Raw jam without cooking - cooking rules, recipes. Strawberry jam without cooking - that's where the summer flavor comes in! Recipes for various strawberry jams without cooking for the sweet life

The beginning of summer is the favorite time of those with a sweet tooth. After all, at this time many berries begin to ripen, and first of all strawberries. She is also called the queen of berries. In addition to healthy sugars, it contains B vitamins, folic acid, carotene and pectides. It also contains a lot of antioxidants that help the body cope with adverse conditions. environment. So don't limit yourself, strawberries contain a lot of vitamins and useful elements, and we have loved its taste since childhood. But its season, unfortunately, is not long. Let's try to save a piece of summer and enjoy strawberries at any time of the year! We're talking about strawberry jam. Long winter evenings it will remind you of the warm summer and give you a supply of vitamins.

In order for the workpieces to be stored well, it is important to use only good berry. Choose only whole dry fruits, without damage or bruises. Overripe or, conversely, greenish ones are also not suitable.

Pay attention not to the leaves: if they dry out or turn yellow, the berry was picked a long time ago.
In all recipes we use only dried, clean berries. First you need to tear off the green tails. Then rinse gently under running water, let the water drain and place on a towel to dry.

A few more words about dishes. It is convenient to prepare jam in a wide and low container. The most optimal container is a stainless steel pan or an enamel basin. We will also need a wooden or silicone spatula for mixing.

Aluminum and other oxidizing utensils are not suitable for berry preparations. Most the best option, which our grandmothers used, is a copper basin.

Well, now to our recipes! We will prepare jam for every taste:

  • Classic recipe for strawberry jam with whole berries
  • Strawberry jam without cooking

You can simply freeze strawberries for the winter; this method has its advantages: it is much faster, it can be used less sugar. But I can't imagine long winter no strawberry jam! Precisely jams - in small jars, with bright sparkling syrup and whole berries. I make both options for the winter - I freeze and cook.

Classic recipe with whole berries

The jam is made with clear aromatic syrup and whole berries. Great for decoration confectionery, and the syrup can be added to children's smoothies, ice cream or even porridge. For this option, try to choose fruits of a similar size, preferably medium-sized ones, so that they all cook evenly.

Proportions for strawberry jam:

You will need the same amount of sugar as strawberries, that is, the ratio is 1:1. For 2 kg of prepared berries you will need 2 kg of sugar.

We take the most common sugar - sand. Make sure that the package with it is stored in a dry place. Wet sugar is heavier. It's better to take white sugar- the whiter it is, the less foam.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

We'll sort out the berries and tear off the stems. Let's wash in cold water and dry on a towel.

Place the prepared strawberries in a bowl, add sugar and shake well. There is no need to stir, otherwise the berries will be crushed.

Leave for 4-10 hours, covered with clean gauze. The berries will give juice, the sugar will gradually dissolve.

Now place the container on the stove over low heat and wait until it boils. Next, reduce the heat and cook for another 5 minutes, constantly skimming off the foam.

It’s better not to stir our future jam often, you just need to shake the dishes in different directions. Stir very carefully along the bottom, preferably with a silicone spatula.

Remove from heat and leave for another 6-10 hours.

At this time, prepare the jars and lids. The jars must be washed thoroughly. I use regular soda. Next, choose a sterilization method that is convenient for you: you can hold it over steam for 15 minutes; heat in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature not lower than 180 C. Boil the lids for the jars for about 5 minutes, being sure to remove the rubber ring from the lid. If the lids are screw-on, we just boil them.

We put our preparation on the fire again, bring it to a boil over high heat so that it boils faster. Reduce heat and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.

With this method of preparation, the berries remain whole and smooth.

Pour the hot jam directly into glass jars and screw on with sterile caps. Turn the jars upside down and let cool completely.

Strawberry jam without cooking

Or you can not boil the strawberries, but prepare them in a different way. The main difference here is that the berries themselves do not pass heat treatment, and therefore are saved more. The berries will turn out whole and will save a lot of vitamins.

To prepare it we will need:

Strawberries – 2 kg
Sugar – 1 kg
Half a glass of water.

Step-by-step recipe for making jam without cooking:

Prepare the berries as usual: sort, rinse and dry on a towel. We do everything very carefully, the strawberries are very tender. It is better to wash in a basin in cold water.

Place the prepared berries in a bowl with thick walls (so that the syrup cools more slowly).

Now let's get to the syrup. Combine sugar and water and put on fire.

After the sugar has completely dissolved, cook for another 10-15 minutes. The syrup should thicken but not turn white.

Immediately pour it into the berries and leave to cool completely.

After this, pour the syrup back into the pan through a colander and put it on the fire.

We heat and boil again for 10-15 minutes, after which we re-fill the berries.

You need to carry out 3-4 such cycles. Each time the syrup will become brighter in color.

Before the last time, place the berries in jars. All that remains is to fill it with hot syrup directly in the jar and screw it on.

“Pyatiminutka” strawberry jam

Proportions for five-minute jam

To prepare it we need sugar and berries in equal shares. If you use less sugar, the jam will have to be stored in the refrigerator. For 2 kg of prepared and sorted berries we will take the same amount granulated sugar.

Preparation procedure:

Place the prepared berries in a saucepan and sprinkle with sugar.

There is no need to stir the berries, just shake the basin well so that the sand spills out evenly between the berries.

Leave for a couple of hours so that the berries release their juice.

Now put our container on low heat. Stir a little so that the bottom layer does not stick. But very carefully. Remove any foam that appears with a clean spoon.

Better yet, just shake the pan every 2 minutes so that the berries turn over.

After the jam boils, cook for another 5 minutes over medium heat.

After this, pour into clean, sterilized jars and screw on the boiled lids.

Mashed strawberries with sugar without cooking for the winter

The advantage of this option is that you can use berries different sizes, and slightly broken fruits, but by no means spoiled. In addition, with this method of harvesting, strawberries retain more useful vitamins, because they are not destroyed by temperature during cooking.

Proportions for pureed strawberries:

Sugar will be needed in the same quantity as the berries (ratio 1:1)

Step by step recipe:

First you need to mash the strawberries. You can do this using a puree masher, meat grinder or blender.

The last option is the fastest, it will create a uniform consistency, without lumps. But I prefer just crushed berries, with small pieces. Try it in advance at small portions and make it to your liking.

Now add sugar and mix very thoroughly.

Now all that remains is to spread the jam into sterile jars prepared in advance and close with boiled lids.

It is better to use small jars - 500, 600 grams and liters.

Store in a cool place, cellar or refrigerator.

Strawberry jam in a slow cooker

The main advantage of this recipe, like all others using a multicooker, is the availability of free time, which the housewife can use for herself while something tasty is being cooked inside. And in the slow cooker, in the stewing mode, the temperature is maintained at just below 100 degrees. This allows you to save more vitamins and the berries remain intact.

Proportions for jam:

As with other strawberry sweets, you need to prepare the same amount of sugar as the berries, for example 1 kg per 1 kg.

Step-by-step recipe for making jam in a slow cooker:

As in other recipes, first prepare the berries - sort them out, tear off the leaves, wash them well in a basin with cold water and dry it. Now transfer the berries to the multicooker bowl, alternating layers of berries and sugar. Let's start with berries.

Let it sit for several hours for the juice to appear.

Be sure to remove the valve through which it comes out. hot air so that the jam does not “run away”. You can also leave the lid slightly open.

Turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for 1 hour. After 20-30 minutes you need to remove the foam, then the syrup will remain transparent.

After 60 minutes, place the hot jam into sterile jars and seal.

It is important to note that this option is suitable for all types of multicookers - both the Redmond type, where you set the cooking time yourself, and the Polaris type, when the program is automatic.

Now you know exactly how to deal with autumn blues and winter depression - just open a jar of fragrant treats. As the favorite children's character Carlson said: “Is there still a little jam left?”

What is your favorite strawberry jam recipe?

Many housewives know how to make strawberry jam so that the berries remain intact, right? But today I will tell and show you how to make strawberry jam without boiling the berries. That's why simple recipe you will get fragrant, whole berries in sweet and thick syrup- a fabulous treat for the whole family!

A prerequisite for any delicious strawberry jam can be safely called high-quality raw materials, that is, berries. In this case, try to choose fragrant strawberries small size(closer to small), whole, dense and elastic. Wrinkled or very large berries If they don’t fit, they won’t hold their shape and will even fall apart in the puree. Spoiled ones will even cause fermentation in the jar - sweet preparation will have to throw it away.

I would not recommend reducing the amount of granulated sugar for strawberry jam without cooking, since this is a preservative. In addition, various spices (cinnamon, cardamom and others) personally do not go well with this dessert for our family: my family loves, so to speak, the pure taste and aroma of this fragrant berry.

Total of specified quantity necessary ingredients you get about 1 liter of strawberry jam without cooking. You can choose jars of the size that suits you best. I used 3 jars with a capacity of 200 milliliters each and 1 half-liter jar, in which I separately closed the thick strawberry syrup.


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

The berries that are suitable for this recipe are small, elastic and excellent quality. We sort out the strawberries (substandard ones, that is, crumpled ones, can be used to make strawberry jam or marshmallows, and feel free to throw away the spoiled ones) and wash them. To do this, we fill a large container with cold water, put the berries in it and let them swim for just a minute - this way the sand will sink to the bottom. Gently mix the strawberries with your hands, then remove and transfer to a colander. It is important not to remove the stems until the berries are clean. Otherwise the strawberries will absorb a large number of water and will become limp.

Remove the stems and place clean berries in a container of suitable volume. The weight of strawberries (1 kilogram) is indicated in already prepared form.

Now let's prepare the sugar syrup, which we will subsequently pour over the strawberries. To do this, pour 800 grams of sugar into a small saucepan with a thick bottom or a saucepan and pour 150 milliliters of water into it (can be cold, can be hot - as you like).

Place the dishes over high heat and, stirring, bring the contents to a boil. When all the sugar has dissolved and the syrup boils, turn the heat to medium and cook for about 5-6 minutes. Don't forget to remove the foam!

Pour the boiling syrup over the strawberries, gently melting the berries with a spoon or spatula. No need to stir the strawberries!

In this position, leave the strawberries in the syrup at room temperature until completely cooled - this may take a couple of hours. As the strawberries cool, they will release their juice, color and aroma to the syrup. The berries themselves will become a little lighter and denser.

Carefully pour the syrup back into the saucepan, bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for 5-6 minutes (remove the foam). During this time sugar syrup will thicken slightly due to evaporation of moisture.

A similar procedure should be carried out 1-2 more times (a total of 3-4 pours). The photo shows already cooled strawberries in syrup after 3 pours of syrup.

Now all that remains is to seal the strawberry jam without cooking for the winter. To do this, you need to carefully prepare the jar and lids in advance in any way convenient for you. I like doing this best in microwave oven- for this preparation I use 3 jars, each with a capacity of 200 milliliters, and 1 jar, with a capacity of 500 milliliters. Wash the jars thoroughly with baking soda or detergent, then rinse them in cold water and pour 2 fingers' worth of water into the bottom of each jar. Place in the microwave and steam everything together at the highest power for about 6-7 minutes. I simply wash the lids, put them in a saucepan, pour in water (so that the lids are completely covered) and boil for about 5 minutes. Place the berries in three prepared 200 ml jars. You will need a half-liter jar a little later.

Strawberries are very tasty and healthy berry. Jam and compotes are made from it, some are frozen in the freezer, you can find them on our website.

In order not to subject the berries to unnecessary heat treatment and preserve everything useful material, ways have been invented to preserve them for the winter without cooking. This “jam” is also very fragrant, very similar to fresh strawberries.

Recipe for "raw" strawberry jam

This recipe for making strawberry jam without cooking is suitable for those housewives who do not have a large freezer and no place to freeze strawberries. The recipe is delicious and very simple.

“Raw” jam is covered with a layer of sugar (1-1.5 cm) to form a “plug” that will protect home canning from damage and mold.

You need to take sugar and strawberries in equal proportions. These ingredients are ground in a meat grinder and placed in sterilized jars.

When the jars are filled with strawberries, a layer of sugar is placed on top “for preservation.” Our strawberry jam without cooking is ready.

In order for the jam to remain jam and not turn into homemade liqueur, you only need to follow 3 rules:

  1. Berries must be clean, fresh and ripe.
  2. Jars for storing jam are sterile.
  3. Raw jam should be stored in the refrigerator or cellar.

Strawberry jam without cooking

For 1 kg of strawberries you need to take 800 g of sugar.

1. Wash the strawberries, remove the stems or dry them. Cut each berry into 4-6 pieces.

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2. Place the berries in layers in a bowl, alternating with sugar. leave at room temperature overnight. During this time, the strawberries will give juice, in which the sugar should completely dissolve. If necessary, gently stir the jam several times with a spoon.

3. Sterilize the jars over the steam of a boiling kettle for 10 minutes. Place the jam in hot jars and close the lids. Keep refrigerated.

Strawberry jam without boiling the berries

Strawberry jam prepared in this way has a beautiful saturated color and an aroma that is very noticeable in winter.


  • 2 kg strawberries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 0.5 glasses of water

Recipe for jam in syrup:

1. For strawberry jam, take small but ripe strawberries. Remove the stems, wash the berries under running water and drain on a sieve. Then place the strawberries in a bowl.

2. In another bowl, cook the syrup: add 0.5 cups of water to 1 kg of sugar and set to simmer over medium heat. Cook the syrup for 5-7 minutes until it becomes thick, but not white. Checking it is quite simple, take a little syrup with a spoon and blow lightly on it; if the syrup has become viscous and almost frozen, then it is ready.

3. Now pour the hot syrup over the strawberries, cover them with a lid and let them cool. At this time, the strawberries give up their juice and the syrup becomes liquid.

4. Then we strain the cooled strawberries onto a sieve, and let the expressed juice boil for 5-7 minutes.

5. Place the strawberries in the bowl again and pour boiled hot syrup over them. Let the strawberries cool completely again.

6. And we repeat this procedure again.

If you want the syrup to be thick, then add more sugar and boil well.

7. After the third such procedure, we lay out strawberry berries into sterile jars and fill with boiling syrup, roll up the lids and place in a blanket.

The point is that we don’t cook the berries at all, we only boil the syrup 3 times, maybe 4 times.

In the recipe, the strawberries are not boiled or boiled, but simply kept in hot syrup, that is, the berries are not directly cooked. They are evaporated, similar to compote. Strawberries retain their natural taste, density and shape, but becomes a little paler, as it gives up its color and aroma to the syrup. The recipe will appeal to those who do not like to tinker with preparations for a long time. You will need to boil the syrup three times, but this takes 10 minutes, the rest of the time is spent passively waiting. A minimum of effort - and the jam is ready!

Total time: 6 hours / Cooking time: 10 minutes / Yield: 400 ml


  • small strawberries - 500 g
  • sugar - 400 g
  • water – 70 ml

Making strawberry jam without boiling the berries

Small berries, whole, sweet and dense, with a pronounced aroma, are ideal for rolling. I sort through the fruits, leaving only healthy ones, rinse them under running water and let all the liquid drain. I pick off the leaves and stalks.

Next, boil the syrup in an enamel pan or other non-oxidizing container. I measure required quantity sugar and add a little water. I put the container on medium heat. Stirring, cook for 4-5 minutes until the sugar grains are completely dissolved and the syrup becomes clear.

I pour the prepared strawberries into a bowl, enamel pan or pelvis. It's better to cook at one time a small amount of fruits, no more than 1 kilogram, so that they do not bruise. I pour boiling syrup over the berries. Leave for 2 hours until completely cooled. At first there will be little liquid, but as the berries heat up they will release their juice and completely immerse themselves in the syrup, coloring it.

After cooling completely, pour the syrup into a saucepan. I bring it to a boil again and boil for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam.

I pour the boiling syrup over the strawberries again. I leave it until it cools completely.

In this way, you can boil and pour syrup over the berries in 3 steps, each time allowing them to cool completely. As soon as I boil it for the last time, I place the berries in sterilized jars and fill them to the top with boiling syrup. I roll it up, turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a blanket and leave them until the morning to evaporate.

This is such a wonderful strawberry jam without boiling the berries. The fruits retain their shape perfectly, and the syrup acquires a rich color and aroma. Jars of jam should be stored in a cellar or other dark and cool place. Shelf life - 1 year.

The main feature of any dessert prepared for the winter is the remaining whole berries. Yes, that's the problem, when heat treatment It is impossible to preserve vitamins; most die the death of the brave. I will share a recipe on how to make strawberry jam without boiling the berries. This method will allow you to keep everything safe beneficial features berries, the dessert will turn out unusually tasty and aromatic. And whole strawberries will float in the syrup - the goal has been achieved!

How to make strawberry jam without cooking

The secret of the jam is that the strawberries are poured with boiling syrup, but they won’t stand on the stove for a second. When you open the jar in winter, the aroma of fresh berries will float throughout your apartment. You will also be pleased with the color of the workpiece; it will become a little lighter and that’s all.

A couple of tips for beginners:

  • Select small berries, just eat large strawberries fresh. The trifle will retain its shape better, and the size will not affect the taste.
  • Maintain the proportions of sugar and berries, since large hot processing will not, we will use sugar to insure the safety of the jam without cooking.
  • Love unusual recipes dessert, add cinnamon, cardamom, vanillin on the tip of a knife.

Strawberry jam - a recipe without boiling the berries

From the amount of components indicated in the recipe, approximately a liter of jam will come out without cooking. I advise you to put the dessert in small jars, it’s more convenient and it won’t ferment.


  • Strawberries – 1 kg.
  • Water – 150 ml.
  • Sugar – 800 gr.

Step-by-step jam recipe:

  1. Sort through the berries and set aside the substandard ones for making jam. Throw away the spoiled ones without mercy. Rinse the berries, then remove the stems. I advise you to proceed in this order, since without stems, strawberries will absorb a lot of water when washing.
  2. Place the berries in a saucepan.
  3. To prepare the syrup, pour water into another saucepan and add sugar. On high fire Dissolve the sugar without ceasing to stir.
  4. After the syrup boils, reduce the heat and cook for 5-7 minutes. If you see a grayish film, be sure to remove it.
  5. Pour the syrup into the strawberries directly from the heat, gently melting the berries. You can’t mix it, remember.
  6. Leave the pan at room temperature until it cools. The berries will cook a little, releasing juice into the syrup and giving pink color. They will become denser and lighter.
  7. After a couple of hours (usually during this time the workpiece has completely cooled), drain the syrup back and return the pan to the stove.
  8. Bring to a high boil and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Get rid of foam if it appears. Wait until the syrup thickens a little and pour it back into the pan with the berries.
  9. Leave the strawberries on the counter to cool for a couple of hours.
  10. Repeat this procedure 2 more times (a total of 3-4 fills are needed).
  11. The last time, cook the syrup longer, about 10 minutes, achieving the required thickness. If you like it very thick, add a little sugar.
  12. On the eve of the last cooking, prepare the jars by sterilizing them in any acceptable way.
  13. Place the berries in jars, fill them and screw on the lids. Recently I started using screw ones, they are much more convenient.
  14. Turn the workpiece over, wrap it up and let it cool.
  15. It is better to store in the cellar and refrigerator. Opened jar It is advisable to eat quickly.

If there is some syrup left, pour it into a separate container and use it by adding it to ice cream, casseroles, cheesecakes and other desserts.

Raw strawberry jam

A good way to preserve vitamins in their entirety is not to cook strawberries. I suggest wonderful recipe raw jam from strawberries without cooking. It will come in handy if there is not enough space in the freezer, but you want to save fresh berries for the winter.

  • You will need an equal amount of sugar and strawberries 1:1.

How to make jam:

  1. Prepare the berries by selecting specimens that are not too large. Rinse and remove the tails.
  2. Place strawberries in layers in a wide bowl, sprinkling with sugar.
  3. Leave for 8-10 hours at room temperature. The berry will have time to produce juice in which the sugar will completely dissolve.
  4. During infusion, stir the mixture very carefully so as not to crush the berries.
  5. Sterilize the jars, spread out the jam and close. Transfer to cold storage.

Watch the video from step by step recipe preparations. Good luck with your winter preparations!