Curd fruit dessert with gelatin step by step recipe. Curd dessert with gelatin and cocoa

Curd dessert is an excellent alternative to unhealthy sweets, which will be especially appreciated by those who are trying to adhere to a healthy diet or are trying to lose weight. After all, even people who have set out on the difficult path of a healthy lifestyle crave something tasty from time to time, and strict prohibitions are unlikely to help overcome this craving. A dessert made from cottage cheese with fruit and gelatin can not only satisfy the natural need for sweets, but also provide a pleasant feeling of satiety that will distract you from unnecessary thoughts about food :)

In addition, cottage cheese desserts are almost always very popular with children, including those who categorically refuse healthy cottage cheese and therefore deprive themselves of many essential substances. This dessert can be prepared for children for breakfast or for an afternoon snack, and it will always be a constant success, giving them its great taste and great benefits. After all, cottage cheese is a source of valuable protein and essential amino acids, as well as a real storehouse of calcium in a highly digestible form. Gelatin can strengthen bones and joints, and in addition, significantly improve appearance, positively affecting the condition of skin, nails and hair. Fruit or berry components that have not been subjected to heat treatment fill the body with vitamins, minerals, fiber and natural sugars.

Curd dessert with gelatin is prepared without baking simply and quickly from a small set of available products, so even a novice cook can easily handle it. It has a delicate, melt-in-your-mouth consistency and a rich cottage cheese taste with a light fruity sourness. This easy, low-calorie dish can be enjoyed on almost any diet and enjoyed without a painful feeling of guilt. Try making this delicious and healthy curd dessert with gelatin and strawberries, and your whole family, young and old, will certainly enjoy it!

Useful information How to prepare a dietary curd dessert with gelatin and fruit without baking - step-by-step recipe with photos


  • 400 g cottage cheese 5 - 9%
  • 300 g strawberries
  • 80 g sugar
  • 200 ml milk
  • 10 g gelatin


1. In order to prepare a curd dessert with gelatin, you should first dilute the gelatin in milk and leave it to swell according to the instructions on the package.

If you have ordinary inexpensive gelatin, it must be kept for at least 40 minutes at room temperature. In the case of instant gelatin, after soaking it, you can immediately proceed to the next step.

2. It is recommended to dissolve gelatin in a water bath to prevent it from boiling, at which point it loses its gelling properties. However, I always use a simpler and faster method: I place a pan with swollen gelatin on a very low heat and stir all the time until the solution becomes smooth and homogeneous. If the gelatin starts to bubble and is about to boil, I immediately remove the pan from the stove and continue stirring until it is completely dissolved.

Advice! In the case of cheap granular gelatin, after dissolving it, small grains may remain in it, so it is advisable to pass such a solution through a sieve. This can be done in advance or directly while adding gelatin to the main ingredients.

3. Place cottage cheese and sugar in a deep bowl. The cottage cheese can be homogeneous or with grains - it does not matter, since it will subsequently be crushed with a blender.

Advice! Although cottage cheese with a fat content of 12–18% is more suitable for baking, when making desserts it is better to use a less fatty product – no more than 9% fat, otherwise the dish will turn out to be too difficult to digest. Well, for those who are losing weight, you can also take low-fat cottage cheese, then the dessert will be especially light and dietary.

4. Add fresh or thawed strawberries to the cottage cheese. Thawed strawberries should be placed together with the juice released from them.

Advice! Instead of strawberries, you can also add raspberries or blackberries to this dessert. But it is better to first rub these berries through a sieve so that their small seeds do not fall into the dish.

5. Thoroughly grind the cottage cheese with sugar and strawberries in a blender until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained.

6. At the last stage, pour in the gelatin dissolved in milk and mix everything again using a blender.
7. Pour the resulting curd-strawberry mixture with gelatin into molds or bowls and refrigerate for 1 hour until completely set.

When served in bowls, the curd dessert with gelatin can simply be decorated with fresh berries or mint on top and eaten directly from them with a spoon. If you want a more impressive presentation, I recommend preparing this dish in individual silicone molds. After the mold has hardened, place it in a bowl of hot water for 10 seconds (no more!), turn the dessert over onto a flat plate and carefully separate the silicone from it. The resulting delicious dessert can be topped with strawberry syrup and decorated at your discretion.

The dessert made from cottage cheese with gelatin and fruits, prepared according to today’s recipe, turns out to be very tasty, just lick your fingers. In addition, cottage cheese and the fruits included in its composition are useful for the whole family. Delight your household and prepare a delicious dessert of cottage cheese with gelatin and fruit. To prepare a cottage cheese dessert, cottage cheese of any fat content is suitable. You can use both canned and fresh fruits, add others not included in the recipe - experiment, don’t be afraid, you will definitely succeed. Well, now the recipe for the cottage cheese dessert itself.

Ingredients for curd dessert with gelatin and fruit:
  • Cottage cheese – 300 g
  • sour cream 150 g
  • sugar 2 tbsp.
  • gelatin 1 tbsp.
  • Canned peaches
  • Banana 1 pc.
  • Kiwi 1 pc.
  • Milk 100 ml.
Recipe for making dessert from cottage cheese with gelatin and fruits
  • Add sour cream and sugar to cottage cheese
  • Beat the resulting curd mass with a blender
  • Wash the fruit, peel and cut into slices, then cut in half.
  • Pour gelatin into 100 ml of milk and leave to swell
  • Next, put the gelatin on the fire and heat until it completely dissolves. Don't boil!!!
  • Pour the gelatin mass into the curd mixture, then mix thoroughly
  • Place the fruit in the mold, fill it with curd mixture and again lay out a layer of fruit. So we continue to post more.
  • The last layer should be curd mass
  • Decorate the curd dessert with chocolate chips or light cream (we prefer chocolate chips)
  • Place the cottage cheese dessert in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • The curd dessert with fruit is ready. Bon appetit!

    Curd dessert with gelatin... So much in this word! This dessert deserves many words of praise - sweet, airy, milky, jelly-like, healthy, delicious. This list of epithets can be continued for a very long time.

    Many desserts are complete works of art and require a lot of time and money. But there is another category of dishes. Conventionally, they can be called “quickly”, “made from what you have”, “mixed and cooled”, etc. And this category of dishes is probably known to every housewife and is more in demand even than the first.

    One of the first places on the list under the code name “mixed and cooled” is occupied by a curd dessert with gelatin. With a small amount of cottage cheese and gelatin, you can create such a dessert that there is a danger of being captured by your household, who will then demand it every day.

    So, let's start the experiments. We will need:

    • approximately half a kilogram of cottage cheese,
    • about 300 grams of sour cream,
    • sugar or honey to your taste,
    • 1 tablespoon of instant gelatin.

    If you want the dessert to be as rich in vitamins as possible, feel free to add any fruit. Now all that remains is to “mix and cool” correctly. To do this, prepare gelatin according to the instructions on the package. As a rule, to do this, you need to fill it with cold water for about 20 minutes, and then heat it over low heat, stirring constantly, but remove it without bringing it to a boil. Mix cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar, pour in gelatin solution, add fruit if necessary. “Stir and cool” everything vigorously.

    The main beauty of this recipe is that all proportions are relative and do not have to be strictly observed. For example, you can take more cottage cheese, especially if it is not fatty.

    What if I'm on a diet?

    The only obstacle to preparing this wonderful dish may be your diet. Due to the presence of cottage cheese and sugar, this dessert will most likely not fit into the diet and will exceed the norms of fat and carbohydrates.

    But this is not a reason to become despondent. As we all know from childhood, if you really want to, you can fly into space. If you think a little, you can save the situation. After all, if you take low-fat cottage cheese as a basis, abandon sugar in favor of sweet fruit, and replace sour cream with, for example, yogurt, you will get a low-calorie cottage cheese dessert with gelatin. In this case, it’s true that the proportions of the products used change slightly, and the dessert will still be less soft and tender, but... beauty requires sacrifice! Lose weight for your health without excluding cottage cheese from your diet!

    By the way, almost all fatty and high-carbohydrate dishes can be transformed in this miraculous way. You just need to think carefully about what to replace this or that “dangerous” component with. So eat with pleasure and lose weight easily!

    Video recipe

    I offer you a light curd dessert with gelatin and fruit. For such a dessert, it is better to use seasonal fruits, and since it is winter, kiwi, bananas and oranges are suitable. The dessert can be prepared in silicone molds or glasses and served to everyone individually. The dessert is prepared quite simply and quickly.

    To prepare a dessert of cottage cheese with gelatin and fruit, prepare the necessary products.

    Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve to make it more homogeneous.

    Place the gelatin in a small container and add 100 ml of cold water. Leave the gelatin to swell for 20 minutes.

    Place the cottage cheese in a blender bowl, add sugar and sour cream. Beat using the metal blade attachment.

    Heat the gelatin, but do not bring it to a boil. Cool to room temperature.

    Pour the cooled gelatin into the curd mixture in a stream and beat.

    Cut the banana into slices, sprinkle with lemon juice. Cut the kiwi into cubes, remove the membranes from the oranges and also cut into cubes. Add kiwi and oranges to the curd mass.

    Place the curd mixture into glasses, bowls or silicone molds.

    I made 2 versions of a curd dessert with gelatin and fruit: I placed bananas on top in silicone molds so that they would end up at the bottom when turned over. I made a layer of bananas and oranges in a glass, then laid out the remaining curd mass. Place the dessert in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

    The dessert that I made in a glass, I additionally poured strawberry jelly on top. Turn the dessert out of the silicone mold onto a plate and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

    Bon appetit!

    If everything is done correctly, then any no-bake curd dessert with gelatin turns out tasty, holds its shape well, that is, looks attractive, and can be served as a delicacy even on a holiday table.

    Cottage cheese dessert with gelatin is a light dish, tasty and very healthy. You can eat desserts made from cottage cheese without baking with gelatin with almost no restrictions - even every day. Of course, you need to maintain a daily balance of macroelements in the diet and use: honey, stevia, fructose.

    Jelly curd mass is good in any form - with fruits, cocoa, nuts, candied fruits. The most dietary types are fruit and berry ones and with cocoa.

    Secrets of curd desserts with gelatin

    Regardless of the recipe, each cottage cheese dessert is very easy to prepare.

    The main thing is to properly dilute the thickener and give the dish time to harden.

    There are several types of gelatin, but I advise you to take highly purified, instant ones - they are easy to work with, they do not have a strong odor, and do not give any aftertaste.

    Gelatin has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and removes toxins from the body. It is obtained from the bones, veins and skin of animals, so it is not suitable for vegetarian diets.

    Agar-agar and pectin are plant analogues. They stimulate digestion and are natural enterosorbents. If it is impossible to use a thickener of animal origin, it is permissible to use plant analogues.

    Calorie content per serving (300 g) - 280-310 kcal, nutrition: 25 g protein, 3 g fat, 35 g carbohydrates.

    • cottage cheese – 500 g
    • thick yogurt – 150 ml,
    • oatmeal cookies – 12 pcs.
    • honey - 3 tbsp. l. or other sakhzam
    • gelatin - 15 g
    • water - 100 g
    • strong cold brewed black coffee with stevia – 200 ml
  • Pour gelatin with water, as in previous recipes.
  • Beat cottage cheese with kefir and honey until creamy, adding prepared gelatin.
  • Each cookie should be quickly dipped in coffee and placed on a plate in one layer.
  • Place cream on top.
  • The top can be decorated with crumbled cookies, cocoa, grated nuts or fresh berries.
  • Cool.
    • For a gelatin-based dessert to be successful, it is better to place the fruit filling at the bottom of the mold to harden, rather than mix it into the curd mass. All fruits contain enzymes that “conflict” with gelatin, although not as pronounced as the enzymes of kiwi and pineapple.
    • Any curd dessert with gelatin without baking is not a fussy recipe, so you can safely change the proportions to your liking and taste. The only proportion that must be observed is the ratio of gelatin and water. It should be at least 1:10, you can reduce the amount of water, then the consistency of the jelly will be denser.
    Video recipe for berry dessert made from cottage cheese

    I really liked this recipe with granulated bran - it’s low in calories, definitely tasty, and the whole process is shown in detail: