Fresh eggs float in the water. If a raw egg floats in cold water

Any housewife wants to check the freshness of eggs at home and be sure of their quality. The freshness of eggs can be determined in water. Whether you have homemade eggs or store-bought ones, sometimes doubts arise and it only takes a couple of minutes to dispel them!

On our mini-farm, especially in the summer, it often happens that a lot of eggs accumulate. You spend some time sorting them, moving them somewhere fresher, but then you will certainly get confused. And that’s when simple tests help me.

Egg freshness tests at home

  • The easiest way is to shake the egg near your ear. If it flops around, it means it is no longer fresh, it has taken on air. A fresh egg is filled tightly and there is nothing loose inside.
  • The second test - to determine the freshness of eggs in water - is based on checking the amount of air that entered the egg through the pores of the shell.

Egg freshness test in water. The egg lies at the bottom.

There is no air in the freshest egg laid that day. The chicken egg does not float, it lies at the bottom of a glass of water.

The undershell shell of the egg (film) fits tightly to the shell, and the inner shell covers the white. They are tightly connected to each other.

It is for this reason that it is absolutely impossible to peel the shell from a fresh hard-boiled egg!!! The shells come off only together with the whites, and no amount of cold water after cooking will help! A peeled egg has a completely unpresentable appearance!

For hard-boiled cooking - I select chicken eggs, which have already been lying around for a week.

Egg freshness test in water. The egg floats in the middle of the glass.

The egg rose blunt end up or floating in the middle of a glass of water.

After the egg cools, the egg mass inside the shell shrinks somewhat and decreases in volume. Inner shells(films) separate, forming an air pocket on the blunt side of the egg. How longer egg lies, the more moisture evaporates through the pores of the shell and air is sucked in.

With such freshness, eggs are wonderfully hard-boiled and easy to peel!

Egg freshness test in water. The egg floated up.

The egg is on the surface of the water and has completely floated up.

Consequently, the egg is old, has been lying around for a long time and has sucked in a lot of air. There have been qualitative changes inside. The protein became liquid, like water. The yolk was flattened.

This does not mean that the egg is spoiled and cannot be eaten.

I sometimes set aside such eggs from the total mass and break them into a separate cup, in case they are still spoiled. And since domestic chickens almost every day, there is always plenty of fresh eggs. Old chicken eggs I usually give it to the dog.

By the way, homemade eggs You can’t wash everything at once, but only the amount you are going to cook.

Chicken eggs are covered with a shell membrane (cuticle). It closes pores, protects against excessive evaporation of moisture and serves as an antibacterial barrier. Over time, the cuticle breaks down and the egg becomes shiny. This is another one test for fresh eggs at home!

Checking the freshness of eggs at home is easy. To do this, just pour about ten centimeters of cold water into the container. Place the eggs in the container for a minute.

Bad, spoiled, rotten eggs will immediately float to the surface in water.. This is due to a violation of the density inside the shells of raw eggs.

This can also occur if storage conditions are violated: non-compliance temperature regime, allowing sudden temperature changes.

Eggs that have floated to the surface, but only the very tip is visible from the water, may still be quite edible, but they must be used before all others.

They tend to accumulate air between the shell and the outer shell of the protein. This necessary condition for gas exchange.

The layer, like a gateway, saturates the egg necessary oxygen for further development, and releases accumulated gases, including methane, through the shell. That is why they go out and lose such a smell.

Fresh ones remain on the bottom. The amount of oxygen in them is minimal; they were demolished quite recently.

note! A fresh egg always remains at the bottom. What is spoiled floats to the surface.

It is almost impossible to check the freshness of raw eggs in a store. It is important to monitor the integrity of the shell.

Bacteria can enter through the cracks and spoil the egg.. After which it will become unfit for consumption.

How to check a boiled egg for freshness

If the egg is already cooked, you can check it by peeling it:

  1. Good, young, hard to clean. The shell fits very tightly to the shell, and when peeled, part of the cooked protein comes off together.
  2. If it is not the freshest, it will be very easy to clean. She literally moves away from the protein along with the shell.
  3. If the egg is already rotten, then when cleaning it will immediately cause a sharp bad smell , which is impossible to confuse.

Important! A fresh boiled egg is difficult to peel. And which has already been stored for some time is easy to clean. An egg that has spoiled has a strong, unpleasant odor after cleaning.

Buyers in stores try to buy chicken eggs of the first category or selected ones, because they are larger. From the point of view of their benefits, this is not entirely true.

After all, the largest ones are laid by old chickens that are already outliving their usefulness. The young lay more eggs and more often, but they are noticeably smaller.

Eggs from young chickens are more beneficial: They contain more calcium, magnesium, protein and other beneficial microelements.

While large eggs of old laying hens contain more cholesterol, which is the main cause of heart and vascular diseases, and also leads to obesity.

Eggs small sizes the second and third categories are much cheaper.

When choosing eggs in a store, pay attention to:

  1. The surface of the shell should be smooth and without cracks.
  2. Choose eggs from young chickens - they are healthier.
  3. When you get home, use a glass of water to determine their freshness.

How to check the freshness of quail and other eggs?

Goose, duck, quail, and chicken eggs have limited shelf life, which largely depends on the temperature.

You can also check the freshness of quail eggs using water.. And also, looking at the surface of the shell, it should be even, smooth, without flaws or cracks.

The freshness of eggs depends entirely on the shelf life that must be observed. If they have been stored in stores for too long, they are sold at a low price.

They may not be rotten or spoiled, but they definitely have a completely different structure.

The processes that occur in the egg do not stop, but only slow down when they are placed in the cold.

Variety Storage temperature Shelf life
Chicken raw Room temperature In a refrigerator
Up to 14 days 30 days
Boiled chicken Room temperature In a refrigerator
Day Up to 5 days
Ostrich Room temperature In a refrigerator
5 days 17 days
Goose Room temperature In a refrigerator
10 days 15 days
Quail Room temperature In a refrigerator
Up to three weeks Up to 60 days
Duck Room temperature In a refrigerator
7 days Two to three weeks
Turkey Room temperature In a refrigerator
5 days Up to two weeks

Waterfowl eggs are rarely used as food. More often they are left for population reproduction.

The shelf life is determined by the storage conditions of the product. The cooler and more saturated with moisture the environment, the longer the eggs remain fresh.

Be sure to cover the top with a damp cloth or close the lid tightly. Opened eggs dry out quickly. The yolk in this form can be stored in the refrigerator for one to two days. Protein – up to four to five days.

Checking the quality of eggs with an ovoscope

The ovoscope is a device that has been used since ancient times and is still used today to check the quality of eggs. This simple device is a flashlight with a directed beam of light.

You can check eggs with an ovoscope at home. It is easy to make at home:

  • To do this, you will need a regular flashlight or lamp.
  • Place the flashlight in a light-proof box so that the light comes from above.
  • You need to make a hole in the top of the box that is smaller than the size of the egg.
  • Place the egg itself on this hole and examine it carefully.

Good quality young egg has a smooth surface and even color without spots or blemishes. Inside an egg whose storage conditions have been violated, you can sometimes even see a chick being born.

This is noticeable by bloody clots inside the shell and specific outlines. Rotten egg when examined with an ovoscope it will have an unpleasant cloudy tint.

Important! To keep eggs fresh longer, they do not need to be washed before storage, so as not to damage the protective layer of the shell.

Useful video

The eggs of all bird species are known to be edible. The most accessible to the buyer are chicken and quail, less often you can find ostrich on sale. It is better not to buy duck, goose and many other eggs - they are highly susceptible to salmonella contamination, so they are not so popular.

This article contains helpful information for the consumer who is interested in choosing fresh eggs. The tips presented will help determine not only the quality chicken eggs, as well as other birds. Recommended storage conditions will preserve eggs for as long as possible.

Why are eggs different colors and which ones are better to choose?

Surely everyone has wondered: which is better and healthier, a white or a brown egg? Everything is very simple. The color of the shell largely depends on the breed of bird. For example, a white hen will lay eggs white egg, and golden – brown. And the quantity nutrients does not depend on color in any way.

White chickens are considered more egg-laying, so they are used more often in poultry farms. Because of this, white eggs are associated with factory production and are considered less natural, although this is not the case. However, brown eggs are still different from white ones. Brown ones have a stronger shell than white ones, which is why they are stored a little better. If this is important, choose brown eggs.

Subject to all production rules, factory eggs must be nutritious and safe. It is clear that you cannot completely trust the manufacturer. You should always check the quality yourself.

You won’t find homemade village eggs in a regular supermarket, so focus on factory-made ones. Each egg must be labeled, clean and free of dirt. Now let’s take a closer look at how to choose the right one point by point.

Appearance: no defects or dirt

To correctly determine the quality of an egg, it is recommended to hold it in your hands. It should be clean, without roughness, and intact, not cracked. A solid matte surface will speak of freshness. If possible, hold it near the sun or a lamp. You should not see any darkening or blood clots.

Size matters: determined by markings

Much depends on age. The older the chicken, the bigger egg. Therefore, a smaller egg is considered more useful, because... it was laid by a younger hen. If you have a choice, choose smaller eggs, up to a reasonable limit of course. In addition, small eggs last longer compared to large ones.

By the way, we must take into account the fact that brown eggs visually appear larger than white ones. Advice to study the label on which the category should be indicated. Assignment to one category or another depends only on weight. The higher the category, the smaller the egg should be.

For example, marking C-1 means that the egg is table and first category. Canteens (letter C) have a shelf life of 25 days. For dietary (D) – up to 7 days. Categories can be as follows: B (highest - from 75 g), O (selected - 65-74.9 g), 1 category. (55-64.9 g), 2 cat. (45-54.9 g), 3 cat. (35-44.9 g). The figures given apply only to chicken eggs; for other species the figures are different.

The best option is to buy eggs of the first category - medium size. They have a balanced composition and do not contain excess water, which may be present in more large eggs(highest and selective categories).

By smell

In addition to inspecting the egg outside and inside, to fully check the quality of the egg you need to smell it. A high-quality egg will never have an unpleasant odor, but a rotten egg will smell of hydrogen sulfide (the protein decomposes and a stench appears).

By sound

When shaking good egg will not make any sound. Shake the egg well. If you hear squelching, this will mean that the protein has become watery (emptiness has formed inside) and the product is no longer fresh.

Fresh egg sinks in water

At home, every buyer can do a simple freshness test. Place the egg in a container of water. Buoyancy will be a sign of staleness. A fresh egg will definitely sink, even if the water is salted.

The less fresh egg, the better its buoyancy. It does not pop up immediately, but after some time. If it floats on the surface, then this is a clear sign of staleness.

The less fresh the egg, the better its buoyancy. It does not pop up immediately, but after some time. If it floats on the surface, then this is a clear sign of staleness.

To make sure it’s fresh for sure, you can use one more method. Take an egg, break it and carefully observe how it spreads. It is useful to study the white and yolk itself. More on this below.

By spreading after breaking

A broken fresh egg has a convex yolk, and if it spreads, then this is a clear sign of staleness.

Quality can be checked by the white and yolk. The white should be light, transparent and thick, without spots. Yolk – bright, with rich color. The pallor of the yolk will indicate that the chicken had poor nutrition or was sick. But still, you should not rely only on these indicators, because... unscrupulous manufacturers can artificially create an attractive color of the white and yolk.

If you come across an egg with two yolks, don't worry. Such a product does not differ in the degree of usefulness or harmfulness.

By date

Always remember to check the manufacturing date and expiration date. It is better to look at the date not on the packaging, but on the egg itself. This grading date is closest to the date the bird laid the egg. Also pay attention to the storage conditions in the place where you buy this product.

Terms and conditions of storage

If all conditions are met, eggs are guaranteed to be stored for 25 days. You can also find on sale diet eggs, which have a shelf life of no more than 7 days and are marked with the letter “D”.

The egg storage temperature should be between 1-5 degrees Celsius. At lower temperatures they will deteriorate irrevocably. Well, don’t forget, the higher the temperature, the shorter the shelf life.

The best storage place is the refrigerator. Not best place in the refrigerator (based on temperature) there is a door, although this is where manufacturers provide special cells for eggs. Theoretically, eggs can last up to 90 days in the refrigerator, but it is better not to experiment and risk your health.

Place the eggs with the pointed end down (the blunt end allows it to “breathe”) or, even better, turn it over from time to time. Well, don’t forget to treat the storage area in the refrigerator especially carefully when you wash it.

And one more helpful advice, which may be needed if preservation is required for a long period. Grease each egg with vegetable oil and wrap in foil - this will help significantly increase shelf life.

Wash eggs only before use, because... after washing, the natural protective layer is removed, which will affect the shelf life. In principle, this layer can be successfully replaced vegetable oil, unless, of course, you don’t mind spending it for this purpose.

You won’t be able to store the yolk for a long time - a maximum of 2 days. To achieve this period, you need to place it in a container with salted water.

Quail and ostrich eggs are preserved better than chicken eggs.

What packaging should I buy eggs in?

Eggs are a very fragile food product and therefore packaging plays an important function during their storage and transportation.

Paper containers are considered the best option. Plastic containers inferior to paper, although it has two serious advantages: you can see the product through the plastic and bacteria do not develop in it as quickly as in paper. In addition, buying eggs from paper packaging, you help nature, because paper is an environmentally friendly material.

This is one of the simplest and most visual experiments that can be done at home. All we need is a raw egg, a glass and a little salt. For clarity, we took two glasses and two raw eggs.

Let's begin our experience. Pour regular tap water into one of the glasses. Place the egg in the glass. What happened? The egg sank and sank to the bottom of the glass. In the photo below, the curvature of the glass has caused the egg to be comically distorted.

Pour warm water into the second glass. Add 6 tablespoons of salt to this glass. And stir the salt very well so that it is completely dissolved in the water.

Now comes the fun part. Carefully lower the second egg into the glass in which you just dissolved the salt. The egg floats on the surface!

Explanation of experience

The average density of an egg is much higher than the density of tap water. When we dissolve salt in water, its density increases and the egg no longer sinks in it. Thus, a simple conclusion can be drawn: objects sink in liquid if their density is higher than the density of the liquid.

We can observe a similar effect at sea. Sea water is very salty and has high density. It's like she's pushing us out of the water. Staying afloat in such water is much easier than swimming in a fresh body of water, of course, if sea waves do not interfere.

Density and weight

I will try to explain “on the fingers” what density is. Density can be defined as the amount of matter contained in a given space or volume. If the amount of substance (amount of matter) in a given space or volume is greater, then the object is said to be denser and heavier at the same time. But density and weight are not the same thing, they are not interchangeable concepts.

Weight is determined by the force of gravity acting on an object. Unlike density, weight depends on the magnitude of attraction at a particular location. For example, consider regular egg. Its density remains the same no matter where it is located. Even if you place it in space in zero gravity, its density will not change. But an egg in space will lose its weight!

Why does an egg sink or float?

As already said, if you lower an object that is denser than fresh water, then the object sinks. This is what happened when we lowered the egg into fresh tap water - the egg is denser, it repels water particles and makes room for itself, sinking to the bottom. But when we put an egg in salt water, salty water heavier than fresh water, it has more ability to keep the egg afloat.

Why does salt make water denser?

But why does salt, when dissolved in water, make the water more dense? When salt dissolves in water, it breaks down into ions, which are then attracted to water molecules. Due to this attraction, the amount of matter per unit volume—density—increases. Water now consists not only of hydrogen and oxygen molecules, but also sodium and chlorine (since salt consists of sodium and chlorine). Thus, salt water has more particles as compared to fresh water.

People who at least sometimes go into the kitchen not only to eat, but also to cook something, eventually notice useful little things. For example, that eggs do not float when boiled, but lie on the bottom. Therefore, the vague suspicions that arise when a raw egg floats in water are not unfounded.

What's inside?

The difficulties of determining the freshness of such a product when purchasing are obvious. Especially in supermarkets, where eggs are often sold in closed, opaque packaging. But everything becomes clear when we bring them home and start cooking. If you have to break them, then the following signs should alert you:

  1. Smell of hydrogen sulfide.
  2. Opaque white.
  3. When broken into a frying pan or bowl, the yolk immediately spreads.

But how can you check the freshness of an egg without breaking it? Just immerse in water. If an egg floats in water, it is spoiled or stale.

Why does a spoiled egg float?

Contrary to popular belief, the egg is not airtight at all. The shell has pores so the chick can breathe. But in addition to oxygen, microorganisms also penetrate through them. As a result of the life activity of some of them, putrefactive processes develop and gases are released. If an egg floats in water, it means that a lot of gases have accumulated in it, which are lighter than water.

By the way, even if there are no harmful microorganisms inside that cause rotting and an unpleasant odor, the old egg will still float. Air gradually accumulates between the albumen and subshell membranes on the blunt side. For the same reason, a stale egg is very light.

By the way, this is why it is recommended to store eggs with the blunt end up so that the yolk does not come into contact with the air chamber. And it is better not to place them in a compartment in the refrigerator door, since opening it frequently leads to them deteriorating faster.

If the egg does not float completely

When, when immersed in water, the egg immediately sinks to the bottom and takes a horizontal position, then we have a very fresh product. But over time, what's happening inside chemical processes change the consistency of the white and yolk, making them more liquid. Therefore, if the egg floats in the water with the blunt end up, it means it is about a week old. Therefore, it can still be eaten. If it takes a vertical position, then it is about 2-3 weeks old. An egg that is more than a month old floats completely and cannot be eaten.

Deceptive salt

Knowledgeable people add a little salt when boiling eggs so that accidentally broken eggs do not leak out. Therefore, it should be noted that if you first added salt to the water, then correct definition freshness will be in question. The fact is that salt increases If an egg floats in water that has previously been salted, this does not necessarily mean that it is stale. But if it lies horizontally even in salt water, then fresher product and it cannot be.

How to determine the quality of eggs in a store

To prevent all three dozen purchased eggs from suddenly floating, you should try to determine their freshness before purchasing.

  1. View It must be borne in mind that the product class must be indicated on the packaging. There are dietary eggs that can be stored for no more than 8 days, and there are table eggs (print of blue color) that we buy most often. Their maximum shelf life is a month. There is also a class of long-lasting ones. They can be kept in the refrigerator for about six months, but these are rarely found in stores.
  2. Inspect the surface. The shell should be matte and slightly rough. It is smooth and shiny only in stale eggs.
  3. Weigh the egg on your hand. If it is old, it will be very light in weight.
  4. Shake the egg. When it's fresh, the yolk doesn't move around inside. This means that you will not feel that anything is loose in the shell, and you will not hear any sounds when shaking.

Well, now we’ve figured out what’s what, and we realized that if the egg floats completely in the water, it means it’s not fresh, or even rotten. However, it may emerge boiled egg, mistakenly placed next to raw ones, but such confusion rarely occurs. Therefore, it is better not to skimp on your health and throw away the stale product.