Greenling fish, recipes, calories, useful properties. Description of the inhabitant of the northern seas - what kind of fish Terpug

Sea fish is very useful for human body. Excellent taste qualities And nutritional value has a greenling fish, beneficial features, the harm of which is of interest to many scientists. What unique features of this fish are especially important for humans? Can its use harm the body?


Turpug is a product proper diet And healthy eating. This species belongs to medium-fat fish, so it can be successfully included in the menu of various diets, replacing meat.

To lose a few pounds without compromising health, nutritionists recommend including greenlings in fasting days three times a week. Greenling fish has many useful properties for the body:

  • is a rich source of protein - the building material of all organs and tissues;
  • contains a sufficient amount of iodine to normalize the activity of the thyroid gland;
  • a high content of phosphorus accelerates metabolism, maintains normal acid-base balance in the body, prevents the development of dental caries;
  • greenling is a champion in sulfur content, this element helps organs and tissues resist harmful bacteria and maintains the necessary level of blood clotting;
  • contains arginine, an important amino acid that strengthens the immune system, toxic substances from the liver, wound healing;
  • due to the presence of saturated fatty acids in the composition, it helps to prevent the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, and also improves the functioning of cardio-vascular system;
  • the iron content helps to saturate the blood cells with oxygen and increase the level of hemoglobin to the required level;
  • it contains a lot of zinc, the main function of which is to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the body;
  • regular consumption of raspberry dishes has a positive effect on the functioning nervous system and mental activity, as the product is rich in B vitamins;
  • due to the sufficient content of vitamins, macro- and microelements in the greenling, its use improves the condition of teeth, skin, hair, nails.


The content of fats and carbohydrates in greenling fish does not exceed the quantitative norms. In the absence of contraindications, the product can be used without special restrictions. The greenling can harm the body if there is it in large quantities with thyroid problems. A high level of iodine in the body can disrupt the activity of the digestive organs, lead to a sharp loss of body weight, lower blood pressure, and slow down the heart rate. If you have thyroid disease, you should consult a specialist before eating this fish.

Scientific studies have shown that some types of marine fish contain carcinogens. Studies of the greenling confirmed that, in addition, it is a fish containing high level mercury.


100 g of greenling contains 101.8 kcal, which is 4.8% of the recommended daily allowance. The table contains data on the calorie content of 1 medium fish.


With absence general contraindications in a pregnant woman, she is recommended to eat dishes with greenlings 2 times a week. Fish should not be consumed by a woman in the first months breastfeeding. This product is suitable for baby food. If the baby does not have allergic reactions, it is possible to introduce him to the greenling from 10 months. In the first months of complementary feeding, the fish should be chopped in a blender or in a meat grinder. After 14 months, you can offer the child a greenling in portioned pieces. Giving fish to young children more than once every 10 days is not recommended. Turp is contraindicated if:

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

Turmeric is valued for the content of important vitamins for humans:

Greenling fish is rich in basic necessary for the body minerals:

Marine fish contains many of the elements necessary for the healthy development of the human body. For eating, it is better to use greenlings that have not been frozen. Maximum amount valuable substances are stored in fish cooked by steaming or baking.

Calories: 101.8 kcal.

Energy value of the product Fish greenling (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

Proteins: 17.8 g. (~71 kcal) Fats: 3.4 g (~31 kcal) Carbohydrates: 0 g (~0 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 70%|30%|0%

Greenling fish: properties

How much does Greenling fish cost (average price per 1 kg.)?

Moscow and Moscow region 115 rubles

The greenling fish belongs to the marine bottom schooling fish, which mainly live in coastal waters, as well as in continental shelf zones at a depth of up to two hundred meters. As a rule, this fish is small and medium in size, the length of which hardly exceeds 60 centimeters and weighs up to 2.5 kilograms.

The excellent taste qualities and useful properties of the greenling made this fish an important object of not only amateur, but also commercial fishing, which is carried out using bottom trawls in the open sea and seines in the coastal area. It is noteworthy that greenling fish also make up a fairly significant share of the by-catch in the process of harvesting other species of bottom fish. Thus, the total catch of greenling in Russia is approximately 60 thousand tons annually.

The greenling fish, which is caught in the Far Eastern seas by domestic vessels, enters the markets of our country. On sale, it is available, as a rule, in a frozen (steak, carcass or fillet) and smoked form, and closer to the fishing grounds - in a chilled state.

Regarding the useful properties of the greenling, we can say that this fish is rich in zinc and anthocyanin, which help reduce the level of dangerous cholesterol in the human body. In addition, this fish contains vitamins - A, groups B, C, PP, as well as minerals - iodine, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and useful omega-3 fatty acids.

It has been proven that regular consumption of greenling fish has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system and mental activity. The most beneficial for health is the greenling prepared by baking, in an air grill or steamed, since under such conditions the maximum of valuable substances in the product is preserved.

Greenling fish dishes have an average nutritional value and can be safely consumed by those who watch their figure. The calorie content of the greenling is only 101.8 kcal per 100 grams of fresh fish. This is very delicious fish, which has the most tender white meat, which can be cooked in a variety of ways. different ways. In addition, the greenling is ideal for canning, smoking and many snacks.

Greenling fish can be simply fried, as well as common fish in a frying pan. Stuffed greenling is considered a special delicacy, as a filling for which absolutely various products are used, for example, chopped fried onion And pine nuts. great taste Ukha is obtained from greenling - a truly fragrant, tasty and healthy fish dish.

Product proportions. How many grams?

in 1 piece 1500 grams

The nutritional value

Energy (caloric content) of food accumulates in nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates). It is known that 1 g of fat gives 9 kcal, 1 g of carbohydrates - 4 kcal, and 1 g of proteins - 4 kcal. The energy balance chart shows the ratio of these substances in the product based on their contribution to calories. this product. Why do you need this information? Many popular diets are based on this knowledge. For example, the US Department of Health recommends 60% of calories come from carbohydrates and only 30% from fat. The Atkins diet recommends low carbohydrate intake, although other diets focus on low fat intake. Whichever method you choose, our diagram will show you how. various products nutrition match your goal.

Terpug, calorie content 101.8 kcal, chemical composition, nutritional value, vitamins, minerals

  • Analysis nutritional value- How useful is the product!
  • Diagrams - chemical composition in graphs.

Home - Ingredients - Ingredients fish and seafood - fresh, chilled, frozen fish - Chemical composition "Gerpug"

What is useful Terpug

Terpug is rich the following vitamins and minerals: vitamin PP - 20,3 %, phosphorus - 27,5 %, gray - 18 %, iodine - 33,3 %, copper - 15 %, chromium - 60 %, cobalt - 200 %.

Where% is the percentage of satisfaction of the daily norm per 100 gr.

The complete guide to the most useful products you can look in the My Healthy Diet app.

Useful properties Turpug


Energy value or calories is the amount of energy released in the human body from food during digestion. The energy value of the product is measured in kilo-calories (kcal) or kilo-joules (kJ) per 100 grams. product. Kilocalorie used for measurement energy value foodstuffs, also known as food calorie”, therefore, when indicating calories in (kilo) calories, the prefix kilo is often omitted. Detailed tables energy value for Russian products you can see here.

The nutritional value- the content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the product.

The nutritional value food product - a set of properties of a food product, in the presence of which the physiological needs of a person are satisfied essential substances and energy.

vitamins, organic matter required in small quantities V diet both humans and most vertebrates. The synthesis of vitamins is usually carried out by plants, not animals. The daily human need for vitamins is only a few milligrams or micrograms. Unlike inorganic substances, vitamins are destroyed by strong heating. Many vitamins are unstable and "lost" during cooking or food processing.

Search by calorie tables and chemical composition products and ready meals:

Each subspecies has its own morphological features and habitats. Greenlings live in the seas of the Far East, on the coast of Kamchatka, near the Bering Sea. IN industrial scale this fish is harvested using bottom trawls and seines. Amateur fishing is carried out with a line or line.

The use of greenling

Thanks to delicious and healthy meat greenling is a valuable commercial object. The fish goes on sale in a frozen form, closer to the places of fishing - in a chilled one. Fresh greenling meat has a greenish or yellowish tint, which sometimes worries the consumer.

There are many different ways to cook this fish. All recipes are quite simple. You can boil the fish soup from the greenling, fry it, salt it, pickle it, smoke it. Greenling meat is added to salads. The fishing industry produces canned food made from greenlings. The advantages of this fish include the fact that it has few bones, and it is easy to clean before cooking.

Greenling turns out to be very tasty and nutritious if it is smoked. For smoking greenlings, most often they take frozen fish. Before cooking, the fish is rubbed with salt and spices. When hot-smoked greenling, its meat turns out juicy and fragrant. This option is suitable for adding to salads, as well as self snacks. As diet food greenling can be baked, steamed or air grilled.

The meat of the greenling is a source of protein and essential amino acids for a person. Useful properties of greenling are also determined by the content of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. It is known that they prevent the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, improve the activity of the cardiovascular system. The regular use of greenlings has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system.

This fish contains vitamins A, C, PP, group B and microelements molybdenum, chromium, sulfur, iron, bromine, etc. The beneficial properties of greenling directly depend on them. With insufficient work of the thyroid gland, greenling meat will become a natural source of iodine.

The calorie content of the greenling is about 102 kcal per 100 g of the product, and varies depending on the method of preparation. Due to the average calorie content of the greenling, it can be consumed by people who monitor their weight.

Harm of the greenling

How sea ​​fish greenling can sometimes cause individual intolerance, which manifests itself in allergic reactions. Oven-cooked greenling is not recommended for people with peptic ulcer and kidney diseases.

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Greenling is a product of proper diet and healthy eating. This species belongs to medium-fat fish, so it can be successfully included in the menu of various diets, replacing meat.

To lose a few pounds without compromising health, nutritionists recommend including greenlings on fasting days three times a week. Greenling fish has many beneficial properties for the body.:

  • is a rich source of protein - the building material of all organs and tissues;
  • contains a sufficient amount of iodine to normalize the activity of the thyroid gland;
  • a high content of phosphorus accelerates metabolism, maintains normal acid-base balance in the body, prevents the development of dental caries;
  • greenling is a champion in sulfur content, this element helps organs and tissues resist harmful bacteria and maintains the necessary level of blood clotting;
  • contains arginine, an important amino acid that helps strengthen immunity, remove toxic substances from the liver, and heal wounds;
  • due to the presence of saturated fatty acids in the composition, it helps to prevent the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, and also improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • the iron content helps to saturate the blood cells with oxygen and increase the level of hemoglobin to the required level;
  • it contains a lot of zinc, the main function of which is to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the body;
  • regular use of dishes from the greenling favorably affects the functioning of the nervous system and mental activity, since the product is rich in B vitamins;
  • due to the sufficient content of vitamins, macro- and microelements in the greenling, its use improves the condition of teeth, skin, hair, nails.


The content of fats and carbohydrates in greenling fish does not exceed the quantitative norms. In the absence of contraindications, the product can be used without special restrictions. Greenling can harm the body if it is eaten in large quantities with problems with the thyroid gland. A high level of iodine in the body can disrupt the activity of the digestive organs, lead to a sharp loss of body weight, lower blood pressure, and slow down the heart rate. If you have thyroid disease, you should consult a specialist before eating this fish.

Scientific studies have shown that some types of marine fish contain carcinogens. Studies on the greenling have also confirmed that it is also a fish containing high levels of mercury.


100 g of greenling contains 101.8 kcal, which is 4.8% of the recommended daily allowance. The table contains data on the calorie content of 1 medium fish.


Marine fish called greenling is a representative of schooling bottom fish. It lives mainly in coastal sea waters and in the zone of the continental shelf at a depth of approximately 200 meters.

Usually greenling fish has medium and small sizes. Their weight, as a rule, does not exceed two and a half kilograms, and the average length is about sixty centimeters.

Greenling fish is very popular due to its numerous useful properties and excellent taste. In the coastal area, this fish is mainly caught with nets, and in open sea areas - using special bottom trawls. On the territory of Russia every year they catch, on average, sixty thousand tons.

On sale, mainly greenling fish is presented, which was caught in the waters of the seas of the Far East. In domestic stores, you can buy chilled, frozen, as well as smoked greenling fish.

The white meat of the greenling fish is particularly tender and is ideal for all types of fish. cooking- in particular, smoking, canning, frying, cooking amazingly tasty and fragrant fish soup and even stuffing. By the way, stuffed greenling is a real delicacy. Especially if the filling for it is made from pine nuts and chopped fried onions.

Useful properties and composition

The use of greenling fish brings significant benefits to human health. It contains a sufficient number of such important minerals, like zinc and anticyanin - their main function is to reduce the level of bad cholesterol. In addition, greenling fish is very rich in vitamins A, C, PP, as well as B vitamins. It also contains important omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, zinc, selenium, iron, iodine, phosphorus, calcium and some others. useful material.

As proven Scientific research, as a result of regular consumption of greenling fish, the activity of the central nervous system and brain is significantly improved. Many methods can be used to prepare this fish, however, the most useful is greenling fish, steamed or baked in a special air grill - only in this way can one achieve best conservation all the useful properties of this fish.


Due to the low calorie content, dishes based on greenling fish are ideal for those who are trying to strictly control their weight. One hundred grams of fresh greenling fish contains no more than 101.8 calories.

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Medical directory / Food / T


Greenling is one of the representatives of schooling demersal fishes. Fish are found in the sea, closer to the shore, but at a considerable depth - about 200 meters. Each individual does not exceed 2-2.5 kg in weight, the fish reaches approximately 60-70 cm in length. Today, this highly nutritious greenling meat is in demand due to its low calorie content and high content vitamins, fatty acids and minerals.

Properties of greenling fish

Industrial volumes of fish catch, about 60 thousand tons annually, have become the norm for the country, because people have long appreciated it excellent taste and numerous useful properties. Greenlings are caught with a net, and special bottom trawls are used in the open sea. The popularity of this species is growing due to its tasty and healthy meat. Today greenling is a valuable commercial fish.

It is usually sold in supermarkets and shops in frozen form. In places of fishing - fresh or chilled. The greenling meat is greenish or yellowish, which may alert the consumer. This fish is very useful for humans. Fish meat contains rare and important zinc for the body, and no less specific anticyanin. In addition, greenling is a source of fatty acids, as well as trace elements - Mg, Zn, Se, Fe, I, P, Ca, K and molybdenum, chromium, sulfur, bromine.

The benefits of greenling meat

If we talk about the benefits of greenling meat, then you can start with the fact that 100 g of fresh fish contains about 100 calories. For those who need a diet, greenling meat will bring great benefit, since it is low-calorie and eating it, you can reduce your weight, and then control it in the future. Phosphorus contained in fish meat effectively affects the state of the central nervous system, stimulates memory, brain function, reduces fatigue, and increases efficiency. Zinc and anticyanin effectively lower blood cholesterol levels.

Vitamins of group B, as well as A, C, PP, stimulate and strengthen immune system, as well as, revitalize and normalize the metabolism in the body. Trace elements are very useful for the whole organism, such a set as in fish is quite rare and therefore eating such meat corresponds to the use of a mineral cocktail, while it is also a mass nutrients- protein and essential amino acids. In diseases of the thyroid gland, greenling meat is the best natural source of iodine. Contained unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids prevent fatty plaques on the walls of blood vessels, in general, improve heart function.

The use of greenling fish

On sale there is usually a greenling caught in the waters of the seas of the Far East. The white meat of the fish is very tender, it is an ideal meat for any kind of cooking. Fish is usually cooked in a variety of ways. From it you can cook fish soup, smoke, preserve, fry and stuff. The latter method of cooking greenling is considered a special delicacy if pine nuts and a lot of sautéed onions are used in the filling. But in order to fully get all the beneficial properties of meat, you should steam it or bake it in a special air grill.

TO important benefits This fish is related to the fact that there are practically no bones in it, moreover, it is very easy to clean with a scraper or knife before cooking. Unusually tasty smoked greenling. The dish is prepared as follows: frozen fish is rubbed with salt and spices. Smoked in a special workshop. If the technology is cold smoked, then the greenling meat becomes unusually fragrant. And if the fish is cooked hot smoked, then the meat becomes juicy. Smoked greenling is used as an independent dish.

Harm of the greenling

Harm from greenling meat is unlikely. However, in some people it can cause, like any marine fish, individual intolerance. This is manifested in allergic reactions. It is not recommended to eat smoked greenlings for people with diseases such as pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, pyelonephritis. Caution should be exercised when consuming fried greenlings for those who are on a diet. Stuffed greenling with spices can exacerbate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in those who are sick with cholecystitis. Also, spices will cause exacerbation of liver diseases.

Greenling perch, also known as the serpentine or toothed greenling, is a valuable marine commercial fish. It is characterized by one long dorsal fin and, as the name implies, a large mouth full of teeth. The meat of this fish good source protein with a low fat content, it is also characterized by a rich vitamin and mineral composition.

  • Sea Bass GreenlingPhoto: Shutterstock

Nutritional value of greenling

An average greenling perch fillet weighs about 300 g and contains about 330 calories, of which most of it is protein and only a small part is fat. This fish is an excellent source of vitamins B12 and B6. By eating half a fillet, you get the full recommended dose of the first vitamin and about a quarter of the second. The same amount of cooked fish contains a full dose of the essential mineral selenium and almost half of the daily phosphorus that the average person needs. Also terpug is rich in:

Ribofalvin; - nicotinic acid; - pantothenic acid; - folates; - thiamine; - vitamin A; - magnesium; - potassium; - zinc; - sodium.

The protein in the greenling is complete, that is, it contains everything necessary for a person amino acids, however, two of them, methionine and phenylalanine, in trace amounts. Of the important but replenishable amino acids in fish, there is arginine, which helps heal wounds, detoxify the liver, and strengthen the immune system.

Meat of a perch-linger in its own way taste characteristics not inferior to halibut or salmon meat

Useful properties of greenling perch

The main benefit that can be obtained by eating greenling meat is associated with nutrients, which are contained in this fish in large quantities, namely niacin, phosphorus, selenium, potassium and vitamins B6 and B12.

Niacin, or nicotinic acid, is essential for releasing energy from fats, proteins, and carbohydrates; in addition, it is responsible for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, as well as for the health of the skin. Phosphorus is a component of every cell, especially necessary for bones and teeth. Together with sodium and potassium, phosphorus maintains an acid-base balance and helps muscle contraction, nerve conduction, and a regular heartbeat. Selenium, along with vitamin E, acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from free radical damage. This mineral is important both in the functioning of the thyroid gland and in the functioning of the immune system.

Excess selenium is expressed in general fatigue, hair loss, gastrointestinal disorders

Potassium maintains the balance of external and intracellular fluid in the body, prevents bone loss, that is, fights osteoporosis and other age-related changes in bones, helps reduce the risk of kidney stones, and is also important for many metabolic reactions. Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, is essential for both the nervous and immune systems and maintains normal blood sugar levels. Vitamin B12 along with folic acid reduces the level of homocysteine, which damages blood vessels and the heart muscle, which leads to cardiovascular diseases.

Terpug is a fish from the Terpug family, which is popular in our country. It is also called sea lenok or greenling perch, or greenling. He, like other fish of this species, greenlings live in flocks, prefer to settle in the bottom areas. Adults usually do not exceed 40 - 50 cm in length, and the weight of one fish is on average about one and a half kilograms.

Greenlings are a staple food for many marine mammals.
There are such commercial subspecies of greenling, as single-line, hare-headed, as well as brown, Japanese or spotted and eyebrowed. Each of these subspecies has its own characteristics, have their own habitats. But all of them are concentrated on the coast of the Far East, Kamchatka, the Bering Sea. It is there that the main production and commercial production of this fish is developed.

What is the value of greenling fish - useful properties, recipes, calorie content in it - what? Let's talk in more detail about its health benefits, and also prepare some very tasty dishes from the greenling:

Useful properties of greenling

The meat of the greenling is rich in very valuable, easily digestible protein. It contains a lot of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids. These beneficial substances contribute to the prevention of vascular diseases, have a positive effect on heart health, improve the functioning of the entire of cardio-vascular system.

Fish also contains vitamins: A, C, PP, group B. There are trace elements there: molybdenum, chromium, sulfur, as well as iron, bromine, and many others. others Regular use greenling helps to improve the nervous system, activates mental, intellectual activity.

Half of a boiled fish fillet contains almost a daily dose of vitamin B6, selenium, and half daily dose phosphorus. Also this fish is natural, natural source iodine.

How satisfying is the greenling fish? calories

The calorie content of the greenling is very low, only 102 kcal per 100 g of boiled product. But the amount of calories can vary, depending on the method of preparation. For example, fried fish more high-calorie, although it also contains few calories - up to 330 kcal. per 100 g of the product.

How to cook raspberry? cooking recipes

The most useful, healthy way cooking lingering, this is baking in the oven, steaming, as well as stuffing. And they stuff the greenling various fillings- vegetables, herbs, eggs, onions with cereals, lemon and even fresh pine nuts. Today we will cook a baked fish, and also stuff the greenling with a delicious filling:

Baked greenling perch

For cooking, we need: 1 small perch carcass, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 2 onions, fresh herbs, salt pepper.


Clean the fish, remove the insides, cut out the gills (leave the head itself). Lightly rub the inside and outside with a mixture of salt and black pepper. Lubricate lemon juice. Chop the greens, cut the onion into rings. Mix greens with onions, put everything inside the fish.

Grease the mold where you will bake. Lay the fish upside down. Place in preheated oven. Baste with the resulting juice as it bakes. Ready fish serve with vegetable salad.

Stuffed greenling

We need a medium sized fish, one a raw egg, 100 g rye bread(crumb), 1 glass of milk, 1 onion. Also prepare 100 g of mayonnaise, a small bunch of dill, cilantro. Don't forget salt and black pepper.


Place fresh or defrosted fish on a cutting board. Make small cuts around the skin. Now carefully peel off the skin, set aside for now on a separate plate.

Separate the fillet from the bones, scroll through the meat grinder. Lay the bread crumb pre-soaked in milk to the minced meat. Add finely chopped onion, herbs, beat in an egg. Salt, pepper, knead the minced meat thoroughly. Now carefully fill the fish skin with the minced meat. Try to avoid breaks.

Place on a foil-lined dish or baking sheet. Spread generously with mayonnaise on top. Place in preheated oven. Bake for approximately 1 hour. Ready fish sprinkle with herbs, serve.

Salad with smoked perch

We need smoked greenling fillet, 4-5 small boiled potatoes, 2 boiled eggs, 3 medium-sized pickled cucumbers. You will also need a small bunch of green onions, fresh herbs, mayonnaise.


Chop potatoes, eggs, cucumbers small cubes put in a salad bowl. Add finely chopped onion to it. Smoked fillet disassemble the greenling into pieces, remember a little, lay out to the vegetables. Salt to taste (if necessary), pour mayonnaise, mix. Sprinkle with herbs. Lettuce is used as an independent cold appetizer. Bon appetit!

Greenling is one of the representatives of schooling demersal fishes. Fish are found in the sea, closer to the shore, but at a considerable depth - about 200 meters. Each individual does not exceed 2-2.5 kg in weight, the fish reaches about 60-70 cm in length. Today, this highly nutritious greenling meat is in demand due to its low calorie content and high content of vitamins, fatty acids and minerals.

Properties of greenling fish

Industrial volumes of fish catch, about 60 thousand tons annually, have become the norm for the country, because people have long appreciated its excellent taste and numerous useful properties. Greenlings are caught with a net, and special bottom trawls are used in the open sea. The popularity of this species is growing due to its tasty and healthy meat. Today greenling is a valuable commercial fish.

It is usually sold in supermarkets and shops in frozen form. In places of fishing - fresh or chilled. The greenling meat is greenish or yellowish, which may alert the consumer. This fish is very useful for humans. Fish meat contains rare and important zinc for the body, and no less specific anticyanin. In addition, greenling is a source of fatty acids, as well as trace elements - Mg, Zn, Se, Fe, I, P, Ca, K and molybdenum, chromium, sulfur, bromine.

The benefits of greenling meat

If we talk about the benefits of greenling meat, then you can start with the fact that 100 g of fresh fish contains about 100 calories. For those who need a diet, greenling meat will be of great benefit, because it is low in calories and eating it, you can reduce your weight, and then control it in the future. Phosphorus contained in fish meat effectively affects the state of the central nervous system, stimulates memory, brain function, reduces fatigue, and increases efficiency. Zinc and anticyanin effectively lower blood cholesterol levels.

Vitamins of group B, as well as A, C, PP, stimulate and strengthen the immune system, as well as revitalize and normalize the metabolism in the body. Trace elements are very useful for the whole organism, such a set as in fish is quite rare and therefore eating such meat corresponds to eating a mineral cocktail, while it is also a lot of nutrients - protein and essential amino acids. In diseases of the thyroid gland, greenling meat is the best natural source of iodine. Contained unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids prevent fatty plaques on the walls of blood vessels, in general, improve heart function.

The use of greenling fish

On sale there is usually a greenling caught in the waters of the seas of the Far East. The white meat of the fish is very tender, it is an ideal meat for any kind of cooking. Fish is usually cooked in a variety of ways. From it you can cook fish soup, smoke, preserve, fry and stuff. The latter method of cooking greenling is considered a special delicacy if pine nuts and a lot of sautéed onions are used in the filling. But in order to fully get all the beneficial properties of meat, you should steam it or bake it in a special air grill.

The important advantages of this fish include the fact that there are practically no bones in it, moreover, it is very easy to clean with a scraper or knife before cooking. Unusually tasty smoked greenling. The dish is prepared as follows: frozen fish is rubbed with salt and spices. Smoked in a special workshop. If the technology is cold smoked, then the greenling meat becomes unusually fragrant. And if the fish is cooked hot smoked, then the meat becomes juicy. Smoked greenling is used as an independent dish.

Harm of the greenling

Harm from greenling meat is unlikely. However, in some people it can cause, like any marine fish, individual intolerance. This is manifested in allergic reactions. It is not recommended to eat smoked greenlings for people with diseases such as pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, pyelonephritis. Caution should be exercised when consuming fried greenlings for those who are on a diet. Stuffed greenling with spices can exacerbate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in those who are sick with cholecystitis. Also, spices will cause exacerbation of liver diseases.

Greenling perch is a marine fish from the greenling family. Terpugi - schooling Marine life, they give preference to near-bottom territories. Reaching about half a meter, greenling perch weigh no more than 1.5 kg. The habitat of these fish is Far East, Kamchatka is also in the vicinity of the Bering coast. In these regions, the main catch of greenlings is carried out.

How to properly and tasty cook perch-linger?

most correct and useful useful way cooking perch-lingering - these are steamed dishes, baking in the oven, stuffed lingering - quite tasty dish. But this fish can also be cooked in combination with all kinds of sauces.

Terpug baked in the oven

The method of preparing this dish is very similar to baking any other fish, but variations are possible. Therefore, each chef comes up with something of his own that distinguishes this dish from all the others. We only offer you the basis of cooking recipes.

Composition of products

  • Medium-sized greenling perch - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 25 g.
  • Onion turnip - 2 pcs.
  • Dill, parsley to taste.
  • Spices and salt - to taste.

Cooking technology

The perch should be cleaned, cut off the fins, tail, remove the insides and gills. Grate the whole fish (outside and inside) with spices mixed with salt and sprinkle with lemon juice. Chop the onion and dill with parsley, mix, and fill the fish with this mixture.

Lubricate the refractory dishes prepared for baking from the inside vegetable oil. Carefully place the perch so that the filling does not fall out. Place the dish with the perch in the preheated oven. From time to time check the readiness of the fish, while pouring it with the resulting juice.

Cooked perch can be served with vegetable salads or boiled potatoes sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Perch stuffed


  • Medium-sized perch - 1 carcass.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Crumb white loaf- 120 g.
  • Skim milk - 200 g.
  • Onion turnip - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise (any, preferably low-fat) - 50 g.
  • Sour cream 10% - 50 g.
  • Fresh herbs taste.
  • Spices and salt to taste.

How to cook

Clean the fish in advance from scales, cut off the head. Leave the tail, cut off only the fins. On cutting board carefully make circular incisions from the side of the head. Remove the skin slowly and carefully with a "stocking" to the tail. At the tail, chop off the fish from the spine and set the skin with the tail aside.

It is necessary to free the fillet from the bones, pass it through a blender or meat grinder. In minced meat, add bread pre-soaked in milk, very finely chopped onions and fresh herbs. Crack an egg. Season the minced meat with spices and salt. Knead the resulting mass very well.

Take the skin and carefully fill it with minced meat, avoiding tearing it. Gently place the stuffed perch on a greased fireproof dish, grease it with a mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream, and place in a preheated oven. Baking time about 1 hour. Before serving, sprinkle the cooked greenling with fresh herbs.

Grass with walnut sauce

Composition of products

  • Greenling fillet with skin - 400 g.
  • Vegetable oil (any) - 15 g.
  • Flour - 2 tablespoons.
  • Pecan nuts - 180 g.
  • Turnip onion, medium - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 60 g.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1.5 tablespoons.
  • Egg yolks - 2 pcs.
  • 4 cloves of garlic.
  • Hot red pepper and Caucasian spices to taste.
  • Cloves - 2 sticks.

Cooking method

We cut off the fins of the fish, the head and tail and put them to cook until cooked, to get rich broth. Then we will use it to make the sauce.

Perch fillet with skin, cut into pieces portioned pieces roll in flour mixed with salt. Put in a frying pan heated with vegetable oil and fry until cooked. Let cool.

Meanwhile, prepare the walnut sauce. To do this, we pass through a meat grinder (a blender will not work) pecans, garlic. Gently free the yolks from the proteins and add to the nuts, mix thoroughly. In this mass, carefully add the fish broth that we have prepared and knead until the consistency of sour cream.

Chop the onion very finely and put it in a pan with preheated butter. Saute until golden color, then add flour and continue sautéing. Then dilute this mass prepared in advance fish broth, put cloves and red hot pepper to taste and simmer for another 10 minutes.

After that, carefully put the fried onions into the nuts, mix everything again and put on a slow fire: make sure that the nuts do not burn. This mass should not be thick, as the nuts swell as they cool. Never boil, just bring to a boil. When the fire is turned off, pour the vinegar and mix again.

Lay the pieces of fried greenling on beautiful dish(on it you will serve the fish to the table). Then fill the perch walnut sauce and let cool. Since this dish is served cold, it is better to put it in the refrigerator before the arrival of guests. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.