Dobosh cake original recipe LJ. Dobos cake - a famous Hungarian dessert

At the end of the nineteenth century, the famous confectioner Dobos presented a new dessert at an exhibition in Hungary. This amazing delicacy has made its manufacturer famous. Hungarian Dobos cake became Queen Elizabeth's favorite dessert.


The dessert has won over many other sweet tooths with its uniqueness. When this cake appeared, the delicacies were usually made with custard or whipped cream. And the classic Dobosh cake was coated with chocolate cream and caramel glaze. This filling gave culinary specialists new scope for imagination.

The Dobosh cake has one interesting feature. It can retain its taste for at least ten days.

At that time, this dessert, which was made according to a secret recipe, was delivered to European cities in wooden boxes. It is safe to say that confectioner Dobosh remained a monopoly for quite a long time. But towards the end of his life, he nevertheless shared the recipe with manufacturers and confectioners from Budapest. But he also set one condition. The pastry chef said the recipe should be used freely. He wanted everyone to be able to learn how to properly make a delicious Dobosh cake. The recipe for this dessert is available to everyone nowadays.


In modern Hungary, dessert is prepared exactly as pastry chef Dobos told us. The cake consists of six sponge cake layers, which are covered with sweet caramel on top.

In other countries, confectioners often experiment. In some countries, they make a cake from seven or fourteen cake layers (they can be of any shape).

The dessert was decorated on top, for example, with caramel stars, berries, and cream roses. It is usually lined with nuts on the sides.

But in elite establishments they serve the classic cake. We also offer you a traditional dessert recipe. Only in our case the cake will be decorated a little differently. The sixth cake layer will be covered with caramel. After which it is cut into eight parts, which will serve as decorations.

What do you need for the cake?

To prepare the dough you will need:

  • 250 grams of butter and sugar;
  • nine eggs;
  • 260 grams of flour;
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife;
  • zest of one lemon;
  • salt (half a teaspoon will be enough).

For the cream you will need:

  • two yolks;
  • five drops of rum extract;
  • Art. a heaped spoonful of cornstarch;
  • 250 grams of butter;
  • 10 grams of vanilla sugar;
  • 160 grams of chocolate 70%;
  • 140 grams of sugar;
  • 2.5 tbsp. spoons of cocoa;
  • 450 ml cream (10%)

To make syrup for impregnation, you will need:

  • Art. spoon of coffee;
  • 70 ml water;
  • three drops of rum extract;
  • 45 grams of sugar.

For caramel you will need:

  • a teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • 70 ml water;
  • two hundred grams of sugar.

You will need more nuts for decoration. You can take both walnuts and almonds.

Important points

Butter must be added to the dough. It makes the cake taste much richer. Despite the fact that the cream also contains butter, the dessert turns out rich and incredibly tasty.

If children will eat the cake, then instead of rum, take nut liqueur (two tablespoons).

How is the cream prepared?

First, put the cream on the fire. Bring to a boil.

Combine the yolks with sugar. Add starch and rum extract there. Stir.

Then pour a little cream into the resulting mixture. Stir until smooth.

Then pour it all into a container with cream. Place the future cream on low heat. Cook until thickened, stirring constantly.

Then remove the cream from the heat. Cover it with cling film.

While the cream is cooling, make the dough.

How to make the dough?

Prepare the eggs and butter in advance by removing them from the refrigerator. These components should be at room temperature.

Then separate the whites from the yolks. Grind the lemon zest on a grater.

Beat the butter and half the sugar until the mixture turns white. Then add one yolk at a time. After each, beat the mixture with a mixer. Then add salt and zest.

Separately, beat the egg whites to soft peaks. Pour the second half of the sugar into them. Beat until firm.

Add egg whites to the butter mixture little by little. Don't forget to stir.

Then add the sifted flour. Stir the mass. That's it, the dough is ready.

The next step in creating the cake

Line the bottom of the pan with parchment. Lubricate it with oil.

Divide the dough into six parts. Place one of them in the mold. Level it out. Bake in the oven until lightly browned.

This process will take approximately eight minutes.

Once the first crust is baked, do the same with the rest of the dough.

Then melt the chocolate and cool. Add custard to it. Stir.

Then beat the butter until fluffy. Then add it in parts to the chocolate cream. After each serving, be sure to beat the mixture with a mixer. After mixing, put the cream in the refrigerator for twenty minutes.

Impregnation of cakes with syrup and cream

At this time, soak the cakes with sugar syrup. To do this, combine water and sugar. Heat until boiling. When the sugar dissolves, cool. Add coffee and rum extract.

Soak the cakes with the resulting syrup. Then deliver the cream. Place the cakes one at a time on a plate and cover with cream. The latter should be enough for you for six layers (100 grams for each).

Once you assemble the cake, place it in the refrigerator. Place the remaining cream there.

Cooking caramel

At this time, cook the caramel. Place a thick-bottomed pan on the fire. Add sugar and water. Bring to a boil. After boiling, after about two minutes, add lemon juice. Then stir. Continue cooking until the caramel turns a bright amber color.

Final stage

Quickly pour the caramel onto the sponge cake. Using a knife, level the surface. Then cut the cake with a warm or hot knife into eight pieces.

Sprinkle half of the resulting triangles with ground nuts.

Then remove the Dobosh cake from the refrigerator. Sprinkle the sides with nuts (ground). Then spread the remaining cream on top.

Then place triangles with caramel on it. That's it, dessert is ready.


Now you know how Dobosh cake is prepared. Reviews from ladies who have tried this dessert are only positive. They say that this pie is very tasty. The kids love this cake. So be sure to prepare dessert for your loved ones. They will appreciate your efforts.

As a rule, this dessert consists of six layers of sponge cake, carefully coated with chocolate cream. This cake does not require any special decoration. Usually the finished delicacy is covered with a thin layer of caramel glaze. The toga makes a very tasty and original cake.

A little history

The Dobosh cake has its own history. The recipe for this dessert did not appear out of nowhere. The delicacy was first made in 1885 and was intended for the national Hungarian exhibition. Pastry chef József Dobos created a real one with six layers of sponge cake and won many hearts.

It is worth noting that the dessert remains fresh and tasty for 10 days. The confectioner published his unique recipe only in 1906. In Hungary, Dobos cake is still prepared in accordance with all the recommendations of the original source. In addition, such a dessert was the favorite delicacy of Elizabeth, the Empress of Austria-Hungary, who was the wife of Franz Joseph. Thanks to this passion, the Dobosh cake began to be supplied to other countries.

Classic recipe

Today there are many variations of this dessert. Here is his classic recipe. To prepare cakes with a diameter of 22 centimeters you will need:

  1. Egg yolks - 6 pieces.
  2. Powdered sugar - 50 grams.
  3. Egg whites - 6 pieces.
  4. Wheat flour - 100 grams.
  5. Butter, softened, creamy - 35 grams.

To prepare chocolate cream you will need:

  1. Chicken eggs - 4 pieces.
  2. Powdered sugar - 200 grams.
  3. Softened butter - 235 grams.
  4. Cocoa powder - 35 grams.
  5. Vanilla sugar - 17 grams.
  6. Melted cocoa butter - 35 grams.
  7. Chocolate, preferably black - 200 grams.

Preparing the dough

Beautiful cakes from Hungary quickly gained popularity. However, few people know that the process of making them is not so simple. First, grind the egg yolks with half the powdered sugar, and beat the whites with the other half. After this, the mixtures need to be combined. It is best to add whipped whites to the yolk mixture, alternating them with flour.

The butter should be melted before adding to the dough. After this, the resulting composition must be carefully added to the egg-flour mixture. Stir in the oil carefully. The dough must be kneaded thoroughly.

Making cakes and cream

To make the Dobosh cake neat, you should immediately divide the dough into 6 equal parts. The biscuit must be baked in a round pan. It is better to first cover the container with parchment. The cakes should become golden brown. The temperature should be set to the same as when baking a regular sponge cake.

While the cakes are baking, you can prepare the cream. To do this, beat the eggs with powdered sugar in a water bath. The resulting mass must be cooled to a temperature of 30 °C. In a separate container, beat the melted butter. After this, you need to add vanilla sugar to the resulting mass. In a water bath you need to dissolve a bar of dark chocolate. It must be combined with an oil base.

Finally, mix the egg and chocolate mixture. The components should be mixed well.

How to assemble a cake with Dobosh chocolate cream?

First, you should choose the most successful cake layer and put it aside. It is suitable for the final layer. Place the first one on a beautiful dish and carefully grease it with chocolate cream. The fifth layer should be left uncovered.

The biscuit set aside must be carefully cut into even segments. Their number can be arbitrary. Each segment must be coated with caramel glaze and left for some time.

The fifth cake layer should be greased with cream, and then small balls should be placed on it. They should be placed in a circle so that later the sixth biscuit, cut into pieces, can be placed on them. The segments must be laid out at an angle. To finish, the sides of the dessert can be sprinkled with biscuit crumbs. That's all. Hungarian Dobos cake is ready.

Option No. 2

To prepare the biscuit you will need:

  1. Chicken eggs - 7 pieces.
  2. Powdered sugar - 150 grams.
  3. Wheat flour - 100 grams.
  4. Starch - 50 grams.

To prepare the cream:

  1. Egg yolk - 2 pieces.
  2. Powdered sugar, sifted - 150 grams.
  3. Butter, softened - 250 grams.
  4. Chocolate, preferably black - 150 grams.
  5. Cherry water. If necessary, you can replace it with liqueur or cherry vodka - 1 tablespoon.

To prepare caramel:

  1. Granulated sugar - 150 grams.
  2. Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon.

How to make a sponge cake?

Creating beautiful cakes is not so easy. To make a Hungarian dessert, you must carefully follow all the recommendations. First you need to prepare the dough. To do this, separate chicken eggs into yolks and whites. Otherwise the dough will not work. The yolks must be gently beaten with powdered sugar. The same should be done with proteins. The result should be a strong foam. After this, the beaten yolks need to be combined with the whites.

Flour should be mixed with starch and then sifted onto the prepared egg mass. The composition must be mixed carefully. It is better to immediately divide the finished dough into 6 parts. The cakes should be baked in a round pan, the diameter of which is from 22 to 24 centimeters. The container should be greased with oil and sprinkled with flour in advance. The biscuit should be baked at a temperature of 200 °C. Each cake takes about 8 minutes.

How to form a Dobosh cake?

The recipe for this dessert is quite simple. After the cakes are ready, they need to be removed from the molds and cooled. During this time you can prepare the cream. Melt the dark chocolate in a small container. It is best to do this in a water bath. In a deep container, combine the yolks, butter and powdered sugar. The mixture should be gently beaten and then mixed with cherry water. Chocolate should be gradually introduced into the resulting composition.

Now you can form the cake. Each layer of biscuit must be coated with cream. Five cakes require approximately ¾ of the impregnation. Grease the sides of the finished cake with the remaining cream.

The sixth cake should be cut into 12 parts. The segments need to be covered with caramel glaze. To prepare it, mix sugar and lemon juice in a deep container. The ingredients need to be caramelized. During the cooking process, the composition should be constantly stirred.

The caramel-coated segments should be carefully placed on top of the dessert. The Dobosh cake is ready.

The famous Hungarian cake bears the name of its author József Dobos and traditionally consists of six sponge cake layers. Five of them are coated with chocolate buttercream, and the sixth is coated with caramel. That, in general, is all we know about this dessert. The exact recipe and nuances of preparation are in the realm of speculation and free imagination. If you don’t fantasize too wildly, you can try to recreate the confectionery masterpiece of the famous Hungarian. To the best of my modest capabilities, of course. In my opinion, it would be a sin not to try. Go?
The highlight is definitely chocolate. To make the cream lighter, add a custard component to the oil base. And let’s “develop” the taste with alcohol and a pinch of salt, it will immediately become more expressive. Eclair lovers will really like this dense, buttery sponge cake with a lot of eggs in it - it definitely has something similar in it. Be sure to flavor the dough with vanilla so that the egg smell does not come to the fore. And let there be lemon - this is one of the best companions for chocolate. The zest goes into the dough, the juice goes into the impregnation for the cakes. The finishing touches are some coffee and nuts. And caramel! Brittle, shiny, dark gold color. The cake turned out simply charming, there’s no other way to put it. The originality of the recipe is in question, what can you do about it? But the look and taste are fantastic!

To prepare Dobosh cake you will need the following ingredients:

9 eggs,
250 g butter,
250 g sugar,
280 g flour,
zest of one lemon,
a pinch of vanillin,
a pinch of salt.

260 g butter,
130 g sugar,
2 yolks,
450 ml milk,
200 g chocolate (74%),
2 tbsp. l. starch,
3 tbsp. l. cocoa,
1 tbsp. l. cognac,
0.5 tsp. salt,
a pinch of vanillin.

40 ml strong coffee,
40 ml lemon juice,
1 tbsp. l. Sahara,
1 tbsp. l. cognac

200 g sugar,
50 ml water,
1 tsp. lemon juice.

100 g of any nuts for sprinkling.

How to make Dobosh cake:

So, let's move on to the process of making the Dobosh cake.

    First, let's bake the cakes. For the dough, separate the whites from the yolks.

    Mix soft butter with a mixer with 100 g of sugar. Continuing to mix, gradually add the egg yolks.

    Wash the lemon, dry it and remove the zest.

    Mix the lemon zest into the yolk-butter mixture.

    Beat the whites into a stable foam.

    Without stopping whisking, add sugar (the remaining 150 g) in several additions.

    Beat for another five minutes until the sugar dissolves and the protein foam becomes dense and shiny.

    Combine the protein and yolk masses, mix gently, sift the flour on top and mix again until smooth. Do not stir for long so as not to precipitate the whites.

    You can bake cakes. Place the dough in parts into a mold (20 cm in diameter) lined with parchment, level it with a spoon or spatula.

    Bake each cake in the oven at 200˚C for 5-10 minutes. If possible, it is better to bake two or three cakes at a time in order to quickly use the dough before it settles. If only one cake layer fits in the oven, it’s also not a problem, I managed to bake them one by one. The cakes are baked quickly, as soon as the dough has thickened and browned a little - it’s ready. There should be a total of six cakes.

    When the cakes have cooled, they can be wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator. And move on to the cream.
    For the cream, combine sugar, cocoa, starch and yolks in one container, add salt and vanillin. Pour in 150 ml of milk.

    Mix well until smooth.

    Bring the remaining milk (300 g) to a boil and pour the mixture into it in a thin stream.

    Bring the mixture to thicken over low heat with constant stirring. We don't boil!

    Cover with cling film and let cool completely.

    Add soft butter to the cooled custard mixture.

    Mix with a mixer.

    Break the chocolate into pieces...

    Heat in a water bath and add to the cream.

    Mix again with a mixer - and the cream is ready.

    We also need impregnation for the cakes. Combine coffee, lemon juice, sugar and cognac. And stir until the sugar dissolves.

    Now you can assemble the cake. It is convenient to do this in a sliding ring, and use it to cut the cakes to the same diameter. Like this.

    Place five cake layers in a ring. We soak each of them...


    Turn on the oven at 200 degrees (the cakes should be placed in a preheated oven). First you need to make 6 cakes. Remember that each cake must be kneaded separately! Prepare two bowls. Separate the yolks from the whites. Remove the yolks; they won't be needed.

    Add 40 g of sugar to the whites and beat until dense and stable peaks form. You can check whether the protein mass is whipped as it should be in a very simple way. Simply turn the bowl upside down. If the mass remains in place, then the protein mixture is ready.

    Sift 45 g of flour and carefully fold into the whites. Mix the dough with a silicone spatula very carefully so that the flour and whites gradually combine into a homogeneous mass.

    Prepare a baking sheet. Line it with parchment paper and pour the dough onto it. Flatten the dough with a spatula and place it in the preheated oven for 5 minutes. The cakes bake quickly. And while one cake is baking, you need to have time to prepare the dough for the next one.

    You can check whether the cake is baked with a wooden skewer (by plunging it into it and removing the skewer, which should remain dry). Remove the finished sponge cake from the oven and immediately remove it from the baking sheet, but do not try to remove the parchment yet. Cut out the cake to the required shape and diameter. When cool, remove the parchment. In this way you need to make 5 more cakes.

    There is no need to throw away the scraps that remain from the biscuit. Place them in the oven for 10 minutes.

    When they dry in the oven, grind them in a blender into fine crumbs. Then we will use it as a cake decoration.

    Now you can start preparing the cream. Let's start with chocolate. It must be melted in a water bath (prepare 2 at once, the second one will be needed for proteins). To do this, take a saucepan and add a little more than half of the water. Place a bowl on top of the pan, and place dark (bitter) chocolate in the bowl. Break it into pieces: this way it will melt better and faster.

    Butter should be at room temperature, so try to get it out of the refrigerator in advance. Add vanillin to 300 g of butter (note that vanillin is a more concentrated powder than vanilla sugar, so do not add too much). Beat this mass with a blender or mixer until the butter turns white.

    Now take 4 eggs and mix them with powdered sugar. Place the mixture in a water bath (which you prepared when melting the chocolate). Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer. This must be done quickly and intensively so that the cream increases in volume.

    Add the beaten eggs into the oil. Do this in stages. Conditionally divide the mass into 2-3 parts and gradually combine the ingredients. Next add the melted dark chocolate. Mix the cream thoroughly. Don't be alarmed by the fact that the cream is runny. He just needs time. Cover it with cling film and place it in the refrigerator for several hours.

    When the cream has thickened, start assembling the Hungarian classic cake. Alternate between cake and cream. Use 5 biscuits, the 6th will be needed for caramel. The last layer should end with cream. Level it with a spatula and sprinkle the cake with crumbs, which were obtained from the remains of the cakes. Place the assembled cake in the refrigerator for 3 hours. While it is soaking, make the caramel.

    Pour 150 g of sugar into a saucepan and put on fire. When the sugar starts to melt, start stirring it. Yes, you can’t stir the caramel, but the technology for this recipe is a little different. When stirred, it is enriched with oxygen, becomes softer and acquires a rich color. While stirring the caramel, grease the 6th cake layer with butter.

    When the sugar has completely melted and turned into an amber glaze, remove it from the heat and immediately pour it onto the buttered crust. Level the caramel with a spatula.

    After a minute, the caramel will begin to harden. At this point, you need to cut the biscuit into portions. Due to the fact that the cake is greased with butter, the caramel will not stick to it and this process will be quite fast.

    If there is cream left, you can use it to make roses or any other patterns. Place caramel pieces on the surface of the cake at an angle (see photo).

    And now the original Hungarian cake is ready. You can already eat it, since it spent 3 hours in the refrigerator and has already brewed. As you can see, the cooking process at home is quite painstaking. It requires patience, but believe me, the classic Dobosh cake is worth it! It is incredibly tasty! We hope this recipe with step-by-step photos was useful to you and you prepared a wonderful dessert without much difficulty. Bon appetit!

The cake got its name from the name of its author. A famous Hungarian confectioner prepared this dessert for the annual national exhibition in 1885. This cake is truly a masterpiece! He conquered people not only with his taste. This dessert stays fresh for up to 10 days. Throughout the entire time, the cake does not lose its softness, but only becomes more saturated with cream. The recipe was first published only in 1906.