Lenten spicy lentil soup. Lenten lentil soup recipe

In ancient Greece there was a proverb: A smart man always cooks his lentils well. This is one of the most ancient cultivated plants. Lentil grains have been discovered by archaeologists in Bronze Age buildings. And this soup is one of my favorites. It has a delicate taste and pleasant texture. Plus, Moroccan lentil soup is a storehouse of nutrients. Lentils contain a huge amount of vegetable protein, which is easily absorbed by the body. It is an excellent source of iron, folic acid and soluble fiber. In addition, lentils stimulate metabolism and improve immunity. In eastern countries, lentils are considered a warming food, and if they are cooked with spices, their warming effect is even greater. Therefore, lentils, especially soup made from them, are very suitable for the winter diet of residents of northern countries. Bon appetit!

Lentils Vegetable oil Carrots Onions Garlic Petiole celery Bay leaf Chili pepper Cumin Allspice Salt

Lentils are a product that our Soviet stomach is still getting used to and studying, but in vain. She is very popular in the East, in Europe and has long and for a long time fallen in love with the bulk of humanity. Red lentils cook very quickly and will always help out if you are short on time. Lentil soups should always be acidified, only in this case it fully reveals its taste. The soup turns out very tasty, cook it, you won’t regret it.


Rinse the lentils until clean and cook. Do not add salt. Skim off the resulting foam, cover halfway and reduce heat. Make sure she doesn't run away.

Cut the carrots into strips and chop the onion into smaller pieces. I just don’t like boiled onions in soup, and small ones are not noticeable at all.

Chop the tomatoes and garlic as well. You can remove the skin from a tomato, but I didn’t peel it, I just cut it smaller. The tomato skin is not noticeable in the soup at all.

Fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Add tomatoes, paprika flakes, and garlic to the fry. Fry for another 3 minutes to release the garlic flavor.

The lentils are already cooked, so we add the frying mixture to the soup with the lentils and keep it on the fire for another 5 minutes. Now the soup can be salted to taste and acidified with olive brine. Add it to taste, tasting all the time until the taste suits you.

Serve the lentil soup sprinkled with mint and green onions, and place a few green olives and lemon in a bowl. If desired, you can sprinkle with sesame seeds.

Bon appetit!

This soup is very tasty with garlic croutons.

I would like to offer a wonderful recipe for lean lentil soup. It is nutritious, aromatic and delicious. And the preparation is not at all difficult, even a novice cook can do it. This soup is great for lean and vegetarian diets. Well, for those who cannot live a day without meat, I recommend adding a couple of slices of fried bacon when serving - it will instantly transform the dish, adding a smoky and smoked aroma to it.


  • red lentils 1 tbsp.
  • onions 1 pc.
  • garlic 1 tooth.
  • carrots 0.5 pcs.
  • potatoes 2 pcs.
  • water 4-5 tbsp.
  • ground cumin 1-2 chips.
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • celery or parsley leaves

How to make Lenten Lentil Soup

  1. For this recipe, it is best to use red lentils - they boil well, which means the soup will be thick and satisfying. I sort through the grains to remove pebbles and other debris, and then rinse until the water runs clear. I set it aside to swell slightly.

  2. I peel a medium onion and cut it into cubes, finely chop the garlic with a knife. I heat the vegetable oil in a saucepan and simmer the onion and garlic in it at the same time. There is no need to fry them too much, just bring them until soft and transparent; if you overcook them, the garlic will burn and become bitter.

  3. I add grated carrots and a little ground cumin, which will give the soup a very tasty aroma and spiciness. Fry over low heat, stirring, until the carrots are soft.

  4. I add lentils, previously washed and slightly swollen, to the saucepan with the vegetables. I stir and fry for a few more seconds to combine all the flavors and aromas. Then add boiling water and set to cook over medium heat. During cooking, you can add boiling water to adjust the thickness of the soup. I used 5 cups of liquid and it turned out to be a medium consistency soup.

  5. While the soup is boiling, I simultaneously peel and cut the potatoes into cubes - 2 medium tubers are enough. I put it in a saucepan. Add salt and pepper to taste.

  6. I remove the foam and cook for about 15-20 minutes, until the potatoes and lentils are completely cooked. At the very end, I add finely chopped herbs - celery leaves are great, if you don’t have them, then fresh or dried parsley will do. Let it boil and remove from heat.

Lentil soup is rich and aromatic, similar to pea soup, but much tastier. You can serve the dish immediately after cooking, hot, garnished with a sprig of fresh herbs and sprinkled with ground pepper. Crackers or croutons made from white baguette work well. Bon appetit!

Hello, dear reader. Today I will show you how to make lean lentil soup. The recipe, as always, with photos. Lately, I have begun to pay more and more attention to products that are loved by athletes and vegetarians. And all because I run, and I need to restore my strength after training. And from my own experience I have already noticed that it is harder to run after eating meat products. Like most men, I like to test everything on myself. So I came to the conclusion that before a long distance it is better to give up meat. Then it’s easier for the body and it’s more fun to run. And this lean lentil soup will perfectly restore your strength. I will show you the recipe, as usual, with a step-by-step description.

Lenten lentil soup recipe

To prepare the soup we will need:

  • 1 cup lentils
  • 6 medium potatoes
  • 1 glass of tomato juice
  • 1 small carrot
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 30 grams of vegetable oil
  • 2 bay leaves
  • small bunch of dill
  • salt, pepper to taste

We'll start cooking with potatoes, since they take the longest to cook.

To do this, we will peel, wash and cut the potatoes into cubes, or as you are used to. You can cut the potatoes the way you like. Then we’ll just look at the readiness of the potatoes and when to add the next ingredient.

I take a 3 liter pan, cut potatoes into it and fill it with water, about 2 liters. Place on the stove and move on to the next step.

Namely, we peel onions and carrots. I chop the onion finely and grate the carrots on a fine grater. Of course, it was right to cut the carrots, but I was too lazy. According to some chefs, when you grate carrots, they may develop a slightly bitter taste. But since I will also be adding pepper, I reduced my time by using a grater. (I didn’t grate all the carrots, they are large)

If you don’t have tomato juice, you can replace it with paste, only diluted with water. Our vegetables should boil a little, or even more precisely, I evaporate the tomato juice. During this time, the onions and carrots become ready and do not need to be cooked in the soup.

When we prepare the sauté, we don’t forget about the potatoes. When the potatoes boil, I remove the foam (noise). It took me another 10 minutes. Now I rinse the lentils under running water and add them to the pan. If you rinse the lentils earlier, then after standing for a while, they will stick together, and it will not be convenient to pour them into the pan. It can fall in a piece into the pan and “spray” you.

We used orange lentils, also called red lentils. It just cooks faster, and my kids liked it. Mix everything well and again switch to further preparation of the last ingredients.

Wash the dill and chop it. I removed the thick stems. They can be added to boiled meat. You can see how I boil meat in the article “.” Of course, not everyone will eat meat during fasting, but after fasting, such low-fat meat will be very good for the stomach.

Then peel and chop the garlic. I crushed the garlic with a knife on a cutting board and minced it. Or you can just crush it into a garlic clove. This is more convenient for anyone.

Our soup is not ready yet, and I begin to reduce the cooking time. To do this, I add two bay leaves to the sauté, add 4 pieces of allspice, and a mixture of peppers from the grinder. I do this specifically above the frying pan, because it is already standing to the side, not on the fire, and the steam will not get into the mill. The pepper should be dry, so it will be better preserved and then ground.

After we added the lentils, 10 minutes passed. Since the cooking time for red lentils is about 15 minutes, after 10 minutes, after we added the lentils, we add our sauté. Now you can add salt. I add about 1/3 of a spoonful of salt to a 3 liter saucepan.

After everything has boiled, I add the last ingredient, namely garlic and dill. Our soup should boil for a few minutes. That's it, the lentil soup is ready. I recommend not eating this soup right away. Let it sit for 30-40 minutes. It won’t have time to cool down, but it will brew and become even tastier, that’s just it.

If you don’t adhere to fasting, then I can tell you one little secret on how to make it even tastier. I don’t fast, and recently I boiled lard in a bag. The recipe can be found in the article “.” So, garlic can be replaced with brine, or with the water that remained in the bag after cooking the lard. You just don’t need to add everything; for example, I added one tablespoon to the pan. The taste becomes simply fabulous. And our lean lentil soup, the recipe for which I described, becomes very tasty, albeit with a few drops of fat. But you don’t pay attention to this anymore.

Enjoy your meal!

Step 1: Prepare the lentils.

It is very easy to prepare a delicious lean lentil soup if you know a few secrets of processing these incredibly healthy legumes. First of all, turn on the stove to a high level, put a kettle on it with 1 liter pure distilled water and bring the liquid to a boil. We sort the lentils, remove the spoiled grains, pour them into a colander with a fine mesh and rinse them under running water to remove dust. Then transfer it to a deep saucepan and pour 1 liter boiling water Soak the pulses for 1 hour, and during this time we prepare all the other ingredients that are used in preparing the first hot Lenten dish.

Step 2: prepare the vegetables.

Peel onions, carrots and potatoes with a sharp knife, cutting them off in a thin layer. We rinse the vegetables under cold running water to remove any kind of contamination and dry them with paper kitchen towels to remove excess moisture. Then place the vegetables one by one on a cutting board and chop. Potatoes in cubes or cubes up to 2 centimeters, chop the onion into a cube of diameter up to 1 centimeter, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Place the potatoes in a deep bowl and fill with regular running water so that it completely covers the pieces of tuber vegetables, so that the vegetable does not darken before preparing the soup. Place the remaining chopped ingredients on separate plates. We also put all the necessary spices, salt, vegetable oil on the kitchen table and place peeled garlic cloves in a separate bowl.

Step 3: cook lentils and potatoes.

After 1 hour Place the pan with the soaked lentils on the stove, turned on to medium level. We put the chopped potatoes into the container, after draining the water from them. Cook the ingredients for 15 minutes, periodically removing the foam from the broth using a slotted spoon. The time is counted after the liquid boils.

Step 4: prepare the dressing.

While the main ingredients of the soup are cooking, prepare the dressing. Turn the stove on to medium level and place a frying pan on it with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Add chopped onion to the heated fat and fry it, stirring with a kitchen spatula, until transparent and lightly golden brown, about 2 – 3 minutes. Then add carrots to the onions and fry the vegetables together 3 more minutes until the carrots take on a golden hue and soften. Then remove the pan from the stove and place it on a cutting board.

Step 5: Bring the soup to full readiness.

After 10 minutes the lentils will begin to boil, and the potatoes will be half cooked. More In 5 minutes the mass in the pan will resemble mashed potatoes with potato pieces. It is at this time that we add the dressing to the pan, all the spices specified in the recipe, salt to taste and squeeze the garlic cloves through a garlic press. Still cooking the soup 8 - 10 minutes until fully prepared. Then turn off the stove, grind all the ingredients of the dish using a hand blender until pureed, cover the pan with a lid and let the first hot dish brew 5 – 7 minutes. Then, helping yourself with a ladle, pour the soup into deep plates and serve for lunch.

Step 6: Serve the lean lentil soup puree.

Lenten lentil soup puree is served hot at the dinner table. If desired, this excellent first course can be supplemented with fresh chopped dill, parsley, spinach or green onions. Since this dish is lean, it can be seasoned with lean apple mayonnaise and savored with lean baked goods, which are prepared without yeast, eggs and butter fats. The taste of the soup is soft, tender and very aromatic. Prepare and enjoy! Bon appetit!

- – To make the soup richer, you can optionally add 1 tablespoon of wheat flour to the dressing.

- – Sometimes grated apple or sorrel is added to this type of soup.

- – The set of spices in this recipe can be supplemented with any other seasonings that are suitable for preparing dishes from legumes or for soups.

- – If you wish, you can not prepare the dressing, but cook all the vegetables together until fully cooked for 20 - 25 minutes. Then season the soup with spices, salt, vegetable oil, grind to a puree consistency and enjoy a delicious lean hot dish!