Jerusalem artichoke for weight loss and health. Jerusalem artichoke benefits or harm for weight loss Jerusalem artichoke benefits recipes to lose weight

Jerusalem artichoke began to be used for weight loss relatively recently. Meanwhile, the fashion for the “earthen pear” itself comes from the nineties. It was then, in the wake of the popularity of mass literature on healthy lifestyle, that this unpretentious garden dweller was dubbed almost a panacea for all diseases. However, many housewives still treat Jerusalem artichoke as a weed - just one root and a little distraction is enough for it to fill most of the area. Previously, the earthen pear was used to “remove toxins and radionuclides.” Today everyone writes massively about its benefits for weight loss. Is it worth running for Jerusalem artichoke?

The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke for weight loss

Strictly speaking, absolutely any product that diversifies your diet is useful for losing weight so that you don’t feel dissatisfied with your own nutrition and overeat. And vegetables, root vegetables and fruits are doubly useful - they usually contain vitamins and minerals that improve metabolic processes in the body and speed up metabolism. In addition, it is quite difficult to eat enough of them to exceed the caloric minimum required for weight loss. That’s why Jerusalem artichoke salads should appear on the table of a losing weight person quite regularly.

The most interesting for those on a diet is the vitamin and mineral complex of Jerusalem artichoke. Ground pear contains vitamins B, C and PP at the same time. In composition, all this is reminiscent of... ordinary high-calorie bread made from yeast dough, persecuted by most diets. And in terms of action - an expensive imported dietary supplement for weight loss. The fact is that this selection accelerates the restoration of muscle tissue - the most energy-intensive element of our body. So if you exercise and eat earthen pear salads, the weight loss process will speed up significantly.

What about those who ignore sports? Any person who is not a stranger to a healthy lifestyle will answer: “Love movement and balance your diet.” However, for exercise haters, there are plans with extremely low calorie content. For example, replacing dinner with the following composition: 200 g of fresh Jerusalem artichoke grated, juice of half a lemon or one lime. For breakfast and lunch, it is expected to eat low-calorie dishes. You can also eat the same grated Jerusalem artichoke half an hour before breakfast and lunch. On average, this regimen will reduce calories by 300-600 kcal, which will ensure weight loss.

Eating fresh grated Jerusalem artichoke, according to some people, is an independent way to reduce increased appetite. Theoretically, this is explained by the fact that the constant desire to snack is sometimes associated with fluctuations in blood sugar levels. And eating earthen pears helps to “even out” this indicator. Actually, for this reason, Jerusalem artichoke is recommended for diabetics.

“Anti-appetite”, earthen pear also helps due to its richness in dietary fiber. Fiber helps fill the stomach and leaves it a little longer than, for example, foods rich in simple carbohydrates. As a result, the overall calorie content of food decreases, because a person feels full longer and simply does not eat too much.

So, Jerusalem artichoke is an excellent healthy food product. But using it as the basis for a mono-diet is not a healthy weight loss strategy. Any, even the most healthy product, consumed in excess quantities and every day, causes one curious effect - the food ceases to “delight”, and the person eventually breaks down into overeating something other than the “basis of a mono-diet”. Therefore, when using earthen pear in your diet, it is better to observe moderation and not forget about diet diversity as the main principle of losing weight with a healthy lifestyle.

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

Jerusalem artichoke OR EARTH PEAR, Yes, I didn’t even know that this root vegetable was so healthy. In our dacha it grows like a weed, but recently my mother-in-law and I began cultivating it, periodically digging up the fruits and eating them. It is very useful for diabetes, and my mother-in-law has been registered with an endocrinologist for diabetes for about 3 years... BUT it turned out that not only these healing properties are in it. Having read about it, I now constantly add it to food, I can grate it into soup. or add it to a salad, and sometimes we just eat it just like that. It tastes like cabbage grits, but more tender...

Here is some useful information about Jerusalem artichoke FOR WEIGHT LOSS:

Jerusalem artichoke for weight loss is an excellent remedy. Its ability to reduce body weight, thus fighting excess weight, has been proven in clinical and experimental studies.

How does this “miracle product” help us lose weight?

The fact is that Jerusalem artichoke improves fat and carbohydrate metabolism, reduces insulin levels in the blood and reduces body weight.

It is quite natural that you and I will not get such a quick result as the use of all kinds of medications gives us, but our body will undergo a smooth and gradual restructuring of all types of metabolism.

Sometimes you can get a good result in solving the issue of losing weight already in the first month of eating Jerusalem artichoke. How quickly the product will act depends largely on the individual characteristics of the body of each particular person.

Even if using Jerusalem artichoke for weight loss leads you to less results than you expected, you don’t need to think that time has passed in vain. This is wrong. By including Jerusalem artichoke daily in your diet, you can achieve positive changes in the treatment of many serious diseases that are associated with excess body weight: blood pressure decreases, the functioning of the cardiovascular system improves, and exacerbations of cholecystitis and pancreatitis are prevented.

It should be noted that the use of Jerusalem artichoke for weight loss allows one to achieve only such a reduction in body weight, which was caused by a violation of the binding of insulin to the cell wall. After all, this root vegetable improves the sensitivity of cells to this hormone.

Jerusalem artichoke calorie content

The calorie content of Jerusalem artichoke for weight loss is small, only 61 kcal. But even this amount of calories will in no way be deposited in problem areas, so there is no need to worry.

To lose more weight, you need to use other diets.

The only precaution:

When consuming Jerusalem artichoke, it promotes gas formation in the intestines.

Accordingly, people with a tendency to flatulence should take care.
Useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke for weight loss

It has hypoglycemic properties and is therefore used to treat non-insulin diabetes;

It is characterized by antioxidant properties and removes toxins and heavy metal salts from the body;

Jerusalem artichoke is an excellent source of vitamins and microelements;

Promotes weight loss, which we talked about earlier;

It is used in cosmetology, as it successfully smoothes out even deep wrinkles.
Ways to use Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke mask:

Grate the root vegetable on a fine grater and make a mask for 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure once every two or three days for a week.


The skin becomes smooth and elastic.

In the fight against excess weight:

Drink fifty grams of juice in the morning and evening. In the morning one hour before meals, in the evening one hour after meals. The duration of juice consumption should not be less than 15 days.


Loss of body weight.

If there is a violation of salt metabolism:

Add 50 grams of Jerusalem artichoke to vegetable salads every day for a month.


Salt metabolism is restored.

This is what he looks like in our dacha

In short, yesterday I made “jam” (but didn’t cook it) from Jerusalem artichoke.
This is what happened

Nastena gobbled it up on both cheeks.

For those interested, the recipe:
for 1 kg of root vegetables:
2 lemons
250g honey.
Preparation: wash and peel the Jerusalem artichoke like potatoes, wash and cut the lemons with the peel, but without the seeds. Place everything in a blender, add honey and beat well. ALL. Eat for your health.

The widespread use of Jerusalem artichoke for weight loss became known to nutritionists relatively recently. And the fashion for using “earthen pear” dates back to the recent nineties. At that time, in the wake of the great popularity of bestsellers on leading a healthy lifestyle, this unpretentious plant, growing massively in people’s gardens, was called one of the rescuers from all diseases.

Nowadays, many residents of private houses still consider Jerusalem artichoke to be an absolutely useless weed that only gets in the way in their garden. After all, one small root and less attention to its growth is enough, and it will fill up most of your plot of land.

Previously, Jerusalem artichoke was used to remove radionuclides and toxic substances from the human body. Now they write everywhere about its enormous benefits for getting rid of excess body weight.

In fact, is the “earthen pear” really that useful?

Overall, everyone fresh vegetable, which will bring variety to Your diet, it will be useful. Jerusalem artichoke is able to satisfy and saturate your body, you will not feel attacks, and overeating will also not threaten you. Various types of root vegetables and fruits are doubly useful, because they contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements, capable of accelerating metabolic processes the body, in particular improve the metabolic process.

In addition, in order to exceed the calorie intake of root vegetables, it is almost impossible to eat such a large amount of them. Variety of salads, one from ingredients which must be Jerusalem artichoke must be present on everyone's dining table losing weight man.

Of greatest interest is extensive vitamin and mineral complex, contained in Jerusalem artichoke. It contains vitamins C, PP, B. In its composition, it is in many ways reminiscent of the composition of high-calorie bread made from yeast dough, which, by the way, is not recommended to be seen on the table of people who follow the rules. And in its effect on the human body, earthen pear resembles the ability of any high-cost imported dietary supplement to reduce excess weight. The above selection of vitamins and minerals can accelerate the recovery of muscle tissue, which is one of the most energy-intensive elements of the human body.

If you lead an active lifestyle, engage in feasible types of physical exercise, walk more, eat various types of fresh Jerusalem artichoke salads, the process of losing excess weight will speed up several times.

Completely ignoring physical activity and sports is unacceptable. Every person who has been at least a little interested in the issues of a healthy lifestyle will give the correct answer that it is necessary, in one complex, to love movement and apply a healthy, properly balanced diet.

For ardent sports haters, there are now plans drawn up using extremely low calorie food intake. For example, evening meal replacement with this composition: one glass of Jerusalem artichoke, grated on a coarse grater, juice of half of one large lemon or lime. The breakfast and lunch menus are expected to include low-calorie foods and dishes. Nutritionists also recommend eating a small amount of grated Jerusalem artichoke with a few drops of lemon juice 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch.

In general, this diet will help reduce caloric intake by 500-600 kcal, which will sufficiently ensure a reduction in body weight.

By opinion many nutritionists, itself eating fresh Jerusalem artichoke would be a good stand-alone method reducing increased appetite. This is because the bad habit of constant or frequent snacking is most often associated with increases in blood sugar levels. And eating an earthen pear significantly “evens out” this important indicator, therefore endocrinologists constantly insist that people diagnosed with diabetes regularly include Jerusalem artichoke in their diet. IN decrease Jerusalem artichoke is effective due to the presence of a large amount of dietary fiber in its composition. After all, fiber fills the stomach and leaves it longer than foods rich in simple carbohydrates. Thanks to this, the overall calorie intake is reduced, since a person feels full for a long time and simply does not eat excess food.

However, Jerusalem artichoke, undoubtedly, useful product a healthy diet, but there is no point in using it as a main product to follow a mono-diet. Any, even the most healthy product, which is consumed in excess daily, can cause one undesirable effect in humans. He gets bored with the same food and eventually breaks down and overeats other, less healthy foods. To prevent this from ever happening, you should use the earthen pear in his own, but in in moderation and, in no case, do not forget about a reasonable variety of diet as the basic principle of losing weight, taking into account maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Hello dear readers, in this article we will talk about a product whose benefits for the human body are very great. Many people are familiar with Jerusalem artichoke, others have encountered it without knowing it, since this plant has many names. But not everyone probably knows about the benefits or harms of Jerusalem artichoke for weight loss. Let's figure it out.
Plus, at the end of the article you will find several recipes for dishes with the addition of Jerusalem artichoke. It will be interesting, useful and educational.

From time to time, our website publishes articles describing various well-known and little-known products. We introduce our readers to the various properties of these products and pay special attention to describing their effect on the process of losing weight, that is, on weight loss and correction.

Properties, composition and benefits of Jerusalem artichoke.

Jerusalem artichoke, earthen pear, underground artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke, Peruvian aster - these are all the same plant, which is discussed in detail today.
And it came to us from North America.
For a long time it was consumed as a common product to satisfy hunger, and over time it began to be studied and used as a remedy that can treat many diseases.

It turns out that if you add Jerusalem artichoke daily to your diet in small quantities, you can improve the condition of the body and overall well-being in diseases such as:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • carbohydrate metabolism disorders,
  • diseases of the digestive system.

After all, all the beneficial properties of this miracle product are found in the root vegetable itself.

What is Jerusalem artichoke rich in:

  • potassium, iron, magnesium, silicon, chromium, zinc, B complex vitamins (B1, B2, PP, C), pectin substances, proteins, carbohydrates, carotenes and amino acids.

When scientists noticed positive changes in the body when consuming it, this root vegetable began to be studied, and for the first time it was studied as a means of losing weight.
After repeated studies, it has successfully proven its effectiveness.

Scientists have found that the artichoke:

  • reduces insulin levels in the blood, improves carbohydrate-fat metabolism and the functioning of the digestive system.

These three factors are some of the important conditions for weight loss and correction. Experiments have proven that Jerusalem artichoke is one of the best and most effective means for losing weight.

How does Jerusalem artichoke affect the human body?

When consumed as food, due to its high fiber content, it does not provoke a spike in insulin and also satisfies hunger. And most importantly, it improves the functioning of the digestive system.

Everyone knows that fiber is an important aid for weight loss. It is like a whisk, clearing toxins and waste from the body, and already in a cleansed body, fat and carbohydrate metabolism is activated, which in turn improves the process of losing weight.

Already in the first weeks of eating earthen pear, you can achieve good results, of course, it all depends on the individuality of the body.

If you include this plant in your daily diet, you can improve your well-being and health, as well as lower blood pressure, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and prevent the risk of exacerbation of cholecystitis or pancreatitis.

Are you wondering how many calories this product has?
Jerusalem artichoke has only 61 kcal per 100 g;
Proteins: 2.1 g; Fat: 0.1 g; Carbohydrates: 12.8 g.

Cautions when consuming Jerusalem artichoke.

We are convinced of the benefits of Jerusalem artichoke, now let’s figure out whether it causes harm?
Eating artichokes in large quantities is undesirable, as this leads to gas formation in the intestines. Therefore, you should not abuse this product. Add it as an additional ingredient to salads and first courses. Remember - “Even useful things should be normal.”

Let's summarize.

Useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke:

  • + reduces insulin levels;
  • + removes toxins and heavy metal salts from the body;
  • + is an excellent antioxidant;
  • + restores water-salt metabolism;
  • + rich in vitamins and microelements;
  • + used to treat non-insulin diabetes.

What to pay attention to when eating Jerusalem artichoke:

  • - control the amount of earthen pear in your diet;
  • - take into account the individual tolerance of this product to the body.

Dietary recipes with the addition of Jerusalem artichoke.

  • Recipe No. 1
  • Recipe No. 2
  • Recipe No. 3

Jerusalem artichoke salad with carrots and garlic.

Calorie content of the dish - 47 kcal/100 g


  1. Peel and rinse all vegetables.
  2. Grate Jerusalem artichoke and carrots on a Korean vegetable grater.
  3. Cut the onion into thin half rings.
  4. Chop the cabbage with a knife.
  5. Press the garlic through a garlic press or grate it on a fine grater.
  6. Combine all ingredients, add salt, pepper, and mix.
  7. Season the salad with sour cream and serve.

Salad "Vitamin from Jerusalem artichoke".


  1. Wash pears, carrots, apples, bell peppers, remove seeds and stems.
  2. Grate on a coarse grater or on a Korean vegetable grater, you can also cut into long thin strips.
  3. Try to chop the pepper and cabbage finely.
  4. Grind your chosen greens.
  5. Mix all the products and season the salad with lemon juice and vegetable oil of your choice.

Calorie content of the dish - 34 kcal/100 g

  • Chop the dill with a knife.
  • Mix all ingredients and season with sour cream, salt and pepper to taste.
  • Calorie content of the dish - 92 kcal/100 g

    A good root crop will appear smooth, firm, without blemishes, dents, or cracks. If the earthen pear looks limp, covered with plaque or hairs, and also has an unpleasant odor or feels sticky to the touch, this product is not suitable for consumption.

    Skilled housewives have found wide application for this product.. Jerusalem artichoke can be:

    • fry, tastes very similar to sweet fried potatoes;
    • stew with vegetables or meat;
    • cook and season with sour cream;
    • add to first courses: borscht, soups and even fish soup;
    • wither and dry, and then grind and add to coffee and tea.

    What else can be prepared from this “miracle product”, write in your comments under the article.

    It remains to draw conclusions.
    Jerusalem artichoke is a healthy product for humans, feel free to include it in your daily diet in moderation, and you will not only lose weight, but also improve your health.

    Alexander Gushchin

    I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


    In modern society, it is fashionable to be treated with exotic plants. However, sometimes vegetables from the garden near the house have no less healing properties than exotic fruits and herbs. Ordinary Jerusalem artichoke can bring great benefits to the human body. This root vegetable has many beneficial, nutritional properties. What diseases will Jerusalem artichoke help cure? How to use earthen pear to prepare healing potions and treat various diseases?

    What is Jerusalem artichoke and how is it useful?

    Jerusalem artichoke is a perennial tuberous plant that was brought to our continent from North America in the 18th century. Jerusalem artichoke is also called earthen pear or Jerusalem artichoke, and officially it is called tuberous sunflower. It belongs to the Astrov family, the sunflower genus. Ground pear is a root vegetable similar in appearance to ginger root, and its taste is reminiscent of sweet potatoes. The ground part of the Jerusalem artichoke grows up to 2-4 meters and is similar to a sunflower.

    Botanists know more than 300 varieties of earthen pear. This plant is unpretentious, so it grows well in damp soils and in poor lighting. What does Jerusalem artichoke treat? Eating earthen pear improves the functioning of the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems. Eating Jerusalem artichokes has a particularly positive effect on the state of the digestive system. Tuberous sunflower also cleanses the body of harmful radioactive substances. Jerusalem artichoke has many medicinal properties and will help:

      increase immunity;

    • reduce blood sugar levels;
    • eliminate joint pain;
    • improve blood circulation;
    • reduce stomach acidity.

    Chemical composition of earthen pear

    The earthen pear is considered more valuable in its nutritional properties than potatoes and beets. The juice of the plant, stems, leaves, and roots of the Jerusalem artichoke are used to treat various diseases. Jerusalem artichoke has many healing properties, which are due to the special chemical composition of this plant. Ground pear contains the following beneficial substances and microelements:

      The antioxidant properties of tuberous sunflower are due to the presence of succinic, raspberry, malic, and fumaric acids.

    • The Jerusalem artichoke contains about 8% silicon. A small amount of Jerusalem artichoke can satisfy a person’s daily need for this substance.
    • Potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, zinc - earthen pear is rich in these elements.
    • The Jerusalem artichoke contains a large amount of vitamins B and C. There are 3 times more of these substances in the earthen pear than in beets, carrots, and potatoes.
    • Jerusalem artichoke contains pectins, which cleanse the body, have a positive effect on intestinal function and prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood.
    • Tuberous sunflower contains up to 15-22% inulin, which makes it a unique natural medicine for lowering blood glucose levels. This plant is widely used in the production of food products for diabetics.
    • The tubers of the plant contain a lot of protein, accounting for 3.2% of the total weight of the root crop.

    Medicinal properties of Jerusalem artichoke for humans

    The rich composition of the Jerusalem artichoke makes this plant an excellent cure for various diseases. Moreover, the roots, juice, stems, and leaves of the plant have medicinal properties. Regular preventive consumption of earthen pear will help prevent and cure many diseases. Doctors have long noticed that consuming the root vegetable of this plant helps prevent heart attack, stroke, stabilize blood pressure and even improve vision.

    For diabetes

    Official and folk medicine recognizes that Jerusalem artichoke has healing properties and recommends it for the prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus type I and II. For patients with type 1 diabetes, the therapeutic effect of taking earthen pear (raw fruits, juice and decoctions) will appear when the patient consumes the root vegetables of the plant regularly. Once in the human body, inulin penetrates the organs and replaces glucose in metabolic processes. Thanks to this, the cells receive the necessary energy.

    Inulin perfectly helps regulate the absorption of glucose, which reduces the concentration of sugar in the blood. This keeps the patient feeling well. Stabilizing glucose levels can become a catalyst that forces the pancreas to produce its own insulin. Diabetics are recommended to eat boiled or fresh Jerusalem artichoke root vegetables 3 times a day, 1 pc. 15 minutes before meals.

    For the treatment of joints

    Jerusalem artichoke contains a large amount of silicon. This element is involved in the processes of growth and division of cells of the synovial membranes that are located inside the joints. Just 50 g of Jerusalem artichoke fulfills a person's daily need for silicon. Regular consumption of earthen pear can reduce pain and relieve joint stiffness. Jerusalem artichoke is used externally for rheumatoid arthritis and radiculitis for pain relief.

    For pancreatitis

    Pancreatic disease is accompanied by metabolic disorders and deterioration of blood supply. Consumption of Jerusalem artichoke can improve metabolic processes and eliminate inflammation. For pancreatitis, you need to eat 150 g of raw root vegetables daily. Before eating, wash thoroughly and eat with the peel, which contains many useful substances.

    If you have a disease of the pancreas, it is recommended to drink Jerusalem artichoke in the form of a decoction. For pancreatitis, it is recommended to eat boiled, dried, raw pear roots. But pickled, baked, fried Jerusalem artichoke should not be consumed if you have a diseased pancreas, because Jerusalem artichoke prepared in this way will contribute to irritation of the gastric mucosa.

    For weight loss

    Jerusalem artichoke will help you get rid of excess weight. The root vegetable of the earthen pear contains a lot of fiber, which can cleanse the body of waste and toxins. When the body actively gets rid of harmful substances, it speeds up metabolism and leads to fat burning. When eating earthen pear, the body's carbohydrate and fat processes improve, which helps to quickly get rid of extra pounds. The calorie content of Jerusalem artichoke is 61 kcal, so it is perfect for preparing dishes for weight loss.

    During pregnancy

    Ground pear is rich in vitamins and microelements, so this root vegetable is useful for expectant mothers to consume. Jerusalem artichoke also has laxative properties and is recommended for pregnant women who suffer from constipation. For a laxative effect, Jerusalem artichoke must be consumed raw. During pregnancy, Jerusalem artichoke will help fill the body with calcium and other beneficial substances. During lactation (breastfeeding), doctors also recommend consuming tuberous sunflower root vegetables.

    The benefits of Jerusalem artichoke for men

    Vitamins, beneficial micro- and macroelements contained in Jerusalem artichoke can have a positive effect on the stronger sex. Moreover, eating earthen pear is beneficial for men of all ages. If they include dishes with this root vegetable in the menu, they will significantly reduce the risk of diseases of the genitourinary system. By consuming Jerusalem artichoke daily, men can prevent problems with potency and the development of prostate adenoma.

    What to cook from Jerusalem artichoke: medicinal recipes

    In the treatment of various diseases, decoction, syrup, and juice from Jerusalem artichoke tubers are taken. The stems and leaves of the plant can be used for baths and compresses. Ground pear is widely used in cooking. Salads, pancakes, and Jerusalem artichoke soups can help lose weight and normalize the digestive system. A slow cooker is perfect for preparing Jerusalem artichoke dishes. By combining root vegetables with apples and other vegetables and fruits, you get tasty and healthy purees and salads.

    Recipe for making juice from Jerusalem artichoke tubers

    For the treatment of various diseases, experts recommend pear juice. It effectively helps with constipation, reduces stomach acidity and blood sugar levels and has many other healing properties. For treatment, you need to consume only freshly squeezed juice. To prepare it, you need to take well-washed and peeled pear roots under running water, pass them through a meat grinder, juicer, or grate them on a fine grater. Squeeze the resulting crushed mass through cheesecloth and strain.

    Decoction of raw or dried tubers

    Jerusalem artichoke decoctions are used to treat diabetes and other diseases. To prepare it, you need to take 3 or 4 washed Jerusalem artichoke roots, add a liter of water to them, and cook for 20 minutes. For pancreatitis, drink a decoction prepared in the following way: pour 5 or 6 root vegetables into 2 liters of water, bring to a boil over low heat, and cook for 10-15 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and drunk throughout the day. The drug should be taken chilled.

    Dried pear tubers, crushed into flour, are used to prepare a healing decoction that helps with anemia, hypertension, pancreatitis, and cholecystitis. To do this, take 3 tbsp. l. powder of the dried root vegetable of the Jerusalem artichoke and boil them in 1 liter of water for 30 minutes. Drink the decoction 3 times a week, 1 liter per day. For pain in the joints, a bath with a decoction of earthen pear has a good effect.

    To prepare it, chop the stems and leaves of tuberous sunflower (1.5 kg) and fill them with 5-8 liters of water. Boil for 25 minutes. Then filter the broth. To carry out the treatment procedure, it is diluted with warm water 1:7. You need to lie in the bath with the diluted broth for 15 minutes. After the procedure, take a shower. The course of treatment is 15-20 sessions, which must be carried out daily. Instead of fresh green mass of earthen pear, you can use dried stems, leaves (400 g) or Jerusalem artichoke tubers (1 kg). In this case, the broth must be boiled for 45 minutes.

    Fresh root salad

    It is useful to include dishes that include earthen pear in the diet of a patient with diabetes. This diet will help lower your blood sugar levels. Jerusalem artichoke (tubers) are eaten fried, stewed, dried, but it is most beneficial to consume this vegetable raw. Jerusalem artichoke is great for preparing fortified salads, which are prescribed by doctors for treatment or weight loss. How to prepare vegetable dishes with Jerusalem artichoke is explained below.

    Recipe No. 1:


      earthen pear - 2-3 root vegetables;

    • white cabbage – 200 g;
    • onion – 1 pc.;
    • pickled honey mushrooms – 3 tbsp. l.;
    • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
    • greenery.

    Start preparing the salad by washing all the vegetables with running water. Shred the white cabbage and knead the chopped vegetable with your hands, add lemon juice. The earthen pear is grated on a fine grater. Finely chop the onion and greens and combine with pickled mushrooms. All ingredients are mixed. Eat salad freshly prepared.

    Recipe No. 2


      Jerusalem artichoke – 2-3 pcs.;

    • carrots – 2 pcs.;
    • pickled cucumber – 1 pc.;
    • greenery;
    • olive oil.

    To prepare the salad, you need to coarsely grate the carrots, and chop the greens and cucumber. Mix all ingredients well, pour olive oil. This salad is perfect for replenishing vitamins in winter, which will help strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of colds. Jerusalem artichoke for this dish must be chosen without dark spots or damage.

    Harm and contraindications to the use of Jerusalem artichoke

    Jerusalem artichoke does not contain harmful substances. But some people have an individual intolerance to this vegetable. Patients suffering from flatulence, consuming Jerusalem artichoke, can provoke increased gas formation processes. It is not advisable for such people to eat the root vegetable of the earthen pear. Jerusalem artichoke should not be abused, because even a healthy product, if consumed in moderation, can cause a negative reaction in the body.

    What does the Jerusalem artichoke plant and fruit look like: photo

    Ground pear is a plant with a strong stem, yellow flowers, and rough, hard leaves. Jerusalem artichoke has oblong roots that can be brown, yellow, or red in color. The shape of the Jerusalem artichoke tubers is similar to ginger root. Jerusalem artichoke root crops ripen by September. They can overwinter in the ground and still not lose their healing properties.

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