Curd and semolina casserole - a taste familiar from childhood. Curd casserole with semolina

Our family loves cottage cheese casserole, especially our daughter. I tried many recipes and kept a few of the most successful ones. It can be prepared in the oven, in a slow cooker and in the microwave. It tastes best in the oven. The recipe is suitable even for simple gas ovens, where baking is usually not very successful.

Cottage cheese casserole is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Cottage cheese contains a lot of protein, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, fluorine, folic acid and vitamins A and B. It strengthens bones and teeth, normalizes the nervous system, maintains muscle tissue and the circulatory system in tone. Many people know that cottage cheese is good for children and pregnant women. But not all children agree to eat it. This is where delicious casseroles come to the rescue. They can be served for dessert or as a separate dish for breakfast. The casserole is ideal for baby food; it is a more dietary product than cheesecakes, which are fried in oil.

You can add raisins, dried apricots, prunes, apples, bananas, cherries, lemon zest and any candied fruits to the casserole. This way you can get different flavors and more different vitamins every time. I like the usual version with raisins the most.

The taste of the casserole largely depends on the cottage cheese. Do not use cottage cheese with palm oil for cooking (sometimes called cottage cheese product or farm cottage cheese with 18% fat content). If you bake a casserole from such cottage cheese, it turns out liquid, you can’t even cut it when it’s hot, it quickly settles and turns out very dense.

You can also make a casserole from frozen cottage cheese, the main thing is that it is not sour and fresh when frozen. You just need to defrost it at room temperature or in the microwave on defrost mode and cook as usual.

I don’t add flour to the cottage cheese; it makes the casserole denser. The finished casserole can be frozen by dividing it into portions. Defrost in the microwave or at room temperature, then be sure to reheat. But here it is eaten very quickly, even from a double portion of food.

Well, now my proven recipes. They are all step-by-step and with photos.

The cooking time for all casseroles is about an hour, where you need to soak the semolina - a little longer.

It is not always possible to bake a casserole in the oven. In this case, you can prepare fluffy and tender cheesecakes. And for nursing mothers and those on a diet, steamed cheesecakes in a slow cooker are perfect. All the secrets of their preparation are in the article.

Delicate cottage cheese casserole with semolina in the oven (step-by-step recipe)

We will need:

  • cottage cheese with regular fat content (5-9%) - 600 gr. If you take it in packs, 3 packs will be enough
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 heaped tablespoons of semolina
  • sour cream 5 tablespoons (or any fermented milk product - kefir, razhenka, bifidok, but it tastes better with sour cream)
  • 3-4 tablespoons of sugar, depending on the taste of the cottage cheese
  • raisins or other dried fruits 1 handful (about 50 g)
  • vanilla sugar 1 sachet
  • salt 1 pinch
  • butter for greasing the pan

1) first mix semolina with sour cream or kefir. If the sour cream is thick, you can add a couple of tablespoons of milk. Let it swell for about half an hour. During this time, stir the semolina several times.

2) while the semolina swells, prepare the cottage cheese. If it is grainy, it must be rubbed through a fine sieve or you can pass it through a meat grinder with a fine grid. If you don't do this, the finished casserole will have lumps and it won't be as smooth. Try to buy soft cottage cheese right away. If you have a blender, you don’t have to puree the cottage cheese.

3) beat eggs with sugar, add vanilla sugar and salt. Don’t be afraid to add salt to dessert, it’s not enough and it will make the taste of the finished dish brighter

4) mix cottage cheese, swollen semolina and beaten eggs. Mix it all with a blender

5) then add well-washed raisins and stir the whole mass with a spoon, otherwise the blender will grind the raisins into pieces. Before adding to the dough, raisins need to be steamed so that they are not dry. But if you fill it with hot water for a long time, it will become like a mess. You just need to rinse in hot water and pour over boiling water, then take out the small sticks.

6) grease the baking dish with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. If they are not there, you can sprinkle with semolina. I bake more often in a silicone mold, there is no need to grease it, just rinse it with cold water, nothing sticks to it.

7) put the curd mass in the mold, level the top with a spoon or silicone spatula and put 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream on top and distribute over the entire surface. This way the top will not crack and will be soft.

take out the mold and leave for a few minutes, then remove the casserole

It's best served chilled, but we don't have the patience and eat it warm.

Classic recipe for cottage cheese casserole in the oven (from the Soviet book of home economics)

In Soviet times, this book was probably in every home. We haven’t had the book for a long time, but the cut out recipe is carefully preserved. Its casserole always turns out delicious.

here's what we need:

  • 500 g regular fat cottage cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 3 tablespoons sour cream
  • 2 tablespoons semolina
  • raisins 100 gr
  • vanillin 1/4 sachet
  • salt 1/2 teaspoon.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

  1. Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder. If you take soft cottage cheese without lumps, you don’t have to twist it.

  2. add melted butter to the cottage cheese, beaten egg with sugar, semolina, salt and vanillin

  3. Mix well with a wooden spatula, adding (if any) washed raisins.

  4. transfer the prepared mass into a mold greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, level the surface, grease with sour cream and sprinkle with oil (it is convenient to do this with a silicone brush) and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes until golden brown

  5. Serve the casserole hot with syrup or sour cream.
  6. Unlike the first recipe, this one contains less semolina, it turns out more curdish, and the first one is more tender.

    Cottage cheese casserole like in kindergarten

    Many adults still remember this taste from childhood. The casserole is soft and tender, and you don’t feel the cottage cheese at all, so kids eat it with pleasure. It is very easy to prepare, the main thing is to take quality ingredients.

    It is best to take cottage cheese that is soft, fresh, and slightly sour. Country cottage cheese is great. And under no circumstances should you try to bake a casserole from cottage cheese with palm oil - you will end up with a pancake that has an incomprehensible taste and is very greasy, a total disappointment.

    When preparing, do not rush, be sure to let the dough stand so that the semolina gets wet, preferably about an hour. Then the finished casserole will be softer and will not sink. Sometimes ready-made thick semolina porridge is added to the casserole. Once I was in a hurry and poured boiling milk over the semolina and let it sit for about 10 minutes, during which time it managed to swell and it turned out to be an excellent casserole.

    So, the list of products for cottage cheese casserole like in kindergarten:

  • half a kilo of cottage cheese with regular fat content, low-fat is not suitable
  • granulated sugar - half a glass
  • semolina - half a glass
  • milk - half a glass
  • egg - 2 pieces
  • butter – 50 grams (about a third of a pack)
  • vanillin 1/4 teaspoon (if you add more it will be bitter)
  • salt - a quarter teaspoon

Usually the casserole in kindergarten is prepared without raisins. I asked my daughter, she is still without raisins. But you can add it if you wish.

Now for the step by step recipe

Cottage cheese casserole with semolina and banana in the oven

For variety, sometimes I make a casserole according to this recipe, it turns out very tender and soft.

Here's what we need:

  • half a kilo of cottage cheese with regular fat content
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 2 eggs
  • half a glass of milk
  • 3 tbsp sugar
  • 3 tbsp. m anki

The cooking process is similar to all previous ones; it is better to take soft cottage cheese, not grainy and of regular fat content.

Step-by-step preparation:

Video recipe for a delicious casserole of cottage cheese with semolina and sour cream in the oven

Here are all my proven recipes. I cook casserole often, sometimes several times a week, and the main secret is the quality of the cottage cheese. Don't be afraid to experiment, try adding different fillings, such as apples, pumpkin, dried apricots, and figs.

Sauce and gravy for cottage cheese casserole

The finished casserole is delicious on its own, especially with sour cream. But you can also prepare various sweet sauces and gravies.

For example, berries mashed with sugar. Strawberries and blueberries work well. Grind fresh or frozen berries in a blender with sugar. You can mix strawberries with condensed milk in a blender.

Or you can make a sweet creamy sauce, like the one they served with the casserole in kindergarten

Ingredients for the sauce:

  • 1 tbsp. butter
  • 1 tbsp. flour
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • a small pinch of salt
  • 200 ml milk
  • 1 g vanillin (1 sachet)

First melt the butter in a saucepan, then add the flour and mix everything quickly. Can be done in a small frying pan.

Then add milk little by little. Bring to a boil, add sugar, salt and vanillin, simmer for 1-2 minutes and turn off. If suddenly you still get lumps, just take a sieve and strain.

Bon appetit and good health!

What is your favorite cottage cheese casserole recipe?

Cottage cheese casserole can become both a complete nutritious breakfast and a delicate dessert for tea. Semolina will add airiness and fluffiness to it. There are many interesting options for cottage cheese casserole. Recipes in the oven with semolina are published below.

Classic cottage cheese casserole with semolina in the oven

The treat prepared according to this recipe holds its shape perfectly and does not fall apart. It contains the following products: 430 g of cottage cheese, 130 g of full-fat sour cream, 85 g of granulated sugar, a pinch of vanilla sugar and salt, 2 g of baking powder, 70 g of semolina, 2 selected eggs.

  1. The cottage cheese is immediately sprinkled with two types of sugar. The vanilla component is necessary for the delicate appetizing aroma of the finished treat.
  2. Baking powder is added to the cottage cheese.
  3. After thorough mixing, sour cream and eggs are added to the mixture.
  4. It is best to thoroughly beat all the ingredients using a special blender attachment. This will crush the cottage cheese and add airiness to the mass.
  5. Lastly, semolina is added to the other ingredients. You can't add it before whipping.
  6. The resulting dough should stand for about an hour for the cereal to swell.
  7. Then the mass is laid out in an oiled ceramic form and sent to the oven for 45 minutes.

The casserole is served hot, with fruit syrup or sour cream.

Cooking recipe like in kindergarten

In its pure form, few babies are happy to eat healthy cottage cheese. But in the form of a sweet casserole, the little ones willingly gobble up this irreplaceable product. One of the most successful is the recipe that is usually used by cooks in kindergartens. It includes: half a kilo of medium-fat cottage cheese, 220 g of sugar and the same amount of semolina, a pinch of salt, 120 ml of milk, 2 selected chicken eggs, salt, 60 g of high-quality butter.

  1. The butter is taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that it has time to soften before the cooking process begins.
  2. The cereal is poured with cold milk and left for 25 minutes.
  3. The cottage cheese is passed through a meat grinder.
  4. Chicken eggs are ground with sand.
  5. All prepared ingredients are blended with a blender until smooth. Add a pinch of salt to the mixture.
  6. After mixing, the dough is laid out in an oiled form. The optimal thickness of its layer is 3-4 cm.
  7. The treat is prepared for 45 minutes at medium temperature.

To get a crispy crust on your baked goods, you can sprinkle it with breadcrumbs at the very beginning.

Without adding eggs in the oven

Running out of eggs? No problem! Even without them you can make a delicious casserole. You will need to take: 70 g of butter, half a kilo of dry cottage cheese, 3 large spoons of sugar and the same amount of fat sour cream, 2 large spoons of semolina, a handful of breadcrumbs.

  1. The butter is melted and combined with sugar. The grains of the latter should completely dissolve in the liquid.
  2. The cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve and sent to the rest of the ingredients.
  3. The selected form is sprinkled with breadcrumbs. The resulting sweet curd mass is laid out on top.
  4. The future casserole is topped with sour cream and cooked for about half an hour in a hot oven.

Cut into portions and serve both hot and cold, topped with fruit sauce.

Chocolate-curd casserole with semolina

If the classic recipe for the dish under discussion is slightly improved and supplemented with chocolate, the result will be a complete holiday dessert. The taste of the treat will resemble cottage cheese pie. It is prepared from the following products: half a kilo of medium-fat cottage cheese, 110 g of semolina, 2 large chicken eggs, small. a spoonful of baking soda, a bar of dark chocolate, 2 large spoons of sugar.

  1. Cottage cheese in a deep bowl is combined with semolina and sugar. The dairy product should not be too wet. Lightly beat the ingredients with a blender.
  2. The chocolate is grated on a coarse grater and added to the mass.
  3. Quicklime soda and egg yolks are added.
  4. While the mixture is infused, you need to beat the whites to stable peaks. This can be done with a mixer or a suitable blender attachment. The whites go into the dough last.
  5. Prepare the casserole in an oiled pan for 45 minutes. The oven should be preheated to 190 degrees.

Before removing the treat from the mold and slicing it, you need to cool the casserole. Otherwise it will break unsightly.

A delicious treat made with kefir

Cottage cheese casserole with kefir is a simple dish that can be prepared very quickly. If you need to make it dietary, take dairy products with minimal fat content. Ingredients used: 1.5 tbsp. kefir, half a kilo of cottage cheese, 3 selected chicken eggs, 1 tbsp. powdered sugar and semolina, small. spoon of baking powder, zest of 1 lemon.

  1. First of all, semolina is soaked in kefir. To do this, the mixed components will be infused for about an hour.
  2. The cottage cheese is ground with powdered sugar and eggs.
  3. When the specified time has expired, you can add kefir and cereal to the curd mixture, as well as baking powder and citrus zest.
  4. After mixing, the dough is laid out in an oiled round pan.
  5. The casserole is cooked in the oven for 35-40 minutes.

The delicacy is served with sweetened sour cream.

Recipe with sour cream

For such a dish, it is better to take the most fatty sour cream. If possible, homemade (120 g). In addition, you need to prepare: 4 large spoons of semolina, 90 g of granulated sugar, a handful of dark raisins, a pinch of salt, half a kilo of cottage cheese.

  1. The semolina is mixed with sour cream and left for 20 minutes.
  2. Raisins are washed thoroughly and soaked in warm water for 15-20 minutes.
  3. The cottage cheese is salted and kneaded with a fork.
  4. Beat the eggs with a mixer until thick foam appears on the surface of the liquid. Sugar is added to them during the process.
  5. Prepared semolina, raisins, and a sweet egg mixture are sent to the cottage cheese.
  6. Bake in a greased pan for 45 minutes.

Serve the dish with any berry jam or preserves.

Lush cottage cheese casserole with semolina

To prepare a truly fluffy, tender delicacy, you must use not only semolina, but also baking powder. It is better to grind the cottage cheese through a fine sieve. In addition to this dairy product (370 g), take: 5 large spoons of semolina, ½ small each. spoons of baking powder and vanilla sugar, 3 selected chicken eggs, half a glass of white sugar, ripe soft banana.

  1. All bulk components are sent to the ground cottage cheese at once.
  2. Next, eggs are driven into the mixture.
  3. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed until smooth.
  4. The banana should be soft and ripe, but not blackened. The fruit is skinned and cut into small pieces, after which it is also added to the curd dough.
  5. A mold or baking sheet with high sides is first greased with any fat, and then lightly sprinkled with semolina. Place the dough on top, standing for 8-10 minutes at room temperature.
  6. The fluffy casserole will take 45-50 minutes to prepare at medium temperature.
  7. Leave in shape until cool. Only then cut into portions.

You can prepare a treat using exactly the same recipe, but without adding banana.

With the addition of apples in the oven

In general, a variety of fruits are added to semolina and cottage cheese casseroles. Apples are in second place in popularity after bananas. It is better to choose their sweet varieties. Especially if the treat is intended for small family members. In addition to 3 medium apples, the following will be used: 3 selected chicken eggs, half a kilo of homemade cottage cheese, 210 g of medium-fat sour cream, 2 large spoons of potato starch, a pinch of salt, 1 large spoon of semolina and 4 large spoons of granulated sugar.

  1. The cottage cheese is combined with sour cream and ground to a soft consistency. You can use a regular fork or blender for this.
  2. Sand, starch and semolina are added to the curd mass. The bowl is set aside for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Egg yolks and apples cut into small cubes are added to the dough.
  4. The last to be added are the egg whites, whipped to stiff peaks. Next, the mass is kneaded very slowly and laid out in an oiled form.
  5. The dish is baked in a hot oven for 35 minutes.

In order for you to get a good cottage cheese casserole, you need to take only fresh, clean ingredients without any chemicals.

The casserole will rise during cooking, so it is better to take a mold or baking sheet with high sides so that the casserole does not run away. You can also cook delicious ones.


  • 200 grams of cottage cheese.
  • 1 egg.
  • 3 tablespoons of sour cream.
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar.
  • 2 tablespoons of semolina.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Vanilla sugar to taste.

Cooking process.

1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or soften it with a potato masher. You need to get a curd mass without lumps; the tenderness of the future casserole depends on this. everything is the same as for the recipe for which you will find in the link.

2. Add an egg to the mashed cottage cheese and stir until smooth.

3. There are several nuances when adding sour cream. If the sour cream is thick, then add everything as per the recipe. And if it’s liquid, you can add a little less. The main thing is that after adding sour cream, the curd mass has a structure similar to liquid yogurt.

4. Next you need to add semolina in parts. And mix. Add in parts so that the cereal does not form lumps. When the semolina is completely mixed into the cottage cheese, leave the dough for 20 minutes so that the cereal swells and is ready for baking.

5. During this time, you can preheat the oven to 180-190 degrees.

6. After 20 minutes, add salt, sugar and vanilla to the dough according to the recipe. Mix very thoroughly.

7. The form in which the casserole will be prepared must be well coated with a piece of butter and sprinkled with dry semolina. This will make it easier to remove the casserole from the pan after cooking.

8. Transfer the dough from the bowl to the mold, distribute the dough in an even layer and transfer to the oven. The dish takes about 40 minutes to prepare.

9. After cooking, the casserole can be sprinkled with powdered sugar and served. Bon appetit.

Casserole with cottage cheese and strawberries

Bon appetit.

Cottage cheese casserole with semolina and apples


  • 3-4 apples.
  • 500 grams of cottage cheese.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 100 grams of semolina.
  • 100 grams of cream.
  • 1 tablespoon sugar.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Vegetable and butter.

Cooking process.

1. Pour cream over semolina, mix and leave in a warm place for 15-20 minutes.

2. Mix cottage cheese with egg yolks, half the sugar, and grind until smooth.

3. Beat the whites with sugar until foam appears.

4. Mix semolina, cottage cheese and egg whites. Add grated apples and mix the dough well until smooth.

5. Grease the mold with butter and place the dough in it.

6. Place in the oven for 40 minutes. Cook at a temperature of 180-190 degrees.

7. Serve the aromatic casserole with tea or milk.

Bon appetit.

Cottage cheese casserole with raisins


  • 50 grams of raisins.
  • 500 grams of cottage cheese.
  • 2 eggs.
  • A tablespoon of sugar.
  • 3 tablespoons of semolina.
  • 3-4 tablespoons of milk.

Cooking process.

1. Pour water over raisins for 10-15 minutes. But if you forget to do this, nothing terrible will happen. I often forget to soak them so I have to throw the raisins into the dough dry. It’s just important not to forget to rinse it well.

2. Fill the semolina with milk and set aside. It is advisable to pre-heat the milk a little so that the process of swelling of the semolina will speed up.

3. Separate the yolks from the whites and set the whites aside for now, and transfer the yolks to the cottage cheese.

4. Mix cottage cheese with yolks and sugar, swollen semolina and vanilla until smooth.

5. Beat the whites until strong foam. You can easily check the readiness of the egg whites by turning the bowl of whipped egg whites upside down. If the foam holds tightly and does not fall out, then the whites are ready.

6. Transfer the whites to the cottage cheese and mix thoroughly. Don't forget to add raisins.

7. Grease the pan in which you will bake with butter and sprinkle with flour or semolina.

8. Transfer the dough into the mold, put it in the oven and bake at a temperature of 180-190, 30-40 minutes.

9. During cooking, the casserole will rise well, but after you remove it from the oven it may settle. Don’t worry, this happens to almost everyone.

10. Remove the casserole from the pan and serve with sour cream or jam.

Bon appetit.

Cottage cheese casserole with banana

Bon appetit.

What could be tastier for breakfast than a delicious and aromatic cottage cheese casserole with semolina straight from the oven? Due to the addition of semolina, it acquires a fluffy and airy consistency, which makes the casserole even more appetizing. Dried fruits, candied fruits, nuts, berries and other healthy ingredients can be added to it, which increase its nutritional value and add aroma to an already very tasty casserole.

  1. Before you start cooking, it is important to consider several important points. This will make the casserole even more delicious.
  2. Take cottage cheese of medium and high fat content. Cottage cheese with low fat content is not rich in vitamins and does not have such a dense consistency. For this reason, you should choose cottage cheese with a fat content of 2.5%.
  3. Use fresh semolina. Before preparing the casserole, check the expiration date of the semolina. Is it nearing its expiration date? If it is running out soon, then it is better not to use it. It will not swell well, so the casserole will not be as fluffy.
  4. Use homemade cottage cheese. This way you can be completely sure that the casserole will contain the maximum nutrients and vitamins.

Cottage cheese casserole with semolina in the oven according to a classic recipe

What you need for cooking

  1. Cottage cheese with fat content from 2.5% 500-600 g
  2. Semolina 3 tbsp.
  3. Sugar 4 tbsp.
  4. Chicken eggs 3 pcs.
  5. Salt 1 pinch
  6. Sour cream 100 g
  7. Baking powder 1.5 tbsp.
  8. Butter
  9. Vegetable (olive) oil


  1. Mix cottage cheese with sugar and mix everything well. Then add semolina to the mixture, mix everything and leave everything for 30-40 minutes. During this time, the semolina will swell.
  2. Beat the egg in a separate bowl and add it to the cottage cheese with sugar and semolina. Then add sour cream, salt, baking powder and mix everything well.
  3. Melt the butter a little and mix it with vegetable oil. Grease a baking sheet with the mixture and place the mixture on it.
  4. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole with semolina, banana and raisins in the oven

What you need for cooking

  1. Cottage cheese (preferably homemade) 500 g
  2. Egg 2 pcs.
  3. Semolina 5 tbsp. l.
  4. Banana 1-2 pcs. (depending on size)
  5. Sugar 4 tbsp. l.
  6. Sour cream with fat content from 15% 2 tbsp.
  7. Butter
  8. Raisins to taste


  1. Wash the raisins and pour boiling water over them. Leave it in the will for 5 minutes.
  2. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork, add the egg, sugar, sour cream and flour. Stir everything thoroughly, then set the dish aside for 30 minutes. During this time, the semolina should swell a little.
  3. Mash the banana with a fork or chop it finely. Add it to the cottage cheese, mix everything. Then add raisins to the mixture.
  4. Grease a baking sheet with melted natural butter and place the baking mixture on it.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180-220 degrees and place a baking sheet in it for 30 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole with semolina and orange in the oven

What you need for cooking

  1. Cottage cheese 600 g
  2. Chicken egg 1 pc.
  3. Starch 3 tbsp.
  4. Sugar 200 g
  5. Semolina 7 tbsp.
  6. Oranges 2-3 pcs. (depending on size).
  7. Natural butter


  1. Wash and peel the oranges, divide them into several segments.
  2. Place the oranges in a blender, add 100 g of sugar and 2 tbsp. starch. Mix everything. The result should be a mixture of homogeneous consistency.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix cottage cheese, 100 g sugar, 1 tbsp. starch and semolina. Mix everything and set aside for 20 minutes.
  4. Grease a baking sheet with butter. Then place the casserole in it and level it with a spoon or spatula.
  5. Top the mixture with orange marmalade.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the casserole in it for 25-30 minutes.

Before removing the casserole from the baking sheet, it is advisable to wait for it to cool slightly. This will help maintain its shape. The prepared cottage cheese casserole will go perfectly with jam, preserves or condensed milk.

When cottage cheese remains in the refrigerator, it is undoubtedly best to use it for cooking with semolina and sour cream. This delicate casserole looks like a pie, and only when broken can you see the delicate texture of the pulp, where the main components will be cottage cheese and semolina.

To add a slight sourness to the cottage cheese casserole with semolina and sour cream, you are welcome to supplement it with small splashes of small berries that you love. Only, if they are frozen, then they need to be slightly defrosted so that they do not produce dampness in the finished product. I took black currant berries and orange rowan.

I have already tested the recipe for cottage cheese with semolina and sour cream in practice, so I can vouch for the authenticity of this recipe. The resulting cottage cheese casserole is airy, aromatic and very tasty.

The composition includes the simplest products, so don’t worry about costs: low-fat cottage cheese, sugar, semolina, egg, sour cream and some flavor additives and leavening agents.

You can serve cottage cheese casserole with semolina with condensed milk, sweet sauce, apricot jam, or whatever your children like.

According to the recipe, we prepare cottage cheese casserole with semolina and sour cream as follows:

1. Prepare all the ingredients that go into the cottage cheese casserole.

Preparing ingredients for semolina cottage cheese casserole with sour cream

2. Check the semolina to make sure there are no impurities, then add sour cream.

Add sour cream to semolina for semolina cottage cheese casserole with sour cream

3. Mix vigorously and leave to swell. 30-40 minutes is enough.

Mix semolina and sour cream

4. In a separate bowl, combine 350 grams of cottage cheese with an egg and granulated sugar, vanilla, baking powder and salt.

Combine cottage cheese with egg, sugar, vanilla, baking powder and salt.

5. Next, with the help of a home assistant (), turn the prepared mixture into a homogeneous mass within one minute. Some chefs suggest that you should not beat the curd mass too much, as the finished product will quickly lose its fluffiness.

Mix the curd mass in a blender

6. After half an hour, the semolina has swollen, increased in volume and absorbed sour cream, now add the curd mass to it and stir effectively using a spoon or whisk. The dough for cottage cheese casserole with semolina and sour cream should resemble the consistency of thick sour cream. That's how it should be.

Now take a convenient form. I have a round silicone mold in a metal basket and with handles - which is very convenient when the dough is liquid, as well as putting it in and out of the oven. Grease the sides with vegetable oil, sprinkle with raw semolina and spread the dough evenly over the entire mold.

Place the finished curd dough in a silicone mold

7. Place a scattering of berries on top and place in a preheated oven to a temperature of 180 C. Baking time is one hour or 50 minutes, it all depends on your technique.

Decorate the top of the curd dough for cottage cheese casserole with berries

8. Take out the cottage cheese casserole with semolina and sour cream, cool slightly, cut, decorate if desired and eat.

Cottage cheese casserole with semolina and sour cream

9. Cut and eat.

Cottage cheese casserole with semolina and sour cream


  • cottage cheese - 350 grams;
  • semolina - 3.5 tablespoons;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • sugar - 3-3.5 tablespoons;
  • sour cream - 5.5-6 tablespoons;
  • baking powder - one teaspoon:
  • vanilla sugar - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil - as needed;
  • berries - according to preference;
  • salt - 2 pinches.