Baked milk. How to make baked milk - recipe

Baked milk - a traditional dish Slavic cuisine, which has long been prepared in Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian stoves. It has a beige color with a reddish tint and a characteristic taste and smell. It does not sour longer in comparison with whole or boiled. The drink does not go into oblivion along with disappearing stoves - the product can be bought in a store or cooked at home.

Calorie content, nutritional value and the difference between baked milk and regular

During cooking whole milk heated almost to a boil and kept for 4-6 hours. At this time, the structure of the drink changes - with prolonged heating between proteins and milk sugar, reactions occur that give the milk a creamy color, at the same time a characteristic salty taste appears.

Allergies are caused by milk proteins with low heat resistance. Therefore, baked milk, which is subjected to prolonged heating that destroys such proteins, can be consumed by people with a milk allergy.

Moisture partially evaporates during languishing, and this affects the percentage of components: the content of fat, vitamin A, iron and calcium increases, but vitamin C becomes less (4 times) and B1 (2 times). The product contains choline, biotin, vitamins D, E and PP, minerals and saturated fatty acids. Baked milk is digested better than pasteurized or raw.

Initially, milk was called stewed, but when in 1930 they organized industrial production product, the printing house on the labels for the first batch managed to make a typo. There was no time to redo the stickers. The product appeared on the market and was remembered by buyers as “melted”.

Approximately 90% milk consists of water. The rest is proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and fats. The calorie content and the ratio of baked milk components depend on the initial product, time and method of heating. Here are approximate numbers for 4 and 6 percent fat products:

Recipes for making a drink at home

Baked milk is equally good in pastries, and in a cup of coffee, and in a glass of tea

The hostesses adapted to making this wonderful product on their own, using electric and gas ovens, thermoses, multicookers and microwave ovens. And if you cook from milk bought on the market, home-made baked goods are much fatter and tastier than store-bought.

Homemade milk becomes baked after six hours, pasteurized with a fat content of 3.2% after 4 hours, and skimmed after 3 hours.

How to make in the oven

Initially, baked milk languished all night in clay pots in the oven. Electric and gas ovens have long replaced stove ovens, but it is also possible to cook “heated” in them. great taste. It is best to use an electric oven with temperature control, but a conventional gas oven is also suitable, as long as it has a thermometer in it, since maintaining heat balance is the main factor in making a quality drink.

Bring the milk to a boil in a saucepan on the stove, and then rearrange it in the oven in the same bowl or pour it into a ceramic pot. It is convenient to use glass jars or portioned baking pots placed on a baking sheet or wire rack. They can be covered with lids and simmer the product for 3 hours. Foam lovers do not use lids, simmer the delicacy for 3-6 hours and from time to time deposit the resulting brown foam on the bottom of the dish with a spoon.

If the pots are not covered, a dense aromatic foam will form on top of the milk.

Ceramic cookware perfectly holds and evenly distributes heat, milk does not burn in it. At a temperature of about 95 degrees (just below the boiling point), the product will not burn, will not run away, and it will not be necessary to wash the baking sheet or oven.

After 3 hours of languor, the drink acquires a delicate creamy color and light fragrance. If you continue heating, the color and smell will become more intense. But the dish should not be heated for longer than 7 hours - there will be no useful substances left in it. At the end of the cooking time, the oven is turned off, and if the milk was cooked in the evening, you can leave it there to cool until morning.

Baked milk is digested better than whole cow's milk, therefore it is recommended by doctors for diet food for digestive problems.

In a slow cooker + cooking video in Redmond

The slow cooker has become great alternative oven, convenient in that you do not have to follow the process all the time. It is quite easy to cook a melt in it. The principle of cooking in miracle saucepans of different models is the same: bring milk to a boiling point and maintain it for several hours. Here's how it's done in a Redmond brand slow cooker (trade name Redmond).

In the Panasonic multicooker, cooking is as follows: pour a liter of milk with a fat content of 3.2% into the bowl, select the “Extinguishing” mode. Cooking time - 4 hours. At the end of the mode, leave the dish for 1-2 hours on heating.

The advantages of cooking in a slow cooker are the preservation of the volume of the product and the temperature in the kitchen. In the oven, the milk is evaporated, and how much to pour into the slow cooker, so much will remain. And what is the included oven in the hot summer months does not need to be explained to anyone.

To get a dessert with foam, add one tablespoon of sugar to 3 liters of milk and butter. Cooking begins with the "Milk porridge" mode. After the end of the program for 4-5 hours, turn on the "Extinguishing" mode, and then for 1 hour the "Heating" program.

Can you cook in the microwave

In the microwave, you can not only heat up food, but also cook baked milk

It is believed that cooking baked milk in microwave oven easy: heat to a boil, reduce power to maintain a boil (for example, defrost mode) and leave for 2-3 hours. But microwaves in the process of heating actively break up food molecules and the results of the consequences of eating such food are uncertain. Therefore, if you really want to cook a “meltka” with the participation of a household wave generator, it is better to bring the milk in it to a boil, and then still pour it into a thermos using the technique next recipe.

How is it done in a thermos

Pour boiled milk immediately into a clean, rinsed hot water thermos, seal tightly and leave for 6-7 hours.

Freshly boiled milk, poured into a thermos heated from the inside, becomes melted in the morning

On the stove

Bring the milk to a boil, remove the foam and, reducing the heat to a minimum, simmer for 3-4 hours, periodically removing the foam. If you do this with the lid open, then the delicacy will turn out to be melted-concentrated, as it will evaporate a lot. Heat during languishing on the stove is distributed poorly and the liquid needs to be mixed more often. In an enamel pan, milk burns strongly; it is better to use stainless steel or aluminum dishes.

Baked milk cooked on the stove needs to be stirred frequently.

Cooking method in pressure cooker

It will take a little over half an hour to cook. Pour the milk into a pressure cooker, seal it tightly and put on fire. Wait until the pressure valve operates. After that, heat for half an hour, cool and pour into a container for storage. If necessary, it can be used immediately after preparation, without waiting for cooling.

Baked milk at home is prepared in several ways. This useful product, suitable for allergy sufferers and dieters, contains many vitamins and microelements that increase immunity, support good vision beneficial effect on the nervous system. Drinking a glass of warm baked milk before going to bed will help you fall asleep faster and sleep better.

How to cook baked milk at home? Cooking methods in the oven, slow cooker, pressure cooker, thermos. Choose a recipe according to your taste.


Baked milk. For many, this product is associated with childhood. Its delicate sweetish-creamy taste, pleasant aroma beautiful cream shade. Except common usage, it can be used to prepare a variety of cereals, custard, cook ryazhenka or varenets.
This is a very useful product, rich in vitamin A, B, C, E, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and many other useful substances. It is well absorbed by the child's body, promotes better growth and development. Also indicated for pregnant women, people with diabetes.
This product can not only be bought in the store. But making baked milk at home is not difficult. If earlier it was cooked in ovens during the day, then today it can be done much easier and faster. And it doesn't disappoint in taste.

Is it so difficult to make baked milk at home?

Let's answer the question right away: No. There is nothing difficult in this. Everyone can handle it." To make baked milk at home, you just need milk and equipment. So, you can cook it in the oven, slow cooker, pressure cooker and even in a thermos. A feature of cooking is that it does not need to be boiled, you need to bring it to a boil, and then just simmer. This allows you to save and increase useful properties.
Pasteurized milk from the store is not suitable for cooking. You need to use the usual homemade. If there are relatives or acquaintances in the village who keep a cow, you can contact them. Or go to a farmers market. If possible, it is better to buy milk from morning milking. It is fatter than the one taken in the evening. Therefore, baked milk from it will turn out tastier. When choosing, you need to smell the milk and taste it. It should not have any foreign tastes and odors.
After buying milk, it remains just to cook it. It is worth taking into account what is tasty milk obtained in the oven. But other cooking methods are just as good. Choose the one that you like the most.
Attention! Baked milk is not recommended to simmer for more than seven hours. Since after this period of time, milk loses its beneficial properties.

Making homemade baked milk: all kinds of recipes

There are several recipes for homemade baked milk. It can be cooked in the oven, in a slow cooker, in a pressure cooker, in a thermos. Let's analyze these recipes in detail.

Baked milk in the oven

It is worth noting that this method is closest to the original languor in the Russian oven. So, how to make baked milk in the oven? There are several ways.
Let's dwell on them in more detail.
  • For the first option, you will need clay pots. Milk should be poured into pots and put in a preheated oven. Set the temperature to 180°C. Keep until the milk boils. Then lower the temperature to 100°C and leave for an hour. During this time, the surface should form appetizing crust. After you can open the pots, and reduce the temperature to 70 ° C. Simmer 6-7 hours. As a result, get fragrant delicacy cream color
  • The second way. First, boil the milk in a saucepan on the hob. Then put in an oven heated to 100 ° C for 6 hours. If there is a clay container, pour into it. So, baked milk will turn out more fragrant and with a better crust.
  • The following recipe will require 3 liters of milk and 200 grams of cream. First you need to boil the milk on the stove. After it boils, turn off the stove, add cream, mix everything thoroughly and cool a little. Next, pour the resulting mixture into clay pots and place in a preheated oven. Simmer at 90°C for one and a half hours. Then you need to reduce the temperature of the oven to 80 ° C and keep the pots in the oven for another 6 hours
Advice. If you like the crust to be thicker, then lower the crust to the bottom several times during languishing.

Baked milk in a slow cooker

How to cook baked milk in a slow cooker? To do this, we need milk by volume two-thirds of the capacity of the multicooker bowl and a little butter. Grease the top third of the bowl with butter so that the milk does not run away. Pour milk into a container, turn on the languishing or stewing mode for 6 hours. Periodically remove the emerging foam. While this delicacy is being prepared, you can go about your business. Upon completion, it is recommended to leave the multicooker in the heating mode for a couple of hours.

Baked milk in a pressure cooker

The process of preparing baked milk in a pressure cooker is the fastest. This will take about half an hour. Milk must be poured into a pressure cooker, closed and put on strong fire. When steam begins to come out, reduce the heat and continue to cook for about 15 minutes. To have more foam, you can hold longer, about 20 minutes. To make the milk even tastier, you can wait until it cools directly in the pressure cooker.

Baked milk in a thermos

Making baked milk in a thermos at home is the most in a simple way. Milk will turn out lighter and without foam, but just as tasty. First of all, you need to bring the milk to a boil on the stove. Best to use enamel pan, saucepan or ladle. As soon as bubbles begin to appear, pour into a thermos. Screw on the lid tightly. Leave for 6 hours, you can overnight.
Advice. Can be added to a thermos chopped Walnut. It will give a very pleasant nutty flavor.

Cooking baked milk: video

Below is a video that tells about the preparation of baked milk. Advice on choosing dishes is given, all the nuances and features are described in detail. Take all the tips to heart and cook this delicacy for your family and friends.

Such a product as baked milk is known only to us, Russians: it is not found in the cuisines of other countries and peoples. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers cooked it in Russian ovens, which took a lot of time and looked like a kind of ritual. Today modern housewives they also want to spoil their family with this national dish, fortunately now you don’t need to heat the stove to get delicious and hearty product, after all, numerous household appliances came to the rescue.

Cooking features

In the old days in Rus', a cow was on the farm of almost every family, and the milk that she gave was worth its weight in gold, because it was to them that the family was alive, receiving other useful and useful products from it. delicious food- cheese, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, kefir, etc.

Baked milk was considered a kind of rustic delicacy and was prepared in clay pots. The hostess put it in the oven for about a day, and then she took out the most delicate light brown dish, covered with a thick layer of toasted foam and exuding an intoxicating rich aroma.

This method of preparation made it possible not only to enrich the product from under the cow with whey proteins, but also to extend its shelf life.

The popularity of baked milk in our country has not subsided so far. It is produced in industrial scale, however, not in Russian ovens, but in special closed containers when exposed to high temperatures.

The finished product is cooled, then cooled and bottled so that residents of large cities and megacities, who have seen the process of milking a cow only in pictures, can enjoy the delicious and nutritious creation of the national cuisine.

The benefits and harms of baked milk

The benefits of this dish are in no way inferior to the benefits obtained from eating regular milk and even more: scientists found in it a slightly larger number of vitamins and minerals, than in regular product from under the cow.

It contains a huge variety of saturated and unsaturated fatty, as well as organic acids, carbohydrates, vitamins - E, C. A, PP, groups B, D, H and minerals - potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, chlorine, phosphorus, sulfur, etc.

Obtaining a beige-cream color and a sweet smell during the heat treatment is due to the denaturation of whey proteins, resulting in an increase in the concentration of sulfhydryl SH groups.

Thus, baked milk prepared at home is enriched with a complete protein with a complete set of essential amino acids. Prolonged heating contributes to a significant increase in the composition of iron, therefore this product extremely useful for anyone who suffers from anemia, especially pregnant women and those who have undergone surgery.

If future mom will regularly eat baked milk, she will be able to reduce the risk of rickets in a child and save her bones, teeth, hair and nails.

Due to the abundance of phosphorus and vitamin A, the central nervous system is positively affected by the consumption of milk. nervous system. The risk of developing pathologies of the organs of vision is reduced several times, immune defense, is normalized hormonal background and improves overall well-being.

The harm of this product is associated only with an allergy to lactose, which is far from uncommon today. If the human body does not have an enzyme capable of breaking down lactose, that is milk sugar developing lactose intolerance.

Therefore, if the use of a cow product causes indigestion, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, or other unpleasant symptoms, this may indicate lactose deficiency and then you should not eat milk.

How to make baked milk

Ghee can be cooked most different ways. First of all, on gas in an ordinary pan. Pour milk into a saucepan and place it on the stove. As soon as it boils, reduce the gas and simmer over low heat for 3-4 hours. You will understand when it is ready - the consistency will acquire a beautiful beige-brown color.

The finished product can be drunk just like that, or you can make ryazhenka, cream, sauce out of it, or add it to pastries. However, the simplest recipe for making baked milk is in a thermos. In the evening, pour freshly boiled milk into a thermos and close it with a lid. In the morning you can have breakfast with a delicious and healing product.

But if you want to get a product that is close in its properties, taste and smell to rustic product, you need to arm yourself with a clay pot. You will cook baked milk in the oven, and for this you need to warm it up to 180 ⁰С and put a pot of milk there. As soon as it boils, reduce the gas to 100-80 ⁰С and leave for about an hour.

After that, the temperature can still be slightly lowered to 70 ⁰С and the product can be simmered for about 7 hours. If you do not cover the container with a lid, then the foam on the surface will turn out to be dense and crispy, beautiful color milk chocolate.

You can get baked milk in a slow cooker, because not everyone has a good oven, but many have already appreciated the expediency of buying a slow cooker. Pour about 2 liters of milk into the bowl of the appliance, set the stew mode and maintain it for 6 hours.

At the end, switch the device to the heating mode for another 2-3 hours. You can quickly get fermented baked milk from it like this: add a crust to the product rye pastry or a spoonful of sour cream and put the container in a warm place for a couple of hours. After this time, eat a healthy and nutritious meal.

It was prepared back in time Ancient Rus'. Although many believe that this product is not entirely useful. This is explained by the fact that vitamins are destroyed in the process of languishing, calcium dissolves worse and the protein is denatured. According to other experts, baked milk is better absorbed human body. Therefore, it is recommended to include it in the diet in violation of the digestive system. What opinion to share is a personal matter for everyone. We will tell you how to make baked milk yourself.

The first way is traditional. We take large saucepan and pour into it required amount fresh milk. Bring to a boil on the stove. As soon as our future baked milk begins to rise, mix with a spoon (preferably made of wood) and reduce the fire. We leave him to languish open lid. It is very important to periodically remove the resulting film. After about three or four hours, all excess moisture will evaporate, and baked milk will acquire the desired condition - it will become a dark beautiful shade. The second option is with regular thermos. We pour boiled milk into it. The main thing - do not forget to pre-rinse the thermos with boiling water! Then carefully cork with a lid and leave for a day. After about eight hours, baked milk will be ready to drink. In color, it should turn out pinkish shades, and in consistency - not as thick as cooked on fire. But this does not affect its taste in any way.

You can also cook baked milk in a slow cooker. Pour several liters of milk into the container, select the “quenching” mode. We cook for about six hours, and then switch to the heating mode and leave to languish for two to four hours. The technology will do the rest for you. There is also a way in which you can make baked milk in the oven. According to him, we perform all the same manipulations as during cooking on the stove. The main thing is to monitor the heating temperature. Very important point- Percentage of milk fat. Factory has usually from four to six percent. For home cooking you can take more, especially if you use rustic. However, it is worth remembering that fatter milk, the more time it will take to prepare the "toilet". As you can see, there are many methods for preparing this product, and everyone can choose the one that suits them best.

Many housewives recommend adding baked milk to yeast dough. This pastry is so much tastier. The dough from it becomes more tender and soft. You can also cook homemade ryazhenka or baked milk varenets. This excellent tool to boost immunity, not to mention how delicious it is! If you like milk porridges, then try to cook them on the basis of baked milk for a change. The dish will turn out the same, but the taste will be unusual. The same can be said about or various fruit cocktails.

Many housewives think this method simple, but they are silent that the foam has a habit of running away, the pan burns, the stove is poured. Saving culinary techniques, which we will definitely share.


  • fresh farm milk - 2 l;
  • cream (fat content at the discretion) - 100 g.


  • a saucepan with a thick bottom (enamelled, clay, cast iron) with a volume of 3-4 liters;

Step by step cooking

  1. Rinse the pot thoroughly ice water, put in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes (it is possible without a freezer) - this way, avoid burning.
  2. Empty the vessel (do not wipe), pour the milk, put it on a large burner with a strong fire, do not move away - wait for it to boil.
  3. Stir the top film with a spoon, move the pan to a small burner, or lower the flame.
  4. Leave for 5 hours under the lid, stir slowly from time to time - you will get a thick reddish-brown food (fat content 7-9%) and a nutty smell.

Tip: do not cover the pan, and then the evaporation time will be reduced to 2 hours. Cool and pour the rich chocolate-beige drink (4-6% fat) into a ceramic jar.

Simmering in the microwave

A girlfriend in the kitchen languishes no worse than a stove, cleans from pathogenic bacteria. There is an opinion that the microwave kills everything. useful material, but this has not been proven by scientists, and a favorite electrical appliance lives in every kitchen.


  • fresh milk - 1-1.5 l;
  • cream (optional) - 100 g;
  • salt on the tip of a knife.

It will take

  • cylindrical container (glass, ceramic);
  • microwave.

Step by step cooking

  1. Buy rustic at the market cow's milk(fat content 3.2-4%) and place it cold in a vessel. Put in the microwave.
  2. Adjust the temperature in defrost mode, otherwise the product will overheat.
  3. Wait for the milk to boil, extinguish the bubbles with a pinch of salt.
  4. Repeat 3 times (as when brewing coffee).
  5. Put the product for 2-3 hours (possibly overnight) in the oven, let it reach the morning.
  6. Pour into glassware.

Baked milk with appetizing foam in the oven

The role of the Russian stove in our apartments is assigned to the oven, the baked delicacy is obtained in it with traditional taste and color.


  • fresh whole milk - 3-4 liters;
  • cream (optional) - 200 g.

It will take

  • a saucepan with a thick bottom (frying pan, cast iron, goose bowl) with a volume of 5-6 l;
  • clay pots - 8-10 pieces (or any non-stick cookware);
  • wooden spoon with a long handle.

Step by step cooking

  1. Turn on the oven half an hour before simmering the product, heat well (180-200 ° C)
  2. Rinse the pan cold water, fill with milk, add cream, stir, send to the stove, bring to a boil.
  3. Pour the melted delicacy into clay pots (3-4 cm to the edge), do not cover with lids.
  4. Reduce the heat in the oven (80-100°C), place the dishes on the sheet.
  5. 60 minutes later, dip the foam into the bottom of the pots with a wooden spoon (three times during simmering) - it won't run away.
  6. After an hour and a half, reduce the temperature (50-70 ° C), evaporate the liquid to a caramel color.

Or take the dishes out of the oven, close the lids tightly, put them back and simmer for 5-7 hours. Milk takes on a beige tint. Do not keep the stove in the oven for more than 7 hours, as the benefit is lost.

How to make baked milk in a slow cooker

This method gives the dairy food a rustic taste. Concocting spun milk in an indispensable assistant is as easy as shelling pears.


  • fresh whole milk - 3-4 l;
  • cream (optional) - 200 g.

Step by step cooking

  1. Take a piece of butter, grease the multicooker bowl in a circle near the edge, this will hold the foam.
  2. Pour out the milk, do not fill to the brim, put the steam basket on top, close it - get the best result.
  3. Press the “Extinguishing” or “Milk Porridge” button for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Set the "Heating" timer for 6-12 hours, it will work automatically after extinguishing.

Tip: turn on the “Multi-cook” mode at 95 degrees for 3-6 hours and get a similar result - a soft beige nourishing film.

There is nothing easier than making baked milk in a slow cooker. The main thing is not to forget about it and periodically look at how the process is going.

Toplenko in a thermos - quickly and easily

It seems that there are no difficulties, you just need to bring the milk to a boil, pour it into a flask and wait, but there are secrets.

Add a homemade yarn product to the dough, and the pastries will turn out even tastier.


  • fresh cow's milk - 1-3 l;
  • cream (optional) - 100 g.

It will take

  • thermos.

Step by step cooking

  1. Fill a saucepan pre-chilled with ice water or in the refrigerator. raw milk send to the stove, boil.
  2. Warm up the thermos by holding it for 3-5 minutes hot water. Fill the vessel with slightly cooled milk (not boiling water). Close tightly, leave until morning.
  3. Do not remove the stopper from the flask until fully prepared goodies.
  4. Pour the resulting product into prepared ceramic or glassware, cool or consume hot.

The amount of milk depends on the volume of the thermos. It is not necessary to fill under the lid, there should be room for air.

Each hostess has her own recipe! Now that you know how to make baked milk at home in many ways, you don't have to go to the store and look for quality product. Raise children, waste a lot of time in the kitchen - cook baby drink in a thermos! Remember the taste of rustic food - use a slow cooker. Love caramel milk foam - don't forget the pots. Resort to culinary extreme - use a microwave. And if you lead a traditional way of life, the oven will surprise you with grandmother's baked goods!