Stewed champignons in sour cream. How to quickly cook champignons stewed in sour cream

It seems like it’s not the mushroom picking season yet, but fried mushrooms with sour cream have appeared on the menu? Or did you just plan to include this dish in the family’s diet? Well, good deed! If we are talking about wild mushrooms, then, of course, there is a different approach. But with champignons everything is always simple.

These mushrooms are even eaten raw - just peel them well. They cook instantly - sometimes 10-15 minutes are enough, and that’s it, you can serve . What caring housewives don’t cook from them! Preparing for the winter is a separate issue. Now we are talking about the daily diet.

Those who are used to eating right, that is, preparing meals that are balanced in all respects, will now confirm that yes, more It is difficult to find a nourishing and protein-rich product among plant foods of protein origin . That is why many women, when thinking over a menu for the family, often try to include them in their diet. Fried champignons in sour cream is one of the few recipes of this kind.

Ingredients for making fried champignons

  • Mushrooms – 400 gr.
  • Onion – 100 gr.
  • Butter (or any vegetable) oil – 100 gr.
  • Sour cream – 1 glass
  • Cheese - optional
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Garlic – 1-2 cloves

How to cook fried champignons with onions and sour cream - recipe with photo

Champignons are not capricious in terms of preparation. But how to cut them is very individual each time. Let's say we prepare caviar from mushrooms - the shredding is as fine as possible, right down to grinding it in a meat grinder. – second approach. Julien is another one. And so on. In our dish today there can be two types of cuts - strips and small ones. This is so that the mushrooms turn out fried, not steamed, and then you can prepare something like julienne. So, let's choose larger specimens. Let's remove the leg. Let's cut the cap lengthwise so that we can get this format.

Step 1. Remove the stem and cut the champignon cap into strips

Onions are one of those products that are very necessary when cooking. There’s probably no point in trying to convince everyone how healthy this vegetable is. Everyone has been convinced of this for a long time. Even though heat treatment affected it, it is still filled with life-giving force. Well, there’s also no need to talk about what taste this product adds - without it it’s difficult to prepare a delicious soup, an unforgettable main course, salads, and so on. And even more so, fried mushrooms - here you need to cut more onions. Peel the onions. Let's cut it in half. Let's cut into strips. This way it will cook better.

Step 2. Peel the onion and cut into strips

So, it’s time to put the vessel on the fire - it could be a frying pan, a cauldron, etc. Let’s heat it up as much as possible, and then pour in the oil. Let's pour it in, because it's better to fry mushrooms on a vegetable stove. Let's heat it up very high and add the champignons. We don’t turn down the heat, because the mushrooms should be fried. While they are roasting, finely chop the second part of the mushrooms. The result will be a mixed mass that will be ideally used in any dish - as a sauce, as a side dish, as an addition to it, and so on. By the way, right now you can put a second frying pan on the fire to fry the onions. Well, for now, pour the fines into a frying pan with mushrooms, cut into strips, and fry.

Step 3. Fry the mushrooms in sunflower oil

In principle, you can do it as is often recommended - first fry the onion, then add mushrooms to it, or vice versa. But, I repeat, we are preparing fried, not steamed champignons. That's why I do everything step by step. Fry the mushrooms for another 5 minutes. The second frying pan is also heated. Put in butter. When it's hot enough, we'll add the onions. It is advisable that it spread over the bottom of the pan in one layer - this way it will be better fried to the desired consistency.

Step 4. Fry the onion in melted butter

While the onions are fried and the mushrooms are in the second frying pan, grate the cheese. Why is it needed? Firstly, you can add it directly to the finished dish - and then it will be even more amazingly tasty, and it will also be firmer in consistency, so it will be suitable as a second course. You can sprinkle it on the dish at the end of cooking or already on the plate - beautiful and tasty! If suddenly you haven’t finished cooking the mushrooms and a lot of liquid comes out and it doesn’t evaporate (this happens when we cook in large portions in a tight container), you can make julienne by adding more cheese.

Step 5. Grate the cheese

Now the crucial moment has come - you need to combine everything in the frying pan, the one in which the mushrooms were fried. So let's add onions here. Let's put sour cream. Add salt (lightly if desired). Let's pepper (don't be shy). Let's rub the garlic right there. Bring everything to a boil, and, reducing the heat to medium, continue frying. You can add cheese at the end if you like. After stirring everything, turn off the gas. But there is no need to cover it with a lid!

Step 6. Combine fried mushrooms and onions, sour cream, spices and garlic

The process can be considered complete because there is no excess moisture in the pan. After all, we wanted to get fried mushrooms. If you were planning to julienne, then halfway through cooking you can divide everything into two portions, and in another bowl get rid of the moisture, fill the second part with cheese and arrange. I got fried champignons. They can be served as a separate side dish. Tasty. Exquisite. Healthy. Everyone will like it, especially if you put them in tartlets!

Today for dinner we decided to fry mushrooms in sour cream sauce. Although not exactly suitable food for dinner, we really wanted it, and it took very little time to prepare.

If you do everything correctly, you will get a very satisfying and so tasty dish that no one will even remember about the usual meat or fish.

The best option for cooking would be to take into account fresh real forest mushrooms or at least dried ones. But since it’s not the season now, and we don’t have dried ones, we took regular champignons (you can also use oyster mushrooms), which are sold in stores all year round.

Recipe for fried champignons in sour cream and butter

Mushrooms in sour cream can be prepared in a variety of ways: for example, in a frying pan, in the oven, and even in a slow cooker. Fry mushrooms in butter or vegetable oil.

In addition to mushrooms, potatoes are often added to the composition, which are fried along with onions and only then mushrooms are added. Or you can do everything separately, and only then combine all the components.

But today’s recipe, as you already understand, will not contain anything other than mushrooms, well, with the exception of onions, of course.

Yes, and I’ve also come across recipes that contain flour. To be honest, I don’t know what it’s needed for, but still. If in order for the mass to thicken, then you can simply take thicker sour cream, as we have for example. We even had to add a little water because it turned out very thick.

Okay, let me start, and then everything will become clear to you from the detailed description and step-by-step photographs that were taken for your convenience and a better understanding of the entire cooking process.


  • champignons - 300 gr.
  • medium size onion - 1 pc.
  • butter - 150 gr.
  • sour cream - 200 ml.
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. First of all, we prepared our mushrooms. Namely, they were washed thoroughly, dried and cut into medium-sized pieces.

I often notice that many cooks chop mushrooms finely, which ultimately does not have a very good effect on the finished dish. Especially if they are fried with potatoes. During the frying process, they decrease in size, and ultimately, they are simply lost and cannot be tasted.

Therefore, I prefer to cut the champignons into pieces slightly larger than average, which I advise you to do. This way they turn out tastier and with a more pronounced taste.

2. The onion needs to be peeled, washed and thinly chopped into quarters of rings.

Why thin? So that it is not strongly felt in the finished dish, but simply adds flavor to the fried mushrooms.

3. In a heated frying pan, melt the butter and add the chopped onions.

Lightly fry until golden.

4. Add the chopped mushrooms to the onion and set the heat to medium.

Fry the mushrooms and onions, stirring occasionally to prevent them from burning.

5. During the frying process, liquid is released from the champignons, which should completely evaporate.

6. After all the moisture has evaporated, we need to fry the mushrooms for another 5-10 minutes (depending on size) until golden brown.

Salt and pepper to taste. If desired, you can add some spices. We don’t like it and therefore didn’t add anything so as not to interrupt the taste.

7. Now it’s time to add sour cream and mix.

Our sour cream was very thick and greasy, so we added a little water.

8. Cover with a lid and simmer the champignons for another 5 minutes over medium heat.

9. Place the finished dish on a plate and serve.

You can also prepare a side dish for this dish, or some light salad.

I warn you that this recipe makes mushrooms very filling and high in calories. This amount will be enough for 4 adults, and this takes into account that everyone has a very good appetite. Those who are on a diet are unlikely to be happy with such a dinner.)))

It turned out very tasty and appetizing - you'll just lick your fingers. No matter your fingers, you’ll swallow your tongue. And what a scent. Mmm... In general, cook and enjoy. Bon appetit!

Mushrooms are an excellent alternative to meat, but they are popular not only among those who adhere to a vegetarian diet. Even avid meat eaters will appreciate champignons in sour cream, as this dish is rich in protein and therefore perfectly satiating. That is, having cooked mushrooms with sour cream for lunch, you don’t have to worry about the meat component of the meal.

Champignons stewed in sour cream, a delicious, mouth-watering lunch! Without breaking culinary laws, we say no to meat today. Why try to deceive nature? Let's arrange a day of unloading and again, start for the sake of your loved one in the morning.

Recipe for champignons stewed in sour cream


  • Champignons - half a kilo;
  • Onion - one;
  • Vegetable oil - a couple of tablespoons;
  • Sour cream - half a glass or a glass, depends on your requirement for the dish;
  • Salt, pepper and other spices - to taste.

  1. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly under cold water. If they are very dirty, you can remove the top layer from them. If you purchased, separate the stem from the cap - this will make it easier to cut them.
  2. Peel the onion. Cut the entire onion into half rings. In this recipe it is very difficult to overdo it with onions, so if you love this product, you can safely increase its quantity.
  3. Cut clean mushrooms into cubes.
  4. In order for stewed champignons to have a delicate taste, the onions must be well fried. Therefore, while you are cutting the mushrooms, put a frying pan on the fire and heat the oil. When the oil is hot, add the onion to the pan. Fry it for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. Chop the remaining champignons and pour them into the pan.
  6. Stewing mushrooms

  7. Stir. The mushrooms will release juice. Unlike other mushrooms, champignons produce a lot of it. This liquid should be evaporated, so do not cover the pan with a lid.
  8. At the same time, you can add bay leaf and cloves, of course, if you like spices. Stir the champignons while stewing, and make sure they don’t burn. If necessary, it is recommended to reduce the heat.
  9. By the time the liquid has evaporated, the mushrooms will be ready. You can understand this by trying them - they should be soft and homogeneous. Salt, add selected spices and sour cream. Adjust the amount of sour cream yourself - you won’t spoil the porridge with oil, but if you care about the calorie content of the dish, then four tablespoons of sour cream will be enough for half a kilo of champignons.
  10. Stir, simmer the dish in the frying pan for a few minutes under the lid and then turn off the heat. You should not heat process mushrooms in sour cream for more than 3-4 minutes, as the sour cream may curdle. Curry seasoning, black pepper, allspice or Provençal herbs are best suited to this dish.
  11. As you can see, cooking champignons in a frying pan with sour cream is as easy as shelling pears. The best side dish for this mushroom dish would be tender mashed potatoes, buckwheat porridge or

Today we will cook mushrooms in a rich sauce that everyone loves. The taste, like the aroma, is very pronounced and bright. After processing, sour cream becomes even more tender and makes everyone who tries it fall in love with it.

General cooking principles

To prepare today's recipes you will need a minimum set of ingredients. These are champignons, sour cream and spices, onions. Everything else is added to taste.

Mushrooms need to be cleaned and chopped. Do the same with the onion. Then fry the ingredients in oil until half cooked. Then add the dairy product and spices, simmer for another twenty minutes and you can serve.

Fried champignons in a frying pan in sour cream

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

This is an easy quick lunch option that everyone will love. All that remains is to prepare the side dish in time so as not to heat anything additional.

How to cook:

Tip: To make it more spicy, you can use fresh chili or ground red pepper instead of garlic.

Mushrooms stewed in sour cream

Here is an even faster and simpler recipe. Be sure to prepare it if you want to do everything quickly and tasty.

It will take 40 minutes to cook.

One serving contains 56 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the mushrooms on all sides, trim their stems.
  2. Cut into slices and set aside for a while. You can cut it into quarters to make it larger and juicier.
  3. Peel the skins from the onion and finely chop it with a sharp knife.
  4. Pour the champignons into a dry frying pan and place on the stove.
  5. Simmer until all the moisture has evaporated.
  6. After this, add oil and start frying.
  7. Add the onion and cook everything together until the root vegetables are golden brown.
  8. After this, pour in sour cream, add spices and cook everything under the lid for another fifteen minutes.

Tip: You can add fresh herbs to the sauce to taste.

Fried champignons in sauce

It will take 1 hour to cook.

One serving contains 102 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the mushrooms on all sides and cut into cubes.
  2. Remove the peel from the onion and cut the head into half rings.
  3. Fry it, stirring, until golden brown.
  4. Add the champignons and simmer everything together for a quarter of an hour.
  5. When time has passed, salt and pepper everything, add sour cream.
  6. Simmer for another twenty minutes under the lid.
  7. Bring everything to taste, remove from heat and add the yolk.
  8. Mix everything quickly and thoroughly so that the ingredient does not curdle.
  9. Chop the dill, sprinkle it over the mushrooms and serve.

Tip: you can use butter, then the taste will be more pronounced.

Nourishing recipe with potatoes

Here we will prepare not just mushrooms in sour cream, but a complete dish. This will be a potato-based casserole, but also with the addition of mushrooms and a delicate sauce.

It will take 1 hour and 30 minutes to cook.

One serving contains 97 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Peel and wash the potatoes, cut into rings using a knife.
  2. Remove the skins from the onion, rinse with cold water and chop into half rings.
  3. Peel the champignons and cut each into four parts.
  4. In a frying pan in heated oil, fry the onion until golden brown.
  5. Add flour and fry a little more.
  6. In another frying pan, fry the mushrooms until tender, stirring them.
  7. Mix them with the contents of the first frying pan and potatoes.
  8. Add salt, spices, sour cream and place it all in the mold.
  9. Place in the oven for forty minutes at 180 degrees.

Tip: You can sprinkle cheese on the top of the casserole for an even more appetizing dish.

How to cook champignons in sour cream in a slow cooker

This option is intended for those who cook in a slow cooker. She is the one who will help prepare everything. It turns out no less tasty!

It will take 1 hour and 35 minutes to cook.

One serving contains 67 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the onion and chop finely with a sharp knife.
  2. Rinse parsley, dill and green onions and chop with a knife.
  3. Peel the mushrooms and cut each of them into two or four parts.
  4. Pour a little oil into the multicooker bowl, add the mushrooms and simmer them for forty minutes.
  5. When time has passed, add greens, onions and sour cream.
  6. Stir and cook in baking mode for the same amount of time.

Tip: You can add a little more mint for freshness.

Delicious chicken dinner option

If you want to get a complete dish right away, let the pasta cook and cook our chicken with mushrooms in sauce. Everything will be cooked at the same time, so dinner is guaranteed!

It will take 55 minutes to cook.

One serving contains 137 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the meat thoroughly, remove fat and cut into cubes.
  2. Pull off the membranes from the mushrooms and trim the tails.
  3. Cut them into cubes or slices. You can also use canned mushrooms, then you just need to drain the marinade and then chop it in the same way.
  4. Peel the onion and cut into half rings.
  5. Pour into a frying pan with heated oil and fry until soft.
  6. Add the chicken and cook, stirring, for ten minutes.
  7. When the time has passed, add the mushrooms and cook everything together for the same amount of time.
  8. Chop the dill and crush the garlic.
  9. Send both components along with sour cream to the chicken, add spices.
  10. Combine everything and simmer for another twenty minutes under the lid.

Tip: add a little red paprika, it will be very appetizing and aromatic!

Feel free to add fresh herbs to any of the options. It could be dill or parsley. In addition to them, try experimenting with mint, tarragon, rosemary, basil and other spices.

Champignons in sour cream always turn out very tender and light. You can supplement them with rice, buckwheat, potatoes, pearl barley porridge, a slice of crispy baguette or fresh vegetables. Either way it will be incredibly delicious!

Fried mushrooms with onions They are delicious on their own, and if you stew them with the addition of sour cream or cream, their taste will only improve. Mushrooms in sour cream are considered a complete second course, but they can also be part of other recipes. The most famous dish prepared with stewed champignons in sour cream is. They are also used in preparing oven-baked or stewed potatoes, chicken, casseroles and other dishes.

You can use any mushrooms for stewing in sour cream. Wild mushrooms must be boiled for one hour before cooking, while oyster mushrooms and champignons are used raw for this dish. Champignons stewed in sour cream, step by step recipe with the photo I offer you - this is not only a tasty, but also a quick dish. The total cooking time will be no more than 20 minutes.


  • Onion - half an onion,
  • Champignons - 400 gr.,
  • Sour cream – 100 gr.,
  • Salt and spices
  • Sunflower oil.

Champignons stewed in sour cream - recipe

Wash the champignons. Scrape the stems of the mushrooms with a knife if necessary. Cut into not too thin slices, as for. Small champignons can be cut into four pieces.

Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.

Pour vegetable oil into the frying pan. You can also add a small piece of butter to it. Once the frying pan with the oil is hot, place the onions on it. Saute it for 5 minutes until transparent.

Place the chopped mushrooms in the pan. Mix them with onions.

Add spices and salt.

Stir again. Simmer, stirring for 5-7 minutes. During stewing, champignons release a lot of juice. As soon as it appears in significant quantities, add sour cream to the mushrooms. It is good to use sour cream that is quite fatty.

Stir mushrooms in sour cream. Simmer, stirring occasionally, for another 7-10 minutes. During this time, the amount of “twist” in the mushrooms should decrease by half. Stewed champignons in sour cream ready. At the very end of cooking, you can add chopped garlic, dill or any other herbs. It is advisable to keep the finished fried mushrooms under a closed lid for several minutes. In this case, each mushroom can be completely saturated with the taste of sour cream stewed with onions.

These mushrooms are perfect for any side dish that you wouldn’t prepare, be it pasta, potatoes, rice or peas. Enjoy your meal. As you can see, from just three products you can get a tasty, almost dietary dish, which in taste can successfully compete with meat. I also recommend preparing and