Soup salad puree cutlets. Tea from a saucer: a journey of one tradition

She will fluff up her sides,
Its four corners,
And you, when night comes,
It will still attract you.


Not a rider, but with spurs,
It's not an alarm clock, but it wakes everyone up.

Soup, salad, mashed potatoes, cutlets
Always served in... (Plate)
And for tea and yogurt
Submit, my friend...

Spreads its tail like a peacock,
He walks like an important gentleman,
Feet knock on the ground,
What's his name -...

This item is indispensable for predictions.
Wizards all use it.
It is round and transparent, like glass,
It is quite easy to see the future in it.

She's beautiful and sweet
And her name comes from the word “ash”.


One eye, one horn, but not a rhinoceros?

(A cow peeks out from around the corner)

Five boys
Five closets.
The boys went their separate ways
In dark closets.
Every boy
In your closet.

(Fingers and gloves)

The nose is round, with a snout,
It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,
Small crochet tail
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what extent?
Friendly brothers look alike.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(Three piglets)

My father had a strange boy,
Unusual - wooden.
But the father loved his son.
What a weird one
Wooden man
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key?
He sticks his long nose everywhere.
Who is this?.. (Pinocchio).

Heather white-sided,
And her name is... (magpie).

Every evening I go to bed,
I'm not afraid in a room alone.
I fall asleep sweetly
Under the song of a bird - (nightingale).

We don't sleep during the day
We don't sleep at night
And day and night
We knock, we knock.

I'm sitting on horseback
I don’t know on whom.
(A cap)

The autumn rain walked through the city,
The rain lost its mirror.
The mirror lies on the asphalt,
The wind will blow and it will tremble. (Puddle)

I have two horses, two horses.
They carry me along the water.
And the water is hard, like stone!
(Skates, ice)

I've been wearing them for many years
But I don’t know the number of them.

A very strange postman:
He's not a Muggle, he's not a wizard.
Deliver letters and newspapers,
Carries a parcel to the ends of the world,
He knows how to keep all secrets.
Winged and brave and vigilant he is.
Who is this postman? (Owl)

Three eyes - three orders,
Red is the most dangerous.
(Traffic light)

Who comes, who goes,
Everyone leads her by the hand.

It stings your ears, it stings your nose,
Frost creeps into felt boots.
If you splash water, it will fall
Not water, but ice.
Not even a bird can fly
The frost freezes the bird.
The sun turned towards summer.
What month is this, tell me?

He doesn't say who made me. Those who don't know me accept me. Who knows, he won’t let me into the yard.
(Fake coin)

If it weren't for him,
I wouldn't say anything.

Laughing Egorka took up cleaning,
He started dancing around the room,
I looked around - the floor was clean.

The fat woman is standing -
Wooden belly
Iron belt.

Hot, sultry, stuffy day,
Even chickens seek shade.
The mowing of grain has begun,
Time for berries and mushrooms.
His days are the peak of summer,
What month is this, tell me?

There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (Sea).

There are two sharp sticks at the edges,
In the middle there is something
What will all the kids exclaim,
If they suddenly hear him.

A warm south wind blows,
The sun is shining brighter.
The snow is thinning, softening, melting,
The loud rook flies in.
What month? Who will know?

Thirty-two are threshing,
one turns.
(Teeth and tongue)

The sun is burning
Linden blossoms.
The rye is spiking,
The wheat is golden.
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen?

He has a lot of teeth, but he doesn't eat anything.

What is it with Galochka?
A thread on a stick
Stick in hand
And a thread in the river.
(Fishing rod)

I'm as light as a feather, but you can't hold me for long.

A piece of paper in the morning
They bring us to our apartment,
On one such sheet
a lot of different news.

When you see me, you can't see anything else. I can make you go out even if you don't have the opportunity. Sometimes I tell the truth, sometimes I lie. But if I'm lying, I'm close to the truth. Who am I?

Who walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs in the afternoon, and 3 legs in the evening?
(Man. Morning is childhood, evening is old age)

People always have
Ships always have them.

Not a rider, but with spurs, not a watchman, but waking everyone up (rooster)

Elastic band Akulinka
I went for a walk along the back.
And while she was walking,
The back turned pink.

In this month everything is hidden, in this month it snows, in this month everything is warmer, in this month it is Women's Day.

Pakhom sits
On horseback,
I'm illiterate myself
And reading helps.

Spinning, chirping,
He's busy all day.

The river roars furiously
And breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up.
A lark trills in the sky.
Who came to us?

I received these miracle bricks as a gift,
What I put together, I break,
And I start all over again.

Lives without a tongue
Doesn't eat or drink
And he speaks and sings.

He sat on the fence, sang and shouted, and when everyone had gathered, he stopped talking (rooster)

Snow is falling in bags from the sky,
There are snowdrifts around the house.
Either blizzards or blizzards
They attacked the village.
The frost is severe at night,
During the day, drops can be heard ringing.
The day has grown noticeably
Well, what month is this?

Doesn't bark, doesn't bite, and is tied to the booth.

A bird sits on the white mountains, waiting for the living from the dead (mother hen)

In the forest it's a blunder, a blunder at home, if you take it on your knees, it will cry.

This eye is a special eye.
He will quickly look at you,
And will be born
The most accurate portrait of you.

If it goes down, it breaks the road, if it goes up, it builds.
(Zip dog on jacket)

Even though she herself is snow and ice,
And when he leaves, he sheds tears.

He's a swing and a bed,
It's good to lie on it,
Is he in the garden or in the forest
Will sway on the weight.

Duck in the sea, tail on the fence. (Ladle)

It pours into it, pours out of it, and weaves itself along the ground. (River).

Warm, long, long day,
At noon - a tiny shadow,
The ear of corn blooms in the field,
The grasshopper gives a voice,
Strawberries are ripening
What month is it, tell me?

Every year they come to visit us:
One is gray-haired, the other is young,
The third is jumping, and the fourth is crying.

A little boy in a gray army jacket
Snoops around the yards, picks up crumbs,
He wanders around at night and steals hemp.

I'm puffing, puffing, puffing,
I don't want to get warm anymore.
The lid rang loudly:
"Drink tea, the water has boiled!"

The river is flowing - we are lying.
Ice on the river - we are running.

Frequent, toothy,
He grabbed the curly forelock.

All my life I've been flapping my wings,
But it can’t fly away.

In a wooden house
Dwarves live.
Such good-natured people -
They hand out lights to everyone.

Tea began to be imported to Rus' in the 17th century. Before the advent of this drink, our ancestors prepared herbal infusions, kvass, beer, and sbitny. After becoming acquainted with Chinese tea, the ritual of tea drinking quickly took a special place in the lives of Russian people, with its spiritual atmosphere, leisurely communication and the light aroma of flowering plants.
Tea etiquette gradually developed. Nowadays tea receptions are called. They are organized in Russian, French, English, Japanese, and Chinese traditions. Europeans have their own customs that differ from the eastern rituals of serving and drinking tea.

Tea etiquette

There are rules of etiquette that must be followed during the tea ceremony. How to set the table, pour tea, hold a cup - all this and many other knowledge is necessary for a well-mannered person so as not to lose face during tea drinking.

One of the most important rules is that you can only pour tea at the table, approaching each guest from the right side. Tea drinking etiquette requires that tea leaves and boiling water be served not separately, but in a large teapot, pre-mixed in a 1:2 ratio.

Table setting

Teaware should be from one set, preferably porcelain. According to etiquette, on the table during tea drinking are: cups and saucers, a teapot, a sugar bowl, a strainer, a milk jug, teaspoons, and a cover for the teapot. The tablecloth should be white.

Treats for tea are laid out on small plates. You can serve milk with the drink. According to the rules of etiquette, it must be poured before tea.

You can read more about table setting at.

How is the tea ceremony performed?

Tea is prepared in the presence of guests. The hostess can offer guests a choice of several types of drink. You should not walk around guests with a kettle of boiling water in your hands.

Each tea party participant receives his own cup from the hands of the hostess of the house. Tea should be poured so that the level of the drink does not reach the edge by about 1 cm. First, lemon is added to tea, and only then sugar. It is poured from the sugar bowl with a common spoon so that it does not fall into the drink.

How to properly hold a bowl and saucer

According to the rules of etiquette, cups with handles are supposed to be held by the handle with the thumb and forefinger, without leaving the little finger. If there is no handle, then in order not to spill hot tea on yourself, the thumb should be placed at the six o’clock position, the middle and index fingers at the twelve o’clock position.

Mugs of tea should not be kept in a canopy. It is not customary to lift a tea saucer with a cup. This can only be done to top up the tea. And the spoon must be removed from the cup. Drinking tea with a spoon is bad manners.

If during tea drinking a guest sits not at the table, but, for example, in a chair, then he should take the tea cup in his right hand, the saucer in his left.

How to drink tea correctly

According to etiquette, it is customary to drink tea silently, without sipping, in small sips. While drinking it, they look into the cup.

If the drink is too hot, you need to wait until it cools down. You cannot drink from a spoon or pour it into a saucer. This traditional Russian ritual of tea drinking does not allow this to happen according to modern etiquette standards.

The rules and prohibitions of the tea ceremony

In order not to violate the rules of good manners during tea drinking, you need to know the basic prohibitions and mistakes of etiquette. What should you not do at the table?

  • Do not stir the sugar by tapping it on the bowl. You should not lick the spoon. It is carefully placed on the edge of the saucer.
  • Etiquette dictates not to drink tea in one gulp and not to blow on the drink in order to cool it.
  • The sight of greasy traces of treats on teaware is unpleasant. Therefore, you must eat cakes or pastries carefully so as not to leave marks along the edge of the cup.
  • Lemon served with tea should not be eaten.

Treats for tea

The cake should not be cut on the eve of tea party. This is done after all the guests have gathered at the table.

  • Sweets are served in a box.
  • Jam or honey is offered in special vases with high legs.
  • Etiquette dictates that milk or cream should be served only in milk jugs and creamers.
  • Before serving, cut the lemon and place it on a plate, near which there should be a fork with two prongs.

You can read about how to eat desserts correctly and beautifully.

Tea ceremonies in different countries

Tea parties can be held not only taking into account the rules described above, but also in accordance with English, Chinese, Japanese and other traditions accepted in different countries of the world.

English etiquette

The rules of tea ceremonies developed in England are relevant throughout the world. The British drink an average of five cups of tea a day: early in the morning, at English Breakfast, at lunch, at five o’clock, and at dinner. They believe that this drink has miraculous properties, helps cope with physical problems and psychological trauma, treats mental pain and smoothes out minor everyday troubles.

In Britain they drink tea with milk. Brew tea and heat milk, then pour 2-3 tablespoons of milk into cups, after which tea is added. It is believed that this method of preparing the drink makes it special.

How do they drink tea in America?

Americans have their own rules for drinking tea. They prefer to add a large amount of ice to the drink, as well as rum. Sweet iced tea is considered a source of vitality.

It was in this country that instant tea first became widespread. Many residents of the country drink ready-made tea. They brew strong tea bags, adding sugar, lemon, and sometimes a little soda.

Chinese tea ceremonies

The history of tea in China dates back to the mythological deity Shen Nong, who is considered the ancestor of the Chinese people. The tea drinking ceremony in this country is called gong fu cha, which literally means “the highest art of tea.” The Chinese ritual is one of the most mysterious, because for the Chinese, tea is a wise plant that gives energy. To get it with a cup of tea, you must follow certain rules when brewing it.

Chinese tea is very aromatic, since when it is prepared, all the taste qualities of the drink are revealed. It is brewed slowly, in an atmosphere of tranquility, to the sounds of soft music, using fancy tea utensils.

Japanese ceremonies

The traditions of tea drinking in Japan were established during the Middle Ages. Buddhist monks practiced them as meditation. The essence of the Japanese tea ceremony is the meeting and communication of the tea master and guests, a leisurely conversation.

In the Land of the Rising Sun, several types of tea drinking are cultivated: night tea, at sunrise, morning and afternoon, evening and special. Traditionally, they are held in tea houses and gardens, in special areas closed from prying eyes.

What is it: blue, big, with a mustache and completely stuffed with bunnies?


She will fluff up her sides,
Its four corners,
And you, when night comes,
It will still attract you.


Not a rider, but with spurs,
It's not an alarm clock, but it wakes everyone up.

Soup, salad, mashed potatoes, cutlets
Always served in... (Plate)
And for tea and yogurt
Submit, my friend...

Spreads its tail like a peacock,
He walks like an important gentleman,
Feet knock on the ground,
What's his name -...

This item is indispensable for predictions.
Wizards all use it.
It is round and transparent, like glass,
It is quite easy to see the future in it.

She's beautiful and sweet
And her name comes from the word “ash”.


One eye, one horn, but not a rhinoceros?

(A cow peeks out from around the corner)

Five boys
Five closets.
The boys went their separate ways
In dark closets.
Every boy
In your closet.

(Fingers and gloves)

The nose is round, with a snout,
It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,
Small crochet tail
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what extent?
Friendly brothers look alike.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(Three piglets)

My father had a strange boy,
Unusual - wooden.
But the father loved his son.
What a weird one
Wooden man
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key?
He sticks his long nose everywhere.
Who is this?.. (Pinocchio).

Heather white-sided,
And her name is... (magpie).

Every evening I go to bed,
I'm not afraid in a room alone.
I fall asleep sweetly
Under the song of a bird - (nightingale).

We don't sleep during the day
We don't sleep at night
And day and night
We knock, we knock.

I'm sitting on horseback
I don’t know on whom.
(A cap)

The autumn rain walked through the city,
The rain lost its mirror.
The mirror lies on the asphalt,
The wind will blow and it will tremble. (Puddle)

I have two horses, two horses.
They carry me along the water.
And the water is hard, like stone!
(Skates, ice)

I've been wearing them for many years
But I don’t know the number of them.

A very strange postman:
He's not a Muggle, he's not a wizard.
Deliver letters and newspapers,
Carries a parcel to the ends of the world,
He knows how to keep all secrets.
Winged and brave and vigilant he is.
Who is this postman? (Owl)

Three eyes - three orders,
Red is the most dangerous.
(Traffic light)

Who comes, who goes,
Everyone leads her by the hand.

It stings your ears, it stings your nose,
Frost creeps into felt boots.
If you splash water, it will fall
Not water, but ice.
Not even a bird can fly
The frost freezes the bird.
The sun turned towards summer.
What month is this, tell me?

He doesn't say who made me. Those who don't know me accept me. Who knows, he won’t let me into the yard.
(Fake coin)

If it weren't for him,
I wouldn't say anything.

Laughing Egorka took up cleaning,
He started dancing around the room,
I looked around - the floor was clean.

The fat woman is standing -
Wooden belly
Iron belt.

Hot, sultry, stuffy day,
Even chickens seek shade.
The mowing of grain has begun,
Time for berries and mushrooms.
His days are the peak of summer,
What month is this, tell me?

There is water all around, but drinking is a problem. (Sea).

There are two sharp sticks at the edges,
In the middle there is something
What will all the kids exclaim,
If they suddenly hear him.

A warm south wind blows,
The sun is shining brighter.
The snow is thinning, softening, melting,
The loud rook flies in.
What month? Who will know?

Thirty-two are threshing,
one turns.
(Teeth and tongue)

The sun is burning
Linden blossoms.
The rye is spiking,
The wheat is golden.
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen?

He has a lot of teeth, but he doesn't eat anything.

What is it with Galochka?
A thread on a stick
Stick in hand
And a thread in the river.
(Fishing rod)

I'm as light as a feather, but you can't hold me for long.

A piece of paper in the morning
They bring us to our apartment,
On one such sheet
a lot of different news.

When you see me, you can't see anything else. I can make you go out even if you don't have the opportunity. Sometimes I tell the truth, sometimes I lie. But if I'm lying, I'm close to the truth. Who am I?

Who walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs in the afternoon, and 3 legs in the evening?
(Man. Morning is childhood, evening is old age)

People always have
Ships always have them.

Not a rider, but with spurs, not a watchman, but waking everyone up (rooster)

Elastic band Akulinka
I went for a walk along the back.
And while she was walking,
The back turned pink.

In this month everything is hidden, in this month it snows, in this month everything is warmer, in this month it is Women's Day.

Pakhom sits
On horseback,
I'm illiterate myself
And reading helps.

Spinning, chirping,
He's busy all day.

The river roars furiously
And breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up.
A lark trills in the sky.
Who came to us?

I received these miracle bricks as a gift,
What I put together, I break,
And I start all over again.

Lives without a tongue
Doesn't eat or drink
And he speaks and sings.

He sat on the fence, sang and shouted, and when everyone had gathered, he stopped talking (rooster)

Snow is falling in bags from the sky,
There are snowdrifts around the house.
Either blizzards or blizzards
They attacked the village.
The frost is severe at night,
During the day, drops can be heard ringing.
The day has grown noticeably
Well, what month is this?

Doesn't bark, doesn't bite, and is tied to the booth.

A bird sits on the white mountains, waiting for the living from the dead (mother hen)

In the forest it's a blunder, a blunder at home, if you take it on your knees, it will cry.

If it goes down, it breaks the road, if it goes up, it builds.
(Zip dog on jacket)

Even though she herself is snow and ice,
And when he leaves, he sheds tears.

He's a swing and a bed,
It's good to lie on it,
Is he in the garden or in the forest
Will sway on the weight.

Duck in the sea, tail on the fence. (Ladle)

It pours into it, pours out of it, and weaves itself along the ground. (River).

Warm, long, long day,
At noon - a tiny shadow,
The ear of corn blooms in the field,
The grasshopper gives a voice,
Strawberries are ripening
What month is it, tell me?

Every year they come to visit us:
One is gray-haired, the other is young,


A little boy in a gray army jacket
Snoops around the yards, picks up crumbs,
He wanders around at night and steals hemp.

I'm puffing, puffing, puffing,
I don't want to get warm anymore.
The lid rang loudly:
"Drink tea, the water has boiled!"

The river is flowing - we are lying.
Ice on the river - we are running.

Frequent, toothy,
He grabbed the curly forelock.

All my life I've been flapping my wings,
But it can’t fly away.

In a wooden house
Dwarves live.
Such good-natured people -
They hand out lights to everyone.

Two sisters next to each other
They run lap after lap.
Shorty - just once
The one above is every hour.
(Clock hands)

One says
Two people look
Two people are listening.
(Tongue, eyes, ears)

A small dog lies curled up -
Doesn't bark, doesn't bite, and doesn't let him into the house.

It knocks all the time, it hits trees.
But it doesn’t cripple them, it only heals them.

Black vest, red beret.
The nose is like an ax, the tail is like a stop.

The bridge stretched for seven miles,
And at the end of the bridge there is a golden mile.
(A week)

Apples on the branches in winter!
Collect them quickly!
And suddenly the apples flew up,
After all, this...

So that autumn doesn't get wet,
Not soggy from water,
He turned puddles into glass,
Made the gardens snowy.

If it rains, we don’t bother -
We playfully wander through the puddles,
The sun will shine -
We should stand under the coat rack.
(Galoshes, boots)

What will this eye look at?
Everything will be transferred to the picture.

He will knock his nose on the ground,
He will flap his wing and scream.
Even sleepy he screams,
The screamer is restless.

And in the forest, mind you, children,
There are night watchmen.
The watchmen are afraid of these
Mice, hiding, trembling!
Very harsh
Eagle owls and...

Who whitens the glades with white
And writes on the walls with chalk,
Sews down feather beds,
Have you decorated all the windows?

He has a rubber trunk,
With a canvas stomach.
How his engine hums,
He swallows both dust and rubbish.
(Vacuum cleaner)

If I stood up, I would reach the sky.

Girded with a stone belt
Hundreds of cities and villages.

The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life.
The day is coming. When does this happen?

The tree grew from the ground to the sky.
There are twelve branches on this tree.
There are four nests on each knot.
Each nest contains seven eggs.
And the seventh is red.
(Year, months, weeks, days)

It dies in the evening and comes back to life in the morning.

I am made of heat, I carry warmth with me,
I warm the rivers, “swim!” - I invite you.
And you all love me for this, I...

Front - awl, rear - fork,
On top there is black cloth,
Below is a white towel.

I'm running down a flight of stairs,
Ringing over the pebbles,
From afar by song
You will recognize me.

Small, round,
But you can't catch it by the tail.

Black, agile,
Shouts "krak" - the enemy of worms.

In the morning it goes at four,
During the day at two, and in the evening at three.
(Child, adult, old man)

He appeared in a yellow fur coat:
Goodbye, two shells!

The beauty walks, touches the ground lightly,
Goes to the field, to the river,
Both the snowball and the flower.

On the wall, in a visible place,
Gathers news together
And then its tenants
They will fly to all ends.

Her whole soul is wide open,
And even though there are buttons, it’s not a shirt,
Not a turkey, but pouting,
And it’s not a bird, but it’s flooding.

Today everyone is rejoicing!
In the hands of a child
They dance for joy

If I see dust, I will grumble, wrap it up and swallow it.
(Vacuum cleaner)

She was chattering since the very morning: “Por-r-ra! Po-r-ra!”
What time is it? What a hassle she is,
When it cracks...

The motley fidget, the long-tailed bird,
The bird is talkative, the most talkative.
The soothsayer is white-sided, and her name is...

In Moscow they say it, but here we can hear it.

Carpenter using a sharp chisel
Builds a house with one window.

I’ll sit under your arm and tell you what to do:
Either I’ll put you to bed, or I’ll let you go for a walk.

Angry touchy-feely
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
There are a lot of needles
And not just one thread.

Blue house at the gate.
Guess who lives in it.

The door is narrow under the roof -
Not for a squirrel, not for a mouse,
Not for the outsider,
Talkative starling.

News is flying through this door,
They spend half an hour together.
News does not stay for a long time -
They fly in all directions!

White feathers, red comb.
Who's that on the peg?
(Peter the Cockerel)

There are no clouds on the horizon,
But an umbrella opened in the sky.
In a few minutes
Got down...

Doesn't burn in fire
Doesn't drown in water
It doesn't rot in the ground.
(Is it true)

Guess who the gray-haired housewife is?
She shook the feather beds - over the world of fluff.

Tick-tweet! Jump to the grains!
Peck, don't be shy! Who is this?

In linen country
Along the river sheet
The ship is sailing,
Back and forth
And behind him there is such a smooth surface,
Not a wrinkle to be seen.

House is a glass bubble,
And a light lives in it.
During the day he sleeps, but when he wakes up,
It will light up with a bright flame.

Red doors in my cave,
White animals sit at the door.
And meat and bread - all my spoils -
I gladly give it to white animals.
(Lips, teeth, mouth)

Walked around the yard with importance
crocodile with a sharp beak,
I shook my head all day,
muttered something loudly.
Only this was true
no crocodile
and turkeys are your best friend.
Guess who?..

Everyone tramples me, but I'm getting better.

He is in a bright uniform, spurs for beauty
During the day he is a bully, in the morning he is a clock.

A steeplejack stands on the roof
And catches news for us.

I silently look at everyone
And everyone looks at me.
The merry ones see laughter
I cry with the sad.
Deep like a river
I'm at home, on your wall.
An old man will see an old man,
The child is the child in me.

In a small barn
They hold a hundred fires.

It's getting cold.
The water turned into ice.
Long-eared gray bunny
Turned into a white bunny.
The bear stopped roaring:
A bear hibernated in the forest.
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen?

Who's on the Christmas tree?
Keeps counting: peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo?

Not offended, but inflated,
They lead him across the field.
But they’ll hit me - no matter
Don't keep up with...

Has no tongue
And who will he visit?
He knows a lot.

Who sings so loudly
about the sun rising?

I decorate the house too,
I also collect dust.
And people trample me under their feet,
Yes, then they still beat us with batogs.

Yesterday it was, today it is and tomorrow it will be.

She doesn't need a driver at all.
You start it with the key -
The wheels will start spinning.
Place it and she will rush.
(Wind-up machine)

It has no legs and no wings,
He flies fast, you won't catch him.

Clucking, clucking, calling the children together,
He gathers everyone under his wing.
(Hen with chicks)

I have a tree
There are twelve branches on it;
Each branch has thirty leaves;
One side of the leaf is black,
The other one is white.
(Year, months, days, nights)

Snow on the fields, ice on the waters,
The blizzard is walking. When does this happen?

Every day at six in the morning
I'm shouting: it's time to get up!

I am related to Moydodyr,
Turn me away
And cold water
I'll wash you quickly.

What tool can you use to slurp cabbage soup?

What cannot be returned?

I have a robot in my apartment.
He has a huge trunk.
The robot loves cleanliness
And it hums like a TU airliner
He willingly swallows dust,
Doesn't get sick, doesn't sneeze.
(Vacuum cleaner)

I lie above the river, I hold both banks.

Olya listens in the forest,
How the cuckoos cry.
And for this we need
Our Ole...

It's given to you
And people use it.

Wrinkled Tit
The whole village is amused.

Olya runs merrily
Along the path to the river.
And for this we need
Our Ole...

I'm standing on the roof, above all the pipes.

Greets everyone with one hand,
The other hand escorts you.

Admire, look -
The North Pole is inside!
Snow and ice sparkle there,
Winter itself lives there.

Sleeps during the day, flies at night.

Night. But if I want,
I'll click once and turn it on for the day.

If our hands are waxed,
If there are blots on your nose,
Who is our first friend then?
Will it remove dirt from your face and hands?
What mom can't live without
No cooking, no washing,
Without what, we will say frankly,
Should a person die?
For the rain to fall from the sky,
So that the ears of bread grow,
For ships to sail -
We can't live without...

The house is made of tin, and the residents in it are leaders.

As soon as he starts talking and talking,
We need to make some tea quickly.

There is a palace on the pole, and in the palace there is a singer.

Slipping away like something alive
But I won't let him out.
Foams with white foam,
I'm not too lazy to wash my hands.

What kind of blacksmiths forge in the forest?

Of all the migratory birds,
cleans the arable land from worms.

He reveals himself, he closes you,
As soon as the rain passes, it will do the opposite.

Day and night I stand on the roof,
There are no ears, but I hear everything,
I look into the distance, although without eyes,
My story is on the screen.

The monster's emerald eye began to glow.
So, you can cross the street now.
(Traffic light)

I held your tail in my hand,
You flew, I ran.

What comb does no one use to comb their hair? (rooster)

What kind of judge is without a tongue?

One is gray-haired, the other is young,
The third is jumping, and the fourth is crying.
What kind of guests are these?

He rides on someone else's back, but carries the load on his own.

She walks in the rain
Loves to pluck grass
Quack screams, It's all a joke,
Well, of course it's a (duck).

On the squares of the board
The kings brought down the regiments.
Not for battle near regiments
No cartridges, no bayonets.

Guys, I have
Two silver horses.
I ride both at once
What kind of horses do I have?

A tail with patterns, boots with spurs,
Sings songs, counts time.

They love the young man very much, but they beat him and beat him endlessly. (Ball).

A small head sits on the finger.
Hundreds of eyes looking in all directions.

There is a bathhouse in the belly, a sieve in the nose, and a navel on the head. There is only one hand, and that one is on the back. What is this?

The distance of the fields is green,
The nightingale sings.
The garden is dressed in white,
The bees are the first to fly.
Thunder rumbles. Guess,
What month is this?..

I'm a helpful belly.
I gladly treat everyone.
I remain silent like an idol.
And then I sing songs. (Samovar)

The tablecloth is white
Dressed the whole world.

In which month do people talk the least?
(In February)

It flows and flows - it will not leak; runs-runs - not you-runs. (River)

I'm spinning, I'm spinning,
And I'm not lazy
Spin around even all day long.

Not shoes, not boots,
But they are also worn by legs.
We run in them in winter:
In the morning - to school, in the afternoon - home.
(Felt boots)

Born twice, never baptized, prophet to all people (rooster)

Thirty-two warriors have one commander.
(Teeth and tongue)

twelve brothers
They wander after each other,
They don't bypass each other.

He wanders importantly through the meadow,
Comes out of the water dry,
Wears red shoes
Gives soft featherbeds.

Which year is it for me?
a hedgehog lives in the room.
If the floor is waxed,
He will polish it to a shine.
Answer (Poloter)

They knock and knock - they don’t tell you to be bored.
They go and go, and everything is just there.

In the forest, to the sound of chirping, ringing and whistling,
The forest telegraph operator knocks:
"Hey, thrush, buddy!"
And signs...

Four blue suns
In grandma's kitchen
Four blue suns
They burned and went out.
The cabbage soup is ripe, the pancakes are sizzling.
No need for sun until tomorrow.
(Gas stove)

There are four legs under the roof,
Under the roof there is soup and spoons.

They beat him with a hand and a stick -
Nobody feels sorry for him.
Why are they beating the poor guy?
And for the fact that he is inflated.

Come on guys, who can guess:
Are two fur coats enough for ten brothers?

Leaned over the river -
Their agreement is this:
The river will exchange for her
Perch on a worm.
(Fishing rod)

A warm wave splashes
There is whiteness under the wave.
Guess, remember,
What kind of sea is in the room?

I'm knocking on wood, I want to get a worm,
Even though he hid under the bark -
It will still be mine!

Two brothers
They look into the water
They will never meet.

Two very fast horses
They carry me through the snow -
Through the meadow to the birch tree,
Two stripes are drawn.

In our house under the window
There is a hot accordion:
She doesn't sing or play - she heats the house.
(Heating radiator)

Five brothers -
Equal for years, different in height.

Not a king, but wearing a crown,
not a horseman, but with spurs,
It's not an alarm clock, but it wakes everyone up.

He doesn’t know the days himself, but tells others.

Round, deep,
Smooth, wide,
twisted by a potter,
Burnt in the oven,
From the jug - low
Clay... (bowl).

The train goes here - here - here...
Suddenly they bring it to our compartment
What kind of liquid? Answer!
The guide brought us... (tea).
So as not to burn your palms,
Protect the passenger
(And keep everyone safe)
When you drink hot tea,
Get the installation:
This glassware is
(In recent years the main one)
The main one on the train.
The glass is his boss,
And he himself... (cup holder).

If she works,
There will be no hungry family.

Narrow at the bottom, wide at the top,
Not a saucepan... (cast iron).

From the Russian oven
Get the porridge out of the oven.
Cast iron is very happy,
That he was grabbed... (grab).

Previously, like a wooden basin,
Served people constantly
There were grip handles
At the old ... (tub).

To go to the bathhouse,
And carry some water in it,
With such a pelvis
Two pens at once.
Splash water from it - ka!
That's the basin with the name... (gang)!

Here are the manicure tongs,
Here are the nail pliers,
And these (tongs) are old
For those with a sweet tooth they were more important.
(Sugar tongs)

I always draw, sometimes faces, sometimes faces.
My palette is different faces
I help them transform faster
Into a villain, into a beauty, into a blue bird,
Into the beast, into Bab-Yoshka,
In a horror story, in Koshchei,
In a funny matryoshka doll,
In the cat, in Barmaleya.
My client is an actor.
I'm cool... (makeup artist)

Works in the theater
Protects clothes
He irons and darns,
Attaches glitter and sews.
Trying it on for an actor
A jacket, for example,
His profession is... (costume designer).

Every person knows
What is sculpted from clay... (glechek).

There have been no such dishes for a long time,
All metal and glass
And in the old days everyone had
More often the dishes... (clay).

Wooden bottom and none -
Above and below it.
The boards are crooked in a circle,
Slightly curved, not large
And not fastened with nails,
And they are belted with rims.
(Barrel, tub)

There is a dot sign
There is a “bud” on the branch,
And it’s similar to a tub
On the farm... (barrel).

There is the word "gun".
There is a “frog”
And there is a vessel... (tub).

For rain water,
What flows from the drainpipe,
(What flows from the roof to the ground)
At the clay hut
There was... (tub).

There is a Dymkovo toy -
"Watercarrier" name,
On her shoulders
Wooden arc.

Long, low,
Galvanized by someone,
Needed for washing
Maybe for swimming.
The vessel is strange
Has a name.
I don't know who it is
Title open
But this vessel
Just …. (trough).

Without work - she's cold,
And after work - red from the fire.

An iron leg is... (a poker).

Helps you cope
There is a beauty at the stove:
Remove the rings from the stove,
So that you install the cast iron.

Correct the firebox
Will help deftly
Fire Assistant
Hard worker... (poker).

She has one leg
Ooh, she's hot.

Plump, wide,
Smooth and tall.
What's her name guys?
She's a little heavy.
You can pour ten liters
In the potty sister... (makitra).

The pot has a sister -
Wide, tall,
Plump and kind.
Her name is... (makitra).

Although I'm not a hammer -
I'm knocking on wood:
Every corner of it
I want to explore.
I wear a red hat
And the acrobat is wonderful.

How many peas can fit into one glass?
(Not at all, because peas don’t move.)

Golden sieve, full of black houses. (Language)

I'm for any girl
I'll cover my hair
I'll cover the boy too
Short haircuts.
I am protection from the sun -
That's what it's made for.

On the stove is the boss of the pots.
Fat, long-nosed... (Kettle)

I ride it
Until evening.
But my horse is lazy
Carries only from the mountain.
And always up the hill
I walk on my own
And his horse
I lead by the rope.

It starts from home
It ends at home.

What is the correct way to say: “I don’t see the white yolk” or “I don’t see the white yolk”? (The yolk cannot be white.)

Say the magic words
Just barely wave the object:
The flowers will bloom instantly
Between the snowdrifts here and there.
Can you conjure rain?
There are five cakes at once.
And lemonade, and sweets...
You name that item! (Magic wand)

What do you want -
You can't buy that
What not to do -
You can't sell that.
(Youth and old age)

Guess what kind of bird
Afraid of bright light
Beak with a hook, eye with a snout?

There are different girlfriends nearby,
But they look alike.
They all sit next to each other,
And just one toy.

Moscow was started, what was the first nail they hammered into? (In a hat.)

Two twins, two brothers,
They sit astride the nose.

There will be delicious food
With a golden crust,
If you use...
That's right, (with a frying pan!)

What is it: flies, rustles, and not rustles? (Rustler's brother.)

I work in the theater.
I'm just an aunt during intermission.
And on the stage is the queen,
Either granny or fox.
Knows Kolya and Larisa,
That in the theater I ... (actress)

Not the sea, not the land,
Ships don't float
But you can’t walk.

So as not to freeze,
Five guys
Knitted in the oven
They are sitting.

Admire, look -
The North Pole is inside!
Snow and ice sparkle there,
Winter itself lives there.
Forever this winter for us
Brought from the store.

I have no legs, but I walk
I have no mouth, but I will say,
When to sleep, when to get up,
When to start work.

If he falls, he will jump,
If you hit him, he won't cry.

Motley fidget,
Long-tailed bird,
Talkative bird
The most chatty one.

He sits in a cage all day,
And he repeats under his breath,
But when I heard the door creak,
He shouts "Philip-Philip"
Give Kesha a drink quickly,
Who is this (parrot).

What always comes
Will it not move?

The fat man lives on the roof
He flies higher than everyone else.

The grandmother loved the girl very much.
I gave her a red cap.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name.
(Little Red Riding Hood)

Your ponytail
I held it in my hand
You flew -
I ran.

Unapproachable, lonely,
On a steep, high cliff,
A gloomy block in appearance
He is standing by the lake.
Through ancient loopholes
It looks into the surface of the lake. (Lock)

What kind of dishes can you not eat anything from?
(From empty.)

He's always at work
When we talk
And he’s resting
When we are silent.

With a tail, but you can’t lift it by the tail

What word starts with three letters "G" and ends with three letters "I"? ("Trigonometry".)

Didn't look out the window -
There was only Antoshka,
I looked out the window -
There's a second Antoshka!
What kind of window is this?
Where was Antoshka looking?

This thing is functional:
You can sweep with it.
Well, it’s possible (it’s not a secret!)
Fly on it under the clouds.
There are Nimbus brands,
Everyone plays Quidditch on it. (Broom)

Along the river, along the water
A string of boats floats,
There's a ship ahead,
Leads them with him,
Small boats have no oars
And the boat is painfully sailing.
Right, left, back, forward
He will turn the whole gang.
(Duck with ducklings)

Plates and other objects surround us from early childhood. Riddles about dishes help kids develop logical thinking, introduce them to household items and their proper use. Children are often interested in the origin of dishes. For example, in Ancient Rus', all utensils were made of wood. It was only later that bowls began to be made from copper. Although it has now been proven that copper cookware is harmful to health. Dishes often act as heroes in folk tales. She can speak, feel, and is credited with magical qualities. Do you remember how in the fairy tale “Fedorino’s Grief” the dishes took offense at the mistress and left the house? Riddles about dishes are quite easy to guess; they instill in children a desire to help their mothers in the kitchen and teach them to take care of things.

It is round, but not a ball,
Copper is not a coin,
It burns with scarlet heat,
The water is warmed for them.
He is an expert at making tea,
I remembered the kettle for nothing!
After all, his name has been for centuries
People... (Samovar!)

Among spoons I am a colonel.
And my name is... Ladle!

Soup, salad, mashed potatoes, cutlets
Always served in... (Plate)

And for tea and yogurt
Substitute, my friend, ... (Cup)

On the stove is the boss of the pots.
Fat, long-nosed... (Kettle)

A boat is floating on my plate.
I put the boat of food into my mouth.

Teapot girlfriend
Has two ears
He cooks porridge and soup for Yulia.
And her name is... (Castle)

There will be delicious food
With a golden crust,
If you use...
That's right, with a frying pan!

We don’t eat ourselves, but feed people (spoons)

She is friends with the cook
He will cook porridge for us for dinner
Her mother Julia loves her.
What's her name? (Castle)

I eat table soup for lunch,
I try dessert with tea,
Give me a little more
Where's my big...
/spoon/ ?

On one wide leg
She has 4 horns
But she's not a saw at all,
For cutlets and meat...

Careful, look
Take it in your hand,
You won’t always understand it yourself
How to cut your hand...

The nose puffs and breathes steam,
The hot side is bursting with steam,
And inside the drink is a herbalist,
He is my mother's favorite...

It's hot on the stove
Hides deliciousness under the lid,
Mommy cooks porridge in it,
Two handles, one...

It's like she's damn round
I ate all the porridge to the bottom,
I see Sevka’s smile,
He lives at the bottom...

Steep-sided and tall,
Oh, now I'll drink some juice,
Delicious things are not a lie,
My... will be empty

Everyone really likes her
A beauty on a platter
With one hand, cutie
Little blue...

And pancakes and omelet,
And potatoes for lunch
And the pancakes - wow!
It fries everything...

The fat guy is standing
With your barrel akimbo,
Hisses and boils
He orders everyone to drink tea.

I make thin dishes,
Delicate white and sonorous
They have been burning since ancient times.
I call myself...

I'm puffing, puffing,
I don't want to get warm anymore.
The lid rang loudly:
“Drink tea, the water has boiled!”

Carrying water
To please the owner;
Lives with him
Until it falls.

Unapproachable in appearance
Standing with his arms akimbo,
And inside, look
Treat inside!
Sugar bowl

I keep it hot
I keep it cold
I have both the oven and the refrigerator.
I’ll replace it for you on your trip.

If I'm empty,
I don’t forget about myself,
But when I bring food,
I will not pass by your mouth.

New dishes,
And it's all full of holes.

There's a button on the head
There is a sieve in the nose,
One hand
Yes, and the one on the back.

When it boils, steam comes out,
And it whistles and bursts with heat,
The lid rattles and knocks.
-Hey, take me off! - shouts.

Portly boyar
To all the people
Releases the water.

I'm grumbling and grumbling on the fire
Then I sneeze
And I let off steam.

It can be deep.
It can be small.
However, this is not a river.

I was born in the earth
Tempered in fire.

Fire burns among the water,
Water doesn't flood it.

Made for liquid
but the liquid does not hold in it.

Teapot girlfriend
Has two ears
He cooks porridge and soup for Yulia.
And her name is...

I feed everyone with pleasure,
And she herself is mouthless.

On the stove is the boss of the pots.
Fat, long-nosed...

How to start
Talk, talk,
I need some tea
Brew quickly.

He has a big belly
Not a hippopotamus at all.
He raised his trunk and nose,
But, however, not an elephant.
And he puffs through his nose
On the stove like a locomotive.

Although he lifted his nose up,
But this is not serious at all.
He is not proud of anyone,
Anyone who wants to drink will be convinced.

On my plate
The boat is sailing.
Boat with food
I put it in my mouth.

What tool can you use to slurp cabbage soup?

Long-tailed horse
She brought us sweet porridge.
The horse is waiting at the gate -
Open your mouth wider.

Who is she?
He will scoop up the porridge
And it will go into your mouth.

If sharpened well,
He cuts everything very easily -
Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,
Fish, apples and butter.

The whole top of the head is full of small holes -
Bitterness is bitter in the plates.
Pepper shaker

Among spoons I am a colonel.
And my name is...

New vessel
all full of holes.

Bought a new one
so round
shake in hands
and it's all full of holes.

Tell me what to call it:
Her teeth are all full of holes,
But beets, radishes, horseradish, carrots
She grinds deftly.

Hard, full of holes,
Prickly, clumsy.
What will they put on her back?
She will immediately devour everything.

Sivka is lying - her back is punctured.

At the big-nosed Foka
Constantly hands on hips.
Foka boils water
And it shines like a mirror.