Baked pork with pineapple and cheese recipe. Tender pork “Royally” with pineapples in the oven with cheese

What to cook for the New Year's table 2018

New Year 2018 according to the Chinese calendar will be the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. And it will come on the new moon, February 16, 2018. But we are used to celebrating the New Year on the night of January 1, so in preparation for the upcoming holiday, we will prepare dishes that will please the owner of 2018 - the Dog.
The dog is our long-time friend; many people have it at home and are considered a full member of the family. And, of course, we know that dogs love meat. Therefore, meat occupies an important place in the New Year's menu for the 2018 festive table. But sea fish is also quite appropriate, especially since for many fish dishes are preferable. It should be noted that the food should be quite simple, traditional, but tasty and satisfying. Therefore, we can prepare our favorite salads Olivier and Herring under a fur coat. But we’ll tell you how to turn them into a culinary masterpiece.
Vegetables and fruits, especially yellow ones, will certainly decorate our holiday table and serve as an excellent addition to meat and fish dishes.
We will offer you festive dishes for every taste. At the same time, it is worth noting that a beautiful and tasty New Year's table may not be too expensive - what is important here is the culinary skill of the hostess, her desire to feed her family and friends deliciously. And, of course, we will definitely help you with this by offering recipes for inexpensive, but tasty and beautiful dishes.
Often there is neither time nor energy to prepare the New Year's table. But I really want everyone to gather around a delicious festive table. And for such cases, we have wonderful recipes for delicious dishes that do not require much effort and time.
We will be very glad if 1001 FOOD will be with you during the pre-New Year days of joyful chores and preparations and help make your table tasty, festive and truly New Year's!
Happy new year dear friends! I wish you success, love, joy, peace and goodness!
And may the New Year 2018 be a year of big plans, hopes and accomplishments!

Traditional table

New Year is always a rich, beautiful table. It just so happened that long before his meeting we plan what we will cook, what delicious dishes we will treat our family and friends. And since every year passes under one of the symbols of the eastern calendar, when preparing for the next meeting, we try to please the owner of the New Year. And now the bright, fighting Red Rooster is replaced by the Yellow Dog.
And although she will come into her own only on February 16, 2018, we nevertheless want the New Year’s table to include dishes that will please the new housewife.
So what should you cook? Of course, a lot of meat dishes! - you will say, and you will be absolutely right. Various meats, in all types, seasoned with spices and herbs. But in order for us to like these dishes, so that we don’t feel too heavy from the rich meat food, we will add a lot of vegetables, fruits, and herbs, which will undoubtedly make our table bright, beautiful and more healthy.
So, we offer you options for New Year's dishes that will make your table tasty and beautiful.
Snacks should stimulate the appetite; their taste and aroma, as it were, prepares us for a further variety of dishes.
Snacks can be light, with fruits, vegetables, nuts and meat.

What would New Year be without a traditional herring under a fur coat?! But it can also be prepared in a new way. – this is beetroot mousse with herring, a version of herring under a fur coat, but very tender and New Year’s.

It will not leave any connoisseur of unusual combinations of tastes indifferent.

Traditionally, many people prepare jellied meat for the winter holidays. It turns out very tasty and beautiful

Will not leave anyone indifferent.It’s not difficult to prepare such meat balls, but how beautiful they are on the holiday table!

No doubt sushi lovers will like it, but this appetizer looks very impressive!

- This is always a decoration for the New Year's table.

its rich, bright taste will not leave anyone indifferent.

It delights not only the taste, but also the eyesight!

– layered salad with chicken fillet. Baked apple and hazelnuts give it a delicious taste.

– a dish so New Year’s, with such a flavor that even after eating appetizers and salads, it’s simply impossible to resist trying it!

– the sweetness and aroma of peaches permeate the duck meat. Great combination!

– you will definitely like it with its tenderness, aroma and excellent taste.

– meat in a honey-mustard marinade turns out unusually tender, juicy, and aromatic. Potatoes baked with pork will be no less tasty and appetizing.

- easy to prepare, but such a New Year's salad that will delight the host of the year and, of course, all the guests with its cute appearance!

What's a New Year's table without desserts?! Even after many delicious and varied dishes, you still want something sweet. And here we also have something to offer you.

– these charming puff pastries are so airy and beautiful that it’s impossible not to try! And how easy it is to prepare them!

– the name speaks for itself. Delicious and festive!

Well, when we don’t know what else to eat, we suggest trying

Recipes without meat

It is believed that the Year of the Dog should be celebrated with meat dishes, but the dog is not averse to eating fish and delicious seafood. And there is huge scope for your imagination. How many different fish dishes can you prepare! These include all kinds of seafood salads and appetizers. Grilled fish, tender fillet in cream, stuffed fish... And vegetables?! Salads and snacks from fresh vegetables, pickled, salted, pickled vegetables, baked, stewed vegetables with the addition of nuts, legumes, seasoned with a variety of sauces.

We bring to your attention. New Year's menu for those who prefer vegetable and fish dishes.

Beautiful and very tasty, complemented with cream and two types of cheese.

– a very tender and tasty appetizer with caviar, butter cream and a light lemon note.

– as bright as Christmas tree decorations!

Served in portions and decorated with lingonberries, it attracts attention with its design.

Which served in pineapple will be very beautiful on the New Year's table.

It will remind us of summer with its bright colors.

– the title says it all. Try it!

– for seafood lovers it’s always a holiday, so why not cook it for the New Year’s table?!

With the addition of vegetables it turns out very juicy and tender. Quite a beautiful New Year's dish.

– this is, without a doubt, a very tasty dish. A simple recipe, but the aroma and taste of red fish cooked in olive oil and soaked in orange juice is beyond praise.

And at the end of the New Year's table, of course, dessert.Prepare a delicious and beautiful sponge cake with nuts and prunes.

And how delicious tea is! A little imagination, and now ordinary cookies take on a New Year's look and become Festive.

And if you want to bake a delicious cake, but without spending a lot of time and effort on it, bake. You'll love it!

Quick Recipes

I want to spend the New Year with my family, with my closest and dearest people. But we can’t always spend a lot of time preparing holiday dishes. What to do - the way our lives are structured today is that many women simply don’t have time to cook. Of course, you can book a table in a restaurant or entrust the New Year's table to a professional chef. But, you must admit, a dish prepared with your own hands, a dish into which you have invested all your love for your loved ones, is completely different!

We want to offer recipes that take little time to prepare. At the same time, you will have a delicious New Year's table.

As snacks we offer:

– just a few minutes, and an elegant ham sandwich is ready!

What do you think? Do you think it's difficult and time-consuming? Not at all! Just a little time - and a delicious, beautiful cake is ready.

The last week of the outgoing year has begun. Conscientious and responsible housewives are looking for new and interesting New Year recipes for their home. What should be on the New Year's menu 2018 - recipes for the festive table? Here is a fresh selection of new, simple, light, original and interesting dishes. Take it into service and share with your friends.

Assembling and organizing a festive table is not a problem, so that everyone knows the popular New Year's dishes (appetizers, salads, main courses, desserts) and their recipes - many people know what should be on the table to celebrate the New Year.

Damn, everything traditional and classic looks dreary and dull, but I want something new and interesting! Let's try to figure it out and choose something for our New Year's menu 2018 that suits both us hostesses, our loved ones, and our guests.

New Year's menu: how it was the old fashioned way and what recipes are still popular

Every time the time approached the main winter holiday, many people had a question: what to wear to celebrate the New Year, what gifts to give, what menu to create for the festive table?

Very often the set of dishes was already known in advance. Our ancestors didn’t worry too much about this - before them, all the New Year’s recipes had already been invented. All that remained was to stock up on groceries, find time and desire. And forward to work at the kitchen table.

What do you think I will talk about now? About the classics of the culinary genre, about our favorite, never outdated recipes for old dishes. The classics will always remain with us.

Herring under a Fur Coat

This is my favorite dish at all holiday events. Herring under a fur coat will always remain one of the main salads on the New Year's table. At least for today, because the generation of our mothers and fathers still saw the times when herring was affordable, compared to boiled pork or smoked sausage.

This salad consists of a few simple layers and is easy to prepare. In short, the first layer of the fur coat will be potatoes, boiled in their skins and grated. Finely chopped herring fillet is placed in the second layer. Then onions, chopped eggs, grated carrots and lastly beets. Lubricate each layer with a mesh of mayonnaise.

Salad Olivier

Real New Year's salad

The second most common on the New Year's menu is the classic Olivier salad. The old French recipe was modified in Soviet times. Instead of hazel grouse meat, and in the original recipe it was the main product, our parents began to use the most ordinary boiled sausage.

This is how we got a simple New Year’s salad, which all Soviet people, and we still do, consumed “on both cheeks.”

The recipe for its preparation is not at all complicated, and the ingredients are easy to find on store shelves. Boil eggs, carrots, potatoes. Peel and cut into small cubes, about the size of an average pea.

By the way, the main savory product in the classic Olivier is canned peas. To it we will add pickled gherkins and, again, boiled sausage (I’m telling you that in Soviet times this was a popular meat product).

Mimosa salad

In the past, canned fish was always available. After all, they formed the main part of the classic Mimosa salad recipe. How to cook? Yes, very simple!

All similar products as in previous salads: vegetables, eggs and onions. Cook, cut and lay in layers. The first is potatoes (half of the total volume), then fish, onions, the rest of the potatoes, carrots and the last layer is boiled egg whites (finely chopped). Use yolks as decoration.

Crab stick salad

Seafood lovers enjoy crab salad. When crab sticks appeared on grocery store shelves, culinary gourmets rushed to use them in all sorts of dishes.

A classic recipe for salad with crab sticks has appeared. At first, it included: boiled rice, a canned jar of corn, onions, eggs and pickles. It was only after that we began not to limit ourselves and add various new products - mix and improvise.

What else was included in the New Year's menu?

Stolichny salad, Jellied fish, red caviar, or rather sandwiches with caviar, eggplant caviar, herring and onion appetizers. Be sure to have sprats, sliced ​​smoked sausage. Soviet champagne and lemonade-type soda. And yes, pickles are preparations for the winter: cabbage, mushrooms.

And more than one New Year’s or holiday table would be complete without fruit. Especially tangerines and oranges. There were plenty of apples and pears.

The main course was served to those who liked it - chicken baked in the oven, and fish or pork cooked in the same place. And as a side dish, of course, any potato: fried, mashed or boiled in their skins.

Modern New Year's menu 2018 and recipes worthy of a festive table for today

And now, my dears, let’s move on to today’s lifestyle. It's the twenty-first century. There are so many opportunities for new and interesting recipes for the New Year. Let's take exotic fruits, which are added not only to the holiday table, but also used in the diet of a regular day.

Here's what's included in the original selection of New Year's salads for the holiday menu:

  1. Warm with pineapples,
  2. With Hiashi seaweed
  3. "A Sailor's Dream"
  4. "Rainbow",
  5. "Easy",
  6. With chickpeas
  7. With grapes and quail eggs,
  8. "For the dog's joy"
  9. New Year's salad for tartlets,
  10. Puff pastry with spinach,
  11. "Red is the new red"
  12. “Royal” with salmon,
  13. With avocado and feta.

Snacks for the New Year's menu 2018

  1. Tartlets with mussels and cheese,
  2. Tartlets with caviar,
  3. Tartlets with mozzarella and shrimp,
  4. Avocado sandwich,
  5. Sandwich with figs,
  6. Mango sandwich
  7. Hawaiian toast,
  8. Canapes with feta and quail eggs,
  9. Canapes with boiled potatoes and cheese,
  10. Canapes a la Mimosa salad,
  11. Lavash with cottage cheese,
  12. Lavash with salmon,
  13. Lavash with minced liver,
  14. Bruschetta with vegetables,
  15. Snack with chips.

New Year's main menu - choosing a recipe for the festive table

  1. Fragrant chicken fillet in foil,
  2. Meat in Parisian style
  3. Sesame chicken with rice noodles,
  4. Meat and vegetables in a pot with spices,
  5. Chicken Hearts in pots,
  6. Potatoes in a pot under a cheese cap for the second course,
  7. Savory simple pasta with vegetables,
  8. Vegetarian pilaf,
  9. Baked meat in Georgian style,
  10. Minced chicken chops with vegetables,
  11. Chicken liver cutlets,
  12. Caramelized liver with apple,
  13. Pork with cider
  14. Pork in a pot with buckwheat porridge,
  15. Meatballs in a slow cooker with pomegranate,
  16. Pasta casserole,
  17. Potato side dish "Princess"
  18. Fish in the oven with cheese,

Making a New Year's menu - 10 “bomb” recipes for the New Year 2018

Lots of meat: sausage, cervelat, sliced, fried, smoked

Hot dishes:

  1. “Flying chicken” - recipe with chicken,
  2. “Fish in the oven” - a recipe for juicy fish with a side dish,
  3. “Spicy ham” - a pork recipe.

New Year's salads:

  1. "A Man's Dream"
  2. "Tongue"
  3. "Snowstorm",
  4. "Tsarsky".

New Year's snacks:

  1. Lavash rolls,
  2. Snack bar "Koloboki" with meat
  3. Appetizer "Olivier" in choux pastry.

For dessert:

  1. Cupcakes - different fillings,
  2. Cake “Honey cake” - for tea,
  3. Ice cream "Plombir" or "Tiramisu".

My New Year's menu for 2018 Dogs for a family of 4 plus guests

And now, what I noted for myself for the holiday table. It's always interesting what others think and how they act. And my family didn’t give up on classic traditional recipes this year, they just added a few new items to the holiday menu:

  1. Sliced ​​sausages and cheeses,
  2. Sliced ​​fish
  3. Sliced ​​tomatoes, cucumbers, pickles,
  4. Tartlets with red caviar,
  5. Tartlets with minced mushrooms,
  6. Herring under a Fur Coat,
  7. Olivie,
  8. Caesar,
  9. For main course, fish and chicken legs baked in the oven (optional),
  10. Side dish – mashed potatoes,
  11. For dessert - ice cream and cupcakes,
  12. Sweets for tea (assorted),
  13. Fruits,
  14. Drinks – berry juice,
  15. Champagne, vodka, red wine,
  16. Borscht and pizza on January 1st.

Oh, what kind of New Year’s menu 2018 do you see for the festive table? Share it in the comments. Tell and show to your friends on social networks (buttons on the side left and below).

Bonus: Video - Setting the New Year's table. How to decorate the New Year's table 2018 with your own hands?

How to choose the right decorations for the festive table for the New Year: decor, things, chips and all that.

Options for serving the New Year's table: with family, with friends, together for lovers - a romantic dinner.

Bonus: Video - Ideas for serving dishes for the New Year

We decorate the table with unusual ideas for dishes and cuts

Happy New Year! Love, health, good luck and success!

New Year is one of the most expensive holidays of the year, and on the eve of the celebration, many people are faced with the question of how to celebrate such an enchanting event without spending all the savings accumulated over the year. We dare to assure you that this is not such a difficult task if you competently approach the preparation of your holiday spending plan and focus on inexpensive dishes. Budget New Year's table 2018 - this will be discussed in our article.

First of all, we advise you, in order to save money, to purchase all the necessary products that can be stored for a long time in advance, so as not to be shocked by holiday prices. You will have to give up delicacies and various overseas dishes, but do not be upset - domestic analogues of these products and other alternative options will not only please you with their cost, but will also allow you to prepare decent holiday dishes. New Year's recipes for a budget table should be simple and consist of affordable products. In this case, you should pay attention to inexpensive meat, such as chicken, fish and various types of offal, vegetables that are always on hand, from which you can create a lot of salads, side dishes and snacks, and inexpensive cereals that will perfectly complement the main course. Fortunately, in winter, many housewives have various preserves and pickles that will allow them to significantly save on snacks. The variety of these preparations can easily replace 1-2 salads.

By the way, such traditional salads as “New Year’s Olivier”, “Herring under a Fur Coat” and “Mimosa” simply must be present on a budget holiday table, because the ingredients for them are very simple and can be found in the refrigerator of almost every housewife. Jellied meat and aspic are a very good option for a budget-friendly New Year's celebration, because most of these dishes essentially consist of water. Don’t forget about such a universal vegetable as potatoes, because you can use them to prepare a lot of dishes in addition to the usual side dish, including a variety of salads, zrazy, casseroles, etc. Wonderful economical dishes for New Year's Eve can be stew, cabbage rolls, pilaf, cutlets, baked chicken or fish casserole. Canapés, lavash rolls, tartlets and sandwiches are perfect as a snack. Sprats and other canned fish will also come in handy. As for desserts, it’s time to remember the recipes of our mothers and grandmothers, who could always create a culinary masterpiece from what was at hand.

To give simple budget dishes a zest and a festive touch, pay attention to their design, which will enhance the positive impression and create the appropriate mood. For example, the same jellied meat can be decorated with green peas and figures of boiled carrots, and on top of the salad you can apply a symbolic design from available ingredients.

Chicken marinated in lemon juice and baked in a honey glaze is a universal dish for a budget New Year's table. It can be complemented with various ingredients and spices and served with a wide variety of side dishes. The acidity of the lemon juice used in the recipe helps tenderize the poultry. You can marinate the chicken 2 hours before cooking or overnight, which is preferable as it will give the meat a more pronounced lemon flavor.

1 chicken (weighing about 1.8 kg)
250 ml lemon juice
1/2 lemon
60 ml honey
1 tablespoon vegetable oil

dried thyme

Rub the entire surface of the chicken with two teaspoons of salt. Place lemon juice and whole chicken in a resealable plastic bag. Seal the bag and shake well to coat the chicken with lemon juice. Place the chicken in the bag in the refrigerator for 2 hours or overnight, turning occasionally.
Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Remove chicken from bag and pat dry with paper towels. Brush the entire outer surface of the chicken with vegetable oil. Sprinkle salt and pepper, including the cavity. Rub the cavity of the chicken with the dried thyme and add the lemon wedges.
Bake the chicken for 20 minutes at 200 degrees, then reduce the temperature to 175 degrees and bake for another 45 minutes. While the chicken is cooking, heat the honey in the microwave or in a double boiler to make it easier to coat the bird. Apply honey to the chicken on all sides using a pastry brush and bake for another 10-15 minutes at 175 degrees. Watch the chicken carefully during this stage, as the heat may cause the honey to burn. If the skin of the chicken becomes too dark and the chicken is not yet done, cover it with aluminum foil. Remove chicken from oven and let rest for 15 minutes before serving.

If finances are extremely limited, and you really want some delicacy for the New Year, pay attention to the language. It is affordable, easy to prepare, but at the same time its delicate, refined taste will give a head start to the most expensive dishes. We suggest you prepare tongue with tomato sauce, with mashed potatoes and boiled rice as a side dish.

Tongue with tomato sauce

1 beef tongue
2 medium onions
3 carrots
Bay leaf
1 tablespoon salt
5-7 peas of allspice
40 g butter
2 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon flour
3 tablespoons tomato paste
salt and ground black pepper to taste
dried thyme to taste

Rinse the tongue in water, clean it well and place in a large saucepan. Pour in enough water to cover your tongue. Add one onion, cut into 4 parts, one chopped carrot, bay leaf, allspice and salt. Bring to a boil, skim off the foam, cover and cook for about 3 hours or until tender. Place the finished tongue on a cutting board, cover with aluminum foil and let cool. Strain the remaining broth. When the tongue has cooled, remove the skin and cut the meat into slices about 1 cm thick.
Heat half the butter and fry the tongue slices until light brown. Set aside. Melt the remaining butter and sauté the chopped onion until well browned, about 5 minutes. Add grated carrots and fry for another 5 minutes. Add chopped garlic and bay leaf, cook for another 3 minutes. Add flour and cook for 2 minutes. Stir in tomato paste and slowly pour in 2 cups of broth, stirring thoroughly. Then add tongue, black pepper and dried thyme. Cook over low heat, covered, for 20 minutes.

Liver cake is an extraordinary holiday dish that can be an excellent alternative to expensive meat, but no less tasty. We assure you that your family and friends will appreciate such an unusual snack.

Liver cake

500 g beef liver
3 eggs
250 ml milk
3 carrots
2 onions
5 tablespoons flour
200 g mayonnaise
salt and ground black pepper to taste
vegetable oil

Scroll the beef liver through a meat grinder or chop using a blender. Add eggs, flour, salt, pepper to the liver and mix. Pour in the milk and beat with a mixer or whisk. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and pour the dough into it with a ladle to make a pancake. Bake the liver pancakes for about 2 minutes on each side. If the dough is too thick and spreads, add more milk to the mixture; if, on the contrary, it is liquid, add additional flour.
While the finished pancakes are cooling, you need to prepare the filling by frying grated carrots and finely chopped onions in oil. Form a cake from the resulting ingredients, alternating liver pancakes greased with mayonnaise with filling. The cake must be left in the refrigerator for 1 hour to soak.

Fish aspic is an excellent option for a budget holiday dish, which, if properly decorated - for example, with slices of boiled eggs and flowers made from boiled carrots and herbs - can become a real decoration for the New Year's table. To prepare aspic, it is best to take fish such as pollock, pink salmon, pike perch, bream, carp, perch or hake. To prevent jellied fish from turning out to be the same “muck” as in the famous New Year’s movie “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”, use our recipe.

500 g fish fillet
500 g fish heads, fins and tails
1 onion
1 carrot
2 parsley roots
3-4 cloves of garlic
Bay leaf
allspice peas
1 sachet of gelatin (20 g)

Pour fish waste into 1.5 liters of cold water and cook at low boil for approximately 2 hours. During cooking, periodically skim off foam and fat. Half an hour before the end of cooking, add vegetables to the pan, and at the end - spices.
Remove waste from pan. Salt the broth, add the fish fillet and cook for 10 minutes. Strain the broth through cheesecloth. If the broth is quite sticky, you don't need to add gelatin to it. If this does not happen, then gelatin is pre-soaked in water, and then added to the hot broth and brought to a boil. Stir the garlic, passed through a press, into the prepared broth.
Place the fish fillet cut into pieces into a jellied dish and sprinkle with parsley. You can decorate the dish with figures cut from boiled carrots. Pour the broth over the fish - you only need to use a little of it. Place the aspic in the refrigerator to harden.

Preparing canapés takes a minimum of time, and preparing canapés with herring, beets and apples according to our recipe also means a minimum of cash costs.

Canapes with herring and beets

100 g salted herring fillet
5 slices rye bread
1/2 boiled beets
1/2 sweet and sour apple
1/2 onion
lemon juice

Cut the bread slices into small squares. Cut the apple and beets into thin slices (the size of the bread). Sprinkle apple slices with lemon juice to prevent them from darkening. Cut the onion into half rings, cut the herring into small pieces. Place a slice of beetroot on each piece of bread, then a slice of apple, sprinkle with onion, place a slice of herring and sprinkle with chopped dill. Secure the canapes with a skewer and place on a plate.

The following salad is distinguished by its tenderness and excellent taste and can also be used as a filling for pita rolls.

Salad with mushrooms, crab meat and cheese

300 g champignons
200 g cheese
1 package crab meat
salt and ground black pepper to taste

Finely chop the champignons and fry in a frying pan in vegetable or butter. Add salt and pepper to taste. If you wish, you can add a couple of bay leaves when cooking the mushrooms - this will give them a piquant aroma. Let the mushrooms cool. Finely chop the crab meat.
Place half the mushrooms in the salad bowl, and then half the crab meat. Add a little mayonnaise and spread in an even layer using a spoon. Sprinkle with half the grated cheese. Repeat layers, adding remaining mushrooms, crab meat and cheese. Gently brush the top cheese layer with a small amount of mayonnaise and garnish with dill.

A budget New Year's table 2018 is unthinkable without delicious salads prepared from available ingredients. A very satisfying and nutritious salad is made from cod liver, boiled potatoes, eggs and pickled cucumbers.

Salad with cod liver, potatoes and pickled cucumbers

1 can cod liver
3-4 small pickled cucumbers
1 boiled potato
3 boiled eggs
green onions

Place the cod liver on a plate lined with a paper towel and let the fat drain off. Mash the liver with a fork until smooth. Place cod liver on the bottom of the salad bowl. Add a little mayonnaise and distribute evenly with a spoon. Then lay out a layer of boiled potatoes, grated on a coarse grater. Grease with mayonnaise again. Next, lay out the following layers - grated pickled cucumbers, mayonnaise, grated protein, mayonnaise. Sprinkle grated yolk and finely chopped green onions on top.

Fans of spicy foods will surely enjoy the spicy carrot salad with beans and garlic. By the way, with this salad - if you first mash the beans - you can stuff pita bread and make budget snack rolls.

Spicy salad of carrots, beans and croutons

3 large carrots
1 large onion
4-5 cloves of garlic
1 can of canned beans
1 pack of crackers

Fry the grated carrots with finely chopped onions in vegetable oil until soft. At the end of cooking, add garlic - chopped or passed through a press - and fry until a pronounced aroma appears. Allow the resulting mass to cool. Drain the beans, rinse and dry. Mix fried vegetables, canned beans and mayonnaise in a salad bowl. Before serving, decorate the salad with croutons.

As you can see, preparing a budget New Year's table for 2018 is quite possible. Use our tips and recipes to celebrate the New Year, which will not break your pocket and will leave a lot of pleasant memories. With coming!