Canned bean soup: delicious recipes. Canned red bean soup

Today we are preparing a bean soup recipe - a classic one made from canned beans. The recipe from the series is quick and easy. Bean soup made from canned beans is very tasty, aromatic and satisfying. I used canned white beans for this recipe, but any type of bean will work for the soup.

Since the beans are already ready to eat, add them at the very end of cooking to prevent them from turning into a puree. If you want to make the soup thicker, you can add a little wheat flour to the sauteed vegetables or pour a few tablespoons of semolina into the pan.


  • 1 can of canned beans (0.5 l.)
  • 5 potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste
  • salt to taste
  • 0.5 tsp. ground black pepper
  • 0.5 tsp. ground paprika
  • 1 tsp. seasonings for first courses
  • 2 liters of purified water
  • small bunch of dill

How to make bean soup from canned beans:

To prepare the soup, you can use purified water, chicken or vegetable broth made from onions, carrots and roots. I first boiled the chicken leg in water until tender to make the soup more satisfying and flavorful.

Wash and peel medium-sized potatoes. Let's cut it into cubes, following the recipe for lean bean soup made from canned beans.

Pour the chopped potatoes into a pan of boiling broth or water. Cover the dish with a lid and continue cooking the vegetables over low heat.

Let's clean the remaining vegetables. Cut the onion into small cubes. Grind the carrots on a coarse grater.

Pour vegetables into a frying pan with sunflower oil. Stirring, fry them for several minutes until they become soft.

Then add tomato paste to them, as required by the recipe for canned bean soup. Mix and fry the ingredients with the pasta for a few minutes.

When the potatoes are cooked and soft, add the vegetables and tomato paste to the pan.

Rinse the canned beans thoroughly under running water, pouring them from the can into a large sieve.

Following the vegetables, we’ll add legumes to our delicious canned bean soup.

Wash the dill and finely chop it. Add dill to the rest of the ingredients. Salt the soup to taste and season with spices.

Boil the soup for a few minutes after boiling and turn off the heat.

Preparation Canned bean soup:

Let's prepare a can of red beans in tomato sauce for canned bean soup. I always keep a few cans of beans in reserve, which allows me to cook a wonderful soup in half an hour and feed my vegetarian daughters. We will need several potatoes, onions and half a carrot. It is advisable to find at least a handful of mushrooms in the freezer. We will fry the vegetables in vegetable oil.

Wash and peel the potatoes. Cut it into medium-sized cubes, approximately 1.5x1.5 centimeters. Pour water into a 1.5 liter pan, add a little salt and put it on medium heat. Add the potatoes to the pan and start cooking our canned bean soup.

Wash, peel and cut the carrots into cubes (you don’t need to chop them), peel and cut the onions, wash the frozen chanterelles. These ingredients will make up our canned bean soup dressing.

Let's heat some vegetable oil in a small frying pan and start frying our chopped vegetables and mushrooms. Frying is carried out until the onion turns golden. The dressing is ready, put it in a saucepan where the potatoes are cooked alone. Cook the soup for another 10 minutes, checking the readiness of the carrots and potatoes. Add canned beans to the soup. It only needs to boil for 1 minute.

Let's prepare dried herbs (this can be homemade herbs or dry herbs in bags), several cloves of garlic and two bay leaves. Add herbs and bay leaf. Crush the garlic and also add it to the pan 1-2 minutes before removing the canned bean soup from the heat.

Canned bean soup is ready! Pour this golden vegetarian soup into deep plates. You can add chopped dill. This dish is also good served cold in hot summers. Bon appetit!

Bean soups are hearty and tasty, and using canned beans is not only a way to save time, although this is also important.

It is the canned legumes that give it a specific “hearty” taste, which is impossible to describe in words.

If we compare the cooking time, then by using canned food and using stew instead of fresh meat, you will spend no more effort than on scrambled eggs.

Canned bean soup - general principles of preparation

Soups from canned beans are prepared in broths cooked from various types of meat and poultry. To prepare dietary bean soup, use vegetable broth. A quick, tasty and rich soup made from canned beans can be cooked with stew.

Beans are taken both white and red, and canned in tomatoes they are used to make an equally tasty tomato soup, to which you do not need to separately add tomato puree or fresh tomatoes.

In addition to beans, vegetables are also added to such soups: carrots, onions, celery. They are prepared for frying, or added by randomly cutting them raw. Potatoes may not be used.

Bay leaves, ground or ground black pepper are used as seasonings and spices. In the “Austurian fabada” they put a “bouquet of garni” - tied with a thread into one small bunch of spices.

Also, to add flavor to the soup, add chopped or fried garlic and fresh herbs.

“Asturian fabada” canned bean soup


400 grams (one can) white beans;

One liter of chicken broth;

Fresh or frozen bell pepper – 1 pepper, or 3 tablespoons. spoons of chopped ice cream;

Three small cloves of garlic;

350 grams of boiled ham;

50 ml clarified olive oil;

Six medium slices of white bread;

20 grams of natural butter;

Two tables. spoons of chopped parsley;

“bouquet garni” (a bouquet consisting of fresh spices: bay leaf, celery, parsley and caraway).

Cooking method:

1. Peel the onion and garlic, remove the seed capsule from the sweet pepper.

2. Cut the onion and bell pepper into small slices and fry in olive oil heated in a frying pan until soft.

3. Add diced ham, chopped garlic, cook everything together for four minutes.

4. Transfer the beans from the jar into the pan, pour all the gravy there, add chicken broth, a “bouquet” of spices and after boiling, cook for 5-6 minutes.

5. Remove about a glass of beans from the pan, mash them into a puree with a spoon or masher and put them back.

6. Transfer the onion and pepper into the pan from the frying pan, add salt and pepper a little. Bring to a boil over medium heat and cook for another six minutes.

7. Remove the bouquet garni from the soup, pour the finished canned bean soup into bowls and serve, putting a piece of toasted white bread in each bowl and sprinkling with herbs.

“African” canned bean soup with apples


600 ml light poultry broth;

Two heads of white bitter onion;

230 grams of red beans (canned);

One large green apple, sour;

Three tablespoons of natural 72% butter;

75 ml heavy (preferably homemade) cream;

One table. spoon of wheat baking flour;

A third of a teaspoon of curry;

Ground white pepper, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cook, or if you already have it ready, bring the chicken broth to a boil, put the beans in it and cook for ten minutes. Once cooled slightly, blend the soup with an immersion blender.

2. Fry the onions in butter until translucent, add a peeled apple cut into small cubes, and simmer for seven minutes.

3. Sprinkle the contents of the pan with flour and curry and, after mixing well, set aside to cool.

4. Transfer the apple stewed with onions into a saucepan with soup, bring to a boil and keep for ten minutes over low heat.

5. At your discretion, add pepper, fine salt and season the soup with cream.

Quick hearty canned bean soup with stew


0.5 l can of colored beans;

One small head of “sharp” onion;

Five potatoes;

One carrot;

One, 0.5 liter can of beef stew;

Bay leaf – 1 leaf;

4 black peppercorns.

Cooking method:

1. Place the peeled onion in a saucepan with three liters of cold filtered water and boil.

2. Place potatoes cut into medium slices, bay leaves, peppercorns and carrots chopped into thin rings into boiling water. It is more convenient to cut carrots that are too thick into strips.

3. When the vegetables are only half ready, transfer the beans, along with all the liquid, to the pan, add the stew and cook until done.

Canned bean soup – “Peasant”


Half a chicken carcass;

Canned colored beans - one can;

Large onion;

Carrot – one, medium size;

Five small potatoes;

Two tables. spoons of finely chopped dill;

Table salt;

One bay leaf.

Cooking method:

1. Chop the chicken into large pieces, add two liters of filtered water and cook the broth, adding a little salt.

2. Chop the carrots and onions into smaller pieces, and cut the potatoes into medium-sized slices or cubes.

3. Dip the chopped vegetables into the broth with the almost finished chicken meat and cook at low boil until the potatoes are ready.

4. About seven minutes before the end, add the beans without marinade and a small bay leaf.

5. Add about a couple of tablespoons of chopped dill to the finished soup.

Canned Tomato Bean Soup


500 grams of beef, brisket;

Half a liter can of beans in tomato;

Potatoes – 2 tubers;

A small head of bitter onion;

Two carrots;

Table. a spoonful of sunflower, unrefined oil;

Two sprigs of dill;

Three sprigs of parsley;

Three bay leaves;

Two allspice peas.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the meat well, fill it with three liters of cold water and set it to maximum heat. Having brought to a boil, drain the first water, rinse the meat, again pour in the same volume of water and bring to a boil. After boiling, cook the meat for an hour and a half, skimming off the rising “cook” from time to time. 15 minutes before the end, add bay leaves and allspice. Remove the beef from the broth, break the meat into small pieces and place back into the pan.

2. Fry the onion in vegetable oil until a soft golden crust forms, add coarsely grated carrots and continue frying until they soften.

3. Dip the potatoes into the broth, it is best to cut them into centimeter cubes, boil until half cooked and add the sautéed onions and carrots.

4. When the potatoes have softened, add the canned beans and bring to a boil again.

5. Dip finely chopped herbs into the boiling soup and remove the pan from the stove.

6. Cover tightly with a lid, you can throw a thick, clean rag over it and let the tomato soup brew for an hour.

Bean-cheese soup made from canned beans


One can of white beans without tomato;

300 grams of canned red (colored) beans;

200 gr. good processed cheese;

Celery – 2 roots;

Two medium carrots;

Head of bitter onion;

Two medium cloves of garlic;

200 ml dry white non-acidic wine;

75 ml refined olive oil.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the vegetables, rinse thoroughly under the tap and chop: cut the onion into small pieces, chop the carrots and celery into small strips.

2. Fry the onion in a frying pan in oil until slightly translucent, add the carrots and celery and continue frying for another eight minutes.

3. Pour in all the dry wine, stir and simmer, stirring constantly over medium heat for ten minutes.

4. Dissolve the processed cheese in one and a half liters of boiling water, place the fried vegetables in the cheese broth and bring to a boil.

5. After the soup boils, place the beans, washed and dried in a sieve or colander, into the pan and add table salt and pepper at your discretion.

6. Simmer the cheese bean soup on the stove for five minutes.

7. Then add the pressed garlic and, turning off the heat, let the soup brew for a quarter of an hour under the lid.

Canned bean soup with smoked fish


Sweet onion head;

Half a head of garlic;

Celery stalk;

Small carrot;

Two tables. spoons of olive or other highly refined oil;

A liter jar of salted tomatoes;

2 tbsp. l. Mexican seasoning "Chipotle";

Two liters of any broth or vegetable broth;

One and a half cans of canned beans, white;

450 grams of smoked cod fillet.

Cooking method:

1. Dice the carrots, onions, celery and sauté the vegetables in refined olive oil. Add finely chopped garlic and fry until it softens.

2. Beat crushed canned peeled tomatoes with Chipotle seasoning into a homogeneous puree.

3. Mix the pureed tomatoes and sautéed vegetables with the broth and quickly bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium, let it sit for five minutes, reduce it further and simmer over low heat for fifteen minutes.

4. Drain the filling from the can, put the beans in the soup and cook until tender.

5. When the beans are completely softened, beat half of the soup into puree with an immersion mixer and, combining it with the main soup, boil.

6. When serving, place the fish in pieces on bowls with soup and sprinkle the dish with finely chopped cilantro.

Lenten canned bean soup


400 gr. potatoes;

300 gr. canned beans (any);

One and a half onions;

Two large ripe tomatoes;

Small carrot;

Four sprigs of fresh parsley.

Cooking method:

1. Transfer the beans from the jar to a colander, rinse with a thin stream of running water and dry a little.

2. Fry finely chopped onion and grated carrots in low oil until amber in color. Add ripe tomatoes cut into small pieces and continue frying. After three minutes, add the legumes from the colander to the vegetables, stir and simmer for another three minutes.

3. Place the potatoes, cut into large slices, into boiling water (two liters). When the potatoes are half-cooked, add the prepared vegetable dressing, ground pepper, a little salt to the broth, taste it, and bring the canned bean soup to readiness.

4. A couple of minutes before the end, add chopped parsley to the soup.

Canned bean soup - tricks and useful tips

Potato soup made from canned beans with stew will become more flavorful if you add a couple of bouillon cubes when adding legumes, and at the end of cooking add finely chopped dill to the soup.

You can balance the taste of the soup by using different types of meat to prepare the broth.

Canned bean soup cooked with vegetable broth will be more rich if you add lard cut into small pieces during the cooking process.

If soups made from canned beans, after adding frying, are simmered over low heat rather than boiled, they will be much tastier.

You should not add a lot of seasonings to such soups; use no more than three types. In principle, you can generally get by with just crushed coriander; it is ideal for legume dishes. Add it at the same time as adding the beans and it will not be noticeable in the finished soup, but will leave a soft, persistent aroma and taste.

Many people refuse soups and dishes made from legumes, fearing bloating or other similar troubles. If there are no special medical problems, give up bread; it is the yeast contained in it that most often causes bloating.

Bean soups

Have you ever tried a very tasty and satisfying canned bean soup? Watch our family recipe with detailed video and photo descriptions of the recipe.

1 hour

375 kcal

5/5 (4)

Canned bean soup is rightfully considered a dietary dish, and even a green beginner can prepare it. However, there are several pitfalls in the process, which sometimes directly affect the fact that you end up with a soup that is not exactly the one you expected to make.

From time to time, such failures happened to me, when instead of a delicate and tender dish, a pasty, unintelligible mixture came out.

My beloved mother-in-law helped me, teaching me the perfect signature recipe for bean soup made from canned red or white beans - as a result, I have now become a real professional in this area, since I cook such dishes often and a lot.

Kitchen tools

If possible, prepare in advance the dishes, utensils and tools that you will need when preparing canned bean soup in tomato sauce:

  • a pan with a non-stick coating with a volume of at least 3 liters,
  • large frying pan with a diameter of 25 cm,
  • several bowls (deep) with a capacity of 300 to 800 ml,
  • teaspoons,
  • linen and cotton towels,
  • wooden spatula,
  • medium grater
  • slotted spoon,
  • kitchen gloves,
  • tablespoons,
  • measuring cups or kitchen scales,
  • cutting board,
  • sharp knife,
  • Additionally, you may need a food processor or blender to properly prepare some of the ingredients before adding them to the soup.

Did you know? Remember that for preparing soups, especially with meat ingredients, the use of plastic utensils and utensils is highly discouraged - this even applies to storage after cooking. Plastic, even seemingly safe for food, contains microelements harmful to the body, which can not only harm you, but also irreparably spoil a tasty and aromatic dish.

You will need

The basis

If you don't have sausage, you don't have to go to the store to buy it - you can replace it with bouillon cubes. Of course, this will affect the taste of the dish, but we all have days when we have to make it to payday, but we really want to eat delicious food!


  • 4 g garlic powder;
  • 7 g ground black pepper;
  • 70 g fresh or herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro);
  • 5 g dried basil.


  • 25 ml sunflower oil.

Did you know? In addition to the spices just listed, you can add your favorite ones to the soup - for example, I usually add a little marjoram, since in combination with basil it gives the soup a unique taste. You can also use generic seasoning blends such as French herbs.

Cooking sequence


Important! If you decide to cook, you will have to boil it a little longer over medium or low heat. Readiness is checked by piercing a piece of meat with a knife - if the procedure was easy, the beef or pork is ready.

First stage

Did you know? According to this recipe, you can prepare soup not only with red, but also with canned white beans - the main thing is that they are in tomato sauce. If not, drain the beans in a colander, pour them into the roasting pan and after three minutes add a tablespoon of tomato paste.

Second phase

Just great job, your amazingly aromatic soup is completely ready! Pour it into serving bowls and garnish with green onions, parsley and basil leaves.

And in no case do not forget about sour cream - such a soup is simply impossible to imagine without it, but some particularly capricious lovers prefer to eat the dish with mayonnaise, so it is best to give everyone at the table the right to choose.

Store bean soup in the refrigerator, preferably close to the wall, and try to consume it all within three to four days - after such a period of time, the taste of the dish will begin to deteriorate.

Watch the detailed video

In this video you can see the complete process of preparing a wonderful soup from canned beans, as well as learn some secrets about cooking vegetable soups.

Soup with canned red beans belongs to the group of protein dishes. But the interesting thing here is that the protein contained in these beans is absorbed much better than in meat. This soup is considered a self-sufficient and satisfying dish. In addition to protein, beans contain a large number of various microelements and B vitamins, which actively fight our depression. Therefore, we can safely say that eating a bowl of bean soup will guarantee a smile.

Beans are used in many national dishes of different countries, from Mexico to hot Africa. But in the first case, beans are generally considered the main guest on the table; here everything imaginable is prepared from them, from spicy soup with beans, tomatoes and avocado to flatbreads stuffed with beans.

Red bean soup recipes are a diverse world of ingredients. The cooking process does not take much time, but sometimes even that is not enough. That's why inventive manufacturers came up with the idea of ​​canning beans - in order to simplify the cooking process, because the process of preparing beans takes the longest time.

When choosing beans in a jar, you need to pay attention to the following characteristic indicators: the composition, which ideally contains beans, water, salt and sugar; be sure to look at the expiration date; The smaller the beans, the higher their quality, with the exception of the black Mexican variety.

How to make canned red bean soup - 15 varieties

Canned red bean soup will ease your daily hassle of preparing the first dish. You should definitely try this easy and quick recipe, because the taste is excellent.


  • Potatoes 1 pc.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes 2 pcs.
  • Cilantro ½ bunch
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Beef broth 1.5 l
  • Garlic 1 clove


Cut the potatoes into cubes and add them to the previously prepared broth and let them cook. Chop the onion, garlic and cilantro. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Remove the skins from the tomatoes and remove them as finely as possible.

Sauté onions, carrots and garlic in vegetable oil; when the vegetables acquire a golden color, add tomato puree and simmer until the moisture evaporates.

Then add to the potatoes. After 5 minutes, add cilantro and canned beans. Cook for another 10 minutes.

Often, manufacturers of canned beans use a large amount of sugar in the sauce where these beans are stored, so before adding them to the soup, they should be rinsed well.

Mexican spicy soup with red beans, tomatoes and avocado will delight you not only with its taste, but also with its appetizing appearance, just look at the plate of the thick dish.


  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Celery 2 stalks
  • Bell pepper 3 pcs.
  • Chili pepper 1 pc.
  • Garlic 3 cloves
  • Strong chicken broth 1 l
  • Canned red beans 400 ml
  • Canned tomatoes 400 ml
  • Fresh tomato 1 pc.
  • Avocado 1 pc.
  • Lemon ½ pcs.
  • Green cilantro
  • Corn chips Nachos 100 g


In a thick-bottomed saucepan, heat the vegetable oil and sauté the finely chopped onion, carrots and celery.

When the vegetables become soft, add sweet peppers cut into strips, then tomatoes in their own juice, chili pepper (an acceptable amount for you) and bay leaf. Simmer for 10 minutes.

Pour in chicken broth, add beans, garlic, chopped cilantro, spices, and salt to taste. Cook for another 5 minutes.

Garnish: Peel and pit the avocado and blend in a blender with lemon juice, carrots and tomatoes until pureed.

Once cooked, add a little pepper. The side dish is served with soup with chips.

Few people know that beans are ideal for zucchini. These two ingredients are combined into an inseparable tandem, complementing each other's beneficial properties.


  • Zucchini 500 g
  • Canned red beans 400 g
  • Celery root 100 g
  • Parsley 1 bunch
  • Garlic 1 clove
  • Meat broth 1 l
  • Olive oil


Cut the celery root into small cubes. garlic and zucchini. Pour olive oil into a pan and fry the celery.

When ready, add the zucchini, garlic and beans, along with the broth. Season to taste and cook for 10 minutes.

Crush the finished soup with a masher, but not to a puree. Add 3 tbsp. olive oil.

Another version of Mexican soup with spice. As is customary in the national cuisine of Mexico, the addition of spicy ingredients is a mandatory part of the preparation. And we can add “hot” spices in the quantities we are used to using.


  • Tomatoes 400 g
  • Canned red beans 470 ml
  • Canned corn 120 g
  • Avocado 1 pc.
  • Sweet pepper 1 pc.
  • Garlic 1 clove
  • Tabasco sauce
  • Cilantro 1 bunch
  • Tomato paste 6 tsp.
  • Chili pepper 1/3 pcs.
  • Vegetable broth 600 ml
  • Olive oil


Peel the tomatoes.

To easily peel the tomato, the vegetable can be blanched: a cross-shaped cut is made in place of the stalk, then the tomato is placed in boiling water for a few seconds, then removed with a slotted spoon and lowered into cold water. This procedure will help the skin to easily peel the vegetable.

Saute the onion in olive oil, then add garlic, sweet pepper, hot chili pepper and tomato puree. Simmer for 5 minutes.

Then add broth and ½ the amount of beans, cook for 30 minutes. Beat the whole mass with a blender. Put it back on the fire and add the remaining beans and corn, salt and pepper.

Peel and pit the avocado, cut into cubes and add to the soup along with Tabasco sauce (3-4 drops). When serving, sprinkle with cilantro.

All bean soups go very well with any smoked meats, red bean soup is no exception. The taste is rich and the dish is very satisfying; no additional side dish is needed.


  • Canned red beans 250 g
  • Smoked sausage 200 g
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Onion ½ pcs.
  • Potatoes 4 pcs.
  • Greenery


Fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil.

When ready, add chopped sausage, potatoes and beans with sauce, add water, preferably boiling water, then cooking will be faster. Cook for 20 minutes.

Serve with greens.

This recipe for red bean soup is interesting because it does not contain potatoes, instead there is avocado, which, when boiled, resembles potatoes. But avocados are lower in calories and are good for those on a diet. Also included here is pumpkin, which has many useful microelements. This soup can be safely included in the diet of children.

Avocado cooks very quickly - within five minutes. If you cook it longer, it loses its shape and crumbles.


  • Canned red beans 200 ml
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes 2 pcs.
  • Meat broth 600 ml
  • Avocado 1 pc.
  • Pumpkin 200 g
  • Olive oil


Sauté finely chopped onion in olive oil. Peel the tomatoes and add to the onion when it turns golden.

Place pumpkin, cut into large cubes, into the heated meat broth. When the pumpkin is ready, add tomato sauce and canned red beans.

Peel the avocado and cut into small slices, add it 5 minutes before the soup is ready.

Among the wide variety of bean soups that have nutritional benefits, red bean soup enriches the overall color picture of the soup. By adding sauerkraut, the soup turns into something like cabbage soup only with beans.


  • Beef 500 g
  • Sauerkraut 200 g
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste 4 tbsp.


Cut the meat into small pieces and add water. Salt and pepper, put on fire. Cook for about 1 hour. After time has passed, add potatoes.

Cook for 20 minutes. We fry carrots and onions in vegetable oil with the addition of tomato paste.

When the potatoes are cooked, add sauteed potatoes, canned red beans and sauerkraut. Add salt if necessary. Cook for another 10 minutes.

Red bean and beef soup is a very nutritious dish. Properly cooked meat complements the taste of crumbly beans well. This soup will warm you up in cold weather and give you strength for further achievements.


  • Beef 500 g
  • Potatoes 2 pcs.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste 3 tbsp.
  • Canned red beans 300 g
  • Garlic 3 cloves


Boil the beef for 1 hour. Salt and pepper the broth, add bay leaf and black peppercorns.

When ready, add the potatoes to the broth. Fry carrots, onions, garlic and tomato paste in vegetable oil.

When the potatoes are ready, add the roasting and canned beans and cook for another 10 minutes. Serve with finely chopped herbs.

Red bean and mint soup is a very interesting option that is equally delicious cold or hot.

This soup is suitable for the summer heat; its refreshing ingredients - mint and celery root - will saturate the body with long-awaited coolness.

You can serve this vegetable soup hot and in the form of a puree, rubbing the ingredients through a blender.

If you have canned beans left, as you know, they do not last long, but they can be safely frozen. But it is better not to do this in a glass jar, as it may burst if the temperature changes. Choose plastic dishes or special zip-lock bags.


  • Canned red beans 500 g
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Onions 2 pcs.
  • Bell pepper 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste 2 tbsp.
  • Celery root 50 g
  • Garlic 4 cloves
  • Dried or fresh mint 1/2 tbsp. (5 sheets)


Load finely chopped vegetables into a heated frying pan: onions, carrots and bell peppers.

Once cooked, add canned beans, add 300 ml of water and simmer for 30 minutes.

Then salt, pepper and add dried mint, garlic and tomato paste. The soup turns out very thick.

Increasingly, our housewives began to replace ordinary onions with leeks. This red bean soup recipe also adds this ingredient. Leeks have a mild, slightly sweet taste, but most importantly, they don't make anyone cry.


  • Leek 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes 4 pcs.
  • Potatoes 2 pcs.
  • Pork 300 g
  • Olive oil


Cut the meat into cubes and fry in a heated frying pan with olive oil.

Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and remove the skin, then chop them and leeks and add to the meat, simmer for 30 minutes.

Place chopped potatoes in the water, add meat with sauce and beans when ready. Salt and pepper to taste. After 10 minutes the soup is ready.

Quick soup - this designation is suitable for bean soup with processed cheese. It's easy and quick to prepare, and the ingredients can be found in any refrigerator.


  • Canned red beans 250 g
  • Potatoes 1 pc.
  • Processed cheese 1 pc.
  • Pork 300 g


Cut the meat into small pieces and cook for 1 hour. Season the broth with salt and pepper. Once cooked, add potatoes, diced processed cheese and beans in sauce.

Cook for 15-20 minutes.

If you want the processed cheese to remain intact in the soup, then add it 5 minutes before the end of cooking. If you want the soup to become creamy and dissolve, you need to add it along with the potatoes.

As you know, all bean soups with the addition of smoked ingredients radically change their taste. It’s unlikely that anyone will be able to refuse the aromatic soup with red beans and smoked ribs.


  • Smoked pork ribs 500 g
  • Potatoes 3 pcs.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Canned red beans 250 ml


Boil the ribs for 40 minutes. Sometimes it takes longer. An indicator of readiness is when the meat begins to separate from the bone.

We take out the meat and separate it from the bone, chop it finely. Chop the onion and carrots and sauté in a frying pan with vegetable oil.

Add potatoes to the meat broth, and after 15 minutes fry, meat and beans without sauce. Cook for another 10 minutes. The soup is ready.

Red bean soup is interesting for its unusual ingredients - chili pepper gives it a spicy kick, and Spanish Chorizo ​​sausage gives it an interesting sourness. Interestingly, the sausage gets such a unique taste due to the fact that at a certain point in cooking it is dipped in dry white wine. There are two types of this sausage: the first is fiery Mexican, the second is sour Spanish. The choice remains with the cook and his taste preferences.

This dish is considered spicy, so the chili peppers are not pitted. If you want to reduce the spice, then you need to clean off all the seeds in the pepper.


  • Chorizo ​​sausage 250 g
  • Onions 2 pcs.
  • Garlic 2 cloves
  • Oregano 2 sprigs (1 tsp dry)
  • Chili pepper 1 pc.
  • Sweet pepper 1 pc.
  • Canned tomatoes 400 g
  • Canned red beans 400 g
  • Tomato paste 2 tbsp.
  • Canned white beans 400 g
  • Vegetable broth 400 g
  • Olive oil
  • Greenery


Cut the sausage into cubes. Chop the onion, garlic and carrots and sauté in a frying pan with olive oil.

When ready, add sausage and tomato paste. Place canned tomatoes in their own juice and two types of beans into the vegetable broth and cook for 15 minutes.

Grind the sweet and hot peppers and add to the soup along with the frying. Cook for another 10 minutes. When ready, add salt and spices and herbs.

In red bean soup, it is pickled cucumbers that are used; they will add a spicy spiciness to the dish, but not bitterness. You can prepare the soup either lean or with meat broth.


  • Pickled cucumbers 3 pcs.
  • Potatoes 3 pcs.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Celery root 1 pc.
  • Canned red beans 200 g
  • Meat broth 600 ml


Place the potatoes into the heated broth and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Finely chop the carrots and onions and fry in vegetable oil.

When the vegetables become soft, add the celery root. Add fried potatoes and canned beans to the already prepared potatoes. Cook for another 15 minutes.

Once ready, cover with a lid and let steep for 20 minutes.

Soup with red beans and mushrooms is a hearty and aromatic dish, with a rich taste and bright appearance that is simply impossible to refuse. It should not be supplemented with meat, as mushrooms and beans have enough protein to replace a meat diet.


  • Canned red beans 150 g
  • Potatoes 4 pcs.
  • Champignon mushrooms 200 g
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste 4 tbsp.


In a heated frying pan with sunflower oil, fry the onions and carrots until golden brown, then add the mushrooms cut into slices.

After 5 minutes, add tomato paste diluted in water and simmer for another 10 minutes. Place potatoes and beans in boiling water.

When the potatoes are ready, add the sauce with mushrooms and cook for another 15 minutes. Let it brew under the closed lid.