Thick adjika made from tomatoes. Spicy adjika for the winter without cooking

How to cook adjika: many adjika recipes for the winter!

I found many more adjika recipes for the winter. Of course, in October it’s already a little too late to cook it, but whoever still has tomatoes left, it’s quite possible! Adjika is very beneficial for the body, especially during autumn and spring colds.

Adjika classic

Real adjika is only pepper, without tomatoes. To prepare it you need rubber gloves - the mixture burns your hands. Not everyone can eat it. However, this is a classic recipe, so we start with it. To prepare real “male” adjika you will need:

1 kg red chilli peppers

0.5 kg garlic

3/4 cup salt, grind No. 0

0.5 cups of mixture: coriander, suneli hops, dill seeds

Latex gloves

Let's make some minor adjustments to the recipe, which will make the adjika less hot and suitable for consumption. Namely, we will replace most of the hot pepper with sweet pepper - paprika. Let's say 800 g of paprika and 200 g of hot pepper.

We cut off the stalks of the pods, shake out the seeds and grind them in a blender (if you use a meat grinder, skip three times). We do the same with garlic, it is also advisable to chop the coriander and dill seeds - and mix everything thoroughly. At the end we add salt - ideally we should get a homogeneous paste-like mass. You can add chopped fresh herbs - cilantro and dill, but in this case the color of adjika will not be so bright and attractive.

Adjika with tomatoes

Recipe No. 1 - cold

3 kg tomatoes

1 kg sweet pepper

0.5 kg garlic

150 g hot pepper

0.5 cups salt

3 tbsp. l. Sahara

Grind all ingredients in a meat grinder, mix, add salt, sugar, and leave overnight. In the morning, drain the excess liquid and put the adjika into jars and store in the refrigerator.

Recipe No. 2 - hot

3 kg tomatoes

2 kg sweet pepper

300 g garlic

150 g hot pepper

0.5 cups sugar

0.5 cups 9% vinegar

1 cup sunflower oil

0.5 cups salt

400 g fresh herbs - cilantro, dill, celery

To taste - coriander, suneli hops, walnuts

Grind the tomatoes and peppers through a meat grinder. Stir, add oil and cook over low heat for an hour with constant stirring. Cool, add vinegar, sugar, salt, crushed garlic. Grind the greens in a blender. Mix everything thoroughly, let it brew - the adjika is ready.

Shades of taste of such adjika are achieved by varying dosages of additives - spices and seasonings. It is also permissible to vary the proportions of the main components. IN latest recipe apples, carrots, horseradish, and eggplants are often used.

Recipe number 3:

2.5 kg tomatoes, 500 grams carrots, 500 grams sour apples, grind 500 grams of bell pepper in a meat grinder, add 250 grams of vegetable oil. Boil the resulting mass

On low heat for 2 hours. Add 100 grams of chopped garlic, 1-2 pods (depending on the size and your taste) of hot pepper without grains, 250 grams of 9% vinegar, 2 tablespoons of salt, 100 grams of sugar. Mix everything thoroughly, bring

Bring to a boil and place while hot in jars. Roll up.

Recipe number 4:

2 kg of tomatoes, 0.5 kg of carrots, 7 pieces of bell pepper, 2 small hot peppers without seeds, 3 pieces of Antonovka.

Grind everything through a meat grinder, add 100 grams of vegetable oil, 100 grams of granulated sugar, cook for 1 hour. 20 minutes before the end of cooking, add 3 heads of peeled garlic, 3 level tablespoons of salt, 100 grams of 9% vinegar. While hot, seal in jars.

Recipe number 5:

Paprika - 1 kg.

Tomatoes - 2.5 kg,

Garlic - 250 gr.,

Hot pepper - 250 gr.,

Horseradish - 250 gr.,

Salt - 0.5 cups,

Sugar - 1 glass,

Vinegar - 1 glass.

Grind everything through a meat grinder (do it in a large bowl), add salt, sugar, vinegar and stir. Watch out for the spice! Who likes it how? Exit finished product- about three liter jars, excess liquid can be drained.

Recipe number 6:

Ingredients for 2.5 liters of ready-made adjika:

Ripe red tomatoes 2.5 kg.

Sweet and sour apples 500 gr.

Sweet bell pepper 500 gr.

Carrots 500 gr.

Dill greens 50 gr. (optional)

Parsley 50 gr. (optional)

Peeled garlic 120 gr.

Red hot pepper 75 gr.

Vegetable oil 250 gr.

Vinegar 9% 2 tbsp.

Black pepper

Cooking process:

Peel apples and peppers, cut into slices.

Cut the tomatoes into 6 parts.

Peel the carrots and cut into small pieces to place in a meat grinder.

Pass all ingredients except parsley and dill through a meat grinder.

Add to vegetable mixture vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar, black pepper, salt to taste.

Pour the resulting mass into an enamel saucepan and cook for 2 hours over low heat, stirring occasionally.

At the end of cooking, add finely chopped herbs.

Pour Adjika into sterilized jars.

Sterilize jars with adjika for 20 minutes.

Close the jars with lids (roll them up).

Recipe number 7 (adjika from pepper, without tomatoes):


Sweet bell pepper 2 kg.

Garlic 200 gr.

Red hot pepper 150 gr.

Salt 2 tbsp.

Sugar 8 tbsp.

Vinegar 6% 300 ml.


Peel all vegetables and grind through a meat grinder.

Add salt, sugar, vinegar to the resulting vegetable mass, place in jars and roll up.

Recipe number 8:

2.5 kg tomato

2 kg pepper

1 kg carrots

1 kg of Antonovka apples or other sour-tasting apples

1 tbsp sugar

1 tbsp vegetable oil

1 tbsp peeled garlic cloves

1 tbsp salt

50 g vinegar

1-2 pods of hot pepper

Peel all vegetables and fruits and grind in a meat grinder. Mix everything in a large bowl, simmer for 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Squeeze the garlic through a press, or grate it fine grater. Then add garlic, butter, sugar, salt, simmer for another 5 minutes, then add vinegar and turn off. Place hot adjika into sterilized jars, roll up and place, upside down, under a blanket until it cools.

Recipe number 9:

5 kg. tomatoes, 1 kg. carrots, 1 kg. sweet pepper, 1 kg. apples, 7 pods of hot red pepper, 250 g garlic, 0.5 l. sunflower oil, salt.

Tomatoes, carrots, apples, sweet and hot peppers mince, mix and cook for about 2.5 hours. Then add finely chopped garlic, sunflower oil, salt to taste and cook for another 10 minutes. Transfer the finished adjika into prepared jars and roll up.

Adjika in Kiev style

5 kg ripe tomatoes, 1 kg bell pepper, 1 kg apples (the more sour the better), 1 kg carrots, 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, 200 g of sugar, 400 g of vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of red hot pepper (you can put 1 tbsp. black plus 1 tbsp. red).

Pass all vegetables through a meat grinder (it is better to first peel the tomatoes or pass them through a juicer). To make tomatoes peel easily, pour boiling water over them for 3-5 minutes. Season with butter, sugar, salt, spices. Then boil for 2-3 hours until the desired consistency. Pour the finished adjika hot into sterilized jars. Roll up the jars and seal them. Ready!

Georgian adjika


1 kg of dry hot red pepper, 50-70 g of coriander seeds, 100 g of khmeli-suneli, a little cinnamon (ground), 200 g walnuts, 300-400 g of salt (coarse), approximately 300 g of garlic.

Soak hot red pepper for 1 hour. Add coriander, suneli hops, cinnamon, nuts, garlic and salt.

Pass 3-4 times through a meat grinder with a fine grid. Store anywhere, at any temperature, but preferably in a sealed container, otherwise it will dry out. Adjika mixed with salt is good for coating chicken or meat before frying in the oven.


2 parts hops-suneli, 2 parts red pepper, 1 part garlic, 1 part coriander ( ground seeds cilantro), 1 part dill.

Pass pepper and garlic through a meat grinder. Add spices to them. You can also add finely crushed nuts. Sprinkle the mixture with coarse salt and pour in vinegar ABV 3-4% to make it moist thick paste, well suited for long-term storage in tightly sealed glass or ceramic containers.

Lightly boiled chicken is coated inside and outside with this adjika and placed in the oven until cooked.


Pass the red pepper (there should be more than half of the whole mixture) through a meat grinder. Add dry cilantro, suneli hops, and you can also add Imeretian saffron. For better taste Finely-finely ground will do walnuts, just not very much. Add salt to taste. Exact proportions not very important here. Be sure to wear rubber gloves when preparing adjika.

Adjika Armenian

5 kg whole tomatoes, 1 kg garlic, 500 g bitter capsicum, salt to taste.

Pass everything through a meat grinder. Add salt. Leave in an enamel bowl for 10-15 days for the adjika to ferment, remembering to stir it daily. Need salt tomato juice before you need to add the garlic and pepper, otherwise you won't be able to taste the salt later.

Homemade ketchup, tomato paste - recipes

1 kg tomato

300 gr onions

1 teaspoon ground pepper

5 carnations

3 teaspoons salt

Half a glass of sugar

Cook until the onion is ready - you will get excellent homemade ketchup!

Tomato paste for the winter

We take out the core with seeds from the sweet pepper, preferably red, but green or yellow is also possible. Next, cut off the ends from the tomato “butts”. Can be with seeds and skin, can be peeled. We pass everything through a meat grinder. For 1 serving of pepper puree, preferably 2 servings tomato puree- it turns out tastier this way.

Now pour everything into a pan with a wide bottom and cook from the moment of boiling for 20 minutes with almost constant stirring - the pieces of vegetables are heavy, they always tend to sink to the bottom of the pan and burn.

Pour the boiling dressing into sterile 0.5-liter jars, seal, turn upside down so that the lids are pulled in, and wrap in a blanket until it cools completely.

Based on this dressing in winter, you can prepare any tomato sauce, rubbing it through a sieve and seasoning, for example, with garlic and grated horseradish, or spices for ketchup. Can't compare with any, even the highest quality, tomato paste!

Salsa is a Mexican seasoning similar to adjika.

450 g peeled and seeded tomatoes, 1 onion, 3 chopped cloves of garlic, 1 chopped bunch of cilantro, 2 hot peppers, 1 green Bell pepper, 2 tbsp. tablespoons (30 ml) lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon salt.

Chop the tomatoes. Chop the onion. Place tomatoes and onions in a separate bowl along with garlic and cilantro. Finely chop the hot pepper. Mix it with tomatoes. Remove the seeds and veins from the green pepper, chop finely and mix with the tomatoes along with lemon juice and salt.

Before serving, you need to cool the prepared seasoning for 30 minutes.

Salt makes animals thirsty and they begin to consume a large number of water and food, which contributes to rapid weight gain. There was salt expensive product To prevent shepherds from stealing it, pepper was mixed into it. But shepherds used this mixture well as a seasoning and sometimes added the most fragrant spices, such as cilantro, suneli hops, and garlic.