Suluguni cheese at home. How to quickly cook suluguni at home: recipe for young white cheese

The Georgian word “suluguni” means “cheese”. In the Caucasus, not a single meal begins without cheese. Delicious suluguni is served with herbs and homemade flatbreads, khachapuri is baked with it, and eaten with wine.

In our country, suluguni has long become a popular variety of young cheese. It is distinguished by a special layered consistency, pleasant saltiness and a pronounced sour-milk taste. To prepare homemade suluguni, cow's milk is used, although industrially the cheese is made from other types of milk. There are many recipes for homemade suluguni: some are more complex, some are quite simple. Whatever the housewife chooses, the product will turn out healthier and healthier than one bought in a store. Yes, and it will cost less.

The technology for preparing suluguni goes back centuries, but every Caucasian family makes cheese according to its own recipe. In a modern kitchen, you can easily make young pickled cheese, which is very tasty and healthy.

To prepare suluguni cheese at home, you may need different components:

Sour cream;

Cottage cheese (used in some recipes);

Curdling component (this can be an industrially produced microbial starter, for example, pepsin, or just lemon juice).

Cheese made from natural village dairy products will be more delicious. They are fattier and more flavorful. However, suluguni made from store-bought ingredients will also be good. You will only have to refuse ultra-pasteurized milk, since it does not curdle. If possible, sour cream should have at least 30 percent fat content. If you can find a product without starch and vegetable fat, it will be very good. Milk-curdling pepsin is sold in pharmacies.

In addition to the food itself, you need to stock up on a large piece of gauze. It needs to be folded 3-4 times: it is convenient to strain the curd base through this filter. Gauze can be replaced with white cotton cloth.

It's a good idea to have a kitchen immersion thermometer on hand. The correct boiling temperature of milk determines how successful suluguni cheese will turn out at home.

How to quickly cook suluguni according to the classic recipe

A rather complex version of preparing suluguni can, which is suitable for the notebook of an experienced housewife. If you want to gain a new experience and test your strengths, this recipe for homemade suluguni will come in handy.


Eight liters of pasteurized milk;

3 ml of liquid pepsin or other starter enzyme;

Three hundred grams of salt.

Cooking method:

Heat milk to 35 degrees.

Pour the amount of pepsin into the pan.

Mix the enzymes and milk, cover the pan with a lid and leave on the stove for an hour and a half. During this time, the milk will curdle: when you open the lid, you will see dense milky-white lumps.

Place a colander on the pan and line it with gauze. Do not pour out the drained whey: it will be used to make brine. In addition, it is a valuable food product that can be used.

When all the whey is glassed, young tender cheese will remain in the gauze - Adyghe (or Imeretian). It should be left in gauze for an hour: at this time, fermentation processes in the cheese end.

To check the suluguni for readiness, you need to break off a piece from the mass and place it in a bowl of hot water.

After about five minutes, try to stretch the cheese. Ideally, it should be elastic and stretch well. If the cheese breaks, it means it needs to be given a little more time to proof.

When the process is completely completed and the torn piece stretches without problems, you need to cut the entire piece into large pieces and put it in a bowl of cold water for twenty minutes. The cold will stop the fermentation process completely.

Cut the cheese into small slices, add hot water, bring the temperature to 65 degrees. Drain the water.

Repeat the water bath, stirring the cheese. It should melt and turn into a homogeneous mass, very elastic.

Place the cheese in a suitable bowl.

Salt the remaining whey well (the percentage of salt in the liquid should be 20%) and dissolve the salt.

Place young suluguni in the brine and leave for 12 hours.

Remove the cheese from the brine, dry with paper towels, and store in the refrigerator.

After the cheese has cooled, it is ready to eat.

How to quickly cook suluguni according to a simplified recipe

Suluguni cheese can be prepared much easier at home. This will save time and allow you to enjoy the fresh, sweet taste of cheese slices in just a few hours.


Four liters of milk;

A teaspoon of salt;

A tablespoon of salt;

One hundred ml of lemon juice.

Cooking method:

Pour the milk into a suitable saucepan and heat to forty degrees.

Pour a dose of salt and juice squeezed from fresh lemon into the milk.

While stirring the mixture, wait for it to curdle.

Using a slotted spoon, transfer to a colander lined with gauze.

When the whey has drained, bring the ends of the gauze filter together and tie them.

Leave the resulting bag in a colander for four hours.

Make a saline solution (a tablespoon of salt per liter of water).

Remove the cheese lump from the cheesecloth and immerse it in salt water.

Leave the cheese in the brine for 10-12 hours.

How to quickly prepare suluguni from cow and goat milk

From a mixture of milk from dairy animals you can get high-quality homemade suluguni, the recipe for which is given below. If you can buy goat milk, be sure to try making pickled cheese from it. The product will be very tender and aromatic, with a predominant note of goat cheese (cow's milk is used as a base for sourdough).


Five liters of goat milk;

A glass of cow's milk;

A glass of curdled milk;

One gram of pepsin;

A teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method:

Dissolve pepsin in a glass of warm milk and strain.

Put the goat's milk on the fire to warm it to 40 degrees.

Pour the starter into a saucepan and heat to 30 degrees.

Pour yogurt and sourdough into the main saucepan with goat's milk, stir, cover with a lid and leave in a warm place for half an hour to ferment.

Turn on the heat again, add salt to the curdled milk and heat it to 30 degrees.

Pour the curd into a colander with a gauze filter and wait for the whey to drain.

Wrap the ends of the gauze and gather tightly over the piece, place pressure on the cheese and put it in this form in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Remove the pressure, transfer the cheese to a storage container or serve.

How to quickly cook suluguni from cottage cheese

You can make original young cheese from good cottage cheese. This homemade suluguni recipe is suitable for beginners, as preparing the product is very simple.


A liter of milk;

A kilogram of cottage cheese;

Three eggs;

One hundred grams of butter;

A teaspoon of soda;

A teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method:

Pour milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

When continuous bubbles appear, add cottage cheese to the milk and stir.

Cook with constant stirring for about twenty minutes.

Pour the mixture into a colander with gauze and wait for the whey to drain.

Return the curd mass to the pan, turn on the heat, add eggs and butter, stir.

Add soda and salt, mix again.

Cook for about ten minutes until the cheese begins to melt.

You need to prepare a container for storing cheese in advance by greasing its walls with vegetable or butter.

Place the finished suluguni in a container, level it with a plastic spatula or spoon.

After cooling, place the suluguni in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours, that is, overnight.

How to quickly cook suluguni with herbs from milk, sour cream and eggs

Delicious suluguni cheese can be prepared at home from milk and sour cream. If you add a little fresh herbs to the cheese dough, the cheese will taste spicy and fresh. This is an excellent option for sandwiches, salads, and homemade khachapuri.


Two liters of milk;

Two hundred ml of sour cream;

Three eggs;

One and a half tablespoons of salt;

A tablespoon of dried Provençal herbs;

A little fresh or dried dill (to taste).

Cooking method:

Chop fresh herbs.

Break the eggs into a bowl, combine with sour cream and beat with a whisk or mixer (at low speed).

Boil milk and add salt.

Carefully pour the egg-sour cream mixture into the milk and stir.

Add fresh and dried herbs and mix again.

Cook until large white flakes appear, cook for another five minutes and remove from heat.

Drain the curdled mass into a colander as described above.

After about twenty minutes, pull the ends of the gauze together and squeeze well.

Place the suluguni on a plate and press for three hours. Periodically drain the whey from the plate.

Remove from gauze and place on the refrigerator shelf.

Homemade suluguni recipes are varied. Depending on what products are available, you can get a piece of delicious, soft milk cheese quite quickly.

This year, our family vacationed in Georgia, or rather in Megrelia. There we were treated to freshly baked khachapuri with suluguni cheese. This delicate and slightly salty cheese was served with aromatic homemade wine along with herbs. The taste was strikingly different from the product called “suluguni” that I bought at home. Therefore, upon arrival, I decided to try making cheese myself. I typed “suluguni cheese recipe at home” into the Internet. I watched different videos and a lot of recipes. At first, everything was a little confused in my head. Each culinary specialist claimed that it was he who presented the recipe for “real suluguni.” It would be nice if they were Georgians, otherwise they are basically “all our people.” Then I simply brushed aside “everything personal” and wrote out a step-by-step recipe for myself, focusing on the main thing. At the same time, I found a lot of useful information about the benefits of cheese and recipes for dishes with suluguni.

What is suluguni

Among the national products that are patented in Georgia, along with chacha, khachapuri and churchkhela, is suluguni cheese. And this is no coincidence, because this is the “soul and heart” of Georgians. This is how the toast is translated “sulo da gulo”.

In addition, this hard cheese without a crust, kept in solution, is extremely healthy. Thanks to the rich vitamin complex, and primarily vitamin A and PP, it nourishes the skin and prevents aging. Microelements (sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, sodium and others) strengthen bones, nails, teeth, hair. It has a positive effect on heart function and metabolic processes due to its amino acid content.

But most importantly, the cheese is very tasty, and you can cook many dishes with it.

So I decided to try to cook it myself and show off my culinary skills to my husband. He noticed to me on vacation that Georgian women cook very tasty food. It became a little offensive.

How to make suluguni cheese

They say that the most delicious suluguni is made from buffalo milk. It is fattier, healthier and takes half as much to prepare. But there were no buffalos in the vicinity of Moscow, so I prepared it from ordinary cow’s milk. I bought homemade at the market. Those who love a unique taste can try making it from goat's milk.

The whole process is conventionally divided into two stages: preparing homemade cheese (Imereti cheese), then making suluguni from it. A more correct recipe is for the homemade cheese to be kept in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

In order to make 0.5 kg of cheese we will need:


The main thing is quality milk. I think homemade is better. There are definitely no preservatives.

  • 5 liters of milk;
  • 0.5 grams of peptin. This is a plant-based enzyme that promotes milk coagulation. If you find it in specialized stores, then purchase rennet, a stomach enzyme of animals. It speeds up the process and helps separate milk from whey. Add according to the dosage on the package.

Cooking process:

I specifically describe possible options in the recipe. After all, this is a general scheme, everyone must find their own recipe.

So, let's make suluguni:

  • peptin is dissolved in 0.5 glass of milk or warm water (about 20°);
  • It is better to strain the milk and heat it to 30-35°;
  • Pour the starter with peptin into the heated milk and stir;
  • Let it sit, you can cover it with a lid. It should thicken. Thickening time from 30 to 40 minutes;
  • Reheat the thick milk again over low heat. It’s better in a steam bath or using a fire divider;
  • separate the curd mass, collecting it in one direction;
  • Squeeze the curd mass, but not too much, and transfer it to a colander. First lay gauze on the bottom. You can put oppression on top. The cheese mass should drain. Thus we got homemade cheese. It is from this that we will further make suluguni;
  • homemade cheese should sit from several hours to two days; there are different recipes. To get a drier and denser suluguni, it is better to let it sit for two days in the refrigerator. When cheese is made after 3-4 hours, it turns out softer;
  • Check the homemade cheese for readiness. Cut off a small piece and throw it into hot water (approximately 70°). It should melt slightly. We take it out and try to stretch it. If the mass stretches out, then you can start preparing suluguni;
  • The cheese ball is cut into pieces up to 1-2 centimeters. Heat the water (75-90°);
  • Place the chopped pieces in a large bowl and fill with hot water. Knead the mass, preferably with wooden spoons, until it melts and turns into a homogeneous cheese dough. The water can be drained and added if it has cooled down and the cheese lump has not yet formed;
  • When the cheese dough has cooled to such an extent that it can be formed, then place it in a mold or simply give it a round shape.

You can salt the cheese by adding salt little by little while kneading and shaping. But personally, I like it better when kept in a 20% salt solution, or whey. I make it in whey (200 grams of salt per 1 liter). I leave it for a day. This is exactly what they do in Georgia.

All. We made suluguni.

What dishes do I make with suluguni?

They say that the first pancake is lumpy. For the first time, I got a delicious and beautiful cheese. Layered, with holes, moderately salty. But the most important thing is that my husband and children liked my cheese. Gradually I learned to make homemade cheeses. Somehow, I didn’t have time, so I bought it in a store, but they immediately figured it out.

I like salads with the addition of suluguni. At first I looked for recipes on the Internet, then I started adding my own ingredients. For my daughter's birthday I made a salad with peaches, tomatoes and fried cheese. The guests were delighted. When my little girl proudly announced that her mother makes the cheese herself, I was bursting with joy.

But of course, we loved khachapuri with homemade cheese. Sometimes I add different herbs, as an experiment, mint, basil, rosemary. If there is no time to cook khachapuri, then I just buy lavash and make sandwiches with boiled greens and cheese. You can add pieces of chicken instead of boiled pork. We take them with us when we go outdoors.

I noticed that since we became addicted to Georgian cuisine, my complexion has improved and my nails have become less brittle.

So my advice to you is, if you want to look good, eat tasty and healthy food, then open the Internet and type into a search engine, “Suluguni cheese recipe for cooking at home.”

The Georgian word “suluguni” means “cheese”. In the Caucasus, not a single meal begins without cheese. Delicious suluguni is served with herbs and homemade flatbreads, khachapuri is baked with it, and eaten with wine.

In our country, suluguni has long become a popular variety of young cheese. It is distinguished by a special layered consistency, pleasant saltiness and a pronounced sour-milk taste. To prepare homemade suluguni, cow's milk is used, although industrially the cheese is made from other types of milk. There are many recipes for homemade suluguni: some are more complex, some are quite simple. Whatever the housewife chooses, the product will turn out healthier and healthier than one bought in a store. Yes, and it will cost less.

How to quickly cook suluguni - general cooking principles

The technology for preparing suluguni goes back centuries, but every Caucasian family makes cheese according to its own recipe. In a modern kitchen, you can easily make young pickled cheese, which is very tasty and healthy.

To prepare suluguni cheese at home, you may need different components:

Cottage cheese (used in some recipes);

Curdling component (this can be an industrially produced microbial starter, for example, pepsin, or just lemon juice).

Cheese made from natural village dairy products will be more delicious. They are fattier and more flavorful. However, suluguni made from store-bought ingredients will also be good. You will only have to refuse ultra-pasteurized milk, since it does not curdle. If possible, sour cream should have at least 30 percent fat content. If you can find a product without starch and vegetable fat, it will be very good. Milk-curdling pepsin is sold in pharmacies.

In addition to the food itself, you need to stock up on a large piece of gauze. It needs to be folded 3-4 times: it is convenient to filter the curd base through this filter. Gauze can be replaced with white cotton cloth.

It's a good idea to have a kitchen immersion thermometer on hand. The correct boiling temperature of milk determines how successful suluguni cheese will turn out at home.

How to quickly cook suluguni according to the classic recipe

A rather complex version of preparing suluguni can, which is suitable for the notebook of an experienced housewife. If you want to gain a new experience and test your strengths, this recipe for homemade suluguni will come in handy.


Eight liters of pasteurized milk;

3 ml of liquid pepsin or other starter enzyme;

Three hundred grams of salt.

Cooking method:

Heat milk to 35 degrees.

Pour the amount of pepsin into the pan.

Mix the enzymes and milk, cover the pan with a lid and leave on the stove for an hour and a half. During this time, the milk will curdle: when you open the lid, you will see dense milky-white lumps.

Place a colander on the pan and line it with gauze. Do not pour out the drained whey: it will be used to make brine. In addition, it is a valuable food product that can be used.

When all the whey is glassed, young tender cheese - Adyghe (or Imeretian) - will remain in the gauze. It should be left in gauze for an hour: at this time, fermentation processes in the cheese end.

To check the suluguni for readiness, you need to break off a piece from the mass and place it in a bowl of hot water.

After about five minutes, try to stretch the cheese. Ideally, it should be elastic and stretch well. If the cheese breaks, it means it needs to be given a little more time to proof.

When the process is completely completed and the torn piece stretches without problems, you need to cut the entire piece into large pieces and put it in a bowl of cold water for twenty minutes. The cold will stop the fermentation process completely.

Cut the cheese into small slices, add hot water, bring the temperature to 65 degrees. Drain the water.

Repeat the water bath, stirring the cheese. It should melt and turn into a homogeneous mass, very elastic.

Place the cheese in a suitable bowl.

Salt the remaining whey well (the percentage of salt in the liquid should be 20%) and dissolve the salt.

Place young suluguni in the brine and leave for 12 hours.

Remove the cheese from the brine, dry with paper towels, and store in the refrigerator.

After the cheese has cooled, it is ready to eat.

How to quickly cook suluguni according to a simplified recipe

Suluguni cheese can be prepared much easier at home. This will save time and allow you to enjoy the fresh, sweet taste of cheese slices in just a few hours.


Four liters of milk;

A teaspoon of salt;

A tablespoon of salt;

One hundred ml of lemon juice.

Cooking method:

Pour the milk into a suitable saucepan and heat to forty degrees.

Pour a dose of salt and juice squeezed from fresh lemon into the milk.

While stirring the mixture, wait for it to curdle.

Using a slotted spoon, transfer to a colander lined with gauze.

When the whey has drained, bring the ends of the gauze filter together and tie them.

Leave the resulting bag in a colander for four hours.

Make a saline solution (a tablespoon of salt per liter of water).

Remove the cheese lump from the cheesecloth and immerse it in salt water.

Leave the cheese in the brine for 10-12 hours.

How to quickly prepare suluguni from cow and goat milk

From a mixture of milk from dairy animals you can get high-quality homemade suluguni, the recipe for which is given below. If you can buy goat milk, be sure to try making pickled cheese from it. The product will be very tender and aromatic, with a predominant note of goat cheese (cow's milk is used as a base for sourdough).


Five liters of goat milk;

A glass of cow's milk;

One gram of pepsin;

A teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method:

Dissolve pepsin in a glass of warm milk and strain.

Put the goat's milk on the fire to warm it to 40 degrees.

Pour the starter into a saucepan and heat to 30 degrees.

Pour yogurt and sourdough into the main saucepan with goat's milk, stir, cover with a lid and leave in a warm place for half an hour to ferment.

Turn on the heat again, add salt to the curdled milk and heat it to 30 degrees.

Pour the curd into a colander with a gauze filter and wait for the whey to drain.

Wrap the ends of the gauze and gather tightly over the piece, place pressure on the cheese and put it in this form in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Remove the pressure, transfer the cheese to a storage container or serve.

How to quickly cook suluguni from cottage cheese

You can make original young cheese from good cottage cheese. This homemade suluguni recipe is suitable for beginners, as preparing the product is very simple.


One hundred grams of butter;

A teaspoon of soda;

A teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method:

Pour milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

When continuous bubbles appear, add cottage cheese to the milk and stir.

Cook with constant stirring for about twenty minutes.

Pour the mixture into a colander with gauze and wait for the whey to drain.

Return the curd mass to the pan, turn on the heat, add eggs and butter, stir.

Add soda and salt, mix again.

Cook for about ten minutes until the cheese begins to melt.

You need to prepare a container for storing cheese in advance by greasing its walls with vegetable or butter.

Place the finished suluguni in a container, level it with a plastic spatula or spoon.

After cooling, place the suluguni in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours, that is, overnight.

How to quickly cook suluguni with herbs from milk, sour cream and eggs

Delicious suluguni cheese can be prepared at home from milk and sour cream. If you add a little fresh herbs to the cheese dough, the cheese will taste spicy and fresh. This is an excellent option for sandwiches, salads, and homemade khachapuri.


Two liters of milk;

Two hundred ml of sour cream;

One and a half tablespoons of salt;

A tablespoon of dried Provençal herbs;

A little fresh or dried dill (to taste).

Cooking method:

Chop fresh herbs.

Break the eggs into a bowl, combine with sour cream and beat with a whisk or mixer (at low speed).

Boil milk and add salt.

Carefully pour the egg-sour cream mixture into the milk and stir.

Add fresh and dried herbs and mix again.

Cook until large white flakes appear, cook for another five minutes and remove from heat.

Drain the curdled mass into a colander as described above.

After about twenty minutes, pull the ends of the gauze together and squeeze well.

Place the suluguni on a plate and press for three hours. Periodically drain the whey from the plate.

Remove from gauze and place on the refrigerator shelf.

Homemade suluguni recipes are varied. Depending on what products are available, you can get a piece of delicious, soft milk cheese quite quickly.

How to cook suluguni at home? Secrets and useful tips. Classic and other recipes for preparing suluguni.
Recipe contents:

Suluguni is a pickled cheese, like feta cheese, Adyghe cheese, Mozzarella. This is the calling card of Western Georgia. Suluguni has a white or cream color, a soft and flaky texture, and a creamy and salty flavor. There are many recipes for it, but there are two main ones. The first is the usual one, which can be seen in gastronomic departments. The second is intended for long-term storage, so it is processed by smoking. You can only buy one in your historical homeland. Suluguni has long been popular in our country, so let’s try to make it at home ourselves.

  • The main requirement when preparing suluguni is the addition of the enzyme pepsin. It is sold at the pharmacy.
  • Any milk is suitable: cow, goat, buffalo, sheep. However, the traditional recipe is made from sheep.
  • It is advisable to use homemade milk in its raw form. Store-bought skim and pasteurized milk may not make cheese.
  • Homemade suluguni is usually made from fresh whole cow's milk.
  • To prepare suluguni at home, in addition to milk, you may need: sour cream; curd, curdling component.
  • The curdling component can be an industrially produced microbial starter, such as pepsin or simply lemon juice.
  • The only drawback of the recipe is that preparing suluguni requires a large amount of milk.
  • From available materials, you need to have gauze fabric. With its help you can easily squeeze the curd from the whey.
  • It's good to have a kitchen immersion thermometer because... the correct boiling point for milk is the result of a successful suluguni.
  • To enjoy young cheese, the cooking process is completed after the milk has formed into a curd mass. After squeezing out the remaining whey through cheesecloth, the cheese is ready for use and does not require further aging in brine.
  • If suluguni is used for filling in baked goods, it is crushed and left for 10 minutes in a warm environment so that it melts.
  • The color shades of the cheese depend on the quality of the milk. If the raw material is high in fat, the shade will be creamy.
  • Fresh suluguni is stored in the refrigerator in a container for up to 30 days. For longer storage, the cheese is smoked.

For lovers of suluguni cheese who decide to recreate the Georgian dish, I recommend being patient, because... the process is very labor-intensive. However, the result is worth it.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 290 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 1.5 kg
  • Preparation time - about one day


  • Cow's milk - 8 l
  • Pepsin liquid - 3 ml
  • Salt - 300 g

Step-by-step preparation of classic suluguni at home, recipe with photo:

  1. Pour milk into a deep container and heat to 35 degrees.
  2. Add pepsin to the heated milk, mix and leave in a warm place for 1 hour.
  3. After the milk has curdled and formed dense lumps, collect everything and put it in cheesecloth.
  4. Suspend the product for 1 hour to allow all the liquid to drain.
  5. Don’t throw away the remaining whey; it will come in handy later.
  6. After an hour, try the cheese. Break off a piece and put it in hot water for a few minutes. If after this the suluguni stretches, it means it’s ready; if it crumbles, leave it for some more time.
  7. When the cheese becomes elastic, cut it into large slices and place in cold water for 20 minutes. This action will help stop the fermentation process.
  8. Cut the suluguni into small cubes, place in an aluminum bowl and pour in hot water no higher than 65 degrees.
  9. When the cheese begins to melt, drain the water and add fresh water. Repeat this procedure until a homogeneous elastic cheese mass is formed.
  10. Prepare the brine. To do this, mix the whey with salt.
  11. Place the suluguni in the brine and leave for 12 hours.
  12. After this time, place the cheese in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

The recipe for the legendary suluguni cheese with lemon is easy to prepare at home, which will allow you to enjoy the fresh, sweet taste of cheese slices within a few hours.


  • Milk (3.2%) - 4 l
  • Rennet - 1 g
  • Salt - 660 g
  • Lemon juice - 100 ml
Step-by-step preparation of homemade suluguni with lemon, recipe with photo:
  1. Prepare the starter. Dissolve the enzyme in 200 ml of water at room temperature.
  2. Measure out 1/10 of the solution, i.e. 20 ml.
  3. Add lemon juice and diluted enzyme to the milk.
  4. Send it over low heat and heat to 30-32°C. Add some salt.
  5. Stir the milk for 3-5 minutes until it curdles, i.e. The curd mass and whey will separate.
  6. Pour the cheese mixture into a colander with gauze.
  7. Let all the whey drain and tie the gauze with the curd mass.
  8. Place pressure on top and leave for 40-60 minutes.
  9. Transfer the cheese to a board and cut into pieces.
  10. Place it in a frying pan and evaporate the liquid over low heat for 3-5 minutes. Stir occasionally in one direction.
  11. When all the liquid has evaporated, remove the pan from the heat.
  12. Place the curd mixture in a colander with gauze and tie the edges.
  13. Place pressure on top.
  14. Infuse the cheese for 40-60 minutes so that the mass forms into a dense cheese ball.
  15. Unwrap the cheesecloth, take the cheese and plunge it into ice water for 1 minute.
  16. Make a saline solution from 2 tbsp. salt and 2 liters of water.
  17. Dip the suluguni into it and leave for 3 hours.

You can prepare original young suluguni at home from good cottage cheese. This recipe is suitable for culinary beginners, because... The preparation of the product is very simple.


  • Milk - 1 l
  • Cottage cheese - 1 kg
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Soda - 1 tsp.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
Step-by-step preparation of suluguni at home from cottage cheese, recipe with photo:
  1. Boil the milk.
  2. Once bubbles appear, add curd and stir.
  3. Cook, stirring for 20 minutes.
  4. Transfer the mixture to a colander with gauze and leave to drain the whey.
  5. Transfer the curd mass to a saucepan, add eggs and butter and stir.
  6. Add salt, add baking soda and stir again.
  7. Cook for 10 minutes until the cheese has melted.
  8. Transfer the cheese to a container greased with vegetable oil and smooth it out.
  9. After cooling, place the cheese in the refrigerator for 10 hours.

Georgia has given the world many delicious dishes and products, one of which is suluguni. This type of cheese is in demand all over the world: even vegetarians and those on a diet include the product in their menus. Suluguni is included in salad recipes, cheese is used as a filling for baked goods and served separately with wine and herbs.

What is suluguni

Among other types of fermented milk products, cheese has a spicy, salty taste and has an elastic, dense, somewhat flaky structure. Suluguni is a product without a pronounced aroma; the color of the cheese can be creamy, pure white or yellowish, which depends on the choice of raw materials from which it was produced. As a rule, the basis in this case is cow, goat, buffalo, sheep milk or a mixture of them. Sometimes the cheese is prepared with a filling, the consistency of which resembles cottage cheese, or the product is smoked.


To prepare a traditional Caucasian dish, whey or a starter consisting of bacteria is added to the milk of a goat, cow, buffalo or sheep. Suluguni also contains pepsin or calcium chloride. Thanks to the peculiarities of the manufacturing process, the product is very tasty, rich in minerals and vitamins. In addition to sourdough, suluguni contains enzymes, so the taste of the cheese does not have any extraneous shades, and its smell is neutral. Nutrients contained in cheese:

  • amino acids, proteins;
  • phosphorus;
  • healthy cholesterol;
  • magnesium;
  • sulfur;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • saturated organic and fatty acids;
  • di- and monosaccharides
  • potassium, etc.

Benefits and harms

The natural product is useful for children, pregnant women and the elderly, as it has all the qualities of fermented milk products. If you eat it regularly, you can strengthen your immune system, improve the functioning of your heart and nervous system, normalize your blood composition by increasing hemoglobin, and improve your hormonal levels. Cheese can prevent the development of serious diseases associated with the cardiovascular system, improve the elasticity and permeability of capillaries. In addition, the product has a positive effect on the skin, nails and hair.

The benefits and harms of suluguni cheese are unequal: the product brings more good to the body than the degree of possible damage from its use. Cheese can only harm people who suffer from lactose intolerance. However, only suluguni that was prepared with strict adherence to technology and does not contain synthetic additives is considered harmless.

How to store Suluguni cheese

If the product is stored incorrectly, the cheese will acquire an unpleasant taste, smell and become unfit for consumption. Damage to the dish is indicated by the presence of cracks, dry crust and mold. Suluguni cheese must be stored in cold brine. So, in the refrigerator the product will remain fresh for about 3 months. To extend its shelf life, you can transfer the suluguni into fresh milk, and then into a saturated brine for a day (0.4 kg of salt per 1 liter of water). After the specified period, return the cheese to another brine (0.2 kg of salt per liter of water).

How to make suluguni at home

The dish is prepared using a special technology similar to that used to prepare Italian Provolone cheese varieties. You can make suluguni cheese at home from cow, sheep, goat or buffalo milk, but it is better to prepare the treat by mixing several types of ingredients at once. The main stages of preparing suluguni at home:

  • First you need to slightly warm the milk, remove from heat and ferment the product using sourdough;
  • the resulting lump is pressed a little, then cheddarized, remaining in the sickle for a couple of hours;
  • the cheese piece is crushed, melted and distributed into molds;
  • After compaction, the suluguni is transferred to whey brine.

Suluguni cheese recipe

Traditionally, Georgians serve cheese slices with bread and homemade wine, sprinkling the treat with chopped herbs (basil or cilantro). However, the product can be added to different dishes: salad with suluguni turns out very tasty, and for khachapuri you cannot find a better filling. The recipe for suluguni cheese at home is not complicated, but it requires endurance and strict adherence to technology from the cook. If you do everything correctly, you will get a real tasty and healthy delicacy.


  • Cooking time: 10 hours.
  • Number of servings: for 30 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 255 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: snack/breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Georgian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The product is eaten in different states - fresh, fried, baked, melted. Among all the options, smoked suluguni stands out for its unusual, bright taste and appetizing aroma. Thanks to its slight saltiness, the treat is ideal as a snack for beer or for decorating a holiday table. In addition, you can prepare a lot of dishes with smoked cheese, including casseroles, pizza, khachapuri, sandwiches and soups. The following describes how to prepare suluguni cheese at home.


  • rennet – 2.4 g;
  • homemade pasteurized milk – 12 l;
  • calcium chloride – 1.2 mg;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour milk into a 15-liter cheese making pan (the container should be partially filled with water).
  2. Heat the liquid to 37-38 degrees.
  3. Take 50 ml of warm boiled water into measuring containers and dissolve the enzyme and calcium in them separately.
  4. Place the contents of the cups into a saucepan with milk, stir the mixture for 15 minutes until a curd forms. In this case, the temperature should always be at the same level.
  5. After 5-6 hours, the lump will become dense, then divide it into smaller pieces and transfer it to prepared forms with a tray for draining the whey.
  6. The curdled mass should be transferred into molds with a slotted spoon, and the remaining whey should be poured into a sterile container (later the mixture can be used to prepare other dishes).
  7. Combine the molds with the cheese mixture when the product has compacted and the liquid has drained (you can use a colander). Turn one container over and place it on top of another. Repeat this step from time to time, alternating shapes - this will help the cheese become denser.
  8. As a result, both halves should be held together, forming a single head with rounded sides. In 8 hours of self-pressing, the product will become elastic, elastic, and dense.
  9. Place the product on a cutting board, sprinkle with salt, then wrap in cling film and refrigerate for a couple of hours.
  10. Cut the product into small cubes on a cutting board (this will help the cheese melt more evenly).
  11. Fill a bowl with hot water (approximately 85 degrees), place the cheese pieces inside. Using two wooden spatulas, begin stirring the fermented milk product until the cheese acquires a stretchy structure.
  12. Use spatulas to gather the mixture together and knead until one lump is formed. At the same time, the temperature of the liquid in the container should remain high.
  13. Continue stirring the cheese mass, kneading it in the hot liquid (form a thin cake, immediately roll it up so that the product has a layered structure).
  14. Place the finished base in a mold with a maturing tray. Keep the product in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  15. To prepare a 20% brine, you can use whey or the water in which the cheese dough was mixed. Place the cheese in the brine for a day, remembering to turn the head upside down after 12 hours so that the product is salted evenly.
  16. Ready suluguni should be smoked for 3-4 hours until a golden brown crust appears on its surface.


  • Cooking time: 45 minutes.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 317 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: breakfast/lunch/snack.
  • Cuisine: Georgian.

Cooking with suluguni is interesting: the product has a dense structure and melts perfectly under the influence of high temperatures. After hardening, the cheese holds its shape perfectly, while emphasizing the taste of different dishes. All kinds of salads, casseroles, soups are made on its basis, cheese is combined with potatoes, eggs, fish and meat, and it is also used to create sandwiches and other snacks. The suluguni pie described in the recipe below resembles Georgian khachapuri in taste, but is prepared much faster and easier.


  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves – 2 pcs.;
  • puff pastry – 0.4 kg;
  • suluguni – 0.4 kg;
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dill greens – 40 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Defrost the dough and grate the cheese. Mix the last component with a raw egg.
  2. Here you also need to add crushed garlic, finely chopped dill, sour cream and mix the mass thoroughly.
  3. Divide the dough into 2 equal parts, on one of them you need to place the filling in an even layer, leaving free space around the edges (about 1 cm).
  4. Cover the product with the second half of the dough, seal the edges.
  5. Next, you need to carefully take the pie and transfer the product to a baking sheet lined with parchment, then brush the dish with beaten egg.
  6. The baking sheet should be placed in an oven heated to 180 degrees, and after 20 minutes the delicacy with cheese should be removed from the steel sheet and served hot.


  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: for 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 278 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: lunch/dinner.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

A simple and quick-to-prepare salad with suluguni cheese will appeal to busy housewives who want to surprise guests with a spicy, tasty and satisfying dish. The treat is inexpensive, has a very appetizing appearance and delicate taste. If desired, the chicken fillet can be replaced with other meat, ham, or you can purchase chicken hearts for the salad. In addition, you definitely need to complement the appetizer with suluguni with fresh or pickled cucumbers and herbs.


  • chicken fillet – 0.4 kg;
  • sour cream/mayonnaise – 6 tbsp. l.;
  • suluguni – 100 ml;
  • boiled eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • cucumbers – 200 g;
  • green onions;
  • spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the boiled chicken into small slices and place in a salad bowl with high sides.
  2. Send finely chopped boiled eggs and chopped onion here.
  3. Cut the cucumbers into thin strips and add to the salad.
  4. Season the dish with sour cream/mayonnaise, season and, if desired, add a little lemon juice (it is better to squeeze fresh rather than use store-bought).
  5. Next, you need to cut the cheese into thin ribbons and decorate the top of the salad with it. Afterwards, the suluguni treat is ready to serve and eat.


  • Cooking time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of servings: for 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 290 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: snack/snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

What to cook from suluguni? Fans of the famous Georgian cheese variety will appreciate the appetizer described below. The preparation of the dish is extremely simple, but it turns out very unusual and tasty. Fried suluguni cheese is an ideal complement to beer or homemade wine; it can quickly fill you up without bringing a feeling of heaviness. You can make the dish in anticipation of the arrival of guests or to pamper your family. If you use natural, homemade cheese, you can treat even a small child to a snack.


  • smoked suluguni (you can also take regular one) – 0.4 kg;
  • pepper mixture;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • frying oil;
  • egg.

Cooking method:

  1. Break the egg, whisk the product until smooth, season with spices.
  2. Cut the cheese into cubes about 2x4 centimeters, so the ingredient will fry easier and faster without losing its juiciness.
  3. You don't need to pour a lot of oil into the pan, a couple of spoons will do. Place the container on a relatively high heat, heat the dishes and oil.
  4. Start dipping pieces of cheese, double-dipped on all sides, first into the egg mixture, and then into the breading.
  5. Leave the products in the pan for about 2-4 minutes, turning the suluguni over during frying.
  6. Place the finished delicacy on a napkin or cheesecloth, which will absorb excess fat, then transfer the fried cheese to a beautiful plate and serve.

Suluguni cheese at home - cooking secrets

Dishes with suluguni attract many with their simplicity, nutritional value, and benefits. However, the last factor is only achievable if you use a natural product for cooking. How to prepare and use suluguni cheese at home:

  • to make a kilogram of cheese you will need approximately 10 liters of milk;
  • the finished cheese should be stored in a container with brine and in the refrigerator, while suluguni remains fresh for about a month;
  • recipes with suluguni can be modified, supplemented with products that the cheese is combined with - fresh herbs, chicken, turkey meat, cucumbers, tomatoes, croutons, etc.;
  • to prepare fried suluguni, you can use not only breading, but also batter, then the cheese will turn out even more tender and softer;
  • It is better to combine the delicacy with puff pastry, since the cheese will seem dry with other dough.
