Warm salad with squid crab sticks. Salad with crab sticks and squid

For all housewives who want to make the holiday unforgettable, a salad with squid is the best solution in this situation. Thanks to seafood, the dish acquires an incredible taste and aroma. To cook it, you do not need to have special skills. Desire and a minimum set of ingredients - and the holiday was a success. The best recipes for squid salad with photos can be read below.

Quick recipe for squid and egg salad

The dish prepared in this way is distinguished by incredible tenderness and interesting taste. This is a classic variation that is often prepared in restaurants around the world.

Ingredients for making salad with squid and egg:

  • half a kilogram of squid;
  • 4 large chicken eggs;
  • two medium onions;
  • 60 g of greens (any is possible);
  • half a glass of mayonnaise;
  • spices as desired.

Do not heat frozen squid, as this can affect the structure of the meat.

The frozen squid should be kept at room temperature until all the ice is gone.

Rinse the carcass thoroughly under the tap. Then take a deep saucepan, pour water and put on fire. When the liquid boils, seafood should be placed in it. Salt and pepper the meat. Keep the squid in boiling water for no more than 4 minutes.

After the seafood is cooked, it must be laid out on a cutting board and allowed to cool slightly. Then the squid must be cleaned, all films must be removed. Cut the meat into small strips using a sharp knife.

Wash the onion and remove the husk from it.
Cut the vegetable in any convenient way. If the onion is very bitter, then it can be lightly scalded with a small amount of boiling water.

Place the eggs in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat until cooked through.
Then transfer them to a container of cold water and hold for a while. This will help the shell to separate well. Chop the white and yolk with a knife. You can also grate them on a coarse grater.

Wash and dry fresh herbs. You can do this with a paper towel.
Chop as small as possible.
Put prepared squid, eggs and other ingredients in a deep bowl. Season everything with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly.

Salad ready!

Delicious squid and shrimp salad

The combination of these seafood will add sophistication and a pleasant, sweet taste to the dish. Such a squid salad can be served on a festive table, as well as cooked for breakfast. This is a dietary and at the same time satisfying dish that will become the best meal for the whole family.

In order to emphasize the taste of shrimp in the salad, add a little bay leaves or a few whole pieces of sweet peas to the water where they are boiled.

Components for preparing salad:

  • 1 kg of shrimp;
  • 1 kg of squid;
  • half a bunch of Iceberg lettuce;
  • 12 pieces of quail eggs;
  • greenery;
  • sea ​​salt to taste;
  • low-fat mayonnaise.

The preparation of the salad should start with the preparation of the squid. Boil seafood in salted water. Keep in boiling water for no more than 3 minutes.

Chop the onion and salad. Chop as small as possible.

Boil the shrimps and peel them thoroughly. Put all the ingredients in a deep bowl and mix well.

Peel the eggs and cut them in half. They should be placed on top before serving the squid and shrimp salad on the table. It is also recommended to sprinkle the dishes with chopped. Put mayonnaise into each portion separately.

Quick recipe for squid and crab stick salad

This is an amazingly tasty dish with an unusual aroma and aftertaste. When cooked correctly, the squid will be tender and juicy.

In order to quickly and efficiently clean the squid from the skin, put it in boiling water for 10 seconds while stirring constantly. Then remove from boiling water and place in cold liquid. This will allow the skin to flake off from the meat.

To prepare a dish, you should take:

  • 500 g boiled squid;
  • 380 g crab sticks (chilled);
  • 220 g of hard cheese (better than Russian);
  • 6 small boiled chicken eggs;
  • vinegar, mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste;
  • 1 onion.

Cut all components into strips. The procedure should begin with the preparation of the onion. This is necessary so that he has time to marinate. Put the chopped vegetable in a bowl and cover with half a tablespoon of sugar and one teaspoon of salt. Pour everything with 3 tablespoons of vinegar. If there is not enough liquid, then it will be necessary to add water on top and mix everything well.

Grind the cheese and eggs with a coarse grater.
Cut the boiled squid into strips.
Cut the crab sticks.

Place the ingredients in a large container and add some red caviar. Stir the salad, season with salt and pepper. Also season it with mayonnaise.

You can serve the dish both in a large salad bowl and in portions using special molds. Top, if desired, can be decorated with cucumber slices and fresh dill sprigs. Salad with squid and crab sticks, if cooked correctly, is the best substitute for the famous Olivier.

Unusual salad with squid and cucumber

Despite the simplicity of this recipe and the minimum amount of ingredients, the dish turns out to be tasty, appetizing and very beautiful. Such a salad is prepared very quickly and easily. Thanks to the fresh cucumber included in the ingredient list, it gains a delicate and fresh aroma. For everyone who loves a hearty and tasty meal, a salad with squid and cucumber is the best option.

If you digest the squid, then the meat will turn out tough.

For cooking you will need:

  • one small squid carcass, about 100 grams;
  • fresh;
  • small onions (preferably blue);
  • 2-3 chicken eggs (homemade);
  • a can of canned green peas;
  • two bay leaves (medium size);
  • peppercorns;
  • half a glass of apple cider vinegar;
  • a pinch of salt, sugar and pepper;
  • a little mayonnaise (in order to season the salad).

Wash the onion and remove the husk from it. Cut the vegetable into half rings, then put in a bowl and marinate.
This will give the salad an unusual aftertaste. To make the dish interesting in color, it is recommended to use purple onions. You need to marinate the vegetable for 15 minutes.

Defrost the squid at room temperature. Then rinse it in cold running water. Pour liquid into a saucepan. Add a little salt, lavrushka, peppercorns to it and bring to a boil. When the liquid reaches the required temperature, put the squid carcass in the pan. It should be kept for no more than 1 minute. Then remove the meat from boiling water and rinse under running water.

If you bought whole squid carcasses, then you should pay special attention to their cleaning. To select all the necessary insides, you need to take the head and tentacles and thus remove all the insides. Then separate the chitinous plate, and rinse the meat itself well under running water.

Cut the finished squid into strips and put in a deep container.
Wash the cucumber and chop in the form of small strips. It is best to purchase a vegetable with a firm pulp. This will help prevent a lot of liquid from forming in the salad.
Add the chopped cucumber to the squid. Put the pickled onions there, and pour the remaining water into the sink.

Boil the eggs. Keep in boiling water for no more than 10 minutes.
Then cool with cold water. Peel them and cut into strips. Send the prepared ingredients to the future salad.

Throw in a colander to drain excess liquid.
Once he has given up all of his marinade, it can be added to the salad. The quantity should be determined independently. Mix all the ingredients, add a little salt and pepper, and season with mayonnaise. If you don't like this sauce, you can use vegetable oil or olive oil.

This is the most delicious salad with squid, which can be decorated with boiled carrot figurines before serving. Using small, thin slices of lemon is also a good option. Citruses and seafood go well together.

The squid salad recipes described above are the best selection. Such dishes have been prepared in famous restaurants around the world for many years.

Video recipe for low-calorie squid salad

Squid salad is a dish that is suitable both for a gala dinner and for a daily diet. This dish has many advantages. It is beneficial because squid contains iodine. This is a nutritious salad, but not too high in calories. It is suitable for those who monitor their weight. It is also a fairly simple dish. There are many recipes for such a salad. Some of them are discussed in the sections of the article.

Salad with squid and crab sticks: recipe

Even a person with little cooking experience can cook this dish. It is recommended to use frozen squid carcasses for such a salad. However, you can also cook this dish with canned seafood.

In order to make such a salad with squid, you will need the following products:

  1. Six sticks of crab.
  2. Squids (three to four carcasses).
  3. The cucumber is fresh.
  4. Three eggs.
  5. Corn (canned).
  6. Half a pod of sweet pepper.
  7. One hundred grams of hard cheese.
  8. Salt and ground pepper (optional)
  9. Two hundred grams of mayonnaise.

Finely chop the squids (the frozen ones must be boiled for three minutes). Peel the cucumber and pepper. Cut into small squares. Boil eggs. Cut into small pieces. Grind the crab sticks. Grate the cheese.

Put all the ingredients in a separate bowl, mix with two tablespoons of mayonnaise. Season with salt and pepper. Put all the food in a large salad bowl in the following order:

  1. Squids.
  2. Cucumber.
  3. Eggs.
  4. Corn.
  5. Crab sticks.
  6. Sweet pepper.

Sprinkle with cheese on top. The salad prepared according to this recipe with squid and crab sticks and with pepper and cucumber has a fresh and interesting taste.

Fresh vegetables give this special feature to the dish.

Capper salad

This dish combines both pleasure and benefit. It is not only rich in iodine, but also contains a lot of protein due to the presence of ham. To prepare such a salad, you need the following ingredients:

  1. Three squid.
  2. One hundred twenty grams of crab sticks.
  3. A bunch of green onions.
  4. Two hundred grams of ham.
  5. Five tablespoons of mayonnaise.
  6. A pinch of salt and ground pepper.
  7. A coffee spoon of lemon juice.

Boil squid, cut into small rings. Wash and chop the onion. Cut the crab sticks and ham into slices. Place all products in a salad bowl. Add salt, pepper, mayonnaise and lemon juice. Mix.

There are many varieties of squid and crab stick salad. These recipes can be found in many cookbooks. Some housewives generally like to experiment, adding a variety of ingredients to this dish to give it an original taste.

Squid and Rice Salad

This is a hearty dish with a delicate, mild flavor. Unusual notes are added to it by the presence of seaweed.

To prepare this dish, you need the following foods:

  1. Three hundred grams of squid.
  2. Three quarters of a cup of cooked rice.
  3. Salt and pepper (optional)
  4. Corn (canned food).
  5. One hundred and fifty grams of seaweed (no hot seasoning).
  6. 120 g mayonnaise.

Boil squids in water with salt. Cut into squares. Chop the seaweed and crab sticks. Mix all products with boiled rice. Add mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Stir again.

Salad with squid and crab sticks according to the recipe with the addition of rice is ready.

Option dish for a gala dinner

This salad uses an unusual combination of ingredients: shrimp, bell peppers, apples and fried squid meat. This dish is an excellent option for a festive treat.

In order to prepare this salad you need the following ingredients:

  1. Three hundred grams of shrimp.
  2. Corn (one can).
  3. Cheese (100 g).
  4. Two eggs.
  5. Three hundred grams of squid.
  6. Sweet pepper (one piece).
  7. One hundred grams of crab sticks.
  8. Two tablespoons of mayonnaise.
  9. Sour apple.

Cook the shrimp for two minutes.

Then cool and, if necessary, clean. Cut the squid into small pieces. Fry evenly in a skillet with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil for three minutes. Boil eggs. Cool, peel and rub finely. Cut the crab sticks into small squares. Rub the cheese. Place the squid, corn, eggs and shrimp in a salad bowl. Add cheese and mayonnaise. Mix well. Top with pieces of apple and sweet pepper for decoration.

This dish harmoniously combines shrimp, squid and crab sticks. The salad according to the recipe described above will surely please all guests of the feast.

Olivier with the addition of squid - an original and tasty dish

Many people are accustomed to cooking classic New Year's food with meat or boiled sausage. However, for those who love squid salads, the best holiday recipes include seafood salad. This is a great alternative to the traditional New Year's food.

The following ingredients are used for its preparation:

  1. Four potatoes.
  2. One carrot.
  3. Two or three pickled cucumbers.
  4. Apple.
  5. Fifty grams of olives.
  6. Two or three squid.
  7. A tablespoon of soy sauce.
  8. Salt and pepper (optional)
  9. One hundred fifty grams of mayonnaise.
  10. Chives or onions.

Boil squid, Leave to cool. Peel, wash and cut the potatoes and carrots into squares. Remove the peel from the apple. Remove seeds. Cut the apple into squares. Chop the cucumbers. Cut the squid into slices. Place all products in a large plate. Add the onion or herbs, chopped into squares, olives, mayonnaise, sauce, pepper and salt. Mix all ingredients.


Today, recipes for delicious salads are very popular step by step. Add mushrooms to the squid and crab sticks in this dish, which will give it a special charm, and also tell you how to cook it in stages.

In order to prepare such a salad, you need the following products:

  • Two hard boiled eggs.
  • Cheese (100 g).
  • Two squids.
  • Two hundred grams of pickled mushrooms.
  • Green onion.
  • One hundred grams of crab sticks.
  • Croutons (optional).
  • One hundred and eighty grams of canned corn.
  • Mayonnaise.

Step by step cooking:

  1. Boil squid in water with salt and bay leaves.
  2. Spice up.
  3. Then cool and cut into slices.
  4. Boil eggs.
  5. Cool and clean.
  6. Grate eggs and cheese.
  7. Cut the mushrooms into slices, the onion into small circles.
  8. Connect all products.
  9. Mix with corn and mayonnaise.

Before serving the dish, you can sprinkle it with croutons.

Salad with red caviar

Each hostess wants to surprise guests and cook something unusual for them. There are many ideas for holiday squid salads. One of the options is a dish with the addition of red caviar. To prepare it, you need ingredients such as:

  1. Two hundred grams of crab sticks.
  2. Three eggs.
  3. One hundred grams of shrimp.
  4. A bunch of green onions.
  5. Four hundred grams of squid.
  6. One hundred gr. red caviar.
  7. Two green lettuce leaves.
  8. Some olives (optional).
  9. Two hundred grams of crab sticks.
  10. Parsley.
  11. One hundred grams of canned pineapple.
  12. Champignons (200 g).
  13. One hundred grams of mayonnaise.

Boil squid in water with salt. Cool down. Cut into slices. Boil the eggs. When cool, cut into squares. Wash and chop the onion. Cut the crab sticks and mushrooms into small pieces. Boil shrimp, cool. To peel. Combine all products. Add mayonnaise, caviar. Mix. To decorate, put parsley, green salad and olives on the surface of the dish. The food is ready. The salad prepared according to this recipe with squid and crab sticks has an exquisite taste.

Diet version of the dish

This is a simple and healthy salad for those on a healthy diet. To prepare it, you need to boil the squid for three minutes. Cool and cut into squares. Boil eggs. Cool, peel and cut. Grate a fresh cucumber. Cut the avocado into small squares.

Place all products in a large bowl. Add sour cream or unsweetened yogurt. Mix.

City, summer, heat. So you want to go to the sea! Do not be discouraged if there is no way to get to the beach right now. The sea can come to you on its own - you just have to prepare a wonderful salad with squid and crab sticks. The rich original taste of the food will appeal to each of us, because there are a lot of variations of this salad, and even a novice cook can make it.

Salad with crab sticks and squid

To make this delicious salad, you can buy canned squid or boil frozen ones. The taste of the dish will be the envy of the marinade that the seafood has been in.


  • 3-4 squid
  • egg - 3 pieces
  • one cucumber
  • canned corn - can
  • crab sticks - 6 pieces
  • bell pepper - half a pod
  • mayonnaise - 200 grams
  • hard cheese - 100 grams
  • salt, freshly ground white or pink pepper

Cooking method:

If you prefer fresh squid, cook them for no longer than 3-5 minutes, and then chill in water, then cut into small pieces. Simply dry and chop canned carcasses. Boil the hard-boiled eggs and chop into cubes the same size as for the squid. Now the cucumber, bell peppers and chilled crab sticks, peeled from the tough skin, chop in the same way. Grate the cheese of your choice on a fine grater.

Place each component in a separate bowl or plate. Add 2-4 tablespoons of mayonnaise to each of them and mix. Salt the vegetables, and pepper the rest of the ingredients, just a little. Now in a deep salad bowl lay in layers: squid, cucumber, eggs, corn, crab sticks, bell peppers and finish with cheese. Bon Appetit!

"New Year" seafood salad

We present to your attention not a dish, but a real seafood feast. Squids, crab sticks, red caviar - what is there not in it! But first, let us allow ourselves a little advice: it is best to use white cabbage when it is young, since it becomes bitter from long storage. If you're making this salad at the end of winter, swap out white cabbage for Chinese cabbage or lettuce leaves.


  • squid - 300 grams
  • crab sticks - 150 grams
  • white cabbage - 100 grams
  • boiled egg - 2 pieces
  • red caviar - 2 tablespoons
  • mayonnaise - about 100 grams
  • lettuce leaves - 5-6 pieces
  • salt and sugar - by prescription

Cooking method:

If you are using fresh squid, pour boiling water over them, peel them of pink skin and entrails. Remember to take out the stiff chord. After this, boil the carcasses in boiling water for no longer than 3-4 minutes and immediately fill it with cold water. Just put the canned squid in a colander and let the marinade drain. Cut the carcasses into half rings. Chop the cabbage and remember with your hands if the vegetable is harsh.

Place lettuce leaves in a salad bowl so that the green edges stick out a little. Place the squid, crab sticks and cabbage in a separate container. Season with mayonnaise, sprinkle with salt and a pinch of sugar. Gently transfer the dish to a salad bowl and garnish with quarters of hard-boiled eggs and red caviar. Luxurious ready. Bon Appetit!

Capper salad with squid, ham and crab sticks

This dish will be appreciated by a strong half of humanity, because it is a source of protein. The highly digestible protein of marine products is perfectly complemented by ham.


  • crab sticks - 120 grams
  • 2-3 carcasses of fresh squid
  • 200 grams of ham
  • large bunch of green onions
  • homemade mayonnaise - 5 tablespoons
  • lemon juice - coffee spoon
  • ground black pepper - a pinch

Cooking method:

Boil the squid as described in the recipe above. Refrigerate and cut into thin rings. Chop the ham and crab sticks into long strips of the same size, carefully washed green onion feathers - into rings. Salt if desired. Add some pepper or a mixture. It is best to use freshly ground, because its aroma is especially fragrant. Season the salad with mayonnaise, adding a couple of drops of lemon juice. Bon Appetit!

Snack salad with squid, carrots and crab sticks

For this recipe, you can buy ready-made, not very spicy Korean carrots. We will describe how to quickly prepare it at home, and you can choose the method of making a salad of squid and crab sticks that is more suitable for you.


  • 600 grams of squid
  • crab sticks - 6 pieces
  • 4 medium carrots
  • 1 large onion
  • a teaspoon of vinegar 7%
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • sugar and salt to taste
  • red and black ground peppers
  • vegetable oil - about 50 milliliters

Cooking method:

First of all, do the most painstaking work with squid. Scald them with boiling water (this is the easiest way to remove the skin and take out the insides) and boil for 2-3 minutes. Cut the carcasses into strips and cover with soy sauce, let stand for at least half an hour. Grate the carrots on a special grater to make long straws. Add vinegar, salt and a little sugar to taste to the carrots, about 1 tablespoon each. Cut the onions into half rings and fry, only quickly, until golden brown. Cooking is almost complete, there is little left to do - you need to correctly combine all the ingredients.

By the time the onions are fried, the carrots have produced juice, which must be removed; it is not needed in the salad. Squeeze it by hand and mix with squid, add fried onions. Squeeze the garlic through a press, add to a salad bowl and pepper to taste. Heat vegetable oil in the microwave until hot and pour over the salad. The dish will taste better if you let it brew for about 2 hours in the refrigerator. Garnish with chopped crab sticks before serving. Bon Appetit!

Salad with squid, rice and crab sticks

Rice wonderfully complements squid, adding tenderness and richness to the taste of the dish. Seaweed will accentuate the original bouquet of aromas.


  • squid - 300 grams
  • crab sticks - 200 grams
  • boiled rice - 3/4 cup
  • canned corn - can
  • not spicy sea cabbage - 150 grams
  • mayonnaise - 120 grams
  • ground black or white pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

Boil defrosted squid carcasses in the usual way, you can add sea salt to the water. Cut them into cubes after cooling, and chop the crab sticks in the same way. Cut the seaweed into 5-6 cm pieces. Now just mix all the prepared ingredients and the pre-cooked rice. Pepper to your liking and season with the right amount of mayonnaise. Bon Appetit!

Tenderness salad with squid, mushrooms and crab sticks

The composition of this dish is so rich and varied in flavors that you simply cannot pass by it. And the method of cooking squid will add a special charm to the dish.


  • 2 squid carcasses
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • Dutch cheese - 100 grams
  • pickled champignons - 200 grams
  • canned corn - 180 grams
  • white bread croutons - to taste
  • mayonnaise
  • green onions

For cooking squid:

  • 3 bay leaves
  • black pepper and sweet peas - 2-3 pieces each
  • sea ​​salt

Cooking method:

If you have frozen squids, soak them in cold water for 20 minutes. This will defrost them faster. Then clean from films, entrails and chords. Boil water in a saucepan, add a few pieces of bay leaves, allspice and black peas, be sure to add salt. Lower the squid and cook for just 1 minute. Cool them immediately by pouring cold water, then chop them into strips.

Coarsely grate the boiled eggs and Dutch cheese. You can buy croutons, or you can make them yourself in the oven or microwave. For the latter method, cut the loaf into cubes and place in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Drain the mushrooms and cut the mushrooms into thin slices. Chop the feather of the onion into short rings. That's it, the delicious and satisfying salad is almost complete. It remains to mix everything, add corn grains and season with mayonnaise. It is better to add crackers just before serving. Bon Appetit!

In addition to the delicate taste, salads with squid and crab sticks give a persistent feeling of fullness for a long time, but at the same time they are very light and do not harm a chiseled female figure. And with an abundance of vegetables and sauces, you can make a delicious seafood-based dish. Cooking is so easy!

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There are so many delicious and satisfying dishes in the world, consisting of many ingredients. To such I can proudly refer salad with squid and crab sticks... Beautiful, aromatic, healthy and a real honored guest on the festive table - this is how you can characterize this dish. It's getting ready very quickly, so let's get started.


Fresh squid 600 grams
Crab sticks frozen 240 grams
Small onions 1 piece
Chicken eggs 4 pieces
Mayonnaise to taste
Salt to taste
Ice to taste
Cold water 1 liter
Boiling water 1-1.5 liters


  1. Put the eggs in a small saucepan and fill it with plain cold tap water. We put the container on high heat and wait for the liquid to boil. Immediately after that, screw on the burner and boil the hard-boiled eggs for 10 minutes. After the allotted time, with the help of kitchen potholders, transfer the pot to the sink and turn on cold water. Important: Our components must be completely cooled so that they can be easily shelled afterwards.
  2. After that, put the eggs on a cutting board and, using a coarse grater, chop them into shavings. Attention: you can also simply chop the component into small cubes, the taste of this will definitely not change in the salad. Pour the crushed eggs into a clean plate and move on to preparing the remaining products.
  3. Put the frozen crab sticks in a clean plate and leave them aside for a while so that they come to room temperature. Attention: in no case do not speed up the process with a microwave oven or hot water, as this can not only spoil the structure of the meat, but also change the taste of the dish itself. Immediately after, we clean the components from the protective coating and move them to a flat surface. Using a knife, cut the crab sticks into thin strips or medium cubes. Pour the chopped component into a free plate.
  4. Using a knife, peel the onions from the husks and rinse thoroughly under running water. Now we put the component on a cutting board and chop finely into cubes. Pour the chopped onion into a clean plate and proceed to the final stage of preparing the salad.
  5. First of all, we clean the squid from the chitinous plate and, if necessary, from the viscera. Thoroughly rinse the components from all sides under running warm water and put them in a free, clean saucepan. In parallel with this, pour cold water into a medium bowl and put ice here.
  6. Fill the squid with boiling water and immediately take it out of the container using a slotted spoon. We transfer them to a bowl of ice water and now we can easily remove the protective top film. It is thanks to the sharp temperature drop that this process will become easy and interesting. Now we put the seafood on a cutting board and leave it aside for a while.
  7. We lightly rinse the pan under running cold water and fill it halfway with the same liquid from the tap. We put the container on medium heat and wait for the contents to boil. Immediately after that, add a little salt, mix everything well with a tablespoon and put the peeled squid in boiling water. We keep the components for no more than 2-3 minutes so that their meat does not become like rubber. At the end, we take out the seafood with a slotted spoon and put it back on a flat surface. Turn off the burner, and let the squid cool to room temperature.
  8. At the end, grind the components into thin circles or strips and transfer them to a clean plate.
  9. Place ingredients such as boiled squid, eggs, finely chopped onions and crab sticks in a large bowl. Sprinkle the salad with salt and season with mayonnaise to taste. Read more:

Attention: for such a quantity of products, we need at least 200 grams of this sauce. Now, with the help of a tablespoon, mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed and move the dish into a salad bowl. Everything, the salad is ready!

Serve the finished salad with squid and crab sticks to the dinner table along with slices of bread. The dish turns out to be very tender and tasty. But at the expense of seafood, you will remain full for a long time, so do not worry about anything and treat your household to them with confidence for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

- before serving the salad to the festive table, it is recommended to decorate the dish with fresh parsley or dill;
- canned squids can be used instead of fresh ones. In this version, the salad is also very tasty and satisfying;
- to make the dish less spicy, you can add finely chopped white or Crimean onions to it. Such varieties are sweeter and do not taste bitter;
- in addition to the spices indicated in the recipe, you can add any other to your taste to the salad. For example, it can be ground black pepper. I usually add it at the request of my husband, as he likes the dish to smell slightly spicy.

Bon Appetit!

Squid salad with crab sticks recipe

If your loved ones love high-calorie salads with mayonnaise, you can make a salad with squid and crab sticks, there is only one spoonful of mayonnaise in it, but you don't need more, as it contains a lot of juicy and bright vegetables - red bell pepper, green cucumber and yellow corn ...

Crab sticks, of course, do not consist of crab meat, but of minced fish, but they are so loved in our country in salads that everyone is trying to close their eyes to their origin. But squids contain many useful substances, micro and macro elements. Thus, the benefits and harms, calories and lightness perfectly compensate each other in this delicious crab salad with squid.

In order to prepare a salad with squid and crab sticks, you will need:


  • 300g frozen squid (carcasses);
  • 150g crab sticks;
  • 150g fresh cucumbers;
  • 1 can of canned corn
  • 100g sweet pepper;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Recipe for making salad with squid and crab sticks:

  1. Wash the bell peppers, preferably red, from dirt, so the salad will be brighter, cut the stalk and shake out the seeds. We only need half a medium-sized pepper, cut it into small cubes, and the other half can be used to decorate the salad.
  2. Choosing crab sticks in the store, I focused my attention on the unusual packaging "snow crab", unlike our usual brightly colored sticks, these are very similar to tender pink crab meat, and they also taste closer to crab. Cut the crab sticks into small slices across the grain.
  3. In my opinion, the most delicious squids are those that are sold unpeeled, which means they have not yet been boiled, as, for example, in a seafood cocktail. You can cook them without waiting for complete defrosting, but before that you need to gut the carcasses, otherwise they will cook with the entrails together, which may affect the taste.
  4. Boil 2 liters of water, salt (about 0.5-1 tablespoon of salt), and run the squid, peeled from the insides, into boiling water, when the water boils again, cook them for exactly 1 minute, and then remove them with a slotted spoon directly into a bowl of cold water. Thoroughly rinse the finished squid under the tap, peeling off the places where the skin still remains, and remove the transparent hard skeleton from the squid, which is located along the back of the squid along its entire length.
    Slice the squid across into small strips of approximately equal length.
  5. Boil the eggs, cool, peel and cut into cubes the same size as the bell peppers.
  6. Wash fresh cucumber, stalk and cut into small cubes. Peel off the skin of the cucumber if desired.
  7. Place the chopped squid crab salad ingredients in a bowl, add 1 can of canned corn, draining the liquid and one tablespoon of mayonnaise.
  8. Season with salt to taste and stir.

Serve the squid and crab stick salad in a shared dish or in portions, garnished with fresh herbs.

Salad with squid, crab sticks and red caviar - a simple and delicious sea salad

This time, I propose to cook with me the most delicious salad of squid and eggs. I also call it - sea salad or Ocean salad, because the recipe includes not only squid, but also crab sticks and even red caviar. In short, a wide range of seafood. Despite the wide range of products, it is very easy to prepare. Lots of protein, minimum calories and maximum pleasure. Aside the word, we master the preparation.


  • 5 pieces. eggs;
  • 1 PC. squid (about 250 gr);
  • 200 gr of crab sticks;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of red caviar;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt;
  • fresh lettuce leaves.

How to cook squid for salad:

  • We clean the squid under warm water from a thin film, take out the plate from the inside. Dip in salted boiling water and simmer for about 3 minutes.
  • We take out. Cool it down. We rinse under running water. If a film is found, it should be removed. We cut it thinner.
  • We fill with mayonnaise, which can be bought in the store, but can be made by yourself. Homemade mayonnaise is of course preferred. We set the squid aside. Let them be nourished.

Cooking the rest of the ingredients:

  1. We cut the crab sticks arbitrarily, but small strips will probably be better. Add on top of the squid. Do not stir yet.
  2. Cook eggs for 8 full minutes. Cool it under cold water. We clean. We cut or you can grate. Add to the common dish.
  3. Top up the salad with another small portion of mayonnaise. Stir. Add a spoonful of caviar. If you want, then you can take more red caviar.
  4. We wash the green lettuce leaves, let the water drain. We put it on a dish. Place our sea salad on top of it. You can decorate the top as in the photo. The dish is ready!
  5. Such a seafood salad can be classified as a diet food if the mayonnaise is low-calorie or if the salad is seasoned with a light olive oil sauce. If we fill it with classic mayonnaise, then we get a hearty and healthy holiday salad.

Squid and crab stick salad, gourmet recipe

Squid and crab stick salad, the recipe of which we will describe today, can be prepared by strictly adhering to the recommendations or by turning on your imagination. The fact is that these two ingredients get along well with many products, so there are a lot of options for decorating a salad.

The classic approach

So, for starters, we present you a salad of squid and crab sticks (recipe with photo). Delicious, unusually fresh and light, this salad is quite appropriate both on the festive table and in everyday cuisine.

So, we need:
3 medium squid carcasses;
500 g crab sticks;
8 eggs;
a jar of canned corn;
400 kg of hard cheese;
300 g mayonnaise;
salt, pepper according to your taste.

Boil squid carcasses in salted water. Don't forget to add the bay leaf there. Let the carcasses boil for about 10 minutes. We also cook hard-boiled eggs. Cut the crab sticks into cubes, the cheese into small strips (if you don't want to mess around, you can just use a coarse grater). We also cut the peeled eggs finely.
Add the canned corn and season the salad with mayonnaise. Salt and pepper as you like. The salad is ready to eat!

Lightweight and useful

And here is another salad of squid and crab sticks, the recipe for which is not at all complicated. To prepare it, we need fresh herbs, and the most diverse: parsley, basil, cilantro, celery, dill. Finely chop the greens or tear them with your hands, add the chopped hands, mix. We combine greens with finely chopped crab sticks (you need to take them 200 grams). Season with olive oil.

To prepare the salad, you need to take 1 fresh cucumber, cut it into slices. We also cut the boiled squid carcass into rings. Now we make a substrate for salad from cucumbers, put a mixture of greens and crab sticks on top, and decorate the top of this structure with squid rings. Such a salad can be made in portions - for each guest. Or you can just put it on a large platter. It will be nice if you decorate this dish with pine nuts on top.

With cheese or ham

You can also make a more satisfying salad with squid and crab sticks. The ham recipe is quite simple, but thanks to the mix of flavors, it is quite elegant. So, we take:
100 g crab sticks;
200 grams of ham;
2 boiled squid carcasses;
3 fresh tomatoes;
olives or olives;

Cut the ham into slices. Put a circle of fresh tomato on top of it, slightly smaller in size. Lubricate with mayonnaise and spread the next layer: chopped crab sticks mixed with parsley and mayonnaise. And decorate the top of this salad "sandwich" with squid rings and olives or olives.
By the way, you can safely put a crouton or a slice of white bread under the ham, and then you will have not just a salad, but a full-fledged snack.

Cheese will add a spicy taste to the dish if you add it to a salad of squid and crab sticks. The recipe is as follows:
300 grams of salted cheese;
200 grams of crab sticks;
3 squid carcasses;
100 grams of fat sour cream.

Cut all the ingredients finely enough, salt, add pepper, mix thoroughly with sour cream and send our dish to the refrigerator. There the salad will harden and become so thick that it can be safely spread on croutons or sandwiches.

Fish variations

It will be very tasty if you add boiled or fried fish to a salad of squid and crab sticks. The recipe with a photo of this dish looks very colorful, and in terms of calorie content, such a salad may well replace the second.

So, we need:
400 grams of lean fish fillets (pike perch, mackerel, pelengas, hake, halibut);
2 squid carcasses;
200 grams of crab sticks;
1 medium onion;
1 tomato;
sauce flour,
1 spoon of tomato paste;
salt, herbs.

Boil the fish in pieces, put them on a dish, decorate on top with squid rings and crab sticks, cut into strips. Fry the tomatoes, cut into rings, lightly in a skillet on both sides, put them on top. Cut the onion into cubes, sauté, add a spoonful of flour and tomato sauce and dilute with water to make a thick sauce. Pour our high-calorie salad with this sauce and decorate with herbs.
This salad can be served cold or hot.

Salad with salads, crab sticks and corn

Renowned TV presenter, writer and blogger Yulia Vysotskaya suggests preparing salad with scallops, crab sticks and corn. To prepare this tasty dish, you need:

  • 250 grams of natural crab sticks;
  • small carcass of squid;
  • 1 can of two-gramme of sweet, condensed corn;
  • large fresh cucumber;
  • pitted black olives gamma 100 - 130;
  • 3 tbsp spoons of fatty mayonnaise.

First, you need to boil the squid carcass until full cooked in salted water with the addition of a dill twig (this is about 3 minutes), cool it over and over again. Then pour boiling water over the crab sticks without film for 10 minutes.

Salad with salads, crab sticks and fish

Salad with calm and crab sticks The recipe can be made not only with vegetables, but with other food products. Try to cook a light salad "Fresh Breeze". To cook this salad with calmari and crab sticks, you will definitely need:

  • 270 grams of disgusting caliper;
  • 100 grams of your favorite crab sticks or frozen crab meat;
  • 40 grams of red grain caviar;
  • 6 chicken eggs;
  • 150 grams of spicy pike perch;
  • mayonnaise and salt to taste.

Here, instead of the usual crab sticks, you can alternatively use spilled or frozen crab meat.

Salad with calm and crab meat is also very tasty. Boiled squid meat (can be used conserved) should be cut finely, the fish fillet should be boiled until cooked and then grinded. In addition to this, you need to swap the eggs until they are "rolled in" and use them. In a deep bowl, mix all the ingredients for the seafood salad with the salads and crab sticks. Then the salad needs to be salted, you can add a little greens and season with mayonnaise to taste.

Any salad with crab sticks and kalmaras always and from any hostess will get very tasty and juicy, it can be prepared for a holiday party or just go to the waiter

We suggest that you definitely prepare a salad of squid and crab sticks: the recipe with a photo is very tasty, without waiting for the holidays. In our regions, many of which are far from the sea, it is imperative to try to include seafood as much as possible in your diet.

Squid goes well with crab sticks and only these two ingredients can make up. But, of course, you shouldn't ignore other additives that add new flavor to a great dish.

Squid and Crab Stick Salad Recipes

Classic version

This recipe uses a minimum of ingredients. If you don't have a purple onion on hand, then you can take a regular onion. But, in order to reduce the harsh taste of this vegetable, it is recommended to pour boiling water over the onion and leave it there for 10-15 minutes.

What do you need:

  • 500 grams of squid;
  • Five chicken eggs;
  • 300 grams of crab sticks;
  • One purple onion;
  • Mayonnaise, salt and pepper;

Preparing a salad is quick and easy, although it looks gorgeous in itself. Decide for yourself whether to serve it on the festive table or simply, for no reason, to please loved ones.

Advice! To make the dish dietary, mayonnaise as a dressing can be replaced with sour cream or natural yogurt without additives.

The squid will need to be washed and peeled (if you bought whole carcasses). To do this, pour boiling water over the squid (without defrosting). The colored part will curl up by itself and should simply be washed off. Then clean the carcass from entrails and films. Boil in boiling water for 3-5 minutes.

When the squid is ready, let cool and cut into thin strips. Boil eggs until cooked, peel and cut into rings. Try to cut the onion thinly into half rings. Finely chop the crab sticks. Combine the ingredients in a salad bowl, adding salt and pepper. Refuel with the dressing options you have chosen right before serving.

With red caviar

This one features squid and crab stick salad is incredibly appealing and more expensive. It can be safely served on a festive table, because caviar is an adornment for any dish. Due to the salinity of the caviar, squid and crab sticks acquire new flavors.

What do you need:

  • 400 grams of squid;
  • 250 grams of crab sticks;
  • Three large spoons of red caviar;
  • Three boiled chicken eggs;
  • Parsley and dill, salt;
  • Mayonnaise, lemon juice;

Peel the squids, if required (how to peel is described in the recipe above), then boil. It is important not to overcook the squid, so keep the product in boiling water for no more than five minutes. When cool, cut into strips. Chop the crab sticks finely.

Boil and peel the eggs, cut into medium-sized cubes as even as possible. Mix the three prepared ingredients in a salad, put the caviar and salt a little. Now mix the mayonnaise with the lemon juice and carefully fill the salad. When serving, garnish with fresh herbs, and it is recommended to chill the dish before serving.

With corn

If you want to diversify a familiar salad a little, then you can add squid to traditional crab sticks with corn. We suggest using this recipe for cooking.

What do you need:

  • 600 grams of squid;
  • 300 grams of crab sticks;
  • Five boiled chicken eggs;
  • A can of canned corn;
  • Onion (can be replaced with green onions);
  • Mayonnaise;

Squids need to be peeled if required. We wrote about cleaning in the first recipe of this article. Then boil: from the moment the water boils, cook for a couple of minutes. Then cool the squid and cut into small pieces. Add crab sticks, also finely chopped, to the squid. Chop the onion and mix with the rest of the salad ingredients. It remains only to grate the boiled eggs on a coarse grater and add to the dish. Salt, if necessary, and then season with mayonnaise. You can still cook