The subtleties of cooking buckwheat porridge - milk, meat, vegetables. How to properly cook buckwheat in water - recipes with proportions

Porridge is very useful and necessary in the diet of every person. However, not everyone knows how to properly cook buckwheat or rice so that they do not lose their useful properties and turned out to be crumbly, fragrant, and not a shapeless gruel-smear.

You can talk about long enough. It is desirable for those who suffer from anemia. Helps to increase the amount of hemoglobin. Of course, she "turns out" weaker than meat (veal or liver), but still buckwheat is a worthy rival to synthetic iron preparations. Those who are on diets, it also helps to lose excess. She is not very rich in calories. Moreover, those who are losing weight are recommended not to cook it, but to steam it. In the evening, pour boiling water, close it with some kind of lid, wrap it tightly with a towel. And the next day, eat. You cannot salt. Maybe it doesn't taste very good, and gets bored quickly, but you can lose weight on it. Excellent fasting days are obtained.

And those who have high sugar should pay attention to it. After all, rice, potatoes and pasta contain starch. And he, in turn, is broken down into glucose. And where do diabetics have foods that increase the already low level blood glucose? A weekly buckwheat diet allows people suffering from diabetes mellitus, bring its level in order, reducing the risk of serious complications. But still, how to cook it correctly?

1. We sort out the cereals. It is necessary. Sometimes pebbles can come across in it, and this can lead to tooth breakage. An unpleasant consequence for those who care about their health. There are also sticks, leaves, husks and other debris in it. Delicious porridge is pure porridge. You don't eat potatoes with eyes and wireworm marks, do you? AND the cereal must be clean.

2. To make the porridge not viscous, you need buckwheat well without adding oil fry in a frying pan. Not until golden brown, sure. This way you will preserve its shape, it will not fall apart during cooking. When served, each grain will be like from the picture.

3. Remove the dishes in which you want to cook the porridge. Most best material utensils for cooking buckwheat porridge - cast iron ... It is, in principle, ideal for all dishes. It is not for nothing that it is still used in the villages. However, not everyone has this cast iron. Therefore, in second place is a metal (but by no means enameled) saucepan. The bottom of it should be thick, which heats up and cools down evenly and not too quickly. And the sides are curved.

4. The proportions of cereal and liquid. Everything is strict here. A glass of cereal - a glass of water 2. And no "by eye" or a finger or 2 above the surface of buckwheat. The liquid is put exactly 2 times more cereals, take just that much.

Cook buckwheat correctly

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers in the villages cooked delicious porridge... And all because they knew how to cook buckwheat correctly. Many will begin to resent that they also know all the secrets. That earlier in the furnaces the cast iron stood for a long time, therefore, it must be kept on the stove to the maximum. But here it is certainly not true. The porridge languished in the stoves, slowly reaching its condition. On the stove, everything is completely different. Here you need to know the technology.

1. First step. Put cereal and water in a saucepan, observing the ratio between them. Salt will also have to be added immediately, so that later "not disturb" the porridge once again. Close the lid tightly. The first five minutes, the fire under the saucepan should be maximum. You will hear the water begin to boil. Now it's time to turn down the fire.

2. Make it medium, gradually decreasing to a minimum. Do not lift the lid throughout the entire cooking period. It is very important. Otherwise, let off all the steam, you can forget about languishing cereals. The main thing is not to allow a violent boil after the first 5 minutes. Otherwise, the cereal will lose all its useful properties, and its shape (despite preliminary frying). The taste and aroma will also be lost forever. And no one will eat such porridge.

3. Since the lid does not open, it is logical that the porridge does not interfere. Thanks to such a steam room, the porridge will turn out to be crumbly and tasty. For this reason, many say that buckwheat turns out to be much tastier in multicooker than just on gas. This is understandable. Everything there is hermetically sealed, and at the end of cooking, even under its own heat, it swells even more.

4. When the porridge is ready (this is when you stop hearing the gurgling of water, because it boils away), still do not touch the lid. Wrap up more tightly with a blanket, towel. Which is thicker and warmer. Let it stand for another 20 minutes. Then buckwheat will become soft, crumbly. Any moisture that remains will be absorbed or converted into steam. And the steam itself is important for buckwheat. She reveals herself so much thanks to him.

5. Stir the porridge only when you serve it. Put a piece of butter on top. If you wish, you can also chop the green onion, but you need to add it in the middle of cooking. Do this quickly so that less steam is lost. Do not stir the porridge even in this case.

6. Want a mushroom flavor? Then lay dry mushrooms at the first stage along with porridge and water. And that won't take much. Thanks to steaming, the aroma and flavor of the porcini mushrooms spreads very well.

Cooking buckwheat porridge experienced housewives does not seem difficult at all. But what if you are a beginner? Then our article will help you. From it you will learn how to cook crumbly buckwheat, how long it needs to be cooked, as well as a few little tricks for a successful porridge.

How to cook crumbly and tasty buckwheat

Delicious buckwheat porridge is not obtained by everyone, since there are some tricks in its preparation, without which you will not achieve the desired result. Well, well, let's figure out how to cook crumbly and tasty buckwheat, and what is needed for this.

Cooking buckwheat porridge is a short but painstaking process. In order for it to turn out really tasty, it will need to be sorted out. Agree, it is very unpleasant to feel the crunch of a pebble or other foreign body on your teeth?

Before you start sorting out cereals, you must measure the amount of cereals you need. This is a rather responsible matter, since it should be borne in mind that after cooking there will be two, or even two and a half times more cereals.

The amount of cereal will depend on how many people you are cooking for. For example, one glass of buckwheat is enough for three people.

After you have measured required amount buckwheat, sorted it out, the cereals need to be thoroughly rinsed. This is necessary so that all small floating debris is washed out. Rinse the cereal three or four times, this will be enough to keep it clean.

In order for the porridge to turn out fragrant, heat the cereal in a pan. Take a dry frying pan, pour buckwheat into it, and fry it until it starts to crackle. It will take you no more than five minutes.

Now we come directly to the moment of cooking porridge. The main thing here will be right choice saucepans.

A little digression. Earlier, our grandmothers, how did they cook porridge? They took a cast iron, poured porridge into it, poured water, and put it in the oven. And the porridge languished there for a long, long time. It turned out delicious, rich, but not boiled porridge.

Of course, now there are no stoves, but there are still cast iron pots, cauldrons, and just thick-walled pots. Here they are suitable for us for cooking porridge. Take such a saucepan, pour the prepared buckwheat, pour water.

A clarification should be made here. We take exactly twice as much water as cereals. Those. you took one glass of cereal, which means you need two glasses of water.

Take clean, filtered water, as water with various impurities can give the taste of porridge not at all what you expected.

Now we put the pan on high heat and let the water and porridge boil. After it has boiled, season with salt and reduce heat. Let our porridge sweat over low heat. Now do not open the lid so that the steam does not get lost.

After about twenty minutes, the fire should be turned off. However, the porridge is not quite ready yet. Wrap it with something warm and let it stand for another twenty to thirty minutes. This method of evaporation is no worse than grandma's ovens.

That's all, your delicious crumbly porridge is ready! Scatter it on plates, add butter and eat.

How and how much to cook buckwheat in water

How much to cook buckwheat in water? This question is asked by novice housewives, who for the first time independently prepare this simple dish and it is important for them to know the cooking time. After reading this article, you can find out about it.

So, buckwheat porridge. The cooking process itself takes no more than twenty minutes. But before that, you must properly prepare the buckwheat so that the porridge is tasty and aromatic. Her recipe will be described below.

  • one glass of buckwheat;
  • two glasses of water;
  • salt, butter.

Before cooking, buckwheat must be sorted out if yours is not too clean. And also rinse well to remove floating debris. It is best to rinse in several waters so that there is certainly nothing left.

Now fry the cereals in a pan. Usually it is ignited without oil, in a dry frying pan, but we will take a little butter and will ignite it on it. The groats should crunch a little before you remove them from the heat. But don't overdo it so you don't get coals.

Now we take a saucepan that fits us in size. Boil water in it, salt. Now pour the prepared buckwheat into it, follow it until it boils. If foam appears, it will need to be removed.

Reduce heat to low. Porridge should sweat for about twenty minutes on the stove. Do not open the lid, as a lot of cooking delicious porridge depends on this.

After this time, turn off the heat, remove the porridge from the stove. Take a warm blanket and wrap the porridge in it, let it stand for another thirty minutes. This will allow our porridge to be saturated with warmth and reach.

When the porridge has stood, put it on plates, put a little butter in each piece and on the table. Bon Appetit!

How to cook buckwheat for a side dish: a recipe for a lover of buckwheat porridge

Buckwheat porridge is a very common dish that hostesses prepare for a side dish. It turns out tasty, fast, healthy. How to properly cook buckwheat for a side dish, you will learn further.

There are several ways to prepare buckwheat porridge, but today we will consider one that retains all the beneficial properties of buckwheat, and when you use it, you will get a delicious and aromatic porridge.

What is needed for cooking?

  • buckwheat - one glass;
  • water - two glasses;
  • salt - ½ teaspoon;
  • butter - 50-70 grams.

Now how to cook. The groats must be carefully sorted out and washed cold water... Throw on a sieve (take a small one so that the grains do not fall out).

Now take a saucepan and pour water into it. Put on fire and wait for the water to boil. Throw the cereal into boiling water, now the water should boil along with buckwheat.

After everything has boiled, add butter to the porridge and salt. Turn off the heat and place the pot in a warm place. You can also cover it up with something warm.

The swelling of buckwheat will end in forty minutes. Your porridge, cooked in this way, will be tasty and crumbly. Useful properties of buckwheat groats with such processing will retain all their useful properties (and there are many of them).

After the expiration of time, you can pour the porridge into plates and serve. As a side dish, it goes well with meat and fish dishes and also to vegetable salads, gravy.

In general, how to cook buckwheat porridge, every hostess knows for sure. That's just to make it truly tasty and crumbly, only experienced chefs... The main secrets of cooking delicious and aromatic dish presented below.

Buckwheat porridge is a wonderful healthy and hearty side dish which goes especially well with chicken and meat. In addition to the cereal itself (2 glasses), it is taken: 2 times more drinking water, a pinch of salt, a couple of tablespoons of non-aromatic sunflower oil.

  1. First of all, buckwheat is carefully sorted out and washed with cold water. As a result, the water from the cereal should begin to drain completely transparent.
  2. In a dry frying pan, clean and dried buckwheat is fried until golden brown. 5-7 minutes is enough for the cereal to get rid of excess moisture, become more crumbly, aromatic.
  3. After such preparation buckwheat will boil less, although it will retain its softness and tenderness.
  4. Fried cereals are poured into boiling water. Salt is added to the pan and vegetable oil... After repeated boiling, foam is removed from the surface of the container.
  5. The side dish is boiled for 8-9 minutes, after which it is removed from the heat and infused for a couple of minutes under a closed lid.

The dish is served with a lot of melted butter or ghee.

Multicooker recipe

If the device has special treatment for the cereals under discussion or the options "Milk Porridge" / "Pilaf", then it can be safely used for cooking buckwheat. Of the products will be used: 3 tbsp. milk, a pinch of coarse salt, 1 small spoonful of granulated sugar, 1.5 tbsp. cereals, 35 g of butter.

  1. First, buckwheat is carefully sorted out from dirt and low-quality grains, after which it is washed with cold running water until the liquid becomes clean.
  2. Grits are fried at will. If you want to make the porridge as tasty as possible, you should do it in the "Baking" program. Once the grains are well dry, you can add butter to the bowl and continue cooking in the same mode with constant stirring for another 3-5 minutes. As a result, buckwheat should become dry again and acquire an appetizing golden hue.
  3. The groats are poured with slightly warmed milk. You can just get it in advance milk product from the refrigerator until it is at room temperature.
  4. Granulated sugar and salt are added to the bowl of the device.
  5. After thorough mixing, the porridge in milk will cook in one of the suitable modes for 55 minutes.

The dish is served as a side dish or as a separate dish with dried fruits and butter.

Loose buckwheat porridge on the water

Very often buckwheat becomes the main dish on the menu during therapeutic diet or aimed at weight loss. Under such conditions, it is necessary to reduce its calorie content as much as possible. The easiest way to do this is to cook it in water. It is important to take good quality filtered liquid. In addition to water (2 tbsp.), You will need to prepare: 1 tbsp. buckwheat, a pinch of salt and a little vegetable oil.

  1. Groats get over from debris and inclusions. Then the product is thoroughly washed. In the process, you need to rub it well with your fingers.
  2. Then buckwheat is dried and fried in a dry frying pan. If the diet does not prohibit this, you can add a small piece of butter to the dishes.
  3. After boiling water, buckwheat is laid out in it. After re-boiling, the liquid is salted, the foam is removed from the surface.
  4. The dish will simmer under a closed lid over a minimum heat for about 15-17 minutes. All this time, the mass cannot be mixed.

When the liquid from the container has completely boiled away, you can turn off the heat, cover the saucepan or cauldron with a paper napkin, with a lid on top, wrap it in a blanket and leave to infuse for another hour. If you wish, you can cook crumbly buckwheat porridge in water according to a similar scheme in any multicooker model.

Hearty and tasty dish with meat in pots

If you cook buckwheat in pots and generously supplement it with meat, then such a dish is quite suitable even for festive table... Especially if you take beautiful dishes and decorate the top of the treat in an original way. For example, grated cheese with spices. The recipe includes: 1 tbsp. cereals, a small spoonful of salt, 370 g of pork pulp, a large carrot, a pinch of black ground pepper, 2 small onions, 4 tbsp. l. non-aromatic oil.

  1. The meat is washed, dried with paper towels and slightly beaten. Then it is cut into small pieces and fried in any oil on a golden brown.
  2. Vegetables are cleaned and chopped in a convenient way.
  3. Onions and carrots are added to ready-made meat, add some salt, sprinkle with pepper, mix and cook together for another 7-10 minutes. You can add a little water to the mass. All products must be cooked.
  4. For two servings, you need two 0.7 liter pots. Each is filled with half a glass of pre-prepared buckwheat groats. It must first be rinsed and dried in a pan.
  5. Meat with vegetables is added to buckwheat.
  6. It remains to pour a glass of water into containers, salt and pepper the ingredients, then mix the mass and put the pots in a cold oven.
  7. They will cook for 80 minutes at 210 degrees.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the dish and, if necessary, top up the boiled part of the water.

Buckwheat with mushrooms

The easiest way to cook is buckwheat porridge with mushrooms. Such mushrooms do not require any preliminary preparation... They are added raw to the dish. Taken: 1 tbsp. buckwheat and twice more water, 240 g mushrooms, half a small spoonful of salt, onion, 35 g butter, 2 tbsp. unscented oil, 3 pinches of ground pepper.

  1. The cereals, previously washed and dried in a pan, are poured with water and sent to cook. The mass needs to be salted.
  2. Onions and mushrooms are finely chopped and fried in non-aromatic oil. The components are salted and peppered.
  3. Roasting is mixed with ready-made buckwheat, after which the pan is closed with a lid, wrapped in a blanket and infused for half an hour.

You can also put the buckwheat with mushrooms into a mold and send it to the oven for 45 minutes at 140 degrees.

Cooking in a thermos - a step by step recipe

IN field conditions The easiest way to cook buckwheat is in a large thermos. For this you need to take: 320 ml boiled water, 180 g cereals, half a small spoonful of salt.

  1. Buckwheat gets over from obvious impurities and is thoroughly washed with running water. It is convenient to do this through a sieve.
  2. The washed product is poured into the thermos through the funnel.
  3. Salt dissolves in freshly boiled water, after which the cereal is poured with liquid.
  4. It remains to close the container and leave it for 45-50 minutes. The dish will cook on its own.
  5. As a result, the treat will turn out soft and crumbly.

Fragrant buckwheat porridge - classic dish on the table of almost every Russian family. However, not every housewife knows how to cook and how much to cook buckwheat, in what proportion to add water so that the porridge turns out to be tasty and crumbly, as in the photo from the best recipes. Read about this below and improve your culinary skills to delight your loved ones. delicious dishes.

How to cook buckwheat correctly

Since there are several devices for cooking buckwheat (a saucepan, a frying pan, a slow cooker), there will be many cooking methods. The proportions of water and your accuracy in following the instructions must be unchanged: the grains must not be interfered with during cooking. Only in this way will the porridge turn out to be evenly boiled, crumbly, as in the photo from cookbooks, and the groats will not turn into a viscous mixture.

Before cooking porridge, many people prefer to rinse buckwheat, but this is not necessary. On the contrary, you need to pour dry grain into a preheated dish and fry for a couple of minutes. Only then can it be poured with water and cooked until the liquid has completely evaporated. If you are not sure about the quality of the grain, then you can sort it out before cooking. A hot side dish will turn out delicious only if you observe all the subtleties and find out how much to cook buckwheat:

  • Do not cook porridge on high fire, medium is fine.
  • 7-10 minutes before the product is ready, cover the pan with a lid and leave over low heat so that the cereal is evenly cooked.
  • You can salt it at any time during cooking, but preferably while there is water, since the crumbly porridge will no longer absorb salt.
  • In no case should you rinse the grains with cold water. If the cereal is of a low grade, then you can simply sort it out.
  • If you want to get a tough cereal, then cook until half cooked, and then cover and leave over low heat until the water boils completely.

Proportions of water and buckwheat

Most cereals are cooked according to the same scheme in a ratio of 1 to 2: you need twice as much water, that is, you need two glasses of liquid for one faceted glass of buckwheat. Observing these proportions, you will get a perfectly boiled porridge, grain to grain. A little large quantity water will make it more boiled, which kids will really like.

How many times is buckwheat boiled

Any grains are boiled several times. Buckwheat is boiled roughly twice. This should be taken into account when you want to calculate the amount of porridge for several people. For example, one person will need half a glass of cereal. Children can take less grain. To get a viscous porridge, you need more fluid, so it will melt a little harder.

How much buckwheat is cooked by time

Approximate time cooking - 15-20 minutes. Often, they write about how to prepare a product on the package, but if you bought cereals by weight on the market, then you should count on about that amount of time. At the same time, you should not leave the porridge on the stove and move away, because as soon as the grain absorbs all the water, the buckwheat will begin to burn, so the cooking time is approximate. After you find out how long to cook buckwheat, you will definitely succeed delicious side dish for the whole family.

On the water

The most popular way to cook porridge is with water. This dish can be served with meat, vegetables, butter, or even just sprinkled with sugar. Cooking time will depend on your personal preference: you need to cook a crumbly porridge less than a viscous one. The approximate cooking time is 15 minutes. Depending on your personal preference, you can shorten or lengthen the cooking time to get the state of buckwheat that you like best.


Children and not only very much like milk buckwheat porridge. Buckwheat, like any other cereal, can be safely boiled in milk. Well-boiled buckwheat is suitable even for babies. It is necessary to cook porridge in milk a little longer - 25-30 minutes, while it is important to ensure that it does not burn. To do this, after boiling, set a slow fire and cook, stirring occasionally.

In a saucepan

Although now there are a lot of special devices for cooking (multicooker, double boiler), most housewives prefer to boil buckwheat in the classic way- in a saucepan. A dish with a thick bottom is best for this. Subject to the proportions of grain and water, as well as pre-frying the cereals, the product will cook for about 15 minutes. After the liquid is absorbed into the grain, cover the pan with a lid and let it stand for another 5 minutes.

In a multicooker

If you are used to more automated cooking methods, then you should not worry about the quality of cooked buckwheat, because the machine will do everything for you. So, in many multicooker there is even a special mode for boiling cereals. You only need to fill in the required amount of cereal, add water and run the required program.

How much buckwheat should be cooked

Depending on what kind of porridge you want to get, you need a certain amount of liquid and time to cook it. Remember that the less you cook the cereal, the more vitamins remain in it, but not everyone likes a tough, crumbly product. How to cook correctly and how many minutes to cook buckwheat to a certain state, read on.


The most important thing when cooking crumbly porridge- this is preliminary frying of grains in a hot pot. Enough 3-4 minutes, and then pour buckwheat with water, salt and leave to cook for 10-15 minutes. After all the water has boiled away, cover the pan with a lid and leave to simmer for another 5 minutes. Add oil to taste and serve as a side dish.

Loose buckwheat can also be steamed. This will leave the product at most useful vitamins... For cooking, simply pour water into a bowl, evenly spread the required amount of buckwheat and put the steamer on the fire (or plug it in if you are using an electric one). After boiling water, reduce heat and wait 25-30 minutes. The dish is ready to serve!

Buckwheat porridge belongs to dietary meals, that is why it is so appreciated by the girls who follow the figure. Not everyone knows that buckwheat is the only type of cereal that cannot be modified. The grains are grown without additional fertilizers, so the beneficial properties are fully preserved. Many housewives are wondering how to cook buckwheat so that it turns out to be crumbly. Cooking is not particularly difficult if you follow the practical advice.

Buckwheat: a classic of the genre

  • filtered water - 500 ml.
  • buckwheat - 260g.
  • butter - 65 gr.
  • food salt - 5 gr.
  1. Use a kitchen sieve, pour buckwheat into it, rinse under running water. Clean the cereal from excess debris.
  2. Pour filtered water into a small enamel container, put it on the burner, wait until the first bubbles appear. Pour the cereal into the hot liquid.
  3. After boiling the mixture, add butter and salt. Remove the pot from the hotplate, cover with a thick towel.
  4. After half an hour, the porridge will infuse without losing its beneficial properties. Cooked by this recipe buckwheat will remain tasty and crumbly. This side dish will go well with any fish and meat dishes, salads.

Buckwheat with liver

  • washed buckwheat - 320 gr.
  • liver - 250 gr.
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • salt to taste
  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  • drinking water - 250 ml.
  1. Pour water into a small container, add buckwheat, salt. Bring porridge to a boil, then simmer for a quarter of an hour over low heat.
  2. Boil eggs, chop, fry the liver and onions. Grind all ingredients in a meat grinder. Put the minced meat in a thin layer on a baking sheet, spread the buckwheat over it, then cover again with the liver composition.
  3. Send the dish to the oven for half an hour, cook at 120 degrees. After the time has passed, remove the side dish, let it cool down.

Buckwheat with milk

  • filtered water - 250 ml.
  • whole milk - 265 ml.
  • buckwheat - 260 gr.
  • butter - 30 gr.
  • table salt - 3 gr.
  • buckwheat honey - 10 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 12 gr.
  1. Rinse and remove excess particles in the cereal. Heat the buckwheat in a skillet within 10 minutes. Pour water into a heat-resistant container, send to fire. When the first bubbles appear, add the cereal to the saucepan.
  2. Cook buckwheat for about 8 minutes, adding sugar and salt to it. Heat a glass of milk at the same time in microwave oven... At the end of the cooking time, pour in the hot milk. Stir the ingredients.
  3. Send the butter to the total mass, simmer the composition for another 6 minutes. Add honey at the end of cooking. Remove the container from the burner, wrap the porridge with a towel and let cool.

  • buckwheat groats - 240 gr.
  • purified water - 450 ml.
  • salt to taste
  1. Treat buckwheat with liquid and clean it from foreign debris. Place the cereal in the bowl of the appliance. Pour in drinking water in a container, add salt.
  2. Add the required amount of liquid to the separate compartment of the steamer. Set the appropriate mode on the household appliance, set the time to 35 minutes, close the lid.

Buckwheat in meat broth

  • beef tenderloin - 450 gr.
  • buckwheat - 320 gr.
  • table salt - 4 gr.
  • laurel leaf - 3 pcs.
  • black pepper (peas) - to taste
  1. Rinse the buckwheat, remove excess particles, bake in the oven for 4 minutes. Cut the beef into small pieces, place in an enamel bowl with water. Wait for it to boil.
  2. Remove foam during cooking, add salt to the meat. Cover with a lid and wait about 50 minutes. Add the necessary seasonings to your taste. Check the amount of the remaining broth, add water if necessary so that the total volume of the liquid is more than half a liter.
  3. Wait until it boils, add buckwheat to the pan. Leave the porridge to simmer for about 25 minutes with the lid on. When the cereal is cooked, place it on a flat ceramic dish, garnish with fresh herbs and vegetables.

Buckwheat in a slow cooker

  • carrots - 180 gr.
  • buckwheat - 370 gr.
  • filtered water - 700 ml.
  • tomatoes - 220 gr.
  • zucchini - 190 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml.
  • rock salt - to taste
  • ground pepper (mixture) - to taste
  1. Repeat all the above manipulations with buckwheat for its preparation. Peel the zucchini and chop into cubes. Wash the carrots, grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Douse the tomatoes steep boiling water, remove the skin and slice. Fill a multi-bowl with oil, send vegetables to it. Set the frying mode, wait 12 minutes.
  3. Upon completion of the operation, pour buckwheat into a multicooker, pour in water. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Cover the porridge with a lid and simmer in the pilaf mode for 40 minutes.

  • fresh mushrooms (any) - 320 gr.
  • washed buckwheat - 270 gr.
  • onions (medium) - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.
  • filtered water - 600 ml.
  • table salt - to taste
  1. Chop mushrooms and onions finely. Send to a skillet, place over medium heat and add oil. When frying, achieve golden color vegetables.
  2. Then add buckwheat, salt and water. Simmer for about 25 minutes with the lid closed. After the specified time has elapsed, remove the pan from the stove, let it brew for half an hour.

Buckwheat with walnuts

  • walnut - 150 gr.
  • purified water - 550 ml.
  • buckwheat - 260 gr.
  • salt to taste
  • butter - 50 gr.
  1. Rinse and clean the buckwheat from excess debris. Heat the cereal in a skillet with a little butter. Pour water into a small heat-resistant container, add salt.
  2. After the first bubbles appear, add buckwheat, put the burner on low heat, cook the porridge for about 25 minutes with the lid closed.
  3. After the specified time has elapsed, remove the buckwheat from the stove, add ground walnuts, add butter, mix the ingredients. Wrap the pan with a towel, let cool.

  • drinking water - 300 ml
  • buckwheat groats - 400 gr.
  • table salt - 15 gr.
  1. Pre-clean the buckwheat, add a heat-resistant container. Pour in water and add salt. Set the maximum power, run the oven for 3-4 minutes.
  2. Wait for the first bubbles to appear. Then switch the microwave to medium power setting. Wait about 20 minutes. Take out the porridge, the dish is ready.

Buckwheat with stew

  • table salt - 7 gr.
  • stew - 350 gr.
  • buckwheat - 300 gr.
  • filtered water - 700 ml.
  1. Peel and rinse buckwheat in a standard way... Pour water into a small enamel container, add salt and cereals. Turn the hotplate to medium power.
  2. After boiling, boil the porridge for at least 15 minutes. Add the stew, stir. Simmer for about 20 minutes on low heat. After the specified time has elapsed, remove the pan from the stove and wrap it with a towel. Letting the porridge brew for half an hour.

Before you start cooking buckwheat, be sure to rinse it and clean it of excess debris. For more delicious cooking try to always ignite cereals in a non-stick skillet. Consider buckwheat recipes with liver, milk, meat, mushrooms, walnut, stewed meat. There is also cooking in a multicooker, microwave oven, double boiler.

Video: how to cook buckwheat correctly and tasty