss...

U tro good! Have you already opened your eyes!? Wake up, I already miss you and I want to hear your voice as soon as possible! May today bring you good luck and a great mood!

Good morning darling! I really want you to open my message when you wake up. I love you very much, and your love is a real gift to me, even though it is not tied with a bow. Your love is the support in life for me, I live only for you and I want it to always be like this! I love you and look forward to meeting you again...

P rivet! Wake up yourself and awaken your conscience, and it will remind you of my number! Call.

WITH The sun has already woken up and told me to wake you up and wish you good morning!

WITH Good morning! The morning must be good and pleasant so that the whole day goes like clockwork and all matters are resolved successfully. That's what I wish for you! Good morning, and don’t be sleepy, but kind and cheerful, with an excellent appetite for breakfast.

T You can’t imagine how, after a cold night, I want to cuddle up to you and make up for all the lost warmth of loneliness...

P May luck throw its lasso over you today, and may the sky give you a taste of freshness, pleasure and boundless happiness!

ABOUT open my beloved eyes, stretch my beloved arms and legs, smile my sweet mouth. Good morning, my love!

Good morning darling! Are you going back to your “favorite” job? I wish you patience and strong nerves. Do not react to intrigues, to attacks from those who envy your charming appearance and intelligence. You just need to understand that not everyone is looking for brothers in wisdom, half are looking for “sisters in stupidity.” Smacks and see you in the evening!

G The most important thing in life is harmony with the outside world. If there is this harmony, then a person feels peaceful and happy. I wish you to find her today. Good morning to you!

Darling, good morning! Today you will go to work by car for the first time. When approaching her, don’t forget to say hello, you can even kiss her. On the way, say kind words to her. And don’t you dare look at blondes driving neighboring cars - he’ll get jealous! I wish you neither nail nor rod. If you need anything, call me, I’ll come and help!

I I want to wish you, with all my warm heart, the best morning in the world, may the sun smile through your window and wake you up with its soft and gentle light. And I also want you to wake up full of strength and vibrant energy, and for it to last you the whole day!

N oh, this wonderful night ends and smoothly turns into morning. The stars have already hidden and are not visible. The moon gave power to the sun, and it so lovingly warms the entire planet and sends us its rays, and asks us to wake up. It's time for you to open your sleepy eyes, get out of your warm bed and start your day with the most sincere smile. After all, it’s already so light outside, and the birds are singing a morning song to cheer everyone up and wish them a good morning. So good morning to you.

E If I were the wind... I would gently cover you with a blanket... If I were the sun... I would warm you with my ray... but I am who I am and I will warm you with my word: " Good morning, honey! "

Darling, has the sun already stroked your eyelashes with its rays? Can I be the sun instead? I promise to shine brightly and not burn you! Good morning!

P May this morning be as tender, languid and in love as you, my beloved, are in the mornings. Let the sun be warm and gentle, like your eyes. And the air is fresh and velvety, like your skin, Darling.

WITH Good morning! May the sun illuminate your life today and warm you as tenderly as my love for you. Let the morning breeze be refreshing, but not freezing, and let the people walking towards you smile!

WITH Today I looked out the window and realized that the world is beautiful! The sun is shining, the birds are singing and my soul is good! Something good is sure to happen today! I wish you the same good morning!

P Even though outside the window there is the lousiest weather you can imagine, but the thought that today I will see you makes any day the best for me. Good morning, beloved!

WITH that one! Don't get out of bed! To have a successful day, you deserve a morning kiss! Smack! Now everything will be great! Good morning!

P grow up! Look at what foot you get up from!) - remember, no matter where you are, they are waiting for you in good health and in a great mood. So put on a smile from ear to ear! Good morning and have a great mood for the whole day!

P I'm ready to wake up already. Brew yourself a cup of aromatic coffee and enjoy this invigorating smell. After all, the sun has already woken up and awakened the whole world with its light. Go out on the porch, look at the sky and thank the Lord for another beautiful day that he gave you. After all, this world is beautiful, and life is beautiful. And the beauty of the morning sky proves this once again. I wish that this morning brings you inspiration for the whole day and that joy does not leave you even for a minute today. Good morning.

P Today's 24 hours will fill the morning with a honey-cherry cocktail, the day will be decorated with chocolate and milk mixture, and the evening will be sprinkled with coconut...

D Good morning my gentle angel! My heart is filled only with you, I really hope that yesterday’s surprise did not pass without a trace. Just say that you love me and there will be fewer such surprises. Don't joke with me, you're playing with fire.

ABOUT Once your charming smile pierced my heart and awakened love in it. And until now, every minute without you is a minute without a heart. And now my morning message is piercing your phone to wake you up and bring my love along with wishes for a good day!

Good morning darling! I hope you got to work safely? Your aggressive driving has been bothering me lately. A Lamborghini worn in the yard and a Maybach that drove into your ass at the moment when you braked sharply to let a kitten pass, lead to sad thoughts... Be careful while driving, bunny!

I I want to wish you that the morning flares up in the sky with a crimson color, the clouds turn white like whipped cream. So that the air is sweet, like syrup, and you can drink it. And may your whole day be as sweet as this morning. But so that there are no sweet sticky fingers left after it.

WITH Good morning. But it really is a good morning. After all, after you open your eyes, you want to get up and conquer the world. The day is just beginning. I wish you many pleasant surprises throughout the day. Let a delicious and healthy breakfast bring you a boost of energy and mood. And the sun will fill you with happiness. Let everyone give you only pleasant emotions and let it pass every morning.

Good morning darling! And I know about your dream... You saw a handsome prince who sat down on your bed, gently stroked your head and whispered your name. Do you want this dream to continue? Do you want the prince back?? Nothing could be simpler. I came to you in a dream, I would like this dream to last forever. If you just want...

Good morning my love! You will read this message at work - if, of course, you get there safely. Darling, I beg you - don’t paint your lips while driving! Don't make eyes at the traffic police officers! And if you suddenly forget where the brake is, don’t look for it in the mirror, it’s not there! I'm waiting for a call from you, my joy!

N I hope you slept well, you had wonderful dreams (and maybe you even dreamed about me???), and may your day be as pleasant as a warm blanket, from under which you, alas, will have to crawl out, because it’s already morning .
Wake up! Good morning to you, Darling!

Darling, good morning! Yawn affectionately and smile. The night has passed, the morning has come, and I am happy that I can see you again, my sunshine! May today bring you only the best impressions. And remember, I am always by your side!

T I already broke the alarm clock. Now nothing threatens your mood and your nerves. Get up! Good morning!

Darling, get up! Not really! All of you get up!

TO Every new day begins with a new morning, and what the morning will be like determines what the day will be like! I want to wish you Darling May your morning be good! And let this morning set the tone for your whole day! And may you be incredibly lucky all day!

R The last darkness dissipates and a clean, new, joyful morning comes. I wish you that today begins for you with a clean, bright, cloudless event - with my wish for you Good morning. May you succeed in everything today!

Darling, I want to wish you three important things today: firstly, may your work please you, not you it; secondly, let your friends pay in a restaurant on the principle of “all for one”, and not “one for all”, and thirdly, let them wake you up with the words “I love you!”, and not “open up, police!” . Good morning!

D my dear, I have two news for you - good and not so good. Not really - because you will have to leave the warm soft bed and still answer my message! And good - because I still love you, dear, and I wish you to greet this wonderful morning with a smile!

M You may not answer me this morning, and maybe I will be a little upset, but my love will break through thousands of kilometers of electronic wires and say that I love you. Good morning honey

My girl, I miss you already. Wake up quickly, my dear. Open your eyes and call me so that I can finally hear your gentle voice. Good morning, flower!

P look how the rain washed the city for you, how it illuminated it with sunlight! May this morning be truly good for you!

P The first awakening ray of sunshine will kiss you tenderly on the lips. I sent him to you so that he could wish you good morning, my love!

T This is how a person works, that he always worries about those whom he loves and those who are dear to him. For this reason, I want to wish you, as my beloved person, the best morning in the world! And may it smile at you and may good luck accompany you all day long in all your endeavors!

WITH Good morning, Baby! Are you probably still sleeping? I just wanted to be your sunshine today. This is my first ray of light and it is only for you...

H What does a person need to have a successful day? He needs to get it off to a great start, which is why I wish you a good morning with all my heart. And may his kindness help you do all your work during the day perfectly, and meet the evening in a great mood.

E There is an old belief: if you put a photo of your loved one under your pillow at night, you will definitely dream about him. I did just that and, imagine, I dreamed about you! We walked all night through the blooming summer garden! And I wish your day to be as wonderful as my dream!

D good morning means waking up next to loved ones. Good morning is a fragrant cup of coffee and a warm shower. Good morning is hope for a good day. I wish you only good morning!

I I want this morning to bring amazing news, upon learning which you will be in seventh heaven! Let the morning be the beginning of a good day, and everything will work out for you!

TO As soon as you open your eyes in the morning, remember that somewhere there lives a girl who loves you, is waiting for you and misses you madly. I think about you every second! Good morning, honey!

WITH good morning to you, my happiness! I want you to wake up with a smile today! And this morning was good. So that the sun shines into your house, but does not blind your eyes! I want you to wake up and understand that today is a great day, and everything that is planned will happen! Good morning to you, dear!

WITH good morning, baby! I wish you a sunny, bright day and gentle smiles.

E that world was created for love, and waking up every morning, I think about how wonderful it is that I have you, my love. And I want to wish you good morning, and let it also begin with thoughts of me. And may there be many more such awakenings in our lives!

IN Everything in this life has its beginning, and every day too. Morning is the birth of a new day! And I want to wish you that your birthday will be good and bright, that it will bring you vigor and freshness, and that your reserve of strength will be enough for your entire day, no matter how long it may be.

Many of us ask the question: “How to start the day so that it is successful and positive?” A cup of aromatic coffee will, of course, invigorate you, but will not motivate you to good luck and success. But a morning SMS wishing you a good, successful day can play a decisive role. After all, short good morning SMS messages are not only an ordinary message, they carry a positive charge of energy and a lot of emotions. When you receive such a “surprise” in the morning, you want to move mountains and share your excellent mood with those around you.

You can send beautiful good morning SMS to your loved one; undoubtedly, it will make the world more beautiful, even if the weather outside is cloudy. It is difficult to surprise with such a familiar message to everyone in the modern world. But if the wish is written from the heart, contains poetry, beautiful romantic wishes or erotic phrases, it will touch the soul, make you think about the deep, strong feeling experienced by the person who sent it.

Good morning! Happy new day!
With the sun in the blue sky!
With the singing of birds! With a babbling stream!
And rustling grass!
I love you earth!
Hello morning - it's me!!!

Good and cheerful morning! Have a nice and fruitful working day!
Don't forget in the morning
Wish each other well.
Good morning hello
It will help you avoid all troubles.

My dear friend, good morning! Today the sun shines brightly for me because I dreamed about you! I am sending you my positivity!
The sun rises in the morning,
Sends greetings to you from me!

For lovers, as they say, the soul sings, so there will be no need to come up with words, they will be typed on the keyboard themselves. Wishes for a good day in your own words, containing exciting phrases, can ignite passion between lovers. After all, the message will indicate affection and sympathy. Both a guy and a girl can write SMS in verse to their significant other. Let the sunshine in your window,
Will remind you of me.
And he will say: “Darling, stop sleeping.
It’s morning outside, we need to get up!”
You know, without your smile
A new day will not come...
So open your eyes
And smile quickly.
Hello! Good morning!
Have a nice day!
Thank you, my joy,
Because I have you.
Good morning, my happiness!
It's a pity that I don't see your face!
A day without you will be boring, believe me,
Check your inbox list often!

Show your own emotions, it’s so natural. A few lines that fit on the screen will not be able to fully reveal your feelings and emotions, but erotic phrases will intrigue, make the recipient think about what was written, and, of course, will motivate to send a reply SMS. The morning is good only after those nights that I spend in your arms. I hope that every morning will be good and I wish the same for you, dear! I would like to wake up with you in the morning, but, alas, I can’t. That's why I became a ray of sunshine that caresses your lips. Wake up, my love, good morning.
The sun is shining in the blue sky,
Well, my friend, are you sleeping in a sweet dream?
Look out the window - that's where the beauty is!
Have a good, good day!

If you sleep for a long time
Then the bed will be offended,
Because the bed is
Loves to relax in the morning!

Wake up, get up, get ready!
Don't be angry, wash your face quickly
The new day will bring success -
The working pipe is calling.

I wish you a sunny morning!
I wish you vigor and strength!
So that every day of ordinary life,
Only brought joy.

Don't forget that simple wishes for a good mood in the morning can invigorate you just as much as coffee. After all, the best start to the day will be a dose of positive emotions. In order to give a good mood, you don’t need to make any serious efforts, but simply send an email message in verse or with an attached picture to a friend.

Undoubtedly, this SMS will be regarded as a manifestation of care, respect, and perhaps love from a still close friend. Perhaps a simple email wishing you a good day can spark a romantic relationship. Don't look for reasons to send SMS, just do it without doubting the recipient's reaction.

Good morning if you are sad
Or your stomach is empty,
Hurry up my friend today
I'm preparing a delicious breakfast.

What a wonderful morning!
So your day is off to a great start!
Wake up, my friend, quickly,
And pour some aromatic coffee.
May this day be bright and cool,
And the mood will be wonderful,
Let everything work out for you.
Good morning! Have a good day!

I don't have a hard time waking up,
If you wake up with a call,
Good morning, friend,
Let's start a happy day!

Stop cuddling with the blanket
And stop kissing the pillow.
The morning has long come in the yard,
Girlfriend, it's time for you to get up.

So the morning has come,
The rays woke us up.
And I wish you
Have a wonderful day.

Of course, you can wish a good day not only to your loved one, but also to a close friend. Your friend will be pleased to receive a bright, positive SMS. There will be appropriate jokes, as well as funny pictures. It's so easy and very pleasant to cheer up a like-minded person. After all, by choosing cool images for a friend, we, against our will, raise our endorphin levels, charging ourselves with positivity at the beginning of the day. The sun is creeping from the east.
Get up quickly, couch potato!

Receive SMS -
It's from me:
Hello, good morning!
Have a good day!

Look quickly, the sun
Sneaks through the window
It pours warmth and light all around
And he’s in a hurry to come to your house.

I wish everyone a good morning,
I'm not saying simple words,
I say because I know:
Good morning - head to the day!

A ray of sun came in from the window,
And whispered - good morning to you!

Remember, the phrase “good morning” not only greets a friend or girlfriend, but also says that the beginning of the day is joyful and cheerful. Brief, funny wishes in prose addressed to a friend will serve as a so-called happiness pill.

Know that you can make a good morning, you just have to tell others about it in prose or poetry. Whether this is done verbally or in the form of an SMS message to a friend, it is not so important. By sharing a piece of your good mood, you make the world around you brighter, more fun, more interesting.

Good morning! To be happy today: start the day with a smile and a delicious breakfast.
A new day is coming
Wake up quickly
Open your eyes
And hurry towards the fairy tale.

The sun rose from behind a cloud,
Stretched out its arms to you,
Hugged, kissed
And good luck!
Good morning!

Receive SMS early
Where is the wish for a day of miracles,
Where there is only joy and success,
And good morning to everyone.

Good morning! Welcome a new day!
I wish you success and fresh ideas!
May you succeed in everything today,
Great luck will smile on you!

Funny and funny wishes for a good day in prose or poetry will be appropriate not only on weekdays, but also on weekends. You can send SMS until noon. To make the message memorable to your friend, combine SMS and MMS.

For example, an image of a cup filled with hot coffee, as well as a small wish in prose, will help you look at the world with different eyes. And even a gloomy, stormy day will be filled with warmth, illuminated by positive emotions. Don't forget to add funny emoticons at the end, such simple funny icons will help express your emotional state.

Get off the pillow
Throw away the blanket
Let's do stretches
And get up quickly.

Good morning, beloved people.
Good morning, dear hearts!
And all day, and morning, and evening
Let the smile never leave your face!

Open your eyes quickly
The morning is preparing a fairy tale for us,
Smells like coffee and cookies
Smells like a new adventure.

Good morning, let it be filled
A day of sunshine and joy.
Let there be something to remember this evening
At the hour when the sun goes into shadow.

So the sun has risen,
My soul felt warm.
I wish you good morning
And I hug you lightly.

Let the beginning of a new day begin with a huge portion of positivity, we wish you to receive more cheerful, funny, as well as romantic wishes in prose or poetry. Look at the world with a smile, because life is more interesting and easier this way!

Good morning everyone! It's time to part with your favorite pillow and start a new day! We have selected a wonderful selection of morning statuses that will help you wake up faster and charge you with positivity for the whole day. Share aphorisms, sayings and phrases about the morning with your friends, let everyone’s day begin with pleasant and cheerful moments.

For some people, morning is a real challenge. Of course, because in the morning you need to wake up and go to work, and in the morning no one and nothing seems as close and dear as a pillow and a blanket. To wake up easily and quickly, you need very little. Firstly, you need to go to bed on time, and secondly, you need to find a stimulus in the evening that will help you wake up faster in the morning.

An indispensable morning attribute is coffee. Its aroma invigorates and inspires you to go and conquer the world! Coffee helps you feel the beauty of the morning and enjoy the notes of its vigor and freshness.

Morning is the beginning of life, in the morning everything wakes up, nature wakes up first. And, perhaps, there is nothing more beautiful than looking at the dawn, at how the sun wakes up to give people light, a smile and joy. Morning is a surge of vigor and desire to create and achieve your goals. All important decisions need to be made in the morning, then they will be the most correct.


The coffee ritual is a type of morning meditation. (L. Ulitskaya)

If the morning begins with aromatic coffee, then this is a good sign for the people around me. (Nick Gardo)

Morning... Ruthless morning is the destroyer of night illusions, vague dreams, sweet dreams. Morning is a convinced pragmatist, a sober practitioner, an arbiter who has raised his hand and is ready to start a new race. (O. Roy)

A morning without coffee is not a morning.
So…. prolonged sleep.
Coffee in the morning is wise
coffee in the morning is the law.
A morning without coffee is in vain,
and somersault all day.
Coffee in the morning is a joy
and without it - rubbish.
Morning without coffee is unbearable -
like flying, only downwards.
Coffee in the morning is a boost.

Coffee in the morning is life.

People come to more correct thoughts in the morning than in the evening. (S. Lukyanenko)

Every morning is the time to start life again. (Paulo Coelho)

Stop sleeping!
- Saying “wake up” is positive, but “stop sleeping” is negative. (Wall Street)

Good morning brings good afternoon.

What you don't do in the morning, you can't make up for in the evening.

They believe that success comes to those who get up early. No: success comes to those who get up in a good mood. (Ashar Marcel)

The morning remains good as long as it is given a chance. (Sabir Omurov)

It’s not enough to get up early in the morning, you also have to stop sleeping. (Yanina Ipohorskaya)

Not everything that begins is new. But every morning shines with freshness. (Ernst Bloch)

You can't just get up early in the morning. This is always a complex philosophical process. (Sergey Yasinsky)

Thoughts are like flowers: picked in the morning, they remain fresh longer. (Andre Gide)


Every morning I play the main role in the science-fiction thriller “To Sleep in 5 Minutes”...

If in the morning the cat smiles mysteriously, then it’s better not to wear slippers...

Every morning we have to make a difficult choice - what to wear: unwashed or unironed?

Often looking at a woman in the morning, you realize with horror that the fact that you seduced her yesterday was not your fault, but hers.

It's morning. Became richer for a day of your life.

Dear men, always kiss your wife in the morning! Well, at least to be the first!

A message received in the morning does not just mean “Good morning”... it means - I think about you when I wake up...

Good morning, homosapiens. Drink coffee and run to evolve.

Strong coffee in the morning? What are you talking about?! I won’t fall asleep at work later!

It turns out that you can do a lot in the morning if you don’t go online!

There are only three types of mornings - early, very early and too early!

Every morning I tell myself: “Get up, beauty, great things are ahead of us!” But an inner voice whispers: “If they wait, then they love, and if they love, then they will wait!”

The morning should start with coffee, not with a bad mood.

Morning among the gypsies: whoever got up first dressed the most beautifully!

Scientists have found that the morning is always better if it begins after lunch.

A good morning is the key to a successful day. It is very important to have a person next to you to whom you say “Good morning!” every morning. and hear this wish addressed to you. After all, happiness lies in starting the day not alone, but next to your loved one and with good thoughts.