Pea soup with smoked pork ribs. Pea soup with smoked ribs - step by step recipe

Pea soup with smoked meats is an ideal solution when it’s frosty and cold outside; at such a time it will be especially pleasant to enjoy a hearty, aromatic and incredibly tasty hot lunch.

The technology for creating an appetizing dish is so simple that it will not cause difficulties even for novice cooks and housewives without experience.

Peas for soup are soaked for several hours in a large volume of water, after which they are thoroughly washed again. As a component that determines the taste of a dish, you can use smoked meat products: ribs, brisket, bacon, wings, chicken, balyki, sausages and even smoked cheese or fish.

Depending on the recipe, smoked meats are cooked together with cereals or added to the soup at the final stage of its preparation along with fried vegetables. Pea soup with smoked meat is flavorful on its own and does not require the addition of a lot of spices. A bay leaf and, if desired, pepper will successfully and advantageously highlight the taste of hot food.

Classic pea soup with smoked meats

Craving some smoked soup? Try making a delicious pea soup with smoked meats. It turns out thick and satisfying. Pay attention to the peas you will cook from. When choosing split peas, you don't have to soak them. Regular peas need to be pre-soaked overnight or for the length of time indicated on the package.


  • shelled peas - 300g
  • smoked pork knuckle with bone - about 1 kg
  • water - 3l
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 2–3 pcs.
  • smoked sausages, smoked sausage or salami


Place the shank in a large saucepan, add water, season to taste with salt and cook for at least an hour. Add peas and cook for another hour. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes, add to the soup and cook for about 30 minutes. Remove the hock from the soup, trim the meat from the bone, cut into cubes and place back in the pan.

Finely chop the onion and carrots and fry in vegetable oil until half cooked. Transfer the vegetables to the soup and simmer for no more than 20 minutes over low heat. Add sliced ​​smoked meats to the soup. Serve the finished soup hot with crackers or rye bread.

Pea soup with smoked brisket


  • Peas 450 g
  • Carrots 150 g
  • Parsley 100 g
  • Smoked brisket 250 g
  • Water 1.5 l
  • Onion 50 g
  • Fat 20 g
  • Wheat flour 25 g
  • Marjoram to taste
  • Garlic 2 cloves

Cooking step by step:

  1. Sort out the peas, wash, and soak for several hours in cold boiled water. Boil in the same water. When the peas soften, add salt.
  2. Cook broth from brisket with vegetables. Rub the peas through a sieve and pour in the strained broth.
  3. Peel the onion, chop, fry until light golden brown with flour. Dilute with cold water until smooth. Place in soup and boil. Season to taste with garlic, crushed with salt and marjoram. Place the brisket, cut into cubes.

Pea soup with smoked meats and croutons


  • split peas two hundred fifty g
  • Beef seven hundred g
  • Potatoes two hundred and fifty g
  • Salt one tsp.
  • pork loin two hundred g
  • three hundred g pork ribs
  • onion one pc.
  • Carrots one hundred g
  • sweet orange pepper one pc.
  • smoked brisket two hundred g
  • Bread three hundred g
  • olive oil fifty ml
  • Four cloves garlic
  • Parsley twenty g


Soak the peas in water for several hours, or better yet, overnight. Rumor has it that this is not at all necessary to do with peas, but we soak them just in case. The peas swell and cook faster. While the peas are soaking, let's make the broth. Place the meat in a saucepan with water, let it boil, and cook for two minutes. Make boiling water separately (three to 3.5 liters).

After this, take out the meat, pour out the water, wash the pan, pour the prepared boiling water into a clean saucepan, put the meat there, bring to a boil and turn the heat to low. Add the peeled onion and carrots, cook for approximately 2 hours (depending on the quality of the meat) until tender.

You can add water, but in the end you should get 2.5 liters of pure broth.

When the broth is ready, remove the onions and carrots, then throw in the peas and cook for 40–60 minutes. Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes, throw them into the broth. Cook for fifteen minutes. Add the sauteed sauce to the soup and simmer for an additional 10 minutes. Cut the loin into cubes, divide the ribs and add everything to the soup. Add salt to taste.

Chop onions, carrots, bell peppers. Cut the brisket into long strips and fry in an empty frying pan. Next, add chopped onions, carrots, peppers to the fried brisket and sauté over low heat for a couple of minutes. The soup is ready, let's move on to making croutons. Cut the bread into 1x1 cm cubes.

Pour oil into a frying pan, flavor it with garlic (squeeze out the garlic). Throw in the bread, fry a little and place on a baking sheet, bake in the oven for ten to fifteen minutes. Serve the soup with croutons and finely chopped parsley.

Thick pea soup with smoked sausage

Simple pea soup can be served with sausage - and it will immediately become more flavorful and appetizing!


  • Dried peas - one hundred g
  • Potatoes - two hundred g
  • Carrots - one hundred g
  • Onion - one hundred g
  • Water - 1.5–2 l
  • Vegetable oil - three tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 1.5–2 teaspoons
  • Smoked sausage - five hundred g


Soak the peas for 5 hours. After this, rinse. Cook the peas for 1.5–2 hours, so that they are cooked, but not mushy. Add 0.5 teaspoons of salt. Peel the carrots, wash them, and grate them. Heat 1.5 tbsp in a frying pan. spoons of vegetable oil. Fry the carrots over medium heat, stirring, until soft (ten minutes).

Peel the onion and chop finely. Heat 1.5 tbsp in a frying pan. spoons of vegetable oil. Fry the onion over regular heat, stirring occasionally, until amber in color (7 minutes). Peel the potatoes, wash them, cut them into cubes. Add water and cook for 10 minutes. Add onion and carrots, stir. Cook for another 5 minutes. Add one teaspoon of salt.

Add boiled peas. Stir. Cook for another five minutes. Cut the smoked sausage into cubes. Place sixty to seventy g of chopped sausage into each bowl of soup. Pea soup with smoked sausage should be served. Bon appetit!

Pea soup with smoked ribs

Pea soup with smoked ribs is an extraordinary and very successful combination of flavors. A hearty, nutritious, and extremely healthy first course. Peas contain excellent taste as well as medicinal properties. It is rich in protein, the amount of it is exactly the same as in beef, but pea protein is absorbed by the body much better and faster, it contains the necessary amino acids, thanks to these compounds, peas are very necessary in the nutritional menu for children, vegetarians, and all people in general. Combining peas and smoked meat into a whole soup can be called the most successful option. This soup can be prepared not only with smoked ribs, but also with other smoked meats to suit your taste.

This is all explained by the fact that the taste of smoked meat gives this dish a special sophistication and exquisite taste. Take this recipe to heart, then prepare it for yourself and for your loved ones.


  • Peas, shelled three hundred g
  • One carrot
  • One onion
  • Potatoes six pcs.
  • Dried bay leaf one pc.
  • Salt one chip.
  • Ground black pepper one chip.
  • Garlic one tooth.
  • Smoked pork ribs five hundred g
  • Salt as desired
  • Ground black pepper optional
  • Parsley optional


Rinse the peas thoroughly in several waters, fill with cool water and leave for a couple of hours (you can do it before bed). Then pour water or broth over the swollen peas and cook until they are soft. While the peas are cooking, prepare the frying. To achieve the desired result, three medium-sized carrots are grated on a large grater. Similarly, for frying, we need an onion, cut it into cubes.

Take medium-sized potatoes. Peel, wash, dry, cut the potatoes into cubes or cubes. When the peas reach the required condition, add chopped potatoes, 1/3 of the onion and carrots. Bay leaf. Cook for 10–15 minutes.

Then saute the onion in sunflower oil until transparent. Add all the remaining carrots to the slightly fried onions. Add salt and pepper to taste, add squeezed garlic, fry everything together for another three to five minutes.

When the potatoes are almost ready, add the washed and dried smoked pork ribs. It is advisable to take meatier ribs. After about 5-7 minutes, add sautéed vegetables to the soup and stir. Season the soup with salt and pepper as desired. Remove the bay leaf and bring to a boil. Remove from heat.

Immediately sprinkle the pea soup on pork ribs with chopped herbs. Let it brew for ten to fifteen minutes. Serve with fried lean bread or croutons. Very appetizing and filling. Bon appetit!

Pea soup with smoked meats


  • Peas (split) - one stack.
  • Water - one liter
  • Pork ribs (smoked) - two hundred g
  • Bacon (smoked, piece) - two hundred g
  • Onion (small, finely chopped) - one piece
  • Carrots (grated on a coarse grater) - one piece
  • Garlic (finely chopped) - three cloves.
  • Potatoes - two pieces
  • Salt (optional)


Take split peas, they cook 2 times faster than whole ones. Divide the ribs into bones. Float the peas and ribs with water and cook over medium heat until half cooked, add salt. 15 minutes before complete readiness, add finely chopped potatoes.

While the peas are cooking, fry the bacon pieces in a frying pan. There is no need to add oil, as the required amount of fat will be rendered from the bacon. The scents are... stunning. Add carrots, onions and garlic to the bacon. Fry for another five to ten minutes.

Remove the large bones from the soup and grate the rest of the mixture using a blender. After that, put the ribs back, add the fried bacon and vegetables, then simmer for another five to ten minutes. Croutons for pea soup are a classic of the genre. Place the pieces of bread on a baking sheet and let dry for a few minutes in the oven.


Each recipe is tasty and healthy in its own way. And no matter which of them you choose, no matter what this dish is prepared with, one thing is clear: neither old nor young will remain indifferent to it. Because it’s simply impossible not to love this hearty and flavorful soup. The editors of the “Quick Recipes” website wish you bon appetit.

How nice it is to come home, especially on a cold day, and warm up with a hot, aromatic soup. Today I offer you a recipe for just such a warming, tasty and satisfying pea soup with smoked pork ribs. The dish is very simple to prepare, familiar to everyone, but still with small additions to the classic recipe.


To prepare pea soup with smoked pork ribs you will need:

smoked ribs - 250 g;

split peas - 150 g;

green lentils - 50 g (can be replaced with split green peas);

potatoes - 2 pcs.;

medium carrots - 1 pc.;

onions - 1 pc.;

vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.;

bay leaf - 2 pcs.;

salt, pepper mixture, aromatic herbs.

Cooking steps

Cut the smoked pork ribs into pieces.

Rinse peas and lentils thoroughly with cold water.

Pour two liters of water over smoked pork ribs and cook for about 15 minutes. Then separate the meat from the bones. Place the meat, peas and lentils in the pan in which the ribs were cooked and cook for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, cut the potatoes into cubes, add to the soup, and cook for another 10 minutes.

Cut the onion and carrots into small cubes, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Add to pea soup with ribs and cook until done.

At the end of cooking, add bay leaf, salt, pepper, and your favorite spices to the soup, then turn off the stove. Let the pea soup with smoked pork ribs steep for 15-20 minutes, then it will become even thicker and more flavorful! Crackers and freshly baked bread will be a great addition to this delicious dish.

Pea soup is a dish with a long history, known since ancient times. As early as the second century BC, pea soup was sold on the streets of ancient Greek Athens. Its recipe most likely has not survived to this day, but to this day this dish is prepared in many countries. Every place has its own national characteristics, but the classic of the genre, as it seems to us, is pea soup with smoked ribs. This recipe for soup with ribs should be adopted by every housewife, because pea soup prepared in this way is incredibly tasty and will appeal to all your household members. So, the recipe for pork rib soup.

Pea soup with smoked ribs


  • 600-700 grams of smoked ribs
  • 400 grams of peas
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 3 potatoes
  • 150 grams smoked brisket
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf

Cooking method:

Rinse the peas thoroughly, cover with cold water and leave for several hours (preferably overnight). Clean the ribs, rinse, add water and cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Pour the resulting broth over the swollen peas and cook until they become soft.

While the peas are cooking, peel the potatoes and prepare the frying. To do this, fry finely chopped brisket in a frying pan along with onions, carrots, bay leaves, black and allspice.

When the peas reach the desired condition, add chopped potatoes, and after 10 minutes, sauteed vegetables, salt to taste and bring to a boil. After 5-7 minutes, the soup with pork ribs can be removed from the stove. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle pea soup on pork ribs with chopped herbs.

This recipe can be considered basic and, starting from it, you can prepare a wide variety of soups not only with smoked ribs, but also with other smoked meats. The fact is that the taste of smoked meat gives this dish a special piquancy and exquisite taste.

By the way, you can slightly modify this basic recipe: the taste of the soup will not become worse. Many people like this option even better. The idea is that the peas are first boiled until half cooked (pre-soaked, of course), and then smoked ribs are added to it. They must be meaty and not fatty. Once cooked, trim the meat from the ribs and add it to each plate just before serving.

Take this recipe into service.

Pea soup with ribs and hunting sausages


  • 600 grams of ribs
  • 150 grams of hunting sausages
  • 400 grams of peas
  • 2-3 potatoes
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf

Cooking method:

Rinse the peas thoroughly several times, add water and leave for several hours. Then put it on a sieve, transfer it to a suitable pan, add fresh water and set to cook. When the peas are cooked until half cooked, place the smoked ribs into the pan and cook everything together for about half an hour.

While the soup is cooking, prepare the roast. Chop the onion, grate the carrots. Place bay leaf, pepper into heated oil, add onion and carrots. Cook everything together for 10-12 minutes.

Remove the ribs from the pan, season with frying mixture and bring to a boil. Add salt, add chopped hunting sausages to the soup and boil everything for about 3 minutes. Let the soup brew for 15-20 minutes. Serve with white bread toast. The recipe is simple, the ingredients are affordable, and the results are always excellent.

Pea soup with smoked ribs and croutons


  • 600 grams of smoked ribs
  • 300 grams of peas
  • 3-4 potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 2-3 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf
  • crackers

Cooking method:

Wash the peas, add water and leave for several hours. Boil the ribs for 30 minutes. Boil peas in the resulting broth. About 20 minutes before the end of cooking, add the peeled and chopped potatoes into the pan. Grate the carrots, chop the onion, sauté the vegetables along with spices in vegetable oil and add to the soup. Add salt, bring to a boil and let it brew.

Blend the soup in a blender. Before serving, place on each plate the meat cut from the ribs, cut into small pieces, and croutons made from white bread. Garnish with a sprig of herbs and a few drops of olive oil.

This recipe is also simple, and the soup turns out very tasty.

Now let’s try to summarize and highlight the main points in preparing pea soup, knowing which you can always feed your family deliciously.

  1. 1. The peas must be thoroughly sorted and washed until the water becomes clear.
  2. 2. In order for the peas to become soft after cooking, they should be soaked in water for several hours.
  3. 3. Pea soup is prepared both in water and in meat broth (you can use pork, beef, and poultry).
  4. 4. A necessary ingredient for delicious pea soup is some kind of smoked meat. It could be smoked brisket, ribs, pork knuckle, or finally just smoked sausage or sausage. The aroma of smoked meat adds sophistication to this dish.
  5. 5. Toast and croutons go perfectly with pea soup.
  6. 6. Pea soup can be prepared as a puree. In this case (see recipe above), wheat bread croutons must be served with the soup.
  7. 7. If the soup is prepared with meat broth, then the boiled meat is cut into small pieces and added to each plate before serving.
  8. 8. The required ingredients of pea soup are onions and carrots. If desired, you can also use white roots for frying - celery, parsley, parsnips.

We hope that you will find with us an easy-to-prepare pea soup recipe that will take a permanent place on your menu.

Bon appetit!

Pea soup with ribs has a rich history that dates back to the times of ancient Athens. It was the Romans who were the first to prepare aromatic pea soup. The recipe quickly spread throughout the world and each national cuisine has a special version of its preparation. For example, Italians add Parmesan cheese and a little dry wine to pea soup with ribs, Mongols prefer to cook it with tomato paste and always serve it with sour cream, Ukrainians do not spare garlic for its preparation. One thing is for sure, the popularity of this soup is well deserved - simple ingredients make a worthy dish that can be enjoyed both with the family and served to guests.

In this soup, liquid smoke can be used as an additional ingredient. But be careful! Liquid smoke is a rather harmful flavoring agent, so it must be added strictly according to the instructions, no more than 2 tablespoons per large pan of the finished dish.

The right soup can only be made from good peas. If you take fresh green peas, you should definitely sort them for the presence of wormy and moldy peas. You should do the same with dried yellow or green peas; the bags often contain a lot of garbage and bad peas. Split peas cook faster than whole peas, so it makes more sense to use them for making soups. But there is a way to ensure that any peas are guaranteed to boil in the soup. To do this, in the evening before cooking, boil the peas in boiling water for half an hour, turn off the heat and leave it overnight. It will cook very quickly the next day.

These soups go well with crackers and croutons. But preparing pea soup with ribs already takes a lot of time, so the housewives simply cannot fry croutons as well. To decorate the dish, store-bought ones are quite suitable, and the taste of the dish can only be brightened if you buy croutons with the taste of barbecue, bacon, grilled meat, cheese, and garlic. You should refrain from such flavorings as seafood, lightly salted cucumbers, tomato, lecho. They will interrupt the taste of the finished dish.

How to cook pea soup with ribs - 15 varieties

This is the recipe our grandmothers and great-grandmothers used to cook with. It's time to prepare the traditional soup for us.


  • Dried peas - 1 cup
  • Pork ribs – 400 grams
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces
  • Water - 2 liters
  • Bay leaf - 1 piece
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


Soak the peas for one hour. Boil the ribs until the water boils, remove, drain the first broth, fill the ribs with water again and cook for an hour. Cut the potatoes into cubes, cut the onion into small pieces, and finely chop the carrots into strips. Remove the meat and strain the broth. Place peas in this broth and cook for an hour. Next, add potatoes to the peas and cook for 20 minutes. We make frying from onions and carrots. Separate the meat from the bones. To the finished peas and potatoes add roasted meat, bay leaves, salt and pepper. Cook for another five minutes - the soup is ready.

Instead of water, you can use ready-made broth. Raw ribs can be replaced with smoked ones, then the taste of the dish will be brighter. In addition to ribs, any smoked meats that are on hand are welcome in the soup.

The French love to eat hearty and tasty food, just like the Russians. This soup is further proof of that.


  • Dried peas - 1 cup
  • Smoked ribs – 500 grams
  • Carrots - 100 grams
  • Celery root - 50 grams
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces
  • Champignons – 100 grams
  • Broth - 3 liters
  • Bay leaf - 3 pieces
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


Drop the peas into the broth and let them cook for an hour. Then add the ribs and chopped potatoes to the peas and cook for another 30 minutes. At this time, we will fry from chopped onions, celery, champignons and carrots. We send the frying to the soup, add the bay leaves. Salt and pepper. Cook for another 15 minutes and the soup will be ready.

Many housewives do not know what to do with the young garlic shoots, they marinate them, make a paste... And there is a recipe for this wonderful soup, where the garlic shoots are not the main, but very important ingredient.


  • Dried peas - 1 kilogram
  • Smoked ribs - 500 grams
  • Garlic pods - 200 grams
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Bay leaf - 3 pieces
  • Cilantro - 1 bunch
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Water - 6 liters
  • Salt, pepper, chili pepper, red pepper - to taste


Soak the peas overnight. Place the ribs and peas in cold water and cook for two hours. Half an hour before it’s ready, add chopped garlic arrows, cilantro, dill, grated carrots, bay leaves, salt and all types of pepper into the soup. Let the soup sit for an hour. Ready!

For those who are not ready to give up their favorite mushrooms in soups, this recipe will definitely suit their taste. Undoubtedly, the dish deserves special attention, because it can replace your favorite mushroom mushroom in the everyday menu.


  • Dried peas - 200 grams
  • Pork ribs - 350 grams
  • Dried mushrooms - 20 grams
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces
  • Water - 2.5 liters
  • Spices - to taste
  • Sour cream - for serving
  • Dill - for serving


Soak the peas and mushrooms in boiling water for 40 minutes. At this time, bring the water to a boil and add the chopped potatoes. Add peas and mushrooms to the potatoes and let them cook for 40 minutes. Fry the pork ribs until golden brown. Using the fat that remains after the ribs, we will fry onions and carrots. We send the roast and ribs to the potatoes, peas and mushrooms. Taste it, add salt and add your favorite spices. All the ingredients are ready - it's time to set the table. Decorate each plate with sour cream and herbs.

Dried mushrooms can be replaced with fresh or even canned ones. The taste will only become brighter from this.

A very rich, meaty and satisfying soup, just what you need to feed tired men after work. Caring housewives definitely need to prepare it.


  • Green peas - 500 grams
  • Raw pork ribs - 800 grams
  • Smoked pork ribs - 200 grams
  • Onion - 2 pieces
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Salce - 10 grams
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Water - 3 liters
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Greens - for serving
  • Crackers - for serving
  • Salt, pepper, bay leaf - to taste


Pour boiling water over the peas for about half an hour. Put the water on the fire and wait for it to boil. The water has boiled - put the peas in it and cook for one hour. After an hour of waiting, put raw ribs, bay leaves into the soup, add salt and pepper, and cook for another 40 minutes. At this time, cut the smoked pork ribs into strips, and make a roast from the onions and carrots. We take the cooked ribs out of the soup and fry them there. Let the ribs cool and then cut them into small pieces. The roast has already been cooked in the soup for about 10 minutes - it’s time to add all types of ribs to the soup. Using a press, squeeze the lard and garlic into the soup. The dish is ready, serve with herbs and croutons.

One of the ingredients in this soup originates from Turkey. This is, of course, chickpeas! Many “chickpea” dishes are borrowed from southern cuisine, and this recipe is no exception.


  • Dried peas - 1 cup
  • Smoked pork ribs – 8 pieces
  • Chickpeas - 1 glass
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Greens - 1 bunch
  • Lavrushka - 1 piece
  • Water - 2.5 liters
  • Salt, pepper, turmeric - to taste


Soak chickpeas and peas overnight. Place chickpeas and peas in boiling water and cook for 25 minutes. Chop the potatoes and add them to the broth along with the pork ribs. Salt, pepper, add turmeric and bay leaf. We make frying from onions and carrots. Let's go to the soup. Cook the dish for another five minutes. Turn off the fire. Serve with greens.

There are a minimum of ingredients, and the soup turns out tasty, satisfying and aromatic. These are the basic principles of men's cooking.


  • Dry peas - 600 grams
  • Onion - 2 pieces
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Dry hot pepper - 1 piece
  • Dried cilantro, stems - 2 pieces
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


The peas should cook for a total of one and a half hours. During its preparation we will add ingredients to it. After an hour of cooking, add cilantro and pepper to it. Let's make a frying of chopped vegetables: onions, carrots, garlic. Add the ribs to the vegetables during frying; they should warm up and release juice and flavor to the vegetables. Combine the peas with the roast, salt and pepper to taste. We test the readiness of the peas; if they are boiled, it’s time to remove the soup from the heat.

Due to the bell pepper, the taste of the dish changes, it becomes brighter, fresher, and reminds of the past summer.


  • Dry peas - 2 cups
  • Smoked pork ribs – 500 grams
  • Potatoes - 8 pieces
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Pepper - 1 piece
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


Cook the peas until tender; the cooking time depends on whether they were soaked in advance or not. Add ribs and chopped potatoes to the finished peas. Let's make a fry from chopped onions, peppers and grated carrots. Before adding the roast to the soup, decide whether you will serve the soup with whole ribs or take them out, separate the meat from the bones and return the meat to the soup. When the meat, roast, potatoes and peas have boiled together for five minutes, you can remove from the heat and serve.

This soup can be made even more juicy by a mixture of frozen vegetables - “Mexican” or “Hawaiian”. It includes bell pepper, carrots, corn, rice. In this case, there is no need to add fresh pepper to the dish.

What a warming and flavorful soup this recipe makes! Do you want to surprise your household? Feel free to cook!


  • Dried peas - 2 cups
  • Smoked pork ribs – 500 grams
  • Tomato paste - 4 tablespoons
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Bell pepper - 1 piece
  • Greens - 1 bunch
  • Potatoes - 4 pieces
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Bread - 3 pieces
  • Olive oil - for frying
  • Salt - to taste


Send the peas soaked overnight to cook until tender. As soon as it is cooked, you can add vegetables - chopped potatoes, peppers, onions. We also add ribs to the vegetables; when they are cooked, it will be easier to cut the meat off the bone and the smoked meats will add flavor and aroma to the soup. The ribs have been boiled for 15 minutes - now is the time to take them out and add tomato paste to the soup, salt and pepper the dish. Cut the meat from the ribs, return it to the soup, add fresh herbs, mix everything and turn off the heat. Cut the bread into pieces, fry them in olive oil and decorate the finished soup with homemade croutons.

The tomato paste in the recipe can be replaced with fresh tomatoes pureed in a blender. Tomatoes in their own juice are also great. If you have your favorite ketchup on hand, the taste of which you have no doubt about, you can use that too.

An excellent creamy soup for pureed soup lovers. This first course texture is incredibly popular now. Thanks to a new cooking option, a well-known dish will sparkle with new colors.


  • Dried peas - 1 cup
  • Smoked pork ribs – 200 grams
  • Smoked bacon - 200 grams
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Potatoes - 2 pieces
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Salt - to taste


Send the peas and ribs to cook for 30 minutes. The peas are almost ready - it’s time to add chopped potatoes to it. While the soup base is cooking, fry the bacon until golden brown, and then add chopped garlic with onions and grated carrots. Cook until the vegetables are ready. Remove the ribs from the broth and puree the potatoes and peas directly in the broth. Return the ribs to the finished pureed soup and add the roast. Salt to taste. Cook until boiling. The soup is ready!

The most delicate soup of green pea puree with the aroma of smoked ribs, what could be tastier in the world?! Do you have any doubts? It's time to cook!


  • Green peas - 350 grams
  • Smoked pork ribs - 200 grams
  • Carrots – 130 grams
  • Red onion - 130 grams
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Lavrushka - 2 pieces
  • Broth - 1.5 liters
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


Pour the broth over the peas and cook for 15 minutes. Is it boiling? We turn the fire down, but don’t stop cooking. We make a fry from chopped onions and grated carrots. Add ribs and roast to the peas. Cook for 30 minutes. Remove the ribs from the soup and puree the remaining ingredients. Add the bay leaf, put the soup back on the fire and cook for 2 minutes after boiling. Chop the garlic, add to the soup, stir. Serve either with a whole rib, or remove the meat from the bone and sprinkle it over the soup.

How you crave hot soup on cold autumn evenings! At such moments, this recipe will always help out.


  • Dried peas - 1 cup
  • Smoked ribs - 2 pieces
  • Bell pepper - 1 piece
  • Hunting sausages - 2 pieces
  • Butter - 2 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
  • Onion - 2 pieces
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Potatoes - 5 pieces
  • Lavrushka - 2 pieces
  • Greens - 1 bunch
  • Crackers - for serving
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


Pour boiling water over the peas and let them swell for 30 minutes. Cut the smoked ribs into small pieces. Chop the pepper and onion, dice the potatoes, grate the carrots, cut the sausages into slices. Using a mixture of olive and butter, we fry vegetables - peppers, onions, carrots. Place peas, ribs and potatoes into boiling water and cook for 30 minutes. Let's try. If the peas and potatoes are cooked, add the roast, sausages, seasonings, bay leaves, salt and pepper if necessary. Serve the dish, garnished with herbs and croutons.

If there are a lot of meat ingredients left after the holidays, do not rush to immediately prepare the usual hodgepodge for such occasions. Pea “Tsar” soup will surprise you with its simple preparation and incredible smoked taste.


  • Dried peas - 250 grams
  • Beef on the bone - 700 grams
  • Smoked brisket - 200 grams
  • Smoked loin - 200 grams
  • Wheat bread - 300 grams
  • Onion - 100 grams
  • Carrots - 100 grams
  • Potatoes - 250 grams
  • Bell pepper - 1 piece
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Olive oil – 50 milliliters
  • Parsley - for serving
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


Soak the peas in advance for two hours (preferably overnight). Bring the beef to a boil. Drain the first broth. Fill the meat with water again, add one onion and one carrot to it. Cook for two hours. Pour the peas into the broth and cook for one hour, 15 minutes before readiness add the potatoes. While the ingredients are cooking, let's fry. Cut the smoked brisket into pieces and place in a frying pan. It will be followed by chopped onions, peppers and chopped carrots. All these ingredients will make a wonderful roast. Add chopped loin, ribs and roast to the boiling soup. Cut the bread into small squares. Lightly fried garlic passed through a press in hot oil. Then fry the crackers in garlic butter. Place the crackers on a baking sheet and place in the oven until cooked for 15 minutes. Serve the soup with fresh parsley and croutons.

The more meat, the tastier the pea soup - this is what most men think. And one cannot but agree with them, so in this soup, in addition to ribs, you will also need bacon.


  • Dried peas - 450 grams
  • Smoked pork ribs - 300 grams
  • Bacon - 200 grams
  • Crackers - 100 grams
  • Onion - 2 pieces
  • Parsley - 1 bunch
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Carrots – 150 grams
  • Potatoes - 150 grams
  • Green onion - 1 bunch
  • Lavrushka - 3 pieces
  • Allspice - 5 peas
  • Black pepper - 10 grams
  • Olive oil - 30 milliliters


Before preparing the soup, soak the peas for two hours. Boil the ribs in boiling water for 30 minutes. Remove meat from ribs. Chop the bacon. Fry the meat and bacon until golden brown. We make a fry from onions and carrots. Cut the potatoes into pieces. Chop parsley, dill, and green onion. In the boiling broth from under the ribs we put fried onions and carrots, fried meat, peas, potatoes, bay leaves. Cook for 30 minutes. The peas are cooked - you can turn off the heat and check for salt. Add some salt and pepper. Serve with fresh herbs and croutons.

The recipe is incredibly simple; anyone, even a novice housewife, can prepare it without difficulty. The most important thing is that the family will definitely not go hungry, the dish turns out to be very satisfying!


  • Dried peas - 1 cup
  • Smoked ribs – 500 grams
  • Smoked sausages - 4 pieces
  • Potatoes - 1 kilogram
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Greens - 1 bunch
  • Laurel - 2 leaves
  • Vegetable oil - for frying
  • Crackers - for serving
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


Place the peas in boiling water and cook for 40 minutes. Salt. Add potatoes to the peas and cook for another 15 minutes. We make frying from chopped onions and shredded carrots. Add to soup. Cut the sausages into cubes and lightly fry them, throw them into the soup. Divide the ribs into pieces and add to all the ingredients. Cook the dish for another 10 minutes. At the end of cooking, add chopped herbs and two bay leaves. Serve the soup with croutons.

Pea soup can easily be classified as a classic type of hot dish, which is found in kitchens around the world. The first evidence of it dates back to 500 - 400 BC. e., when freshly prepared soup was served directly on the streets of the Greek capital.

Cooking offers a number of varieties of its preparation. Some places prefer the broth to be translucent with the presence of whole peas; in other places, due to its thick consistency, it looks more like pea porridge. A particularly delicious option is soup with smoked ribs.

How to cook it deliciously, giving up diets and healthy eating, since it is often very difficult to resist such a culinary delicacy.

It should be taken into account that the pea variety affects. You can prepare a hot dish by immersing whole, unshelled peas in water for a maximum of 2 hours in advance. This soup requires more time to be ready. Without soaking peas, you should prepare polished split varieties, which are perfectly softened during the cooking process.

Due to the effect of salt on legumes, it is recommended to add it at the end of the process.

The cooking recipe is simple and if the sequence and availability of all products is observed, the culinary delight will delight you with taste, aroma and usefulness.

  1. smoked ribs can be easily disassembled with a knife;
  2. Some varieties of peas require pre-soaking before cooking.

Cooking method

  • Smoked ribs are thoroughly washed, covered with cold water and simmered over low heat for 30-40 minutes. There is no need to remove foam, since in most cases it is absent during cooking;
  • Remove the finished product from the container using a slotted spoon and begin to separate the meat from the bones. Having cut it into small portions, it is again immersed in the preserved broth;
  • the water where the peas softened is drained, and in cases of cooking without soaking, they are carefully washed in water;
  • Having placed the peas in the broth, stirring constantly to prevent them from sticking to the bottom, cook until the peas become soft and can be crushed with your fingers. Depending on the type of product, cooking takes approximately 40–90 minutes;
  • the potatoes are peeled, cut into cubes and immersed in water shortly before the peas are ready;
  • Grated carrots and finely diced onions are fried in advance in a small amount of sunflower oil;
  • Having brought the soup to readiness, it is necessary to salt it, sprinkle it with pepper, add sauteed vegetables and after boiling, but without boiling, turn off the heat, cover the container with a lid and leave for 15 minutes to infuse;
  • During serving, it is sprinkled with herbs and, if desired, small croutons or crackers are added.

As a dressing and in order to increase calorie content, you can use dried types of dill, parsley or green onions, as well as mixtures and seasonings containing these ingredients. Please note that the broth should have a seductive yellow color. During the cooking process, it is necessary to switch from medium heat intensity to low heat so that the peas are thoroughly cooked.

Pea soup with smoked ribs can be prepared without potatoes. The taste remains absolutely unchanged. This method pleases lovers of not thick, but more liquid varieties of hot dishes.

Cream soup

This type is one of the most delicious varieties of pea soup. Shortly before it is ready, it is filtered and the pea mass is made into a puree. After diluting the broth to the desired thickness, the soup must be salted. Before serving, the puree soup is supplemented with green peas, fresh herbs and sprinkled with ground black pepper. The culinary product smells of an incomparable delicious aroma!

In a slow cooker

Cooking pea soup in a slow cooker, as opposed to a stove, is much easier and more enjoyable, since there is no need to sometimes pay attention to the process, stirring the ingredients in the pan and fearing that the broth will boil away or the vegetables will burn - everything will be cooked to perfection in it.

In a pressure cooker

A hot dish made in a pressure cooker turns out to be especially rich and brings a lot of pleasant sensations to housewives due to the fact that it takes a small amount of time to prepare. In addition, cooking soup in this way does not require much effort, since you just need to put everything you need into the container of the device and set the appropriate mode.

While preserving tenderness, aroma and taste, a hot dish prepared in this way preserves the nutritional properties of the food, the method of its preparation is simple and reliable, and the result is a masterpiece of culinary art.

It is very convenient to prepare such a soup due to the fact that in a regular saucepan the cooking process takes much longer and requires the constant presence of the hostess. A pressure cooker has repeatedly proven its usefulness in any kitchen.

It’s a pleasure to treat friends, relatives and acquaintances with this dish even during a festive lunch or dinner!