Three rules for pairing martini with juices. Cocktails with Martini, or with which juices the famous drink is combined

Martini Bianco is the world's most popular brand of vermouth, a white wine with added sugar, herbs and spices. It is believed that this drink is drunk mainly by women, although it was the favorite alcohol of the famous movie hero - James Bond. Not everyone likes weak alcohol, because it has a peculiar taste and aroma, so it is often used not in pure form, but in all kinds of combinations.

How to drink Martini Bianco

The famous vermouth is associated with luxury and social events. It is an aperitif that is drunk before meals to increase appetite or to eliminate thirst. It is not recommended to make it the main alcohol at a friendly feast. This alcohol will be more appropriate at a party that involves communication rather than food.

Hold the Martini bottle in a cool place before serving. The optimum temperature for vermouth is 10-15 degrees. A warmer or ice-cold option is a mistake, because this way guests will not be able to taste the special taste and aroma of alcohol.

It is customary to drink Martini Bianco slowly, savoring every sip. The guests of the secular party take one glass of alcohol and spend the whole evening with it. Eating a lot of vermouth is considered bad form.

Classic serving of the drink - in old-fashion glasses with ice and lemon. Sometimes frozen fruits are added to alcohol, which emphasize its exquisite taste. It can also be garnished with olives on a skewer - this is one of the classic combinations.

In nightclubs, bars and social events, another serving option is more common - in a cone-shaped glass with a long stem, which the bartenders jokingly dubbed "martinka". Some ladies like to drink vermouth through a thin tube.

It is customary to eat Martini Bianco. It is served with light food: soft, mild cheeses, salty crackers, nuts, olives and olives.

Cocktails based on the favorite vermouth

Martini is often drunk as part of cocktails. Many fans of vermouth believe that it is more pleasant in different variations than in its pure form.

So that alcohol does not immediately hit the head, it is customary to drink it with orange, grapefruit or cherry juice. Typically, the ingredients are mixed in the following proportions: 1/4 alcohol and 3/4 juice. The resulting mix is ​​served in a cone-shaped glass with a couple of ice cubes.

In American bars, Martini Bianco is diluted with soda in a 1: 1 ratio. Another interesting mix drink option is alcohol with Sprite.

The famous vermouth is a part of many popular cocktails, where it is mixed with strong alcoholic drinks: rum, gin, vodka and even cognac. Here are some recipes:

Dirty Martini

This is one of the most famous mixes in the world. Take 60 ml of gin, 10 ml of vermouth and 2 ml of olive juice. Mix in a shaker, filter into a pre-chilled glass, garnish with an olive on a skewer.

Vermouth with vodka

Mix 30 ml of vodka, 60 ml each Martini Bianco and orange juice in a shaker. Strain into a glass, add a few pieces of ice. Garnish with a slice of lemon or orange.

Light Martini

Pour 50 ml of the starting product, 20 ml of vodka and 80 ml of grape juice into a glass (do not change the sequence). Add 2-3 ice cubes and mix with a cocktail tube. Decorate with a cherry.

Martini is not just a drink, it is a way of life. It is customary to drink it in a good mood, at social parties or in moments of pleasant companionship. This exquisite vermouth is able to give everyone a moment of harmony and pleasure.

When it comes to drinking alcohol, the question of the culture of drinking it always arises. After all, not everyone knows how, when and how much you can drink this or that drink. This also applies to martini, which, some unknowingly, even separate into a separate group of alcoholic beverages. So, now we will tell you how to drink martini properly.

Rule one. Place and time... To appreciate the nobility of the martini, you must create the appropriate atmosphere. The process should take place without haste and fuss. But this does not mean that you should be sad. On the contrary, this drink creates a celebration. For example, his presence will spice up and liven up a cocktail party with friends, or add special charm to a romantic evening with a loved one.

The second rule. Tableware. You will not be able to fully enjoy and enjoy the martini if ​​you do not use special glasses to drink it. Their shape is easy to recognize - it is a cone on a long and thin stem. If something goes wrong, and the ace did not have suitable glasses at hand, then the most correct decision would be to take wide and not tall glasses. But in any case, do not use other glasses, or, even worse, glasses. This is considered bad taste.

Rule three. Preparing a drink. For such an event as drinking a martini, you need to prepare in advance. In addition to the festive table setting, alcohol must be cooled to 10-12 degrees and ice must be frozen in advance.

Rule four. Drinking process. So, a glass of martini is in your hand, and the party is in full swing. Remember that the main thing about a martini is pleasure, which, as they say, has to be stretched. Therefore, drink the drink slowly, taking small unhurried sips, savoring it. If you have chosen a martini-based cocktail, then it's time to use a straw. This way of drinking was especially fond of the ladies. So we gave you the answer to the question: how to drink martini correctly.

The fifth rule. Snacks. Most often, martinis are sipped "solo", that is, without eating anything. But if it is drunk "pure", and e in a cocktail version, then olives, slices of lemon, fruits, berries, or onions will become a worthy frame for it. Everything here directly depends on personal preferences, and which martini you have chosen. Perhaps, it is worth dwelling on this issue in more detail.

What to drink martini with

Knowing what to drink martini with, you will not be known as a bearer of bad taste or a person not worthy of high society.

The main point to keep in mind when placing a martini at the head of the table is that it does not tolerate standard "vodka" snacks. It is not drunk with jellied meat and with smoked fish. Snacks should be light and unobtrusive.

From fruits, you can serve chilled pieces of peaches or citrus fruits, among which berries will be casually reclined.

But you can limit yourself to just a variety of juices. But there are rules here.

How to drink a martini with juice

Firstly, juices served with martini should be freshly squeezed and chilled, and not poured into a decanter from a tetra packet.

Secondly, juices of orange, grapefruit, cherry and pomegranate will be the best for this purpose, that is, with a minimum content of sugars. But do not try to serve peach or apple juice or "multivitamin" with martini, they are simply contraindicated for such cocktails.

Thirdly, alcohol is not washed down with juice, but mixed with it. For 2 parts martini add 1 part juice. If ice is involved in this process, then alcohol, juice and ice are taken in equal proportions.

Now you know how to drink a martini with juice. However, the varieties of this alcohol have their own taste, which means they have their own ways of drinking and their own snacks.

How to drink Martini Bianco

Martini Bianco is an alcohol loved by millions and highly regarded by bartenders. It is from this that most of the finest cocktails are made. Its taste is combined with many drinks, sometimes even extremely unexpected ones. It can be lemonades and tonics, coffee and cream, various juices, vodka and even tequila. Chocolate, olives, lemon and onion are perfect for it. Ice and pieces of fruits such as pineapple, kiwi, strawberries are added to it.

If you decide to experiment with onions, then know that you should not "extract" juice from it. You just need to dip the slice into the glass and take it out after 2-3 minutes. If you like the taste, then you will never drink martini otherwise.

How to drink martini Rosso

Regarding this martini, the female and male sex have their differences. Ladies prefer to use cherry or orange juice as a supplement to it, while men mix it with vodka and eat it with lemon. It was in this form that James Bond loved him.

It goes without saying that the above two types of martinis are not all of its assortment. However, both Martini Rosato (pink) and Martini Extra Dry (dry) are drunk according to the same rules and with the same snacks and juices that we have already named for you.

However, cocktails with the addition of lemon are most often made from pink martini, then dry martini is mostly drunk separately from everything and without ice. If you decide to experiment, then remember that a special shade of Martini Extra Dry will give pear juice or gin, which is taken 2/3 of the glass. In this case, an olive or lemon wedge would be appropriate for a snack.

Martini "Bianco" is a fairly common alcoholic drink that is very popular with a large number of people. Interestingly, this drink can be consumed in various variations. What is the Bianco martini? How to drink this drink? What is accepted to serve him? You will learn the answers to these questions by reading this article.

Martini - what is this drink?

Probably, it is impossible to find such a person who has never heard of martini, but not everyone has an idea of ​​what this drink is and how it can be used. Even fewer people are aware of what is served with the Bianco Martini and other varieties of such a wonderful drink.

At the moment, there are many stories about where the martini came from. Some believe that this drink appeared in the city of Martinez, others - that we all owe the emergence of the martini to the bartender Thomas D., who allegedly invented it back in the distant 19th century.

Now, martini is a fairly popular drink all over the world. It is a brand of vermouth, which is produced in Italy. It can be used both in its usual form and as part of a variety of cocktails.

Martini varieties

The most popular types of martini are:

  • "Rosso" - it is characterized by a caramel-red color and a slightly bitter aftertaste.
  • Bianco is a white vermouth with a vanilla scent.
  • "Rosato" - pink vermouth, containing various spices in its own composition, and for its production is used red and white wine.

The most popular among all varieties is the Bianco martini. How to drink this vermouth will be described below. As a rule, representatives of the charming half of humanity prefer this drink more, however, there are also men who like the taste of Bianco.

Martini composition

The composition of absolutely any variety of this drink includes only a huge number of different plants, such as chamomile, orange, mint, St. John's wort, yarrow, coriander and many others. One of the main ingredients of vermouth is wormwood, thanks to which the same "Rosso" has its own unique and slightly bitter taste.

Since the most popular type of martini is "Bianco", it is further recommended to consider in detail the composition of this particular drink. Martini "Bianco" contains white dry wine with sugar, while herbal tincture and vanilla, in fact, give this vermouth an exquisite and unique taste.

How to serve Bianco Martini

It should be said that on the Internet you can find different reviews about the "Bianco" martini. Everyone prefers to use this drink in their own way. In general, vermouth is ideal for various cocktail parties, romantic dinners or buffets, where the main thing is not drink or food, but communication and pleasant pastime. Martini of any kind, including Bianco, is recommended to be consumed as an aperitif, that is, before meals.

It is recommended to serve martini "Bianco" chilled, but in no case should you try to freeze it in such a way that the bottle starts to frost. Of course, there is no point in warming vermouth in your hands either. The suitable temperature for drinking this drink ranges from 10-15 degrees. It is recommended to drink a martini at this temperature, otherwise its taste and aroma may simply not be revealed.

You can also serve Bianco Martini with ice, pieces of fruit or berries. There is only one drawback of this type of consumption - it is Almonds, pistachios, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, varieties of cheese, olives, salty crackers and other light snacks can be served together with "Bianco" as a snack.

Martini is usually served in small glasses, with a slice of lemon or orange. Sometimes "Bianco" can be served in glasses intended for whiskey.

Martini "Bianco" - how to drink this drink and with what?

Vermouth can be consumed in many different ways. Martini "Bianco" with juice or water are considered classic. Grapefruit or cherry juice is the perfect addition to Bianco. This combination is to the liking of the representatives of the incomparable half of humanity, since for most of them the taste of the drink seems harsh. Plus, in this case, the intoxication will not come immediately.

Men are another matter. For most of them, on the contrary, the taste of vermouth seems insufficiently saturated, therefore it is allowed to mix this drink with liqueurs and rum. Of course, intoxication from such a mixture will come much faster, but the pleasure from all this can be obtained enormous.

Today there are a lot of cocktails, one of the ingredients of which is the Bianco martini. How to drink and how to make such cocktails? Let's talk about this further.

Recipes for some cocktails with Bianco vermouth

The Orange Martini cocktail is quite easy to prepare, so you can easily prepare it even at home. To make a cocktail called Orange Martini, you will need:

  • 100 ml of vermouth called "Bianco";
  • 200 ml orange juice;
  • a slice of orange for decoration;
  • a pair of ice cubes.
  • 30 ml martini;
  • 60 ml tequila;
  • as decoration - a slice of lemon;
  • a pair of ice cubes.

Easy to prepare and a cocktail called "Jasmine". To enjoy its taste, you need:

  • 20 ml "Bianco";
  • 50 ml of chilled green tea;
  • 20 ml of vodka;
  • for decoration - a slice of lemon and 5 grams of ginger.

Much more complicated is the Puppet cocktail, since its preparation requires a fairly large amount of alcoholic beverages, which are not always available at hand. To prepare this cocktail, you must mix:

  • 50 ml of Extra Dry vermouth;
  • 50 ml "Bianco";
  • 10 ml white rum;
  • 10 ml banana liqueur;
  • a couple of ice cubes;
  • 30 ml orange juice.

Another wonderful and quite strong cocktail is Vesper. To prepare it you will need:

  • 15 ml of vodka;
  • 40 ml gin;
  • 5 ml of Bianco vermouth;
  • 5 ml of vermouth called "Extra Dry";
  • a couple of ice cubes;
  • as a decoration - a small slice of lemon.

In principle, you can experiment with cocktails, there is no need to dwell on any one. The main thing is not to overdo it. Martini "Bianco" is a completely versatile drink that will appeal to both men and women.

It was first released under the Martini brand in 1863, and the first product was the Rosso drink, and the Bianco martini appeared only in 1910.

What is Martini

The composition of the drink of the Italian company Martini & Rossi is not considered a secret - selected white and herbs. But this knowledge does not prevent the drink from keeping the lead among other brands of vermouth.

Like other vermouths, Martini is based on alpine wormwood (the essence of the plant can make up half of all flavorings).

Additionally, the Italian Luigi Rossi (one of the founders of the above-named company) included more than 35 herbal ingredients in the composition of herbs and wines, including:

  • yarrow;
  • mint;
  • juniper;
  • elecampane;
  • elderberry black;
  • cinnamon;
  • oregano;
  • nutmeg;
  • ginger;
  • chamomile;
  • fraxinella;
  • lemon balm;
  • St. John's wort;
  • coriander;
  • Carnation;
  • immortelle.

Winemakers, changing the proportions of wine material, grape varieties and herbal infusions, have developed several varieties of martini, while the strength is aged within 15-18% vol., And the taste and color are different.

According to the idea of ​​winemakers, the drink should not need additives and mixing with other ingredients. Indeed, during production, which takes from several months to a year before bottling, the wine base has already been brought to perfection. Plant extracts (water-alcoholic infusions), sugar and caramel (to smooth out bitterness), alcohol (as a preservative) are added to a wine that is neutral in taste and low-alcoholic wine. All components are repeatedly filtered, kept at different temperatures (always in the cold). The finished composition is also thoroughly filtered.

There are no strict rules on how to drink a Bianco, Dry, Rosso or other martini. Some people like the pure taste of the drink. Men who prefer strong alcohol can enhance the martini with vodka, while those who wish to neutralize the sweetness dilute vermouth with tonic and ice.

In any form, vermouths are intended to be consumed before meals. It is an aperitif that should awaken the appetite and improve digestion.

Varieties and composition

In order for a self-made cocktail to taste good, you need to know not only what professional bartenders interfere with martinis, but also the types of the drink itself.

The range of vermouths produced by Martini & Rossi includes the following types of drink:

  1. Red (Rosso). The first type of aperitif produced by the company according to the carefully created composition of the herbalist L. Rossi. Caramel is added to the composition, so the taste is both bitter and sweet at the same time. Color - ruby. The sugar content is 15%. It is recommended to drink the drink in its pure form, adding only ice or lemon.
  2. Pink (Rosato). The additions of cloves, nutmeg, and cinnamon make the vermouth spice. As an alcoholic base - a mixture of white and red wine. Does not need to be diluted with soft drinks. Only ice can be added.
  3. White (Bianco). Soft and aromatic, sweet and delicate. An aperitif that is easily recognizable by the notes of vanilla. Even sweet lovers prefer to use it mixed with tonic, soda or lemon juice.
  4. Dry (Dry and Extra Dry). Created at the beginning of the twentieth century. It is the strongest in the vermouth series. Extracts of woody species, raspberry and citrus are added to the aromatic composition. Low in sugar. This aperitif is preferred for cocktails. In pure form, it is easier to drink with lemon or tonic.

The company also restored the recipes for vermouths produced in the 19th century - Riserva Ambrato (white) and Riserva Rubino (red).

How and with what to serve

For people who value delicious and flavorful, the rules for serving martini matter. The aperitif should precede the meal, because this drink serves not only to whet the appetite, but also so that guests can communicate in an informal setting, get to know each other, and relax.

During a buffet table or a romantic meeting, it is more important that there is nothing to drink martinis with, but what to choose as a snack. With the drink served in its pure form, canapes on skewers with olives, hard cheeses, fruits, kiwi should be placed on the table. Dishes or bowls with crackers, pistachios, fresh berries placed on the tables will be an excellent addition. For guests, it is necessary to provide for citrus fruits, cut into half rings, and crushed ice, since many people like to add these ingredients directly to the glass.

Buffet etiquette does not prohibit the use of glasses intended for champagne or wine for vermouth. But sommeliers, who know exactly how to drink a martini in order to feel the pleasure, insist on using glasses specially designed for vermouth with a high stem with a cone-shaped bowl.

How to drink different types of martini

For men, the strength of vermouth is not enough, and they often, without going into the subtleties of proportions and combinations, dilute it with vodka or other strong alcohol. For ladies, an aperitif may seem too harsh or cloying, so they often use fruit juices or soda water for dilution.

Meanwhile, the exquisite drink does not tolerate experimentation. On the one hand, it is full-fledged and self-sufficient in itself. For example, a dry martini should never be mixed with anything or diluted - you just need to cool it before serving or add ice.

The optimum serving temperature - no higher than + 15 ° С - applies to all varieties of wormwood aperitif. This postulate is considered the main one among all those who know how to drink martini correctly. If you neglect it, then the guests, instead of enjoying and enjoying the meeting, will receive disappointment. Warm vermouth will be like an herbal tincture, which even an expensive glass or gourmet snacks will not save.

The addition of frozen berries and crushed ice can be a salvation for the drink. Vermouth lovers know that a chilled aperitif immediately reveals the aroma of the herbs contained in the composition, becomes spicy-fragrant, acquires a delicate taste.

But more often vermouth is used in cocktails, there are about 500 recipes. The simplest options with which martini are diluted are, or. The "male" proportion is 50:50, women can double the part of the vermouth.

To get rid of excessive sweetness, "Bianco" is diluted with citrus juice (any) or tonic in equal proportions. It is advisable to use freshly squeezed juices so as not to spoil the noble drink with industrial flavors and nectar preservatives out of the box. An original flavoring composition can be created by combining with green tea.

Cherry, apple or pomegranate juices are considered the most suitable for "Rosso". Fans of non-standard solutions can experiment by creating with cola, Italian sparkling wine or sweet lemonade.

Different types of martinis also go well with each other. For example, the cocktail "Medium" has a unique taste: add gin and a slice of lemon to the mixed "Bianco" and "Extra Dry" in equal proportions.

For cocktails, ice, fresh mint sprigs, lime and lemon must be used. Foodies toss small onions and pitted olives, frozen strawberries or cherries into their glasses.

A well-crafted composition will give you pleasure. The main thing is to drink a cold drink in small sips, feeling the pleasure from the bouquet of spices.

How to store the drink correctly

A bottle of Bianco, Rosso or Dry martini bought in a store must be placed at home in a darkened place where the wine will be cooled. You cannot freeze. And at + 5 ° C, vermouth can be stored for several years.

Martini is a brand of vermouth produced in Italy. The invention of the drink belongs to Alessandro Martini, while the co-author is Luigi Rossi. According to one of the versions, Hippocrates had a hand in the creation of the legendary vermouth, when he first insisted wine on the buds of wild star anise and artemisia exclusively for medicinal purposes. The Martini brand belongs to the Bermuda-based organization Bacardi-Martini.

Depending on the content, composition of herbs and strength, the following types of martini are distinguished: "Rosso", "Bianco", "Rosato", "Doro", "Fiero", "Extra Dry", "Bitter", "Rose", "Spirito" , Asti, Prosecco, Brut.

Vermouth is made from wine, the strength of which reaches 11 - 13%, while the final content is higher. The increase in the strength helps to balance the taste of the drink, due to which it becomes more harmonious and better. The manufacturer deliberately increases the volume fraction of grain alcohol, since the aromatic ingredients included in the martini dissolve well and reveal the bouquet of the aroma exclusively in strong alcohol.

The highest ethyl content (25%) in Bitter herbal tincture from Martini & Rossi, slightly less alcohol (18%) in Extra Dry. Popular varieties of martini - "Rosso", "Rose", "Bianco", their strength reaches 16 degrees. If the label contains other values ​​(higher or lower than the established norms) - in front of you is a fake (vermouth of another manufacturer).

Classic vermouth is made on the basis of white wines with an alcohol content of 11-13%, with a neutral taste and aroma.

Nowadays, red, pink varieties are increasingly used for the production of martinis. Vegetable raw materials (extracts or infusions), pure alcohol, sugar are added to the wine base. After mixing the ingredients, the drink is treated with cold, filtered, "rests" for a week, gradually "evens out" the temperature. Remember, aging isn't always a guarantee of quality. In order to avoid loss of taste balance, it is not recommended to drink martini over ten years old. So, for example, the juniper, which gives the spicy coniferous notes, dies out after several decades in the bottle, due to which the piquancy of the drink is partially lost.

Martini types:

  1. Rosso (Rosso). This is the first vermouth (produced since 1863) of the Martini distillery. A distinctive feature is a rich aroma and a bitter taste with herbal notes. The drink has a dark amber color, which is due to the addition of caramel to alcohol. Rosso is used both in cocktails and in pure form. Gastronomic combinations: juice, ice,.
  2. Bianco (Bianco). The color of vermouth is light straw, the aroma is spicy with hints of vanilla. Bianco has a milder balanced taste than Rosso and is considered an exclusively feminine drink. Martini is drunk neat or diluted with soda, lemonade, tonic.
  3. Rosato (Rosato). For the first time, this type of vermouth appeared on the market in 1980. In the production of Rosato, white and red wine is used at the same time. Martini strength - 15%. The color of the drink is pink, the bouquet of aromas is persistent, the taste is spicy with hints of cinnamon and cloves. Less bitter than Rosso.
  4. D'Oro (Doro). Designed specifically for people who love white wine with a fruity flavor. Doro is most popular among residents of Germany, Denmark, Switzerland. The production of this type of martini began in 1998. The alcohol content in it reaches 9%. The drink has a pronounced citrus aroma, in which hints of coriander, nutmeg and vanilla are subtle.
  5. Fiero (Fiero). Released in 1998. A distinctive feature of the drink is a rich aroma with a predominant scent of red oranges. Created specifically for the population of the Benelux countries. Fortress - 15 degrees.
  6. Extra Dry Differs in a high percentage of alcohol (18%) and low sugar content (2.8% instead of the usual 16%). Extra Dry has a bright sweet-sour aroma, in which notes of lemon and iris are felt. Vermouth has a straw color and is used in the base of alcoholic cocktails. In its pure form, drink chilled.
  7. Bitter (Bitter). The martini contains 30 varieties of flowers, fruits, herbs. The basis for the preparation of vermouth is pure alcohol. Interestingly, wine is not used in the production of the drink. Fortress - 25 degrees. Bitter is diluted with freshly squeezed juice, tonic or drunk neat with the addition of ice cubes.
  8. Rose It is a pink semi-dry sparkling wine, on sale since 2009. For the production of Rose, white and red grape varieties are used, grown in the provinces of Veneto, Piedmont. The alcohol content is 16%. The drink is drunk with grapefruit juice or undiluted with lemon, olive, strawberries.
  9. Spirito (Spirito). This is a strong man's drink, herbal liqueur. Spirito has a bittersweet taste and went on sale in 2013. Drink in pure form.
  10. Asti (Asti). Champagne from the Martini company, produced in Italy using incomplete fermentation technology. The alcohol content is 7%. Sparkling wine is drunk chilled to 7 degrees. It goes well with fruits.
  11. Prosecco (Prosecco). Produced in the Venetto region (North-East of Italy) from the grape variety of the same name. This is a dry sparkling wine with green and peach flavors. Its fortress reaches 11.5%. Served chilled.
  12. Brut (Brut). The drink is a dry sparkling wine from the Martini & Rossi company. Brut has been popular with consumers for over 80 years. The following grape varieties are used for the production of wine: "Pinot" and "Prosecco". Fortress - 11.5%. Martini Brut has a mild fruity taste with hints of green apple. The drink was created as an alternative.

The main advantage of the drink is the fact that it is allowed to drink it not only in its pure form, but also as part of cocktails (alcoholic, non-alcoholic).

Let's consider how to properly dilute vermouth so as not to spoil the delicate taste.

Martini Compatible Drinks:

  1. Mineral. It is cooled before adding. The optimal ratio of water to martini is 1: 3. Mineral water can be added to all types of vermouth, while the aroma and taste of the drink will hardly change. Water will reduce the strength of alcoholic drinks and eliminate excessive sweetness.
  2. Gene and Sprite. In the first case, the drink will increase the strength of the martini, enrich it with notes of herbal spices (violet root, almonds, juniper berries, coriander). In the second, it will complement the harmonious taste of vermouth with shades of lime and lemon, and reduce the alcohol content. In both cases, when mixing drinks, observe the following proportions: 1 part gin (sprite) and 2 parts martini. For the preparation of a cooling cocktail, it is recommended to additionally add a slice of lemon, a handful of ice.
  3. Juice. Give preference to sour fresh (, cherry, citrus). The proportions depend on individual preferences. Red Martini varieties (Rosato, Rose, Rosso) are recommended to be combined with cherry, pomegranate juice, and straw Bianco - with lemon, pineapple or orange. The classic version of diluting alcohol with a fruit drink is 1: 1. At the same time, you can mix juices that diversify the taste of martini.

It is preferable to use freshly squeezed juices, if this is not possible, store-bought juices containing a minimum of sugar are suitable. Chill the martini to 12 degrees Celsius before preparing your fruity-alcoholic cocktail. Do not add ice cubes to vermouth as they will impair the taste of the drink.

Recently, it has been fashionable to dilute martini with sweet juices and nectars (peach,). The result is a honey sugary cocktail that not all people like.

In the classic version, vermouth is diluted with sour juices.

  1. Vodka. This legendary combination gained worldwide popularity thanks to 007 agent James Bond, who mixed alcoholic drinks into a single strong cocktail. For the first time "Vodkatini" appeared in the late 50s of the XX century in America. The name of the author of the recipe is unknown. For the correct preparation of a cocktail, martini is mixed with vodka in a ratio of 1: 4.5, respectively. To cool the drink and reduce the strength to a minimum, 7 pieces of ice are added to it. Before serving, "Vodkatini" is garnished with lemon zest and olive on a toothpick or green olives.
  2. Black . The brew imparts the characteristic astringency to the martini, thereby revealing the fullness of the flavor. The ratio of vermouth and cold strong tea is 2: 1. To enhance the taste, 5 milliliters of lemon juice is added to the drink. The cocktail is served chilled.

  1. Mood. For maximum enjoyment of the taste of vermouth, protect yourself from bad thoughts, think positively. Without a positive attitude, this drink will not bring the desired pleasure, this is its specificity. Martini is ideal for youth parties, romantic dates, friendships.
  2. Glasses. Vermouth is drunk from thin-walled glass vessels with a long stem, in the shape of a cone. As a last resort, instead of glasses, martinis are poured into rectangular low glasses. In no case is it allowed to drink a drink from glasses and glasses intended for strong alcohol, since this is bad manners.
  3. Temperature. For the full disclosure of aroma and piquant taste, martini is served chilled to 10 - 15 degrees.
  4. Pace. Vermouth is drunk slowly, in small sips, savoring the drink. It is allowed to use a martini with a straw (this method of "eating" a strong drink is common among women).

The main condition is not to rush, enjoy every sip, long aftertaste.

  1. Snack. The choice of a particular dish depends on the type and strength of the drink. Due to the low alcohol content, martini snacking is optional. Vermouth goes well with fresh fruits (cherries, strawberries, pineapple, lemon), berries, olives, onions. In Europe, nuts or salty crackers are served as a snack. Gourmets prefer to order hard, mild types of cheese.

First of all, it should be noted that martini is an aperitif, served before meals to quench thirst and stimulate appetite. To soften the taste and lower the degree, vermouth is diluted with soft drinks (soda, juice, lemonade, mineral water, tea), ice.

Consider the popular vermouth-based alcoholic drinks that you can make yourself at home.



  • Angostura - 2 milliliters;
  • ice - 150 grams;
  • red vermouth - 30 milliliters;
  • whiskey (bourbon) - 60 milliliters.

Recipe: mix all the ingredients in a shaker, pour into a glass through a sieve (to remove ice residues), garnish with a cherry. Manhattan is served with a straw.



  • gin - 30 milliliters;
  • martini "Rosso" - 30 milliliters;
  • ice - 150 grams;
  • bitter "Campari" - 15 milliliters.

Cooking technology: fill a glass with ice. Pour in all the ingredients, stir with a spoon (slowly), garnish with an orange slice.

"Strawberry Champatini"


  • semi-sweet champagne - 150 milliliters;
  • strawberry syrup - 30 milliliters;
  • ice - 100 grams;
  • Martini "Rosso" - 100 milliliters.

Method of preparation: Pour vermouth, sparkling wine, syrup into a glass with ice one by one. Drinks must not be mixed with each other. Garnish with a lemon wedge.


Martini is an alcoholic drink, the characteristic feature of which is the presence of wormwood in the bouquet, in the taste - sweetness and bitterness. Resinous shades of wine are added by St. John's wort, juniper berry, rosemary, immortelle. Citrus fruits - lemongrass, lemon balm, catnip. Muscat tone will be presented by coriander fruits, elderberry color.

To combine the aromas into a single composition, infusions of iris, cloves and chamomile are added to the drink. The combination of vanilla, cardamom, calamus extract strengthens the taste.

The ever-classic vermouth is served chilled in a high V-shaped glass and garnished with a lemon wedge or olive. The option of presenting a drink with frozen fruits, ice cubes is possible.

Popular types of vermouth: Extra Dry, Rosato, Rosso, Bianko.